
Do not get pancakes stick. Hurry up - make people laugh

How to cook a recipe for pancakes that do not stick to the pan - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

What to add so that pancakes do not stick

It seems that there is nothing easier than making pancakes. But, every housewife knows that baking thin and translucent pancakes is a whole art. Sometimes, it happens that the dough is made according to the best recipe, but pancakes still stick to the pan.

If you know what to add so that pancakes do not stick, then the folk wisdom that the first pancake always turns out lumpy will no longer be relevant to you. In order to avoid trouble when making pancakes, it is important to know certain secrets.

What to add? Vegetable oil!

Vegetable oil added to the dough will help not only that the products will not stick to the pan. Oil will make the taste of pancakes more saturated and reliably protect from burning. Oil must be added to the dough just before the start of cooking, and then mix everything well. If there is a lot of dough, then during the frying process it must be stirred, because the oil accumulates on the surface over time. Knowing about the benefits of olive oil. add it to the dough.

How to choose the right frying pan

If the batter is cooked correctly but the pancakes still stick to the pan, it may just be the wrong pan. Each housewife for cooking this dish should have a separate frying pan, in which nothing else can be cooked. The metal from which this pan will be made is also important. However, this is not true for pans made of cast iron and aluminum. The fact is that during the frying process, a hard fatty film is formed on these coatings, which protects the pancakes from sticking.

Even if you wash a cast iron or aluminum pan after making pancakes, the film will still not be washed off at once. Therefore, you should not worry about the next batch of pancakes.

How to heat up a frying pan

It is important not only to know what to add to pancakes so that they do not stick, but also to cook them in a well-heated pan. Before cooking the first pancake, the pan with oil must be very well warmed up, until a slight haze appears.

How to make the right dough

What to add so that the pancakes do not stick? Vegetable oil, but why can the dough stick even with this ingredient? Perhaps it turned out to be too rare. If the dough for delicious pancakes is too thick, then the pancakes will not stick, but they will look more like buns.

The quality of pancakes will also be badly affected by the fact if there is a lot of soda in it. Soda makes pancakes loose, but if you overdo it a little, the products will break.

How to properly grease a frying pan

Another important culinary secret that must be observed so that the pancakes do not stick. It is necessary not to pour oil into the pan, but to lubricate it. You can take half a potato and dip it in vegetable oil, and then grease the pan. This will help ensure that the oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Sometimes lard is used instead of butter. This is an effective and proven method. Lubrication with lard, all other things being equal, will help the pancakes not stick to the surface. The lard will also help determine if the pan is hot enough to start cooking pancakes. If the fat melts on contact with the surface, then the pan is ready and you can start frying pancakes.

Don't use a new pan!

Even if all the necessary manipulations have been carried out with the new frying pan, including steaming and piercing, it still will not cope with frying pancakes and will not save them from sticking. It is best for a hassle-free and fast process, on the contrary, to use the oldest pan.

As you can see from these tips, it is equally important what to add so that the pancakes do not stick, as well as which pan to use. Every housewife has her own secrets of making delicious pancakes. In this article, we have collected the most effective tips to help you avoid sticking. May your first pancake, as well as all subsequent pancakes, never turn out to be lumpy!

Delicious pancakes with milk

I have long had a dream - to bake a high stack of pancakes, luxurious, such as in the most gorgeous photos on the Maslenitsa theme!

But so far it has been possible to achieve the desired height only once. The fact is that when we bake pancakes, no matter how much you put on the dish - and for some reason their number remains the same! In my opinion, this is the main indicator of delicious pastries :) So we love pancakes very much, even more than pancakes.

I tried many recipes for pancakes - and lush, plump on kefir. and openwork yeast. and thin, lacy on milk, and even patterned pancakes in the form of drawings! All of them are good in their own way, delicious with different fillings and on their own. And recently I came across a very simple and easy recipe for pancakes with milk. So lucky that I baked a full portion twice a day!

Imagine: pancakes are thin, perforated, and most importantly, it is a pleasure to remove from the pan! They do not stick to the pan, they turn over very easily, there is a minimum of products, compared to other recipes where you need a lot of eggs, and you get a lot of pancakes. In general, I recommend.

  • 3 cups of milk (glass = 250 ml);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (or 1 if the filling is unsweetened);
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Dough for pancakes with milk:

Add salt and sugar to the eggs.

Beat with a mixer for a minute until fluffy.

Gradually, in 3-4 doses, stirring all the time, sift the flour into the dough one by one.

Half a glass of flour - mixed - half a glass of milk - mixed - again flour, until we add everything. If there are lumps in the dough, don't worry: I just beat the dough with a mixer after I add all the milk and flour, and it becomes fluffy and smooth, without lumps!

Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into the dough, squeeze a little lemon juice into it, mix.
As I recently learned, it is better to mix the soda with the last portion of flour and sift everything together into the dough, mix, and then pour the lemon juice into the dough. Then the soda will not be felt, and the openwork effect will be the same.

Then pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough and mix well or beat a little more. Thanks to the oil, the pancakes will not stick to the pan.

The dough turns out to be liquid, pouring, and if it seems too liquid to you, resist the temptation to add flour there! The dough for thin pancakes should be such as you will see when you start baking.

Lubricate the frying pan with sunflower oil (we lubricate it, but do not pour it, as for pancakes!) Just before the first pancake, there is no further such need - the pancakes themselves are perfectly removed!

We heat the pan well on fire, then pour the dough with a scoop, and with the other hand turn the pan so that the dough spreads over it in a uniform thin layer. Holes appear on pancakes instantly! Thin pancakes are baked on a fire above average just instantly: make sure you have time to turn over in time!

We turn it over like this: under the edge of the pancake we slip a wide spatula with a thin edge (this is important, I have a metal spatula - so it is thin and removes well, but plastic, thicker, does not fit). We pry the pancake with a spatula (if necessary, carefully, so as not to burn ourselves, we help with the fingers of our free hand) and once! - Flip over to the other side.

A couple of tens of seconds - and the pancake was fried on the second side. Remove pancakes with a spatula to a platter. They will be fatter and tastier if each, removed from the pan, greased with butter.

So they baked many, many beautiful, ruddy, thin pancakes!

It is most delicious to eat them right away, or you can make a beautiful rose, or stuffed rolls, or pancakes. or even pancake. Such pancakes can be made chocolate - this is a separate recipe.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us is faced with pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why do pancakes stick to a cast-iron pan, fall apart and tear, and what to do in such situations. After completing our course for a young kitchen "fighter", we will surely be able to find and correct that hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible number of recipes. Someone likes lush cakes, while someone prefers the finest lace glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most delicious version of kneading for pancakes, however, just like on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes that have been tested over the years can periodically play a cruel joke with us - when frying, pancakes stick to the pan, and when turned over, they tear. Common situation? Let's reveal the secret of the rebelliousness of these cakes and pans.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan

There are quite a few reasons that provoke pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, then the whole problem may be hiding in the following:

  • in the wrong dish,
  • wrong way of baking,
  • or something is missing in the test,
  • or vice versa, some components in excess.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to individually and in more detail review all possible negative factors in pancake cooking and correct them.

Pancakes stick to the pan and burst! What to do?

The most important reason for the pancake lawlessness is, in fact, objectionable dishes.

What is the catch here?

The thing is that in pans made of these materials, during the heating process, a thinnest fatty film is formed, invisible to our eyes, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You probably noted that a heated cast-iron does not even have to be lubricated with oil, and pancakes on such dishes come out ruddy and very tasty.

More details in the article of the same name.

How to choose a pan for baking pancakes

However, in relation to such baking bells and whistles, sometimes unpleasant situations happen - pancakes stick, do not turn over and tear. Here the whole snag is in the improper handling of dishes.

If the pan was washed with an iron brush before baking pancakes, then the protective fatty layer was also erased.

You can return this layer as follows. We put a dry frying pan on the fire and heat it until smoke begins to come from its surface.

Another common problem for pancake makers is the use of a new, never used pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since the “virgin” vessel needs to go through a preliminary “break-in” to start uninterrupted operation.

Well, fry at least scrambled eggs on it before that, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they will not stick.

Also, the dough itself plays a special role in culinary failures when frying pancakes, because the quality of the finished product depends on compliance with all recipe standards.

Pancakes are bursting! What to add?

So, we chose the right pan, calcined it, prepared it for frying pancakes, but pancakes still stick. In this situation, the wrong recipe may be to blame, or it may not be followed.

How to dilute the dough for pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the naughty dough is already mixed.

In an effort to bake openwork, the thinnest pancakes, some housewives often knead excessively batter, hoping "at random". This is the primary reason for an unsuccessful dessert.

In a hot frying pan, moisture evaporates very quickly from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and elasticity. As a result, the pancake turns out to be fragile, it breaks and strives to stick to the hot surface of the cast iron.

In this case, add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.

Another popular reason why pancake batter sticks to the pan is haste. Having spread the dough, we just want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally not true.

The pancake batch likes to stand for half an hour, then it becomes more "compliant". The thing is that during this time the flour releases gluten to the maximum, which will eventually make the pancake more dense and elastic.

