
Story of a fairy tale about bread for children. Material (senior group) on the topic: Conversations about bread

Program content:
Educational: To expand and enrich children's knowledge about bread and its manufacture. To acquaint with the profession of a baker, that bread is the wealth of our country. To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow various confectionery products are prepared from flour.
Developing: Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech. Develop children's curiosity, desire for research activities, cognitive abilities - speech, memory and attention.
Educational: To cultivate a careful attitude to bread; respect for the profession and work of bakers.
Methods: explanatory-illustrative, productive.
Preliminary work: observations, examination of illustrations, conversations, literature.
Vocabulary work: baker, tractor, harvester, mill, loaf, bun, bakery, dezh, yeast, elevator, flour mill.
Equipment: ICT, presentation “How bread is grown”, illustration, basket, bread, loaf, cookies, bagels, gingerbread, pie, croutons; flour, yeast, salt, sugar, egg, water, saucepan, spoon, vegetable oil.
Move: Children sit in a semicircle.
Educator: Guys, listen and guess what I’m going to talk about now “He grew up in a spikelet in the field, there is a piece of bread on the table”
What is it guys?
Children: Bread. (slide show)
Educator: And where do we get this bread?
Children: In the shops.
Educator: Yes, we buy bread in grocery store. Every store has a "Bread" section, where bread and bakery products. Have you been to the stores yourself?
Children: Yes.
Educator: - And what kind of bread did you see and buy there?
Children: Black, gray, white, loaf, buns, round bread, large and small and even sliced.
(slide show)
Educator: So round loaves, and rolls, and loaves, and sweet buns, bagels, wheat and rye bread loaves and pies, etc. And when do we eat these products?
Children: For breakfast, lunch, dinner, with tea.
Educator: What do you think, why and in kindergarten and at home you are advised to eat bread?
Children: Bread is delicious, nutritious, there are vitamins.
Teacher: Yes guys. bread products not only tasty, but also nutritious and contain a lot of beneficial vitamins for our body. What do you think, how much bread do you need for breakfast, lunch, dinner?
Children: A lot.
Educator: Right. And how much bread is needed to feed all the inhabitants of our city?
Children: A lot!
Educator: And who knows where bread is baked and who bakes it?
Children: Chefs bake bread.
Educator: Cooks, of course, also sometimes bake bread. More precisely, the bread is baked by the baker. (slide show)
Educator: Guys, what do you think bakers do on weekends and holidays?
Children: They work, but sometimes they can rest.
Educator: - Well, why did you decide so?
Children: If they rest, there will be no one to bake bread.
Educator: That's right, if they rest, then there will be no bread left in our stores. At these bakeries, work does not stop for a second.
Children: Flour.
Educator: That's right, flour. Is it just flour? And which of you saw how your mothers, grandmothers bake pies or bread? What else is needed for this?
Children: Egg, water, sugar, salt, yeast, butter.
Educator: And what is obtained from all these products?
Children: Dough.
Educator: If at home your mothers put the dough in pots, then in bakeries the dough is put in huge bowls, which are called bowls. And the dough is put in huge number. (Children repeat the word Dej) (slide demonstration)
Teacher: A ready dough is fed into a dividing machine, where it is divided into even portions. And then bread is baked in huge ovens. How much bread do you think is baked at one time?
Children: A lot.
Teacher: That's right guys. You said you need "flour" to bake bread. Where do you think this flour comes from?
Children: From grains. (Slide show)
Educator: Well, where do they get the grains?
Children: Grains grow in the fields.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, who is working to make delicious bread appear on our tables?
Children: Bakers, drivers, salesmen.
Educator: Right. And tractor drivers and combine operators are also working in the fields. And who knows what tractor drivers do? And the driver? Combiners? (If the children find it difficult to answer, I explain myself) (slide demonstration)
Educator: So, guys, good crops are grown in our country by field workers. And who should we thank for eating fragrant bread?
Children: Who works in the fields.
Educator: You and I have already learned a lot that grains, bread, what is on the table did not immediately become. People have worked long and hard on the earth. (Slide show).
And now I propose to play a comic game "Knead the dough." Get comfortable.
Physical education "Knead the dough" (Repeated 2 times).
Oh, pats, pats. We bake pancakes /clapping hands/. We knead the dough, and the dough in the bowl is tight / imitate stirring in a circle /. The dough fell on the table, the dough flopped on the floor / sat down /. The dough ran out, start over. /light running in place/. (Slide show).
Educator: Guys, what proverbs and sayings about bread, about labor do you know?
Children: Bread is the head of everything. Spring day feeds the year. Grain to grain - there will be a bag. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
Educator: What do you think, how much do you think, how much bread can you buy in our stores?
Children: As many as they want.
Educator: Nevertheless, how should we treat bread?
Children: You need to take care of it.
Teacher: Why do you think so?
Children: Because a lot of people work to make bread appear on our tables.
Educator: Yes, guys, so that bread is always on our table, both day and night, both on weekdays and on holidays, grain growers and bakers work. (slide show)
And now, Karina will read G. Oster's poem about bread to us.
Karina: Bagels, loaves, rolls,
Buns, buns, pies.
At the table and on the walk
Respect and take care!
Educator: Thank you, Karina. Now guys, surprise. Today we will put the dough ourselves and bake real bread. Want to?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Then come closer to me. Let's put the dough, wait until it rises and take it to the kitchen, to our cooks. And they will bake our loaf for us. And then we'll all eat together.
(Children remember what products are needed to put the dough) (The dough is put)

Current page: 1 (total book has 2 pages) [available reading excerpt: 1 pages]

E. Emelyanova
Tell children about bread


Pancakes are one of the most ancient and popular flour products. According to A.P. Chekhov: “... they appeared in the world before Russian history, survived it all from the beginning to the last page, which lies beyond any doubt, they were invented, like the samovar, by Russian brains ...”

The origin of the word "pancake" is also interesting - this is a distorted word "mlyn" from the verb "grind". “Melin”, or “mlyn”, means a product made from ground, that is, from flour.

Pancakes are over two thousand years old. It is interesting that during this period they practically did not change. Tastes and fashions change, but pancakes remain the same - tasty, fragrant, beautiful.

Pancakes - Russian National dish but are found all over the world. Russian pancakes are very different from their counterparts. They are “soft, loose, spongy, lush, light and at the same time, as it were, translucent, with a clearly distinguishable pattern of numerous pores. Such pancakes as a sponge absorb melted butter, sour cream, which makes them juicy, shiny and tasty ”(Pokhlebkin). They eat pancakes with sauces and toppings. There are sweet pancakes, that is, with sweet fillings, and there are hearty pancakes, stuffed with meat, fish, caviar, etc.

Different beliefs and traditions are associated with Russian people with pancakes. Pancakes are an obligatory treat for Maslenitsa, an indispensable delicacy of this holiday. This is reminiscent of many proverbs and sayings, refrains: “As pancakes flew to the ceiling on Shrovetide Week”, “There is no oil without a pancake”, “Ride on the hills, roll in pancakes”, etc.

They kept in a peaceful life
Sweet old habits:
They have fat on Maslenitsa
There were Russian pancakes.

A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin"

Perhaps pancakes have gained such incredible popularity not only because of the taste and aroma, but because of their appearance, reminiscent of a red sun.

