
How to dye eggs in onion skins. How to paint eggs for Easter with onion skins - simple and beautiful

church tradition says: it is necessary to color the eggs in Clean Thursday, on the eve of Easter. Also on this day, take a swim, cut your hair and clean the house. However, in this article we will not talk about this: we tried to collect the most interesting things about how, why and why we paint eggs on the eve of this bright holiday.

Why eggs are dyed for Easter: the origins of the tradition

Of course, painting eggs before Easter has its own legend with meaning. At a time when the Roman Empire still existed, people had the opportunity to come to the emperor with a petition. However, it was necessary to bring something with you as a gift. Rich people brought gold, expensive fabrics, and the poor could please only with gifts from the household.

And then the moment came when Mary Magdalene decided to tell the emperor that Christ was resurrected, it turned out that she only had a white chicken egg. She handed the emperor her modest gift and said: "Christ is risen!" However, the imperious Tiberius laughed in her face: he said that he would believe it only if the egg changed its color and turned red. And so it happened. The emperor was struck by such a miracle and whispered "Truly risen!".

This is how the wonderful tradition of painting eggs and saying hello with famous phrases appeared. As you can see, according to legend, it is painted red. So can other colors be used? Let's try to figure it out.

What colors are eggs for Easter?

The point is that the color Easter eggs is a symbol of the suffering of Christ. This is the color of his blood. Our ancestors always remembered this, and they never thought to paint the eggs in any other color. Eggs should remind Christians that Jesus shed blood for humanity and was reborn.

Today, when painting Easter eggs, believers use a variety of shades, and the symbolic red color is rapidly losing its important original meaning. Now the main thing is beauty and good mood those who paint them. Moreover, today special sets with stickers are sold: in a couple of seconds you can decorate eggs with them. Unfortunately, this only speaks of the laziness of believers, that we are unwilling to take a few minutes or hours to do everything according to tradition. We will not conservatively say that you should never dye eggs blue or yellow, but we will be glad if you choose the right color for you.

A few words about preparing eggs for painting

Five chicken eggs are a symbol of the wounds of Jesus. They need to be dyed with onion peel broth. According to tradition, these five eggs must be consecrated in the temple. Note that the church does not prohibit the use of quail or goose eggs. After painting, they look great, and they taste very pleasant. These eggs are a great solution for people with allergies.

Eggs should be prepared on Maundy Thursday, a couple of days before Easter. Although often busy housewives due to busyness, this tradition is not followed and eggs are dyed on Saturday. Well, the products are bought and ready for painting - we are studying popular and original methods.

How to paint eggs in onion skins with your own hands?

Method 1: traditional

You will need:

Coloring time: 1.5 hours.

Method 2: painting eggs for Easter in speck

You will need:

  1. ten chicken eggs;
  2. a lot of onion peel;
  3. some rice;
  4. a teaspoon of salt;
  5. gauze material.

Coloring time: 40 minutes.

How to paint speckled eggs:

  1. For starters, as in classic version coloring, thoroughly wash the husks, and put on fire in a saucepan with water. Cook for about an hour after boiling.
  2. Strain the broth well, add one teaspoon of salt.
  3. Wash chicken eggs running water and do not wipe. Roll wet eggs in rice and wrap in cheesecloth. The top of the fabric should be tightly tied with an elastic band. Lay the eggs in onion broth and cook for about half an hour.
  4. Thirty minutes later, remove the eggs from the broth and remove the gauze. You will see that the shell is colored very evenly, but there are beautiful light specks on it. You can also experiment in a similar way if you dye eggs in a different color using dyes.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes?

If you are interested interesting painting eggs, but you don't want to use chemical dyes then this part of the article is for you.

How to dye eggs with beets?

With the help of beets you can achieve how tender pink shade, and rich burgundy.

Method 1

If you want the beetroot to turn pink, then boil the hard-boiled eggs first and place in a bowl containing freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If the eggs lie in such juice overnight, then the shade will be maroon. A few hours will be enough for a pink tone. Leave the bowl with the solution in the refrigerator.