Undoubtedly, there are lean options in the database of pancake recipes, however, it is the lack of eggs in the dough that can adversely affect the quality of ready-made desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary "cement" - an emulsifier that holds together all the binding components of the pancake mix.

Definitely, 1 egg will not be enough for 1 liter of liquid, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save the recalcitrant dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and whisking the composition well until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to eggs that pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and bake faster.

Also, thin pancakes will not tear if more eggs are added to the dough, then the flour deficiency will be invisible in this light.

The absence of eggs or their small number lead to some more problems in baking, we have proposed their solution in the following articles.

If, having added flour and eggs to the pancake batch, the pancakes continue to behave not in the best way, then the introduction of 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the day.

Such a measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fat barrier between the pan and the cake, and give the finished pancakes a special flavor effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry, and will turn over without any problems.

If your recipe requires the use of soda, then put in the composition of this white powder should be exactly as much as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only spoil the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, pancakes will fall apart when turned over.

Who would have thought, but if you add too much sugar to the pancake dough, then such cakes will strive to stick and burn - the effect of caramel.

That is why those with a sweet tooth should sweeten pancakes ready-made with the help of powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the batch itself, granulated sugar should be poured to a minimum.

You can flavor the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but be careful, since the excessive use of such flavors will lead to depressing consequences.

The strength of the dough is reduced, the integrity of the cake is broken. There must be a measure in everything.

How to fry pancakes so that they do not stick?

It would seem that pancakes are the easiest and most favorite breakfast option for many. However, some cooks are so unfriendly with these cakes sticking to the pan that even such an innocent childish request to make pancakes for breakfast turns into a nightmare for the hostess.

It seems that I have already mastered the dough, but it is also important to know how to fry them correctly and how to grease the pan so that the pancakes do not stick.

The first rule says that so that the pancakes do not come out “lumpy”, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and heat the dishes to the first haze, and only then pour in the dough.

These ingredients contain water, which when heated begins to boil away, which causes the dough to stick to the pan and burn the pancakes.
How to process a frying pan can be found in a detailed article on this topic.

How to grease a pancake pan

  • The best grease for a pan is a piece of lard strung on a fork.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the cast iron should be only 1 time, before the first pancake, and it is recommended to bake the rest in a dry frying pan. However, as needed, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil, or with a piece of lard.
  • For baking thin and medium pancakes, select medium or slightly more than medium temperature. For yeast, lush, as well as for openwork pancakes - medium or slightly less than average temperature.
    Read more here…

What fire to fry pancakes

Why do liver pancakes fall apart

Not only dessert pancakes need special attention. A very popular snack liver cake also requires the preparation of liver pancakes as cakes.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves can skillfully fray the nerves of the housewives when frying, because liver pancakes almost always fall apart when turned over, if there is no proven recipe in the arsenal.

Usually liver cake layers fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ cup of milk will be more than enough.

You can save the situation if you add flour to the dough, which will make it more dense and elastic.

What to do if thin pancakes are needed for an appetizer? You just need to take more fresh chicken eggs for kneading, then at the exit we will get soft and thin cakes. A pound of liver will require at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength to the test. Only 1 tbsp. of this powder can save a dish from total failure.
  • Another common problem of pancakes from the liver is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its overabundance in the test. The liver completely deprives the dough of its adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the prescriptions of the recipe.
  • To prevent liver pancakes from sticking and falling apart, they need to be baked in a hot cast-iron pan, greased or oiled.

Conclusion: what to do if pancakes stick and tear

So we looked at all aspects of pancake failures. They also suggested ways to solve them.

Summing up, we recall that in order for the pancakes not to stick to the pan, you need:

  1. Adhere to the recipe and knead the dough exactly following the instructions in the recipe.
  2. Knead the dough until it takes on a uniform consistency, even color.
  3. To get rid of lumps, for which eggs, flour and a little liquid are kneaded to a thick uniform mass, and only then we bring the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.
  4. We heat the pan before baking and grease with vegetable oil or fat.
  5. Bake pancakes on moderate medium heat.
  6. Turn over the pancake baked on one side, first lifting the edges of the cake in a circle with a knife or spatula.

Following these rules, you will always get perfect pancakes, and the question of why pancakes stick to the pan and tear will never again arise on your culinary path.

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Why do pancakes on kefir and milk stick to the pan and tear?

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? This question has been asked at least once in their lives by all housewives. How annoying it sometimes happens when something doesn’t work the first time, especially if it’s a simple and so familiar dish! It would seem that it is difficult to make dough and bake? But when not only the first pancake, but also the second and third come out lumpy, you begin to understand that something went wrong.

