
Homemade cheese from cow's milk. General properties of cheese and cheese

Milk is used to prepare many different foods that are of high value. Such food is necessary for our body, it saturates its organs and systems with calcium and protein, as well as some other useful elements. Cheese is one of the highly useful dairy products. v

Usually this product has a white color, and looks like cheese. Mankind has been consuming it since ancient times, both on its own and as part of various dishes. Let's talk about the usefulness of this product in more detail.

Cheese is prepared on the basis of sheep's milk, and it is also sometimes obtained from a combination of sheep and goat's milk, keeping in brine. A mass-produced product can also be prepared from cow's milk, but it is inferior in many respects to the original.

What can bryndza give us? Benefit

If we compare cheese with other hard cheeses, then its composition is much more balanced for the benefit of our body. It contains significantly less fat and slightly more protein. The beneficial qualities of cheese are largely due to the fact that it contains easily digestible calcium, and in order to saturate the body with a daily amount of this substance, it is worth eating only one hundred grams of a healthy product.

This composition makes it surprisingly useful for the skeletal system, teeth, hair and nails. Calcium is also necessary for the full completion of hematopoietic processes. In addition, the preparation of brynza does not imply heat treatment, respectively, all vitamin and mineral substances are preserved in it.

How much energy does cheese contain? calories

The calorie content of cheese on average is a little more than two hundred and fifty calories, respectively, it can be considered a dietary product. The composition also contains varieties of this cheese, which contain only one hundred and sixty calories in one hundred grams.

This wonderful product contains B vitamins, as well as vitamin A. In addition, it contains not only calcium, but also fluorine and potassium. Protein from cheese is quickly and perfectly absorbed by our body.

The consumption of this dairy product helps to establish digestion processes, as well as cope with dysbacteriosis. Many experts argue that with the systematic consumption of cheese, it effectively inhibits the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria. Among other things, with its regular presence on the menu, it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, keeping it youthful, elastic, and velvety.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition makes cheese especially useful for the elderly, children, as well as women who are expecting a baby and who are breastfeeding.

To whom is cheese dangerous? Harm

The only possible harm from the consumption of cheese can be called the harm from its salinity. This feature of this product can cause various kinds of problems with blood pressure or the development of a hypertensive crisis. It is because of the special salinity that cheese should not be consumed by those people who suffer from kidney ailments and pancreatic lesions. Also, do not get carried away with it if there are problems with the hematopoietic organs, nervous system, stomach, liver and bile ducts. In order to somewhat reduce the salinity of this product, it is worth soaking the cheese in water. In addition, there are some recipes that allow you to cook it without salt at all, which usually plays the role of a preservative for longer storage.

You should not combine cheese, like other cheeses, with meat, fish, as well as poultry and legumes. Also, it does not combine well with vegetable oils, sugar, various confectionery products and sweet fruits.

How to get the maximum benefit from the product?

In order for cheese to really benefit you, you should follow some rules when choosing it. So it should have a fairly elastic shape. If the feta cheese you are examining crumbles or spreads, you should not buy it, because certain production technologies were most likely violated during its preparation. The dry edges of the cheese indicate that it has been stored for quite a long time before being sold, and accordingly, it has lost some of its useful qualities.

The color of the cheese should be white or light yellow. In the presence of bright yellow blotches of dry texture, we can conclude that the product is not fresh.

When cut, the cheese should look slightly porous, usually containing a small amount of irregularly shaped voids. It is worth considering that cheese, which is sold in retail chains, usually contains preservatives designed to extend its shelf life.

Store cheese exclusively in the refrigerator, wrapped tightly in cling film or foil. Unfold it only to cut a slice, and hide it on the shelf again, wrapping it well. Do not store this dairy product for more than five to seven days. However, in its own brine, feta cheese can normally be stored for up to two to three weeks. After this period of time, the product loses its taste and useful qualities.

Cheese is usually used in the preparation of various salads, as well as second courses. In addition, it is used for baking, where it manifests itself in a particularly interesting way. In particular, it is good to combine it with bell pepper, olives, lettuce, onion and lemon. There are recipes where cheese is added to various soups and snacks, combined with stews and dough products.

Cheese is one of the oldest products that were in the diet of people. Traditionally, this type of cheese is made from sheep's milk, but now there are producers who use both cow's milk and goat's milk to make this salty cheese. From this, the taste and the level of benefit of the product in question for a person are absolutely not reduced.

