
Cook chicken fillet with potatoes in a slow cooker. Hearty and tender dish with cheese and cream

Stewed potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker - a dish that does not require special costs, but which the whole family will definitely like and become good lunch or dinner.

Universal recipe for stewed potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker

The easiest recipe ever minimum set ingredients.

Necessary products for the dish:

  • spices to taste;
  • two onions and the same number of carrots;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 500 grams of chicken meat;
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the meat well and chop it into small pieces, put it in a multicooker cup and fry in the “Frying” mode. Do not forget that when cooking in this mode, the lid does not need to be closed, and the products must be mixed, as in a pan.
  2. After 10 minutes, spread the chopped onion to the meat, wait until it changes color, add the grated carrot, keep it still for about 8 minutes.
  3. We free the potatoes from the skin, turn them into medium-sized squares and send them to the bowl.
  4. We fill everything with water so that it slightly covers the contents, and bring it to readiness in the “Extinguishing” mode, setting the time for 40 minutes.

Variant with chicken fillet and vegetables

This dish can be called dietary, because potatoes with chicken fillet contain very few calories, but enough useful and nutrients.

Required products:

  • about 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • bulb;
  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • spices at will;
  • one small zucchini;
  • Bell pepper;
  • two tomatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. This recipe does not require pre-treatment. heat treatment vegetables.
  2. Peel them, rinse well and start grinding. Turn the onion into half rings, cut the potatoes and chicken into cubes, zucchini and tomatoes - as you like.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a multicooker cup, add the selected seasonings, add salt and pepper, mix.
  4. Pour in all the ingredients a small amount water, set the “Pilaf” mode on the appliance and set the cooking time to 45 minutes.

With chicken and mushrooms

Potatoes with chicken and mushrooms - a very satisfying combination due to a large number protein in these ingredients.

Required products:

  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • spices to your taste;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms;
  • 300 grams of chicken.

Cooking process:

  1. All products must first be crushed. It is best to turn them into squares.
  2. Then we turn on the multicooker in the “Baking” mode, put the chicken in the bowl and simmer it for about 10 minutes.
  3. Later, add the onion to the meat and cook everything together for a few more minutes. Mushrooms are next in the bowl. Mix everything well and cook in the same mode for about 10 more minutes.
  4. over stews lay out the potatoes, pour in the spices and the indicated amount of tomato paste. Pour in water and bring to readiness in the same mode for 30 minutes.

In sour cream sauce

Sour cream goes well with chicken, and if you add potatoes to these ingredients, you get just a delicious dish.

Required products:

  • about 400 grams of sour cream;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • about 700 grams of chicken;
  • spices as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. Put all the sour cream in a bowl and season it with the selected spices. Be sure to put some salt and pepper in it.
  2. We cut the potatoes with meat into squares and send them to sour cream, mix.
  3. We move what happened to the multicooker bowl, turn it on for 60 minutes in the “Baking” mode and wait until the dish is ready. If you wish, you can also add chopped garlic to the potatoes.

Potatoes with chicken and beans stewed in a slow cooker

Another cooking option for everyone famous dish, the taste of which is slightly modified due to the beans.

Required products:

  • onion and carrot;
  • chicken meat - 400 grams;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 150 grams of canned beans;
  • seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. We start by preparing vegetables. Everything needs to be cleaned, washed and chopped in any way. The easiest way is to cut the ingredients into squares.
  2. Then we begin to lay out the products in a multicooker cup. First, pour the chopped chicken, then all the vegetables and the indicated amount of beans to them.
  3. We fall asleep seasonings, add a little water and bring the dish to readiness in the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes.

Hearty and tender dish with cheese and cream

If calories do not scare you, then you should definitely cook potatoes according to this recipe.

Required products:

  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 450 grams of chicken;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • 200 milliliters of cream;
  • 20 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. We turn on the slow cooker, select the "Baking" mode, set the time for 45 minutes and begin to lay out the products.
  2. First, cut the potatoes into round slices, put it in a cup, greased with oil. Sliced ​​chicken and selected seasonings are spread over the potatoes.
  3. Pour the contents with cream, add the grated cheese and bring the potatoes to readiness within the specified time.

