
How to make chocolate patterns on a cake. How to decorate a cake with your own hands at home in an original way

If you can bake delicious cakes, then you should know how to properly decorate a homemade cake so that it can sparkle with bright colors. Cakes are served not only on birthdays today! It turns out that such sweet products can become the main dish of any feast. Therefore, in this article we decorate the cake with our own hands. At the same time, we will use the most original ideas.

What to use to decorate the cake

Before offering you interesting ideas, it is worth mentioning that today it is customary to decorate cakes with a variety of decorations. However, making such jewelry may require patience and skill on your part. You may also need certain available tools. It could be:

  • pastry syringe with various attachments,
  • parchment paper,
  • various blades,
  • thin and sharp knife,
  • device for working with mastic.

But if you work hard, you will get a result of excellent quality. As a result, you may end up with a delicious and very beautifully decorated dish that will allow your guests to admire and enjoy its wonderful taste. In this article, we will tell you how to make various ingredients for decorating a cake.

How to make mastic?

Mastic is used quite often to decorate cakes. You can prepare mastic using any of the modern methods. But we will describe the simplest method of preparing mastic. So, you should prepare milk mastic. It will require:

  • powdered milk or cream,
  • condensed milk,
  • powder,
  • dyes as desired.

From marshmallows you should prepare:

  • chewing marshmallows,
  • food coloring,
  • water and citric acid (lemon juice),
  • butter,
  • starch and powdered sugar.

How to cook?

Milk mastic should be prepared as follows:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients. First, the dry ones are mixed, after which condensed milk is poured into them.
  2. The result will be a thick and elastic dough that will not stick to your hands.
  3. If dyes are added to the mastic, then only food dyes should be used. They should be added one drop at a time.

Marshmallow mastic should be made as follows:

  1. After that, pour in a little water and add a pinch of citric acid or lemon juice. You can also add milk.
  2. Now add food coloring to the liquid mixture.
  3. White marshmallows should be melted in a microwave oven or steamed.
  4. At the end, add 50 grams of butter to the mixture.
  5. Make a sugar mixture: mix starch with powder 3:1.
  6. Add this mixture in parts to the marshmallow mass. The resulting dough should be elastic and elastic.
  7. Now knead the dough for about 10 minutes on a flat surface, which should be sprinkled with powder.

On a note! The mastic should be used as follows. The mastic should be thinly rolled into a circle. It covers the top of the sweet product. Various products can also be cut from it. Such as flowers, leaves and openwork patterns. Remember, mastic tends to dry instantly. It's worth working with it very quickly. To create a decoration, pinch off a piece from the total mass, and wrap the main part in cellophane.

How to decorate a cake with marzipan?

Marzipan is a delicious nut paste that has long been used to decorate sweet cakes. This paste will consist of almond flour and sugar paste. As a result, the mass will be elastic and will keep its shape perfectly. This paste makes beautiful shapes and an ideal cake coating.

To prepare the pasta you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of sugar,
  • 1/4 glass of water,
  • 1 cup roasted almonds.

How to cook?

  1. Pure almonds should be dried in the oven. It should take on a golden hue. It is grated on a small grater.
  2. Sugar is mixed with water and a thick syrup is boiled.
  3. When the syrup thickens well, add almond crumbs. Mix everything well and cook for another 3 minutes.
  4. Grease the bowl with a piece of butter. After which marzipan is added to it.
  5. Cool the mixture and pass through a meat grinder. After this, it can be used to decorate the cake.

On a note! Marzipan may turn out liquid. Therefore, in this case, you can add powdered sugar to it in order to give it the desired consistency. If the paste is too thick, sprinkle it with boiled water and roll it out. The cake that you decorated in this way is put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

How to decorate a cake with icing?

Icing is an ice pattern. This pattern looks great on a cake. This decoration looks like an ice pattern on glass. And this decoration tastes like crispy ice. Icing is mainly used to decorate wedding cakes.

To make such a decoration you must prepare:

  • A teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Egg white - 3 pieces.
  • About 600 grams of powdered sugar, maybe less. It all depends on the size of the eggs.
  • Lemon juice in the amount of 15 grams.

How to cook?

Icing is usually prepared from chilled ingredients.

