
Turtle pie recipe with sour cream. How to assemble and decorate the Turtle Biscuit Cake

If you have never made a cake, but really want to try, then try to make some first easy option. For example, the turtle cake. Even children can cope with his recipe, since the dough is very easy to knead and bake, and for the cream, you just need to mix a couple of ingredients. In addition, it turns out very quickly, so even experienced housewives this is a recipe to keep in mind.

Only half an hour, and you will have delicious and original cake which children will especially enjoy. Try to cook it once and you will cook it as often as possible.

Cake "Turtle"

Kitchen appliances and utensils: two bowls, mixer, spoon, baking sheet, oven, ladle.


Cooking process

The first stage: eggs, sugar, soda, flour.

The second stage: sour cream, powdered sugar or butter, cocoa, powdered sugar and sour cream.

For cream, mix sour cream and powdered sugar with a mixer.

First, beat the melted butter with a mixer and, without turning it off, add the powder and cocoa first, and then the sour cream. Should work light air cream.

The third stage: shortcakes, cream, chocolate.

How to decorate a cake

If you want to cook beautiful cake to serve, for example, to children, then try to lay out not only the turtle shell, but also the head, paws and tail. To do this, use the same shortcakes as for the shell, giving them the desired shape.

The cake itself can be poured with icing and sprinkled with chocolate or sweets. You can decorate it with nuts or candied fruits to make the cake even brighter. There is room for imagination in this recipe, so don't limit it.

What to file with

Such a wonderful cake, as for me, is best served with tea. If you want to serve it for adults, you can serve coffee or even a glass instead of tea. sparkling wine. Children can also have juice, compote or soda if you prefer. You can even eat a cake with milk or cocoa to get more benefits in addition to taste.

Video recipe for making a classic turtle cake

To see with your own eyes that everything is very simple, and at the same time remember all the details, watch this video. A young man very quickly prepares a beautiful cake to demonstrate it to you.

  • The dough for the cake should be liquid, but still hold its shape.. Therefore, if it spreads a lot for you, then you can add a little flour.
  • In the cream, you can replace sugar with honey to get a honey taste and a healthier cream.
  • Do not spread the cream on the cakes that are still hot. let them cool down a little, then it will not spread.

Other options

Turtle Cake with Sour Cream is one of the easiest recipes, but there are others that are just as easy to make. For example, a pancake cake, for which you only need to bake ordinary pancakes and make a simple cream. Or simple biscuit cake with any cream of your choice.

Yes, and cakes for cakes such as "Napoleon", or any waffle cakes can be bought at the supermarket, and you just have to cook delicious cream. To please yourself and loved ones with a cake is not so difficult if you have a little desire and time.

How do you like this cake? How did you decorate it? How long did it take to prepare? Tell us everything in the comments, and also share your ideas for decorating and serving this pretty dessert.

Unusual desserts always attract attention, and if they are also very tasty, then this is doubly pleasant. It is this cake that can be easily prepared at home, and it is called "Turtle". Actually there is great amount recipes, here are the most popular and delicious options.

Cake "Turtle" at home - general principles of cooking

For classic cake"Turtle" small biscuit cakes are prepared from ordinary egg dough. Due to their small size and porosity, they soak quickly enough and the cake does not need to stand for a long time. The cream is usually used sour cream, but you can make custard or condensed milk. It is not recommended to use thick and oil creams, since the cake with them can turn out dry, will stand for a long time, harden and not soak.

What can you cook "Turtle" with:

With nuts;

Fruits, berries;

Dried fruits;

Cocoa or with chocolate.

There are many recipes lazy cake which is made from cookies, ready-made cakes biscuit, gingerbread and even marshmallows. The original version is obtained from miniature rolls, the preparation of such a cake will take several minutes.

A cake is formed in the form of a tortoise shell. You can lay out the head, bake a few elongated plates for the legs, tail, or simply cut them out of the cakes. In the second case, it is better to do this in advance so that the trimmings are all folded inside the shell. From above, the cake is covered with icing, sprinkled with nuts or decorated with fruits, such as kiwi.

Cake "Turtle" at home (with sour cream)

Recipe simple cake"Turtle", which is easy to make at home. It is advisable to take thick sour cream for cream so that nothing drains, and the cakes are well saturated.


1.5 st. sifted wheat flour;

1 st. granulated sugar;

8 g baking powder.

700 g sour cream;

A glass of sugar;

1 tablespoon cocoa (you can add 2-3).