The nuances of cooking in multicookers of leading manufacturers

The purpose and functions of multicookers are the same, but depending on the manufacturer, something may differ. For example, the name of the mode, the size of the bowl or the heating power. In order to prevent a miss and the dish turned out the way it should be, it is important to know some of the nuances of its preparation in multicookers.

  1. Usually multicookers cook for a long time, and vegetables do not like such a long heat treatment process, so you need to adjust the cooking time yourself.
  2. Different manufacturers have their own programs for a particular recipe and this leads to the fact that it is not always better to use the “Frying” mode if you are frying something. Perhaps in some specific case some other mode will suit you. This can only be known by trial.
  3. Meat is best cooked in the "Extinguishing" mode. And it always turns out soft, while on the stove it can be difficult to achieve.
  4. You can fry food without using oil, because the multicooker bowl has a special coating, to which nothing sticks. And this means that the food will be more useful, low-calorie and light.

The multicooker is a real discovery of our time. How many priceless hours of spending dear women in the kitchen this device saves. With its help, you can not spend a lot of time here, and you return home with great enthusiasm, knowing that there is a miracle device waiting there that will take care of all the cooking problems. delicious dinner for the whole friendly family. To get the most out of using your slow cooker, you need to arm yourself with a range of tasty and healthy recipes. This article will focus on the indispensable chicken with potatoes, which will always find a place for festive table and a quiet family dinner. No one can refuse an amazing piece juicy meat, whether you are on a diet or not, and a small taster will also like this tender dietary meat.

Food preparation

There are quite a few ways to cook chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker - stew, steam, bake, cook a whole bird or pieces of meat. The slow cooker provides endless possibilities, which all lovers of delicious and healthy food will certainly rush to use.

Each process of cooking chicken in a slow cooker begins with the preparation of ingredients. It is advisable to peel the bird from the skin. Of course, if you are lovers of the golden crust, then this condition can be neglected. However, it is better not to abuse the skin, especially if there are problems with digestive system. Next, we clean the meat of fat, there should not be a lot of them, as this can spoil the taste of the dish. In addition, fat is also not very useful.

It is worth taking care of the preparation of vegetables - potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, garlic and other ingredients that are part of an individual recipe. Do not forget about spices, herbs and seasonings, in many respects the taste and aroma of chicken with potatoes depends on them.

Recipes for chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker.

Recipe 1. Chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker in its own juice and with garlic.

There are a lot of ideas for cooking chicken with potatoes, which allows you to surprise your loved ones with new tastes every time. Before starting cooking, you should consider the number of people for whom, in fact, the food is being prepared. Depending on this, the weight of chicken and potatoes is selected. We present a fairly simple recipe for cooking juicy meat.

Required Ingredients:

1 - 1.5 kg of chicken;

1 kg of potatoes;

3-4 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Mince the chicken and wash thoroughly. Potatoes must be cut into small pieces, can be straws. We put the ingredients in the multicooker bowl in layers: chicken - potatoes - chicken - potatoes. In the layers, do not forget to season with salt, pepper, add finely chopped garlic and bay leaves. Do not add water to the dish, the meat will be cooked in own juice. In the multicooker program, set the "Extinguishing" mode, time 1 - 1.5 hours.

Recipe 2. Chicken with a golden crust, with potatoes in a slow cooker.

Dedicated to all lovers of crispy crust - the recipe does not include any complex ingredients. All of the above can be easily found at home in the refrigerator. For this recipe, it is better to pick up a small chicken, cook it whole, without chopping it into pieces. As for potatoes, it can be cut into blocks, or you can divide the potato in half.

Required Ingredients:

1 chicken;

1 kg of potatoes;

Vegetable oil;

Salt, pepper and dried herbs taste.

Cooking method:

Cooking chicken. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise with salt, pepper and other additional seasonings, great taste gives basil and cinnamon. Be careful, mayonnaise already contains a small amount of salt and pepper. Coat the whole chicken with the resulting sauce, both outside and inside. We put the seasoned bird in the refrigerator for 10 minutes for impregnation. It's time for potatoes. We cut it into blocks, the size according to individual preferences, season with vegetable oil and salt. We put one thin layer of potatoes in the bottom of the multicooker bowl, then lay the chicken, and lay out the remaining potatoes on the sides. We set the slow cooker to the "Baking" mode, for about an hour.