Method 2

Two or three medium-sized beets should be peeled and grated on coarse grater. Fill the beets with water and add one teaspoon of vinegar. This mixture should be boiled for about seven minutes. Add pre-boiled eggs to the broth. We advise you to hold the eggs in the broth as long as possible, so the color is richer.

Method 3

Remove the skin from the beetroot and grate fine grater. As a result, we should get beet pulp. Eggs pre-boil and rub with this porridge. As in method number two, the color saturation will depend on how long the eggs are in the beets. Easter egg painting is complete!

How to dye eggs with silk cloth?

You will need:

  • ten chicken eggs;
  • a few old shawls, scarves or a tie. The main condition is that all products must be made of 100% silk;
  • white gauze (half a meter);
  • several strips of foil;
  • vinegar.

How to dye with cloth:

How beautiful to decorate eggs for Easter?

Option 1: using electrical tape

First, boil the eggs, then take artificial dyes and dissolve them in two glasses of water. Add to one glass yellow dye, and in the second - blue. Next, you need to cut off several strips of electrical tape. Length about 30 centimeters, length - about 1 centimeter. The strip is tightly glued, while stretching the tape a little. Then the egg is dipped into a glass in which yellow paint is diluted. As soon as the color “takes”, we take it out and dry it, remove the strip and glue a new one, but at a different angle (see photo below). We lower it into a glass with blue paint, take it out, remove it and dry it. Ready!

Option 2: how to decorate eggs with lace

Cooking chicken eggs hard boiled and dissolve food coloring (colors of your choice). Then we dip the egg into a glass with dye, and wait until it is colored (the longer you hold it, the more intense the color will be). Take it out, let it dry. Then we cut off a strip of lace: focus on a length of twelve centimeters. Wrap with lace and glue at the junction with a glue stick. Incredibly simple and beautiful - admire the photo below!

Option 3: decoupage Easter eggs

You will need:

  • chicken eggs;
  • several food colorings;
  • three-layer napkins with a small color pattern (choose patterns that are reminiscent of Easter with their symbols: spring flowers, rabbits, chickens, hens, and so on);
  • protein.

How to decoupage Easter eggs with napkins?

To begin with, as in the previous two cases, we cook our hard-boiled eggs. Then in different glasses we breed several colors of food coloring. It’s easy to paint with them: dip into a glass and wait until the color is the saturation we need. Let's dry. By the way, it is not necessary to paint the eggs; decoupage will also look great on a white shell. Now take a wide brush and grease with protein.

As for napkins, you need to separate from each upper layer and carefully cut out the pattern. We apply the drawing to the egg and straighten it with a brush. Apply a layer of protein on top and let the Easter egg dry. Ready!

Do you know how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands? Share with our readers in the comments below this article!

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

Onion peel is a wonderful natural dye, especially for boiled eggs on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. It costs nothing at all, and you can pick it up at any vegetable store or prepare it in advance. For painting 5-6 eggs, a few handfuls of husks will be enough for you. The darker the onion skin, the richer the color of the eggs you dyed will be.

This method of painting Easter eggs came to us from the time of our mothers and grandmothers, and it is one of the most environmentally friendly, but remember that the dishes are also stained when cooking onion peels and will need to be washed afterwards!


  • 5-6 chicken eggs
  • 2 handfuls of onion skins
  • 0.5 st. l. salt
  • 500-600 ml water

Painting process

1. In a small ladle or saucepan, put half the mass of onion peel. It can be washed in advance in a colander or in the hands under the tap.

2. Then place the washed chicken eggs on the husk.

3. Put the rest of the husk on top of them.

4. Pour in water and add salt. Thanks to the salt, the eggs will not crack when cooked. If you took the eggs out of the refrigerator, then pour them cold water. If they were at room temperature, then you can pour in warm - they will not crack. Place the container on the fire and boil the eggs in onion peel about 15 minutes - they will probably boil hard boiled and acquire a darker color. If you want to get a light brown tone, then boil the eggs for 7-8 minutes.

5. After the specified time, remove the bucket with the contents from the stove and place on the grate. Eggs should be cooled in onion broth.