Hey you, round pancake, master of all of us!
Your sides are oily, you are like a red sun.
Who will eat thee, that grief will not be!

Bake good pancakes not easy. It's a whole ritual. There is a saying "The first pancake is lumpy", which means that the first pancake does not always work out and in order to bake delicious pancake, it takes a lot of effort.

For some people, pancakes become a serious hobby. They collect old recipes pancakes, come up with new ones.

The world's largest pancake was baked in Moscow on March 15, 2002. It was not a traditional round pancake, but long and narrow. Its length was 1 km, weight - 300 kg, total area- 150 m 2.


“If you want to eat bread, don’t sit on the stove,” says a French proverb.

For many centuries, people have been baking unleavened flat bread - flat cakes. It was customary not to cut the cakes, but to break them and eat them, soaking them in soup or stew. This was done until people learned to knead the dough with yeast, thanks to which the bread became loose and fluffy. Then in France, and then in other countries, rolls made in the form of a ball became popular. In French, the word boules means round. The rolls were baked in special bakeries, the dough was slightly sweetened. Following the French, the Germans began to bake rolls.

Recipes for making buns for a long time remained a secret of French and German bakers. Russian species white bread were called: kalach, cod, bend or vitushka, sytniki - and they were baked mainly only in Moscow. In the era of Peter I, German bakeries appeared in Russia, their pastries were popular.

Significant success in the preparation of rolls was achieved by Viennese craftsmen who improved the process of baking: they were the first to put a stream of steam into the oven where rolls are baked. This makes the surface of the roll pleasing to the eye, as if varnished. The taste of such pastries is also improved.

Buns are baked in different countries according to different recipes, but the main thing is that the person who bakes the bun loves his profession, then the pastries will be tastier.

It is no coincidence that the profession of a baker has always been very honorable and respected. For causing harm to a baker, a more severe punishment was given than if this harm was caused to a representative of any other profession.

The well-known hero of the Russian folk tale Kolobok.

I'm scraped in a box,
According to the bottom of the barrel,
On sour cream bag
Yes, yarn in oil ...

Kolobok is special bread known only in Russia. They baked it not on holidays and not even on an ordinary weekday, but only when there were no supplies for making rolls. Then they scraped through the boxes, ground through the barrels, that is, all the remnants of flour went into the "kolobok" dough. The type of flour was not taken into account. And wheat, and rye, and buckwheat - any and mixed were suitable for a bun. Precise prescription there is no kolobok for making - there is a lot of room for the baker's imagination.


Don't cry, don't cry - I'll buy kalach,
Don't cry, dear, I'll buy another one.
Don't cry, don't scream
I'll give you three!

Oh don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
I'll buy you a loaf!
If you cry -
I will buy a thin bast shoe!

Kalach - a kind of white wheat bread, in Rus' enjoyed special love. Kalachi were on the everyday table of ordinary citizens, and at feasts of rich nobles. As a sign of special disposition, the tsar sent kalachi to the patriarch and other persons who had a high spiritual rank.

Kalach has a peculiar appearance, thanks to which it is easy to distinguish it from other varieties of white bread. It looks like a lock with a round shackle. Many townspeople bought kalachi on the street and ate there, holding the handle. It was not possible to wash hands before eating on the street, so the handle from the kalach was not used for food, but was given to the poor, fed homeless animals, birds. They said about those who did not disdain to eat kalach handles: they reached the handle.

There is no consensus on how it appeared and what the word “kalach” means. According to one version, it comes from the words "kolo", "wheel". According to another - from the Tatar "Kalach", that is, literally - "Be hungry!", An expression that reflects a high degree of appetite.

Kalach is a very capricious type of bread. It is impossible for him to knead the dough or bake it with the help of mechanisms - then it will not fit, will not rise. The dough also has one more feature: it must be kept in the cold. In Rus', rolls were crushed right on the ice. To do this, they made metal boxes in the tables, which were filled with ice. The surface of the table on which the dough was kneaded became cold, icy. And now, when making kalachi, the dough is immediately put in the refrigerator after rinsing with hands.

Another difference between kalachny dough is its ability not to go stale. long time. In the 19th century kalachi was frozen in Moscow and taken to Paris. There they were laid out on hot towels, and then served on the table.

Murom and Moscow bakers achieved great success in the production of kalachi, they were famous excellent taste and Saratov rolls. The city coat of arms of Murom depicts three rolls. According to legend, Empress Ekaterina N. passed through Murom. She liked the kalachi, which she was treated to, and she ordered to place their image on the coat of arms of the city.


Kyakhtinsky tea, Moscow kalach - this is how a rich man has an afternoon snack.

From the kalachik - a white face.

There is no hand to the peasant son - there are kalachi.

You can't lure him here with a kalach.


Grandma has cookies
Better not to find.
Again and again I ask:
- Granny,
Delicious bake!

The name "cookie" comes from the Dutch word "koekje" (koekje), meaning small or pie. The fact is that in ancient times they called cookies a small amount of pastry dough that was baked to test it palatability and oven temperature.

One of the first countries to manufacture sugar cookie, was Persia, where it was already baked in the Vll c. n. e. Since then there have been cookies different kind in different countries. They are made by hand, at home, baked in factories.

Biscuits in England and Australia are called biscuit, in Spain - biscuits, in Germany - cake or Christmas cookies, and in Italy there are several names to identify different shapes, including amaretti biscuits and biscotti, etc.

There are many recipes for cookies, they are used to make different products, from oat flour bake oat cookies using almond-almond, coconut-coconut, ginger-ginger, etc.

Cookies can be rich, sweet, or they can be bland, for example, biscuits. They are made only from flour and water and are not even salted. These cookies can keep fresh for a long time.

There are many things associated with cookies. different traditions and rites.

The custom of baking large cookies or shortcakes in the form of little men, stars and animal figurines appeared long ago and echoes our Russian tradition of caroling.

Figured cookies in the form of animals and birds were often made at Christmas time especially for carolers, as well as for distribution to children or the poor. In the villages of the Moscow region, figurines of cows made from dough were served to carolers to ensure well-being in the household. In Russian villages, it was also believed that the cattle would start to get sick and disappear if the “walkers” were not given a “cow”.

In Europe, Christmas cookies are not supposed to be eaten before Christmas. Only one day, December 6, St. Nicholas comes to the children and puts them in boots. different sweets but on a large plate family table part of the baked cookies is laid out for the kids to feast on.

Almost every family has its own recipes and customs for making cookies.


Surprisingly, everyone's favorite and familiar cracker has a birthday. True, only rich cracker has the right to celebrate it. The black cracker appeared long before the butter, and no one knows for sure the date of its birth. Just people, wanting to save bread, cut it into pieces and dried it. dried bread does not deteriorate for a long time. And although black crackers did not have a special taste, their value was high.

Butter cracker appeared on November 14, 1958. On this day, GOST 5646-58 was signed - the first mention of cracker in official sources. Although some believe that rich crackers appeared much earlier - in the middle of the 19th century. In those days in the south of Russia it was very heatwave, which fell at the very beginning of the Easter week. Easter cakes that were in the sun turned out to be dried.

Crackers - bread, cut and re-baked. The German name zwieback, Italian biscotto, French biscuit and Latin bis coctus mean the same thing - twice baked bread.

