
Chocolate kids. The most suitable age for acquaintance with chocolate

Chocolate for children, benefits and harms

Chocolate is one of the favorite treats of most children. Sometimes it even seems that they are ready to absorb it in unlimited quantities. Chocolate is good in quality, with or. Scientists claim that this high-calorie delicacy helps to improve mental abilities, however, in in large numbers chocolate can be harmful. We learned at what age you should start giving chocolate to children, as well as what benefits it has, possible harm and what is the allowable limit.

Everything has its time

Despite the fact that the real bar chocolate will please the baby, no need to rush to introduce it into the diet of crumbs. Scientists in the field of pediatrics and nutrition agreed that it is possible to start giving this delicacy at the age of 5 years. The risk of an allergic reaction by this time becomes minimal, and this delicacy is absorbed by the child's body at this age already better. If you definitely want to pamper a baby who is not even a year old, pay attention to special cereals for children with a taste of chocolate, for older children there are yogurts and chocolate puddings, and chocolate flakes, which is enough to fill with milk.


Chocolate is carbohydrates, and they, as everyone knows, are the most important source of energy. Children spend a lot of energy, so this product, thanks to the easily accessible carbohydrates that it contains, allows you to quickly replenish it. Very important information! Among all other sweets, chocolate is the least harmful to the teeth, since it contains an aseptic substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria. Also, this delicacy helps to cheer up, and thanks to the glucose it contains, it has a beneficial effect on brain function. Among other things, chocolate is an excellent antioxidant and helps to strengthen the immune system. Especially all this applies to dark chocolate, milk and white are less useful, but ...


Chocolate should be introduced into the child's diet with special care, it can provoke an allergy in the baby, which manifests itself in the form of an itchy rash on the skin. Also, this product contains a large amount of sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose, fructose. Sucrose increases the acidity of the environment in oral cavity resulting in caries. In addition, the sugar contained in chocolate can be stored in the body as fat, so eating too much sweets can lead to obesity or diabetes in the future. Chocolate should not be given to children at night, as it can reduce the feeling of fatigue and temporarily reduce the need for sleep (and dark chocolate is especially harmful in this regard). Also, excessive abuse of chocolate can lead to abdominal pain, stool disorders, heartburn or nausea.


Scientists came to the conclusion that about 40 g of sweets per day is enough for a child, it can be either a slice of chocolate or a couple or. Chocolate and others confectionery may be present in daily children's menu, most importantly, observe the measure in everything and do not forget that this is just a delicacy that cannot replace a full meal!

There are so many myths associated with chocolate that to understand it real benefit or health hazard is difficult.

Chocolate is studied by scientists, adults love it, children love it.

Is this delicacy harmful or useful - a sweet greeting from the mysterious Maya who have long disappeared?

Chocolate: composition, calorie content, how to use

Modern chocolate bars have little in common with the chocolate that Americans and Europeans fell in love with after the triumphant return of Columbus and the conquest of the Americas. The Aztecs brewed "chocolatl" without sugar, thickening the drink with maize flour. They hardly enjoyed themselves, but they were cheerful, cheerful and healthy.

For a long time and in Europe (America too) chocolate was known as a drink, the recipe of which was kept in the strictest confidence. Medieval Spaniards, for example, without trial or investigation, cut off the heads of irresponsible citizens who dared to cook chocolate without a separate permit. Still would! State secret...

For a very long time, cocoa beans were so expensive that only special people could afford a cup of the drink. royal blood. By the end of the 19th century, a recipe for hard chocolate had been developed that brought down the sugar and cocoa markets. Since then, you can buy a chocolate bar without any problems.

Modern chocolate is produced in three types: dark (or black), milk and white. Tiles differ both in color and in quality, that is, composition.

Dark chocolate contains:

Grated natural cocoa beans in powder form;

Cocoa butter;


In dark chocolate maximum number of valuable nutrients. The taste of the product is more bitter, rich, bright. The content of cocoa beans in the product is not less than 55 percent. It contains organic acids alimentary fiber, saturated fatty acid, starch.

The benefits of dark chocolate are explained by the content of B, E, PP vitamins, as well as minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron.

In milk chocolate part of the natural powder obtained from beans replaces powdered milk. Hence a more “pale” appearance, less bitter taste, a clear creamy tint. Solid components in the product must be at least 25 percent, in quality chocolate- up to fifty.