6. Then wipe each of them with a paper towel and put on a dish. If you like glossy boiled eggs then grease them vegetable oil and they will shine.

Be sure to cool the painted eggs and serve them to the table for Easter along with Easter cake.

Note to the owner

1. The recipe refers to the fifteen-minute stay of the eggs on the fire, necessary to obtain rich color shells. However, a small egg can be digested in a quarter of an hour. It will taste like rubber. To avoid such a result, you need to do this: make a concentrated decoction of onion peel, cool it a little ( optimum temperature- just above room temperature, otherwise the shells will crack), hold the eggs in a brown liquid for about an hour and only then boil them. Then the heat treatment process can be reduced to 7 minutes and a bright brown color can be achieved.

2. Even abandoning modern dyes, you can make krashenki with original pattern. You will need thin tape or ribbons. The first decoration option is to apply adhesive tape to the eggs in random order and boil them in water tinted with onion peel. After removing the adhesive tape, white stripes will remain on the shell. The same effect will be given by tapes, which must be wrapped around each egg before heat treatment. Secure them with tight knots.

3. Not only salt prevents eggs from cracking when cooked. It is enough to acidify a liter of water with two dessert spoons vinegar or a pinch citric acid and the shell will remain intact.

On the eve of Holy Easter, believers begin preparations for festive table: they bake Easter cakes, make cottage cheese easter and, of course, paint the eggs. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing multi-colored eggs on the table - blue, yellow, red, marble, with drawings. Eating them is always tasty and pleasant, even if on other days, there was no particular interest in this product.

AND in 2019, holiday Happy Easter falls out. We recommend cooking for this great day, and put colored eggs on a saucer next to it. Before eating, believers usually pray, and then they choose the egg itself, and begin to beat it with the household. Whose egg is stronger and does not crack, he won. This is how the day starts and goes. Greetings, do not forget to say - "Christ is Risen." And in response you will hear - "Truly Risen."

And today, our issue is devoted to one big topic - painting eggs. And to your attention 30 ways. And if you missed it, we recommend reading it!

Our ancestors dyed Easter eggs with natural dyes such as onion skins, cherry tree bark or beets. Now exists huge selection food colorings. But the natural product is no less in demand. There are a lot of methods and options for coloring and decorating eggs. This article was created in order to combine the most interesting and practical ideas in one.

According to an ancient legend, the block, which closed the tomb of Jesus Christ, was similar in shape to an egg. Behind this stone was hidden a Saint whose life is eternal. In the same way, a new life is hidden behind the shell of an egg ....

There are several variations of the tradition of decorating eggs for Easter. According to one of them, the Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene, having come to preach to the Roman emperor, brought him an egg. She was an ardent supporter of Christ and carried the story of his Resurrection. At this gift, the emperor chuckled: “Life is as eternal as this egg is red, not white.” After these words, according to legend, the egg turned red right in the hands of the sovereign.

Among the ancient Romans, the egg was considered a symbol of new life and the Sun. For breakfast, men always ate a baked egg so that the day would be blessed with good luck and success.

Another suggestion is the birth of Emperor Aurelius. The story goes that a chicken belonging to his parents, immediately after the birth of the future ruler, laid a rather interesting testicle. Its color was bright, flecked with red. Witnesses interpreted this as a favorable sign of fate. After this incident, the residents ancient rome a tradition began to exchange colored eggs as gifts.

There is also an opinion that decorating eggs was practiced long before the birth of Jesus Christ. With the advent of Spring, people celebrated the beginning of warm weather and dyed eggs as a symbol of the sun and eternal life. Then it was believed that the whole world, all living things came from an egg. Since Easter comes precisely at the beginning of spring, this tradition is still kept.

How to dye eggs for easter

It is customary to color eggs on the eve of Easter. most popular and interesting ways we'll look at right now.