Recipe 3. French-style chicken and potatoes with cheese.

We offer a recipe for gourmets who want to expand their culinary discoveries. This dish can be prepared for festive feast.

Required Ingredients:

1 kg of chicken;

200 g of hard cheese;

500 - 700 g potatoes;

1 - 2 processed cheese;

2 onions;

2-3 cloves of garlic;


Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

A whole chicken can be used for this recipe, but minced chicken is best. To begin with, the prepared meat needs to be fried a little in vegetable oil, this diversifies the taste of the dish a little. To do this, rub all the pieces of meat with ground pepper, salt and spices. Leave for a couple of minutes to soak. Lightly fry each piece in hot oil. Go to the next step - wipe through a grater processed cheese, chop garlic, add mayonnaise and mix well. It is better to cut potatoes into large slices, season with vegetable oil and salt. Cut the onion into discs, but do not separate into rings.

We begin to lay out the ingredients in the multicooker dish. First, grease the bowl with oil, lay out the onion disks, carefully lay out the meat and potatoes. Top with the resulting sauce from processed cheese and mayonnaise. The final stage- wiped hard cheese. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode.

Recipe 4. Chicken with potatoes in tomato sauce in a slow cooker.

Indeed, the slow cooker is a real find for modern women who are trying to develop a career and be an excellent housewife. Having prepared such a dish for your loved ones, you will receive a lot of praise in honor of your excellent culinary talent.

Required Ingredients:

small hen;

5-7 potatoes;

200 g sour cream;

2 spoons of tomato paste;

100 g of cheese;

½ cup of water;

Pepper and salt.

Cooking methods:

Cut the chicken into small pieces. Chicken wings or thighs are also suitable for this recipe, depending on preference.

First, prepare the sauce - add sour cream tomato paste, salt, pepper, do not forget about seasonings, for example, suneli hops.

The potatoes for this recipe can be left whole, but you should first choose small, medium-sized potatoes.

Mix meat and potatoes well with the resulting sauce.

We put it in a slow cooker: coat the bowl with oil, put the meat with potatoes. Add water, wipe hard cheese, you can close the lid. Select the "Extinguishing" mode. An hour later, potatoes with meat in tomato sauce ready!

Recipe 5. Stewed chicken with potatoes and apples in a slow cooker.

When cooking chicken in a slow cooker, do not forget about fruits. These components surprisingly transform the taste of meat. An apple can be said to be the most indispensable companion in the preparation of any meat, be it chicken, duck, turkey, rabbit, etc.

Required Ingredients:

1 kg of chicken;

500 - 700 grams of potatoes;

2 - 3 bulbs;

2 - 3 apples;

Bay leaf;


2 cloves of garlic;

Seasoning for chicken;

Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

In a frying pan with hot oil, first fry the onion, cut into rings, take it out. Here we fry the chicken on both sides.

We cut the apples into cubes, the potatoes can be cut into large blocks.

Grease the bowl with butter. First we put the fried onions, then the meat and potatoes, salt and pepper. Add some seasoning and garlic. It's time for the apple. Top with bay leaves and other herbs. We cook for 40 minutes in the "Extinguishing" mode.

Bon appetit!

When watching cooking shows, it's not uncommon to hear calls for experimentation. Don't be afraid to add some additional ingredient. This is how you can develop your culinary skills. Chicken and potatoes go quite well with all products, which gives rise to the realization of the most unusual fantasies.

Oh what could be easier than chicken with potato?! - any hostess will ask. Yes, it couldn't be easier, but even such a simple dish can be prepared in a thousand different ways, and each time it will be different.

Chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker is the very dish that cannot be spoiled in principle. Unless you miss the salt. There are only two main ingredients - chicken and potatoes - and a pinch of spices. And different cooking methods: stewing, baking, with or without frying, with or without sauce, with the addition of all kinds of delicious things like mushrooms or vegetables - choose any recipe, and you will never repeat in a week!

