
Meringue recipe - French cuisine: pastries and desserts. "Food

What you need to know when making meringue at home

  1. The dishes in which the meringue will be prepared must be absolutely dry and clean.
  2. Dishes should also be chilled. To do this, before preparing dessert, put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. It is better to choose dishes for making meringues from stainless steel, glass or copper. It is better to refuse containers made of plastic, as they absorb fat.
  3. Room temperature proteins must be used. There is an opinion that proteins should be cold, but in fact, this only contributes to a good separation of the protein from the yolk, and for better whipping, we still recommend using room temperature proteins. Another secret: eggs should be 4-5 days old, such eggs beat better than fresh ones.
  4. It is necessary to perfectly separate the whites from the yolks. Not a drop of yolk is allowed in the protein mass, otherwise the meringue will not work. We advise you to first separate the proteins into a cup, and then pour into a common container. Thus, you will protect yourself from unnecessary ingress of the yolk into the mass.
  5. Sugar must be completely dissolved. After the whipping process, it is not the sugar that should not crunch, but the mass should be completely smooth.
  6. Meringue is not baked, it is dried. A common mistake in cooking meringues is the high temperature in the oven. It is important to observe the temperature no higher than 110 degrees. If it is not possible to set the exact temperature, you can, as an option, open the oven door by 5-10 cm.
  7. For better whipping of proteins, add lemon juice, acid or salt. To improve the texture of the future meringue, just add 3 drops of lemon juice or half a gram of citric acid and salt.
  8. There's no hurry. The most common meringue making mistake is adding too much sugar all at once. It is important to add sugar gradually and on time. Only when the protein mixture has increased by 6-8 times during whipping and soft peaks have appeared, sugar should be added. Pour it should be gradually 1-2 teaspoons.
  9. Meringue depends on the weather. It may sound strange, but it's true. If the weather outside is damp or rainy and the room is very humid, the meringue may not work.
  10. Soak the skewers in water before baking to prevent them from burning.
    Now that you know all the secrets of making basic meringue, let's look at a few recipes for meringue on a stick.

Standard Swiss Meringue Recipe


  • sugar - 160 grams;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • skewers (or Swiss meringues);
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a thoroughly washed and dried container.
  2. Separate the proteins from the yolks (taking into account our advice above). Let the squirrels brew to warm up to room temperature.
  3. When the whites have reached the temperature we need, add salt to them and start beating. You should start at a low speed, gradually increasing it, and when the mixture begins to turn white and thicken, you can increase the speed.
  4. When there are already dense peaks, you can start adding sugar little by little. At this stage, it is important to add sugar in small portions, beating thoroughly after each new one.
  5. The finished mixture should be dense and stick to the whisk without falling off. Another extreme way to test meringue readiness is to turn the bowl of protein mixture upside down. If nothing comes out, everything is done correctly.
  6. We prepare the form in which we will dry the meringue. Cover it with parchment paper. So that it does not bristle, grease with a little oil.
  7. We heat the oven to 100 degrees.
  8. We transfer the protein-sugar mixture into a pastry syringe or bag, put it on parchment and insert skewers so that later we get Swiss meringues on a stick.
  9. In the oven already preheated to 100 degrees, we place our future bezeshki. The cooking time for the dessert depends on the height and size of the cakes. If the meringue is about 5 cm in diameter and about 2 cm high, it costs an hour to dry in the oven. If the pies are small, then the time can be reduced to 30-40 minutes.
  10. After this time, we turn off the oven, but we do not get the meringue, but let it cool.
    Here is such an uncomplicated basic meringue recipe on Swiss meringue. Taking it as a basis, you can improvise with toppings and flavors, complementing this light dessert with chocolate, cocoa, jam, coconut or nuts.

Chocolate meringue on sticks


  • sugar - half a glass;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - half a glass + 2 tsp for decoration;
  • cocoa - a quarter cup + 2 tsp for decor;
  • Swiss meringues (skewers).

Cooking method:

  1. We take room temperature proteins, drive them into a dry, clean bowl and beat at medium speed until the mixture begins to turn white and thicken.
  2. Now you can add sugar in small portions and beat further already at a higher speed. At the final stage of whipping, add powdered sugar. Beat further until thick dense peaks form.
  3. When the mixture thickens enough, add cocoa powder and mix it thoroughly with a spatula.
  4. We heat the oven to 100-110 degrees.
  5. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  6. We transfer the chocolate-egg mass into a pastry syringe or bag, place it on a lined baking sheet and insert the meringues. The diameter of one meringue is usually about 5 cm.
  7. Dry the chocolate meringue on the Swiss meringue in the oven for an hour. The dessert should be dry and slightly firm. When everything is ready, leave the bezeshki inside for 15 minutes.
  8. Mix the remaining powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Sprinkle the mixture over the prepared meringues.