  1. So, separate the whites. The dishes in which you place them should be degreased and wiped dry.
  2. The whites should be beaten for a couple of minutes at low speed.
  3. Then add: lemon juice, powder and glycerin.
  4. Whisk the mixture until it turns whitish.
  5. Cover the mass with film and leave it in a cool place for an hour. At this time, all the air bubbles in it will burst.

On a note! When working with icing, a pastry syringe is used. In this case, it is worth using the narrowest nozzle. After the product is decorated, it is placed in the cold to harden.

Decorate the cake with waffles.

In this article, we are listing the best ideas to help you decorate your DIY birthday cake.

Waffles are also a great option for decorating a sweet cake. Moreover, they are very convenient to use at work. They do not crack or break. Quite often the following are made from wafers: figures of berries, flowers and three-dimensional letters and numbers. Photographs and pictures of waffles, which are edible, are also in demand.

How to decorate a cake with waffle pictures?

  • It is worth saying that the process of decorating a cake with waffle pictures has its own characteristics, which are worth talking about in more detail.
  • The wafer blank is placed only on the flat surface of the cake.
  • You can use mastic as a base. Also suitable: thick butter cream, chocolate icing.
  • The waffle picture should be placed on a non-hardened surface. However, you should do this if you use chocolate glaze.

It should be formatted as follows:

  1. The back side of the workpiece should be greased with light jam or liquid honey. Thick sugar syrup will also work. The ingredient is spread onto the wafer with a thin brush using a wide silicone brush.
  2. Place the workpiece on the surface of the cake. In this case, you need to smooth it with a napkin. This movement will release excess air.
  3. The edges of the waffle picture are hidden by a side of whipped cream or buttercream.
  4. If the cake is decorated with waffle figures, then only the back side of the figure, and specifically its central part, needs to be greased with syrup.

Decorate the cake with chocolate.

If you don’t know how to decorate a cake with your own hands without mastic, then you need to pay attention to chocolate. Decorating a cake with chocolate is a great option. And all because this ingredient can be combined with any dough and creams.

How to make chocolate?

Making chocolate chips is not difficult. For example, you can grate a tile and sprinkle the shavings on the sides and surface of the cake. You can also use a vegetable peeler. This knife will allow you to cut long and thin strips.

In order to decorate the cake with chocolate curls, you need to slightly warm up the bar first. After this, you can cut the strips with a sharp knife or vegetable cutter.

You will need skill to make openwork patterns. In this case, different patterns are drawn on the parchment. Then you need to draw patterns with melted chocolate. The work should be done quickly, but at the same time carefully. The patterns should harden on the paper in the cold.

To make leaves from chocolate, you need to take any leaves from plants and dry them. Of course, before sending the leaves for drying, they must be thoroughly washed, after which you can apply melted chocolate to the inside of them. The leaves should be placed in a cool place. After they harden, you need to carefully remove the dried leaves from the chocolate leaves. Then the glaze is applied using a silicone brush.

Decorate the cake with icing.

Frosting can also be used to decorate a cake very beautifully for any occasion. Currently, there are many types of glaze. For example, there is a type of glaze that requires hardening in the cold. Another type of glaze can be used immediately. Now we will tell you what you need to make chocolate glaze:

  • Milk - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Cocoa - 2 teaspoons.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Butter - 40 grams.

How to cook?

  1. Place sugar and cocoa in a bowl, then chop the butter and add it there. We also fill everything with milk.
  2. Melt the mixture and boil for about 7 minutes. You need to stir until the mass becomes thick.
  3. Cover the cake with this mixture using a wide knife and immediately refrigerate.

Other options for decorating a cake at home

In addition to all the methods described above, there are other methods that are used in decorating cakes. And if you're interested in knowing how to decorate a DIY birthday cake? Then take a look at some more interesting ideas.

So, you can use cream to decorate the cake. It's very easy to prepare. And it should be applied to the cake using a pastry chef’s syringe.

Cream is also a good option for decorating a cake. Meringue is also often used to decorate cakes.

How to decorate a cake with fruits?

Regular or exotic fruits and berries are often used in cake decoration. Their popularity is obvious. They have unique flavors and vibrant colors. To make fruit jelly you will need:

  • apple juice - 600 milliliters,
  • packaging of gelatin powder,
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup,
  • fresh berries and fruits.

How to cook?

