
How to make sugar caramel at home. Caramel at home - the best recipes

I love it when in my kitchen there is a jar of homemade caramel, condensed milk (boiled and regular), berry syrups and cream that can be whipped up quickly and used “in business”. It is so helpful in cooking pastries and desserts!

Judge for yourself: pancakes and pancakes simply cannot be tasteless if you pour them with caramel or berry syrup! And even the most ordinary buns will sparkle with a new taste if sprinkled with pumpkin seeds.

All these little things determine the taste of the dessert, enrich and complement it. Today I will tell you how easy it is to make homemade caramel. The recipe will be with step-by-step photos, so it will not be difficult for you to repeat everything at home.

Thick caramel or thin caramel sauce is delicious. Try it for sure!


  • Sugar sand - 225 g.
  • Water - 65 g.
  • Heavy cream - 85-250 g (depending on whether you want a thin sauce or thick caramel)
  • Butter - 70 g.

How to cook:

In a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine water (65 g) and sugar (225 g)

We put on the stove (on medium heat) and wait until all the granulated sugar has dissolved.

After the sugar has melted, increase the heat to high and cook the caramel until brown. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the caramel will be very bitter.

I usually don't wait for an amber color, I remove it immediately when I see that the color has appeared. I take it off the fire and do all the other actions on the table. I pour in heavy cream (85 g). The cream should be warm (preheat to room temperature). If you want a liquid caramel sauce for ice cream and desserts, you need to add more cream (250 g). When adding cream to boiling caramel, you need to be as careful as possible: the mixture will boil, shoot and foam very much. Children should not be around!

After 1.5-2 minutes, the foam will settle down a little and you can mix the mixture with a spatula.

Look at the caramel in the saucepan: there are practically no large bubbles.

At the last stage of cooking, add butter (70 g.) And mix again.

When the butter has melted, you can mix again to make the sauce even.

You can pour the sauce into a jar and store for 2 weeks. Adjust the density of caramel with the help of a refrigerator: if you want a thin sauce, heat it to room temperature. If you need it thicker, chill.

It is possible that the first time you do not get the ideal density of the sauce that you planned. Keep experimenting, reducing or increasing the amount of cream in the recipe, and you will eventually calculate your ideal formula.

If you want salted caramel, add large flakes of sea salt at the very end of cooking (while the sauce is still hot) and mix for better dissolution.
I suggest you watch the salted caramel video recipe on our You Tube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing:

You can cover the cake with thick caramel or use it in a layer instead of cream. In addition, cupcakes are poured with caramel, put into the filling and used for a variety of delicious purposes!

Our family loves salted caramel, the taste is unusual and multifaceted.
Which caramel do you prefer, sweet or salty? I'd love to hear your feedback on the recipe! Share photos (you can attach to the comments), your reviews and cooking secrets!
I really want to see what delicious treats you have prepared with homemade caramel. If you post photos on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo. So I can find them online. I will be very pleased! Thank you.

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To make homemade caramel, neither expensive products nor sophisticated technology are needed. But the result is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. At least in our family, no one will refuse a spoonful of delicious viscous caramel.

From my own experience, I can say that making caramel at home is easy only if you take into account a few points. First: the dishes for melting sugar should be thick-walled, then the sugar will be evenly heated in it. Otherwise, you can get burnt sugar with an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. Secondly, it is important to melt the sugar over medium heat and watch carefully for the moment when the sugar begins to melt around the edges.

If you want to get a caramel that looks like a lollipop, then after the sugar has melted, you only need to add a few tablespoons of water to it. And if you need soft caramel, which can then be used as a sauce for or a layer of cakes, then you need to add milk or cream, as well as butter. It is this soft caramel based on milk and sugar that we will make.

Cooking steps:

Affordable and delicious homemade sweets are not difficult to make yourself. An example of this is soft caramel, a recipe that does not require much time and effort, while the result is great! The texture of the product can be different: soft, viscous, liquid, hard, crispy - this depends on the time and technology of preparation. In this article, I will share a recipe for making sweet and viscous caramel mass at home. They learned how to cook soft caramel for a very long time, so today it is the most affordable and popular type of candy along with homemade ones.
You can make soft caramel based on milk, sour cream, cream, water, with the addition of coffee, cocoa, chocolate ...