Swiss meringue stick recipe


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  • egg white - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 170 grams;
  • food coloring;
  • vanilla sugar and vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Add vanilla and sugar to pure proteins at room temperature. We mix. We put in a water bath.
  3. Stirring quickly, heat the whites with sugar until it dissolves.
  4. Now pour the resulting mass into a mixer and beat first at low speed, then gradually increase. Add gel food coloring if desired.
  5. Whisk vigorously until thick, firm peaks form.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, and put the meringue on it with the help of a pastry bag. We insert a skewer into each bezeshka.
  7. We heat the oven to 100 degrees.
  8. We put the meringue to bake for an hour and a half, leaving a small gap between the door and the cabinet.
  9. So that the meringues do not soften, we do not immediately take them out, but let them cool in the oven.
  10. The result should be dry and beautiful meringues on sticks.

Recipe for nut meringue on sticks


  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts (any nut to your taste) - 60 grams;
  • sugar - 120 grams;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • skewers.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to fry the nuts a little in a dry frying pan.
  2. Grind the roasted nuts in a blender.
  3. We heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  4. Line a baking sheet or baking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. We prepare the meringue, as indicated above in the basic recipe.
  6. When the first protein peaks began to form, add the roasted nuts and carefully mix everything with a spatula.
  7. Spread the protein-nut mixture on a baking sheet with a tablespoon.
  8. Bake for about 20 minutes. The meringue should crack slightly on top.
  9. Cool the finished cakes in the oven.

Peach meringue on sticks

For meringue:

  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • peach confiture - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • meringue.

For peach jam:

  • a third of a ripe or 5-6 pieces of frozen peach;
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - a quarter of a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. We heat the oven to 150 degrees.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Bring the proteins to room temperature.
  3. While the oven is heating, prepare the jam. To do this, finely chop the peaches, put them in a saucepan and fill with water. Put on fire and cook, stirring. When the peaches are soft, add sugar. Continue to cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. We interrupt the resulting peach confiture in a blender, put it on a plate to cool.
  4. Beat egg whites and sugar according to standard.
  5. When the first protein peaks appear, gradually add a tablespoon of confiture to the mixture.
  6. We plant the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, insert skewers, and set to bake.
  7. Leave the meringue in the oven until completely cooled.

There are a wide variety of meringue recipes. It can be made in different colors, shapes, sizes. So, for example, you can make meringue on sticks by simply gluing the finished halves of the dessert with chocolate or cream, and placing a skewer in the middle.

Alternatively, you can make meringue with chocolate filling. To do this, before planting the protein mixture, put chocolate cubes on a baking sheet, and the “dough” is already on top.

Meringue is often used by confectioners as a decor for various cakes and pastries. To do this, bezes of various shapes and sizes are attached to the already prepared surface of the cake with cream so that a beautiful pattern is obtained. If the meringue did not work out

Even pastry chefs with experience can’t always make this protein dessert, so don’t be discouraged.
The “spoiled” protein mass can be poured into a baking dish and dried, as we usually do with meringue. The result is a meringue cake. You can make several of these cakes, grease them with any cream, and voila, a delicious meringue cake is ready.

Another option to remedy the situation would be to prepare something similar to a biscuit. We all know that a biscuit consists of proteins, sugar and flour. Therefore, for this, you need to add flour to the whipped egg-sugar mixture (for 3 proteins 70-80 grams of flour) and mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting dough into a mold and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Let the biscuit cool and grease with your favorite cream.

Whipped protein with sugar to a state of dense mass, light foam, stable peaks, air cloud - it's all about ... what?

Is there a difference?

What kind of discrepancy and what difference between meringue and meringue can we talk about if, according to the recipe, both the first and the second are prepared from egg whites and sugar?

Whipping the protein until fluffy, an airy sweet mass is obtained, which is used to cover cakes, decorate, and prepare other desserts.

But most often, such proteins are deposited on a baking sheet in the form of small rounded shapes and dried in the oven.

Obviously, the difference between meringue and meringue is practically nothing! It's just that these are different names for the same dish, the main and only difference between them can only be considered the method of preparation.

