
How to bake Easter cake: my family recipe with detailed pictures. Cooking a traditional Easter cake in the oven

Today we will cook Easter cake for the bright holiday of Easter. This time I baked Easter cakes in the oven, but having already tried several recipes, I can say with confidence that you can also bake a decent and tasty Easter cake in a slow cooker.


  • 2.5 cups of milk
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 sachet of vanillin
  • 11 g instant dry yeast (I use SafMoment)
  • 1.3 - 1.5 kg of flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 200-300 g raisins or candied fruits
  • 0.5 tsp salt

for protein glaze:

  • 2 squirrels
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


Warm the milk slightly and dilute the yeast in it. Add 3.5 cups flour and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix. The dough should be slightly thicker than for pancakes. Cover the bowl with dough with a towel or cling film and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

While the dough is rising, separate the whites from the yolks. For the glaze, we need two proteins, so we will have extra yolks, they can also be added to the dough.

Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla. Whisk egg whites with salt until fluffy.

Add soft butter to the risen dough. Mix.

Then add the crushed yolks with sugar. Mix again.

Enter whipped proteins.

And gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a soft dough (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour).

We remove the bowl with the dough in a warm place, covered with a kitchen towel or cling film. We give the dough time to rise (it took me exactly 1 hour 13 minutes)

While the dough is rising, soak the raisins in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water, dry the raisins on a napkin. Candied fruits can be simply cut.

Add raisins or candied fruits to the dough that has come up, mix them into the dough and put them in a warm place again, remembering to cover with a towel.

We give the dough a second rise, this time it took me exactly 45 minutes.

While the dough rises for the second time, we begin to prepare the forms. Lubricate the molds with any oil, it is advisable to line the bottom of each mold with baking paper.

We tear off a piece from the dough that has come up, form a small ball and fill our forms to 1/3 of the height.

We turn on the oven for heating, put a baking sheet with Easter cakes on top of the stove, give them time to rise already in the form. Cover the cookies with a towel so the dough doesn't dry out.

We bake Easter cakes in the oven over medium heat until golden brown. The baking time depends on the size of the cookies. To check the readiness of the cake, pierce it with a wooden stick, if it is dry, the cake is ready. In a conventional gas oven, Easter cakes were baked for about 35 minutes.

Ready cakes are carefully removed from the molds. We spread them on a pillow covered with a clean towel. This is an old grandmother's way, we put them on a barrel, periodically turning them over so that the cake does not lie on its side)

For the egg white frosting, beat egg whites with sugar until desired consistency.

Lubricate the finished cakes with icing and decorate with confectionery sprinkles.

Happy Easter!


  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Yeast - 1 pack. (11 g)
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 100 g
  • Margarine - 100 g
  • Vanillin - 1 pack.
  • Ground turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Flour - 6 cups (about 1 kg)
  • Powdered sugar for glaze - 150 g
  • Lemon juice for icing - 1 tsp

Cooking time: 60 minutes + 3 hours for proofing and 50 minutes for baking

Yield: 5 pieces

A lot of Easter cake recipes are now appearing on the net. This is not surprising, because on the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, every housewife is looking for new successful recipes for Easter baking, trying to tasty feed her own. On our website there is already a recipe Easter cake from cottage cheesebaked in a slow cooker. I present to you a rather tasty and simple recipe for Easter cake baked in the oven in special paper molds. Its simplicity lies in the fact that it does not need strong kneading, the dough can be slightly liquid and sticky - pastries will still keep their shape well, while remaining airy.

Why are Easter cakes baked for Easter?

The tradition of baking them for Easter dates back to the time of the apostles. Sitting down for a meal, the disciples of Christ near his free seat at the table left a piece of bread, which was further divided into small slices and distributed to the parishioners after the Easter service. Over time, this tradition has become firmly rooted in many homes. Sweet, rich yeast dough is used because during a modest life, Jesus and his disciples ate bread cakes from exclusively unleavened dough, and after the Resurrection - from yeast. Therefore, for Easter, cupcakes are prepared as sweet and rich as possible, rejoicing in the Resurrection of Christ and allowing yourself yeasty, rich in butter, eggs and sugar pastries.