For glaze: 6 tablespoons of sour cream and sugar, 4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Some nuts for decoration.


1. Turtle biscuit dough. Break the eggs, add sugar sand, beat at maximum speed of the mixer for 10-15 minutes. Add ripper along with wheat flour, mix.

2. Cover the baking sheets with baking paper or a silicone mat.

3. We collect the dough for a full teaspoon with a mountain and put the cakes on baking sheets. We leave a distance between them of about three centimeters.

4. Bake at 200 degrees until wheat color. It is not necessary to brown the cakes much, they are prepared very quickly. Leave to cool completely, then remove from paper or rug.

5. Mix sour cream and the rest of the ingredients of the cream. More cocoa can be added, especially if the cream is liquid, the powder will absorb some of the moisture.

6. We collect the turtle. We coat the cakes chocolate cream, stacked on top of each other, forming a shell.

7. Cooking icing in a saucepan. Mix all ingredients, cook small fire to homogeneity.

8. Lubricate the cake with icing and immediately, before it hardens, lay out the places where the cakes come into contact with nuts.

Cake "Turtle" at home with cocoa

chocolate variant cake "Turtle" at home. Cocoa is added to both the dough and the cream, which is also made from sour cream.


140 g of premium wheat flour;

25 g cocoa;

150 g of granulated sugar;

5 g of ripper.

600 g sour cream;

2 tablespoons of cocoa;

150 g boiled condensed milk;

100 g powdered sugar.

For glaze: 150 g chocolate 50 g butter.


1. Pour flour into a sieve, add cocoa powder and ripper to it, sift together. Combine eggs and granulated sugar, beat until stable and lush foam. Pour the dry mixture into the dough and stir.

2. Spread the cakes on a baking sheet, bake in the oven and cool.

3. Combine sour cream with powder and cocoa, add boiled condensed milk, beat the mass until smooth.

4. Lubricate the biscuit plates with cream and lay them in a slide, forming a turtle shell. We insert the legs, the head.

5. Melt the chocolate and butter, cool the icing a little so that it is not too liquid and does not drain. Cover the tortoise shell, draw chocolate eyes and a mouth on the muzzle.

Cake "Emerald Turtle" at home

A feature of this cake is the method of cooking in a pan. The recipe is quite simple, does not require much time, but the dessert turns out bright and beautiful. Used for decoration fresh fruits kiwi.


1 standard can of condensed milk;

500 ml whole milk;

500 g flour (approximately);

1 pack of oil;

1 cup of sugar;

Kiwi pieces 5-6;

Ripper bag;


1. Since the cream is custard, you need to start with it. It will take time to cool down. We combine two eggs with sugar, one is left for the test. Add two tablespoons of flour and beat. In the process, add milk. We put it all on the stove, cook almost until boiling, but do not let it boil. Cool down.

2. Beat a pack of butter with a mixer, add cream by a spoon until it runs out. Season with vanilla, put in the refrigerator.

3. Let's start kneading the dough. Beat the egg and condensed milk, add half the flour, mixed with baking powder. Then add more flour until the dough becomes thick.

4. Roll out a sausage from it and divide into 8 parts, roll each piece in flour.

5. Roll out the cakes, bake one by one in a dry frying pan. They will be prepared very quickly, just a minute on each side is enough.

6. Put one cake on a dish, grease with cream, cover with a second layer and so on, leave the top layer dry for now.

7. We take sharp knife and begin to cut the cake, giving the shape of the shell. For evenness, you can cover with a plate.

8. Now you can grease the cake with cream on top, cut the kiwi into circles, decorate the shell with emerald pieces.

Cake "Turtle" at home from cookies

lazy option turtle cake, which is made from cookies. Used cracker "fish". It is very important that it is not salty and has a neutral taste. Cream classic sour cream.


0.5 kg of cookies;

550 g sour cream;

350 g boiled condensed milk;

One chocolate bar;

40-60 g of oil.


1. We combine boiled condensed milk with sour cream, there will be a lot of cream, this is normal. In the process, the cookies will completely absorb it.

2. Mix the fish cracker with the cream, leave for five minutes.

3. During this time, you need to pick up a suitable bowl and line it from the inside cling film. Any package can be used.

4. Put the cookies with cream in a bowl, level and press. Cover with something and refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

5. Turn the bowl over, covering first flat dish, remove the film.

6. We crumble chocolate, combine with butter, melt. Lubricate the shell, decorate to your taste.

Cake "Turtle" at home with a banana

We bake the basis for this cake according to the first or second recipe. Cakes can be made chocolate or white at your discretion.