What does this mean? Twice baked and why do they do it - baked twice? The fact is that cracker is not only the “salvation” of stale bread or a long loaf, it is also an independent bakery product. According to GOST, and GOST is a set of strict rules that must not be violated in any case, you must first bake sweet loaf, then cut it into identical pieces and send them back to the oven to get those very ruddy, tasty, crunchy crackers that all children love.

Thanks to long term storage crackers have become an important part of the diet of the military. There was even a division into ordinary crackers and officer crackers. Higher quality flour was used for officers' crackers.

Currently, both crackers and croutons are being made - small pieces dried bread, often with various flavors.

It is important to remember that if the bread is not eaten on time and starts to get stale, then you do not need to throw it away, but you can make tasty, nutritious and healthy croutons. Skillful hostesses use crackers not only as a treat for tea, but also for cooking various dishes. In addition to the usual ones, breadcrumbs are also used.


Good and cracker for health, but evil and meat is not for the future.

A cat in a basket sews a fly, a cat crushes crackers on the stove.

Your own cracker is better than other people's pies.

The last cracker of a poor man is more expensive than a loaf of a rich man.

Good - and cracker for health, and evil - and meat is not for the future.

Black bread

There are many songs, legends, proverbs and sayings about bread. It is impossible to imagine the life of even a modern person who can cook many different dishes for himself without bread. Bread is the head of everything. How did you manage without bread before?

Ancient man did not have to choose. He ate everything he found. Ho already in the Stone Age, people noticed that the grains of some plants are very satisfying. These plants are wild cereals: rye, wheat, barley.

In Rus', bread was the main dish and in Everyday life and at the festive table. Dear and respected guests were greeted with bread and salt. The tradition has been preserved to this day.

Bread is the basis of life, a gift from Mother Earth on the one hand, and a huge work of man on the other.

Here it is - fragrant bread.
Here it is - warm, golden.
To every house
For each table
He complained - he came.
In it is health, our strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected!

Black bread reflects the identity of the Russian people. It was on the territory of Rus' at the beginning of the 9th century. appeared sour Rye bread from yeast dough. He remains "the uncrowned king on the table" to this day. The Russian table is unthinkable without bread.

Nowadays, bread is baked at bakeries, and before, every family baked at home. The hostess woke up before dawn, kneaded the dough and put it in the oven, which had not cooled down since the evening. The process was laborious, but after an hour and a half, “a loaf full of heat and bread spirit” was ripening.

A thin stream of nourishing
Snakes warm smell at the corners.
I breathe in a world of joyful, original
With love and tears in half.
How simple is the understanding of the Universe,
When you wake up warm in the morning
Under the sunbeam kiss,
You will see homemade bread on the table.

V. Orlov

Even brilliant Paris grew dim without black bread. Pushkin's friend Sheremetev, upon his return from Paris, wrote: "It's bad, brother, to live in Paris: there is nothing to eat, you can't ask for black bread."

And today Russia is famous for the variety of varieties and types of national bread.


A Russian person cannot live long without black bread.

Without a piece of bread, longing is everywhere.

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.


Bagels are traditional Russian bread products. They have long been sold at bazaars and fairs in Rus'. Bundles of these delicious, ruddy rings were taken home by fair visitors as a present. Both adults and children loved them.

Valdai was famous for bagels. A. S. Pushkin tells about this in his “Letter to Sobolevsky”:

"At the yielding peasant women
(What Valdai is famous for)
Buy bagels for tea
And go ahead."

The name "baranki" comes from the word "scald", because they were made from custard or, as they called it in ancient times in Rus', "scalded" dough, which was rolled into narrow flagella, folded into a circle, and then baked "obvaranki", that is baked dough products.

The name changed - "obvaranochki", "abaranki", until, finally, it turned out - "steering wheel".

The first written mention of bagels is found in the decree of Peter I of 1725. In Peter's time, bagels were scalded with boiling water, and then baked. From the second half of the XVIII century. dough pieces began to be processed with steam - this is how they do it to this day.

Nowadays, bagels are baked at special factories, which are called like that - factories lamb products. Ostankinsky is more than 50 years old, it was created in 1967 as an experimental enterprise and still produces bagels, dryers and bread sticks.

In the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, a bagel museum has been created. They were prepared according to special recipe, which the current bakers managed to restore. Craftsmen create incredible figures and figurines from bagels. About 300 exhibits are regularly exhibited in the bagel museum.

Bagels are not only a delicacy, but also a cure for a sore throat. At the first sign of a cold, soak the bagel in hot milk, cool and eat with tea with lemon. wheat dough with milk dissolves pustules and inflammations. It is necessary to continue treatment until the symptoms of a cold disappear, preferably three times a day.


small, sweet,
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat you alone
I will share with all the guys.


The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
Everyone for a look
Well, food!



Cheesecakes are round cakes, open at the top and pinched only from the edges. Usually they were baked with cottage cheese filling, less often - from jam or marmalade.

The name "cheesecake" comes from the word "vatra" - hearth, fire, which sounds the same in most Slavic languages ​​​​- Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and even in some non-Slavic ones: Romanian and Albanian, which indicates the extreme antiquity of this name. Therefore, it is no coincidence that cheesecakes are round and sun-shaped (ringed circle). They symbolized fire (bordered, protected by the hearth, fire inside the hearth), “tamed”, curbed by man.

Gogol erroneously wrote “votrushka”, believing that this word comes from the verb “rub, rub” (and from the rewriting of the word “cottage cheese” - rub cottage cheese into a votrushka). The writer believed that the common people are mistaken in saying this word through "a", and stubbornly tried to "correct" the spelling. As linguists have shown, in this case, it was just great writer. Ho and in new editions Gogol's spelling is preserved.

Cheesecakes are made from a mixture of wheat and rye flour, or most often from wheat highest quality. In the first case, they are usually unsweetened - a small amount is added to the curd. fried onion. In the second - sweet, they are served with tea. The dough of cheesecakes in all cases is light, not cool, yeasty, rich, sometimes puff.

Before baking, the cheesecakes were smeared with a mixture of egg yolk and butter. Such products turned out not only lush, but also ruddy, looked very appetizing.

A real cheesecake should be big. Usually cheesecakes were eaten at the festive table, divided among all the guests. There was interesting custom- bake surprises in cheesecakes - a small button, a piece of chocolate, a coin. It was believed that the one who gets the coin will be rich, the owner of chocolate is waiting for happy life Well, if you get a button, you have to work hard. Those who did not get a surprise had to wait for the next cheesecake feast and hope for their lucky star.

amazing delicious cheesecakes It was customary to bake for Christmas.

He will give me cheesecakes -
You'll get it on top!

A two-ton cheesecake with strawberries was baked in 2009 in Mexico. 55 cooks worked on this miracle of baking for 60 hours. The giant cheesecake took 1 ton of cheese and yogurt, 350 kg of biscuits, 250 kg of sugar and 150 kg of butter. She entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most big cheesecake in the world.


Like on Petya's name day
We baked a loaf.
Here is such a height
Here is such a low
This is the width
Here's a dinner.
Caravan, caravan,
Whoever you want, choose.

This song-game reminds us of the resurgent tradition of celebrating name days and baking a loaf for this holiday.