Why does the Easter cake have such a shape?

Their shape of a cylinder of various heights was also not chosen by chance. According to legend, the shroud of the Savior was just like that. This is another reason why it is customary to cook them for Easter, because such cylindrical pastries symbolically mean the beginning of a new path, birth, rebirth, that is, the main message of the bright Easter holiday is the content of the victory of life over death.

Easter cake - the most delicious recipe with photos step by step with milk in the oven

So, now you will learn how to cook Easter cake, the recipe with a photo will show you all the cooking steps step by step.

Prepare all the ingredients (list at the beginning of the article). Before baking Easter cake, housewives go to the store in advance, buying the best products for preparing this most festive Easter dish. It is necessary to take wheat flour of the highest grade, butter and margarine - a higher fat content, it is better to use homemade eggs, because their bright yellow yolks, along with turmeric, will give our Easter cakes according to this recipe with a photo a beautiful appetizing yellow color. Pay special attention to the freshness of the yeast, this is especially important, since the dough is very heavy, rich, and low-quality or expired yeast will negate all your efforts.

In addition to the fact that you have to buy food, you need to prepare mentally, because such pastries should be prepared with bright thoughts and always in a good, good mood. Of course, if you are frowning or upset, Easter cake according to this most delicious recipe for our family will still work. But after all, we want not only to feed the family, but also to enjoy the rather long cooking process ourselves, and even on the eve of the holiday, right?

First of all, let's prepare the brew. According to this recipe for Easter cake with raisins, you need the entire norm (250 ml) of warm milk (in no case hot, otherwise the yeast will boil and will not work in the dough), 1 cup of sifted premium wheat flour, 1 sachet (11 g) of dry mix yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar in a deep and wide container, preferably glass or enameled. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, the yeast will start working and the dough will ferment - approach, that is, increase in size due to air bubbles, mix and the dough will grow again.

As for the type of yeast, I prefer Easter cake recipes with dry yeast, but you can also use wet, raw yeast. For this amount of ingredients, you need to take half a pack, that is, 50 g, and dissolve them first in warm milk.

While the dough for Easter cakes according to our recipe is growing, we will prepare the rich component of our cupcakes. In a separate bowl, beat 3 whole eggs and 3 yolks. Set aside 1 protein, we will use it for Easter cake fudge, prepare yourself a protein omelette from the rest, because the wait will be long and you need to eat a little.

Add fat sour cream, remaining sugar, salt, vanillin, turmeric to eggs and yolks. Mix everything together with a cooking whisk. You ask - why is there salt in sweet pastries? I will answer - it works as a natural flavor enhancer.

Now combine the dough that has come up several times and the rich mass of yolks and sugar. Mix everything until smooth, the mass will be very liquid. If you are used to working with the dough with your hands, use a whisk at this stage. If, however, the dough is usually made for you by a mixer or a food processor, or even a bread machine, then you can use the technique for Easter cake according to a step-by-step recipe. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough.

At the next stage of preparation, when the dough according to the recipe for Easter cakes has already taken on more or less shape, that is, it does not spread in different directions, melted butter and margarine (they must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and simply left on the table to heat up) slowly knead into the dough. Take a little directly into your hand (if you knead with your hands) - and mix in, carefully combining the oil with the dough. At the end of the batch, it is most convenient to do it on a table or any other flat surface.

The dough is ready to wait for proofing and bake Easter cakes. Recipes with photos often show different dough consistency. Ours is quite heavy, oily and a beautiful yellow color. Leave the bowl with the dough in a warm place for at least 1.5 hours, during which time the dough will increase in volume several times and the smell and sour taste of the yeast will disappear. The better and more actively the dough rises, the more airy our Easter cakes will be as a result.

That's all, the dough has risen three times and you can bake a delicious Easter cake. The recipe with a photo showed you step by step how to prepare the dough for it. The only step left is to stir in the raisins. If your raisins are not too dry, you don't need to soak them. If the dried fruits are a little dry, fill them with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the raisins on a towel and lightly sprinkle with flour, so the raisins better interfere with the dough.

