
Preparing onion skins for dyeing eggs. Pattern on eggs from leaves, flowers and twigs

Last year I wanted to experiment - and see what the color would be Easter eggs, if you take onion peel as a coloring component, but not ordinary, but blue. I fantasized and really saw how I was opening a new niche - coloring eggs in a deep blue color with natural dyes. By the way, I have already received the blue color - when, but, in fairness, it is worth recognizing that the result is more like a dirty blue color than blue. Very beautiful - no doubt. Pastel, a bit vintage and very, very beautiful. But not blue. And I wanted to paint blue eggs for Easter with the help of natural dyes. In general, I decided that I would succeed, and I would be the first to show the world how to dye eggs blue without store-bought chemical dyes. What do you say? I decided to decide, but in the end it came out oops - it turned out that if you color the eggs onion peel collected from blue onion, the result will be absolutely identical to the one obtained if you paint the eggs with the husks of the usual onion golden orange. In general, I show and tell - in stages, so that you believe and do not follow in my footsteps in an attempt to reinvent the wheel.

The long-awaited Easter is gone in a day.
English proverb

Most likely, you have known for a long time how to dye eggs in onion skins. And I still recommend viewing the material - I’m sure you’ll still see something new for yourself, and if you don’t see it, then you are a great fellow, and for this it’s still worth going under the cut!

Step 1. Wash

Be sure to wash eggs before painting. We remove possible dirt, a factory stamp with a production date, and other troubles that can easily spoil the overall picture of finished paints. Washed? We dry.

Step 2. Husk

Let's go over for sure. If suddenly a spoiled leaf is lying around in the bag, we remove it - during the cooking process it calls you so much that you want to throw away all the eggs in bulk. Put in a saucepan. The more husks, the deeper and richer the color will turn out.

Step 3. Materials at hand

We go to the park and collect leaves-flowers. And we are preparing a couple of holey nylon tights. And at the same time - thread-gum.

Step 4. Assembly

Here you need to get the hang of it - stick the leaves and flowers in such a way that they lie as tightly as possible, evenly and without bending, and at the same time they hold well with a piece of nylon tights. Leaflets, by the way, can be fixed with water - it helps. The rest is sleight of hand. Try.

Step 5. Cooking

Carefully lay the eggs in the pan, trying to ensure that they lie between the husks and are evenly covered by it on all sides. Fill with water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, boil on a minimum heat for at least 15 minutes, then leave the eggs in the water with the husk for at least 5 hours.

Step 6. Final stage

We take the eggs out of the water, remove the excess, wipe with napkins. In general, that's all.

As you can see of blue color No. But still beautiful! We admire with all our might and set the table.

The most exciting action on Easter Eve for me has always been egg coloring. The first memory is how my grandmother and I paint eggs bright pink. As a result, the fingers of both were painted more than the eggs themselves, and the grandmother said a phrase that I remembered forever: “I would have been better to take the onion peel, as usual.” In that memorable year, the krashenki were bright, and with them both the meat and the Easter cake in the basket received a piece of acid color. more grandma did not buy artificial dye.

There are some tips and even tricks that will help you end up with very beautiful and bright eggs, dyed without the use of chemicals.

Can be taken initially eggs with shells of different colors and boil them the same number time. Whites will become reddish, browns will become dark and original in their own way.

How to color eggs

  1. Wash the eggs. Remove the skins from ten onions.
  2. Transfer the husk to a bowl. Fill with water. Add salt. Boil for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Place the washed eggs in a bowl. Make sure they are completely covered with water and husks.
  4. Bring the liquid in a saucepan to a boil. Then cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.
  5. Transfer the eggs to a paper towel. Wait for them to cool down. Grate a small amount sunflower oil to make them shiny.

And when you're keeping ancient custom, you will fight with krashenka for, and after peeling the eggs from the shell, you will see that inside is pure protein that you can eat without fear. Isn't it worth it to prepare the onion skins ahead of time?

Perhaps, this method will seem to someone too ancient to follow it. But, believe me, such eggs look bright against the background of others painted in blue, green or red. Our ancestors knew how to get natural color without effort. Write how you paint chicken eggs You!

21.03.2017, 11:42

How to paint eggs for Easter 2019 in onion skins - 8 ways to paint eggs

Posted on March 21, 2017

For Easter, every housewife wants to cook something so tasty and beautiful, and every housewife spends the whole day in the kitchen preparing Easter cakes and eggs before Easter.

To date, painting eggs in onion skins is the most common method and the most old way. But you must admit that you can color the eggs as usual, but you always want the eggs to be different from everyone else. I want your dyes to be the most unusual and most beautiful. On the eve of the holiday, I will write an article on how to color eggs in onion skins so that they are the most beautiful.

