
The most famous dishes in the world. Hit parade: main dishes of the best Moscow restaurants

Each of us has our favorite dish, at the mere thought of which saliva flows, and our eyes squint dreamily. Delicious food, we do not absorb. We savor it, savor every bite. This rating includes the ten most delicious and popular dishes in the world. It will help you feel new facets of taste and get incredible pleasure.

It is somehow dishonest not to include this national Georgian dish in the list, because Georgia is famous not only for high mountains and tart wine. Many tourists travel to this country in order to taste a real barbecue. It expires with juice, it is impossible for them to eat, all the time you want more. In addition, it is not known why, but in a real Georgian barbecue there is no specific smell of meat at all.

Not the most exquisite dish, but one of the most popular in the world. Such a love for chips speaks of their uncomplicated, but very pleasant taste. It's no secret that in sports bars around the world chips are eaten by the ton. Some lovers of this dish even come up with their own ways of eating them. Very often chips are eaten with hot chili sauce, ketchup and even soft cheese.

This is an unrealistically rich French fish soup. Just do not rush to compare it with our traditional ear. This dish has a pleasant dark yellow hue, and its aroma cannot be compared with anything else. It's all about the recipe. There should be as many varieties of fish in the soup as there are letters in the original name (bouillabaisse). It also includes a variety of seafood.

This is a classic of Japanese cuisine. And this classic can be tasted in all corners of the globe. Real sushi is made from the freshest fish, which is carefully cut and then formed with rice. One of the most important conditions for preparing this dish is the utmost accuracy. All pieces of sushi must be even and not fall apart. In a word, a paradise for a perfectionist.

Belarusians are very proud of potatoes. And the fruit of this pride was potato pancakes, whose diversity is amazing. You can enjoy ordinary potato pancakes with sour cream or order them, but with filling: meat, onion, cheese, etc. In a word, each restaurant offers its own recipe for pancakes with potatoes, which surprise with their simplicity and unreal taste.

Cornbread can be delicious too. And the Mexicans were the first to guess this, so tacos are considered their national treasure. By their appearance, such cakes are very similar to large crispy chips, in which a variety of fillings are wrapped.

The distant eastern guest, the unsurpassed Peking duck, is also considered a real heavenly delight. Its famous glossy crust, as well as its exquisite taste, have long conquered the hearts of gourmets from all over the world. Only if you ordered Peking duck, eat it quickly. When cold, this dish is not so tasty.

The world-famous puff pastry has long conquered not only Paris, but the whole world. A special recipe makes the croissant unusually airy and tender. It is interesting that they are stuffed with a variety of contents, from jam to herring. In France, they like to cut a croissant in half, and then fill it with ice cream - a real heavenly delight.

No wonder all American police officers in films eat tons of juicy hamburgers. Fresh bun, melt-in-your-mouth veal cutlet, lettuce and a sea of ​​mustard ketchup. A real American delicacy, although not very healthy for the figure.

Thick red borscht attracts more than the most powerful magnet. You can savor Ukrainian borscht for hours. The recipe for its preparation in different regions is different. It happens with beans, pearl barley, buckwheat and even river fish. Rely on your taste preferences and prepare your perfect borscht.

Each of us has our favorite dish, at the mere thought of which saliva flows, and our eyes squint dreamily. Delicious food, we do not absorb. We savor it, savor every bite. This rating includes the ten most delicious and popular dishes in the world. It will help you feel new facets of taste and get incredible pleasure.

10 Shashlik

It is somehow dishonest not to include this national Georgian dish in the list, because Georgia is famous not only for high mountains and tart wine. Many tourists travel to this country in order to taste a real barbecue. It expires with juice, it is impossible for them to eat, all the time you want more. In addition, it is not known why, but in a real Georgian barbecue there is no specific smell of meat at all.

9 Chips

Not the most exquisite dish, but one of the most popular in the world. Such a love for chips speaks of their uncomplicated, but very pleasant taste. It's no secret that in sports bars around the world chips are eaten by the ton. Some lovers of this dish even come up with their own ways of eating them. Very often chips are eaten with hot chili sauce, ketchup and even soft cheese.