Now the dough according to the Easter cake recipe, incredibly tasty, cooked in the oven, is completely ready. Heavy, rich and incredibly beautiful and fragrant.

Start preparing paper molds - you need to grease each mold with butter. Take a piece of softened butter directly in your hand and lubricate the entire surface from the inside with your hand. Such forms on the eve of the holiday can be bought at any supermarket, they are very convenient because the pastries in them are very well stored and do not dry for a long time, and such forms look very presentable. If you use metal or Teflon molds, I still recommend lubricating them with oil, after that, when baking, the cupcakes do not stick and jump out of the molds themselves. If you make dough and bake Easter cake right in the bread machine, you don’t need to grease the mold on purpose.

Another tip - use forms of approximately the same size. You can, of course, take both large and small molds, but it is better to put similar sizes in the oven so that they bake at the same time.

Now we form Easter cakes. The photo shows that it is necessary to fill the molds with dough no more than one third. When baking, it rises a lot and you risk getting ugly large hats, or even the dough may jump out of the mold.

The last step before baking remains - the last proofing in front of a warm oven. The dough must stand and rise for at least 30 minutes before baking, otherwise you will hastily look for the answer to the question - why does the Easter cake crack. And this happens because the dough that has not gained air at a high temperature in the oven quickly begins to grow in volume, while the crust is already baked, and therefore cracks appear that negatively affect the appearance of the finished holiday baking. If you let the dough rise, Easter cakes according to our recipes will turn out not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful.

Bake Easter cake according to the classic recipe for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees and another 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. Before baking Easter cake in the oven, be sure to heat it up. The baking time is highly dependent on the type of oven and the size of the molds, so do not rely on the recipe completely, check back periodically and check the readiness of the dish.

In the meantime, prepare the icing for the Easter cake. To do this, you need to take the protein of 1 egg and mix it with powdered sugar, gradually mixing it into the protein and whisking with a blender or whisk. At the end, add lemon juice and stir, it will make your icing whiter and more fragrant. When using raw protein, there is always the possibility of salmonellosis, so be very careful when buying eggs.

Pierce hot pasochki with a wooden skewer and if it remains dry, take the pastry out of the oven.

Spread Easter icing on the hot cupcakes with the back of a spoon. The recipe involves the use of white icing, but you can add a drop of natural (beetroot juice, turmeric) or artificial colors to it, as in the Easter cake recipe with cottage cheese (recipe link above in the introduction). Immediately sprinkle with confectionery decorations, they can be bought at the store in all colors and sizes.

When cut, it does not crumble into crumbs, while the structure of the dough is incredibly airy and porous, and the pulp has a pleasant, appetizing yellow color due to turmeric and bright yolks. Easter cake comes out slightly moist due to the large amount of muffin, and very sweet.

Why Easter cake crumbles, crumbles

If the dough crumbles, then this may mean due to the fact that:

  • prepared according to the wrong technology - the dough did not distance enough time, did not “ripen”;
  • butter or margarine used in baking is of poor quality and contains artificial impurities and additives;
  • just old, baked more than five days ago.

So, on our site there are several successful cooking recipes with photos of Easter cakes. We present you another recipe for a quick kefir Easter cake.

Quick Easter cake on kefir

Cake Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 600 ml
  • flour - about 1500 kg
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • raisins - 200 gr

Glaze Ingredients:

  • egg whites - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

How to cook a simple cake on kefir with yeast

  1. Mix slightly warm kefir with sugar, add dry yeast and 5 tbsp. sifted wheat flour. Mix the ingredients well and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
  2. When the dough rises and is saturated with air, add salt and vegetable oil to the composition. Mix well, then add the sifted flour in small parts. Mix well.
  3. Grease a bowl with vegetable oil and place the dough in it. Put the dough for Easter cakes in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours, it should grow 2-3 times.
  4. Pour boiling water over raisins, dry on a waffle towel. Mix the raisins into the dough.
  5. Forms for Easter cakes, grease with oil, as in the photo recipe above, but already vegetable. Divide the dough into molds, filling them 1/2 full. Bake them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  6. For glaze, beat the chilled egg white, adding powdered sugar. Beat until stiff peaks, at the end of the beating, pour in the lemon juice and beat again.
  7. Cool the finished dish and cover with glaze. Decorate on top.

