
How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands: new ideas. Bright and unusual eggs

You will need

  • - eggs
  • - onion peel
  • - wax crayons
  • - wax candle
  • - food colorings
  • - powdered sugar
  • - shaving foam
  • - electrical tape
  • - pieces of nylon
  • - parsley leaves


Grandma's method.
The most famous and easiest way to color eggs is with onion skins. The husk is poured with water, boiled. Then eggs are boiled in it. The "stronger" the coloring solution, the brighter the color will be.

Natural decor.
To decorate eggs with prints, parsley leaves or other plants are attached to them. They are wrapped tightly and boiled in onions. In order for the leaves to fit tightly enough during cooking, it is convenient to wrap them with pieces of nylon. For this purpose, buy and pre-wash the cheapest tights.

Patterns and geometric shapes.
Decorating eggs with patterns is also not difficult. You can make an egg with polka dots or checkered by sticking circles or strips with electrical tape. The same effect can be achieved by painting over the figures with wax crayons. Just make them denser so that there are no unpainted spaces. Crayons can be patterns. The eggs are then dipped into the dye. This method is only suitable for cold staining. Do not chase diversity - the simplicity and rigor of the pattern emphasizes the taste of the author.

Noble marble.
Color the eggs in a light shade. To do this, you can take a less concentrated dye or keep it in the usual one for a short time. Then add some vegetable oil to the paint. Mix it well and dip the eggs one by one with a fork. There will be stains that look like a marble pattern.

With the help of a candle.
For this method, only a wax candle is suitable. Light it and drop drops of melted wax onto the surface of the shell. Then dip the egg into a container with dye (the water in which the dye is diluted should be warm or cold). The procedure can be repeated several more times, changing dyes. At the end, the egg must be heated over a drop of wax over a napkin. The egg will turn into peas. Until the drop of wax has hardened, you can draw rays from it with the head of a pin.

Very soon, the brightest holiday of all Orthodox Christians will come - Easter. I am sure that already now, many housewives are beginning to collect a variety of buns, curd cakes, Easter muffins, pies and, of course, egg coloring.

There are a lot of ways to paint eggs for Easter. It is to this topic that I want to devote today's article. If you decide to paint eggs beautifully and unusually, then this post is for you. Here I tried to collect the most interesting and original, in my opinion, ways on the question posed.

This activity is quite interesting, and most importantly, the children really like this process. As I remember now, as a child, when my mother dyed eggs for Easter, my sister and I also took part in this. Although at that time there were no various dyes, but there was a standard set of colors, we still really liked the end result.

And now you can buy paints of various tones and shades, up to mother-of-pearl. But no one has canceled natural natural dyes either, and they must be taken into account. And if you turn on your imagination, you can get very beautiful eggs that will decorate the festive table with their presence.

Tips and secrets for preparing and dyeing Easter eggs

  • For painting it is best to use white eggs.
  • Before boiling eggs, keep them at room temperature for several hours. Most likely, the shell will not crack until the end of cooking.
  • It is necessary to add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water.
  • If you wipe the eggs with alcohol or soapy water just before dyeing, the paint will lie more evenly and the color will be richer.
  • To give shine to dyed eggs, after painting they should be dried well and rubbed with vegetable oil.

Easter eggs - marble coloring with napkins

By painting the eggs in this way, you will get a very beautiful, marbled, iridescent pattern. Everything is done quite simply, and the result is simply amazing.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food coloring - yellow, red and blue
  • paper napkins
  • medical syringe - 3 pcs.

How to color:

Dilute 3 colors of liquid dyes (yellow, red and blue) in hot water. Follow the instructions on the packaging, as the paints are different and each has its own ratio of liquid to dye.

We wrap the boiled egg in a disposable napkin.

Advice! Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty while painting.

Using a syringe, alternately apply paint to the egg. If you do not have a syringe, then you can replace it with a regular teaspoon.

After applying the dye, you need to firmly press the napkin to the shell.

Leave the egg for better coloring for 10 minutes.

We unfold and admire the result. In order for Easter eggs to shine, grease them with vegetable oil with a cotton swab.