Why pancakes stick: the main reasons

In the preparation of pancakes, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances, and any violation of the rules can lead to disastrous results.

Here are the most common reasons why pancakes tear and stick to the pan:

"Wrong" frying pan

Ideally, this should be an old "cast iron" with a thick bottom or a Teflon crepe maker. Any food will stick to a scratched non-stick coating. The same result will be obtained if it is a new cast iron or aluminum pan. The thing is that the oil leaves a film on these metals that cannot be washed the first time without caustic substances. From time to time, the oily coating thickens, and the baking process is simplified. It is better to have a separate pan specifically for pancakes. But if you cook them once a year for Maslenitsa, then, of course, this does not make any sense.

Almost any frying pan can be made suitable for baking pancakes by calcining salt in it. It is necessary to pour the spice with a layer of 5 mm and a tablespoon of soda, mix and put on the included stove. When the mass acquires a beige tint, pour it out and wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Lubricate the bottom and walls with a thin layer of butter or a piece of lard - and you can start baking.

Not enough butter in the dough

This problem is perhaps the easiest to solve: you just need to add it, mix well and start baking again. Remember that oil, like all fats, floats to the surface. Therefore, before pouring a new batch of dough to fry, you need to mix it thoroughly. The pan, even if it is non-stick, must be oiled before baking the first pancakes. Then you can already look at the situation: if nothing else sticks, then there are enough fats. If the problem persists, it is better to bake everything in butter than to throw away the dough.

The pan was poorly or unevenly heated

Everything will inevitably stick to the cold bottom. You can check if the dishes are heated well by dropping a little dough. If it sizzles and starts to cook instantly, you can start baking.

Too thin or thick batter

It, as you know, should look like liquid sour cream. Everything is simple here: you just need to add flour or milk until you get the perfect consistency.

For lean recipes, the problem of sticking is very relevant. Flour will improve the situation, but such pancakes are unlikely to be thin and delicate. Dough without eggs is better to brew, that is, add very hot milk or water to the flour. Boiling water will give elasticity, and nothing will stick.

Excess of this substance will give the pancakes friability and an unpleasant taste. This problem is perhaps the most difficult to fix. You can prepare another dough - without soda - and gradually pour in the spoiled one, preparing a test pancake each time. The hostess will have to do this until she is satisfied with the result.

Why do pancakes in milk stick to the pan?

Milk is considered the classic basis for making pancakes. However, there are some secrets here too:

  • eggs should be at room temperature. Take care of this in advance - take them out of the refrigerator 3-4 hours before cooking;
  • choose only fresh products and high-quality flour. A dish cooked on expired ingredients will not only stick and tear, but also threaten with poisoning;
  • flour must be sifted - then unnecessary lumps will not appear in the dough;
  • milk should be warm.

Recipe for pancakes with milk that will never stick

  • milk - 750 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until white, add salt.
  2. Heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove, pour into the egg-sugar mixture.
  3. Soda repay lemon juice and add to the products.
  4. Sift the flour and add it to the mass in several approaches, mixing thoroughly each time, until all the lumps are broken.
  5. Leave the mixture to stand for about an hour. During this time, the flour will swell, and you will see the actual consistency of the dough. It should be like sour cream. If it turns out thicker, add more warm milk, if liquid - flour.
  6. Add oil before frying and mix well.

Why do pancakes on kefir stick to the pan?

It is more difficult to work with kefir as a base: pancakes on it turn out to be loose and easily stick and tear. To prevent such a scenario, you can knead the dough in half with milk or water. Such ingredients will give it strength, and kefir will make the taste delicate and light. At the same time, both water and milk should be very hot, almost boiling water.

Recipe for lacy "non-sticky" pancakes on kefir

  • kefir - 400 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  1. Combine flour, kefir, eggs, salt and sugar in a saucepan and mix with a mixer.
  2. Pour soda into a glass of boiling water, stir quickly and pour into the dough. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes. at room temperature.
  3. Pour in the oil and start frying.

There are not so many answers to the question why pancakes stick to the pan: most likely, it’s either the dough or the pan. This dish is simple, but rather capricious, requiring certain skills and dexterity. When preparing for the first time according to a new recipe, it is better to carefully measure all grams and milliliters. And then, after evaluating the result, decide what to add and what to remove. Over time, you will develop your formula for the perfect pancakes, and then you can safely experiment with tastes and textures.

Read other interesting articles

How to make lean pancakes that don't stick to the pan

When I was looking for a recipe for lean pancakes, I reviewed a whole bunch of them and the reviews were very different, many people wrote that nothing worked out for them, and they just threw away the dough for lean pancakes. I was afraid that it would not work out for me either, but still I hoped I could bake pancakes without eggs. But there were many positive reviews, which reinforced my desire and confidence that everything would work out.