All housewives are divided into two groups: those who agree to stay up at night and enthusiastically knead the dough for Easter cake, and those who are too lazy-once-cannot, and who go to the store for holiday pastries. Of course, homemade Easter cake is much tastier than store bought. However, sometimes looking at the list of products and the complex ways of turning these lists into fragrant lush dough, many give up. Easter baking, especially according to traditional recipes, is not given to everyone. Therefore, simplified recipes for Easter cakes were invented, which use dry yeast and much less muffin.

Here you are, please, to help 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes, and you will only need self-confidence and a positive attitude, not without reason in the old days they said “What a mood - such a cake!”.

About how to prepare for cooking Easter cakes, our site has written more than once. In the current review, there will only be recipes, and they are more than simple. Of course, you don’t put as much muffin into the “quick” dough for Easter cakes as into the one that is being prepared almost from the night. However, you can soak raisins and dried cherries in rum or cognac. You can add a mixture of cardamom, nutmeg and cloves instead of the usual vanillin to make the aroma dizzy. If the aroma of vanillin is more familiar to you, buy real vanilla pods - you will understand the difference between store-bought "chemistry" and real fragrant vanilla. Do not replace real butter with margarine. Buy homemade chicken eggs. Take Easter baking seriously, because you cook it once a year.

So, you have decided to bake an Easter cake, and 5 of the most delicious and simple recipes are waiting for your warm hands!

Easter cakes "Bright Easter"

For test:
500 ml milk
1-1.3 kg of flour,
6 eggs
200 g butter,
200-250 g sugar,
11 g dry yeast
½ tsp vanilla,
1 pinch of salt
300 g pitted raisins.
For glaze:
2 egg whites
100 g sugar.
For decoration:
multi-colored marmalade or sprinkles.

Dilute dry yeast in warm milk, add 500 g of flour to it and put the dough in a warm place for half an hour. Separate the yolks from the proteins and rub them with sugar and vanilla. Whisk egg whites with salt until foamy. In the approached dough, add the yolks, softened butter, proteins and gradually, stirring, add the remaining flour. Knead the dough and leave it for 1 hour to rise. Then add the washed raisins, mix and wait until the dough rises again. With the finished dough, fill ⅓ of the greased molds and leave in this form for a while so that the dough rises and fills the molds. Bake Easter cakes in an oven preheated to 150ºС until cooked. Meanwhile, prepare the frosting. To do this, beat the whites with sugar until stable peaks form. Cover hot Easter cakes with prepared icing and decorate with multi-colored pieces of marmalade, chopped nuts or ready-made sprinkles.

Easter cake "Wonderful"

For test:
1 kg flour
2 tbsp. warm milk,
250 g margarine,
6 eggs
1 st. Sahara,
1 tsp vanilla,
2 tbsp. l. dry yeast,
1 st. shelled pumpkin seeds.
For glaze:
1 protein
½ st. Sahara,
1 tsp lemon juice
1 pinch of salt.
For decoration:
100 g of multi-colored candied fruits.

For dough, mix dry yeast with 1 tsp. sugar, pour milk, mix and add 1.5 tbsp. flour. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla, add 200 g of softened margarine and mix. There, pour the dough into the total mass. Whip the egg whites and fold into the dough. Gradually add the remaining flour into it. Then add pumpkin seeds (whole or chopped), mix well and leave the dough for another 1 hour in a warm place. Lubricate the prepared baking dishes with the remaining margarine and fill them halfway with the dough. Let the dough rise and only then put the molds in the oven preheated to 180ºС. Bake for an hour. Beat the protein with a pinch of salt into a strong foam. Whisking constantly, add lemon juice and sugar. Pour hot cakes with the resulting icing, sprinkle with candied fruits on top and let the icing harden.