In white chocolate no cocoa powder at all. However, it is still impossible to deny him involvement in chocolate. After all, the product includes cocoa butter (at least 20 percent), milk powder or condensed milk (14 percent), milk fat(about four percent), sugar (55 percent).

The calorie content of chocolate, regardless of type, is approximately the same: 540-550 kcal per hundred grams. A lot of? Certainly. But if we limit ourselves to 25-50 grams of goodies per day, for healthy person without an allergy to cocoa products, there will be no harm from chocolate, but there will be a lot of benefits.

Chocolate: what are the benefits for the body?

The benefits of chocolate are in cocoa beans. Therefore, bitter varieties of delicacies are certainly healthier than dairy ones. Beneficial features bitter chocolate, or dark, colossal:

It contains antioxidant substances (procyanides, flavonoids, epicatechins). Exactly these natural substances protect the body from free radicals, preventing the formation of oncological tumors;

Due to the high content of polyphenols, caffeine, theobromine, the benefits of chocolate for the body are manifested in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;

Reduces the risk of sudden strokes and heart attacks, as it effectively prevents thrombosis;

Reduces the risk of acquiring diabetes mellitus due to the normalization of the process of absorption of sugars;

Stabilizes arterial pressure, normalizes the work of the heart muscles;

Increases the elasticity of blood vessels;

The health benefits of chocolate for people suffering from inflammatory diseases autoimmune system, arthritis;

Stimulates the activity of the brain, improves the quality of intellectual work, improves memory, especially in old age;

Possesses restorative action due to high content vitamin complex.

Many have heard that chocolate treats depression, and indeed it is. A piece healthy treats promotes the production of endorphins and serotonins - "hormones of happiness", which really improve mood, make it easier depressive states. The benefits of chocolate for the body in this sense are undeniable.

And here is the popular opinion about the dangers of chocolate for teeth and gums nothing more than a myth. Allegedly sweet product destroys tooth enamel. In fact, the dark grade product contains a natural antiseptic that improves the condition of the oral mucosa, disinfects the gums, reduces the rate of tartar growth, and prevents caries.

The list of myths about the dangers of chocolate is replenished by two more unfounded claims..

1. Chocolate causes acne. In fact, rashes are a consequence of dysfunction of the hormonal system, a violation of the skin.

2. Chocolate causes allergies. By itself, chocolate rarely causes allergies, but it can really be strengthened.

The benefits of chocolate for human health also lie in the fact that it stimulates the digestive processes and intestinal motility, and prevents the formation of ulcers. A sufficient dose is 50 grams of the product per day.

By the way, the same amount is enough for to hinder education cancer cells . The Japanese follow the rule of "50 grams" strictly: every day the inhabitants of the islands take their dose of sweet medicine. Cancer and ulcers are very rare diseases for them.

Chocolate: what is the harm to health?

Despite the undoubted health benefits, chocolate can be harmful. First of all, due to the sugar content. Diabetics can not eat treats, alas..

You have to give up chocolate and overweight people. In any case, there is dairy and White chocolate they definitely can’t, but a slice of bitter from time to time will not bring special harm.

Due to the ability to increase allergies, you can not eat chocolate during an exacerbation of the disease and antihistamine treatment. When the symptoms pass, and the result of the treatment is fixed, you can sometimes indulge in chocolate, but only with the permission of the doctor.

But if a true allergy to cocoa beans or any component contained in a sweet bar is revealed, you will have to stop eating chocolate forever.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm of chocolate

To eat or not to eat chocolate for a pregnant woman and a nursing mother? The question is difficult, even if it easily relates to its “interesting position” according to the principle “pregnancy is not a disease!”.

What do the doctors say?

The benefits of chocolate for the body of a pregnant woman are as follows:

Magnesium strengthens the nerves immune defense relieves anxiety. It is also useful for the fetus, as it has positive influence on the formation of the brain;

Potassium normalizes blood pressure and metabolic processes;

Strengthen the body of the expectant mother and flavonoids;

Theobromine stimulates the heart;

Vitamins, macronutrients, necessary for the body of a woman in position, are in chocolate. Iron is useful for the formation of the body of the unborn baby.

Useful properties of chocolate are explained by its composition in the first place. Since chocolate reduces anxiety, it is unlikely that the newborn will disturb the mother with crying and tantrums. The kid will grow up calm.