I am happy to report that everything worked out for me and even the first pancake was not a lump, but lean pancakes turned over even better than pancakes with milk. I did not direct them very much, because I was still worried that they might not work out. From my number of ingredients, 12 lean pancakes came out. My children did not recognize lean food in the form of pancakes, for them I prepared ordinary thin pancakes in milk.

I added starch to the lean pancake dough on the recommendation of one woman, where I read comments on the recipe for lean pancakes, I don’t know if he played a role in the good removal of pancakes from the pan or something else, but the main thing is that everything worked out and you can safely use my recipe. One note, I baked pancakes without eggs in a pancake pan, I don’t know how they will behave in a regular pan, I can’t vouch for the result).

So, the ingredients for lean pancakes:

  • Water - 350 ml
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Flour - 14 tablespoons with a slide
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 7 tablespoons
  • Potato starch - 1.5 tablespoons

How to cook lean pancakes

Here is such a simple composition, I specially measured the flour with spoons for my amount of water. In general, the consistency of the dough does not differ in any way from ordinary pancakes with milk or kefir, which I cook not for fasting and fasting, but for kids).

To make lean pancakes for you, do everything according to the recipe. We heat the water to a warm, but not hot state. We sift the flour. I did not photograph all these stages, I think everyone can handle it anyway).

Pancake dough without eggs

Pour some warm water into a bowl with high sides and start mixing the flour, I used a manual whisk, it breaks all the lumps well, I make a thick gruel in this way, then add more water, bringing the volume of water to 350 ml, and the amount of flour to 14 tablespoons . After all the flour has been added, we introduce potato starch, if you don’t add it, I can’t say for 100% that the pancakes will lag well behind the pan.

I got thin pancakes. I noticed one feature of lean pancakes without eggs and milk, they are browned for a long time, if I had kept a regular pancake in milk for so long, it would have burned out for me long ago.

I didn’t lubricate pancakes on water with anything, since they already have a lot of vegetable oil in them, and how to lubricate them in fasting).

I hope my experience on how to cook lean pancakes that do not stick to the pan will be useful to many fasting people. We ate these lean pancakes with jam, you can eat with honey. I also thought that it was possible to add a little vanilla to the dough, I will do so another time.

You can also stuff such lean pancakes, for example, with rice or mushrooms. Here's a hearty meal. When my husband and I tried these lean pancakes, we both found their taste very familiar and reminiscent of something, but here’s what we couldn’t remember, maybe someone will cook such pancakes without eggs and write in the comments what they remind you of the dish.

We liked the pancakes, given that they are lean, it’s quite a good replacement for ordinary rich pancakes. By the way, who is allergic to eggs - this recipe for pancakes is just a godsend.

P.S. I made these pancakes without the addition of soda and vinegar, we liked them even more than with soda, so try two options and choose which one you like best.

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Cooking the dough right

If you want to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan, then pay attention to the ratio of products and the composition of the dough.

Pancakes will no longer stick to the pan

The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 4 cups sifted wheat flour;
  • 2.5 cups of milk or water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 20 g yeast.

Try to use this recipe first, and then cook more complex dishes based on it.

Experienced housewives have not used measuring cups for a long time and mix products in random order. In this case, the dough may turn out to be too liquid or thick. To fix the situation is simple: just add a little flour or water.

The quality of the dough is affected by the absence of eggs, which play the role of a kind of glue. If you want to make pancakes less greasy, then do not give up this product, but replace it with egg whites.

Not enough oil in the dough and in the pan is another answer to why pancakes stick. In addition, the use of vegetable and animal fats will improve the taste of the finished product.

Pancake pan

Our mothers and grandmothers did not know what a pancake pan was, and therefore they baked their favorite treat using ordinary cast-iron dishes. But nowadays you can find thin pans with a special coating that protects pancakes from sticking. Try using specialized utensils to protect yourself from unnecessary problems in the future.

But if you do not want to get rid of battered pans, then you can solve the problem in another way:

  • First you need to rinse well and completely dry the pan. After that, put it on fire, pour half a glass of salt and a couple of tablespoons of soda into the bottom;
  • heat the dish until its contents change color. After that, soda and salt should be thrown away, and the pan should be rinsed and wiped with a soft cloth.

Your cookware is ready to use, now you can safely fry pancakes on it. Just do not forget to re-ignite it, and then pour two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil onto the bottom. In the future, do not use hard brushes and metal sponges to wash it.

To permanently solve the problem of sticking pancakes, use only proven recipes and a pan that does not cook other dishes.