1 can of condensed milk;

200 g butter;

300 g sour cream;

4 bananas;

80 g chocolate.


1. Put the oil in a bowl, leave warm for a couple of hours. Immerse the mixer and start beating.

2. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous and begins to increase in volume, we begin to add condensed milk to the future cream. Then spread the sour cream. Add vanillin and cinnamon to taste. You can add a little coconut or cocoa.

3. Bananas are freed from the peel, cut into slices.

4. We collect the cake. By classical pattern grease the cakes, lay the first layer and scatter slices of bananas between them. We collect the whole shell in this way. There should be no fruit on top.

5. Coat the cake with the rest of the cream.

6. Grate the chocolate, sprinkle the shell with shavings. Let the cake soak.

Walnut cake "Turtle" at home (from ready-made cakes)

For this cake, you can use any nuts, but it turns out tastier and more beautiful with walnuts, especially if they are not crushed and spread on top in halves or quarters. Conventional biscuit cakes from the store (white or chocolate).


Packing of biscuit cakes;

200-300 g of nuts;

1.5 cans of condensed milk;

300 g of oil;

120 g of chocolate;

50 g sour cream or heavy cream.


1. Cut the biscuit cakes into squares of arbitrary size, but large pieces do not need to.

2. Mix butter with condensed milk.

3. Lubricate the prepared biscuit pieces with cream. If the cakes are thick, then before that they can be sprinkled with any syrup, compote or regular tea (at your discretion).

4. Fry the nuts in a pan or in the oven.

5. Combine chocolate with sour cream, melt together in a water bath.

6. Immediately decorate the cake with nuts so that they have time to stick to the icing. Leave the cake for 7-10 hours in the refrigerator so that it soaks.

Cake "Turtle" at home - tips and tricks

Inside the turtle, you can lay not only bananas, but also others not too juicy fruit, For example, canned pineapple. A delicious cake obtained with cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries. Berries should also be dense.

On children's holiday you can cook a turtle with a surprise by placing sweets, marshmallows, marmalade inside the shell.

The shell will look more spectacular if you apply patterns of white glaze on it. You can use melted chocolate or protein cream.

If the cream flows, it is impossible to assemble the cake, you can grease the cakes and put them in a deep bowl, then cool, leave for a while to soak. After that, you can turn it over on a dish, cover with glaze and decorate.

By 30.08.2015

I have known this cake since childhood. Delicious and out of the ordinary. Looks like a toy or cartoon character. You can cook the “Turtle” cake not only for the holidays, but just like that, pamper your household.

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Egg - 6 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 and a half cups
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Baking soda + vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Butter - 25 g
  • Sour cream - 900 g
  • Kiwi - 1 piece
  • Milk chocolate - 1 bar
  • Other fruits or nuts - to taste

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. To start, let's prepare the right ingredients.
  2. We start cooking the cake, of course, with the dough. The dough should be airy, tender and sweet. We take 6 eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. We will also need a blender or mixer and 2 cups of sugar.
  3. Beat separately the yolks with one glass of sugar and similarly proteins. You should get a foamy, homogeneous mass. Then you need to mix the resulting creamy masses with each other. For best effect the mixture can be beaten again with a whisk. The more bubbles you get when beating, the more airy the dough will turn out.
  4. The next and final step in the preparation of the dough is flour. It is necessary to carefully sift 2 cups of flour into the resulting mass. We will deal with lumps with the help of slaked soda with vinegar. We take a teaspoon of soda, without a slide, and a couple of drops of table 9% vinegar, mix. The resulting hissing liquid is sent to the dough. And also add a bag of vanilla. It also prevents the formation of lumps, and also gives a fantastic vanilla flavor. Mix thoroughly. The dough should be a little thicker than for pancakes.
  5. In order for the dough to stick to the baking sheet, grease it with butter, carefully going to the edges. Butter is also good because it gives a milky flavor to future cakes. Good to use for baking, non-stick baking sheet. This simplifies the task of the hostess.
  6. There is a baking sheet different sizes, depending on the volume oven. If they are small, then you will have to bake in two or even three runs.