Rainbow eggs for Easter 2019

By coloring the eggs in this way, they will get a rainbow coloring. A great way that will not take much time and will please your eye with all the colors of the rainbow.

What do you need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colorings

Coloring method:

Just as in the previous method, we dilute 3 colors of dyes in separate bowls - blue, red and yellow.

First, dip part of the egg into the red dye and hold for 2-3 minutes. Let's dry.

Repeat the procedure with yellow dye.

The final step will be blue paint.

The first and second methods can be done simultaneously. And in the end, you will get such festively beautiful Easter eggs that will perfectly decorate the festive table.

How beautiful to paint eggs with nail polish?

Easter eggs are very beautiful if you use ordinary nail polish for coloring. Look how beautiful it turns out.

You will need:

  • container with water
  • nail polish (different colors)
  • eggs (boiled)

Coloring procedure:

For this method of painting, it will not be superfluous to use rubber gloves.

These are so beautiful, with a marble sheen, eggs are obtained using ordinary varnish. Simply and easily.

We paint in specks with rice and dyes:

Getting incredibly beautiful testicles is very easy using regular rice. Most importantly, by applying this method and experimenting, you can get a whole palette of various colors.

For this you need:

  1. liquid dye of any color.
  2. plastic jars of rice


Pour rice into plastic jars.

Pour some dye and mix.

Put the boiled egg into the rice bowl. Cover with a lid or by hand and shake several times.

To get a multi-colored speck, you need to repeat the procedure with the same egg, only with a different color.

Experiment and share your results.

Decoupage Easter eggs 2019

The decoupage technique implies that we will paste the finished eggs with stickers. As stickers we have colored napkins. Let's see what happens.

Need to:

  • colored napkins
  • boiled chicken eggs
  • egg white

How to do:

Separate the bottom layer from the napkin.

Cut out your favorite pictures.

Brush the egg white with a brush. Attaching a sticker.

Coat the sticker over the entire surface.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. And the result is excellent.

Marble Easter eggs in onion skins with greenery

Want an incredibly beautiful marble color of Easter eggs. With this method it will be possible to achieve such a result.

What do you need:

  • onion peel
  • raw eggs
  • Zelenka - 1 vial for 10 eggs
  • Kapron (gauze, bandage)


How to paint in onion skins with a pattern?

If you want some unpainted pattern to remain on a painted egg: be it a leaf or a heart, or something else, then this method is for you.

Take a leaf from any plant or cut out any shape from paper.

Attach the stencil to the egg and cover with nylon. Tie both ends with string or elastic.

Boil eggs in onion skins for 15-20 minutes. If you want a more intense color, then cook longer.

Remove the eggs from the bags. Rinse with water.

This is how drawings come out. By the way, you can do the same with dyes. You just need to paint already boiled eggs, and the technology remains the same. Successful creativity!

Striped Easter eggs - easy and simple

I offer another unusual option for painting. Striped eggs are very unusual and elegant. Everyone will be interested in how you achieved such smooth transitions.

Dilute any food coloring in 100 ml. hot water.

Place the egg in another glass and pour 1/3 of the resulting paint along the wall of the vessel.

After 10 minutes, pour in another 1/3 of the liquid.

After 10 minutes, pour in the remaining dye.

After 5 minutes, take out the colored egg.

By doing this with different colors, you can get beautiful striped eggs for the Easter table. This process will take a lot of time, but the end result, I think, is worth it.

How to dye eggs in rags without dyes

Eggs can be dyed without dyes. Silk shreds come to the rescue. Men's ties are perfect for this purpose.

How to color:

Raw eggs should be wrapped in shreds of cloth with the colored side towards the shell. Fasten with a rubber band.

Wrap a cloth over the top and tie tightly.

Place in a saucepan, cover with water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and cook for 20 minutes.

We cut off the pieces. After complete drying, grease the eggs with vegetable oil.

That's the whole procedure for painting without dyes. Just true?

Unusually beautiful "marble" Easter eggs

Another way to get "marble" eggs. It is just as good as with green onion skins. It turns out a very amazing drawing.