Everyone knows the proverb that the first pancake is always lumpy. But in fact, this assertion is easy to dispel.

To understand why pancakes stick to the pan, you should read my article to the end. I decided to give a summary of tips to help you understand how to avoid force majeure in this situation, which apply to both the dough and the pan.

When preparing pancakes for breakfast, both on kefir and water, every hostess had a nuisance when the cakes burned in the pan, turned over badly and began to tear, stick.

The situation can become even more tense if you need to feed the guests, but you can’t make pancakes. In order not to sob from a culinary failure in your own kitchen, I propose to find out for yourself why pancakes stick to the pan and what to do in this situation.

In this article, I tried to collect numerous tips, systematizing them together with personal experience. I must admit that I have it really solid.

I would be glad if you not only read the article to the end, but also decide to use it on your own experience in the kitchen. Let's start dealing with everything in order. These rules will apply to pancakes on kefir, water.

Choosing the Right Cookware

If pancakes stick, then many people advise choosing only a separate pan for cooking them. Understanding why this happens, it can be noted that the advice is indeed true, but only in part.

The thing is that you need to pay attention to the material of the work of your dishes. If it is cast iron or aluminum cookware, then the advice can be put into practice.

In other cases, it should not be used. This is justified by the fact that in the above pans, during heating, a special film of fat with solid characteristics is formed.

Such a film is able to prevent situations when pancakes stick to the surface of a cast-iron pan. Similarly, it works when you need to protect the surface of cast iron cookware from rust.

Having prepared pancakes on kefir or water, each housewife washes the dishes. After one washing process, the protective fibers of the film are not removed, and therefore the next time you should count on the successful baking of pancakes, because often they do not burn.

In the event that you wash the pan several times after cooking other dishes, then there may not be a trace of the film.

As a result, subsequent baking will be accompanied by questions about what to do if the pancakes stick to the surface of the pan, burn and how to deal with it.

Preheating dishes before baking

You need to bake pancakes on kefir, milk, water in a well-heated pan. This advice really answers reality and is useful.

It is important to heat the pan with rast. oil, when it is well heated, smoke will appear. Cases in this situation, when pancakes stuck, were not recorded in my experience.

This time again, the situation will not do without mentioning the very film that protects the dishes. During the baking of pancakes, the dishes need to be heated, otherwise the question will come to the surface: why pancakes stick to the pan.

In this case, you will definitely remember the famous saying about pancakes and coma, no matter how sad it may sound. Experienced housewives can immediately understand when to start cooking pancakes, while others check the temperature of the dishes with the same cruel rule “the first pancake is lumpy”.

Greasing the pan

Some cooks advise making homemade pancakes using a dry frying pan. If you are familiar with such people, then know that they are cooking in a pan with Teflon or they are lying. In such a pan, the dough will not burn, but you need to add rast to it. oil.

If you cook pancakes without adding rast. oil, then it must be admitted that they will be tough, you can compare them with the sole of a soldier's boot.

Decide, of course, for yourself which pancakes to eat, but I would advise you to follow the folk wisdom that says that pancake cannot be spoiled with butter.

Kneading the right dough

A rare dough for pancakes will not bring the desired result. You need to correctly understand what is the ideal dough for pancakes. If it is too thick, then the cakes will become like buns, and this effect is certainly not needed by anyone.

Another important fact is to add soda to the dough. In the event that there is a lot of this white component in the composition, then the pancakes will turn out loose, they will tear. During the coup in the pan, only shreds will remain from them. You can add soda, but just a little bit.

Dough Ingredients

A big role in the success of baking homemade pancakes is the composition of the dough. If your pancakes burn, what to do first is to add oil. Be sure to add to the mixture. oil.

This is due not only to the fact that pancakes will not burn, but their taste will be special. This procedure does not take much time at all, but a positive result will be immediately visible.

In the case when there is a lot of dough, then during frying you need to mix it. The thing is that the decision to add vegetable oil to the mixture will cause it to accumulate on the surface. It is important to shake the mixture well.

Don't skimp on oil

When frying pancakes, you should not save vegetable oil. Of course, it is not recommended to forget about the sense of measure in this case. If the pan is dry, then, as I said above, the quality of baking will decrease significantly.

The oil should be evenly distributed over the surface of the dish. It is worth pouring it before baking the next pancake. But I beg you, without fanaticism. Too fatty pancakes will also not be excellent.

You won't find a better old pancake pan

Do not use a new pan for baking pancakes. Even if you bake it, steam it, etc., there is a good chance that the pancakes will not work. If the pancakes begin to tear, stick, then it is the new dishes that are to blame.