Meringue is a protein cream obtained by whipping egg whites with sugar until smooth and dense.

Proper meringue does not flow even when the dishes are turned over.

Sugar is the key to this recipe, because egg whites whipped without sugar are just whipped egg whites.

Such a light cream is used for confectionery and is the basis of the meringue.

Meringue is a protein cake that is prepared in exactly the same way as meringue. However, when a dense state is reached, the mass is laid out on a baking sheet for drying (baking).

Crispy protein cake can be filled with cream, berries, nuts and chocolate.

What are meringues and meringues

Beat protein with sugar, what could be easier?

What variety can be achieved when preparing a dish with only two products?

However, there are several ways to whip egg whites for meringues and meringues, each of which is good for a specific application.

Very often, meringue is whipped to the state of “peaks” that characterize its density:

  • "Soft Peaks"- when the protein raised on the whisk does not hold volume and gradually flows down. This condition is perfect for making soufflés when the protein will increase in volume in the oven.
  • “Medium Peaks”- when the protein raised on the corolla firmly holds the base, but its tip flows down.
  • "Strong Peaks"- when the protein raised with a whisk is shiny and moist and firmly holds its shape to the very tips. This is the ideal state for baking in the oven. It is to such peaks that you need to beat the whites when preparing a classic biscuit or the famous one.

Depending on the whipping method, the meringue is divided into French, Swiss and Italian:

  1. french- the easiest classic version of whipping proteins with sugar. It is ideal for covering cakes and pastries.
  2. Swiss- whipping proteins with sugar using a water bath. When the desired density of the product is reached, the bowl is placed in ice for shock chilling. The resulting mass is denser than the French version.
  3. Italian- the most dense and stable protein mass obtained by whipping in a water bath with the addition of hot sugar syrup. Such a meringue is added to butter cream or decorate cakes with it.

cooking secrets

Desserts and creams made from egg white are very capricious and can behave unpredictably.

To be honest, there are a lot of basic rules.

Only knowing all the features and secrets of preparing this product will help you get real meringue and dense meringue.

Secrets are best memorized:

  • separating proteins from yolks is required with extreme caution, tk. a few drops of yolk will prevent whipping. In more detail about all methods of separating protein and yolk;
  • eggs at room temperature are best whipped, moreover, the container should stand in ice water;
  • whipping is carried out in a perfect clean bowl, because. a little fat or water can ruin everything;
  • when whipping with a hand whisk, you can add a little salt or 3-4 drops of lemon juice to the proteins, this will increase the elasticity of the mass;
  • it is better to take not sugar, but powdered sugar to sweeten the dessert. She will give the mass more tenderness;
  • the process of beating eggs begins with a low speed of the mixer, and after the appearance of bubble foam, the speed can be increased;
  • You should strictly observe the temperature regime when baking desserts. Protein drying in the oven should take place at 100 degrees in the complete absence of moisture;
  • tightly whipped protein is stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. And the dried version is stored only in a dry place, it will become damp in the refrigerator.

Useful video

Airy protein cakes can be made not only tasty, but also beautiful. Here is a simple example of colored meringues:

Airy, light, almost weightless protein custard, which is prepared easily and without problems. Italian meringue is simply an amazingly versatile cream that always turns out to be stable and keeps its shape perfectly, so it is the best suited for decorating confectionery.

You can decorate cupcakes and muffins with Italian meringue (you will get cupcakes that are so fashionable today). In addition, this protein custard works great as a layer for biscuit cakes, as well as when decorating them. If you wish, you can even bake the cream in the oven and thus prepare airy meringue cookies or the basis for the legendary Pavlova cake.

The main difference between Italian meringue and French meringue, for example, is that this cream is prepared by boiling egg whites with hot sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the protein is not only disinfected, but also acquires the necessary dense texture.

I must say that it is much easier for me personally to cook Italian meringue than Swiss meringue, which is originally made in a water bath. And besides, there has never been a single miss - and a consistently excellent result for me is the main indicator.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The Italian meringue recipe includes the following ingredients: raw egg whites, granulated sugar (I immediately weighed sugar separately for proteins and for syrup, so I have it in two containers), as well as plain water. Proteins can be used both fresh and frozen (just let them thaw completely) - 2 pieces average 60 grams. For sugar syrup, use 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons (40 milliliters) of water. 50 grams of sugar is 2 tablespoons that are added to the egg whites.