1. Onion peel. This is perhaps one of the most common coloring methods. The shell is painted in a pleasant, brownish color. The level of color saturation is regulated by the amount of husk;

2. Coloring with turmeric gives the eggs a bright yellow color;

You can add shine to the shell by rubbing them sunflower oil after coloring;

3. A decoction of eggs in cranberry juice gives them a rich pink color;

4. Beige color can be achieved by boiling eggs in ground instant coffee;

5. Eggs with splashes do this: wet boiled testicles sprinkle with rice, wrap with gauze and lower the water with the dye of the desired color;

6. By sticking a stencil with some kind of pattern on the shell, or simply parsley and dill leaves, and then painting them in the same way as described above, you can get eggs with a pattern;

7. If you put a few elastic bands on the eggs and color them, they will turn out to be evenly striped;

8. A beautiful pattern can be made with powdered sugar. Dilute it with water so that the mixture is thick enough and confectionery syringe start creating on the shell;

9. Very beautiful Easter eggs obtained by working with wax. Boil the eggs first. Melt the candle wax and apply the desired pattern to the shell. Then place it in a dye solution (not hot!) and wait for the coloring. Then carefully remove the wax;

10. Zelenka. bright and very beautiful eggs are obtained by dyeing them in this dye. It is a must have in every first aid kit.

11. Food coloring. Sold in every store. Especially the range increases before Easter.

How to dye eggs with beets

Beetroot is one of the simplest and at the same time natural ways Easter egg coloring. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Place boiled eggs in a bowl with 100% beetroot juice. Willingness to determine by saturated color. If it takes 2-3 hours, they will be pink. If they stay in a bowl all night, they are bright burgundy;
  2. Peel the beets, grate into fresh and add some water. Add 1 tsp here. vinegar and put on fire for 15 minutes. Place in hot solution boiled eggs and keep in it for at least 1 hour;
  3. A very best option is to boil the eggs together with the beets at the same time. So you get bright dyes and beets for salad;
  4. Grate the raw beets into a pulp and rub the boiled eggs with it. Let them stay in this state longer - so the color will turn out more saturated.

By wrapping eggs with green leaves before painting or sticking an interesting stencil, you will get original eggs.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

The basic principle of dyeing Easter eggs in onion skins is simple. To do this, onion peel is poured with boiling water and boiled for about 3 hours. Then add salt and dip the eggs into the onion water. Cook for 8-10 minutes and then dry them on a towel.

Eggs, before being sent to the pan, must be heated to room temperature, otherwise the probability that the shell will crack is very high. Therefore, 1-2 hours before the procedure, they must be taken out of the refrigerator.

To achieve the marble effect of staining with onion peel, it is necessary to mix it dry with small pieces paper. Roll a raw, wet egg in them and place in a gauze bag. Further coloring is described above.

And by placing raw testicles in unnecessary lace stockings, you can get a very beautiful drawing.

Marble way of dyeing eggs for Easter

The more beautiful eggs for Easter, the happier and more successful life will be! So says the old belief. One of the most original ways painting - marble effect. It can be achieved in two main ways.

Onion peel and greens

You will need:

  1. Onion peel;
  2. Zelenka;
  3. Dishes with water;
  4. Stainless steel saucepan;
  5. Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  6. Threads;
  7. Gauze.

Grind the husk. If it is dry, then you can crush it with your hands. If fresh, then it is better to use scissors. fresh egg soak and roll in it.

Make a gauze single-layer bag and put an egg in it. You can add more peels. Fasten with threads. If the husk has moved out in places, it needs to be corrected.

Place the bags in a pot of water. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Pour in the greens and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Ready eggs free from gauze and husk, rinse under the tap and dry on a towel.

Food colorings

You will need:

  1. hard-boiled eggs;
  2. Vinegar;
  3. Sunflower oil;
  4. Dyes;
  5. Water.

Dilute a bag of dye in 300 g of hot water and add 1 tbsp of vinegar here. Pour the liquid into a free dish so that the egg can completely dip into it.

Add 1st.l. oil and stir. Immerse the egg in the solution and twist until patterns begin to appear on it. Then take it out and dry it on a paper towel.

Coloring eggs for Easter with a lace pattern

On Easter, every housewife wants her eggs to be the most beautiful and unusual. There are a lot of ways to surprise guests today. For example, lace drawings on an eggshell they look extremely unusual and appropriate. And making them is very easy.

