
Decoration of eggs in onion skins with patterns. Original ways to dye eggs in onion skins

Now that there are so many on sale food coloring and specialized chemistry, it is worth considering that eggs dyed natural substances, much more natural, more beautiful and safer.

We will show you how to color eggs onion peel. It is the most accessible and easy way. In addition, during the entire existence of this tradition, a more environmentally friendly and beautiful method of dyeing eggs, perhaps, has not yet been invented. Thanks to the husk, all kinds of shades of red are obtained, and if you take it from the Yalta onion, it will come out purple shells.

Why do they paint eggs, where does this tradition come from

Exists easter tradition exchange colors with each other. The custom has ancient roots. The story goes that Mary Magdalene decided to bring the news of Christ's resurrection to Emperor Tiberius.

It was not customary to visit empty-handed, so she took the most affordable gift - egg, believing that it is very symbolic: at the top is a shell, and inside is life. Isn't this the personification of eternity?

The emperor did not believe her words, saying that this could not be the same as the fact that this is an egg. white color will turn red. It immediately turned red. This is where this custom came from.

Making krashenki with onion husks

We will paint eggs in onions (husks). Useful samples of white and brown.



  1. Pour water into the pre-collected onion peel.
  2. Salt.
  3. Boil for 50 minutes until a decoction is obtained.
  4. Let's stand for two hours.
  5. We filter.
  6. In the strained broth, boil the eggs for ten minutes, periodically turning them over.
  7. Put in cold water.
  8. Let's cool down.
  9. Remove and dry well with a dry towel.

Eggs should be completely covered with water when boiling. If the broth is not enough for this, then add water and stir.


If the broth is not filtered from the husk, then the color may turn out to be heterogeneous.

Marble eggs with onion peel and greens

This recipe is for those who want to get original decoration to the holiday table. Dyeing eggs with green onion husks is easy. This is a short process, but the result will be beautiful: the shell will turn out to be marble.

You need to take:

  • eggs;
  • green;
  • threads;
  • gauze or capron;
  • latex gloves.

Shell painting process:

  1. Remember the husk, it will become smaller.
  2. Wet the eggs.
  3. Roll in the husk (or put).
  4. In kapron we put the egg along with the adhered husk.
  5. We tie it with a bag and fix it with threads.
  6. Cut off the unwanted end.
  7. We cook.

Green coloring process:


  • Try to grind the husk with a coffee grinder, then the effect will come out even more beautiful.
  • Eggs dyed in this way are individual for each, depending on the amount of greenery spent and the fit of the husk.

How to make marbled eggs - video

Several ways to create a pattern on the shell

Can you diversify this? easter decoration by painting the eggs with onions and applying original patterns. In these recipes, we will tell you how to properly color the eggs so that the shell turns out with patterns.

We will need:

Marble paints

Cooking option:

  1. Husk off different types onion (red, yellow, orange) mix.
  2. Add small pieces of paper to it.
  3. Together with a wet egg, wrap in nylon (gauze).
  4. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  5. We wash under cold water. All is ready!

Cooking method:

  1. We wet the eggs.
  2. Dip in rice (dry).
  3. Wrap tightly in gauze (stocking).
  4. We put in onion broth.
  5. We cook for about ten minutes.
  6. We take out.
  7. We wash in cold water. Ready!


  • You can take peas instead of rice, you get round spots.
  • A peculiar effect will be obtained if olives cut into rings are attached to the eggs.

Be sure to make wonderful dyes with a pattern!

striped eggs

To obtain striped eggs, before cooking in the husk, they must be wrapped with rubber bands or threads.

How to diversify:

  1. Make several dyes with stripes arranged horizontally.
  2. A few - with vertical stripes.
  3. On others, arrange the strips randomly.
  4. On the rest, make symbolic crosses.

This Easter decoration will be even more beautiful if after dyeing it is rubbed with cotton wool dipped in vegetable oil. It will turn out great!

Lace pattern

A fairy tale and magic lurk in dyes with such an ornament! Amazing patterns, wonderful curls, ingenious loops are obtained thanks to lace. It's easy to get these delicious dyes.

The main thing is to choose the right lace material so that the pattern is not too small, but not large either.



In addition to lace, you can use another textured material for the same purpose, for example, a plastic mesh in which fruits are sold in stores.