The name "loaf" has become widespread in Russian culinary use, but often referred to completely different products. So, a loaf is called a big loaf of bread home baking, loaves are also called round or oblong pies and buns without filling, finally, in some regions of Russia, thick cakes are called so, in others - cheesecakes large sizes or sweet semi-sweet buns.

The reason for this is that the word "loaf" is non-Russian, it means - cumin, or rather, Indian cumin- azhgon, ziru. All bakery products where cumin was used, at first received the name "loaf". However, due to the fact that the Russian people tend to evaluate all products primarily by form, and not by content, the word "loaf" was assigned to a round (hemispherical) shape, and all products of this type in the 19th century. it became fashionable to call loaves.

To this day, the tradition has been preserved to meet the newlyweds with a loaf. The main participant of the wedding was a large round loaf.

The elder caravan woman headed the baking. She could only be a woman who lives with her husband in love and harmony and has good children: it was believed that the way in the family of a loaf woman is transmitted through the loaf to the young.

The larger the loaf, the happier and more prosperous the life of a young family will be. And so, when they put the loaf in the oven, they said: “My loaf is in the oven with a quail, from the oven with a bark!” (i.e. more.)

The loaf makers tried to bake not only a tasty and beautiful loaf, but also a big loaf - to everyone's surprise. In some places it was customary to bake a loaf the size of the entire table. The loaves sang: "You bake, fight a loaf, thicker than a brick stove, higher than an oak column." The loaf was indeed often baked thicker than a brick oven. I had to break out a row or two of bricks from the mouth of the furnace.

If such a big man was baked at an ordinary rural wedding, then you can imagine the size of the loaves that were baked at princely and royal weddings. Here the loaf was delivered to wedding table four caravans on special stretchers upholstered in scarlet velvet. In the XVI-XVII centuries. at royal weddings there was a rite of giving a loaf.

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human hands

The rye bowed its heavy head.
“Thank you, sun and gentle rain!
Thanks to the earth
What was my home
And strong hands
To my old acquaintances.

I remember how my hands worked hard
To sow amber seeds in the ground,
And now they're harvesting.
Thank you hands
For your good work!

I long winter lay in the ground
Huddled under the snow
I was trembling from the cold,
But the sun warmed me for a long time,
And I brought the golden grain.

Who wants to try rye bread!
And if you sow me again,
I will find the way again under the snow
And I will become an ear
And I will come to the people.”

Author - Yanina Diagutite

* * *

Quietly the rye stood on tiptoe...

Quietly the rye stood on tiptoe and reached for the heavens.
The motley summer scattered over the fields, through the forests.
Here are lanky daisies whispering with porridge.
But blue-eyed forget-me-nots start a round dance.

Cornflowers, like drops, splashed, as if the sky had spilled.
A cloud ran up from afar, soaked the forest through and through.
The sun draws stripes in the sky, the birds started a song
Ripe, ear to ear, sweet bread my land!

Author - Yanina Diagutite


A man puts a grain in the ground,
It will rain - the grain is irrigated.
Steep furrow and soft snow
The grain will be sheltered from everyone for the winter.
In the spring the sun will rise to its zenith
And the new spikelet will gild.
There are many ears in the harvest year,
And the man will remove them from the field.
And the golden hands of the bakers
Ruddy bread will be kneaded quickly.
And the woman on the edge of the board
Ready bread cut into pieces.
To all who cherished the spikelet of bread,
On conscience will get a piece.

* * *


It's not hard to live without cutlets,
Kissel is not often needed,
But it's bad if there is no bread
For lunch, breakfast, dinner.

He is the king of food, even though he looks modest.
From antiquity to the present
Among the dishes various bread costs
Honored in the middle.

He is tens of thousands of years old.
People fought for centuries
Until our bread has become like this,
What lies on the dish.

You will find it on the table
Romans and Greeks
In the war, in the time of fierce troubles,
Saved man's bread.

And now he feeds people's bread -
Doctors, soldiers, workers.
And this gift of his land
We must take great care!

Moscow, 1987 Author - Olga Stratonovich

* * *

In every grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And grow under the bright sky
Slender and tall
Like an immortal Motherland,
Bread spikelet.

* * *

Grains of our days, shine
Carved with gilding!
We say: “Take care.
Take care of your own bread...
We did not dream of a miracle.
To us from the fields live speech:
“Take care of the bread, you people!
Learn to save bread.

* * *

Smells like bread

In the empty fields of stubble
Withers and turns gray.
The sun is only in the middle of the day
Lights up but doesn't heat up.

Gray fog in the morning
Wandering through the swamps
Is there something hiding there?
Toli is looking for something.
After dark nights
The sky is blooming....

And in the village of furnaces
Pulls fresh bread ....
Rye bread smells like home
Mom's buffet
The breeze of the native land,
Sunshine and summer.

The knife is sharpened on a block.
- Dad, give me a piece!

Translation by I. Tokmakova

* * *

Rye bread, loaves, rolls

you won't get it on a walk.

People cherish bread in the fields,

they spare no effort for bread.

* * *

Re-grown and threshed
Again it flows into the bins.
The weary palm is black
He heals, falling, grain.

We raved about them in a short dream.
And here it is, our work, in plain sight.
Everything that is not eaten is forgotten
And what is not slept in suffering.

The sky is happy for the sun,

sunflower field.

Happy tablecloth loaf:

* * *

Here it is Fragrant Bread,
Here it is warm and golden.
In every house, on every table,
he complained, he came.
In it is our health, strength,

it has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him

Protected, protected.
In it - the earth's native juice,
The sun's light is cheerful in it ...
Gobble up both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

* * *

Evil winds bent the ear, and it rained on the ear,
But they could not break him over the summer.
That's what I am! - he boasted -

He coped with the wind, with the water!
Before that, he became proud, grew up with a beard.

* * *

So the summer has flown by, pulling cold from the river.
The rye ripened, turned yellow, tilted the spikelets.
Two harvesters are walking in the field. Back and forth, end to end.
Reap - thresh, reap - thresh, harvest.
In the morning the rye stood like a wall. By night, the rye was gone.
Only the sun has set, the grain has emptied.

Author - V.Voronko
* * *
Spring day, it's time to plow. We went out into the tractor field.
My father and brother lead them, they lead them hunchbacked over the hills.
I'm in a hurry to catch up with them, I ask you to ride.
And my father answers me: - The tractor plows, does not roll!
Wait a minute, grow up, you will lead the same!

* * *

About bread

I saw it once, on the way.
The boy tossed dry bread.
And deftly beaten bread crazy legs.
He played like a ball, a mischievous boy.

Then the old woman came up and, bending down,
I took a loaf, crying suddenly, left
The boy looked after her, smiling.
Decided it was a beggar.

Here is the grandfather, who was sitting on the bench, nearby.
He got up and approached the boy
“Why,” he asked, in a tired voice –
"You boy did wrong."

And in the morning, on Victory Day, veterans.
All at the parade, to the school, that one, they came.
The boy seemed very strange,
That the veterans carried bread with them.

The boy recognized, in the old veteran.
The gray-haired old man, on that bench.
He froze, the room was silent.
And fragrant bread big table.

And the one, the old woman, who left with the loaf.
She sat nearby, her chest all in orders.
In the eyes of the boy are blue, bottomless.
Suddenly, fear appeared with tears.