For chicken and potatoes, you can take any parts chicken carcass. The breast is a bit dry, but there is no fat in it, the thighs and drumsticks are easy to use (you don’t even need to cut), the wings are ideal for those who like to crunch on the bones. For those who follow the figure, it is better to remove the skin from the carcass, however, in this case, the same golden brown for which everyone loves a chicken. Chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker can be completely dietary if you cook it without oil and stew it in water or broth.

Dietary chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, when the most gentle cooking method (stewing or simmering) is used, without frying food and baking it, it is ideal for children's menu. And the main-output dish, with cheese or in tomato sauce, is not a shame to serve to the guests - hearty and tasty, and most importantly - inexpensive.

Well, it's time to carefully study the recipes offered by our site, buy a suitable chicken, peel potatoes and go!

Fragrant chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker

1-1.5 kg chicken meat on the bones or breasts,
1 kg potatoes
3-5 garlic cloves,
2-3 bay leaves,
3-5 black peppercorns
black fresh ground pepper, salt, spices - to taste and desire.

Prepare the chicken: remove the skin if you do not want to cook with it, or leave it as it is, chop the chicken suitable pieces and rinse well. Cut potatoes into cubes or circles. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, lay a layer of chicken meat, then potatoes, chicken again and finish with a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle between layers with salt, ground pepper, put 1-2 bay leaves, garlic cloves and 2-3 black peppercorns. You can add spices for chicken or potatoes, but not much so as not to overdo it with flavors. Water does not need to be added. If you want to get something in between the first and second course, add water, adjust the amount depending on the degree of density of the future dish. Close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5-2 hours.

Chicken with potatoes under a cheese coat

1 kg of any chicken meat,
500-600 g potatoes,
200-250 g cheese hard varieties(it is important!),
1-2 processed cheese,
2 bulbs
3-4 garlic cloves,
mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste,
vegetable oil- for frying.

Rub the chicken pieces with salt, pepper and spices to taste. Leave for 5-10 minutes to marinate, and in the meantime, prepare the rest of the products. cut the potatoes large slices(as for rustic potatoes), season with salt and pepper, cut the onion into slices 5 mm thick, do not divide into rings. Freeze the cheeses in the freezer, grate on fine grater, add garlic and mayonnaise passed through the press to them. Fry the chicken in hot vegetable oil until golden brown(this can be done both in the multicooker bowl and in the pan). Pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place onion slices, place chicken pieces on top of the onion, then potatoes, and grease everything with mayonnaise and processed cheese sauce. Pour grated cheese over the food in the bowl and close the lid. Set the "Baking" mode for 40-50 minutes. Cheese, with which products are poured, must certainly be of hard varieties, since soft cheese melts quickly and doesn't taste as good. When serving, try to grab all the layers so that the chicken, potatoes, and ruddy onions, and melted cheese are on the plate.

Chicken with potatoes in tomato sauce

1 kg of chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks, etc., to taste) or 1 medium chicken,
6-7 potatoes,
200 ml low-fat sour cream,
2-3 tbsp good tomato paste
100-150 g of cheese,
½ stack water,
salt, ground black pepper, spices, Bay leaf- taste.

For the sauce, combine sour cream, tomato paste, spices, salt, pepper, add bay leaf. Peel potatoes and cut in halves. Cut the chicken (if you took a whole one), mix with potatoes and mix well with sour cream and tomato paste sauce. Pour a little vegetable oil and water into the bottom of the multicooker bowl, put the chicken and potatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese and close the lid. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour (more if the multicooker is not very powerful).

Chicken with potatoes and mushrooms

1 chicken fillet
1 kg potatoes
400-500 g champignons,
1-2 bulbs
250-300 ml heavy cream,
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 tbsp flour,

salt, ground black pepper, spices - to taste.

In the multicooker bowl, heat the vegetable oil in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, put the chicken fillet cut into pieces and fry until light golden brown. Add the onion, cut into small cubes, simmer until transparent and put the mushrooms, cut into slices, into the bowl. Simmer in the same mode until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Then put coarsely chopped potatoes, salt, pepper, add garlic, cut into thin slices. Leave to stew in the same mode, and in the meantime, heat the cream, combine with flour and mix so that there are no lumps, salt and pour the cream into the multicooker bowl. Stir, close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour.

