
How to color eggs with food coloring. Coloring in onion skins

Bright Sunday of Christ is a great Christian holiday that has come to us from the depths of centuries. Easter brings light and joy to every believer. The holiday has long become a favorite and is celebrated in Orthodox families.

The date of the celebration is mobile and is set on the Sunday following the first spring full moon.

One of the main attributes of Easter are colored eggs and Easter cakes. They symbolize the coming of spring and the birth of new life. This is the best gift and amulet of the Orthodox feast.

Believers observe Great Lent, otherwise called the Forty Day, which prepares a Christian for Easter.

When to paint eggs for Easter

Many beautiful legends and beliefs, as well as curious customs, are associated with the great holiday. Why do you have to paint eggs for Easter? Thought about it?

According to ancient tradition, the coloring of eggs is carried out on one of the days of Holy Week. This is the week leading up to the holiday. It is recommended to do this ritual on Thursday. Clean Thursday, on this day, a general cleaning of the house is carried out, cakes are baked and other events are prepared for the great holiday. On the same day, you must go to communion.

Friday is set aside to reflect on all the torments that befell Jesus. It was on Friday that he was crucified.

Do not do household chores - the strictest day of Lent.

Church canons allow dyeing eggs on Saturday, in honor of which it is called red. On this day in the temple, they need to be consecrated and wait for the onset of Christ's Resurrection.

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, you must definitely pray either at home or in the temple.

The tradition of coloring eggs came to us from Rome. In those ancient times, it was impossible to come to the emperor empty-handed. And if rich people carried gold and jewelry, then the poor dragged everything that was in the household.

And according to legend, Marina Magdalena gave the first Easter egg to Emperor Tiberius. She had nothing but an egg. And Marina Magdalena decided to bring the news that Christ had risen. He yelled out, it's as impossible as a white egg turning red.

After this phrase, the egg in the hands of the emperor turned red. Extremely surprised, Tiberius uttered "Truly Risen." And so began the origins of painting eggs red. A
the phrase "Truly Risen" became an obligatory greeting when meeting on a bright holiday.

Another legend takes us to the early years of Christ. He adored chickens, so the Virgin Mary painted the eggs by hand and presented him in the form of toys. When Jesus was being judged, the Virgin Mary brought a whole apron of eggs as a gift to Pontius Pilate. And kneeling before him, she dropped them from the hem. And the eggs became reminiscent of the bitter fate of Jesus.

And the last popular version is related to the feast. Seven Jews went to the feast, where among other dishes were chicken and eggs. One of the Jews, remembering that there was an execution, spoke about the resurrection of Christ after three days. His comrade laughed and said that this would happen only after the eggs on the table changed their color to red. The eggs changed color at the same time.

It is believed that the red color of the Easter egg symbolizes blood. A sign that Jesus shed a lot of blood in the name of mankind.

On a note! The first food after the end of Lent should be an egg, as ancient legends say.

There is also a completely domestic version of egg coloring. Eggs were not to be eaten during Lent. But the chickens were still laying. So that the eggs do not disappear, they were boiled. And in order to avoid confusion between boiled and raw eggs, the first ones were dyed red with onion peel. And in the future, this method flowed into a festive tradition.

In the modern world, the church is not forbidden to paint eggs in any color. What is important is the ancient tradition itself and the meaning and faith that are invested in it.

Easter in other countries

In Russia, festivities are organized on Easter, people visit guests, exchange gifts, eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese. An atmosphere of goodness and happiness reigns in the air.

Many families have a custom in the morning to arrange fights, and not simple ones, but with eggs. To do this, two people must take a testicle and hit them against each other. The one whose egg cracks will lose.

But in other countries, customs for Easter are no less interesting.

In the countries of Western Europe, the symbol of the Orthodox holiday is the Easter Bunny. He is depicted on dishes, curtains, napkins, balls and other festive attributes. Fragrant gingerbread and cookies are baked in the form of a rabbit. It represents fertility and prosperity.

In Bulgaria, they bake special bread and also play cue ball on testicles. Just be sure to wish the opponent good luck.

In Italy, Greece and other southern countries, a roasted lamb should be on the table at Easter.

By the way, in Greece, Easter is a public holiday and is celebrated on a grand scale. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the Easter service is celebrated. And then in the church, all the people light their candles from the only burning candle and carry the festive fire around the temple. Next comes the magnificent fireworks.