  1. The gelatin package is filled with a glass of juice. The mass is left until it swells.
  2. Clean fruits are cut into slices or circles.
  3. The gelatin, which has already swollen, is melted in a water bath. Then pour in the remaining juice and add powdered sugar.
  4. The finished mass is filtered. After that, berries and fruits are placed in jelly and placed in the cold.
  5. Once the jelly has cooled slightly, transfer it to the cake. Cover the edges with whipped cream.

How to decorate a cake with candies?

If you are preparing a cake for a child’s birthday, then remember that all children pay attention to the design of such a product. To impress your kids, you can always make a beautiful cake yourself. In this case, choose candies as decoration.

How to decorate?

  • You can decorate absolutely any cake with candies. They can be laid on a viscous or thick surface.
  • To decorate the side of the cake, choose wafer rolls or long bars. They are lined up and tied with a beautiful satin ribbon.
  • The top of the cake can be decorated with dragees of different colors.
  • Use round candies to line the sides of the cake. You can also put 3 of these candies in the center.
  • Use small toffees to decorate the cake too. They can be used to lay out a pattern on the creamy surface of the cake or on white icing.
  • Jelly beans are placed scattered on the cake.

Not every housewife can decorate a cake on her own. Although, for a successful result it is not necessary to take courses for confectioners. The main thing is to show imagination and patience, practicing creating sweet fragments and gradually honing your skills.

How to beautifully decorate a cake with chocolate cream at home?

You can make an excellent cream from chocolate -. It hardens well, maintaining the density and shape of the created pattern. Even fancy figures and original ornaments can be made from it. To do this, draw a drawing on the parchment with a pencil. Using a parchment cone, pipe the ganache onto the prepared stencil and place in the refrigerator. The tape should not freeze completely. While the cream is still plastic, wrap the cake around the cake and in this position, let it completely set and harden, only then remove the parchment.

You can also make wonderful figures from this cream. Prepare a template with the contours of a butterfly, place it under a sheet of parchment and transfer the design with a pastry bag with a thin tip.

How to decorate a sponge cake for a children's party?

An excellent option for decorating a children's cake is mastic. Its consistency is similar to plasticine. Wonderful figures are sculpted from it, which will undoubtedly delight kids. You can buy ready-made mastic at a confectionery store, but you can also prepare it yourself. And the best basis for this type of decor would be

For homemade mastic, you will need condensed milk and powdered sugar (preferably purchased). The components are taken in equal proportions and simply mixed. A dough-like mixture comes out. This mastic dries instantly, so it needs to be wrapped in film.

Homemade mastic can be filled with any color. To do this, divide the mass into the required number of portions, add dye to each, ideally gel, and knead the mass with your hands until the color is evenly distributed.

How to decorate a cake with fruits at home?

For those who do not know how to handle mastic or pipe patterns from cream, we offer the easiest way to transform a simple cake into something extraordinary, using available berries and fruits in the design. This superb variety of color and flavor can transform any dessert.

The main rule for this type of homemade delicacy is very simple: the more varied fruits are used, the better. At the same time, they can be distributed randomly on the surface. You can also cover fruit patterns with gelatin or cut them into flower shapes using basic carving skills.

The simplest buttercream can be prepared with gelatin. It will certainly harden and keep the correct shape.

High-quality cream is made exclusively from suitable cream, that is, the fat content is at least 33%, it must certainly be natural and without vegetable fat.


  • cream – 245 ml;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • powdered sugar (sifted) – 125 g;
  • boiled water – 110 ml;
  • vanilla.


Soak the gelatin in water and leave for 35 minutes to swell. Then place the container on the water bath structure and, stirring constantly, melt (the main thing is not to boil!). As soon as the gelatin mass has become homogeneous, without grains or bubbles, remove from heat and cool.

Meanwhile, beat the cream with a mixer - 5 minutes at medium speed and then 7-10 at maximum speed. As you go, gradually add the powder and add vanilla at the very end.

Pour the cooled gelatin little by little into the whipped cream and beat again.

This cream cannot be stored in a warm place. Therefore, immediately decorate the cake or put it in the refrigerator.

I just love homemade baking, especially cakes. And not only to eat, but also to bake. It's my godson's birthday very soon, and he asked me to bake him a delicious cake. And since the boy loves chocolate very much, the question of how to decorate the cake was resolved by itself.

Often in stores you can see cakes decorated with thin and neat openwork. She looks so airy and fragile. At first glance it seems that it cannot be repeated.