Certainly, we are talking about dark chocolate. His pregnant woman can eat a little.

On the other side, the harm of chocolate to the body of a pregnant woman can also be significant.

It is necessary to refuse the product for the duration of pregnancy if relatives are allergic to this product. Allergies are no joke.

The caffeine found in chocolate bars can damage the health of both mother and fetus. In addition, it can cause insomnia.

When eating a large amount of chocolate, there is a high probability of increasing heartburn, which affects almost all pregnant women.

The abuse of chocolate, including bitter, can reduce the intensity of the blood supply to the uterus and cause oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Low-quality chocolate in which cocoa butter is replaced by hydrogenated fats and vegetable oil, will not bring any benefit to the body, only extra calories. Excess weight during pregnancy can complicate its course.

Give up chocolate in the second and third trimester when there is an intensive formation of the immune system of the unborn baby. It is highly likely that the child's immunity will be weakened, there will be problems with the intestines, skin rashes.

During breastfeeding it is better to stop eating chocolate, at least for two to three months after the birth of the baby. This will help avoid unnecessary bowel problems.

Chocolate for children: good or bad

Pediatricians do not recommend giving chocolate to babies until the age of three. Until this time, immunity is formed, and extra loads are useless. The content of nitrogen compounds in chocolate can disrupt the metabolic processes in the child's body.

By the age of three, the body is already sufficiently formed to gradually join the "adult" food. One hundred grams of real dark chocolate a week a child is able to master without harm to himself.

The benefits of chocolate for the child's body:

The presence of potassium and phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system child's body, its formation and development;

Dark chocolate high quality is useful for bowel function;

The product improves mood, so a small dose of chocolate can calm a crybaby;

Chocolate is good for teeth, because cocoa butter, enveloping the teeth, prevents tooth decay.

However, the baby's body chocolate harm can inflict real:

Cause allergies, sometimes very serious (up to bronchospasm). Therefore, it is forbidden to give chocolate to babies with a history of allergies;

Sugar can cause obesity, disrupt the work of the pancreas, and this is a direct harm to chocolate;

In addition, a large amount of sugar can lead to abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn due to increased production of gastric juice.

It is very important to observe some rules for the use of chocolate by young children. First, it is forbidden to give even a small amount of goodies on an empty stomach.

Secondly, children can only eat milk chocolate. Black is too saturated with theobromine, an alkaloid that can actually poison a child. Such poisoning is fraught with vomiting, disruption of the digestive tract, headache, nausea.

Chocolate: harm for losing weight

Milk and white chocolate will cause harm to weight loss due to the high content of sugar and fat. It is definitely impossible to eat such a product on a diet, because just a few slices of sweet fatty treats can negate a week or two of intense struggle with fat.

As for dark chocolate, you can still argue. The fact is that such a delicacy can dull the feeling of hunger and really reduce appetite. And this will allow you to more confidently control weight, reduce cravings for fast carbohydrates. Therefore, if a person seeks to maintain a figure in a normal state, then regardless of the calorie content of chocolate, a small amount of it is more likely to benefit.

A useful property of chocolate for weight loss can be called its ability to quickly satisfy hunger and give the body a lot of energy. The presence of potassium and magnesium makes the product useful even with excess weight.

The harm of chocolate for weight loss is the accumulation of excess carbohydrates in the form of fat. Milk and white chocolate are the most dangerous in this sense. But black chocolate bars, despite the high calorie content of chocolate, in reasonable sizes (no more than 25 grams per day), on the contrary, contribute to weight loss due to phenols and caffeine, which have fat-burning properties.

Whether chocolate is good or bad depends on the state of the body. Used in moderation, it will only benefit a healthy person.

Chocolate is a delicacy recognized by gourmets of the world and a good medicine from many ailments. This sweetness is made from cocoa beans, rich in various vitamins, trace elements, essential oils and antioxidants, polyphenols, etc. certain limitation in the quality of the impact on the body. Scientists have proven:
In order for the use of chocolate to be beneficial, and not harmful to the body, you need to buy a bitter version that does not contain any additives;
· daily rate is 25 grams, the rest is harmful;
With its help, you can lose weight, and it acts as an excellent prophylactic for many diseases.
In fact, the best illustration is the saying: everything is good in moderation.

Useful qualities

Many people give up the bitter treats of cocoa beans, buying sweet counterparts containing an increased amount of cream, sugar, various additives. It's better not to. Majority useful qualities, which are inherent in the first product, are almost completely absent in all the others or are present in a very truncated form.