Where can soft caramel be used?

They use ready-made hot liquid mass not only as a treat, but also for decorating and preparing many dishes. In cooking, it is prepared for:

  • fruit,
  • cake decorating,
  • ice cream,
  • sweet salads,
  • desserts,
  • baking stuffing,
  • make a beautiful lattice on confectionery, etc.

Secrets of making homemade soft caramel

And in order for the delicacy to comply with all traditions and be properly cooked, you need to know certain cooking secrets.

  • Cook soft caramel without leaving the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.
  • Soak dishes (spoons, pots) in which sweets were cooked in water immediately after cooking. Caramel seizes very quickly, so it will be difficult to wash it later.
  • Heat food over low heat until sugar dissolves. This will happen only after boiling. Then the finished caramel will not crystallize.
  • Adding a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar will also help avoid sugaring.
  • To prevent sugar from burning during cooking, take dishes with a thick bottom. Only such a container will ensure uniform heating of products.
  • Keep an eye on the cooking time, as the consistency of the caramel depends on the time it is boiled. Having overdone it on the stove, you will already get soft caramel sweets, which is also very tasty.

Ingredients for Soft Caramel Recipe

Milk - 1 glass
Sugar - 1 cup
Butter - 25 g


  • Usually, a 1:1 ratio of sugar and liquid is used for cooking caramel. If the amount of sugar is increased, then the finished caramel mass will be denser, if reduced, it will become thinner.
  • You can cook homemade soft caramel on any liquid base: sour cream, cream or water. Since the main ingredient of the product is sugar, and the quality and taste of caramel are regulated by additional ingredients.

How to cook sweets at home, recipe with photo

1. To make soft caramel, we need: milk, sugar, butter.

2. Pour sugar into a clean and dry frying pan or any other dish with a thick bottom.

3. Put the pan on the stove and heat it over low heat. Sugar should change color, acquiring a golden hue.

4. Then pour milk into the pan and make a little more fire to bring the milk to a boil.

5. As the milk is heated, the sugar will dissolve and the mass will acquire a caramel hue.

Continue to boil the caramel, stirring constantly. The whole cooking process will take you about 20-25 minutes.

6. During this time, the mass will thicken and acquire a gently golden color. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put the butter. It should completely melt and dissolve throughout the mass.

7. When the mixture reaches viscosity, remove the pan from the heat. If you boil it further, then the mass will thicken more, then you will get candy canes.

8. Pour the finished soft caramel into a suitable container, such as a glass jar.

9. Hot caramel can be consumed on a slice of loaf or cookie. But I advise you to serve it in a more delicious way. Dip apple slices, nuts, citrus or dried fruit in it and let it dry slightly. You will get a very tasty sweet, and you can do this with both soft and candy caramel.

Bon appetit!

I suggest watching a video on how you can make beautiful lollipops from soft caramel.

Friends, have you ever made soft caramel at home? Just to eat or tried to decorate delicious sweets, cakes and desserts with it?

Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Few people know how to make caramel at home. Indeed, today there is such a variety of sweets on the shelves of stores that no one even thinks of making a candy on their own. However, those who care about the health of their children prefer not to buy treats in supermarkets, but to make them at home, using only natural ingredients for this. Indeed, almost all store-bought sweets contain harmful additives that negatively affect not only the adult, but even more so the children's body.

So how to make caramel at home so as not to harm your own child? We will talk about this right now.

The most delicious caramel: a recipe at home

To prepare homemade treats, we may need:

  • ordinary filtered water - a full glass;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 3 full glasses;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - about 2 large spoons;
  • mint oil - a few drops;
  • cognac - a small spoon (use as desired);
  • vanillin - a few pinches.