Chicken with potatoes in sour cream

700-800 g of chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks, etc.),
500-700 g potatoes,
1-2 bulbs
1-2 garlic cloves,
3-4 tbsp sour cream
vegetable oil - for frying,
water (the amount is up to you)
salt, black ground pepper, spices.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and set the “Frying” or “Baking” mode. When the oil is hot, add the chicken pieces and fry until golden brown. Add the diced onion to the bowl and sauté with the meat until translucent. Pour boiling water into the bowl, measure the amount of it depending on the thickness of the dish (if you want almost soup, pour more boiling water, if the second is thick - just a glass and a half) and put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes into the bowl. Add salt and spices to taste, close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes. After the signal about the end of the program, squeeze the garlic into the sour cream, dilute warm water and pour into the bowl. Stir and again set the same mode for 10-15 minutes. Sour cream should not be put in a bowl with potatoes at the very beginning of cooking, as potatoes in acidic environment does not melt.

Chicken with potatoes and vegetables

600-700 g chicken meat (drumsticks, thighs),
4-5 potatoes
1-2 bulbs
1 large carrot
1 sweet red pepper
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 tbsp tomato paste,
salt, spices, vegetable or melted butter for frying.

Rinse and dry the meat, cut the onion into cubes, cut the carrots across into pieces 3-4 cm long and then cut them lengthwise into cubes, cut the sweet pepper into strips, garlic into thin slices, potatoes into large cubes. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl or put a piece of ghee (it is tastier with it, but more nutritious), set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode and let the oil warm up. Fry the chicken pieces on both sides, put the onions, carrots and sweet peppers, stew the vegetables until soft and put the potatoes on top of them. Salt, pepper, you can add bay leaf, garlic, put tomato paste and mix well. Pour in boiling water (the quantity is optional), close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5-2 hours.

Chicken with potatoes (duet dish)

4-6 chicken thighs,
4-6 potatoes
1-2 bulbs
salt and spices for chicken,
salt and spices for potatoes,
vegetable oil (if the chicken will be fried).

If you like chicken and a side dish separately, then duet dishes in a slow cooker will be a real find for you. For example, fried (more precisely, baked) or boiled chicken and steamed potatoes. The ingredients are the same, only the methods of cooking chicken meat differ. We'll cover all of them, but let's start with the baked chicken. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, heat the oil and put the chicken in the bowl. Immediately add diced or half rings onion, you can add garlic, put salt and spices and pour in a little water. Place a steamer bowl on top, put coarsely chopped potatoes in it, pre-mixed with salt and spices for potatoes (optional). Time mode "Baking" by default is 40 minutes. During this time, turn the chicken once, removing the steamer basket, and add water if it has boiled away and the meat is too browned. You can add more water, you can put tomato paste (you get chicken in tomato sauce), sour cream mixed with a teaspoon of flour (chicken in sour cream sauce) or just flour diluted in half a glass of water (chicken with gravy). 40 minutes for steaming potatoes is enough.
boiled chicken steamed potatoes are prepared in the same way, just at the very beginning you should add enough water (about 700-900 ml or more if you later plan to cook something based on the resulting broth), small onions, one carrot, cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts, parsley and / or celery root (optional), bay leaf and a couple of black peppercorns. Salt, pepper, place the double boiler basket on top, in which the potatoes are laid out, close the lid and set the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.

For some reason, chicken offal is not considered a delicacy, but in vain! In our time of crisis, saving on groceries and at the same time, it is not easy to feed the household tasty and healthy. pay attention to following recipes maybe you will like them too?

Chicken hearts with potatoes

1 tray of chicken hearts
600-700 g potatoes,
1-2 bulbs
1 carrot
1-2 tbsp butter,
salt, black ground pepper,
2 multi-glasses of boiling water.

Clean the hearts of everything superfluous, you can cut them in half. Cut potatoes into slices, onions into cubes, carrots into strips. Place on the bottom of the multicooker bowl butter, melt it in the "Baking" mode and lay the products in layers: potatoes, hearts, onions, carrots. Salt, pepper, you can throw a bay leaf, pour in water and close the lid. Set the "Pilaf" mode. At the end you will get a thick fried dish. If you want stewed potatoes to make gravy, select the "Stew" mode and time 1-1.5 hours.

chicken ventricles with potatoes

1 kg of chicken ventricles,
1 kg potatoes
2-3 bulbs
1-2 carrots
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 tsp mild curry powder
vegetable oil for frying,
salt and black ground pepper,
about 500 ml of water or broth,
greens - to taste.