So, let's immediately start preparing sugar syrup, since the proteins whip up pretty quickly, and we need it hot. Pour two tablespoons of water into a small saucepan or saucepan and pour 100 grams of granulated sugar. If you want the finished meringue to be not white, but different colors (or flavored), food colors and flavors are added at this stage. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. From this point on, cook the sugar syrup on a minimum heat for about 5-6 minutes. If you have a cooking thermometer (I haven't got one yet, so I'm working by eye), wait for 110 degrees - the ideal temperature for sugar syrup. Or do a soft ball test - drop the syrup into a bowl of ice water, then take between your fingers and roll. If you get a soft ball, the syrup is ready.

In the meantime, back to the egg whites. Whipping utensils must be clean and dry.

The sugar syrup is ready - it's still gurgling. It is also impossible to digest it, otherwise, when added to proteins, it will simply harden with sugar candies, and will not brew the mass. If you see that the syrup is ready, and the whites are not completely whipped yet, just remove the saucepan from the heat - this is not a problem.

Without stopping beating, we begin to pour hot sugar syrup into the whites in a thin stream. Try to pour it not on the walls of the dish, but on the beaters, as the syrup will quickly harden on the sides of the dish.

When all the syrup has been used, continue beating the Italian meringue until the mass has cooled to room temperature. This will take another 6-7 minutes.

Homemade meringue is a real culinary miracle. Light and airy, with a crispy crust and a delicately viscous middle dessert. It is also an amazing cake and a breathtaking decor for cakes and pastries.

So what is the difference between meringue and meringue ? How do they differ if they are created from the same products? I'll tell you the name. In the annals of world cuisine, this dish is usually called meringue. We are used to the name "meringue", and it is closer and dearer to us.

Only two components - sugar and protein, allow you to create a real masterpiece, moreover, in three variations - classic meringue recipe , meringue-bases for cakes and pastries, as well as protein cream for decorating desserts and pastries.

Swiss colored meringue recipe

a set of cups; container (bowl) for whipping; tablespoon; mixer; whisk; pot; pastry bag; flat brush; skewers; "carnation"; parchment; baking sheet or silicone mat.


Step by step how to make meringue on a stick

This decorative dessert is not baked, but rather singeed or dried in the oven. How to prepare meringue on a stick - I offer my step by step recipe with photo consisting of only two very simple steps.

Preparing protein mass

Important! If it is planned to obtain a colored meringue, food coloring is introduced together with powdered sugar.

We bake sweets

Place a rose petal tip on a piping bag. Apply the dye from the inside of the piping bag on the wide side of the nozzle.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • The proportions of egg white to sugar are 1:2 - there are 200 g of sugar per 100 ml of protein.
  • For a more stable result, it is advisable to replace ¼ of the granulated sugar with powdered sugar.

video recipe

We offer you a master class from the Tortodel channel, which shows in detail the process of making sweets on sticks, as well as gives practical advice on how to make them. Enjoy great video.

French meringue recipe for decorating cakes

Preparation time: 100-110 min.
Servings: 410
Calories: 271 kcal / 100 g.
Kitchen equipment and utensils: mixer; bowl or container for whipping; a set of bowls; strainer; spatula for mixing; pastry bag with nozzles; baking sheet.



Step by step making an airy dessert

Did you know? Dessert "Pavlova" was created by an Australian confectioner in honor of the great dancer of the last century Anna Pavlova. Made from airy meringue, fruits, berries and whipped cream, symbolizing the ballet tutu of a talented ballerina.

Whip the egg white

We make meringues

Important! Depending on the size, meringues can dry out in the oven from one and a half hours (small forms) to 1 hour 45 minutes (large figures). Therefore, it is desirable to lay out figures of the same size on a baking sheet.

video recipe

In the video we offer for viewing, you will find a sea of ​​tips, life hacks and simply original ideas for decorating and decorating cakes, as well as information on how to make colored meringues at home.

Italian meringue recipe

Cooking time: 10 min.
Servings: 90
Calories: 41 kcal / 100 g.
Kitchen equipment and utensils: ladle, whisk, spatula, thermometer, measuring cup, stand mixer.


Italian meringue step by step

Italian meringue is not considered an independent dish, but it decorates the main desserts of European cuisine, in particular French. Protein cream is often used as a topping or decoration for other desserts and pastries. I present a step-by-step recipe with a photo of making Italian meringue.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of the Italian meringue is that all manipulations for its manufacture are carried out simultaneously.

video recipe

Protein Italian cream is both simple and very difficult to prepare. It is important to adhere to the manufacturing technology, and clearly withstand the temperature regime. This video demonstrates the process of obtaining Italian meringue.