Cooking process

Final stage

As you can see, homemade caramel cooks very quickly. After the pan is removed from the stove, the hot sweet mass must be immediately poured into molds. By the way, they must first be lubricated with any cooking or vegetable fat. Until the caramel is frozen, you also need to stick wooden sticks into it. If you could not find special skewers, then we recommend using regular toothpicks.

After all the steps described, you must wait a while until the caramel completely hardens. To speed up this process, filled molds can be placed in a freezer or refrigerator.

After some time, confectionery caramel will be completely usable. It must be carefully removed from the molds, wrapped in a rustling film and please your child with a delicious and natural sweetness.

Making bananas in homemade caramel

We talked about how to make caramel at home. You can use this recipe if you only want to make a sucky candy. However, there are many other ways to create a delicious treat, which are based on some kind of fruit. For example, bananas in caramel are very unusual. To prepare such a sweet, we need:

  • ripe bananas, but not too soft - 4 pcs.;
  • high-fat butter - a full large spoon;
  • brown sugar - 4 large spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ small spoon;
  • orange juice, nuts, banana liquor - apply to taste and desire.

Cooking method

How to make banana caramel yourself? The recipe at home calls for the use of hard fruits. They must be peeled, and then cut in half (lengthwise). Next, you need to put a large frying pan on medium heat and melt natural butter in it. After that, granulated sugar should be carefully poured into the cooking oil. The ingredients must be mixed until you have a homogeneous caramel. Next, you need to put the banana halves in it, flat side up. In this state, the fruit should be stewed for 20 seconds. After that, they must be sprinkled with ground cinnamon, and then continue the heat treatment for another 10 seconds.

After caramelizing one side of the bananas, they need to be turned over, pour over the icing from the pan and sprinkle with fragrant spice again. If desired, liqueur or juice can be added to the fruit. Cook the ingredients in this state for another 60 seconds, regularly watering the bananas with the resulting caramel. In conclusion, the fruit must be removed from the heat, put on a plate, and before serving, roll in ground nuts.

Cooking soft caramel

If caramel is intended for making a cake or any soft sweets, then it should be done a little differently. For this we need:

  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • filtered water - a large spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch;
  • sour cream is not very fat - 100 g.

Step by step cooking process

To make such caramel, or "taffy", you should take a small saucepan, and then mix medium-sized granulated sugar and filtered water in it. Next, the ingredients must be put on a very slow fire and bring to a boil. In this case, the products must be constantly stirred with a spoon. They should cook for about 2-3 minutes. After that, the caramel needs to be removed from the stove and add not very fat sour cream to them.

Spread the dairy product preferably one spoon at a time, stirring the base well. Next, the caramel must be put back on the stove and heated slightly, but so that the mixture does not boil. In conclusion, the contents of the dishes must be poured into a plastic container, tightly closed and allowed to cool at room temperature. Ready soft caramel can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.

Summing up

Now you know how to make caramel at home. It should be noted that it is permissible to cook this delicacy not only with a fruit such as a banana, but also, for example, with apples, and even tangerines. In any case, absolutely all your household members will be delighted with such a homemade delicacy.

Sweet caramel is one of the most delicious desserts. Delicious lollipops were once the most beloved and desired treat of all the kids. However, in recent years, the recipes for this delicacy, which can be prepared at home without difficulty and at high cost, have been undeservedly forgotten. The taste of pure caramel can be diluted with lemon juice, pomace of various berries, cream. These regular sugar candies are a great dessert option for those who don't like sweets with synthetic flavors and artificial additives.

General principles of preparation

The preparation of homemade caramel and sugar candies is based on general rules, although the result can be completely different versions of sweets. The basic principle of making caramel at home is the rejection of the use of harmful substances:

  • artificial flavors;
  • chemical thickeners;
  • synthetic dyes.

To make these lollipops or soft caramel at home, which, by the way, is suitable for cakes and other desserts, it is enough to use ordinary sugar, water and lemon juice.

There are several options for making caramel. All of them are quite original and simple. Culinary experts also know some secrets of cooking this sugar-based sweet.

The most important rule to remember is that sweets cook very quickly. That is why you should not be distracted. Otherwise, everything will burn. You should also prepare in advance the forms into which you plan to pour the sweet viscous mass. They must be lubricated with vegetable oil without a pronounced odor. Such a trick will help you easily remove candy.