8 Bouillabaisse

This is an unrealistically rich French fish soup. Just do not rush to compare it with our traditional ear. This dish has a pleasant dark yellow hue, and its aroma cannot be compared with anything else. It's all about the recipe. There should be as many varieties of fish in the soup as there are letters in the original name (bouillabaisse). It also includes a variety of seafood.

7 Sushi

This is a classic of Japanese cuisine. And this classic can be tasted in all corners of the globe. Real sushi is made from the freshest fish, which is carefully cut and then formed with rice. One of the most important conditions for preparing this dish is the utmost accuracy. All pieces of sushi must be even and not fall apart. In a word, a paradise for a perfectionist.

6 Draniki

Belarusians are very proud of potatoes. And the fruit of this pride was potato pancakes, whose diversity is amazing. You can enjoy ordinary potato pancakes with sour cream or order them, but with filling: meat, onion, cheese, etc. In a word, each restaurant offers its own recipe for pancakes with potatoes, which surprise with their simplicity and unreal taste.

5 Tacos

Cornmeal tortilla can be delicious too. And the Mexicans were the first to guess this, so tacos are considered their national treasure. By their appearance, such cakes are very similar to large crispy chips, in which a variety of fillings are wrapped.

4 Peking Duck

The distant eastern guest, the unsurpassed Peking duck, is also considered a real heavenly delight. Its famous glossy crust, as well as its exquisite taste, have long conquered the hearts of gourmets from all over the world. Only if you ordered Peking duck, eat it quickly. When cold, this dish is not so tasty.

3 French croissant

The world-famous puff pastry has long conquered not only Paris, but the whole world. A special recipe makes the croissant unusually airy and tender. It is interesting that they are stuffed with a variety of contents, from jam to herring. In France, they like to cut a croissant in half, and then fill it with ice cream - a real heavenly delight.

Each country has its own culinary preferences and popular dishes. And they don’t argue about people’s tastes, so the most delicious food in the world is a relative concept. Gourmets will sing odes to frog legs or praise oysters, and for a simple layman, the most delicious dish may seem familiar to us dumplings or hearty, rich borscht.

But, despite the tastes and preferences, the rating of the most delicious food in the world exists. To compile it, a survey is conducted, in which a huge number of people take part. And it is in accordance with their preferences that it is possible to evaluate the most revered dishes that are prepared in different countries of the world.

It is a meat dish made by soaking beef in milk and adding garlic, ginger, turmeric, "lemongrass" and chili as seasonings. Soft meat with the aroma of the listed spices is liked by many, which is why Rendang often receives the highest ratings.

Nasi goreng Indonesia

Another dish, originally from Indonesia, occupies a leading position in the ranking. This is Nasi goreng, which is a mixture of eggs, chicken and rice.

Italian lasagna

Italian dishes, including lasagna, have high positions. The dish is made from dough and toppings, which are chosen to your taste, so lasagna can be very diverse. Filled dough is poured with sauce prepared according to different recipes, and everything is sprinkled with a layer of cheese on top.

Lasagna is a bit like pizza. Perhaps this was the reason for the growing popularity of this dish in different countries. Domestic housewives have long been preparing such a dish perfectly.

Pizza from Italy

One of the most delicious and favorite Italian dishes is pizza. Such food is sure to take high positions in the ranking, because today you can hardly find a person who does not like pizza. Of course, each of us has our favorite type of this dish, because there are a myriad of filling options. You can cook pizza with vegetables or fruits, use seafood, mushrooms, different types of meat and various cheeses for filling. Depending on the choice of ingredients, the taste of pizza changes dramatically.

Japanese sushi

Sushi and rolls are another exotic dish that is well known in our country. Sushi has long been a favorite food of many compatriots. Rolls are no less popular in other countries, so they can be safely called one of the best dishes in the world.