  7. There are two options for baking cakes for the "Turtle" cake. You can gently form ovals on the sheet with a spoon, in the form of cakes. This option is quite long in time, as well as cakes will be all different shapes and sizes. It is much easier and more productive to bake a regular cake the size of a baking sheet. And then, using a glass or mug, squeeze neat and even circles or ovals out of it. Pour the dough into a small layer on a baking sheet and level the surface with a spoon. It should be even and smooth.
  8. We send our future cake to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. The cakes bake quickly. As soon as the biscuit is browned, it can be taken out of the oven.
  9. The biscuit is ready. Now we need to cut out circles from it, which will serve as the shell of our turtle. For this any will do glass or mug. But there is no need to rush. The biscuit should cool down a bit. Otherwise, it will stick and tear.
  10. It turns out even mugs and the remains of a biscuit on a sheet, which will also be used in the cake.

  11. It's time to prepare the cream. Mix sour cream with half a glass of sugar. A lot of sugar is not needed in the cream, it should be sour. Otherwise, the cake will turn out to be very sugary, because the biscuit is quite sweet.
  12. Whipping the cream is not necessary, stir with a spoon until the sugar is almost completely dissolved. You can add chopped walnuts to the cream.

  13. Now the most interesting. We need to collect the cake. This is where biscuit scraps come in handy. Lay them out first on a cake platter. Outwardly, a small slide of biscuit should form, in some places we press it down so that it is smoother and the excess does not stick out.
  14. Pour plenty of cream over the hill. It is not worth saving the cream here, otherwise the middle of the cake will be dry. Then we ennoble the cake with cakes. Lay out the turtle shell. It is very important, after each laid out layer, soak the cakes with cream.
  15. Decorate the cake to your liking. You can cut out the head and legs of a turtle from a kiwi. Top the shell with banana slices. To sprinkle coconut flakes, nuts or chocolate chips. Fantasy, in this case, is limitless.
  16. The finished cake needs to be well soaked. It is best to leave it overnight in the refrigerator. As a result, we get a cake weighing approximately 2 kg, which is enough for about 10-15 servings. Bon appetit!

5 stars - based on 2 review(s)

Step 1: Prepare Biscuits for the Cake.

One of the features of this cake is that it does not consist of biscuits or cakes, but of many small cakes. Let's start preparing them. First, grind the sugar in a blender - this will simplify our task in the future, since the powdered sugar dissolves faster and more evenly. So, beat eggs with sugar or powdered sugar until a stable foam appears. It is best to beat with a mixer, because when whipping with a whisk, you will spend too much strength. We extinguish the soda in vinegar, add it to the dough, pour out the flour and continue to beat the dough with a mixer. The dough should have a consistency similar to pancake.
Lubricate the baking sheet with butter or margarine, and with the help of a spoon spread the dough in the form of cakes on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the cakes in it for about 5 minutes, until browned.
Ready tortillas put them on a plate and let them cool.

Step 2: We prepare the cream and the base of the "Turtle" cake.

Butter must first be removed from the refrigerator and allowed to soften. Then add sugar to it and mix lightly, and then pour sour cream, add vanillin to taste and beat the mixture with a mixer. Beat the cream for 7-10 minutes so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
When the cream is ready, dip the cakes into it and let them soak a little. This is necessary so that when making a cake you do not have to look for cakes that are not soaked with cream, and it will take less time to soak the cake itself. Leave a few cakes in their original form - they will play the role of the paws, tail and head of the turtle.
Take the dish on which you will serve the cake and lay the cakes soaked in cream in the form of a turtle - do not forget about the paws, tail and head. You need to spread the cakes in several layers, and pour the remaining cream on top of the cake. In order for the base of the cake to freeze and be suitable for decoration, we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Step 3: We prepare the icing and decorate the "Turtle" cake.

While the cake is cooling, let's have a good time and prepare the icing for decorating the cake. To do this, mix all the ingredients in a metal bowl and knead the butter with a fork. We put the future glaze on water bath, and, stirring constantly, bring the ingredients to complete dissolution and uniform density. You can taste the icing and add those ingredients that you lack.
We take out the cake from the refrigerator and carefully and evenly pour it with icing, leaving the paws, tail and head untouched. We wipe off those remnants of the glaze that flow down the dish, and send the cake to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours so that it infuses, soaks and looks better.

Step 4: Serve the finished cake "Turtle" to the table.

Before serving, we will make the eyes of the turtle from raisins or nuts, decorate the shell with them - here you can connect your imagination. We serve the cake chilled, at the end of the feast, along with fragrant tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

Line the baking sheet with parchment paper to prevent the cakes from burning.