And it's done like this:

Pour 0.5 tablespoons into water with diluted dye. vegetable oil and mix well.

Place the finished eggs in the dye and try to catch as many drops of oil on the surface of the egg as possible. The more divorces you get, the more beautiful it will be in the end.

Wipe the dyed egg with a paper towel.

Gelatin jelly eggs for the joy of children

Easter is a family holiday, and it is very good when all household members take part in preparing for the holiday. I bring to your attention jelly eggs, in the preparation of which you can involve children.

What will be required:

  • Any natural juices - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin

How to do:

First, prepare the eggs. We pierce the top of the egg with a knife and pour the contents of the egg into a bowl. Eggs will come in handy for baking, so don't throw them away.

Rinse the empty testicle with water until clear water flows out of it.

Now you need to calcine them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Pour 10 gr. into natural juice. gelatin and stir.

Using a small funnel, pour the juice into the cavity of the egg and leave overnight until completely solidified.

We peel the shell and you can use it.

Children will be very happy with such jelly eggs, especially if they take in their preparation with you.

Cherry juice, orange juice, Coca-Cola, tangerine juice and tarragon were used here.

Draw on eggs with markers (felt-tip pens):

And the last way for today is drawings with a marker on ready-made eggs. It all depends on your imagination. You can draw anything. And here is a small selection for you.

We paint painted eggs in the style of "Angry Birds" (angry birds)

You can draw beautiful funny faces (emoticons)

Or such unusual patterns will also look good

And if you really don’t want to bother at all, then you can simply sign each egg with the color you wish)))

If you found the article useful and found something new for yourself, then by clicking on the class you will share it with your friends on social networks. Well, that's all.

I congratulate you on the holiday of Easter! I wish you and your loved ones all the best. May your life be as bright and beautiful as Easter eggs. Be healthy and happy. All the best! Bye!

Dyeing eggs for Easter is an integral ritual of one of the main Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This holiday is beautiful and solemn, with well-established centuries-old traditions. In addition to a deep religious meaning, Easter is associated with the purification of the soul and home, with delicious Easter cakes and Easter dishes.

The egg is rightfully considered a symbol of the birth of life, and the Easter painted egg means the resurrection from the dead and eternal life. It turns out that painted eggs were found in Egyptian and Sumerian tombs, which were built as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. It is even difficult to imagine how many years such a tradition has existed.

Orthodox paint eggs during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday or Red Saturday. In 2019, these are April 26 and 28, respectively. Painted eggs are consecrated in the church at a festive service, and the first meal after Lent begins with eggs.

Do-it-yourself painting eggs for Easter has become not only a family art, but also a kind of competition - whose eggs are the most beautiful. And there are a lot of ways to paint eggs. You can, of course, paint eggs for Easter with paints, but this is still harmful chemistry, and food paints are not always on sale. I offer you natural ways to dye eggs at home.

Coloring eggs with onion skins - the traditional way

This is my favorite and most reliable way to color eggs. With this method, the eggs are always a beautiful color. I start harvesting onion peel a few months before Easter - I collect it in a separate bag. To make the color of the eggs saturated, there should be a lot of onion peel.

Pour the onion peel into a saucepan and cover with cold water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.

Choose a worse pot, because the husk will paint the sides of the pot so that it will be difficult to clean.

Pour the eggs in a separate bowl with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Water with onion peel boils at this time, we reduce the fire so that the eggs do not crack. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the pan and carefully drop the eggs one at a time. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

If you want a more intense color, remove the pan from the heat and leave the eggs in this solution for a while.

After removing from the pan, let the eggs cool slightly and rub them with sunflower oil with a paper towel to shine.

Now the eggs “played” with paint, you can put them in a basket and bring them to the church to consecrate. I try to bless the eggs every Easter, and then treat my family, friends and neighbors.

How to dye eggs in onion skins with a pattern

If in the first recipe it was possible to use any eggs - white or brown, then white eggs are suitable for painting with onion peel with a pattern.

To decorate the eggs, we prepare the leaves of the plants in advance. Before Easter, fresh leaves are not always there, because this holiday can be in March, when nature is still sleeping. Therefore, you can use fresh herbs from the store - parsley, basil, dill, mint or lemon balm.