Sushi is very diverse, as they use different ingredients to prepare them. But the basis always remains the same - this is rice. Sushi is served with soy sauce and wasabi, which adds a twist.

mexican paella

In Spain, Mexico is very fond of paella. Representatives of other nationalities also like it, because the dish is really tasty and very satisfying. The basis of the dish is rice, which is supplemented with turmeric and saffron, which gives not only a spicy taste, but also an amazing warm shade to rice grains.

Complement paella with seafood, chicken or vegetables, all seasoned with broth. To prepare paella, a special large frying pan is used, so the feast should be designed for a large company.

swiss fondue

Switzerland is the birthplace of cheese, so it is not surprising that cheeses in this country are very loved and consumed in large quantities. It was here that they came up with the idea of ​​​​heating cheese in a large cauldron, in order to then dip pieces of bread, vegetables or meat into it. Eat small pieces of food in melted cheese immediately, until it has cooled. Thus, a delicious lunch becomes a wonderful pastime.

Today, not only cheese is used for fondue, but also chocolate. Fruits are dipped into melted chocolate.

Thai salad Som Tam

Interestingly, Thai dishes are not to everyone's taste. But the spicy Som Tam salad was appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. The composition of the dish includes papaya, green beans, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, crabs and some other ingredients. All these products are cut into small pieces and seasoned with a special dressing that complements the dish with a special taste.

Chinese Dim Sum

The Chinese love to eat Dim Sum for breakfast. After all, every morning you can get food that is completely different in taste, since there are a lot of filling options for this dish.

Dim Sum is somewhat reminiscent of the usual dumplings for us, but there is a wide variety of fillings, and each bag of dough is made in an original form and looks charming. Chinese dumplings can be salty, sweet, spicy, or sour. The method of preparation is also different - they are steamed or fried in oil.

Ramen Noodle Soup

Ramen is a Japanese dish that is prepared on the basis of broth with the addition of wheat noodles and meat, pickles, and vegetables. The meat and spices in the soup give a savory taste that is very popular with people from different countries.

In domestic restaurants, you can often see this dish on the menu. But no matter how wonderfully experienced chefs cook duck, it is best to try this dish in Beijing. After all, it is there that the ancient traditions of cooking are still used.

Caesar salad is native to North America. Only few people know about this now, because a light and tasty salad has long become very popular in different countries of the world. Many chefs offer different interpretations of this salad, adding original ingredients to it to improve the taste.

Initially, the salad included only a few ingredients:

  • Croutons (crackers are now used instead);
  • Leaf salad;
  • Parmesan cheese.

All this was poured with olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and an egg, which shortly before that was dipped in boiling water. But no one has seen it in such a performance for a long time, since today chicken or shrimp, cherry tomatoes and some other products are added to the salad at the discretion of the cook.

Unleavened tortillas, traditional for Mexico, are the basis of many dishes, including fajitas. It is considered to be the most delicious food in the world. Meat, fried with grilled vegetables and seasoned with sauce, is laid out on a tortilla. Usually pork is used, but if desired, it can be replaced with chicken or beef.

An amazing dish is prepared from monkfish liver. And it's really damn delicious. In Japan, this dish is considered a delicacy.

Marble Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef in Japan is considered incredibly healthy. This dish has a stunning view - the marble veins of meat not only look very beautiful, but are also very useful for humans. They contain unsaturated fats. It is recommended to eat beef raw - according to the Japanese, this is the only way to feel its delicate taste.

Vietnamese rice roll is more like a spring roll. Meat is used as a filling. Such food is very common in Vietnam and appreciated by gourmets from different countries.


We know that croissants are the classic French breakfast. But in reality, fragrant buns were born in Austria. The French know this, but they are not embarrassed by the birthplace of their favorite food. It's so nice to eat a crispy delicate croissant in the morning, washed down with a fragrant cup of coffee.

Seafood is appreciated all over the world, especially if it is a luxurious lobster. They can be cooked in many different ways, but nothing tastes better than boiled lobster. A small piece of butter and lemon juice will complement the taste of sea crawfish.

Ice cream

Ice cream is the food of the Gods according to many. It is especially delicious in the summer when you want to refresh yourself. It is believed that Americans love ice cream the most. They can eat it literally at any time of the year and in any weather. And this is no coincidence, because ice cream in this country is actually incredibly tasty.