In no case do I advise you to use a new pan, no matter how good it is, pancakes stick to it all the time. Based on my own experience, I can safely say that nothing good can be expected from this manipulation.

You can continue this article for a long time, because there are a lot of tips for baking pancakes.

An excellent mood will be transferred to each pancake if the hostess fries in a great mood. In the event that something doesn’t work out for you in the kitchen, then you don’t need to get upset, become discouraged.

In fact, happiness is not in this, try not to take everything too close, but rejoice and smile more. And in general, it must be admitted that even a pancake can seem very tasty and ideal to your family.

At the end of the article, I want to present you a small recipe on how to cook perfect pancakes at home.

Easy quick pancake recipe

Components: 4 tbsp. flour; 0.5 l of water and milk; 5 tbsp rast. oils; 2 tbsp sugar sand; 5 pieces. chickens. eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; 250 ml of boiling water.

Action algorithm:

  1. The components are heated to room temperature. I get milk and chickens. eggs in advance.
  2. I sow flour to saturate the composition with oxygen, from this pancakes, and all pastries, become even tastier. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs, salt, milk, sugar. For these purposes, I advise you to beat with a mixer or work with a whisk.
  3. The next step is to add flour. The dough will be thick, and therefore it is worth introducing water into it little by little, interfering with the components. The sequence of adding products is important to follow in order to avoid lumps.
  4. I add boiling water and mix well. This is necessary for the dough to cook. In this case, pancakes will be lacy and thin.
  5. I pour rast. oil, I interfere.
  6. I start frying each pancake in a well-hot pan.

You can make pancakes not only with the addition of milk, but also on kefir, just on water. The choice is entirely yours. I hope that you won’t have any more “why can’t you bake pancakes”.

My video recipe

Hello! There is no such hostess who at least once in her life has pancakes stuck to the pan. And we know how insulting and unpleasant it is. After all, so much work and soul was invested in the cooking process itself. And now we will give advice on what to do if pancakes stick to the pan?

Magic, or how not to stick a pancake to the pan

In order for your pancakes to be tasty, tender and beautiful, first of all, you need to pay attention to the ratio of components in the dough. And in order for your dough to be truly perfect, you need to adopt a classic pancake recipe. For this you need:

  • Sifted wheat flour - 4 cups.
  • Milk (water) - 2.5 cups.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.
  • Yeast - 20 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Sharpen your skills on this particular recipe, later you can apply other more complex recipes.

As you know, experienced housewives have long stopped using measuring cups during cooking. And in order to give the dough a thicker or thinner state, water or flour is simply added.

The quality of the dough also depends on the presence of eggs in it. After all, this product acts as a kind of glue. And even if you need to get fatty pancakes, then eggs should not be ignored, just separate the egg white and add it to the dough.

Also, adhesion is affected by a small amount of oil. It should be enough, both in the dough itself and in the pan. In addition, any type of oil adds its flavor to the finished dish.

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Properly Prepared Frying Pan

Of course, in the modern world, everything is constantly evolving, and manufacturers have long made sure that there are special non-stick pancake pans. But what if you don't have such a frying pan? Don't be discouraged and take advantage of the following tips:

  • Most importantly, thoroughly wash the pan. Then dry it. And now just put it on fire. At the same time, be sure to pour 0.5 cups of salt and a couple of tablespoons of soda to the bottom.
  • Heat the pan until the spilled contents change color. Then throw away the soda and salt, and rinse the bottom and wipe it dry with a rag.

Your pancake maker is now ready for frying. Pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to warm up the bottom again, and add oil there.

And in order to completely forget about the problem of sticking, get a specialized or use proven dishes that are not used for cooking other dishes.

Thanks to actionable tips, you will now know what to do if pancakes constantly stick to the pan!

Housewives have an ambiguous attitude towards pancakes, or rather, their baking. Some people think that baking pancakes is easy. Others do not even undertake this troublesome business.

And all because pancakes are an unpredictable dish, and sometimes they tend to burst. And the “lump” is obtained not only the first pancake, but also subsequent ones.

In fact, even a novice hostess can learn how to bake pancakes. The main thing is to remember only a few simple rules for preparing this dish, as well as to get acquainted with the reasons why pancakes do not work out. For example, they are torn when turning over.

Incorrect amount of flour

The taste of pancakes depends on the ingredients that are added to the dough. Pancakes are made with milk and kefir. They are yeast or on soda. Sometimes, instead of water, kefir or milk, mineral water, beer or even brine are added.

But in each of these recipes, the main place is given to flour. The thickness of pancakes and their strength depend on it.