She cut the bread and took the crust.
The boy, gently, in the hands of filed.
And the story told by that old woman.
She transferred him to besieged Leningrad.

A cold city appeared in front of him.
In the enemy ring, fighting all around.
Winter is raging and severe hunger.
And the loaf that was raised from the ground.

Having pressed the loaf, he rushes along the road.
He knows his sick mother is waiting.
He hurries to her, his feet are cold.
But he is happy, he brings bread home.

And at home, carefully, he cuts the loaf.
Counting the pieces to be enough for them.
Let it be dry and let it not be very fresh.
It was unique and very expensive.

Slicing the bread, sweeps the crumbs into his hand.
And the mother, her piece, carries.
He sees pain and anguish in her eyes.
And that dumb question "You ate, son"

But, remembering how he beat the loaf with his foot.
He snatched that bread from her hands
The mother screamed, “What, son, is it with you.
Give me bread, I will die from these torments.

He sobbed and again before his eyes.
An old woman that takes a loaf from the ground.
She stands and gentle hands.
The boy, fragrant bread, serves.

He takes bread and to the heart, pressing it.
She runs home, there, her mother is sick, waiting.
She understands the mother's pain with all her heart.
And he does not wait for excuses.

He enters the house, veterans are sitting in it.
Everything in the hall froze, only a heartbeat is heard.
Everything went to sleep, only wounds remained
From the pain of that, there was fear in the eyes.

He understood the price, those tears and bread.
Which, boldly, he turned into a ball.
On the ground, again he was returned from the sky.
The words of the old woman "Eat, son, do not cry"

She stands and strokes her head.
Looks into the eyes, the way the mother looked.
He suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.
"Sorry" was all he could say.

I saw how quiet it was along the way.
A boy walks with his head bowed.
And the gray-haired grandfather smokes everything on the threshold.
All the pain of the soul, keeping silent.

* * *

Bread is being baked

A thin stream of nourishing
A warm scent wafts through the corners.
I breathe in a world of joyful, original
With love and tears in half.
How simple is the understanding of the Universe,
When, waking up in the morning in the warmth,
Under the sunbeam kiss,
You will see homemade bread on the table.

* * *

I remember bread. He was black and sticky -
rye flour was a rough grind.
But faces blurred from smiles,
When the loaf was placed on the table.

Vein bread. He was fit for lean cabbage soup,
Crumbled, it was not bad with kvass.
He elm in the teeth, stuck to the gums.
We tore it off with our tongue.

It was sour, because it was with bran!
I can’t guarantee that I was without a quinoa.
And yet with palms greedy lips
I picked up the crumbs after eating.

I am invariably keen
And with a trembling heart I watched
Behind the formidable, cold-blooded bread cutter,
He was cutting bread! He shared black bread!

I admired him, direct and honest,
He cut roughly, imperiously, without fanfare,
Burnt crust, as in charcoal,
Soiled, almost to the elbows.

On him a canvas shirt was wet,
He was great in the delight of labor.
He cut bread, not knowing fatigue,
Without wiping your face with your sleeve!

* * *

And flyers flew from the sky
On the thresholds of frozen apartments:
“There will be bread. Do you want bread?..”
“There will be peace. Are you dreaming of the world?”

Children, crying, asked for bread.
There is nothing worse than torture.
Leningraders did not open the gates
And they did not go to the city wall.

No water, no heat, no light.
The day is like a black night.
Maybe there is no power in the world,
To overcome all this?
They died and said:
Our children will see the light!
But they did not open the gate.
Don't get on your knees, no!
Is it any wonder that in military work
Is our city like a soldier good? ..
Peter built it in a swamp,
But you will not find a stronger land.

* * *

In the oral work of the Russian people, the mention of bread is common. This is not surprising, for a long time it was eaten, the fate of people until the next harvest depended on how rich the harvest was.

* * *

There would be bread, but the teeth are found.

The snow is white, but the dog runs on it, the earth is black, but the bread will give birth.

There would be a head on the shoulders, but there will be bread.

No salt, no bread - half a meal.

Watch bread for food, and a penny for trouble.

Throw bread back, find yourself in front.

Keep the bread in the corner, and the money in the knot.

There would be bread, but there will be mice.

Without a piece of bread, longing is everywhere.

Bread is not kneaded without sourdough.

Bread is not food without salt.

They don't dine without bread.

There would be bread, but people will have bread.

It is hard to live without bread and water.

There will be bread - there will be lunch.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without bread and rush in honor.

You are my brother, eat your bread.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

There will be bread - there will be lunch.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

Without salt it is not tasty, but without bread it is not satisfying.

In debt - not money, in sheaves - not bread.

Without a plow and a harrow, the king will not find bread.

Without bread and rush in honor.

Save bread for food and money for trouble.

As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem.

A beggar has bread on his mind, a miser has a crust in his account.

Where the weed blooms, there the bread wilts.

Whoever is happy to work will be rich in bread.

The bread is not without crumbs.

Where there is bread, there are mice.

As long as there is a flail on the threshing floor, there is bread on the table.

Until tomorrow, they leave only bread, not deeds.

We are not proud people: there is no bread, serve pies.

To get up early is to get a lot of bread, and to sleep long is a duty to sleep.

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.

Eat pies, but take care of the bread ahead.

Animals live where bread is born.

You won't be full of conversation if you don't get bread.

If you don’t fertilize the rye, you will collect bread for a penny.

Whoever has a lot of bread - so get pigs, and whoever has a lot of money - so take off the mill.

The neighbor’s bread was also hailed, but mine won’t get up.

Man is not fed up with bread alone.

You will not be angry for long with bread and children.

You can’t knead sourdough and you won’t eat bread.

As the bread came, so the pie went, and the pie came, so the pancake went, and the pancake came, so it went into the world.

Bread and salt! - Eh, yeah mine. - There is bread! - Nowhere to sit.

A man sowed bread for good luck, and a quinoa was born.

Potato bread help.

Unwinned bread is not hunger, and a well-woven shirt is not nakedness.

Whoever yawns sips water.

Eat some bread, and take care of the pies ahead.

You can't make bread out of flour alone.

In the field - for bread, in the forest - for firewood.

There, bread will not be born, where no one works in the field.

I would be glad with my soul, but someone else's bread.

And the thin one lives and chews bread.

Not everyone plows who eats bread.

Our father is not like a peasant: break gingerbread, and slurp with cabbage soup, and sit down to eat - and honor bread.

Dung steals bread from God.

Better bread and water than a pie with trouble.

Seek like bread is sought.

Money loves counting, and bread loves measure.

Lonely where there is bread, there is a corner.

Our sayings are about the bread crust.

There is a lot of firewood in the forest, but there is no bread.

Like an edge of bread, so is paradise under the spruce, and not a piece of bread, so is melancholy in the tower.

Need bread for after dinner.

It’s not appropriate to disassemble pies, if there is no bread.

Bitter dinner without bread.

Money account, and bread measure.

There is bread - so eat it, but not - so look.

Eat bread if there are no pies.

And the bread misses its side.

Bread is expensive, as there is no money.

It does not matter that there is quinoa in bread, then troubles when there is neither bread nor quinoa.

You go for a day - take bread for a week.