Composition and nutritional value of cheese

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calories: 262 kcal
  • Proteins: 22.1 gr
  • Fat: 19.2 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 0.4 gr
  • Organic acids: 1.7 gr
  • Water: 52 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 12.3 g
  • Cholesterol: 52 mg
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 0.4 g
  • Ash: 5 gr


  • Calcium: 630 mg
  • Magnesium: 24 mg
  • Sodium: 1200 mg
  • Potassium: 95 mg
  • Phosphorus: 375 mg
  • Sulfur: 221 mg


  • Vitamin A: 0.17 mg
  • Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 180 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.12 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0.62 mcg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 5 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 0.7 mg

Brynza, like all types of cheese, has a high calorie content. But this does not mean that people who are watching their weight should exclude this salty cheese from their diet - it contains many vitamins and minerals, so it will be useful in any case.

Brynza is a storehouse of proteins, although it contains both fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. It is this rich chemical composition of the product in question that determines its benefits to human health.

Cheese - what is the use of the product

Cheese contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, and together it is the best option for preventing bone fractures, joint dislocations. It is these two substances that give feta cheese strengthening properties - the use of feta cheese will be useful for osteoporosis, rickets and fractures, as well as for pregnant women.

Cheese contains a complex of amino acids, B vitamins and lactic acid bacteria - this helps to cope with the consequences of liver diseases, speeds up recovery after undergoing drug treatment, and stabilizes the nervous system.

many believe that the product in question is advisable to use for intestinal diseases and disorders of its microflora. This is not true - due to the fact that the cheese is soaked for a long time in a strong salty brine, all living bacteria are literally destroyed.

It is useful to introduce cheese into the diet for the elderly - a unique complex of vitamins and minerals helps to cope with vascular diseases, strengthen and make their walls more elastic. And a small piece of cheese eaten a day will prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Harm of cheese - what to fear

Despite the pleasant taste of cheese and its obvious health benefits, the product can be harmful to health. Of course, if a person is absolutely healthy, then you can safely introduce cheese into your daily diet. But you should know the dosage - per day, according to doctors, you can eat no more than 200 g of this salty cheese.

It is necessary to limit the amount of cheese consumed by people with the following problems:

  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • obesity and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

It is strictly forbidden to eat cheese for people diagnosed against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice - this can provoke not only a deterioration in well-being, but also the appearance of a diseased organ on the mucous membrane.

If chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver were previously diagnosed, then cheese can be introduced into the menu only during periods of remission, while you should not succumb to the temptation and eat the product in question in large quantities - just satisfy the first desire.

It is noteworthy that cheese is categorically not suitable for a diet menu, but even if a person adheres to food restrictions and seeks to lose weight, you can afford 50-100 g of cheese per day.

This cheese is very salty, so diseases of the cardiovascular system, habitual, violation of the outflow of urine are a contraindication to the use of cheese.

How to choose and store cheese

For the product in question to be really useful, you need to know the basic rules for choosing cheese in retail outlets:

  1. The consistency of the product should be elastic. If the cheese crumbles or spreads, then this means a violation of production technology.
  2. The edges of the cheese should not be dry, because this will mean long storage with violations and the loss of most of the useful properties.
  3. The ideal color of cheese is white or slightly yellowish. If there are dark inclusions on the surface of a piece of cheese or a clear yellow color is traced, then the product is not fresh and should not be purchased.
  4. When cut, the cheese should be porous, with numerous voids.

Doctors recommend purchasing feta cheese at retail outlets at manufacturing plants or in specialized stores - private traders almost always violate the technology of cheese production. But keep in mind that a preservative will definitely be present in the store cheese.

Cheese is a very valuable dairy product that has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. With the help of this cheese, you can strengthen your health, rejuvenate your appearance and provide body cells with vigor and energy.


Brynza is made from two types of milk: sheep's and cow's. Despite this difference, the chemical composition of the two products is not very different. And their useful properties are about the same. The only difference is the amount of vitamins and minerals that are contained in each individual type of cheese. So, sheep's milk cheese contains a little more valuable substances.

Of all the cheeses, feta cheese is one of the healthiest foods. After all, the composition of cheese is harmoniously balanced and has a special positive effect on the body. This product contains a lot of proteins, which provides the cells of the body with energy. The presence of a large amount of calcium, which is easily absorbed, helps to enrich the body with the daily norm of this mineral, normalizes hematopoiesis. And for this you need only 100-125 grams of the product per day.

The presence of a valuable composition makes cheese a valuable food product that has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, strengthens teeth, and heals hair and nails. Due to the fact that this cheese is made without heat treatment, it contains a maximum of useful substances.