However, if you understand the technology for creating such delicious beauty, you understand that chocolate decorations It's really easy to make for a cake. You can use different chocolate - white, milk, black, the main thing is that it does not contain any fruits or nuts. Even the simplest chocolate pattern will look original. Show off all your imagination!

How to decorate a cake with chocolate

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared some super useful tips for you from an experienced pastry chef, how to decorate a cake at home using chocolate drawings.

You will need

  • parchment paper
  • 1–2 chocolate bars

Chocolate designs look best on the smooth surface of a culinary product. The surface should be flat, smooth and best of all monochromatic. To do this, the dessert needs to be filled with either black or white glaze.

To prepare patterns, chocolate must be broken into pieces and placed in a dry container, then placed in a water bath. It is important to ensure that no water gets into the pan with the chocolate - otherwise there is a risk that it will curdle. The container should be put on fire and stirred periodically. The result should be an elastic, homogeneous mass.

There are several ways to decorate. The first is more suitable for those who are confident in their artistic abilities. You need to make a small bag out of parchment paper (like a homemade pastry pencil).

Then you need to carefully pour the cooled liquid chocolate into it. Please note: the thinner the hole in the bag and the stream of chocolate itself, the more beautiful they will look openwork drawings. By lightly pressing on the parchment corner and squeezing out a thin stream of chocolate, start drawing what you want.

And those who are not entirely confident in their abilities can first draw a drawing on parchment paper, and then clearly draw along the lines with chocolate on it. After this, the paper with the pattern must be placed in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens.

Then use a thin knife to carefully remove the design from the parchment paper and carefully place it on the surface of the cake.

Another effective trick is to decorate your cake using templates. For example, you can use special lace paper napkins for this. Place one of these napkins on a cutting board, cover it with tracing paper on top and carefully repeat the design, for example with white chocolate.

Place the finished decoration in the refrigerator until cool. And then remove it from the tracing paper using a thin knife. You can place such a delightful decoration along the edge of the cake or on its surface. It all depends on the flight of your imagination.

And this method is my favorite. It is not very simple, but it looks original and beautiful. Note that you will need green leaves for this trick. And it’s better to pick them away from the road.

First you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath. Using a brush, apply melted chocolate to clean, dry leaves. In summer, rose leaves are perfect, they are dense and textured.

Place the chocolate mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, and then carefully remove the leaves.

And the simplest decoration option is a chocolate spider web. Moreover, you can try to make it from white chocolate on black glaze, and vice versa. First you need to cover the cake with chocolate glaze. Squeeze out rings of chocolate of a different color from a parchment bag. It is advisable to place them at the same distance from each other. And to create the web itself, simply draw a skewer or match from the center to the edges of the cake in several places. How do you like the result? Excellent in my opinion!

I also suggest you look at a small selection of cake decorations. These are chocolate patterns and figures for inspiration.

While showing off her culinary talents to family and friends, every housewife remembers that not only a delicious filling is important for a cake, but also a beautiful appearance. And giving a spectacular frame to a dessert is much easier than many people imagine.

For example, chocolate is a universal assistant in the decoration of sweets. A minimum of additional funds (they can be purchased at an ordinary supermarket), as well as a little courage and creativity - these are the main conditions necessary for the final touches in the design of the presentation of the cakes. Don't forget to stock up on delicious tiles and start implementing the following ideas.

Here are some ideas on how to decorate a cake with chocolate:

Openwork chocolate cake decoration

At first glance, this is an elegant job that any woman can do. For home creativity you will need the following tools:

  • foil
  • parchment paper
  • spatula
  • cling film

Before you begin, think carefully about the future pattern: step-by-step strokes, length, thickness, distance and other details. When you finally decide on a drawing (which can be downloaded on the Internet), draw it schematically with a pencil on film or foil.

Then melt the chocolate in a steam bath and pour the resulting mass into a bag made of food paper. Cut a small hole in the corner of the package. Now you can start appliques, carefully drawing lines according to the intended sketch. Having completely completed the stencil coating, place the film on a wooden board and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

After an hour you can remove the figures. When separating them with a spatula, be prepared for the fact that your first samples may break: it requires skill, nothing can be done. But even crushed pieces will be useful for the cake - why not an abstract design? It just needs to be placed on the cakes differently and even slightly unsuccessful attempts will not be in vain.

An openwork chocolate pattern can be used to decorate both the top of the cake and the sides of the cake.