Hungry godmother has bread on his mind.

A word for an answer, and bread for dinner.

Seven miles of jelly slurp.

Although chrome bread, but your own will.

I ate bread from seven ovens.

Do not wait for the harvest, this life - there will be bread.

Everything is one, that bread, that mountain ash: both are sour.

Sweat on the back - so is the bread on the table.

They danced that they were left without bread.

And the dog humbles himself before bread.

Lived to the stick, that no bread, no flour.

They will give bread - they will give businessmen.

It is easy to sleep on the floor behind ready-made bread.

Where there are peas in the middle of the field, there will be no bread on the edge.

Be lazy - and lose bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt.

To live in a house-commune is not to break bread in pieces, but in chunks.

Do not work - do not achieve bread.

Hungry and the patriarch will steal bread.

Such a pestle and eats bread.

Old bread and salt is not forgotten.

Like bread and kvass, so everything is with us, and the tablecloth from the table, and friendship swam away.

Who steals, he grieves, and we live - we chew bread and salt.

Not crushed, not millet; not hammer bread - not flour.

A dog would buy bread for lunch, but there is no money.

No matter how any grain fell into the bottom of the barrel, there would be so much bread.

What is the bread, such is the case.

Not for Jesus, but for kusa bread.

From bread and salt do not refuse.

Great is your bread and salt, and all the crusts.

The rich have cargo on the ship, the poor have bread on their minds.

He drinks on salt, sleeps on bread.

When did you, grandmother, begin to tell fortunes? - And then, as the bread was gone.

Do not look to the sky - there is no bread there, but to the earth below - closer to bread.

If you want to eat, you will talk about bread.

Whose land, that and bread.

Everyone has enough to eat, and there will be no bread.

Give, gossip, schets, and your bread.

Everything is old: from what bread, from that and crackers.

It is not hard to carry a bag if there is bread in it.

On the new - to sow bread, on the junk - to carry manure.

Word - faith, bread - a measure, money - an account.

The Russian man brings bread and salt.

What a grief, if you didn’t sit by the river without bread.

Not everyone plows bread, but everyone eats it.

The husband - how to earn bread, and the wife - how to get rid of her husband.

Where the owner walks, there the earth will give birth to bread.

At least in the old way, at least in a new way, but you can’t live without bread.

If you bring manure, you will bring bread.

Kalach is not a substitute for bread.

Someone else's bread will sing like a rooster in the throat.

Go for a day, and take bread for a week.

Someone else's bread is always delicious.

He does not live poorly: he buys bread for free, dine with a neighbor, runs down to the river to drink.

They eat bread not only in your yard.

What is the land, such is the bread.

Whose bread you eat, that is your custom.

There is a land of bread, and paradise under the spruce.

Good bread and salt, but all the crusts.

Tselba hungry - bread and water.

A linen shirt is not naked, bread from the floor is not hungry.

Pies will bring to such a point that they will not give bread.

Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burned.(Bread)

Lumpy, nosy,
And gubato, and humpbacked, and firmly,
And soft, and round, and brittle,
And black and white, and all nice.

Everyone needs, not everyone will do

They beat me with sticks, press me with stones,
Keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love. (Bread)

He is round and buttery,
Moderately cool, salted, -
Smells like sunshine
Smells like a burning field. (

Mouth and ride
Tempered in an oven
Then at the table
Cut with a knife.

Here he is -
Warm, golden.
To every house
For each table
He complained - he came. In him -
Health, our strength,
In him -
Wonderful warmth.
How many hands
He was raised
Protected, protected! (Bread)

The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
All for a look...
Well, food! (
Bagel or bagel)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend four times? (Pancakes)

First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
They put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
Everyone eats a piece. (Pie)

I will ascend to the sun.
In it then, like me,

there will be a whole family.(grain)

Grew up in a field house.

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded.

The shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking

On a gold pillar Corn)

Jock-Jock-Jock is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom fries pies.
Shki-shki-shki - we love pies.
Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat Zhenya's pie.
Ah-ah-ah - that's kalach.
Chi-chi-chi - kalachi baked in the oven.
Chi-chi-chi - we love kalachi.
Chi-chi-chi - there will be rolls for the holiday.

(Belarusian fairy tale)

A mower mowed in the meadow. Tired and sat under a bush to rest. He took out a bag, untied it and began to chew bread.

A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees - under the bush the mower is sitting and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:

What are you eating, man?

Bread, - the mower answers.

Is he delicious?

And what a delicious one!

Let me taste.

Well, take it.

The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf liked the bread. And he says:

I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me man!

All right, - says the mower, - I'll teach you where and how to get bread.

And he began to teach the wolf:

First of all, you need to plow the land ...

Will there be bread then?

No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the earth ...

And can you eat bread? the wolf wagged its tail.

What are you, wait. First you need to sow rye ...

Will there be bread then? - licked the wolf.

Not yet. Wait for the rye to rise cold winter overwinter, grow in the spring, then bloom, then begin to ear, then ripen ...

Oh, - the wolf sighed, - for a long time, however, you have to wait! But then I will eat plenty of bread! ..

Where do you eat! the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in shocks. The wind will blow them, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current ...

And will I eat bread?

Eh, how impatient! We must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into sacks, take the sacks to the mill and grind the flour ...

And all?

No, not all. You need to knead the flour and wait until the dough rises. Then plant in a hot oven.

And baked bread?

Yes, the bread will bake. That's when you eat it, - the mower finished the lesson.

The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head with his paw and said:

No! This work is painfully long and hard. Better advise me, man, how to get food easier.

Well, - says the mower, - if you don’t want to eat heavy bread, eat light. Go to the pasture, there the horse is grazing.

The wolf came to pasture. I saw a horse.

Horse, horse! I will eat you.

Well, says the horse, eat. Just first take off the horseshoes from my feet so as not to break your teeth about them.

And that's true, - agreed the wolf. He bent down to take off his horseshoes, and the horse would hit him in the teeth with a hoof ... The wolf turned somersaults - and run.

Ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore. “Shouldn’t I eat them?” -thinks. Then he says:

Geese, geese! I'll eat you.

Well, - the geese answer, - eat. But first, do us one favor before you die.


Sing to us and we will listen.

It's possible. I am a master of singing.

The wolf sat on a bump, lifted his head and let's howl. And the geese wings clap, clap - rose and flew.

The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after the geese and went away with nothing.

He goes and scolds himself with the last words: “Well, I'm a fool! Why agreed to sing? Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!”

Only he thought so, looking - the old grandfather is walking along the road. The wolf ran up to him.

Grandfather, grandfather, I'll eat you!

And why so hurry? - says Del. - Let's sniff some tobacco first.

Is he delicious?

Try it - you'll know.


The grandfather took out a tobacco pouch from his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. As the wolf sniffed at the top of his lungs, so the whole pouch of tobacco and inhaled. And then he began to sneeze over the whole forest ... He doesn’t see anything from tears, he keeps sneezing. So he sneezed for an hour, until he sneezed out all the tobacco. I looked around, and grandfather had already caught a trace.

Ram, ram, I'll eat you!

Well, says the ram, this is my share. But so that you don’t suffer for a long time and don’t break your teeth on my old bones, get better out there in that hollow and open your mouth, and I will run up the hill, accelerate and I myself will attract into your mouth.