Protection against caries

Dentists say that, unlike all other delicacies, dark chocolate does not cause the development of caries, but rather protects against this disease. The oils present in it envelop the enamel, which prevents the negative effects of acids on it. A small bite after a meal is great alternative special chewing gum

positive impactonorganism

The development of the baby requires the addition of foods rich in various vitamins and trace elements to his diet. Chocolate falls into this category. It contains potassium and phosphorus. They are necessary for the normal development of the child's nervous system. The carbohydrates present in the tile are easily digestible, which guarantees the absence of intestinal disorders and an increase in the load on the stomach.

Improving circulation and protecting against atherosclerosis

beneficial effect on human body due to the high concentration of polyphenols that improve blood flow. That is why family doctors in the EU countries definitely recommend adding black bitter chocolate to the diet of the elderly and those who are severely weakened after illnesses. Obstetricians advise women after childbirth to eat 1-2 bars of this delicacy to alleviate the general physical condition.

Can children give chocolate?

Cocoa beans are one of the strongest allergens. This myth is still widespread throughout our country. In fact, the product is considered conditionally acceptable for use by children from the age of one. Whether it is necessary to give it earlier should be decided by each mother independently. Pediatricians are sure of only one thing, that if you give this delicacy, then only its bitter version, and not sweet bars or bars. It is the black dessert that helps to strengthen the body and has a beneficial effect on all its functions. A milk or white counterpart is more likely to harm the baby due to the high content of sugar and other confectionery additives, including preservatives.

It should be noted that an adult is allowed to eat 25 grams of the product per day, the rest of the amount is not good, but harmful. Based on this, it is easy to calculate the amount available to the baby. It's quite small piece. You also need to take into account the stimulating effect of the product. It should not be given before bed. Add it to your baby's diet in the morning.

The most delicious sweet in the world and it is also the most popular is chocolate. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this statement. At the same time, this is a favorite treat for everyone, and especially for the health of the child.

So, what kind of chocolate, in what volume and from what age will not negative impact Let's tackle these tough questions.

From a medical point of view

The "chocolate question" is covered with myths, often contradicting each other. What do doctors confirm? There are several diseases, the development of which, under certain conditions, leads to the use of a sweet dessert made from cocoa beans. Doctors also agree that in many cases this product brings considerable benefits.

Development of caries

From childhood, we hear about the dangers of sweets for teeth, and then we repeat this to our children. Indeed, because of the sugar contained in chocolate, the acidity in the mouth rises - and the thin, fragile enamel quickly deteriorates. Despite the fact that modern dentistry has learned to treat teeth painlessly, visiting a dentist is unlikely to bring joy to a child.

However, latest research, conducted by a famous American doctor, showed that cocoa beans contain substances that effectively strengthen enamel. This is confirmed by Japanese scientists.

That is, chocolate is the most harmless sweetness for teeth, which contains components that destroy enamel (sugar) and protect it from this effect (cocoa).

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy, but this energy must be spent. , entering the body in the form of sweets, is processed into adipose tissue: in the age of delicacies available to the majority of the population with big amount low molecular weight carbohydrates even children are obese.

On the other hand, when a small amount of carbohydrates enters the body, it begins to burn body fat. Which the majority of children do not have enough to replenish their energy reserves. That is, it goes to waste subcutaneous fat, which is small: and we get a metabolic disorder.

That is why key moment in the nutrition of a child (and an adult too) - this is a balance.

Exceeding the norms of consumption of sweets can provoke an allergy. Due to the high fat content in chocolate, the digestive system of a growing organism is under severe stress.

The pancreas fails to produce required amount enzymes, and highly allergenic proteins, which include chocolate, are not broken down, fats are not processed properly. Substances not processed by the body the immune system perceives as an irritant, an allergen. And in response to an allergen in children most often appears skin reaction- allergic dermatitis.

Chocolate can dispel the blues - its effect on nervous system undeniably. This product stimulates the production of endorphins, pleasure hormones. And it's very available source pleasure: ate a chocolate bar, and the mood improved.

However, in this case, you need to be careful: the substances theobromine and caffeine contained in the cocoa bean product have a tonic effect, so it should not be given shortly before bedtime and to hyperactive children.