With the help of cheese, you can quickly normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve health in case of dysbacteriosis. Also, this product reduces the intensity of the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. In addition, this cheese has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated, becomes more elastic, velvety.

Thanks to its valuable composition, this product is very useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not refuse this cheese if you need to get a charge of vivacity or increase potency. In addition, the introduction of cheese into the diet improves mood and provides body cells with strength for the whole day.


Do not combine this product with fish, poultry, legumes, sugar, desserts and sweet fruits. Cheese contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates, but there are a lot of saturated fats. Properly prepared fresh cheese does not contain harmful substances. In addition, this product does not contain carcinogens.

In large doses, this food product will be harmful to people who are obese and anyone who should not eat food in high amounts of salt.


Cow cheese contains 262 kcal (13.1% of the daily requirement in 2000 kcal). Sheep cheese contains 260 kcal (13% of the daily requirement).


Cheese should not be eaten by people who suffer from surges in blood pressure. This product should also be avoided by anyone who should not eat foods high in salt.

It is necessary to exclude this cheese from the diet of people who have problems in the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas. Also, you should not eat this cheese if you have diseases of the nervous system, liver, stomach, biliary tract. If you still have a desire to eat cheese, you need to soak it in water and only then introduce it into your diet.

If it is useful for pregnant women to eat cheese, then this product can only harm babies. Therefore, this product should not be given to children under two years of age.

The nutritional value

Component Name Quantity in grams (per 100 grams) % DV
Cow Sheep Cow Sheep
Squirrels 22,1 21,1 48 45,9
Fats 19,2 18,8 34,3 33,6
Carbohydrates 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1
Saturated fatty acids 12,3 11,2 68,33 62,22
Monounsaturated fatty acids 4,2 3,8 11,67 10,56
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2,3 2,2 38,33 36,67

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin name Quantity per 100 grams %Daily Value
Cow Sheep Cow Sheep
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 1 mg 1 mg 1,1 1,1
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.04 mg 0.05 mg 2,7 3,3
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.12 mg 0.15 mg 6,7 8,3
Vitamin D (Calciferol) 0.62 mcg 0.61 mcg 6,2 6,1
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 2 2,7
Vitamin A (Retinol equivalent) 0.17 mg 0.18 mg 20 21,3
beta carotene 0.06 mg 0.07 mg 1,2 1,4
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.3 mg 3.7 mg 25 18,5

In addition to important vitamins and their high concentration, cheese contains minerals. Their quantity provides the body with almost a daily norm of these important substances for health.

Mineral name Quantity per 100 grams %Daily Value
Cow Sheep Cow Sheep
Iron 0.7 mg 0.9 mg 3,9 5
Calcium 630 mg 780 mg 63 78
Potassium 95 mg 115 mg 3,8 4,6
Sodium 1200 mg 1200 mg 92,3 92,3
Magnesium 24 mg 35 mg 6 8,8
Phosphorus 375 mg 525 mg 46,9 65,6
Sulfur 221 mg 211 mg 22,1 21,1

Cheese is loved to eat at any age. Such addictions are not surprising: this cheese has a pleasant taste. In addition, cheese is very beneficial for health and has a general strengthening effect on all organs and systems. As a result, the body receives a full charge of energy and an important vitamin and mineral complex.

Brynza is one of the types of white, lightly salted cheese with a characteristic sour-milk aroma and taste. By its consistency, it is soft and hard, often used for making sandwiches and salads, as it does not crumble well and gives the food a unique taste. In addition, feta cheese is not the most expensive and healthy product that you can diversify your menu with.

Cheese: features of the composition and preparation

Cheese is considered a relatively low-calorie product, as it contains only 272 calories per 100 grams of product. At the same time, there are about 20 grams of fat and 23 grams of protein, but there are practically no carbohydrates, which makes this cheese possible for use in a diet menu to build or restore muscle mass.

Cheese is rich in such substances as sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, vitamin A and PP in an amount corresponding to 20% of the daily requirement for an average weight adult. In smaller quantities, vitamins B1, B2 and D are found here.

For the preparation of cheese, cow, goat, buffalo, sheep milk and their mixture are used. To ferment pasteurized milk, calcium chloride and bacterial ferment with strains of lactic acid bacteria are introduced into it. At a temperature of 28-30 ° C, the raw material is fermented for 40-70 minutes, after which the finished hardened product is cut into cubes and packaged. Small heads of cheese are thrown onto a special sieve, so the presence of corresponding traces on the surface of the cheese is acceptable. Also, in the finished cheese, the presence of uneven bubbles-holes is permissible.