In onion skins, eggs were also dyed by our grandmothers and about grandmothers. This can be said to be the oldest way of coloring eggs. Not only that, it is also the most environmentally friendly and safe for your health. Since in this method only natural natural dyes are used.

Some housewives begin to harvest the husk a few weeks before the painting process itself. After all, the more husks there are, the more saturated and bright the color will be.

Put all the collected husks into a saucepan specially allocated for this business, since the saucepan will also be painted after that. Pour cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, salt a little and lower raw eggs prepared for dyeing in boiling water. Cook for 10-15 minutes, then remove the eggs to a plate and leave them to cool.

This completes the painting process. It remains to wait until everything cools down and you can beautifully lay them out on a plate.

Painted eggs in onion skins with a pattern

In order for your drawing to look as good as possible, choose only white eggs for this. So the drawing will turn out more clearly.

To apply a drawing, you will need the leaves of plants such as dill, parsley, cilantro, possibly birch, mint, lemon balm, in general, almost everything that comes to hand. TOIn addition to the leaves, you will also need gauze or ordinary women's tights and sewing threads.

We put a pan with onion peel on the fire and begin to prepare the eggs. They need to be washed well and wiped with a napkin dipped in table vinegar.

The decor is beautifully distributed over the surface and with the help of gauze and threads we fix it. In order for the leaves to hold well and not slip off while you are tying the gauze, the leaf needs to be slightly moistened with water.

The pattern can be applied on two or more sides. You can also just randomly wind a regular thread. After the eggs have cooled, carefully cut the gauze with scissors.

Coloring eggs for Easter in onion skins with rice

There is another option how to paint eggs in onion skins with patterns. This time, instead of a leaf, we will use grains. various cereals. This method is very similar to the previous one, only in place of the leaves we will use rice or split peas.

1. From a piece of gauze, you need to make a small bag and pour a little cereal into it. Then we lower the egg into it and try to distribute the grains over the entire plane of the egg. We tie the bag tightly and send it to boil in the husk.

2. You can try to paint in another way. Wet the egg and roll it over the rice grains. In addition to rice, you can also use other cereals, such as flax, pearl barley, barley, mung bean. The grains easily stick to the wet shell and it remains to carefully wrap each in gauze. Next, boil in the onion solution for 10-15 minutes.

After we take it out, let it cool and also cut off the gauze with scissors. In order for colored eggs to have a good marketable condition they can be rubbed a little with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil, which will give an excellent shine. Do not be afraid to wipe off the paint, it is so deeply eaten into the shell that it is almost impossible to erase it.

But that's not all. Also, to apply a beautiful pattern on, you can use various nylon nets with a small cell. Now, potatoes are often sold in such nets. Take cut off small piece and wrap the egg and also tie as you tie gauze for the previous methods. Send to cook in the husk. It turns out a very original drawing.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

In addition to onion peel, you can use beetroot juice, pomegranate, blueberry, and currant as dyes.

Beetroot juice gives a pink color. Pomegranate or currant purple. With the help of juice from red cabbage, you can get blue or blue eggs.

If you want to receive yellow then it is better to use turmeric. Some housewives dye eggs in black coffee or strong black tea and get dark brown tones as a result.

In general, there is where to roam. Of course, natural dyes will not give bright and saturated colors quickly. In order for the color to take on as best as possible after boiling the eggs in natural dyes, it is better to leave the eggs to lie down for three hours in a colorful broth, or if it is possible to leave them overnight. This will allow the shell to absorb as much of the color as possible.

Coloring eggs for Easter in cauliflower

Coloring eggs in natural natural colors is so simple that you yourself will be surprised how you didn’t guess before.

And so, in order to color eggs in red cabbage, you need to purchase this very cauliflower. But I hasten to warn you that despite the fact that the cabbage is called red, the colors are blue, you can even say closer to purple.

We take a cabbage head. mode it into small squares. We send them to cold water and set to boil. Almost immediately you need to lower the number of eggs that you want to paint. Cook eggs with cabbage leaves about 10 minutes.

Then the resulting broth is separated from the leaves. We do not remove the krashenka from the broth, add a tablespoon to it table vinegar and leave them in this dye for at least 5 hours. The remaining cabbage can be marinated according to this recipe.

Coloring eggs with blueberry juice

In order to dye eggs with blueberry juice, you need to somehow get it. The easiest way is to go and buy blueberries at the nearest supermarket. At home, put it on a plate and leave to defrost. Then fold into a piece of gauze and just squeeze the juice into a glass.