Before the exam

Chocolate stimulates blood flow in some parts of the brain, which leads to improved intelligence, increased concentration. And the essential amino acid phenylalanine improves memory. Such properties are very useful at times of heavy mental stress, for example, before passing an important exam. It is clear that everything should be in moderation, and if the child eats too many sweet goodies, it will only hurt.

It is worth noting that all of the above doctors refer only to real, without vegetable, flavors, flavor enhancers and fillings dark chocolate.

The most suitable age for acquaintance with chocolate

Is it okay to give sweets to very young children? Most mothers and pediatricians will answer this question in the negative.

Children should get acquainted with the taste of the sweet product from cocoa beans as late as possible: than older child, the lower the risk of various negative consequences.

For babies from one to three allowable amount sugar per day - only 40 grams. And it is better to get these grams from fruit than from a tiny piece of tile.

One hundred shades of taste: what can a little sweet tooth

With different content of cocoa and other ingredients.

Real chocolate contains:

  • grated cocoa,
  • cocoa butter,
  • powdered sugar,
  • lecithin is a special component that reduces viscosity. Despite the "chemical" name, lecithin is quite harmless.

Instead of grated cocoa cocoa powder can be used - this will also real chocolate, but of a lower grade. It is best to use grated cocoa in the production.

  • bitter – cocoa content from cocoa beans highest quality over 70 percent, minimum powdered sugar,
  • black - more than 40% cocoa;
  • dairy - with the addition of milk or cream, 35-40% cocoa.

White is produced on the basis of cocoa butter, without grated cocoa, so it has a creamy white color.

There are even green chocolates: KitKat makes chocolate with green tea, due to which the tiles acquire a green tint.

Tiles produced using a special technology are in great demand, due to which they have a porous structure - porous chocolate can be black, and milky, and white.

By the way, black and milk tiles can have the same. But carbohydrates in black are much less.

The most useful dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, but it is unlikely to bring much joy to the baby, because its taste is quite specific.

It is better to offer milk to young children, since black loads the still imperfect body systems too much. White bars, without grated cocoa and with a lot of sugar, are also best avoided.

As for the fillings, they are basically chemical cocktails. Although, fillings can be not only harmful, but also useful - if it is, for example, nuts or raisins.

As for the volume, some manufacturers offer chocolate not only in traditional bars, but also in the form of convenient bars - the most famous among them is Kinder Chocolate. This makes it easier to control the amount of sweets eaten by the child.

"Chocolate Appearance"

Choose from abundance delicious dessert, which, with moderate consumption, will not be harmful and even useful - this is a problem that is quite difficult to solve. Impulsively grabbing a chocolate bar from the store shelf, you need to remember that we will give it to the child. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to several points.

Everyone knows that any product has a limited shelf life, but, unfortunately, few people pay attention to this indicator.

You also need to look appearance: if blotches, stripes, stains are clearly distinguished on the tile itself, it has a non-uniform color or a grayish coating - this is most likely a manufacturing defect or a consequence of improper storage.

A shiny, polished surface is a sure sign good quality. This does not apply to chocolate with added milk and dairy products, they may have a matte surface.

When broken chocolate product of good quality, a crunch, a dry crackle is heard, and there are practically no crumbs left. If the sweetness from cocoa beans sticks to the teeth, this indicates a large amount soy products, which with the help of preservatives gave necessary taste. Of course, it's not real chocolate.

It is also important that the wrapper is intact, without damage, and the responsible manufacturer always prints the composition in a clear, easily distinguishable font. The words “equivalent” and “cocoa butter substitute” should not be in the composition! Cocoa butter substitutes turn real chocolate into an ordinary sweet bar.

Also should not contain hydrogenated vegetable fats, flavorings, it should contain as few flavor enhancers and other additives as possible.

Additives in chocolate products

Food additives are classified by numbers. In the composition, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate which flavors, dyes, sweeteners, emulsifiers, etc. have been applied. The table below lists the substances most commonly used in the production of the most popular sweet.