To do this, you will need lace stockings that have become unusable. For a pattern around the entire diameter of the shell, place the egg in a bag of stockings. Then paint in the usual and convenient way for you.

You can also make a strip of material and fasten it around the egg. After dyeing, only the middle part of it will be covered with lace.

How to color eggs with beautiful drawings

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very interesting and useful activity. This can be done even with children. It's great when on the eve of one of the most bright holidays, the whole family is gathering for such a wonderful cause.

1. Wax. Melt the wax of the candle and, while it is hot, apply the design of your choice to the shell. As soon as it hardens, place the egg in a warm dye solution for a certain time. Next, the wax must be carefully removed.

2. Using sticky paper and rubber bands, you can make a very beautiful drawing on an eggshell. Just wrap the egg in the desired sequence and paint it in the usual way. Then the auxiliary items must be removed. The place under them will not be painted, which will create a picture.

3. Leaves of fresh greens. For this fit and parsley, and dill. Choose a beautiful leaf and attach it to the shell. Place it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. Make sure that the sheet does not move out of the intended place. Color the egg. You can do the procedure on an already painted testicle. This will make it even brighter.

4. Hand-painted. To do this, you can use any paint. Including nail polish. Choose a picture yourself, whether it's Khokhloma, flowers or funny emoticons.

5. Lightweight, but no less beautiful option- ready-made films with a pattern for eggs. They can be bought at any grocery store. They are usually sold in strips. You must first cut according to the pattern, and then dip into each egg. Now they need to be placed for a couple of seconds in hot water so that the edges are pulled together. And voila - beauty on your table.

There are many types of such films. Starting from religious themes, ending with cartoon characters.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

Natural is always the best. Taking care of our relatives and friends, we often tend to favor natural ingredients and dyes. So it is with painting eggs. Sometimes, looking at a colorful plate with Easter eggs, I can’t believe at all that such a saturated color was achieved, for example, from turmeric. In fact, natural dyes they also carry out their mission very responsibly.

1.Tea or coffee. A rich brown color can be obtained by boiling eggs in 300 ml of strong drink.

For color durability and brightness, do not forget to add vinegar to each type of coloring with natural dyes.

2. By soaking boiled eggs in red grape juice, you will get a delicate lavender color.

3. Onion peel, as we already know, gives the shell a brown color. We discussed the methods of coloring with this ingredient above.

4. Boil violet flowers in hot water and leave the eggs in this liquid overnight. It turns out a nice blue color.

5. Yellow you can get birch leaves from a decoction. Just in these spring days, the leaves have just blossomed.

6. A strong decoction of blueberries, currants, elderberries or raspberries will give the shell the appropriate color. Eggs also need to be placed in liquid overnight.

7. golden color gives turmeric. To do this, add 3-4 tablespoons of spices to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Leave boiled eggs here for a long time.

Options for decorating and painting eggs with natural dyes

Despite the fact that modern industry works in good faith, natural dyes are always a priority. Their only drawback is that they take a little more time to prepare the coloring solution. But the result is always excellent.

Sometimes, during cooking, the shell can crack and the paint gets inside. This will not have a very good effect on the use of the product in food. A natural ingredients not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, useful.

Save this photo for yourself and you will always know which dye gives this or that color.

Colored eggs can be decorated with a pattern of a thick solution of water and powdered sugar. The drawing can be applied with a toothpick or you can purchase a special kit for creativity in the store. And add a coloring pigment to the composition, the pattern can be diversified with bright colors.

You can draw on the shell with felt-tip pens. The drawing is bright and beautiful. So that it does not wear off when touched, grease the egg after drawing the pattern with sunflower oil.

Select napkins with beautiful pattern, cut it out and stick it on the wet egg.

And a real Faberge egg can be made from improvised means - rhinestones, sequins, confectionery sprinkles and ... cereals. It is better to attach them to a homemade paste.

Decorating eggs depends on your flight of fancy. Tell us how you decorated Easter eggs in the past? What secrets and ways do you have? Your experience is very important to us.