You can also make cake decorations from chocolate such as: a chocolate bow, a chocolate butterfly, or a chocolate flower, you can find out how to do this by watching this video:

So, how to make a chocolate bow

To do this, you need to take chocolate: white, black or different colors and melt it in a water bath. Then cut strips of the desired size from thick cardboard or file. And spread the melted chocolate in a thin layer onto the prepared surface. Here you can show your imagination and make various patterns: stripes or inclusions. Or you can cover it with a relief mesh using a syringe or cornet.

After adding the chocolate, we connect the two ends in a semicircle and fasten with a clothespin.

Let the chocolate harden and you can start decorating the cake with a bow. The curls may come in different sizes, but this will give your cake even more originality.

A simpler addition will come out if you chop the chocolate on a grater. Small strips, separated from the tiles, will twist into spirals and are perfect for the role of the top layer. Moreover, when improvising with colors (black, milky and white), interesting combinations come out, and even entire edible paintings. Before you get to work, place the chocolate in a warm place, softening it a little. You can also create curls by hand: you need to get used to cutting thin strips with a well-sharpened knife.

And for the sake of perfectly even chips, the technique will have to be adjusted. To do this, you will need ready-made chocolate glaze, which must be applied in separate strokes to the grooved surface and placed in the freezer to harden.

When the mixture has set, carefully scrape the mixture and transfer it to the cake. Don't stop your imagination with a solid background. Such small particles are also used to create works of art. It is important to place the prepared ingredients quickly so that they do not have time to melt on your fingers or stick to each other.

By experimenting with the quantity, thickness and placement of chocolate decorations, you can achieve unique results. With such zeal, you will present guests with a difficult choice: treat themselves or admire the culinary product further.

You can decorate not only cakes with chocolate, but also make various chocolate figures, for example:
, or even .

Classic confectionery decorations for cakes (cream, fruit, meringue, chocolate, jelly) are already familiar and tested by many housewives who are fond of confectionery baking. However, sometimes you need to prepare a special cake with a spectacular decoration - for an anniversary, wedding, New Year or other holiday. In this case, the advice of experienced confectioners who know how to make a cake decoration and who can turn ordinary sour cream into a culinary masterpiece will be useful.

Mastic - sweet confectionery plasticine

Mastic is an elastic confectionery material made from powdered sugar, reminiscent of plasticine; various figures, flowers, reliefs, three-dimensional inscriptions, plot compositions are sculpted from it, or the cake is completely covered with it. To prepare mastic, you can use special tools - rolling machines, scrapers, stencils, molds and curly knives. If there is no pastry equipment, use a regular board, rolling pin, knife, cling film and cookie cutters. Mastic is tinted with natural or artificial food colors, but this is done at the initial stage of preparation - when mixing the ingredients. To reduce the sugariness (after all, a lot of powdered sugar is used), lemon juice is sometimes added to the mixture.

Types of mastic and the subtleties of its preparation

The viscosity of the material is given by starch, gelatin, condensed milk, chocolate, marzipan, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows. In accordance with this, there are different types of mastic - gelatin (pastillage), marshmallow, milk, sugar and honey. Pastilage hardens quickly, but remains elastic, so it makes spectacular flowers. Honey mastic is very soft and pleasant to sculpt, just like milk mastic - it has a very beautiful snow-white color and pleasant texture. Some confectioners add a little oil to the mastic to make it more plastic.

Preparing mastic is not very difficult - all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and sometimes heated in a water bath, if this is specified in the recipe. If necessary, add a little more powdered sugar, which acts as flour when kneading the dough. The board and rolling pin are usually sprinkled with starch so that the mastic does not stick, and the finished confectionery “plasticine” is stored in cling film. And an important point - decorating cakes with mastic usually begins when the top layer of cream has hardened.

Making your own mastic

Gelatin mastic is made from 2 tbsp. l. gelatin powder, which is mixed with cold water, and after swelling, the container with gelatin is placed in a water bath for several minutes until it is completely dissolved. Add 450 g of powdered sugar to the gelatin, “knead” the mastic, roll it into a ball, and then wrap it in cling film.

Chocolate mastic is a very tasty and beautiful decoration for, to prepare it you will need 100 g of dark chocolate, melted in a water bath, and 90 g of marshmallows, which are added to the melted chocolate. First, it is recommended to keep the marshmallows in the microwave - literally for a few seconds so that they soften. In this case, it is necessary to carefully stir the mass all the time so that it does not burn. When the marshmallows are half melted, add 40 ml of cream with 30% fat content, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac, mix well and add 90-120 g of powdered sugar. First, knead the mastic with a spoon, and when it becomes thicker, do it with your hands.