Supplement number What is used for Harm / benefit
E100 natural dye Harmless
E270 acidity regulator Harmless
E322 emulsifier soy lecithin Harmless
E330 acidity regulator Harmless
E420 sweetener glucite Allowed
E476 emulsifier polyglycerol Conflicting data. Allowed in Russia, Ukraine and some EU countries
E473 emulsifier sucrose distearate Harmless
E500 baking powder Harmless

Important clarification: when great content anyone, even harmless additive undesirable health effects may occur.

correct eating habits formed in the early age. If you do not allow the abuse of sweets, then diversify taste sensations with the help of chocolate is quite acceptable. But you can offer a child only real chocolate. And it is imperative to monitor the reaction of the baby: so that there are no problems with teeth, allergies or excess weight, as these troubles can remain for life. But it’s very sad if, due to an allergy rooted in childhood, an adult cannot enjoy such a tasty and healthy chocolate bar.

Among sweets, chocolate is especially popular. In heated scientific and pseudo-scientific disputes, the benefits and harms of this delicacy have been proven. But how to find the golden mean? How to make your child's acquaintance with chocolate useful? And how to avoid undesirable consequences?


High-quality chocolate requires the mandatory presence of two components: cocoa butter and cocoa liquor. Also added to the product powdered sugar and depending on percentage cocoa liquor and sugar get a taste in gradation from bitter to sweet.

A similar recipe is used for elite types of chocolate - black and extra black. Moreover, the more grated cocoa (from 60%) is contained in the bar, the higher the quality of the product and the brighter, more specific the taste.


If dry cream or milk is added to the composition during production, milk chocolate is obtained. Delicate, without pronounced bitter taste makes it the most popular on the Russian market.


White chocolate does not contain cocoa liquor; made from cocoa butter, milk powder and sugar. Regarding the belonging of the product to chocolate family controversy has not subsided yet. But doctors are sure that for a child's body it is not of particular value.


Good chocolate is not only a source of energy. It contains vitamins (B1, B2, PP, provitamin A), antioxidants, trace elements (calcium, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium).

The benefits of the product are provided and essential amino acids. Tryptophan is used by the body to produce the hormone serotonin (happiness hormone), protects against stress and depression. And phenylalanine is involved in a complex brain activity improving memory and attention.

But! Cocoa beans contain theobromine, which belongs to the group of alkaloids. According to the tonic effect on the human body, it is similar to caffeine.

Bad chocolate

Manufacturers looking for ways to reduce costs often replace classic ingredients recipes with cheap analogues. The taste of the product will satisfy an inexperienced consumer, but the composition may alert.

Cocoa powder will take the place of cocoa liquor. The absence of cocoa butter will be compensated by palm, peanut, coconut with a dubious reputation or fatty lauric acid. IN budget option delicacies will surely show up and additives prohibited in baby food.

Such a product is a vivid example of high calorie content in the absence of benefits. Its closest counterparts are chocolate candies and bars.

What can children?

Nutritionists advise giving milk chocolate to the child. The content of cocoa products in it is lower (from 25 to 50%), making the taste pleasant and soft. The product is also distinguished by a lower fat content due to the introduction of powdered milk or cream into the volume.

In chocolate for a child, the presence of additional components is undesirable: nuts, caramel, fruits, liquor and cognac, wafer crumbs. The more concise the composition, the less the risk of allergies.

Meanwhile, a delicacy, the name and appearance of which are associated with childhood (for example, a chocolate bar with cartoon characters on the label), can “not childishly” surprise with a list of ingredients: sweetened condensed milk, starch syrup, almonds, cashews, ethyl alcohol, butter, apple and strawberry puree, preservatives, acidity regulators and flavors.

From food additives in the composition of chocolate intended for a child, only the presence of lecithin is allowed - to reduce the viscosity of the product. This substance belongs to the group of emulsifiers and is designated as E322.

The best in quality are recognized: Belgian, Swiss, french chocolate and products of large domestic factories: Krasny Oktyabr, Babaevsky, Rot Front.

Nutritional table of different brands of chocolate

ManufacturerCocoa content (in the title)Actual cocoa contentSugar contentfat contentTaste
"Victory of Taste"72 % 69,1 % 33,1 % 36 % Indistinct taste and smell
Lindt85 % 86 % 17 % 46 %
"Korkunov"72 % 71,7 % 30,9 % 43 % Pronounced chocolate harmonious taste
"Babaevsky"75 % 73,4 % 29,7 % 37 % Strongly acidic, highly astringent taste
"Red October"80 % 79,8 % 24,5 % 40 % unexpressed taste
"Gold Mark"70 % 70,3 % 33,5 % 43 % Intense chocolate flavor
Ritter Sport73 % 72,5 % 28,2 % 49 % Chocolate flavor, no off flavors
"A priori"75 % 74,5 % 28,7 % 43 % Chocolate flavor with slightly acidic astringent aftertaste

From what age to give?