On the Greek island of Corfu, on Easter, after the service, clay pots with cherished wishes are thrown out of the balconies right into the street. The squares are all in multi-colored fragments. This tradition symbolizes getting rid of the old in order to get a happy future. And if a random passer-by takes a shard from a pot, then everything will turn out happily in his life.

Italians go to the main square on holiday to hear the congratulations of the pope. And the next day they meet with friends in nature. Their Easter bread is called colomba. It has a lemon flavor and is covered with a hazelnut glaze.

Fun competitions are held in the Italian city of Panicale. Huge heads of cheese are rolled around the city walls. Whoever hits the cheese against the walls fewer times, rolling it at high speed, wins.

In Germany, empty painted eggs are hung on trees. And on the last evening before Easter, a huge fire is lit. It symbolizes the destruction of all old grievances and strife, the birth of a new beginning. Adults hide Easter eggs, and in the morning children must find them. It is believed that the Easter Bunny brings gifts. And then everyone gathers at a common table, where the main dish is fish.

In Poland, women and mazuriki are baked on this holiday. Mazuriks are pies made of shortcrust pastry, decorated with mastic eggs and flowers, sprinkled with grated chocolate. Baba are made from rich dough, beautiful figurines with various fillings.

Interesting! If on Easter a man slaps a girl with a twig, she will become very lucky.

In the United States, on Easter, everyone goes to the temple, where worship is held with collective singing. After that, everyone exchanges Easter bunnies.

A popular game in America is rolling on the sloping slope of eggs. The winner is the person who has rolled his testicle the longest without stopping, people arrange fun competitions.

In Australia, Easter is usually spent in nature. Easter figurines are made in the form of chocolate rabbits and Australian bilbies. The menu on the table includes fried beef or lamb. And for dessert, a cake with meringues and fruit.

The bride and groom collect water on Easter and store it until the cherished day. It is believed that if you spray each other at a wedding, then the marriage will turn out well.

Hi all! This year we have tried to carefully prepare for the holiday, not forgetting anything. Unless ... it remains to figure out when to paint eggs for Easter 2018. That's exactly what we'll talk about now!

Why paint eggs

I don’t know about you, but as a child I loved Easter precisely because of the delicious Easter cake and beautiful Easter eggs. I always helped my mother decorate the eggs, and then I went with multi-colored palms, but I was absolutely happy. Then I thought that all this was done so that we, the children, would have fun. Later came the understanding of the meaning of all folk traditions.

Having matured a little, I found out that the days before Easter are all scheduled:

  • One day - recount the money;
  • In the other - bathing and cleaning;
  • In the third - looking out will take;
  • Of course, there is a place for preparing dishes for the festive menu.

The last point just involves coloring the eggs. Why did they do it? Since it was customary to give and exchange them, it was symbolic to express wishes for good, happiness and health along with the egg. And it was the color of the dye that spoke eloquently about this. Each color means something good. Therefore, the preparation of this food should be approached with all responsibility.

Easter in 2018

Naturally, not on the holiday itself, and not at the last moment, you need to do preparatory work. And since the date of Easter this year falls on April 8, Sunday, then during the week, from April 2 to April 7 inclusive, food should be prepared.

It is traditionally believed that the painting procedure will begin no earlier than the home is hovered. And this means that after Maundy Thursday, after April 5.

But the same ancient customs say that this cannot be done on Good Friday. This means that there are 2 options that are the most correct solution:

  1. The first one is acceptable. Given the fact that life has changed and the pace of life has increased, a lot of things fall on us. And therefore, starting from Monday, the second day, you can start culinary worries (except Friday, April 6).
  2. The second is by tradition. In order to make krashenki, only a few days are allocated during Holy Week. Namely, Thursday evening, 5th, and all Saturday, April 7th, until late in the evening.

And do not forget to make decorations for the apartment, especially if there are children in the house.
How to decorate a house, what crafts to do

Egg Color Meaning

Choose which option suits you personally. I wish you to do everything and look attractive on Easter, and the table to burst with goodies.

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Interesting ways to color eggs that I liked

Eggs are dyed with just three dyes:

A similar but more convenient way to get marble color:

How to decorate eggs with napkins - perfect for crafts with children:

I offer you several ways to paint Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are a significant attribute of Easter, along with and. We have already prepared all this and even one.

Today we will consider and prepare painted Easter eggs for the celebration.

They paint eggs probably in a hundred, or even more ways.

We will consider some of the most interesting and simple ones.