Birch leaves look beautiful. You can put a few branches in a vase of water in advance, and when the leaves bloom, use a few to decorate Easter eggs.

Lace, woolen threads are also suitable for coloring eggs with a pattern.

Also, you will need to prepare clean old stockings, tights or gauze in advance. You will also need thread.

So let's color the eggs.

Pour onion peel with cold water and bring to a boil.

We wash the eggs, dry them with a paper towel and wipe each egg with a cloth with vinegar.

We put a leaf or other decor on the egg, press it tightly and wrap the egg in a piece of stocking fabric or gauze.

To make the leaf adhere more tightly to the egg, it can be slightly moistened with water.

We tie a nylon or gauze fabric with a thread.

You can beautifully and originally paint eggs with lace and onion peel. It's simple - cut off the lace of the desired length and wrap the egg around it. We tie the ends with a thread and cut off all the excess.

You can also decorate the egg with woolen threads. Just randomly wrap the egg with string.

So that the eggs do not crack, pour 1 tbsp into the broth. l. salt. Carefully lower the eggs into the broth with onion peel and cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, the eggs are carefully immersed in cold water.

We remove the decor from the cooled eggs and wipe the eggs with vegetable oil.

Marble eggs with greenery

And this is my favorite method. Eggs are unusually beautiful, with marble stains. I will share one secret of this method - the more we chop the onion peel, the more beautiful the drawing will turn out. You can even try to grind the husk in a coffee grinder. I like to grind the husk with scissors.

To make the husks stick well to the eggs, moisten them with water, then roll each egg in the onion skins. In a piece of gauze or stocking, put some more husks, place the egg inside and wrap around. Tie the ends with thread. Put to boil in a saucepan, adding 1 tsp. salt. 5 minutes after boiling, pour in 2 tsp. greens and cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour over the eggs with cold water and remove the gauze, remove the husk. Rub eggs with sunflower oil.

Beautiful marble eggs are ready!

How to dye eggs with onion skins and rice

Another simple and wonderful option for dyeing eggs in natural ways. The rice sticks to the eggs and the result is a pattern in the form of droplets. This method is very simple, try it. In addition to rice, you can also use peas.

Pour grains of rice or peas into a stocking, place an egg there, distribute the grain with your fingers around the entire circumference of the egg. We tie the fabric, and dip the eggs into the prepared broth with onion peel. Cook for 10 minutes, wash the eggs under running cold water and remove the stocking or gauze and grains. After the eggs have cooled down a bit, rub them with vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

I already wrote that it is fundamentally against chemistry and coloring eggs with paints. Yes, it is beautiful and brighter, but health is more important. Moreover, there is a good replacement in the form of natural and harmless dyes from natural ingredients. Of course, these are all kinds of juices - beetroot, blueberry juice, red cabbage juice, spinach juice and others. From the juice of cranberries, raspberries and beets you get a pink color, from the juice of blueberries, pomegranate or blackcurrant - purple, and if you want to get blue or blue, then use the juice of red cabbage. Turmeric gives you a rich yellow color, while black tea or coffee gives you brown hues. After boiling the bark and branches of the cherry, you get reddish-raspberry eggs. I want to warn you that bright colors are not always obtained in this way. To make the color brighter, after boiling the eggs, you need to keep them in the broth for at least 4 hours, and it is better to leave them overnight.

Coloring eggs with beets

If you want to get the pink color of eggs, then beetroot juice is suitable for this coloring method. Dyeing eggs in a natural way takes a little more tinkering than regular paints, but if you care about your health, then this work will pay off handsomely.

Beets need to be prepared in such a way that more juice is obtained. To do this, grate the beets, pour water and cook for 5-7 minutes. You can boil eggs in the same broth. Then we wipe the beets through a strainer, we get a rich burgundy juice. Pour eggs with this juice in a separate bowl, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave for 4-8 hours.

Coloring eggs with red cabbage juice

Red cabbage will give the eggs a blue color.