Rinse chicken ventricles thoroughly and remove all excess, including rough skin, if any. Cut into 2-4 pieces. In the bowl of the multicooker, heat the vegetable oil in the “Baking” mode, put the ventricles and cook without adding salt until the end of the mode (40 minutes by default). Stir periodically. Then add chopped onions and carrots and simmer until soft in the same mode. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and curry seasoning, sweat for 5 minutes and put the potatoes, cut into cubes or sticks, into the bowl. Cut the garlic into slices and add to the rest of the products. Add chopped herbs (optional) hot water or broth, taste for salt and close the lid. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5-2 hours. Part of the broth can be replaced with heavy cream.

Chicken with potatoes with a slow cooker - almost the same products, but what different dishes!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Time: 70 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

How to deliciously cook chicken fillet with potatoes in a slow cooker

Chicken fillet with potatoes cooked in a slow cooker is great option For family dinner. The dish is not rare, but everyone loves it.

All the advantage of this dish is that its recipes are very simple, and the food is incredibly tasty. I'm not very good at stewed potatoes in a saucepan, but in a slow cooker, the dish comes out excellent.

In addition to the fact that the fillet turns out to be quite tasty and tender, the recipes for this dish are also available even to those who generally have little idea of ​​​​cooking. Even a schoolboy can peel and cut potatoes, and cutting an onion with a carrot is also not difficult.

All the charms of the “miracle stove” are that you don’t need a lot of dishes, this assistant reduces all recipes to a minimum. In her beloved, we first fry everything, and then we stew in the same place. Someone goes headlong into reading or the Internet, someone has small children, but thanks to the slow cooker you will never miss the moment when the dish needs to be turned off. She will loudly remind you of this.

Chicken fillet with potatoes cooked in a slow cooker can be safely replaced with the first course. The recipes for this dish are so different that you will definitely be able to choose the right ones for yourself. hearty lunch and for a light dinner.

Of course, it’s hard to call a dietary dish that contains a lot of potatoes with butter, but without these two components, the dish loses its charm. Almost all recipes contain far from a minimum of calories, but if you don’t eat bread and don’t pour fat sauce over the food, then it will not cause great harm your figure.

I want to warn you right away, you should not add a lot of water here. I saw recipes for such a dish in a slow cooker, where they pour four times more water. But we're stewing chicken with potatoes, not boiling it.

Cooking technology

In a standard multicooker, the “Extinguishing” program lasts forty minutes. If you have the same, then add another twenty minutes to the standard time. They are needed in order to fry onions and fillets. In total, the whole process will take no more than an hour. Well, another ten minutes is needed in order to prepare the products.

Step 1

Wash the meat in running water and cut it into medium sized cubes.

Set the “Frying” mode in the multicooker and put the fillet pieces there, send the butter there. Mix everything well. When the oil becomes quite liquid, stir again.

Step 2

You need to peel the onion and chop it. Wait until ten minutes have passed since the start of cooking and pour it into the “miracle oven”. Stir it into the meat and cook until the beep sounds.

Step 3

While onions and, you can do potatoes. Peel off the skin and cut into small pieces. After the program "Frying" is over, you can transfer the potatoes to the "wonder oven".

Salt everything, fill it with water, set the “Extinguishing” mode and you can rest for forty minutes. You don't even need to stir the food sometimes.

Now many housewives use recipes meat dishes cooked in pots, but in our family, chicken with potatoes is more preferred.

Steamed meat with potatoes

This is a double dish, which is already its plus. That is, you cook the second with a side dish at the same time. What a time saver! Moreover, the food saturates well and has amazing taste. And if, before serving, sprinkle the food with fresh, finely chopped dill and serve pickles to it, then no one will even remember that the dish is dietary.

If there is a desire, then the recipe is subject to correction. Chicken can be marinated in any sauce that you like. And in the choice of spices, no one limits you at all. Here, as they say, a matter of taste. The key is to pair your favorite seasonings with the chicken. I usually buy ready set spices for chicken, but this is my personal choice.