But before you start painting the eggs, they must first be boiled, since blueberry juice expose heat treatment no need. And so we take boiled eggs and lower their glass with juice. We hold about 40-50 minutes and get it. During this time, the egg will turn dark purple. If you want to make it lighter, just shorten the time in the juice, that's all. Good luck.

As you can see in the photo in this method, you can also resort to receiving the application. Just like you paint in an onion, you can attach a leaf and wrap an egg in gauze to get beautiful patterns on a surface.

Coloring eggs in beetroot juice

When stained in beetroot juice, eggs are obtained Pink colour. In order to dye eggs in natural, natural dyes it takes a little more time than to paint eggs in modern ways. But if you chose natural dyes, I advise you to be patient.

To dye eggs, you need to get medium beets clean it up. Then grate and boil a little, so that the beets become softer. Then put the grated and boiled beets in gauze and squeeze out the juice. In the resulting juice, we will paint.

Marble way of dyeing Easter eggs

This is a little off the topic of the entire article, which gave examples of dyeing eggs only in natural dyes, but it is simply not possible not to mention this method. The technology is so simple that with minimal effort and energy you get very beautiful marble eggs.

So for this method you need some food coloring. The simplest and most affordable for everyone, even the usual brilliant green from the first aid kit will do. Still need a little dry onion peel. It needs to be cut into small pieces. The easiest way to do this is with ordinary scissors.

Cut the peel into pieces.

Place the eggs in a bowl of water.We take them out of the water and while the surface is wet, just dump them in the cut husk.

Then we tightly wrap it in a pre-prepared piece of gauze.

We send to cook in a decoction of onion peel, which we have left from the previous methods.

True, in this broth you will need to pour a little greenery into about a glass of water, a small bubble of greenery leaves. Another spoonful of salt in the pan and you can boil the eggs until cooked in this marbled egg solution.

Then we take out the eggs with a spoon, cool and free from gauze. Now you can enjoy your beautiful marbled eggs.

If the paint stains your hands, take a napkin soak it in vegetable oil and simply wipe the eggs with this napkin. So you will remove the remaining dye and give the shell a great shine. That's all, I wish you Have a good mood and Bon Appetit.

Dyeing eggs with onion skins for Easter is not only beautiful, but also useful. After all, industrial dyes, which are often used to color eggs for Easter, color not only the shell, but also the protein.

There are many natural dyes that can make eggs not only festive, but also safe to eat. But the undisputed leader among natural ingredients- This is an onion peel.

Dyeing eggs with onion skins is very simple, but you need to know a few secrets so that the color is rich and even.

How to prepare eggs for dyeing for Easter 2018:

- so that the eggs do not burst during cooking - take them out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking. Or you can keep them cold water within 15 minutes

- Before painting, wash the eggs well with soap and water. It is better to use an old toothbrush for washing;

Eggs dyed with onion skins for Easter 2018

- after you color the eggs - rub each of them with a napkin soaked vegetable oil. This will give a glossy sheen;

- optionally dyed with natural dyes, eggs should be plain. You can wrap each gauze with rice grains, ribbons or threads, and only then lower it into the dye. So interesting patterns will appear on the surface.

How to paint eggs with onion skins for Easter 2018

- eggs;
- a few handfuls of onion peel;
- parsley leaves (optional)
- dry rice (optional)
- oil.

How to dye eggs with onion skins for Easter - ingredients

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking. Wash them well with soap. For a marble effect, it is better to take white eggs, and more saturated color you get from eggs with dark shells.

Boil the husk for at least an hour

Pour the onion peel with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 1 hour. Cooled down to room temperature a decoction of onion peel, put the eggs and boil for another 15 minutes. Then let the eggs cool.

Put the eggs in the onion peel and boil for another 15 minutes

How to decorate eggs for Easter with dots? Take a wet egg, roll it in dry rice and wrap it tightly with gauze, securing the ends (by the way, many housewives successfully use women's tights).

Eggs dyed with onion skins and rice for Easter 2018

The eggs will turn out to be "marble" with an interesting pattern if you place them directly in the onion peel, then wrap them in gauze and wrap them tightly with threads on top.

Eggs dyed with onion skins for Easter 2018

You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the egg and also wrap tightly with gauze. This will give you the desired pattern.

Eggs dyed with onion skins and parsley for Easter 2018

Happy Easter!

According to legend, the egg that Mary Magdalena carried to the emperor with the news of the resurrection of Jesus was white, but after the words of Tiberius that the resurrection is impossible, as well as changing the color of this egg, it turned red. The element of legend has been transformed into tradition, and now every year for the holiday we paint eggs in onion skins.