How to paint eggs for Easter. Coloring Easter eggs step by step with a photo

First, the eggs must be prepared. This is very important in order for the eggs to be beautiful.


  1. How to prepare for painting Easter eggs


1. It is best to buy white eggs because they take dye better. Eggs must be thoroughly washed.

Usually, eggs are stamped with a release date and more. This stigma must be washed off, because it will shine through any paint.

If it does not wash off with a sponge and warm water, try with soda powder and, in extreme cases, with table vinegar. This egg will not cause any harm, because we act on it in this way, for a short time.

Do not press hard on the egg. Since it is wet, it may crack. Eggs must be washed thoroughly. Because only on a clean egg will the paint lie evenly.

3. And one more trick. Soak a cotton pad with alcohol (for those who do not have alcohol at home, use 9% table vinegar) and wipe the eggs with it. This is to remove greasy stains from eggs from fingers. In this way we process all the eggs.

Do not forget! When processing eggs, they must be at room temperature.

4. Put the eggs in a saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of salt so that the eggs do not crack during cooking. And fill with cold water so that the eggs are completely covered.

By the way, to distinguish old from fresh eggs? When we fill them with water, the old egg floats up, and the fresh egg remains at the bottom.

5. Put the eggs to boil. We will cook on a small fire. Of course we will cook hard boiled. After they boil, you still need to cook for 7-10 minutes, if the eggs are store-bought. If the eggs are fresh country, you need to cook longer, after boiling for 13-15 minutes.

Do not forget, when you take out the boiled eggs from boiling water, be sure to dip them in ice water for a while, this is so that they can be cleaned better later. Just don't chill at all. Eggs should be warm when dyed.

Well, we've got the eggs. Now let's move on to coloring them.

  1. How to paint beautiful eggs for Easter

1. We take a hard-boiled egg, wipe it again with alcohol or vinegar and wrap it in a paper napkin or paper towel, while you don’t have to try to evenly wrap the egg, just wrap it randomly, as if crushing a napkin (do not press hard, crush the egg).

Pour a little vinegar, as if getting wet, from all sides. Press the napkin (squeeze) more tightly to the egg.

2. Take the blue dye and randomly drip onto the egg. Let the dye spread a little.

3. We take another dye, yellow. Also, in a chaotic manner, we apply it to the egg.

4. We take the third dye, we have red and, like the first two, we apply it to the egg.

5. We squeeze the egg with our palms so that the napkin sticks well to the shell. At the same time, we get a napkin, as it were, one-color, evenly colored.

6. Before we paint the egg, we need to make a stand for it. We take an ordinary sponge, stick English needles into it according to the size of an egg and that's it, our stand is ready.

7. We put our egg in a napkin with dyes on a stand and let it dry a little.

8. After a couple of minutes, the egg dried up, carefully remove the napkin from it, trying not to smear the paint.

We got such a rainbow colored egg. We put the egg back on our homemade stand and let it dry completely.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs to make them multi-colored

1. We will need plastic small but deep dishes. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each of them.

2. Pour the dye into each of the dishes, at first a little, and then it will be possible to regulate, after diluting the dyes with water.

3. Dilute the dyes with water. You don't need much water, somewhere less than half. You will understand when you see what we will do.

4. Take the egg and dip it into the dye by 1/3. We keep it for about 2 minutes.

5. We take out the egg and blot a drop from the bottom. We leave the egg to dry a little on our homemade stand. Since the egg is warm, it dries out pretty quickly.

6. The egg has dried out, lower it into the next dye, again by about 1/3, for 2 minutes. We take it out, also blot a drop at the bottom and set to dry.

7. Dip the remaining unpainted part of the egg into the third dye. We take out, not forgetting to wipe a drop from below, set to dry.

Here we have such a multi-colored egg.

  1. How to paint Easter eggs with polka dots

1. Let's prepare two paints in plastic cups, yellow and blue, a candle, cotton wool on sticks and a stand for eggs. If you have leftover paints from a previous painting, you can use them. We light a candle. we need melted wax.

2. We completely lower the egg into the yellow dye. Let it lie down there for a couple of minutes, take it out and put it on a stand to dry.

3. The egg is dry. We take a cotton swab, dip it in melted wax and in a chaotic manner apply points of wax to the egg with a stick. You can come up with something of your own. Lettering, figurines, stripes, etc.

4. Literally let the wax dry for 10-15 seconds and send the egg to the second paint. Ours is blue. You can take any you like. Let the egg stand in the paint for 2 minutes.