If, during the preparation of caramel at home, burnt sugar got on some dishes or surfaces, such items should be soaked in water as soon as possible. Otherwise, the mass will stick and it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

There is another secret to making homemade caramel. To make not just sugar candies, but an original dessert, you should use:

  • nuts;
  • confectionery powder;
  • coconut flakes;
  • pieces of dried fruit;
  • slices of berries and fruits.

The photo shows different versions of this dessert. Choose the one you like the most!

Caramel Recipes

There are several recipes for making liquid sugar syrup at home. On its basis, sweet caramel is made. The photo below shows some of the options for preparing this sweet.

Recipe 1: Classic Homemade Caramel

The classic recipe for homemade caramel is quite simple. It does not require adherence to complex and multi-stage technology. For the preparation of sweets, expensive and rare ingredients are not needed. But the result will certainly please! A viscous delicious caramel is perfect for tea, coffee and toast. Having decided to use this recipe, it is worth preparing the “right” dishes in advance. The pan in which the sugar will melt should be with a thick bottom and walls. This will allow the sugar to heat evenly. Otherwise, the molasses may turn out to be burnt. As a result, the whole caramel will turn out with a bitter taste.

Another principle of making caramel according to the classic recipe is the correct heating of sugar. This must be done over medium heat. The mass will have to be constantly stirred so that the sweetness does not burn and does not stick around the edges during melting.

To prepare this caramel with the taste of cream, you need to take the following set of ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • butter - 45 g.

Butter is a very important component, and if desired, milk can be replaced with cream.

On a note! Sometimes sugar syrup is poured into hot milk. But in this case, the mass forms a lot of foam, from which you can get burned.

That's all! Homemade viscous caramel with butter is ready! The step-by-step photos above will help you avoid mistakes when cooking this sweet dessert.

Recipe 2: caramel on a stick

Caramel on a stick is a traditional delicacy that was extremely popular just a few years ago. This sweet is loved by both kids and adults. Previously, such candies were prepared in the form of cockerels, bunnies, stars and other figures. But you can also make round caramel. To prepare such candies, you do not need to purchase expensive components, and the process of cooking sweets is quite simple and fast. If desired, you can dilute the taste of delicacy with freshly squeezed fruit juice.

It should be borne in mind that the process of making such candies from caramel on a stick is quite simple. But there are some nuances. This recipe requires constant monitoring and care. So it’s definitely not possible to cook such caramel and do other things at the same time.

To make these sweets at home, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • citric acid - 1 pinch;
  • food coloring (optional) - 1 sachet.

Note! From the specified number of components, 12-16 lollipops will be obtained.

  1. To make caramel on a stick, you need to prepare all the ingredients. It is especially important to take even and thin sticks (skewers).
  2. The process of making homemade lollipops is quite simple. Mix water and sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil. The temperature must be high. It is necessary to boil the composition so that a lump is obtained. How to understand that everything is normal? It is enough to put one drop of sweetness into cold water. If the caramel curled up in the water into a soft ball, then everything is normal.
  3. If desired, food coloring or fruit juice can be added to the mass at this time.
  4. When the caramel hardens in cold water, you need to put citric acid into the mass. The components for future lollipops are thoroughly mixed, after which the mass can be removed from the stove, after turning off the fire. Now we need to take the parchment. The paper is smeared with oil. Caramel is thinly poured onto it with a spoon.
  5. The mass should cool slightly, after which a stick is carefully inserted into each workpiece. It must be rotated in a circle. Then she will quickly enter the caramel.
  6. Lollipops should be completely cooled naturally.

Recipe 3: Delicious Soft Caramel

Soft delicious caramel is a great dessert for the whole family. Its preparation can be somewhat troublesome, but the taste of the finished delicacy is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Ready soft caramel can also be used as a filling for rolls and cakes.

To prepare such caramel, you need to take the following set of components:

  • milk - 100 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 50 g.

Video: how to make caramel at home