Beautiful way to paint eggs

Eggs with a stunningly beautiful pattern are obtained by dyeing them in silk fabric.

This will require:

  1. Actually, eggs;
  2. A quarter cup of vinegar;
  3. Pieces of fabric with a beautiful pattern, 100% silk;
  4. Pieces of white cloth;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Vegetable oil;
  7. Paper towel;
  8. Pot for cooking;
  9. Egg bands.

Cut the white and silk fabric into squares so that the egg and the edges can fit there, while it could be pulled off. Wet the silk patches, wrap an egg in each and fasten the corners. Now wrap it again in the same way, only in white bags (you can use old sheets as them).

Place the bags in a pot of water and add vinegar to the same. Turn on the fire and cook after boiling on a minimum heat for half an hour. Carefully remove the eggs from the pan and place on paper towel. Once they have cooled, you can unfold them and admire the result.

How to decorate eggs for Easter and serve beautifully

Serving Easter table- a very pleasant and important ritual. Invariably, Easter cakes are at the head and colored eggs. You can serve them for every taste.

Kulich, lined with krashenki in a circle, not only saves space on the table, but also beautifully combines the main dishes of this holiday.

The Easter Bunny that settled on your table will not only decorate it, but will also be a symbolic sign of this holiday.

A nest for krashenok can be made from a wicker basket and ordinary straw. A simple and uncomplicated solution will perfectly complement the Easter atmosphere.

By tying each egg with a decorative ribbon in a contrasting color, you will get such beauty.

And these most delicate Easter eggs will simply amaze the guests of your house. Not only the inside is edible, but also the decorations of the shell. Just dip the eggs in granulated sugar and decorate with cream roses using a pastry syringe.

Marble way of painting eggs. Option 1

There are two main ways marble painting eggs. We have considered them above. However, guided by them, you can also consider a few more options. For example, dyeing with onion peel and rice.


  1. Some rice;
  2. Onion peel;
  3. Dyes of the desired shade;
  4. Gauze;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Threads.

Pour water over rice. In the meantime, chop the onion peel with your hands or scissors. It also needs to be filled with water. Cut gauze into squares 18*18 cm. Roll each egg in the husks and grits and place in a gauze bag. Fasten the edges with threads. Immerse the eggs in a pot of water and boil for half an hour.

Then prepare the dye solution. You can use dyes that are sold in stores. The instruction, as a rule, is always indicated on the packaging. Place the eggs in the cooled paint for a few minutes. Then take them out and unfold the gauze.

How to dye eggs marbled. Option 2

The second method involves the use of food coloring, vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil eggs in salted water until hard yolk. Only after cooking you need to start painting. Dilute the dye in a bowl of water according to package directions. The dishes must be chosen wide so that the egg can be freely placed and moved in it.

Drop a few drops of vegetable oil into a dish with a coloring solution so that oil bubbles form on the surface. It is they who determine the presence of a marble pattern. Place the egg in a container and twist in such a way that it “collects” beautiful patterns from oil drops. Now you need to wipe it with a napkin and the beauty is ready!

Decoupage with napkins

Decoupage - lovely way decorate various things and gifts without spending a lot of time on it. To decoupage Easter eggs with napkins, you only need boiled eggs, beautiful paper napkins, scissors, a brush and a paste.

From napkins, cut out the patterns drawn on it along the contour. You can also cut out a piece around it, this is called the patchwork method. Now prepare the paste. To do this, dilute 2 tbsp. water in 50 milliliters of water. Then heat the solution in the microwave for about 15 seconds, periodically opening the oven and stirring the paste.

Put pieces of napkins on the eggs and coat with paste on top. Leave them on a flat surface for half an hour to dry the glue.

How to paint eggs with nail polish

For this you will need:

  1. Several bottles of nail polish in different colors;
  2. A bowl of water;
  3. Toothpicks;
  4. Nail polish remover;
  5. And, of course, eggs.

Boil the eggs in boiling salted water. In a separate bowl with water, drop nail polish of several colors at once. With a toothpick or other thin object, connect all the colors, making stains on them.