How and with what to serve meringue

Airy meringue is an excellent dessert in itself, with the exception of the Italian meringue, the purpose of which is to decorate cakes and pastries. Chocolate icing is perfect for dousing an airy dessert.

Meringue can be served with cream, vanilla or popsicles. This is a great addition to the tea table. Small petit four cakes are glued together with butter or custard and served with tea, coffee, or simply with fruit.

Basic common truths

  • The presence of even a drop of yolk when separating it from the protein of a chicken egg means that the dish definitely will not work.
  • Meringue utensils must be clean and completely dry.
  • The state of a dense peak is called whipped protein, which does not fall off the whisk, but rests on it, resembling a bird's beak.
  • The readiness of the meringue is checked by breaking the dessert. If the cake is dry inside, it is ready. With a moist and viscous core, the dessert should be allowed to stand in the oven for another 7-10 minutes.
  • To obtain baskets, meringue is applied to the back of a silicone mold divided into sections, as, for example, for cupcakes.
  • The uneven bottoms of the baskets are perfectly trimmed with a fine grater.
  • Italian meringue is used exclusively as a protein cream for decorating other desserts.

Top 5 recipes for an extraordinary dessert

  • This easy and fluffy egg white recipe is sure to please your kids. Try to cook it to make sure the thoroughness of the proposed recipe.
  • The pinnacle of culinary art can be safely called. Its preparation does not take much time and absolutely does not “put pressure” on the family budget.
  • Try to cook according to our recipe - sour cream jelly -. Make sure this budget-friendly dessert is as good as many gourmet sweets.
  • If you are a fan of baking, ask how to make a blank at home. These simple blanks will allow you to decorate cakes and pastries in an original way for a long time.
  • Completes our ranking of the popularity of desserts. This is not just a “mashil” for sandwiches. This is a complete breakfast, hearty snack and a great dessert. Real fruit marmalade is considered a very useful product.

I hope that you not only liked, but also useful in practice my recipes for making meringue. Leave your comments at the bottom of the article, and don't forget to tell us about your own experience with this dessert. Maybe you have a special secret for making meringue - share it with us. Perhaps someone will take advantage of your experience in making a delicious and original dessert.

Cooking instructions

1 hour 10 minutes Print

    1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. The main thing is to carefully separate them, otherwise the proteins will not whip well and nothing will come of it. I take two cups, carefully pour the whites into one, the yolks remain in the other (you can cover them with foil, put them in the refrigerator and then make something out of them too). Crib How to separate whites from yolks

    2. Pour sugar into a measuring cup, up to the mark of 150 grams. Add 2 teaspoons (but you can do more, so the smell will be on the whole house) vanilla sugar.

    3. We preheat the oven, but very weakly. I turn on 120 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    4. We take some bowl in which we will beat the squirrels (I have a special plastic bowl for this, you can beat anything in it), a mixer, and go! It is important, of course, that the mixer is powerful. If everything is in order, then 3-5 minutes should be enough to get a strong foam that will not fall out even if you turn the bowl upside down. Tool Mixer Beating egg whites, as well as kneading other substances like minced meat or dough, is convenient not by hand (as it takes time and effort), but with a mixer like KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed settings and three different attachments to work with any consistency, besides, it is also a versatile food processor.

    5. Pour the sugar out of the glass, beat for another 5 minutes. Until the sugar more or less becomes one with the foam. It is done! To check how perfect everything is, you can run the whisks of the mixer over the surface of the foam, and if motionless traces remain, then everything is ok!

    6. Put a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet so that it fits in size.
    Tool Baking paper For even baking, it is better to send open pies and quiches to the oven on a wire rack, and so that the sauce boiling from the heat does not drip between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And more from paper is not required.

    7. Well, we put future meringues on it in any form! I make magic tricks with a bag of different nozzles (something like a pastry syringe, only simpler). You can make small meringues or large ones. Smaller ones, by the way, bake faster. Tool Cone confectionery It is convenient to squeeze the filling onto the dough, like the cream, with a pastry cone. Then the portions are even and neat, and the hands do not get dirty with minced meat. The horn does not have to be bought, it is easily twisted from cellophane or some other waterproof material. For confectionery purposes, it is better to use cones with a variety of nozzles - usually several pieces are included in the set at once.

    8. That's almost it! We put in the oven at 120 degrees, for 50-60-80 minutes, you can periodically check. If the outside is hard, then it's time to take it out.