In different cities of our country, there is probably at least one coffee shop that offers lush donuts. Donuts come from America, where they are presented in a huge assortment. Donuts with or without fillings, with the addition of nuts, chocolate, multi-colored icing, coconut flakes and other additives will brighten up the morning.

In Hong Kong, you must try the egg pie, which is made from puff pastry and custard. The dessert is delicious, thanks to which it often gets into the ratings of the most delicious food in the world. You will especially like it if you manage to taste the egg pie while still warm.

Oriental cuisine is appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. But among the most popular and delicious dishes, the leading position is occupied by kebab. This is meat cooked on fire.

Kebab is very similar to our barbecue, only the meat for this dish is finely chopped beforehand to form small balls of minced meat. A special flavor is given by the marinade and spices that are used in the cooking process.

Irish Champ

They say that the national dish of champ is eaten faster than the first pint of beer is drunk. And this drink is very popular in Ireland. Everyone who has ever tried champ assures that this is an excellent side dish for any dishes.

Champ is mashed potatoes with salt and pepper, oil, and green onions. Delicious!

In India, there is a special recipe for crab. It is cooked in a garlic butter sauce with aromatic Indian herbs. Since the crab is sent to boiling oil, it can be consumed after cooking along with the shell. Thanks to this processing, the shell becomes tender and adds zest to the taste.

1. Caesar salad.

It's hard to understand why he was - but chicken fillet with croutons and lettuce really conquered gourmets all over the world. This indigestible, coarsely chopped and not the most healthy salad is the leader in the culinary rating.

2. Steak "Diana"- reindeer meat with spicy wine sauce

Appeared in American restaurants in the middle of the last century and was named after ... no, not a princess. In honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt. The meaning of taste is in the combination of sweetish meat and tart sauce accompaniment.

3. Dessert "Banana"

Namely: sliced ​​bananas, ghee, sugar, cinnamon, rum, banana liqueur, all set on fire and accompanied by vanilla ice cream. Brennans New Orleans restaurant, where the famous dessert was born, processes 35,000 pounds of bananas a year to prepare this dish.

4. Cherry syrup

Which is prepared by boiling cherries in caramelized sugar and butter - usually this syrup is poured over the same vanilla ice cream.

5. Pepper chop

This is just a piece of good meat, covered with peppercorns and so beaten off, fried in a small amount of oil in a shallow frying pan: crust on top, juice inside. Drizzled with cream, served hot.

6. Coffee

In a variety of configurations: with milk, without milk, with chocolate, with egg, liqueur, cold water, with orange, balm, in a word - coffee.

7.Double Chateaubriand- (double beef fillet steak)

This steak got its name from the famous French statesman and writer François René, Viscount Chateaubriand (1768-1848). This is a thick piece of meat (360-400 g) from the middle part of a beef fillet, grilled with jacket potatoes and served with Béarnaise sauce (béarnaise). A portion of meat is offered with a vegetable side dish for two persons and is trancheed at the guest's table.

8. Pancakes Suzette with orange sauce.

9. Meringue cake.
In some culinary critics, for some reason, it is called a “decadent cake” - exquisite, airy and rarely successful for any of the housewives.

10. And finally - steak tartare

We take the meat, beat it off, wrap the yolk of a boiled egg in it, mixed with capers, onions, mustard and pepper, fry, put on a lettuce leaf, serve with fried toast. Very unhealthy - but no less tasty.

1 /10

  • — Massaman Curry, Thailand —

    Massaman curry opens the top ten dishes in the world. In his homeland in Thailand, the dish can be found on the menu of any restaurant. The dish combines potatoes and beef stewed in coconut milk. Their taste is complemented by massaman curry paste, as well as tamarind, peanuts, sugar and star anise.

  • — Peking Duck, China —

    A visiting card of Chinese cuisine is a peeled skin baked in a special oven. Before serving, the carcass is cut into 80-120 pieces. Slices of meat, along with vegetables, are wrapped in a pancake smeared with a specially prepared sauce and eaten.