Easter cake "Catherine"

500 ml warm milk
9-10 Art. flour,
1 st. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ st. vegetable refined oil.
200 g butter or margarine
5 eggs
2 tsp dry yeast,
½ st. seedless raisins.

Pour a little warm milk into a 0.5 l jar, add 2 tsp. sugar and yeast, mix and put the dough in a warm place so that it rises. Sift the flour into a wide container, but not all, but about 8 cups. In a separate bowl, dilute eggs, salt, vegetable and butter, separately mashed with sugar, in milk. Pour the mixture into the flour sifted in advance, then the dough and add the raisins. Knead the dough, gradually adding the rest of the flour. You will get a lot of dough, it will be enough to cook several Easter cakes. Spread the dough on greased forms and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС until cooked. Cool the baked Easter cakes, pour over the icing made from 1 protein and 1 tbsp. sugar, whipped with a mixer, Decorate the Easter cakes as you wish.

And to make Easter cakes really right, you can also try “night” recipes. With this method, yeast, even dry yeast, will be able to raise much more muffin in the dough, which means that your Easter cakes will be the most delicious.

Kulich "Resurrection"

For test:
3 art. flour,
1 st. warm milk,
200 g butter,
1 st. Sahara,
2 eggs,
2 tsp dry yeast,
½ st. raisins,
vanillin - to taste.
For glaze:
3 squirrels,
1 st. Sahara.

In the evening, without stirring, put the yeast, chopped butter, sugar into an enameled pan (sweet teeth can increase the amount of sugar by adding half more sugar to the glass indicated in the recipe) and washed raisins. Regarding the latter, I would like to give advice: take dark raisins for this pastry. When it is infused overnight, the dough will turn out to be a very pleasant cream color. Pour everything with a glass of warm milk, cover with a clean towel and leave until the morning. In the morning, add flour and vanillin to this mass to taste. Knead the dough well and spread it into greased molds, filling them halfway. Let the dough stand until it doubles in size. Now put the cake in the oven and bake at a temperature of 200ºС until cooked. From time to time, check the readiness of baking with a wooden stick. Coat the finished cake with icing, decorate with sprinkles and dry in an open oven.

Easter cake "Glorious" with saffron

7.5 Art. flour,
1.5 st. milk,
1.5 st. Sahara,
1.5 st. melted butter,
8 eggs
1.5 sachets of dry yeast
vanilla - to taste
2 tbsp. l. dry saffron, diluted in a small amount of water,
0.5 st. raisins.

Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter, milk, spices and flour mixed with dry yeast to the mixture. Leave the mixture overnight in a warm place. During this time, beat the risen dough a couple of times. It shouldn't be cool. Grease the baking molds with oil, sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. Fill the molds ⅓ full with the dough and let it rise a little. Bake Easter cakes in an oven preheated to 180-200ºС until cooked, checking it with a wooden stick or a torch. Sprinkle the finished cakes with powdered sugar and decorate as you wish.

Happy Easter! Joy to you and your families!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Easter cake is the main dessert of the Easter table in all Christian countries. It is baked from yeast dough in the form of a tall cylinder with a domed top. Raisins and cottage cheese are often added to the dough. The top of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar or glazed. Below I will show the recipe for Easter cake with raisins in the oven.

Dough Ingredients:

  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 small;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 3.5 tbsp.

Glaze Ingredients:

  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tsp;
  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 2 tsp;
  • dressing - 1 tsp

Easter cake recipe with raisins in the oven

Milk is heated to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Pour dry yeast into it. To activate fermentation, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and flour.

Mix everything and leave on the table until foam appears. You will have to wait 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, soak the raisins in hot water. It needs to be steamed for 10 minutes. Then the water must be drained, and the raisins should be transferred to a napkin to absorb excess moisture.

When the dough and raisins are ready, you can start kneading the dough. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar.

Then add cottage cheese mashed through a sieve.