Krashenki with a pattern (first method)

An incredibly beautiful shell is obtained by attaching leaves of any plants to it. Some of them even give a tint, for example, birch leaf paints the picture yellow.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare leaves (from flowers or other plants).
  2. Attach them to the egg and wrap with gauze (tightly).
  3. Boil in a decoction of the husks, as usual.

Enjoy the resulting beauty!

Easter eggs with a pattern of leaves - video

With a pattern (second method)

You can make unusual lines on the shell, surreal squiggles, draw snowflakes, trees, etc.


  1. We take electrical tape and cut out everything we want from it (hearts, snowflakes, droplets, etc.)
  2. Stick them on the shell.
  3. We cook.
  4. We unhook the tape.

We love how beautiful it turned out!


  • Adults usually do not have time for such applications. But who says adults should do it? Get the kids to work. Children will be very pleased with such an assignment.
  • Electrical tape may come across, which can only be torn off with a shell, but a positive result is still obtained much more often.

Draw with a needle

Let's create our own magic! We take a needle and start scratching something on the egg, painted with husks. Complex ornaments or some incredible drawings are not for everyone. But you can scribble inscriptions like “Christ is Risen!” or make a personalized egg for memory. Believe me, this is quite an exciting activity.

Decorate with flowers

There is nothing complicated in this way.


  1. Instead of leaves or rice, we tie flowers to the eggs (you can take shaggy ones, for example, chamomile, etc.).
  2. We wrap in 2-3 layers of nylon (gauze).
  3. Cook in onion broth.
  4. We get it.
  5. "Undress", removing the capron.

We enjoy the result. See for yourself how easy and beautiful it is!

Gradient paints

Thanks to this method, unusual, solemn dyes are obtained. The manufacturing process will be a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result is worth it.

What should be done:

  1. Choose dishes that allow you to install required amount eggs in the correct position.
  2. We put the eggs vertically.
  3. Fill 1/3 with a decoction of the husk and cook for five minutes.
  4. Add another 1/3 of the broth and boil for three minutes.
  5. Pour the broth so that the eggs are completely covered with it.
  6. We cook for five minutes.
  7. We merge.

In this way, wonderful transitions from dark to light colors come out.

We make paints and paint with wax

This method is more time consuming, but the most mystical and magical. Eggs are incredibly soulful and warm.

Cooking process:

Beet coloring

A rich burgundy shell will come out if the eggs are made in beetroot broth.

Easter table- it's not only cakes and cottage cheese easter, sausage and boiled pork. Traditionally, at Easter, we also paint eggs - this is very old custom, with his interesting history. Some - literally in all the colors of the rainbow, others - just stick bright stickers. You can call me a conservative, but I want to show you how to dye eggs in onion skins. This method is closest to me, since my grandmother used it. It turns out that we use a natural dye that everyone has in the house. The eggs turn out to be a beautiful brownish color, as if velvet (the density of the color depends on the amount of husk, more on that later).
The process of dyeing Easter eggs with onion skins is very simple, but it still has its own nuances so that they do not burst. I am happy to share with you everything I know about him.


- 1 large handful of onion peel (in a free state it takes up a volume of 1.5 liters);
- 7 chicken eggs;
- 1 liter of water.

How to color eggs with onion peel:

If you want to paint eggs with husks for Easter, then you will need to worry about the source material in advance. I start collecting the husk about a month before the Bright Resurrection of Christ - during this period I just get right amount. Peeling the onion, remove the dry husk and carefully sort it out. If there are areas with a damaged inner layer, we throw them away. The selected dry husks are carefully folded into plastic bag, and on the eve of Easter we take out everything that we have collected and ... we begin to serve as a priest.

Onion peel is very light, so it will not sink immediately. Lightly “melt” it with your hand or with a spoon so that it is covered with water.

We put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for small fire 12-15 minutes. Already after 5-6 minutes after the start of boiling, the broth will acquire a beautiful brown color. (But in order for the color to be stable, we do not stop cooking.)

Then we filter the broth through a colander into another pan (in which we will boil the eggs). And set aside to cool - if you immediately start painting the eggs and dip them in hot water, they may burst.

While the decoction of onion peel (this is, in fact, paint) cools down, we prepare the eggs.
Wash eggs thoroughly. Rinse off dirt and sticky particles. Carefully remove the color markings with a brush (for eggs bought in a store).

Carefully lower the eggs into the cooled onion peel broth. We make sure that the eggs do not hit each other - otherwise, during cooking, they may burst in this place.
The eggs must be completely covered in liquid so that the coloring occurs evenly. If suddenly some of the eggs protrude from the liquid, add a little cold water or transfer the eggs to another pan, where there would be less empty space between them, they would adjoin each other more tightly - then less liquid will be needed to completely cover them.