What will be required

  • A couple pounds of potatoes.
  • One fillet.
  • Bow head.
  • Salt with spices.

Cooking technology

Step 1

Wash and marinate the poultry fillet in spices for thirty minutes. Don't forget to rub it with salt.

Step 2

Peel the onions and potatoes. Half of the onion will go with the potatoes to the slow cooker. Pour a spoonful of salt there and fill everything with water.

We install a steaming grid on top and put the marinated meat there.

Step 3

Cut the second half of the onion into half rings and lay it on top of the fillet.

Step 4

We set the program "Steaming" for half an hour. After the time is up, the dish can be removed.

During this period, both chicken and potatoes will be cooked. Now it remains only to sprinkle everything with herbs, you can add young garlic, and cut the meat into portions. It turned out great diet dish, to which guests can be treated, and she herself will eat during weight loss.

See another version of this dish in the video below:

Someone believes that the slow cooker was invented by lazy cooks. However, she has firmly won a worthy place in the kitchen of the housewives due to saving time and effort in cooking, as well as ease of use. And most importantly, a dish cooked in a slow cooker acquires special, unusual flavors that can be achieved in traditional cooking impossible. A slow cooker in one of the modes provides a long stewing of a dish at a low temperature. It's called languor. It is this culinary method of processing products that is one of the main ones in Russian cuisine. Stewed dishes turn out to be very tasty and healthy, since at a low cooking temperature they retain most of useful substances.

Different methods are suitable for cooking chicken and potatoes in a slow cooker. Choose your recipe: chicken stew with potatoes in a slow cooker, baked chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, chicken with potatoes and mushrooms in a slow cooker, chicken with potatoes and cabbage in a slow cooker, chicken with potatoes in sour cream in a slow cooker, chicken with potatoes and vegetables in a slow cooker.

Masters of cooking dishes from chickens, as well as simple housewives, keen on chicken delicacies, came up with a number of interesting dishes: a pie with chicken and potatoes in a slow cooker, a roast with chicken and potatoes in a slow cooker, chicken and potatoes stew in a slow cooker, a chicken casserole with potatoes in a slow cooker, chakhokhbili from chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker. All these dishes are good in their own way, but they can also be varied thanks to different ways slicing chicken carcasses. New treats are obtained: chicken fillet with potatoes in a slow cooker, whole chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, chicken in French with potatoes in a slow cooker. Cooking chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker takes a little time, but the result is worth it for you to try. Moreover, if you like potatoes more, you can focus on it. Then you get other dishes: stewed potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker, fried potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker.

In a word, if you want to succeed delicious chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, learn the basics of this dish, read our recipes carefully. You will certainly find your recipe for chicken and potatoes in a slow cooker. Try to implement it. Believe me, frying chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, or stewing potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker will soon turn into the processes of preparing your signature dishes.

Many people like chicken and potatoes in a slow cooker. Recipes with photos - to your attention on our website. If you need chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, the photo will tell you how it will look in the final version. Any dish with a photo looks more appetizing. This is convenient for readers.

We hope that after reading our recipes, you will not have questions, for example: how to cook chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, how to stew potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker, how to cook delicious sauce in a slow cooker with potatoes and chicken. The answers are in recipes and photos.

Now you know that chicken in a slow cooker is not one recipe, there are a lot of them. So study and try.

And if you're interested, here are some tips for slow cooker chicken:

The cooking bowl must be lubricated with oil. Put the ingredients for the dish into it, insert it into the body and turn it slightly counterclockwise so that the bowl comes into tight contact with the heater;

Do not take old, frozen or sinewy meat for cooking in a slow cooker. It should be light Pink colour. The older the meat, the more time it takes to cook it;

To fry vegetables in a slow cooker, onions are cut into half rings, carrots, cut into in small pieces. Frying is done in the “Baking” mode, with a small amount of oil;

When closing the multicooker, you should definitely hear a click. This means that the lid is closed correctly. If it does not fit snugly enough, then the dish may not cook well, and it will damage the slow cooker itself;

You can not turn on the multicooker with an empty food bowl or without it at all;

Keep an eye on the moisture trap, pour water out of it as condensation accumulates.