Before adding the butter, it must be melted, but not brought to a boil. Pour the oil into the dough and mix thoroughly.

After that, you should pour in the dough.

Next, it is necessary to introduce sifted flour mixed with vanilla sugar into the dough.

Finally, add raisins.

The dough should come together into a ball. It should be kneaded for 10 minutes. Then the dough must be covered with a towel and left to ferment.

The released carbon dioxide will inflate the dough, and it will become lush. After 1 hour, it should be kneaded and left again.

After another 1 hour, when the dough rises again, it should be divided into 2 parts and bake 2 Easter cakes from them. To do this, put each portion in a round tall form, covered with baking paper. For this purpose, you can use an enamel pan. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. To prevent the top of the cake from cracking, it is necessary to put a container of water in the oven before baking.

When the cake with raisins is ready, you need to prepare the glaze for it. To do this, mix cocoa powder, starch and powdered sugar. They must be mixed thoroughly. Then milk should be poured into the resulting mixture.

Glaze should be heated over low heat with continuous stirring.

When hot, it is necessary to lubricate the domed top of the Easter cake. Top can be decorated with sprinkles.

We all honor the feast of Holy Easter, and every housewife on this day wants to please her family with homemade Easter cakes, which their store counterparts will never be equal to. The soul of the hostess and the mood of the holiday are invested in homemade cakes, and believe me, the Easter cake made by yourself is absolutely special!

Everyone's tastes are different, someone wants a simple, quick and delicious recipe. Someone prefers not to use yeast, flour or eggs when making dough for Easter cakes. Therefore, in our article, we have chosen from a very large number and put together several completely different recipes so that you can choose the one that will become your favorite.

Step-by-step recipes for Easter cakes are short, clear and without unnecessary water. Let's get started!

A simple Easter cake with yeast in the oven

The classic recipe, Easter pastries are very tasty, fluffy and soft, fragrant.

For the test

  • Flour - 560 gr.
  • Milk - 170 ml.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 140 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs. +2 yolks
  • Raisins - 60 gr.
  • Yeast - 30 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch

For glaze

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 140 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 table. spoon.

We prepare our ingredients. Raisins need to be soaked overnight to make them soft. Melt butter and cool to room temperature.

In warm milk (40 degrees), dissolve pressed fresh yeast, mix thoroughly.

Pour half the indicated amount of sugar there and gradually, so that there are no lumps, one and a half glasses of flour. Mix thoroughly. Cover the resulting dough with cling film and put in a warm place so that it rises.

While the dough is rising, beat in one container 2 whole eggs and 2 yolks (without proteins) with vanilla sugar. By consistency, beaten eggs should be like not very thick sour cream, uniformly yellow in color. Pour the beaten eggs into the prepared dough, put a pinch of salt and mix.

In the resulting mixture, gradually, stirring, introduce the remaining flour and melted butter (it should not be hot). We send the second part of the sugar there.

We knead the dough, which is again covered with a film and put in a warm place.

The dough will double in volume. Open it and add raisins, mix again.

Prepare the baking molds. If you have a reusable one, then lubricate it with oil. Do not grease disposable molds. We spread the dough about half way. Cover with a towel and wait for the dough to rise a third time to the edge of the mold. This is how we put future cakes in the oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on your oven. Make sure the cookies brown evenly.

This is how they turn out soft, fragrant and fragrant. All that's left to do is glaze them.

To do this, beat the egg whites left after the cooking process with lemon juice and powdered sugar with a blender at high speed. We will get a moderately fluid glossy white mass, which is covered on top of still warm pastries.

Sprinkle Easter cakes with colorful sprinkles on top. This is such a beauty!

Easter cake without yeast on kefir

Not everyone considers yeast a useful and necessary supplement, but everyone wants to get lush pastries. How to be? This is where kefir comes to the rescue. Thanks to him, the dough also turns out soft and lush. This recipe does not use sugar. And if you also take healthy whole grain and oat flour, then such an Easter will be most useful for both children and adults who care about their health.

Cook Easter cake on kefir with our simple recipe. The amount of dough is designed for two small cakes.