5. We take it out of the dye, put it on a stand, let it dry. In principle, the egg is ready. We can leave it like this.

6. If you want to remove the wax from the egg, warm it up a little next to the candle, in no case above the egg, just next to it. The wax melts and can be easily removed with a tissue.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter with a color transition

We need an egg and dye of the same color.

1. Pour quite a bit of dye into a plastic cup so that only it covers the tip of the egg a little more than a centimeter and lower the egg vertically there with the blunt end down. Leave it like that for 2 minutes.

2. Then, using a spoon, add a little more dye. Depending on how large the egg is, how many rings you want to make of different coloring intensity on the egg, calculate how much paint you need to add. We added about 1 cm each. We also leave it for a couple of minutes.

3. Add more dye and also leave for 2 minutes. And so on until we cover the entire egg, leaving the egg in the dye for 2 minutes after each layer.

After we cover the egg completely with the dye, let it stand for 2 minutes, take it out of the dye and put it on our stand to dry.

As we can see, all the stripes on the egg are visible. The egg turned out beautiful, with a gradually weakening tone of paint towards the top.

  1. How to paint striped eggs for Easter

1. Color the egg blue first. Next, we need electrical tape. We cut off 20-25 centimeters of electrical tape and cut the electrical tape lengthwise into narrow strips.

2. We stick the tape on the egg with a spiral. You can paste as you like. Also, you can also make any width of the strip of electrical tape. Thus we glue the whole egg. Press the tape well against the egg so that there are no smudges.

3. Here we have an egg pasted over with electrical tape. We lower it into a pre-prepared red dye, as always for a couple of minutes. We take out the egg, put it on a stand and let it dry.

4. Our egg has dried up, remove the electrical tape. As you can see, under the electrical tape there was a blue color.

Here we have such a striped egg in a simple way.

  1. Mosaic Easter egg coloring

1. We cut a lot of corners from electrical tape and now stick them on a pre-painted yellow egg. We try to stick the corners in the form of a mosaic. Between the corners we make a gap of about 2 millimeters. We lay the corners in random order.

2. This is how we got a glued egg. We dip it in red dye to get an approximately orange color.

3. We take it out of the dye and put it on a stand to dry.

This is how we got the egg. Now it remains only to remove the tape.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter in onion skins

1. We need onion peel, preferably from red and yellow onions. Eggs with already defatted shells. If you have not degreased them yet, then wipe them with alcohol or vinegar. Squares of gauze about 20 x 20 cm in size. Threads to tie gauze, pan. Question about the saucepan. After boiling onion skins, the pan is very difficult to clean, so pick up a pot that is not needed or in which you paint every year. Or will you paint.

2. For decoration, we will add various leaves and figures cut out of parchment so that the eggs are not so boring.

3. The husk must be placed in a saucepan and mashed to crush. The size of the pan and the amount of husk depends on how many eggs you want to color. Fill the husk with water and put on the stove to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

4. We begin to prepare the eggs. We take gauze, put a leaf on it, face up, carefully straighten all the tips of the leaf. Lay the egg on the leaf. Carefully collect all the ends of the gauze in a pile and tighten, strongly pressing the leaf to the egg. We twist the collected ends of the gauze into a tourniquet, than we pull the leaf closer to the egg and tie it with threads.

5. We also make the following eggs. You can even lay out some composition of leaves on gauze. Put the egg in the center and tighten the gauze again. But figures made of parchment paper, it is best to dip in water so that they stick to the egg, and then put the egg in cheesecloth and also gently tighten.

6. Add salt to the boiling onion peel and put the eggs there.

7. We close them all completely with husks and let them cook for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Remember that the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will burst.

8. We take out the eggs from the husk and transfer them immediately to cold water so that they are easier to clean later.

We cut off the gauze, rinse with water and see what beauty we have.

To make the eggs shiny, grease them with vegetable oil. The easiest way to do this is by pouring a little oil on cotton pads.

Well, the eggs are ready. They are perhaps not inferior in beauty to eggs painted with paint.

  1. Original DIY Easter eggs

We took:

  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Vinegar - 2 or 3 tablespoons
  • Silk fabric (with different patterns)
  • Any white fabric
  • Rubber bands

1. For dyeing eggs, we took unnecessary men's silk ties, of which we have accumulated a lot. If you do not have unnecessary ties, just take pieces of multi-colored silk.