We paint eggs in onion peel with a gentle boil for 10 minutes. By the way, see how you can.
Then we take out the eggs, put them in a bowl or pan and fill them with cold water. 2 minutes hold under running water, and then just stand for 8-10 minutes in cold water. Then we take the eggs out of the water, put them on a plate and stand until they cool completely.

A decoction of onion peel can be used again for coloring eggs. Eggs dyed in this broth will be the same color as the first batch. So for coloring a large number of eggs it is not at all necessary to collect a lot of onion peel. You just need to color the eggs in batches.

We wipe the cooled eggs dry (the part that came into contact with the plate when cooling will be wet) and spread on holiday dish or in special stands. Now you know how to paint eggs for Easter with onion skins. It's not hard at all, right?

It is advisable to use domestic chicken eggs for coloring - they have beautiful, bright yellow yolks, they are tastier.
Eggs must be fresh - in order to avoid unpleasant moments at the table.
The surface of the painted eggs can be smeared with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. In this case, the eggs will acquire shine, but will lose their velvety. So choose what you like best.
Store dyed eggs in the refrigerator. At a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees, eggs can be stored for up to 20 days (but is it worth it to store eggs for so long? It’s better to paint so much to eat them in 3-4 days).

But without the fridge boiled eggs can be stored for a short time, about 12 hours. At the same time, the eggs have time to save taste qualities and nutritional properties.
Therefore, when coloring eggs, it is desirable to take into account both the appetites of eaters and the shelf life of boiled eggs.
If you see that you have colored eggs left out of work, then make some kind of salad out of them, for example,

Deciding to test in practice how to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern, I came to the conclusion that this is a very entertaining activity, all children who come to hand are necessarily involved in the case, able to stick stencils on eggs and pack them in stockings. Then the children's audience disperses, waiting to see what will happen after the eggs have completed their swim in a pot of boiling onion skin broth. And even the most modest result (which you now see in the photo) is met with enthusiasm and jubilation. The first experience showed that the eggs do not turn out smooth, uniform, with a clearly printed pattern. The outlines of flowers, butterflies and dragonflies appear on the shell with strokes and spots, rather more like patterns that were formed on the eggs by chance, somehow naturally, and not at the cost of the efforts of young artists. So next game we decided to color the eggs with natural materials- leaves, flowers and stems. With them, the end result will look even more natural.


  • White egg - up to 10 pcs.
  • Onion peel - 1 package (20/30 cm)
  • Salt - 3 tsp
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Threads and nylon socks (or tights)
  • paper stencils

How to paint eggs in onion skins by making a drawing:

Onion peel can be accumulated gradually over the course of a year, or you can go to the store and pick it up in a tray with onions. Just do not leave this moment for the last week, otherwise you risk being left without a husk, as there will be many who want to.

So, I take out all the products. I take out the eggs in advance and leave them to warm slightly (up to room temperature). This is necessary so that the temperature contrast during cooking is minimal and the eggs do not crack.

I wash the onion peel under running water (or in a basin). The husk is very dusty, so it must be washed.

I take out a pan, preferably not a new one. And better not enameled. It will be very difficult to wash it off. It is better if the pan is metal, then it will not be difficult to wash it. I put the husk in a saucepan, pour water in the amount of 1-1.5 liters. Here you need to estimate the width of your pan and the amount of water. 1 package of onions goes to 1-1.5 liters, but if the pan is wide, then this amount of water may not completely hide the eggs later. Then you need to increase the amount of water and, accordingly, onion peel.

I add salt to the water (it will increase the strength of the eggshell during cooking). I put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then I take the husk out of the pan with a slotted spoon.

I add vinegar to the onion infusion (it will make the color of the eggs more saturated). I set the pan aside and let it cool down. By the way, onion infusion can be made the day before.

Now on to the eggs. They must be thoroughly washed (with soap or soda) and wiped.

I take nylon socks, cut off the bow, where the seam is. And I tie this place with a thread.

I prepared stencils from thick paper in advance in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, flowers.

I take an egg and a stencil, which needs to be slightly moistened with water. I stick the stencil to the egg, smooth it.

I carefully tuck the egg into my sock. I pull it very tightly and tie it with a thread on the other side.

The knot is best done from the back. Or evenly on top and bottom, as these places will still be a little lighter after staining.