We will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml kefir
  • 280 g flour (can be oatmeal or whole grain)
  • 2 packets natural sweetener (stevia)
  • vanilla and cinnamon to taste
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 100 g raisins
  • 5 g milk powder


Pour kefir into a bowl and pour soda into it.

Prepare dry ingredients. Pour the sweetener, vanilla and cinnamon into the flour, mix until a homogeneous consistency.

Next, separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks will go into the dough, and the whites into the icing. Combine the yolks with kefir and stir. In the same container, gradually pour the flour. Stir constantly so that there are no lumps.

Place the raisins into the resulting dough and mix again.

We spread the mass in baking dishes up to half, because the dough will still rise during cooking in the oven.

We place the molds in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

And while the Easter cakes are baking, prepare the icing: beat the egg whites at high speed with a sweetener and powdered milk (this ingredient is optional). We cover the finished cakes with icing and sprinkle with decorations.

To fix, stir the Easter cakes for another 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. From this, the glaze becomes dense and does not spread. Ready!

This is such a delicious and healthy Easter.

Alexandria cake step by step

Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes received special recognition. It is made on the basis of baked milk, the pastries are tender, soft as fluff and very tasty. We couldn't get past this recipe.

It is worth saying that the Alexandrian dough is not quick to prepare and this is definitely not a quick recipe. But he's worth it!

We will need:

  • baked milk - 0.25 l
  • butter - 125 g
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 250 g
  • fresh yeast - 50g
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • yolks - 2 pcs
  • vanilla - 1 pack
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 800 g
  • raisins - 200 g

For glaze

  • squirrels - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • food decorations


We crumble the yeast into warm baked milk and dissolve them in it. We put sugar in there.

Beat the eggs, combine them with soft butter and our milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover with cling film and a towel and leave at room temperature for 8-12 hours, overnight.

This is the kind of dough we should get after 12 hours of infusion:

Vanilla, salt, cognac, raisins, two yolks and flour are sent to a container with dough. The dough is thoroughly kneaded. And put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

At this time, we prepare baking dishes, grease them with oil.

We distribute the risen dough among the forms, without filling them completely, leaving room for rising.

We put in a warm oven and bake at 180 degrees. Small pasca will bake in about half an hour, large ones will take about an hour.

If you see that the top is browning heavily even though the bottom is not yet baked, cover the top with damp baking paper and reduce the heat to 150 degrees.

We prepare the icing as usual: just beat the egg whites with sugar with a mixer for several minutes until a dense white cream is formed. We spread Easter cakes and decorate as fantasy tells.

Who can resist such beauty? And the scent is just fabulous!

Inside, the Easter cakes are soft, sweet, rich, on the outside they are elegant, festive and very beautiful!

Easter cake with raisins, candied fruits and nuts in a slow cooker video

Another very tasty recipe in the Redmond slow cooker, but it can also be adapted to any other. A wonderful lush, tall and tasty cake is obtained.

We will need:

  • 1.5 cups milk (300 ml)
  • 6 eggs
  • 300 gr. butter
  • 2 cups - sugar
  • 16 grams dry yeast (3.5 teaspoons or 1.5 packs)
  • 3/4 teaspoon - salt
  • 1 gram - vanillin
  • 100 gr raisins
  • 100 gr walnuts
  • 50 g candied fruits
  • 1 kg flour

For glaze for 1 cake:

  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 4-6 teaspoons lemon juice
  • if necessary, add 1-2 teaspoons of water (depending on the consistency of the resulting glaze).


Step 1. We heat the milk in a slow cooker in the Multicook mode at 35 degrees for 6 minutes. Pour yeast and part of flour (300 g) into warm milk, mix. It will not be a very thick dough. This is the future steam. We put it this time for 30 minutes at 35 degrees in the Multicook mode.

Step 2. While the dough is coming up, let's take care of the eggs: we separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, beat the whites into a stable foam.

Step 3. We begin to add the rest of the ingredients to the dough that has come up: salt, melted butter, yolks grated with sugar, vanillin, and also alternately introduce flour (leave only 100 g) and whipped proteins. All this is well kneaded.