Ready cheese is stored in a saline solution at a temperature not exceeding 8°C. A quality product is usually kept and transported in wooden barrels.

Brynza is an integral component of many national cuisines, including Moldavian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Balkan and Romanian. As a multifaceted product, this cheese is served with meat dishes, soups, as an appetizer and even with tea.

The benefits and harms of cheese

Due to the low-calorie content of the product, feta cheese is a desirable component of numerous diets, both health-improving and improving the appearance. For this reason, cheese can be consumed by people with obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders. The decisive factor that makes cheese useful in this case is the ability of the product to improve digestion, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the microflora in this area. With moderate but regular use of cheese, the balance between the production of good cholesterol and the deposition of harmful cholesterol in problem areas and blood vessels is restored.

The positive effect of cheese on the gastrointestinal tract also helps in the fight against dysbacteriosis, disorders in the intestines, improving its peristalsis and cleansing processes. To normalize digestion and speed up metabolism, it is good to use cheese with vegetable salads and use it instead of fatty dressings with a lot of spices.

The product is good to use in the autumn-winter period, when vitamin D, calcium and magnesium are especially lacking in order to support the body and, in combination with other methods, strengthen the body's resistance to seasonal diseases.

The unique amino acid composition, in turn, helps to prevent the depletion of muscle tissue, the destruction of cellular structures and intercellular fluid, the nutritional value of which also depends on the quality of processed proteins. Calcium, sodium and potassium are important in maintaining bone strength and growth, so feta cheese can also be consumed by pregnant women, as well as during the feeding period, but in the absence of personal contraindications.

Milk proteins are harmful if you eat too much cheese. This is dangerous, both with personal intolerance to milk proteins, and in the absence of it. For example, an excess of protein and salt can cause problems in the work of the intestines, as well as worsen the functioning of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, cheese is not recommended for people with diseases in this area. If you suffer from pressure drops, it is also better to be careful with cheese, as it is soaked in saline.

Spoiled cheese also carries a danger - pathogenic bacteria that can develop in cheese will lead to serious poisoning, so it is important to store such a product correctly. Refrigerate only - open packages should not be stored for more than a week, even in brine. Do not forget to cover the cheese so that it does not get weathered.

Cheese and weight loss

1. Great for inclusion in protein diets for drying the body and gaining muscle mass, as it helps to actively repair damaged tissues and gain weight due to the growth of muscle cells. The amino acid composition provides the body with important nutrition during active physical exertion. The low calorie content of feta cheese allows you to use it shortly before training and a couple of hours after, in order to speed up the processes of relief formation and its strengthening. This factor is also relevant for those who want to tighten their figure, for example, after childbirth or after the completion of the rehabilitation period, during which you could not fully engage in sports.

2. Improvement of digestion. This means efficient digestion of the food you eat, its rapid breakdown into nutritional components and their optimal assimilation by your body. This, in turn, is the trigger for maintaining the metabolic rate, which is important for high-quality and stable weight loss. In addition to this effect, you will get clean skin, normalization of pressure and increased tone of the whole body, which is important for an even more active fight against extra pounds.

3. Bryndza is an excellent nutritious breakfast or snack. It can be combined with lettuce, cucumbers and whole grain bread. In such a neighborhood, cheese turns into an intestinal panicle, which improves intestinal motility and helps speed up metabolism. If you are obese, cheese can be used as a daily snack, but in the evening, due to its rather high fat content, it is better to refuse this cheese.

4. Replace hard, fatter cheeses with cheese - this will help to significantly reduce the calorie content of the daily diet.

Of course, you can't rely on cheese alone. If you want to lose weight, it is important to combine the product with an optimal diet, plenty of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Remember that too long and unreasonable use of cheese can lead to the opposite effect - weight gain and deterioration of digestion. In addition, there are people whose body has difficulty processing milk proteins, which can also adversely affect the process of losing weight. To find out if you are such a person, you can donate blood for milk protein intake. You can also do this with a nutritionist - in some weight loss centers they offer a complete blood test, which allows you to identify a number of products that prevent you from losing weight. For some, it may turn out to be cheese and a number of other sour-milk products. Therefore, if you note that by using these products, you cannot cope with being overweight, perhaps it is their presence in your diet that is the main obstacle and you need to find equivalents that suit you. For example, soy milk and cheeses based on it.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine website

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Brynza is a fermented milk product that is obtained from the milk of goats, sheep, and cows. It resembles cheese in taste and appearance, the same white color and consistency. The benefits and harms of cheese are facts that have long been known to mankind, like the very use of the product.