The coloring method is similar to the previous one. We cut the cabbage into large pieces, fill it with water, cook for 5-7 minutes together with the eggs, decant the hot broth into a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and keep eggs in this broth for 4-8 hours.

How to dye eggs with turmeric

Turmeric gives perhaps the most intense color of all natural dyes. Eggs are beautiful, bright yellow.

For such painting, pour a bag of turmeric (15 gr.) into boiling water, stir and add 1 tsp. salt. We put eggs in this solution and cook for 10 minutes. In order for the paint to be brighter, leave the eggs in this solution for several hours. For shine, rub with sunflower oil.

Coloring eggs with coffee or tea

I want to warn you right away that with the help of coffee or tea, you get a not very saturated, but delicate beige color of eggs.

You can use both natural and instant coffee or black tea. For coloring, we prepare a solution - put 4-5 tbsp in boiling water. l. coffee in 0.5 liters of water. If you use tea, you will also need 4-5 tbsp. l. black tea for brewing. Cook for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. Cook for another 7 minutes. And as always for natural dyes, it is advisable to keep it in the solution longer, at least 5 hours.

How to dye eggs with blueberry juice

The blueberry coloring method is similar to the previous ones. The eggs come out a beautiful purple color.

For 1 liter of water you will need 2.5-3 cups of frozen blueberries. Berries need to be boiled a little (5 minutes), pour 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. You can rub the blueberries through a strainer after cooking, get pure juice without berries. But I don’t bother, I just boil eggs with berries. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar to fix the color. You can leave the eggs in the pot overnight.

Decoupage Easter eggs

I learned about this method of decorating eggs quite recently, a couple of years ago, and it has become my favorite. After all, there are a lot of napkins with a variety of beautiful patterns in our stores now, you need to choose the brighter one, and then you get very beautiful and original eggs.

  1. Napkins for decoupage should be chosen with a medium-sized pattern to fit on the egg.
  2. We select white eggs for decoupage.
  3. It is better to choose napkins on a white background, then the pattern will not have to be cut very carefully with scissors.
  4. The best way to stick napkins is with egg white.

To get beautiful and whole Easter eggs, you need to remember 7 basic rules:

  1. Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator a few hours in advance. Eggs should not be cold!
  2. Eggs should be boiled over low heat, avoiding cracking.
  3. So that the eggs do not burst, you need to put in water with eggs 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  4. To fix the pigment in the paint, pour 1 tsp into the coloring solution. vinegar, the color will become brighter.
  5. If you want a more intense color when coloring eggs with natural dyes, leave the eggs in the broth overnight.
  6. Wipe the dyed eggs gently with a paper towel.
  7. For shine and beauty, wipe the cooled eggs with sunflower oil.

I wish you a beautiful and delicious holiday. After all, Easter personifies the resurrection of life, nature, bright feelings. May this light come into every home and fill hearts with joy.

Easter 2018 is coming soon! On this spring day, I want everything on the table to be bright and festive. There are many ways to decorate eggs beautifully for the holiday with your own hands. Along with, original painted eggs must be present at the celebration and please with their appearance.

Let's try and learn. The main thing is not to be afraid to start and everything will definitely work out.

Important! Take the eggs out of the refrigerator an hour before boiling them to bring them to room temperature. This is necessary so that the eggs do not crack during the cooking process.

In the article you will find:

Original decoration of eggs for Easter with gilding

Cut out the foil about 15x15 cm. Wrap the egg in it so that the surface is as smooth as possible. Cut off excess foil. Apply a pattern. Such an egg can be eaten, since the paints did not come into contact with the shell.

Coloring eggs with food coloring - "Bright Beauty"

Dilute food coloring. Dip the egg in it for 5 minutes. Take it out and let it dry. Dip the same egg into the dye for 1/2 volume and hold for 5 minutes. Take out and leave to dry. Dip the same egg again for 5 minutes in the dye for 1/4 volume. Pull out and let dry. Eggs should only be eaten by people who are not allergic to food coloring.

We decorate eggs with sprinkles with our own hands

Coat the egg with paste. Roll in food sprinkles or stick sprinkles to the shell by hand. In the same way, you can decorate the egg with small pieces of foil (4x4 mm).