Step 4. It's time to raise our dough further. We will do this in 2 stages so that the cake turns out to be magnificent. First, set for 30 minutes in Multicook mode 40 degrees, after this time, we punch down the dough. And again set at the same temperature, but for an hour.

Step 5. The dough has risen, it should rise almost to the top of the multicooker. Sprinkle the table with flour (3 tablespoons), lay out the dough, sprinkle the dough on top with flour (3 tablespoons), add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil while kneading, add chopped nuts, candied fruits, washed, dried and rolled in flour raisins. Knead the dough well.

Step 6. This amount of dough is enough for 2 Easter cakes. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. Our dough should take up 1/3 of the bowl. Again we put in the Multicook mode for 1 hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. During this time, the dough will rise again.

Step 7 Without removing the dough, immediately start the Baking mode for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Step 8. We take out the cake on a towel, and then cool it on the steamer basket (so that there is air circulation and the cake does not get damp). Apply lemon-sugar glaze to the cooled cake, if you use protein glaze, then it must be applied to a warm cake. Top with candy sprinkles.

For more details on cooking Easter cake in a slow cooker, see this video:

Delicious recipe for cake in a bread machine

An incredibly simple and delicious recipe for one cake that does not require much time and fuss with dough. All the ingredients are simply poured into the bowl of the bread machine and after a few hours there is already a ruddy cake on the table!

We will need:

  • 340 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 17 g yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 st. l. condensed milk
  • 1 st. l. sour cream
  • 30 g soft butter
  • 130 g milk
  • 5 st. l. Sahara
  • 50 g raisins

How to cook:

Just put all the products in the bowl. Liquid ingredients come first, starting with milk, then loose ingredients (except raisins). Raisins must be steamed beforehand. And we will add it a little later, when the dough is already kneaded.

We put the bowl in the bread machine on the usual main mode Bread. First, according to the program, there will be dough kneading, at this moment we add raisins. And then the cake is baked without our participation.

25 minutes before the end of the program, when the cake is almost ready, coat it with whipped egg whites. We close. For another 20 minutes, the glaze will be baked together with the cake and harden well.

The kulich is tall, soft and tasty. And the ease of preparation of the recipe is just a fairy tale!

If you have any questions about cooking, watch this detailed video:

Easter cake with cream and sour cream

Cakes on cream have a particularly delicate texture and a mild rich taste. Here's another great recipe for you!

We will need:

Let's start by activating the yeast:

Mix cream and yeast.

I'm preparing the steam.

Add the rest of the ingredients:

This is what the dough should look like:

Let's start cooking.

Ready for frosting.

We dip each cake.

Cakes on cream and sour cream are ready!

kulich panettone

Stunningly beautiful cake according to an Italian recipe. Currants and yogurt, which are included in the recipe, give this cake a special aroma and unusual taste.


  • Flour - 600 gr
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp.
  • Warm water - 200 gr
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Unsweetened yogurt - 0.5 cup
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Raisins - 100 gr
  • Dried currant - 100 gr
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 gr

How to cook:

Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar. And put this dough in a warm place for 20 minutes.

As soon as the yeast begins to ferment, add the yolks, yogurt, melted butter (not hot), vanilla, lemon zest, a pinch of salt to them. And to all this abundance at the end we begin to mix flour.

The dough is elastic and soft. It also needs to be put in heat so that it rises well.

Dried fruits are the last to go into the dough. We mix everything thoroughly. Put the dough into greased molds.

Leave for half an hour so that the dough comes up again. Bake at 175 C for 45 minutes.

More in the video:

kulich kraffin

A very unusual Easter cake that will amaze everyone not only with its taste, but also with its intricate lace look.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 350 g flour 80 ml milk (+30 ml milk if passion fruit juice is not used)
  • 6 g dry yeast
  • 80 g sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 40 g butter (melted)
  • 30 ml passionfruit juice (orange juice) - if not using juice as flavoring, replace with 30 ml milk