Thanks for the advice, says the wolf. - So we'll do it.

He stood in a hollow, opened his mouth and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, accelerated and hit the wolf's head with the horns. So the sparks from the eyes of the gray fell, the whole light swirled in front of him!

The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and argues with himself:

Did I eat it or not?

In the meantime, the mower has finished his work and is going home. He heard the words of the wolf and said:

I didn’t eat, but light bread tasted.

Kitten - golden forehead

(Belarusian fairy tale)

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Yes, so poor that they had nothing to eat or cook. Here the woman says to the grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, a hatchet, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.
The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped off the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you need?
“Yes, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.
- Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and his bin is full of flour!
The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt now to weld the grout. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!
The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.
Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:
- Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.
Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat! Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children. And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

About the wise old man

(Ethiopian tale)

There lived an old man in the world. In his long life he never said an empty word. What he knew, he knew for sure. And if he didn't know something, he didn't talk about it. Everywhere the old man was honored and respected for his wisdom. But there were also those who envied the good reputation of the old man and decided to laugh at him.
That's what the evil people came up with. One of them shaved the right half of his head, from the forehead to the back of the head, then smeared the piebald horse's left side with red paint and led it past the old man's house. After a while, the friends of this young guy also went to the old man's house, following the friend. They stopped near the house, bowed to the old man with respect and said:
Are all your days good?
And then, as if by chance, they ask:
- Tell me, did a curly-haired young man with a red horse pass here?
The old man replied:
- Yes, a young man with a horse passed here. The side of his head that I saw was curly, but I don't know if his whole head was curly. And that side of the horse that I saw was red, but whether it also had the other side red - or was it piebald, or black - I do not know.
On another occasion, these cunning people dressed up a girl in the clothes of a boy, girded her in the same way as they gird boys.

Then they shaved the wool from one side of the black sheep and ordered the girl to go with this sheep past the old man. After some time, they went after her.

They stopped near the old man's house and bowed to him with respect, wished him happy days of life, and then asked, as if by the way:
- Tell me, did a boy with a long-haired sheep pass here?
The old man replied:
- Yes, a child with a sheep passed along the road. That side of the sheep that I saw was overgrown with long black wool, but what kind of wool the sheep has on the other side - black or white, long or shorn - I do not know. And the child I saw was dressed as a boy, but whether it was a boy or a girl in disguise, I don't know either.
Then for the third time, the cunning friends decided to try to catch the old man on the wrong word. They dressed the boy as a girl, gave the boy a basket in which they carry bread, put stones in it and said to the boy:
- Get past this old man!
And then they themselves went to the old man.
They bowed low to him and said with reverence:
- May your days pass in good health! Did you see a girl on the road carrying a basket of bread?
The old man said:
- Yes, I saw a child who was carrying a bread basket. The child was dressed as a girl, but whether it was a girl or a boy in disguise, I don't know.

In the hands of the child was a basket for bread, but whether there was bread in it, or maybe there were stones in it, or whether it was empty, I don’t know either.
The sly ones saw that their cunning failed again for the third time. They turned to leave. But the old man stopped them and said:
- Listen and remember my words. What a person sees is not all that can be seen. And if they came to your house with a bow and greetings, do not rush to say that it was friends who came. It can also be enemies who set a trap for you.
And those who wanted to laugh at the old man left his house in great embarrassment and shame.

lazy girl

(Bashkir fairy tale)

Once upon a time, a grandmother and a granddaughter lived in the world. Grandmother grew old and could no longer work. And the granddaughter was young, but very lazy. Year by year, my grandmother grew old and weakened, her strength left her.
Spring has come, and my grandmother thinks: “People are sowing bread, we also need to drink and eat, we should sow something.” She told her granddaughter about it.
“No need, grandmother,” the granddaughter answered her. - You have already become old, you will die by autumn, and there, you see, there will be a kind person and take me into his family. Why do we need bread?
Grandma just sighed in response. So they did not sow anything in the spring.
Then autumn came. People are harvesting grown bread from the fields. The grandmother did not die, and no one took care of her granddaughter.

They had to starve.
Once a neighbor came to them, saw that the grandmother and granddaughter had absolutely nothing to eat, and said:
- If you would come to me, I could give you some millet.
After the neighbor has left, the grandmother says to her granddaughter:
- Granddaughter, go and bring millet!
And the granddaughter replies:
- Is it necessary, grandmother? Maybe her millet is not good ...
Grandmother and granddaughter starved all winter and almost died. But as soon as spring came, the granddaughter went out into the field to work.
- Why work hard? neighbors laughed at her. - Your grandmother is already old, she will not live long. And someone will take care of you. Why do you need bread?
- No, - answered the granddaughter. - I got it now. No wonder the old people say: if you are going on a summer roam, sow the field first.

old father

(Belarusian fairy tale)

In ancient times, such a custom was adopted among people: when a father grew old and he did not have long to live, his son brought him to a remote forest and left him there.
That's what happened once. The son took his father to the forest. Of course, he felt sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but there's nothing to be done, such is the custom! And all life rests on customs. If you're not lucky, people will laugh, they will say that you don't respect the old customs. They will also be driven out of the village ...
The unhappy son rides, and the father says to him:
- Really you, son, will you leave me, old and sick, alone in the forest?
The son thought, wiped away a tear and said:
- No, father, I will not leave. But so people don't find out, here's what I'll do. At night I will come for you and will keep you in a dark chamber until the day you die, so that no one can see you.
So the son did.
When night fell and the whole village was already asleep, he brought his father from the forest and hid him in a dark cell.
But misfortune happened - the hail beat all the life, and there was nothing to sow new, famine threatened.
A sad son came to his father in a dark closet, complaining:
- What to do? If we don't sow a seed, next year we'll be left without bread.
His father says to him:
- No, son, as long as I live, we will not be without bread. Listen to me.

When you were still small, I built a threshing floor. And was in that year big harvest. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed wheat.

Take off the eaves, thresh - and you will have grain for sowing.
The son did just that. He removed the eaves from the threshing floor, threshed and sowed wheat in the fall.
The neighbors are wondering, where did he get the grain from? And the son is silent, because it is impossible for him to admit that it was the old father who helped.
Winter has come. There is nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in a dark closet and tells about his misfortune.
- So, they say, and so. - he says, - you will have to die of hunger ...
- No, - answers the father, - we will not die of hunger. Listen to what I tell you. Take a shovel and dig in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I dug in some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross: everything can happen. So I thought, so I did.
The son was delighted, found and dug up his father's money, bought grain.
And he eats with his family, and even borrows from his neighbors. One day they ask him:
- Tell us, brother, where do you get the bread from?
The son confessed:
“Father,” he says, “feeds me.
- How so? the neighbors are surprised. - You took your father to the forest, like all good sons!
- No, - says the son, - I began to do as you do. I left my father at my age to live. And when trouble came, my father helped me to sow bread and save my family from starvation. Old people are smarter than young people.
From that time on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the forest, and it was customary to respect and feed their fathers in old age.