Hand-painted eggs - "Russian avant-garde"

Using children's wax crayons and felt-tip pens, you can paint the eggs with any abstract designs. Get the kids involved in this activity.

We draw on Easter eggs ourselves - "Palm Sunday"

On hard-boiled eggs, paint willow branches with acrylic paints for glass or ceramics. Easter symbols will look very elegant and festive. Choose eggs of different natural colors for the pattern: from white to dark beige.

Beautiful decoration of eggs for Easter - "Children's cartoon"

Buy plastic doll eyes from a sewing supply store and glue them to hard-boiled white eggs, add smiles drawn with a marker. It will turn out funny faces that children will surely like.

How to paint eggs with watercolors on honey - "Landscape"

Buy edible honey watercolors and paint a landscape picture using some white eggs. Let there be blue skies and bright sun on one, grass and flowers on the other, some can be painted in the colors of ladybugs. All together they will create the impression of a bright spring meadow.

Decorative eggs for Easter - "Water Manicure"

Do you want your Easter table to be decorated with decorative eggs painted with bright multi-colored stains? You will need: plastic egg blanks, some bright nail polishes and a plastic cup.

Pour two-thirds into a glass of water, drop a few drops of varnish and gently mix the varnish with a toothpick. Dip the egg into the glass, drown it with a toothpick so that it is completely under water, then remove it with two fingers and, holding the egg, make a couple of strokes with your hand so that the varnish dries faster. Repeat the same manipulation with the rest of the eggs.

Yes, these will be decorative eggs that cannot be eaten, but they will help create a festive atmosphere in the house, and if they are packaged in an original way, it will not be a shame to give them to relatives or friends.

Natural dyes for eggs. What color do you get when you use them?

Only natural dyes are listed here, which you can safely use to dye Easter eggs and not worry that this will harm your health.

brown dye

onion peel

How to do:

Boil the onion peel for half an hour, dip the eggs into the broth, cook until a bright color is obtained. Boil eggs with brown shells in coffee and tea for half an hour.

yellow dye



Put white eggs in a small amount of hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. turmeric. Put on fire for 1/4 hour.

red dye

How to paint

Squeeze out a few glasses of beetroot juice. Dip boiled white eggs into it for 9 hours.

orange dye


How to do:

Squeeze out a few glasses of carrot juice. Keep white eggs in it for 9 hours.

pink dye


Squeeze out several glasses of cranberry juice, boil white eggs in it for 20 minutes, leave for 12 hours.

green dye


How to do:

In a small amount of water, put boiled white eggs, a few spinach leaves, a bunch of parsley. Boil for 10 minutes and cool.

blue dye


How to do:

Boil hibiscus with boiling water and let cool. Dip boiled white eggs in the resulting broth for 15 minutes and check the color every 3 minutes.

egg basket

Surely in your house there is a decorative wicker basket. Cut the paper honeycomb egg carton to the size of the basket and paint it the same color as the basket. Insert the packaging into the basket, put the colored eggs into the cells and decorate with additional flowers and ribbons as you wish.

Egg stand for Easter table

From cardboard sleeves from toilet paper, multi-colored crumpled paper, ribbons, lace braid, artificial flowers and beads, you can make such beautiful egg coasters that you don’t even need to paint the eggs themselves.

An easy way to paint eggs for Easter with a rag (video)

What decoration methods make eggs inedible

  • Coloring with permanent markers.
  • Use for decoration of aniline, acrylic and other synthetic paints.
  • "Decoupage" - decorating eggs with fragments of napkins using glue (eggs can be eaten if a flour or starch paste is used).

Easter for the Orthodox, a bright holiday. It is so good that preparations for this holiday take place in an atmosphere of joy and happiness. Paint eggs for Easter with your family, gather the old and the young. Take my advice, come up with your own coloring pages. Enjoy the holiday with all your heart and it will bring you happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

April 16 - Easter. A holiday that is not complete without Easter cakes and, of course, decorated eggs. So that you prepare in advance for the celebration, we offer you some simple and original ways to paint eggs for Easter.

Onion Paint: Herbal Pattern

What do you need?