  • — Ramen, Japan —

    One of the main dishes of Japanese cuisine was awarded the 8th place by the respondents. It consists of noodles in broth. It can be accompanied by various additives in the form of pork, pickles or vegetables.

  • — Dim Sum, Hong Kong —

    Without tasting this dish, a trip to China cannot be considered complete. However, this best example of Cantonese cuisine has long spread beyond the borders of the country. The dish is a variation of dumplings made from rice starch dough. Almost everything can be used as a filling: from meat to vegetables and fruits. Steaming dim sum.

  • - Som Tam, Thailand -

    This salad based on green papaya is liked by all tourists without exception. The ingredients in it are composed in such a way that the dish combines sweet, salty, sour and spicy tastes. A salad is being prepared in a mortar: first, dressing is mixed in it, after which it is rubbed with vegetables.

  • — Pad Thai, Thailand —

    If a Food Hall of Fame ever comes up, foodies would love to see pad thai in it. This is a dish of rice noodles with a special sauce, the characteristic taste of which comes from tamarind. The noodles are first soaked and then stir-fried with shrimp, onion, garlic, egg and sauce.

  • — Tom Yum, Thailand —

    The fourth line of the rating went to the masterpiece of Thai cuisine -. The dish combines several tastes at once: sour, salty, spicy and sweet. The spiciness and sourness of the dish is given by its invariable ingredients - chili pepper, lime juice and leaves and lemongrass. Soup is prepared in chicken broth, to which shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood are added.

  • — Sushi, Japan —

    Since sushi has been tried all over the world, the combination of rice and seafood has become a gastronomic classic. Real sushi is made from white fine-grained Japanese rice, which is cooked according to Japanese technology. As soon as the rice reaches room temperature, other ingredients are added to it, the most common of which is seafood.

  • — Nasi Goreng, Indonesia —

    This dish is often regarded as a culinary symbol of Indonesia, thanks to which it has become popular outside the country. The dish is a mixture of pre-cooked and then fried rice with the addition of meat, chicken, seafood or vegetables. Remarkably, for cooking, locals take ready-made rice left over from previous days. Additional ingredients can also be collected from leftovers. When preparing a dish from scratch, all the ingredients are prepared separately.

  • — Rendang, Indonesia —

    Readers called rendang the most delicious dish in the world. The main ingredient of the dish can be meat, poultry, fish or vegetables. They are simmered for a long time in a spicy sauce with coconut milk and a mixture of lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chili. Meat rendang is the most popular. The dish is served both hot and cold.

    11. Lasagna, Italy

    12. Kimchi, Korea

    13. Chicken and rice, Singapore

    14. Satay, Indonesia

    15. Ice cream, USA

    16. Kebab, Türkiye

    17. Ice cream, Italy

    18. Croissant, France

    19. Green curry, Thailand

    20. Pho, Vietnam

    21. Fish and French fries, England

    22. Egg tartlets, Hong Kong

    23. Bulgogi, Korea

    24. Fried rice, Thailand

    25. Chocolate, Mexico

    26. Penang Assam Laksa, Malaysia

    27. Tacos, Mexico

    28. Pork Barbecue, Hong Kong

    29. Chili crab, Singapore

    30. Cheeseburger, USA

    31. Fried chicken, USA

    32. Lobster (Properly Cooked), Any Country

    33. Seafood paella, Spain

    34. Shrimp dumplings, Hong Kong

    35. Neapolitan pizza

    36. Nam Tok Mu Hot Sauce Pork, Thailand

    37. Potato chips, USA

    38. Warm brownie with vanilla ice cream (properly cooked), in any country

    39. Masala dosa, India

    40. Bibimbap, Korea

    41. Kalbi, Korea

    42. Burger, Germany

    43. Fajitos, Mexico

    44. Laksa, Singapore

    45. Roti Prata, Singapore

    46. ​​Maple Syrup, Singapore

    47. Fettuccine Alfredo, Italy

    48. Parma ham, Italy

    49. Lechon, Philippines

    50. Goi Quon, Vietnam