Then I repeat the steps with the second egg and put it in the same sock and tie the knot again.

I have 2 eggs in my sock. If you are doing in a stocking or pantyhose, then you can tie 5-8 eggs at a time.

I lower the eggs into the onion infusion and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the eggs to color.

With a tablespoon, carefully remove the eggs from the pan and transfer them to a plate. I leave until completely cool. Then I cut the nylon and take out the eggs. I wipe them dry, grease them with vegetable oil to give shine (optional).

Turned out very cute Easter eggs with an image.

Hello dear readers. The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs is rooted in the distant past. Then our ancestors did not have the opportunity to use bright synthetic pigments. Therefore, natural improvised means were used for this. To this day, one of the most popular ways to give eggs for Easter holiday look is a technique of staining with onion skins. But do not immediately dismiss, they say, it's too boring and banal. Firstly, this method is absolutely harmless to health. And secondly, with the help of such an affordable material, you can get not only different shades, but also apply original patterns. And the possibility of creativity should not be discounted. How to paint eggs in onion skins - you will learn about all the nuances from this article.

Why are eggs dyed with onion skins?

Considering the love for onions, it can be assumed that a lot of this material could always be prepared. It is cheap and not used for food. In addition, with its help it was possible to obtain a beautiful even shade with a reddish tint.

As you know, it was red eggs that were the most preferred option for the Easter celebration. Why? There is an interesting legend about this.

After the death and subsequent resurrection of Christ, his followers spread around the world, spreading the news of this miracle and the opening of the heavenly gates for everyone. Mary Magdalene did not stand aside either. She decided not to go anywhere, but straight to the Roman emperor. It was impossible to show up to such an important person empty-handed.

Therefore, the girl took a chicken egg with her. She was short on funds and could not afford any excesses in this regard. Moreover, the gift also had a symbolic meaning: the egg seems completely lifeless from the outside, but inside it lurks the germ of a new life.

Handing your over modest gift, Mary Magdalene announced to the great Tiberius about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. To which the head of the Roman Empire replied indignantly that this simply could not happen. This is impossible, because miracles do not happen. And then the snow-white egg, which he held in his hand, turned red - the color of the blood of Christ, shed for the sins of all mortals.

So there was a tradition to give Easter eggs a red tint. It became a tribute to the sacrifice of Jesus, a symbol of faith and hope for divine love.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

Everything is extremely simple here. Only the lazy will not cope with the task. To get started, prepare onion scales. You will need a lot of material - the more, the more saturated the final color will be.

Only the upper layers are selected, brown and dry. If you use juicy plates, then the eggs will acquire a greenish tint. Yes, and storing such raw materials for a long time will not work - it can rot.

Many housewives believe that only white eggs should be selected for coloring. This opinion is wrong. Whites are more suitable for soft, pastel tones. But eggs with a brown shell are ideal for getting bright saturated colors.

After dyeing, whites will always be lighter, regardless of the color chosen and the dye used. If you want variety - use snow-white, and beige, and brownish, and ripple.

To prevent the eggs from cracking, you should not start cooking them chilled. Take them out of the fridge first and let them warm up to room temperature. This will take about an hour.

To prepare the coloring solution, you will need a large container (at least three liters) and a lot of onion peelings. It should be borne in mind that the pan or basin used for this will stain from the inside. Therefore, either the vessel should be washed well, or it will be necessary to take one that is not a pity to cover up. To obtain a concentrated dye, the selected container is filled to the maximum with onion raw materials and filled with water.

If you plan to boil the eggs along with the husk, then it should be boiling water. Let the composition infuse for 1-2 hours. Next, a pinch of salt is poured here, non-cold eggs are laid and set to boil. After boiling, 5-10 minutes should pass.

Then the container is removed from the fire and the solution is allowed to cool. Only after that the eggs are taken out and dried. This method will give lighter color options.

There is another way. With it, get a deep and even shade. Onion peel is poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After it is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, removed from the stove and the liquid is filtered.

Now it can be used to color already hard-boiled eggs, although some housewives also dye soft-boiled eggs. To do this, they are dipped in hot dye and boiled for a while.

The duration of staining affects the color:

Up to minutes - light, golden or beige.

2-3 minutes - orange or light brown

5-7 minutes and more - dark with a reddish tint.

It should be noted that the color of the husk itself affects the color. If it is yellow, then the eggs will turn yellowish-orange. Well, brown or reddish will give the appropriate shade.