Immerse the egg in water with varnish and turn it so that the paint captures the entire surface of the shell.

Lay the colored eggs on flat surface and wait for the varnish to dry completely. Nail polish remover will help you get rid of its marks on your hands.

Grate the dyes with vegetable oil for a bright shine.

Beautiful egg stickers

On the eve of Easter, store shelves are full of an assortment of stickers for Easter eggs. Their variety is so great that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. These stickers are very easy to use. Even kids can handle it, of course, under the supervision of adults. Eggs are better to choose the same size, then boil them until cooked. Before that, you can paint them with any dye, but this is not necessary.

Stickers must be cut along the line. Then each of them must be carefully put on the eggs. Separately, put a saucepan of water on the fire so that it is hot. Dip each egg in turn into the water. To do this, you can use a deep ladle. The edges of the sticker from boiling water immediately curl up, acquiring the shape of an egg.

The easiest option is regular egg stickers. Just paint the testicles in the usual way and decorate them with a cute sticker. They are also sold in supermarkets.

Egg coloring has its own history. Initially, our believing ancestors painted them red - the color of the blood of Jesus Christ. Over time, more and more new colors began to be used. Christ Sunday was considered the most important holiday of the year, so the preparation for it was very rich and interesting. People developed new ways of painting and decorating.

And now, today, we have many variants of this symbolic action. In addition, talented housewives come up with something new year after year. Perhaps you have a couple of aces up your sleeve? We will be very happy if you share them with us.

Happy Easter to you!

Dear friends, on the eve of the upcoming holidays, I want to tell you how to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter. This method is the most reliable: the eggs turn out to be a beautiful brownish color, like velvet, and the protein of the peeled eggs is completely white, without any hint of paint. In addition, onion peel is a natural dye, it does not cause concern, like multi-colored paints that are sold in stores. Onion peel can be found in everyone in the house.

For her to gather enough, it is enough just some time before Easter (3-6 weeks - it depends on the amount of onion consumed by your family), when peeling the onion, do not throw away the husk. Painting eggs with onion skins is a fairly simple but exciting activity, children especially love it and will gladly help you in this matter. And how to paint eggs in onion peel, I'll tell you now.


  • 1 large handful of onion peel (in a free state it takes up a volume of 1.5 liters);
  • 7-10 chicken eggs;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter:

Peeling the onion, remove the dry husk and carefully sort it out. If there are areas with a damaged inner layer, we throw them away. The selected dry husks are carefully folded into plastic bag, and on the eve of Easter we take out everything that we have collected and ... we begin to serve as a priest.

First, put the onion peel in a colander and wash it with running water.

We place the husk in a 2-liter saucepan. Pour 1 liter of cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for small fire 12-15 minutes. Already after 5-6 minutes after the start of boiling, the broth will acquire a beautiful brown color (but in order for the color to be stable, we do not stop cooking.)

Then we filter the broth through a colander into another pan (in which we will boil the eggs). And set aside to cool - if you immediately start painting the eggs and dip them in hot water, they may burst.

While the decoction of onion peel (this is, in fact, paint) cools down, we prepare the eggs.

Wash eggs thoroughly. Rinse off dirt and sticky particles. Carefully remove the color markings with a brush (for eggs bought in a store).

Carefully lower the eggs into the cooled onion peel broth. We make sure that the eggs do not hit each other - otherwise, during cooking, they may burst in this place. The eggs must be completely covered in liquid so that the coloring occurs evenly.

If suddenly some of the eggs protrude from the liquid, add a little cold water or transfer the eggs to another pan, where there would be less empty space between them, they would adjoin each other more tightly - then less liquid will be needed to completely cover them.

Bring the pan with the eggs to a boil and cook at a gentle boil for 10 minutes.

Then we take out the eggs, put them in a bowl or pan and fill them with cold water. We keep 2 minutes under running water, and then we just hold it for 8-10 minutes cold water. Then we take the eggs out of the water, put them on a plate and stand until they cool completely.

A decoction of onion peel can be used again for coloring eggs. Eggs dyed in this broth will be the same color as the first batch.