If you paint eggs for Easter in onion skins, they will get a dark scarlet hue. This dye is safe, as it is a natural plant material. A brighter color will be obtained if you dye the eggs in red onion skins.

Preparing for painting

Before you start coloring the eggs with onion peel, it should be collected and cooked. Any husk is suitable: both light and red onions. To make the color brighter and more even, the husk must be filled with water 2 days before the planned procedure, after washing it.

Cook eggs one hour before painting: rinse and leave before cooking for 20-30 minutes, leave after the refrigerator to avoid shell cracks due to a sharp temperature jump.

Staining methods

To achieve an even color and obtain any pattern, it is taken as a basis old recipe coloring eggs with onion skins. Knowing it, you can fantasize and create new ways of applying drawings.


In the prepared infusion with onion peel, put the eggs so that there is a 2-5 mm layer of water on top of them. Put the pan on the stove, boil for 5-8 minutes, turning over so that they are colored evenly. Remove from bowl onto paper towels. For quick cooling can be placed in cold water.

Red onion husks are also suitable for dyeing eggs. It gives the most intense color.

The method of creating patterns on the shell is not expensive and uncomplicated. There are many options for how to dye eggs in patterned onion skins. Painting process Easter eggs with patterns identical to the classic. It differs only in the addition of individual elements to form a pattern.

striped eggs

White stripes on a red background will be obtained if the egg is wrapped with rubber bands or rope before boiling in the husk. This can be done both in a chaotic manner, and wrapping crosswise.

Art painting

For lovers of hand drawing, artistic coloring of eggs is suitable. This is a laborious process, but very exciting. After we finished painting the eggs with onion peel and cooled them, we take a needle and begin to scratch out any desired pattern. We do not press hard on the needle so as not to break through the shell. This method will help to realize your fantasies and depict everything you want on the shell.

marble pattern

To get eggs with a "marble" effect, dyed in onion peel, it is necessary to moisten them before cooking and roll over the crushed peel. Then, together with the stuck pieces, wrap it in nylon and tie it, leaving a small tail. Cook for 5-8 minutes.

Cool and rinse thoroughly. After the eggs have cooled, you can give them a shine by smearing them with a cotton swab with vegetable oil.

rice speck

You can color the eggs in the husk with patterns using rice. To do this, the moistened egg is rolled in dry rice until the surface is completely filled with grits, tightly tied with nylon or mesh and boiled in the husk for 10 minutes. After cooling, they can be given a shine with oil.

Coloring with paper

Mix the crushed husk with finely chopped paper. Wet the egg and roll it in the dry mixture. We carefully tie it into a nylon or elastic mesh, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. We also pour brilliant green there, if the dishes are 3 liters or more, you will need about 100 ml of brilliant green. Cook in green water for 15 minutes. Such coloring of eggs with onion peel gives multi-colored spots.

flora imprint

You can get a floral pattern using real flowers - chamomile, violets and other small inflorescences. violets bright color(purple, blue, burgundy) will leave their shade on the shell. Leaves can also be used various plants- parsley, small leaves of grass and trees, dill and flowers.

Having attached the desired elements, we wrap the egg in nylon, tie it and place it in a saucepan. We cook 10 minutes. After the eggs are colored, take them out, cool and remove the capron along with the leaves. It turns out a neat thin drawing.

With gauze or bandage

Gauze or bandage can replace nylon when dyed with elements of grass, paper and other things. You can also use gauze standalone. Wrap the egg 2-3 times, tie the gauze with a thread, cut off the excess. Cooking time 5-8 minutes. After they have cooled, remove the bandage. On the eggshell, you will get a pattern in the form of a cobweb.

Lace patterns

Dyeing eggs in onion skins with patterns is very simple. To do this, each egg should be wrapped in one layer with lace, lace ribbon, braid or mesh. You can fasten the lace with a thread by sewing both ends. Gently, so that the bandage does not fly off, put them in water with husks and cook for 10 minutes. We take out, remove the lace and cool.

Dyeing eggs with onion skins is the safest and most economical option. Depending on the color of the onion and its peel, you can get various options red - from scarlet to burgundy. Dyed eggs remain completely natural product without the addition of harmful dyes.

To create patterns, you can use any material at hand: flowers, greenery, lace, thread, elastic bands, pre-prepared templates, cereals and much more. To give dyed eggs a shine and a varnished effect, they can be lubricated sunflower oil. Let soak for 5 minutes, wipe off excess with a paper towel.

So on your holiday table will be big collection painted shiny eggs.

A useful video on how to color eggs in an original way using onion peel and greenery