How to paint eggs for Easter with onion skins with a pattern and a pattern

Using various tricks, you can get various interesting color schemes. Below are ways to get all sorts of patterns and interesting effects.

This will require various materials.

  1. Onion peel of different shades.
  1. Chicken eggs.
  1. Salt.
  1. Paper.
  1. Elastic bands or thick threads.
  1. Rice groats.
  1. Lace.
  1. Gauze cut or old nylon tights.
  1. small leaves and flowers various plants(parsley, begonias, cilantro, etc.).
  1. Needle.
  1. Insulating tape.
  1. Wax.
  1. Vegetable oil.
  1. Cotton wool.

Eggs in a circle and speck

To obtain a speckled pattern, they act by analogy with the previous method. Only here rice grains are used as auxiliary elements. The moistened egg is rolled in rice, wrapped in gauze, fixing its ends.

Instead of a gauze cut, you can use old ladies' tights by cutting them into big chunks. Prepared eggs are boiled in onion peel. After the auxiliary materials are removed and the finished product is dried.

Here you can experiment using various cereals. For example, peas give fairly large spots. And if you use olives cut into rings or insulation from the wire, you get a spherical pattern.

Delicate ornament

An ornate pattern on the shell can be obtained if lace is used instead of threads. It is not necessary to take expensive stores. If you have mastered the basics of crocheting, you can knit openwork lace on your own in just a few minutes.

The resulting material is tightly wrapped around the egg. The edges can be secured with a few stitches or a knot.

Plant motifs

You need to find some small leaves. Salad greens (dill, parsley, etc.) are suitable for this. houseplants or any of those that you can find in the yard this spring. Flowers are fine too.

The collected samples are straightened and applied to the surface of the shell. A drop of water will help to temporarily fix them. Now they need to be fixed with gauze or nylon.

After you can start painting. Keep in mind that vegetable pigments may leave colored traces on the shell: green from the leaves and others, depending on the color of the flower used.

Geometric shapes and various silhouettes

Such drawings are achieved through the use of figures cut from electrical tape. It can be arbitrary geometric cutting, animals, hearts, plot elements, letters, Easter symbols and so on.

The resulting pieces are well attached to the shell and do not require additional fixation. In order not to get into a mess, try the method on one egg. Some types of electrical tape, after boiling, adhere to the shell tightly.

Color gradation

This method will be more difficult than the previous ones. An important point suitable containers will be selected. Eggs in them should fit tightly, without the possibility of displacement. After they are securely placed, a rich onion broth is poured. It should only cover a third of the eggs. You need to use a boiled product.

Now you can put the container on the stove. Let boil for five minutes. After that, they add a little clean hot water, reducing the concentration onion dye. The eggs should now be covered by two-thirds of the liquid.

After keeping them on fire for about three minutes, you need to add to the container again plain water preferably hot. The broth should cover the eggs completely. We reduce the heat treatment time again. Now it will be enough to hold the eggs on the fire for one to two minutes. After the dye merges.

It turned out Easter eggs with a fairly smooth transition from rich to light tone. If desired, you can add water in very small portions, achieving even greater smoothness of the transitions.

You will need scraps of onion peel of different shades and finely torn paper. Materials must be mixed. The surface of the egg is moistened and rolled in a paper-onion mixture. Each egg with sticky material is wrapped in gauze and tied.

In this form, they are boiled in a cooked broth. Processing time is about half an hour. After that, the eggs are removed from improvised bags and freed from adhering debris.

Also, a kind of marbling can be obtained if dry or slightly soaked husks are crushed and tied to the eggs with the same gauze.

Frost patterns

In this way, you can apply various patterns to already dyed eggs. To do this, you need to arm yourself with an ordinary needle and scratch out lines and curls on the shell. Eggs processed using this technique in Ukraine are called “scrappy” or “shkryabanks” (from Ukrainian to scratch).

In this way, you can create simple patterns, and whole plot pictures. It all depends on your desire and perseverance. The desired ornament can be applied with a simple pencil, and instead of a needle, use any pointed object, such as a nail or an awl.

Striped eggs

To obtain narrow strips, thick threads are used. They tightly wrap the eggs in an arbitrary direction. It will be more convenient to use rubber bands. If you place them perpendicular to each other, symbolic crosses will appear on the surface of the shell. After preparing the eggs, boil them in the prepared dye.

wax painting

This is the most labor intensive way. To apply the pattern, you will need melted wax and a needle. Liquid wax is applied drop by drop and distributed so that certain shapes are completely filled with it.