Instead of sour cream in the glaze, you can use milk.

It is not necessary to bake cakes, it will do regular cookies. The composition of the cake can be changed according to your preferences.

You can add chocolate and chopped nuts to the glaze.

When making glaze, remember - milk reduces the thickness, sugar adds sweetness, cocoa adds bitterness and increases the thickness of the glaze.

This recipe is considered a classic. Due liquid consistency sour cream cakes are soaked much faster than cream with condensed milk.

Photo: Turtle cake with sour cream

Required products:

  • Chicken eggs- 6 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3.5 cups;
  • Soda - 1 incomplete teaspoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 liters;
  • Milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Cocoa - 4 teaspoons with a slide.

Dough preparation

Whisk the eggs with 1.5 cups of sugar. Mix flour and soda separately, add to the rest of the ingredients.

Preparation of mini cakes:

  • Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil;
  • Take the creamy dough with a teaspoon - exactly as much is needed for each small cake that goes into the base of the cake. Be sure to leave a distance between them - the dough will rise during baking;
  • The cakes are baked in the oven until golden color at 180°C three minutes;
  • Before each baking of a new batch of cakes, grease the baking sheet with oil.

Cream preparation

Beat sour cream with 1 cup of sugar with a mixer until it is completely dissolved.

Glaze preparation

Mix a glass of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk, cocoa (4 tablespoons with a slide) and butter. Heat up on fire, without bringing to a boil.

Cooking a cake step by step:

  • Lubricate each laid layer with plenty of cream;
  • Pour frosting on top.

The finished cake is infused for at least 12 hours.

Video: Classic Turtle Cake

Video source: Oksana Valerievna

Cake "Emerald Turtle"

IN ready-made the cake is soaked in cream for 24 hours. Last layer, that is, kiwi circles, it is advisable to decorate it immediately before serving.

Photo: Cake " emerald turtle»

Required products:

  • Condensed milk - 1 can,
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Soda slaked with vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 450 grams;
  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 grams);
  • Kiwi - 6-8 pcs.

Cream preparation

Mix 0.5 liters of milk, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour, 1 cup sugar and vanilla sugar. Lightly boil the cream until thickened, add 200 grams butter, stir and cover. Remove from fire.

Dough preparation

Pour a jar of condensed milk into a bowl, add 1 egg and mix. Add soda slaked with vinegar and gradually add flour, stirring constantly. The dough should be soft and elastic, so the amount of flour is approximate. IN the maximum number you may need 450 grams.

Cooking cakes

Divide the dough into 8 approximately equal parts. Roll out each cake and prick with a fork in several places. The bottom 4 cakes should be the same size, the top 4 should be reduced in order to get the correct shape of the turtle. Heat the pan over medium heat and start baking the cakes. Each cake takes an average of 1 minute to bake.

Cooking a cake step by step:

  • Lubricate each cake generously with cream and spread a layer of kiwi on top;
  • Grease the top of the cake and the sides too;
  • Cut the kiwi into thin circles and completely cover the surface of the “Turtle” with them;
  • Cut out the head, paws and tail from kiwi, as in the photo.

The finished cake is soaked for at least 12 hours.

Video: Emerald Turtle Cake Recipe

Video source: Cake recipes

Cake "Turtle with condensed milk"

This cake recipe is closest to the classic one, but it tastes sweeter.

Photo: Cake "Turtle" with condensed milk

Required products:

  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda - 1. h spoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sour cream - 1200 grams;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • boiled condensed milk- 1 bank;
  • Milk chocolate or black - 100 grams.

Dough preparation

Beat 6 eggs with sugar, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, not slaked soda (1 teaspoon), mix. Gradually add the flour, preferably sifting it through a sieve, constantly stirring the dough.

Cooking cakes

Grease a baking sheet with oil. With a teaspoon, spread the dough on it in small cakes, at some distance from each other. Bake the tortillas at 150°C for 5 minutes. Before each new layer of cakes, grease the baking sheet with oil.

Cream preparation

Beat with a mixer all the sour cream, the contents of a jar of condensed milk and 200 grams of butter.

Cooking a cake step by step:

  • On a flat wide plate, lay out layers of cakes in the form of a circle, with 4 "legs", a "tail" and a "head" of cakes;
  • Lubricate each cake generously with cream;
  • Decorate the cake chocolate chips, like on a picture.

Video: Cake "Turtle with condensed milk"

Video source: Svetlana Egorova - My hobby