The composition and calorie content of cheese

Pickled cheese, unlike other hard varieties, is optimally balanced. There are few fats compared to proteins, which determines the benefits of cheese for the body.

The preparation of pickled cheese does not require heat treatment, which affects the preservation of the useful components of the product.

Brynza does not contain carbohydrates, which allows those who want to lose extra pounds to use the product.

Salted Cheese Ingredients:

  • compounds of organic acids;
  • vitamins of group B, A, D, E;
  • cholesterol;
  • minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur.

The benefits and harms of cheese for the human body are explained by the variety of constituent components.

Calorie cheese per 100 grams:

Important! The numbers in the table may change, since the calorie content of pickled cheese depends on the fat content of the milk from which the product is made.

Useful properties of cheese

The most useful is sheep cheese, despite the high fat content. The product owes its valuable medicinal properties to the specifics of its manufacture.

  1. The cheese is not subjected to heat treatment, the most useful components of the product: minerals, proteins, vitamins are not destroyed under the influence of high temperatures.
  2. Rich composition of vitamins, minerals: calcium, fluorine, potassium, magnesium; protein and fatty acids make the product a source of essential nutrients.
  3. Specific processing of milk helps to preserve calcium and make it easily digestible. This product is useful for the child's body, since calcium is necessary for the growth of teeth and bones of the child.
  4. Pickled cheese contains the necessary protein, fatty acids. They will help restore strength during heavy loads.

Thus, the benefits of sheep cheese are obvious. The same applies to goat and cow cheeses.

For whom is cheese especially useful?

Due to the rich composition, the specifics of preparation, the product is useful for almost everyone. Especially for certain groups of people.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of feta cheese for women during menopause and for older women, when there is an increased leaching of calcium from the female body.

There is not a single product with such a high content of calcium, so easily digestible by the human body. If you take calcium tablets, then it is poorly absorbed, the proportion of the valuable mineral remaining in the body is negligible. Therefore, cheese should be included in the daily diet of all women after 40 years.

It is advisable for pregnant ladies to eat sheep or goat cheese, which is useful for the formation of the skeletal system of the unborn baby. It is important not to overuse. You can make salted cheese the main component of salads.

A fermented milk product is useful for children when their bones and teeth grow. In order to strengthen the child's body, goat cheese is more beneficial, since the milk of these animals is hypoallergenic and does not cause allergic reactions, which is important for today's children.

Goat milk cheese is suitable for young nursing mothers. The value of cheese - the basis of preparation is hypoallergenic raw materials.

Proteins, fatty acids are necessary for people engaged in heavy physical labor.

If a salty product is eaten daily:

  • skin color improves;
  • the condition of the nails (they stop exfoliating, breaking);
  • teeth regain their original whiteness;
  • hair becomes stronger.

Is it possible to eat cheese when losing weight (on a diet)

It is difficult to attribute the product to dietary dishes.

Those who want to lose weight should reduce or stop the consumption of salted cheese. It contains a lot of fat. For people with active physical activity, pickled cheese, rich in protein, is perfect for a daily diet.

Brynza is suitable for the purpose of a protein diet, during the “drying” of the body (for bodybuilders, athletes involved in arm wrestling). Sheep, goat curds restore tissue elasticity, promote the growth of muscle cells, muscle tissue.

Less high-calorie cheese from cow's milk. Cheese manufacturers produce a fat-free product. Those who are afraid to gain extra pounds can include a low-fat version of pickled cheese in the daily menu.

Before you “sit down” on a cheese diet, it is advisable to consult a dietitian. He will take into account the individual characteristics of the body, give the necessary recommendations.

At what age can children be given cheese

Cheese is one of the favorite foods in almost every family. Young mothers want to know at what age they can add cheese treats to the children's menu. In order to strengthen the immune system of children, cheese is very useful:

  1. It contains a lot of proteins necessary for tissue growth.
  2. More calcium than cottage cheese.
  3. A variety of vitamins: A, B, PP, D, E.
  4. Contains mineral salts: iron, zinc, phosphorus.
  5. Fatty acids improve brain activity.

Pediatricians do not recommend adding a cheese product to toddlers up to one year. They believe that the digestive system is not fully formed, there are not enough teeth yet, the child's kidneys will not be able to process the mineral salts contained in the product. Therefore, cheese can be added to the baby's diet by 12 months.