Premature exposure to sweet foods at an early age is always fraught with consequences: allergies, overweight, impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Up to a year, the baby does not need chocolate, like other sweets. Children over 12 months old eat a lot with common table, and by the age of 3 they no longer require preparation special dishes. But there are products that are still banned.

Chocolate with an abundance of fat in the composition (about 30 g per 100 g), high calorie(550 or more kcal) and the reputation of a potential allergen will not benefit a child under 3 years old, since the baby’s enzymatic system is still too weak and will not be able to digest the product “without strain”.

Another thing is if the acquaintance is delayed by 3, and preferably by 5-6 years, when the development of the digestive organs already allows you to try a small piece of delicacy without harm to health. After all, it is at the age of 5-6 years that the activity of pancreatic enzymes increases, the functions of the liver and digestion of food improve.

Dating rules

  • The first acquaintance should take place according to a scheme that is fair for all new foods in the child's diet - a small portion at the beginning of the day.
  • Rashes that appear on the skin indicate an allergic reaction. In this case, you will have to forget about chocolate for a while.
  • If the tasting was successful, occasionally you can diversify baby food with this type of sweet.

There are no specific age dosages for chocolate. It contains no ingredients that are irreplaceable and beneficial for children's health, which a balanced diet could not offer. It's just a tasty treat.

  1. From 3 years old, a child needs 1-2 small pieces, which in weight equivalent corresponds to 5-10 g per day.
  2. Experts recommend giving chocolate to a child no more than 2 times a week, and only after the main meal. calorie product quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger, and a well-fed baby will certainly refuse the proposed breakfast or lunch.
  3. Theobromine contained in the delicacy has an exciting effect on the nervous system. Therefore, treat your sweet tooth in the morning or no later than afternoon snack.
  4. children school age milk chocolate can be replaced with black, but not more than 25 g per day 2-3 times a week, provided that the child is active image of life, does not suffer from overweight, allergies or diabetes.

Medical opinion

The delicacy will not harm mobile and energetic fidgets who quickly spend calories on physical activity. Chocolate will be useful for children storming sports heights and advanced school programs.

Reasonable use in compliance with age norms will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, immune status and mood.

A similar position is held by the head of the department baby food RAMP academician, MD Igor Kon. He believes that restless children need carbohydrates more than adults. Part is spent on energy needs, and part is needed to build proteins and hormones in a growing organism.

More about harm

Chocolate is capable of causing harm in violation of age recommendations, overuse and if there are any contraindications. Moreover, the younger the child, the higher the risks.

  • Allergic reaction. The reason lies in the lack of maturity digestive system and high permeability of the intestinal wall. As a result, poorly digested proteins easily enter the bloodstream, causing allergic manifestations (rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, upset stool).
  • Violation of behavior. Theobromine excites the fragile nervous system, which responds with insomnia, increased irritability, and a state of hyperactivity.
  • Excessive load on digestive tract. High content fat and fast carbohydrates in chocolate forces the liver and pancreas to perform tasks beyond their age.
  • Like other sweets, chocolate can cause tooth decay.

It is necessary to refuse the product in the children's menu if there are cases of allergy to chocolate in the family, in case of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes or lactase deficiency in the baby. Passion for chocolate in children with a tendency to be overweight and a sedentary lifestyle is unacceptable.

Special types

The food industry has not disregarded chocolate fans who, due to certain diseases or circumstances, the product is prohibited. For them, special types are produced.

  • Diabetic. This variety owes its pleasant sweet taste to sugar substitutes: sorbitol, xylitol, fructose, etc. It is produced for patients with diabetes.
  • Dietary. Differs in the absence of sugar or its low content. It can be made without fats, the volume of which in the product is replaced by water or air. In small doses, it is recommended for diet.
  • With vitamins. Relatively New Product enriched with vitamins A, D, E. Has low calorie(up to 80 kcal per 100 g) due to sugar substitutes (such as isomalt) and additives: pieces orange peel or cereal balls (products of the Rot Front factory).

Parents need to realize that a product that is low in carbohydrates and fat, and even more so containing additional components- the wrong choice for the child. Special chocolate is designed for a specific " target audience”, which children do not fall into. And the more additional ingredients in the composition, the further it is from the ideals of good chocolate.