Gingerbread Man

(American fairy tale)

Baked, once, a farmer in the kitchen gingerbread and decided: “I’ll make a Gingerbread Man and give it to my husband.” Meanwhile, my husband was working in the garden.
She made the Gingerbread Man eyes out of raisins, a nose out of cherries, and a mouth out of lemon peel. And shoved it in hot oven. She was terribly surprised when she opened the oven, and from there - a living Gingerbread Man jumped!
- Wow! he shouted. - Well, the heat in this oven!
The gingerbread man began to run around the kitchen, and when the farmer opened the door to the garden to call her husband, the little man ran out the door, shouting merrily:

The Gingerbread Man ran down the street and almost ran into a cow.
- Well, stop! the cow called to him. – You look painfully appetizing. Delicious I suppose?
Then the farmer and the farmer's wife appeared; they were completely out of breath from the fast run.
- Stop! Hold it! shouted the farmer.
But the Gingerbread Man kept running and running, and even shouting as he ran:
- But you won't catch it! Because I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Suddenly, in front of him, as if from under the ground, a large dog grew up and frightened him terribly.
"Rrrrr," growled the dog. - And you smell very nice - delicious, I guess.
- Well, no, doggy! said the Gingerbread Man. “The farmer and the farmer’s wife and their cow also wanted to eat me, but they couldn’t catch me. And you won't catch me either, because I'm the Gingerbread Man and I'll run away from you even faster.
He ran and ran and ran to the river.
- Oh, what am I to do now? exclaimed the Gingerbread Man.
The dog, the cow, and the farmer and the farmer's wife had just appeared on the high bank when gingerbread man out of nowhere, a fox appeared.
- I'll help you get across the river, - the old cunning fox told him. - Jump on my back.
The gingerbread man jumped the fox on his back, and he entered the water.
When the fox sailed a little from the shore, the Gingerbread Man said to him:
- My feet are wet.
- It's okay, move higher, to my head, - the fox advised.
The gingerbread man did just that.
The fox has almost crossed the river and suddenly says to the Gingerbread Man:
- You know, I think it's safer for you to get on my nose.
The gingerbread man climbed even higher, right on the fox's nose, and carefully sat there while the fox climbed onto the shore.
But as soon as the fox was on the shore, he threw the Gingerbread Man into the air, opened his mouth wider and swallowed him.
The dog, the cow, the farmer, and the farmer's woman all gasped in amazement as the foxes ate their Gingerbread Man.
After all, they had been chasing the Gingerbread Man for so long - both along the road, and across the field, and along the river bank - and they could not catch him, and here he is - r-r-time! - and disappeared without a trace in the mouth of a cunning old fox.
Well, they all had to go home.

A conversation about bread, grain growers and bakers in the middle group.

Goals and objectives: To acquaint children with the work of a grain grower and a baker. Consolidate children's knowledge about what bread essential product nutrition, which requires a lot of work to obtain. To cultivate respect for bread and the work of the grain grower and baker.

Previous work: reading books, poems, stories about the work of adults, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work: introducing new words into the children's active vocabulary: baker, grain grower, harvester.

Individual work: include inactive children in the work.

Methodological techniques: visual (examining pictures, illustrations);

Verbal (questions to children, teacher's story, explanations).

GCD progress:

V-l: Guys, sit still and listen to me. Today in the lesson we will talk about the work of adults, in particular about the profession of a grain grower and a baker. Answer me this question, who grows bread?

Children: Bread is grown in the fields.

V-l: That's right, but who grows it?

Children: People.

Q: What are these people called? They are called bakers. Well, let's repeat all the grain growers.

Children: farmers.

In-l: Properly grow and harvest bread growers. They work from early morning until late at night in the field to harvest every single grain. And if the grain is not harvested well, then we will have nothing to eat. The work of a grain grower is very painstaking, bread is the most valuable food product, the production of which requires a lot of work.

V-l: Guys, you often go to a store where they sell bread, most often it is called "Bakery". How many of you have been to this store?

Children: Everything.

Q: What kind of bread did you see there?

Children: Loaves, various buns.

V-l: That's right, loaves, buns, wheat and rye bread. No dinner is complete without bread. Is not it? Do you know where and how bread is baked?

Children: Bread is baked at the factory.

V-l: That's right, this plant is called "Khlebzavod". At these factories, work does not stop for a second. Even on holidays, when all people have a rest, bakers work. After all, to festive table need more bread! So who bakes our bread?

Children: Baker.

V-l: And who ever helped mom bake pies and what products are needed for this?

Children: Flour, sugar, salt, yeast.

V-l: That's right, well done.

V-l: And so our classes came to an end, let's summarize: so what did you learn in the lesson.

Children: in the lesson we learned how and who grows bread, where and how it is baked and what needs to be protected.

V-l: Good harvests cultivated by field workers in our country. Nevertheless, bread must be protected!

A person who does not learn how to save bread will never enjoy the respect of others, because by throwing away bread, he insults the work of people who grew rye, wheat for this bread, harvested from the fields, stored grain, made smart machines for bakeries and baked bread.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation of the lesson in the preparatory school group "Conversation about bread"

Integrated lesson for children 5-7 years old. Purpose: To tell children about bread and its importance in human life. To acquaint children with the history of the emergence of bread baking in Rus'. Remember the command...

Talk about bread in the preparatory group

Purpose: To develop individual abilities children to speech activity through pictures. Tasks: To instill in children a caring attitude and respect for bread and the people who raised it. Learn to make r...

Synopsis of the GCD "Conversation about bread"

The summary of the GCD "Conversation about bread" on cognitive development is intended for children of older preschool age ....

The earth feeds man, but feeds not in vain. People must work hard so that the field, instead of grass, suitable only for livestock, gives rye for black bread, wheat for rolls, buckwheat and millet for porridge.
First, the farmer plows the field with a plow, if it is not necessary to plow deeply, or with a plow, if he plows a new one, or such a field that it needs to be plowed deeper. The plow is lighter than a plow, and one horse is harnessed to it. The plow is much heavier than the plow, it takes deeper, and several pairs of horses or oxen are harnessed to it.
Plowed field; it was all covered with large clods of earth. But this is not enough. If the field is new or the ground itself is very fat, then manure is not needed; but if something has already been sown on the field and it has become exhausted, then it must be fertilized with manure.
Peasants take manure to the fields in autumn or spring and scatter it in heaps. But in heaps, manure will bring little benefit: you need to plow it into the ground with soybeans.
Here the manure has rotted; but it is still not possible to sow. The earth lies in clods, and for a grain you need a soft bed. Peasants leave for the field with toothed harrows: they harrow until all the clods are broken, and then they only begin to sow.
Sow either in spring or autumn. In autumn, winter bread is sown: rye and winter wheat. Spring bread is sown in spring: barley, oats, millet, buckwheat and spring wheat.
Winter sprouts since autumn, and when the grass has long turned yellow in the meadows, then the winter fields are covered with seedlings, like green velvet. It's a pity to watch the snow fall on such a velvet field. Young winter leaves soon wither under the snow; but the better the roots grow, bush and go deeper into the ground. All winter it will sit in the winter under the snow, and in the spring, when the snow melts and the sun warms, it will put out new stems, new leaves, stronger, healthier than the previous ones. It is only bad if the frosts begin before the snow falls; then, perhaps, winter can freeze. That is why the peasants are afraid of frosts without snow and do not regret, but rejoice when the winter is covered for the winter with a thick snow blanket.

Story Ushinsky K. Illustrations