If you put a lot of flour, the dough will be thick. This means that it will not be able to quickly spread over the pan, and the pancake will come out thick. Such a pancake will eventually turn out to be heavy and, possibly, unbaked. It can be easily turned over to the other side, removed from the pan. But when folding, it will most likely tear.

If you put a little flour in the dough, then during baking it does not seize, it remains liquid, and such pancakes cannot be turned over or removed from the pan without consequences.

Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, adding as much flour as indicated in it.

But most often the hostess does not rely on the recipe, but kneads the dough for pancakes from the ingredients that are available.

In this case, you first need to combine the eggs with sugar and salt, add half the norm of liquid, mix well. While stirring, gradually add flour. Then dilute the thick dough with the remaining liquid to the desired consistency. It should turn out so that it flows viscous from the ladle, but the trickle should not be thick.

Poor ingredient ratio


It is believed that pancakes are torn due to the small number of eggs in the dough. But this is not a completely correct conclusion. There are many recipes with only 2 eggs, but the pancakes are perfect.

It all depends on the stickiness of the flour, thorough mixing of all ingredients.

And in some recipes, eggs are completely absent. Eggs can not be added to the dough on kefir. But in this case, the dough is recommended to be brewed with boiling water. It becomes elastic, and pancakes do not tear when turned over.

The dough for pancakes on kefir is made a little thicker than on milk or water. Because you need to take into account the density of kefir. So that such pancakes do not turn out to be dense, soda or another baking powder must be added to the dough.

Soda should be mixed with flour, and not quenched in a spoon, as many housewives do. If the soda is quenched with vinegar separately from the flour, then all the gas bubbles that make the dough airy will evaporate before combining with the flour. And then there will be little sense from soda.

If pancakes tear when turned over, you can add 1-2 eggs to the dough. But you need to remember that due to the large number of eggs, pancakes turn out to be tough.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of pancakes from yeast dough.

Because of the foam, it is difficult to determine the density of the dough. If little flour is added to such a dough, then pancakes from it will break.

Eggs are necessarily placed in the yeast dough, and they are thoroughly beaten and only then combined with a dough made from half the norm of liquid and a full norm of flour. The dough is kneaded until the lumps disappear completely.

The rest of the liquid is added at the very end of the batch. Such pancakes are baked only after the dough has risen well. It is not stirred before baking, so as not to destroy air bubbles.


Sometimes pancakes are torn due to a large amount of sugar. The underside of a pancake made from such a dough quickly begins to fry, and the top remains still raw. It is very difficult to flip such a pancake entirely.

But you should not completely give up sugar, since pancakes without it turn out pale. Therefore, it is enough to put 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar so that the pancakes are moderately sweet, but not burnt.


To make pancakes easily turned over and removed from the pan, vegetable oil is poured into the dough.

Sometimes housewives believe: the more oil you pour into the dough, the easier the pancakes will be removed from the pan. But it has the opposite effect. When baking pancakes, the oil begins to boil, the dough bubbles, its integrity is broken, and as a result, the pancakes are torn.

Therefore, it is enough to pour no more than 40–50 g of oil into the dough - just enough so that the pancakes turn out to be moderately fatty and do not stick to the pan.


The quality of pancakes depends on the right pan.

An ideal option for baking is a pancake pan. It has low sides, it heats up well and cools down quickly. It is enough just to first lightly spread it with oil, and then calmly bake pancakes.

If there is no such pan, you need to take a cast-iron or old "grandmother's" pan with a thick bottom. No wonder grandmothers make pancakes perfect.

So that the pancakes do not tear when turning over, before each new portion of the dough, the pan is smeared with a piece of lard, chopped on a fork, or vegetable oil with a brush.

It is not recommended to pour oil into the pan from a bottle, because then the dough does not stick to the surface of the pan, but rather “flows” to one edge. At the same time, the oil begins to bubble, dilutes the dough, and the pancake breaks when you try to turn it over.

Note to the owner

  • To make pancakes perfect, a personal frying pan must be allocated for them.
  • Before pouring the first portion of the dough, the oiled frying pan must be heated to a barely noticeable haze, then removed from the stove for 5-6 seconds. And only after that pour the dough. Bake pancakes over medium heat.
  • Do not be upset if the first pancake turned out to be “lumpy”. Usually it is used to judge how much dough to pour into the pan. If necessary, add more flour or, conversely, make the dough thinner. By the way, you can not add flour to the whole dough, as it will be difficult to get rid of lumps. It is necessary to pour a little dough into another bowl, mix thoroughly with flour and only then combine with the rest of the dough.

And the last. Having scraped off a sticky pancake from a frying pan, it is not enough just to wipe it. It must be washed well, calcined, and then re-greased with oil. And, most importantly, to believe that everything will work out!