Milk mastic is easy to prepare - mix 200 g of condensed milk, 2 tsp. lemon juice and 250 g of powdered sugar. All ingredients are ground to a uniform texture, and then the mastic is rolled out on a board and beautiful figures are cut out of it.

To completely cover the cake, roll out a large round pancake and place it on the cake, making sure that the top and sides are completely covered. The mastic is smoothed out with your hands and the excess is removed, which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. When the mastic hardens, confectioners recommend warming it slightly in the microwave or in a water bath.

Almond marzipan from children's fairy tales

Marzipan, often mentioned in Andersen's fairy tales, is another confectionery "plasticine" that is made from powdered almonds and sweet syrup (or powdered sugar), with sugar making up more than one-third of the mass. Marzipan is a very elastic material from which you can sculpt complex shapes and fairy castles without adhesive additives. Real marzipan is made from almonds; if you add other nuts, the mass will lack plasticity. There is another secret to preparing this product - for 20-50 sweet almond kernels, take 1 bitter nut, which can be bought in specialized confectionery stores. This slight bitterness helps marzipan fully reveal its taste and aroma and gives it a special piquancy. If you can't find bitter almonds, you can replace them with a few drops of almond extract, bitter almond oil or almond liqueur. However, adding these ingredients to decorate the cake is not at all necessary. The absence of bitter notes will not reduce the plasticity of marzipan, it will simply not have that characteristic taste.

Decorating cakes with marzipan

German confectioners know about 200 ways to prepare marzipan. All these methods can be divided into two - hot and cold. With the hot cooking technology, sugar syrup is boiled, which is mixed with almond crumbs, but the plasticity of this mass decreases as it cools, so to cover the cake with marzipan, you need to sculpt decorations as quickly as possible. The cold method is the easiest, since the almond flour is combined with powdered sugar and kneaded well. If the almonds are of poor quality, you won’t get a homogeneous mass, so confectioners in such cases recommend adding an egg to hold the ingredients together. Of course, the egg must be very fresh, and such products cannot be stored for a long time. Various flavorings are added to marzipan - liqueurs, cocoa, orange zest, spices and rose water.

First you need to cook it - preferably cold, as it is much easier. To do this, pour 350 g of almonds with hot water for a few minutes to make the skin come off easier. The peeled nuts are lightly dried in the oven, preventing them from changing color, and then ground into flour. Beat 2 eggs, add 175 g of powdered sugar and cook the mixture in a water bath until it reaches the consistency of cream. Remove from heat, add almonds to eggs, add 1 tsp. lemon juice, then thoroughly beat the marzipan. Sprinkle the board with powdered sugar, place the nut mixture on it and knead the almond “dough” until it thickens completely. You can add dyes to marzipan, and then sculpt whatever you want - objects, flowers, animals and architectural structures.

Fondant for cake decoration

Fondant is boiled sugar syrup that is whipped with a mixer and cools, turning into a thick, sticky glaze or brittle and hard fondant. It all depends on the composition of the syrup and the method of its preparation. The syrup can be cooked without additives, in this case we are talking about fudge. If you add milk or cream to it, you get milk or cream fudge. Fudge can be chocolate, fruit and berry, nut, protein, creme brulee - depending on what ingredients are added to it.

For fudge, mix 100 g of very heavy cream, 1 cup of sugar, 40 g of butter and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Boil the fudge until it becomes creamy, and to check its readiness, add a drop of milk mixture into the water. The finished fondant easily rolls into a plastic ball.

Protein fudge is very tasty, for which 2 chilled egg whites are beaten with a pinch of salt until fluffy foam, and then 300 g of powdered sugar and 2 tbsp are gradually added to them. l. lemon juice.

It is better to store the finished fondant in the refrigerator, covering the bowl with cling film to prevent drying out; apply it to the surface of the cake using a pastry brush or a pastry bag.

You can decorate the cake with grilled cake, marshmallows, marmalade, or use a simple stencil and powdered sugar. Involve children in decorating confectionery products - they will certainly enjoy making masterpieces from mastic or marzipan. Decorating cakes together brings you closer together, and sharing tea with delicious desserts turns life into a series of endless pleasures!