2. We cut the fabric into squares. We take an egg, put it on the front side of the silk fabric.

3. Wrap tightly so that the fabric does not move over the egg. We twist the tail of the fabric that has turned out at the top, thus tightening the egg even tighter.

4. On top of the colored fabric, we impose the same piece of white fabric. We also twist the tail. We fix everything by putting an elastic band on the tail, twisting it several times. Do the same with all eggs.

5. When all the eggs are prepared, put them in a saucepan.

6. Fill with water, add vinegar and put on fire. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. Reduce the fire so that they do not jump in the pan. Just to boil slowly.

7. After 15 minutes, take out the eggs and put them on a dish. Leave on a plate until completely cooled.

8. When the eggs are completely cool, remove the elastic bands and unfold the fabric. See what beauty emerges from under the fabric. Thus, we unfold all the eggs.

These are the most beautiful eggs we got. Surprise your friends. Enjoy yourself.

  1. Very beautiful Easter eggs

1. We take hard-boiled eggs, ordinary colored napkins and egg white. We tear the napkin into 4 parts. We separate the top color layer from the napkins.

2. Dip the egg in protein and twirl to moisten the entire area of ​​​​the egg. We lay the egg on the wrong side of the napkin and wrap it. Cut off excess napkins.

3. Dip the brush into the protein and grease the egg on top, thus distributing the napkin evenly over the entire egg, while pressing the napkin more tightly against the shell.

4. Everything is neatly distributed, the egg is ready. We do all the eggs the same way. You can take different napkins. Accordingly, the eggs will be different.


11. Video - 5 ways to paint eggs in an original way for Easter

Since ancient times, on Easter day, people gave each other painted eggs, gathered at the festive table to taste

When to paint?

According to church tradition, you need to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday.

Good to know:

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm for about an hour or at room temperature, while boiling, you can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
Poke small holes at one end of each egg to prevent the eggs from bursting while boiling.
To give the eggs an amazing shine, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil.
Before you paint the eggs, wipe them with soapy water or alcohol - the paint will lie down more evenly.
If you will serve dyed eggs, use only special organic dyes for cold painting eggs or natural dyes.

12 common ways

Easter egg coloring and decorating

In onion skins:

Onion peel is the most famous and affordable way for everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction.
Wash the eggs. Prepare a decoction of onion peel, let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.
Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and then cook for 10 minutes, remove, cool.

birch leaves:

To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are dyed with birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from the leaves, you can dry, young birch and infused for about half an hour. Wash the eggs, release into a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool.

Coloring eggs "speckled" :

To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion peel or with birch leaves in the usual way.

Marble Effect:

Wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material over the top.

Juices of various fruits and vegetables:

This method requires boiled eggs. The egg is rubbed with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice)

Eggs dyed in patches:

Pluck shreds of silk lint of different colors, mix. Wash the eggs, wipe dry, moisten, wrap with silk, if desired, you can first apply thin, thick paper cut out with patterns on the eggs. Wrap with a rag, tie with a thread, dip in warm water, let it boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then take out, cool, remove rags and silk.

Eggs in colorful colors:

Color the egg in the base matte color. Then, on the tip of the brush, take a little not very liquid paint and, by spraying, apply dots and strokes to the surface of the egg.

Bicolor eggs:

Hard-boil the eggs and cool slightly (warm eggs are best). In each bowl, dilute the paint according to the instructions, add 2 tbsp. l vinegar and stir. While holding with a spoon, dip a few eggs into each bowl and leave, turning for even coloring. Take out and dry on a paper towel. Now take each colored egg with 2 fingers and dip halfway into the contrasting paint. Hold for 1 minute until the paint is taken, and then remove and dry on a towel.

Eggs dyed in retro style:

Take pictures from magazines, postcards, etc. Carefully cut out the picture you like (the most important thing is that it be thin), and stick it on the testicle. Eggs prepared in this way are very beautiful and are perfect for decorating holiday dishes.

Eggs decorated with self-adhesive "Easter sets":

1. Cut the thermal labels in half along the line (separate along the perforations).
2. Put the label on the pre-boiled cold egg.
3. Put the egg on a spoon and dip it in boiling water for one to two seconds.
4. The label should evenly fit around the egg.

Decorate the uncovered top and bottom of the egg with holographic stickers. Use all kinds of stickers, even irregular shapes. Rely on your imagination!

Sachet food coloring.

Follow the printed instructions. Do not forget to add a little vinegar after painting or to the paint itself (as a rule, this is written on the bags), then the paint will not form streaks.