It should be borne in mind that the places covered with wax will then be white. If you don't like it, then use brown eggs or lightly tint the whites by immersing them briefly in a decoction of the husk.

Wax can be applied to drawings or to make inscriptions

Only chilled dye can be used to dye painted eggs. Therefore, in order to get a deep color, its concentration should be maximum. Eggs are immersed in such a decoction for several hours. Then the wax linings can be carefully scraped off or stacked by immersing the eggs in hot water.

glossy effect

Eggs dyed in any of the ways described above can be given a beautiful sheen. To do this, it is enough to moisten a cotton ball in any vegetable oil and grate the shell.

Very soon one of the biggest Christian holidays will come - Easter. On the eve of this holiday, many housewives are puzzled by the question of how to dye and decorate eggs at home without using harmful chemical dyes.

For many centuries, our ancestors successfully dyed eggs for Easter using ordinary onion skins.

Starting from Shrovetide, the housewives usually did not throw away the onion peel, but dried it a little and put it in linen bag. Until Easter, it just accumulated the amount necessary for painting eggs.

When painting eggs with onion peel, you can independently adjust their color from light yellow to rich red-brown. If you want to get a darker color of eggs, then you need a large number of boil the onion peel in water for at least thirty minutes, and then, just immerse the boiled eggs in the resulting broth.

To make the eggs lighter, you just need to take a smaller amount of husk for painting and cook it for three to five minutes.

Also, the final color of eggs when painted with husks depends on the variety of onions. Each variety of husk has its own color - purple, golden, rich orange, red, light yellow.

Here are a few ways to beautifully and originally paint eggs with onion skins to get different effects.

Eggs must be removed from the refrigerator before painting so that they warm up to room temperature and do not burst during cooking. Then, put the onion peel in a saucepan, pour it boiling water and let it brew for two to three hours. Next, put the eggs in the onion infusion and put the pan on the fire. After boiling, we remove the fire to the minimum mark and cook the eggs for ten minutes. After the water has cooled, the eggs must be removed from the infusion with a spoon and wiped with a paper towel.

Dyed eggs "speckled" or variegated eggs.

Each egg must first be dipped in water, and then rolled in dry semolina, rice or corn grits. Next, the egg must be tightly wrapped with a piece of gauze. To make the cereal fit better to the egg, the ends of the gauze are tightly tied with a thread. Further, the eggs are boiled in onion infusion, as in the first method.

Paints with a pattern.

In order to get pretty patterns when stained with onion peel, you need to attach small leaves, flowers, blades of grass to the eggs (you can dry or freshly plucked). Further, as in the second method, wrap the eggs with gauze and boil in onion peel.

You can decorate eggs with a pattern or pattern in another way. If you didn’t have leaves and flowers at hand, you can simply tie a piece of lace around the egg before cooking.

To obtain “marble” stains on a painted egg, it is necessary to wrap each egg in onion peel before cooking. Then, together with the husk, wrap the egg in a white cotton napkin, gauze or in a piece of nylon stocking.

For a more pronounced marble effect, it is better to use onion peel. different colors(from different varieties Luke).

The second option how to do marble eggs slightly different from the first, but also very simple. Multi-colored (red, yellow, orange) husks need to be chopped into small pieces with hands or scissors and added to the husk a little small pieces paper. The egg must first be moistened with water so that the mixture of paper and husks to it stuck better. Then, we tie the eggs rolled in a mixture of husks and pieces of paper, gauze, pieces of stocking or linen. Further, water, onion husks are added to the pan and eggs wrapped in husks are laid. Boil the eggs for thirty to forty minutes over low heat.

Video from user 365 TIPS on how to make marbled eggs.

When stained with onion peel, you can get original striped eggs. To do this, before painting, each egg must be tightly wrapped with an elastic band or threads that can be applied to the egg both symmetrically and not symmetrically. How to do it is only a matter of your inspiration and imagination.

Then, dip them in an infusion of onion peel and cook for half an hour.

To Easter eggs painted traditional way in a useful natural dye, were even more beautiful, shiny and looked at festive table more effectively, after cooling, you need to gently rub each egg with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil.

All known to me unusual ways painting eggs for Easter in onion peel, I told here. I hope that the information will be useful to you when preparing for the holiday. If you paint eggs in onion skins in a different way - write. And I, and readers, I think it will be interesting.