They start a little bit, with 6-7 g, bringing this amount to 35 g during the year. In addition, they give cheese to children infrequently: in a day or two.

After two years, babies begin to be treated with sour-milk cheeses, including cheese.

Attention! For children under the age of three, doctors recommend grating cheese. And only after 3 years, it is permissible for the baby to cut the cheese into tiny pieces.

What can be prepared from brynza and what does it combine with

This product is common among many nations:

  • Bulgarians;
  • Serbs;
  • Greeks;
  • Italians and others.

Pickled cheese is used as the main component of many dishes.

  1. Cheese is added to many salads.
  2. Pate, sauces are prepared from it.
  3. Bake slices in the oven. It turns out an amazing appetizer with a spicy taste.
  4. Add to scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.
  5. Chicken fillet with cheese is a dish worthy of a festive table.
  6. Sheep cheese is a delicious filling for pies.
  7. Any pizza cheese can replace brine.

It goes well with many vegetables, especially:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • sweet pepper.

Classic homemade cheese recipe

The basis of real cheese is goat or sheep milk, but it is almost impossible to get it if you are not actually a farmer and keep a herd of sheep or goats. Prepare healthy homemade cheese, more accessible from cow's milk.

You will need:

  • 1.5 liters of fat milk;
  • 0.5 st. sour cream;
  • 2.5 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 st. water.


  1. Pour milk into a container, place on fire.
  2. Pour in sour cream, mix thoroughly.
  3. As soon as the milk begins to curdle, add the lemon juice.
  4. Keep on fire for 1.5-2 minutes.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a colander lined with gauze.
  6. After draining the skim milk (whey), wrap the cheese, press it on top with an oppression and leave for 60 minutes.
  7. Cheese cut and place in brine (water + salt). In half an hour the cheese is ready.
  8. Store it in brine.

Cheese harm to the body and contraindications

The technology for preparing pickled cheese causes contraindications to its consumption.

It is advisable to limit or exclude the product from the diet of people:

  • with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency and hypertension;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • with intolerance to milk protein;
  • with increased or decreased acidity of the stomach.

The use of feta cheese for gastritis is strictly prohibited by doctors, since pickled cheese can worsen health and promote the formation of ulcers.

Eating cheese with pancreatitis is not prohibited. Doctors advise to feast on it occasionally a little.

People with a disease such as diabetes, before eating a piece of pickled cheese, pour boiling water over it, then soak it in water for at least half an hour. It is not necessary to completely give up cheese with diabetes.

If there are no health problems or overweight, you can safely include pickled cheese in your diet. But doctors do not advise eating the product, more than 200 g daily.

Important! Speaking about the benefits and harms of cheese for health, it was noted that the main thing is compliance with the measure.

How to choose the right cheese

In order not to make a mistake, buy good quality pickled cheese, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. There must be a brine in the package. In it, the cheese retains its taste and useful properties for a long time. The absence of brine indicates the prescription of the product or the manufacturer used a preservative.
  2. Look closely at the color. Pure white color (slight yellowish tinge may be present). A coating of brown or gray colors informs about the staleness of the product. It is undesirable to buy it.
  3. There should be no dried crust. If it is, then the product is expired.
  4. There is no place for preservatives in high-quality pickled cheese. This can be found by reading the composition on the package.
  5. An important indicator is fat content. If it is not more than 27%, the cheese will be dry and crumble. At 50% and above - the product is soft with a creamy taste.
  6. Don't forget the release date. Fresh pickled cheese is not too salty, compared to the feta cheese prepared earlier.

Advice! The higher the fat content of the product, the better the body absorbs calcium and other beneficial minerals.

How to store cheese at home

If pickled cheese is cooked at home, store it in the same brine. And if the product is bought in a store, you must remember: cheese in an open package remains fresh for 4-5 days, stored in brine. If for some reason it is not available, the product is wrapped in aluminum foil, then placed in glass or enameled dishes.

It happens that pickled cheese is not eaten quickly. In this situation, a saline solution is prepared (20 g of salt is poured into 100 g of water). In brine, cheese is stored for up to 1 year. It is advisable to change the brine monthly.

Warning! The longer the cheese sits in the brine, the saltier the product will be.

Some housewives put cheese in the freezer for storage. It really does not deteriorate longer, but it loses its taste.


Summing up, it is noted that the benefits and harms of cheese are in the specifics of the preparation of the product, unusual, tasty, healthy. It is important to observe the measure in use, to be able to buy and store correctly. Then the product will be exclusively for the benefit of health.

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