Boiling in a coloring broth:

Put the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Add enough paint. If there are too many eggs, they will be lighter in color. Boil eggs for 15 minutes with coloring additives. If you want shiny eggs, dip them in oil and then rub them well with a cloth.

Natural dyes:

Light red: beets or blueberries
Orange: onion
Light yellow: oranges or lemons, carrots
Yellow: turmeric roots, walnut shell
Light green: spinach leaves, nettle
Green: green apples
Blue: red cabbage leaves
Beige or Brown: coffee

How to paint eggs

In the old days, eggs were not just painted (dyes) , but also painted them with wax (pysanky) . Today, in the arsenal of any woman there are a wide variety of means of decorating eggs and making original decorations for the holiday from them.
Let's reveal some secrets.

For decorations, blown eggs are used. With the tip of a darning needle or awl, carefully pierce the shell of a raw egg, making two small holes one opposite the other. Through one of the holes, blow the contents into a plate - squirrels and yolks can still be useful for preparing Easter dishes.

Blown and painted eggs can be hung on a branch: you will need a thin strong cord and matches. Tie one end of the cord in a knot exactly in the middle of the match. Holding the cord by the free end, lower the match through one of the holes into the cavity of the blown egg. Now you can hang them from the branches: once in a horizontal position inside the egg, the match will get stuck, securely fastening the cord.

For painting, use the following materials: gouache, acrylic paints, multi-colored markers. Apply the tone with a piece of sponge or cotton swab, and apply the pattern with a semi-dry brush.

Use sticker paper for applications. Cut out figures from it with nail scissors and stick on the blown eggs. Color the eggs. When the surface is dry, peel off the paper figures and apply silver to the unpainted areas with a thin brush.

Eggs can be decorated with beads and beads: This can be done with PVA glue and tweezers.

There are certain rules for painting eggs that must not be violated.

All drawings on the testicle should be located in a very clear pattern.
The structure of the Universe is embedded in the egg, therefore the drawing cannot be arbitrarily modified.

Here are some symbols used in the creation of the Ukrainian pysanky:

Pine on a Easter egg - a symbol of health.
Black is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to black testicles, thereby showing the diversity of life. The child was made Easter eggs on a cherry background, and not on black.
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh is a symbol of fate.
White color - the beginning of all beginnings: the destiny that is being built in the sky.
The yellow grid is a symbol of the sun and the fate that is being built here.
Oak is a symbol of strength.
The dots are a symbol of fertility.
Cream is a symbol of love.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Flowers are a symbol of girlhood.

Holy Week is the name given to the last six days before Easter. Each of these days is called "Great" each has its own customs and traditions. They also concern such an important stage of preparation for Easter as coloring eggs.

Most believers are looking for an answer to the question of when they paint eggs for Easter 2018. Well, firstly, this is done only during Holy Week. That is, in 2018 from April 2 to April 7. Secondly, one must understand that eggs are not dyed on Maundy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The preparation of Easter cakes and the coloring of eggs begins on Maundy or Maundy Thursday and lasts for two more days.

1. A very common version is associated with Mary Magdalene. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, she sent to Rome to be the first person to tell Emperor Tiberius about the miracle. It was impossible to go to the emperor without gifts, and Mary had no money. Then she brought eggs to the emperor and said that Christ had risen! The emperor said that it is also impossible for a dead person to be resurrected, just as it is impossible for this egg to stop being white. Then the egg in his hands turned red. By the way, other sources claim that Mary Magdalene presented the emperor with eggs not from lack of money, but from the fact that the egg is a symbol of life and a new stage of development. The red color of the Easter egg is a symbol of the blood that Christ shed on the cross for human sins.

2. The second version of why it is necessary to paint eggs is associated with the Virgin Mary. The version says that the Virgin Mary, as a child, dyed eggs with Jesus to entertain the child.

3. Another common legend says that believers severely limited themselves in food during the fasting period. And, in order not to eat spoiled eggs, after the end of the fast they were boiled. So it was easy to distinguish a good egg from a product of not the first freshness.

Maundy Thursday, April 5, 2018 is the time when eggs are dyed and Easter cakes are baked. That is, when you can start painting eggs and baking Easter cakes. Festive preparations for Easter also last on Friday and Saturday. Since a modern person is busy at work on weekdays, most of the work remains on Saturday. Saturday is also a good day to paint eggs for Easter 2018, so as not to contradict the church charter.

And if you still don’t know how to paint eggs for Easter in an original way, read our article about