Hello dear readers. Easter is coming soon, and today we will talk about how to paint eggs in onion skins. It is one of the most widely used natural dyes. Indeed, with the help of the husk, you can achieve not only different shades, but also paint with beautiful patterns. And for this you don’t need to buy anything, just collect the husk from the onion and pick up different leaves that you like. You can also make eggs with cereals, such as rice, or use improvised means.

In my memory, our parents only painted once food coloring eggs. The color was bright, of course, but so were the hands. And after cleaning, the eggs were also colored. Maybe the eggs, after cleaning, look original, but eating them is not very pleasant. Although the dye and food, but chemistry is chemistry. That's why we paint eggs natural dyes. And today I will tell you how to paint eggs for Easter with onion peel.

To begin with, take onion peel. To make the paint on the eggs saturated, you must first boil the onion peel. You can do this in the evening, or on the same day as painting.

If previously, it is enough to boil on a quiet fire for 15 minutes and leave our solution to infuse until the next day.

If you need to color today, then boil for 30-40 minutes, and then we immerse the eggs for coloring. You need to cook for about 10 minutes.

If you want the eggs to be uniform, then it is better to wash them first. So the paint will lay down evenly. Another tip, strain the onion peel, boil the eggs only in the broth. Look at the photo below.

The two rows on the far right are painted with husks. The one on the far right is with strained husks, and the second one is with husks. As you can see in the photo, the eggs are not the same color. Although it may be better for you, there will be some kind of drawing.

But you do not control the drawing process, and you do not know how it will turn out. This can be done by cutting the onion peel and placing it in a stocking, the technology is written a little below.

And if you are interested in other colors of eggs from the photo, then these are also natural dyes. How we painted them, you can read in the article on our blog "."

Our mother likes to paint eggs in a stocking, with the addition of the first leaves. Most often these were currant or parsley leaves. They just were the right size, and then looked very nice on the finished egg.

Mom always sent us to collect green leaves while she prepared everything else. She asked me to take only beautiful leaves. It always turned out beautiful eggs dyed in onion skins with a pattern.

The leaflet should not be large, otherwise it will be difficult to evenly press it against the egg, and then you will get a blurry pattern.

To apply the pattern, we need leaves or grass, old dimensionless nylon tights, and a tie.

Mom usually soaked the leaves with water, glued them to the egg, and carefully lowered them into tights. I straightened the leaves, pulled on tights and tied them. She didn't even cut tights, and she had garlands up to 10 eggs. For convenience, we cut them into pieces so that there is only enough for one egg.

We have parsley leaves and rice. Leaves can be used instead regular rice, millet or pearl barley. Just wet raw rice stick around the egg and also cover it with a cloth (kapron tights). Rice is better to take polished, you can even cut rice. Cook in the same way as in the first case, 10 minutes.

You can dye eggs with patterns and other methods. For example, we take an ordinary bicycle inner tube and cut it into thin elastic bands. We dress on the egg and paint with them. Can also be used rubber bands, but they are often torn from boiling.

You already come up with patterns yourself, and depend on your imagination and the number of elastic bands.

Or even use an elastic bandage to apply the pattern. It also turns out to be an interesting drawing.

Various lace fabrics can be used. The pattern will turn out as on the fabric.

Or even just scratching a pattern on the shell with a needle. Unless of course you have time for it.

Tips for dyeing onion skins with and without a pattern

Precautions when painting with onion skins

Coloring with onion peel is completely safe. But still there are points that should be taken into account.

For example, dishes in which onion peel will be cooked. The husk paints not only the shell, but also the pan.

Our mother used for this purpose old saucepan. Because it was difficult to wash it afterwards. Although now many cleaning products have been invented, we also use only one pan for painting, and not enameled.

And of course, do not forget that we work with fire and hot water.

We hope that we have helped you with the question of how to dye eggs in onion skins. And if you have not yet decided on the choice of Easter cakes for Easter, then we can help with this. We have a great selection of proven recipes for Easter cakes. You can get acquainted. Or check out our favorite recipe.