  • onion skin
  • saucepan (preferably metal)

How to paint?

  1. Place the onion skins in a bowl. There should be quite a lot of it, ideally a full pan.
  2. Fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-60 minutes over low heat.
  3. After the time has elapsed, when the water turns dark red, set the pan aside and strain the husk.
  4. After that, place the eggs in the paint and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. If you want your Easter eggs to look unusual, you can decorate them with herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.) and dried flowers. To do this, you need to fix the fragments of plants slightly moistened with water with a stocking nylon or a bandage with threads. And only after that send them to cook.

Food coloring: spotted pattern

What do you need?

  • two types of food coloring (at least)
  • vinegar
  • cotton buds
  • boiled eggs

How to paint?

  1. Dissolve two types of food coloring in 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Then determine which color you will be the main one, and with which one you will apply the pattern.
  2. Pour more water into the main color. In the second - 1 tbsp. l. Stir the dye well.
  3. Then dip the slightly warm boiled eggs in food coloring (so the paint will not spread).
  4. Using a different color, apply a pattern to the eggs. The easiest way is to point the dots. But on this we do not limit your imagination. Use different shapes and ornaments.

Golden Easter Eggs

What do you need?

  • boiled eggs
  • egg white - 2 pcs.
  • flat brushes - 2 pcs.
  • potal
  • knife (blade)
  • gloves

How to paint?

  1. Cut the potal with a knife or blade into small pieces.
  2. Separate the egg white from the yolk of two eggs. Protein will replace your sweat glue.
  3. Spread each boiled egg with protein, but not too much. Use a flat brush to work.
  4. Then take a piece of potali, lay it on the egg whitened and attach it with a clean, slightly damp second brush.
  5. For convenience, paint only half of the egg and leave it so that the leaf is well attached. If gaps remain on the surface of the egg, apply an additional layer of sweat.
  6. 15 minutes after applying the last layer, sweat on the egg, gently polish it with a damp brush.

grain pattern

What do you need:

  • cereals (rice, millet, lentils, peas, etc.)
  • confectionery powder
  • beads
  • candle (wax or paraffin)
  • vegetable oil

How to do?

  1. Light a candle, take pre-boiled eggs and use melted wax to draw a pattern on them. Try not to let the flames get on the eggs, because you don't need soot patterns.
  2. On the wax, while it has not yet hardened, lay out the cereal, beads or confectionery powder.
  3. When the patterns on the Easter eggs have hardened, smear them with a brush or an ear stick to make them shine.

How to color Easter eggs with food and seasonings

What do you need?

  • turmeric - 2 tbsp. l.
  • red cabbage - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • vinegar

How to do?

How to color eggs for Easter yet?

There are still many options left in our arsenal, but we will talk about the simplest and not too expensive.

  1. Prepare several pots and the right amount of eggs. Pour water into one of them, 1 tbsp. l. bite (you can not use vinegar), add 2 tbsp. l. turmeric and send to the fire, dropping a few eggs there. After 10-20 minutes, when the eggs turn yellowish, pull out the eggs and place them on a dry towel or plate. If you want the color to be more saturated, leave the eggs in the solution overnight.
  2. Meanwhile, grate the beets and chop the red cabbage. Send both ingredients to cold water with vinegar and bring to a boil, setting a few eggs there. If you want a brighter color, leave the eggs overnight or at least a few hours in this solution. So you get pink (beet) and green (cabbage) krashenki.

Following this simple scheme, you can use tea or coffee, nettle, birch, calendula leaves.

fabric pattern

What do you need?

  • pieces of fabric (shawls, ties)
  • threads
  • vinegar

How to do?

  1. Cut the fabric into square pieces.
  2. Wrap the egg in cloth so that the right side is inside. Then fasten it with thread and dip it in water with vinegar (3 tablespoons per liter).
  3. After the water boils, boil the krashenka for 10 minutes.
  4. After that, carefully remove the tissue from the egg and set it aside to cool.

In fact, there are about 20 ways to paint eggs for Easter. We have chosen the most interesting, simple and harmless ones for you. May your Easter eggs be bright and your thoughts pure!

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk
