
Lamb and rusk products merchandising. Classification of bagels

Depending on the diameter and thickness of the ring, lamb products are divided into the following types: drying (ring diameter - 4-6 cm, bundle thickness - 1-17 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-9 cm, bundle thickness - up to 2 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-10 cm, bundle thickness - up to 3.3 cm), breadsticks (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.8 cm) and straws (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.5 cm) (Fig. 1). Breadsticks are similar in properties to bagels, and straws are close to dryers, therefore they are included in this group. They also produce dietary lamb products (achloride dryers).

Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade.

Dryers have the form of rings or shuttles with a diameter of 4-6 cm, the weight of the product is 6-12 g. The assortment is Simple, Vanilla, Mustard, Baby, Amateur, Dairy, etc.

Bagels are baked in the form of rings and shuttles with a diameter of 7-9 cm, the mass of the product is 25-40 g. The assortment is Simple, Children's, Lemon, Slavic, Dairy, Sugar, Egg, etc.

Bagels are rings with a diameter of more than 9 cm, weighing 50 or 100 g. Assortment - Simple, With poppy, Butter, Ukrainian, Mustard, etc.

Straws and sticks are made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades. Straws are produced in the following assortment: "Kyiv", sweet, salty, vanilla.

Lamb products differ depending on the characteristics of the recipe. Drying, for example, can be vanilla, mustard, poppy, lemon, plain, etc.; bagels - vanilla, sugar, Cherkizovsky, lemon, etc.; bagels - milk, mustard, rich, with cumin, poppy seeds, etc.; bread sticks do not have varieties, and straws can be sweet, salty and vanilla.

In addition, rahai, which are large bagels with a diameter of up to 250 mm, are classified as lamb products. A braided rahaya is made from three flagella in the form of a braid, which is folded into a wreath. Twisted rahai is made from three flagella, folded into a ring.

Technology for the production of lamb products: preparation and dosing of raw materials - preparation of dough or porch - kneading dough - rubbing the dough - resting the dough (fermentation) - shaping products - proofing - scalding in water or steam scalding - drying - baking - packaging - storage or release to the trading network.

The main features of the production of lamb products, unlike bakery products, are that the dough is prepared very steep (32-35 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour, i.e. almost half as much as for bread). To impart plasticity and a bound structure, the dough is rubbed (minced), i.e. passing it between the shaft and the tape of the rubbing machine. To give a shiny, glossy surface, the dough pieces are scalded in water or scalded with steam (as a result, the starch in the surface layer gelatinizes and the proteins denature).

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Course work

Topic: "Commodity characteristics of crackers and lamb products"


1.2 The main directions of the formation of a modern assortment of rusk and bagel products

2.3 Analysis of the quality, consumer properties and nutritional value of crackers and lamb products


3.1 Requirements for the examination of the commercial quality of crackers and lamb products. Defects

3.2 Packaging, labeling and storage of lamb and rusk products. Processes occurring during storage

3.3 Falsification of crackers and lamb products




The relevance of the course work lies in the fact that the merchandise advantages of crackers and lamb products largely depend on the properties and quality of the processed raw materials.

Due to lamb and crackers, the human body satisfies the need for B vitamins by 50%: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and nicotinic acid (PP). The presence of vitamins in lamb and rusk products is mainly due to the type of flour. When grinding grain into flour, up to 65% of vitamins are lost, and the more, the higher the grade of flour. Bagel and crackers made from wholemeal flour are characterized by a higher content of vitamins.

Rusk and lamb products are also important as a source of minerals. They contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium; in slightly smaller quantities - chlorine, calcium, sodium, silicon and other elements in small quantities. Bread made from lower grades of flour contains more minerals.

The purpose of the course work is to study the commodity characteristics of the range and consumer properties of rusk and lamb products.

To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks:

1) assess the state and prospects for the development of the market for rusk and bagel products in Russia;

2) to determine the commodity classification of crackers and lamb products and the main directions of the formation of a modern assortment;

3) establish a list of consumer properties and quality indicators of crackers and lamb products, a list of quality requirements and the causes and ways to prevent defects;

4) to study the factors that form the quality of this product, the technology of its production.

The methodological and scientific basis of the study was the works of domestic scientists Timofeeva V.A., Shevchenko V., Kolesnik A.A., Elizarova L.G. and etc.

The structure and volume of the course work.

The work consists of an introduction, three sections, including nine subsections, a conclusion, a list of references (32 sources) and three appendices.

The course work is presented on 53 pages of typewritten text.


merchandise bagels assortment quality

1.1 Statistics on the consumption of crackers and lamb products in the Russian Federation

Crackers and bagel products include various types of bagels, dryers and bagels, which have the shape of a ring or an oval formed by a tourniquet of a “round” section. Products have a flat surface on the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. This group also includes straws and bread sticks, the manufacturing technology of which is close to the technology of lamb products. Bagel products differ in the thickness of the bundle, the size of the rings and the mass fraction of moisture. Drying is produced from flour of the highest and first grades.

In 2014 and the first half of 2015 the market for rusks and lamb products showed unexpectedly fast growth.

According to experts - about 30% in each of these years.

This is due to a curious demographic trend. The fact is that the consumption of inexpensive confectionery products, and especially dryers and crackers, increases sharply when passing through a certain level of security ($100-200 per family member per month)

Fig. 1.1 Dynamics of consumption of lamb products

Figure 1.1 shows that consumers with an income level of $100-200 (for each family member) consume products of this group much more often.

In 2014-2015 (the first half of the year) in Russia, there was a massive transition of residents just through this level, which resulted in such a phenomenal growth (or rather, recovery) of the market for rusks and lamb products.

We should expect this segment of the market to grow especially rapidly in the provinces, where the $100-$200 income threshold will be crossed on a much larger scale (in Moscow, it basically happened earlier).

The above arguments testify to a rather high growth dynamics of this segment of the market for products of this group, due to the favorable structure of the socio-demographic situation for the goods of this group.

However, from the point of view of the further development of the socio-demographic situation in the country, one can predict a sharp slowdown in market growth in the near future (1-2 years), and a reduction in market capacity in the longer term (5 years). This is due to the fact that as the well-being of the population grows and it crosses the $200 income line, it tends to switch to more expensive and pretentious goods.

1.2 The main directions of the formation of a modern assortment of rusk and bagel products

Crackers include simple and rich, crispbread crackers.

Simple crackers are made from simple bread, wheat and rye-wheat from wholemeal flour, sometimes from wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades. The dough for rusk bread is prepared in the usual way, but with low humidity (by 2-3%). Bread is baked in molds weighing 1.5-2.0 kg, in baking ovens or by electrocontact method.

The cooled bread is cut into slices 15--25 mm thick, placed in special cassettes, on sheets or under ovens and dried to a moisture content of crackers of 10% at a temperature of up to 130 "C for 4--12 minutes, depending on the type of drying chambers and the type of crackers Ready-made crackers are quickly cooled, low-quality ones are rejected (cracked, burnt, contaminated, undercooked).

Rusks are placed in cardboard boxes and plywood boxes in neat rows so that they do not crumble.

Butter crackers are made from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades with the addition of sugar, fat, etc. They are fragile products with low moisture, pleasant taste and aroma.

They are obtained by drying slices of rich bread baked in the form of plates of different sizes and shapes.

The technological process consists of a number of successive operations: dough preparation, cutting and shaping the dough into rusk slabs, proofing, aging rusk slabs, cutting them into slices, drying and cooling rusks.

The dough is prepared on a thick or liquid dough, fat and sugar are usually added at the last punch. When molding, first dough pieces are made, which are close in shape and weight to crackers, and are laid on sheets tightly to each other so that a cracker plate is obtained. After proofing, the surface of the plate is smeared with egg mash (to obtain gloss), baked at a temperature of 200–260 ° C for 15–20 minutes. After cooling, the rusk plates are suitable for cutting into slices. Cutting is carried out in places of slips, laid in one layer flat on sheets and dried at a temperature of 115-230 ° C.

Products, the surface of which must be treated, are smeared with egg mash before drying and the necessary additive is applied.

Finished crackers are cooled, discarded and packed in paper-lined boxes with a capacity of not more than 15 kg: crackers by weight - "on edge", crackers with a finish - "flat", children's - in bulk. Packaged crackers are packaged in plastic bags, cellophane, boxes weighing from 0.1-0.5 kg.

Vanilla, cream, lemon, walnut, Kiev, mustard, Vasileostrovsky and other crackers are prepared from premium flour. The recipe for these crackers includes sugar (14-21%), margarine or butter (3-10.5%), eggs (up to 4%) and other raw materials according to the recipe.

Pioneer, coffee, Moscow, tourist, Ryazan crackers, etc. are produced from flour of the 1st grade. Their recipe includes less sugar (up to 12.5%), fat (up to 11%), eggs (2%).

City crackers are prepared from flour of the 2nd grade with a sugar content of 12.5% ​​and fat of 4.0%.

Crispbread are light, brittle porous rectangular plates 6--7 mm thick (Andreevsky bread is rounded, up to 10 mm thick). The dough is prepared in a non-dough way with the addition of a large amount of yeast. At the end of the fermentation process, the dough is rolled into a thin ribbon, the surface is sometimes pricked. This tape is cut into plates and sent for proofing, baking and drying. After cooling, the plates are cut into tiles and packed in packs, which are placed in boxes.

For the production of crispbread, rye wholemeal flour is used (plain bread), peeled (peeled and peeled bread with salt), seeded rye and wheat of the 1st grade with the addition of sugar and fat (dessert bread, with cinnamon, for tea, homemade, Moscow) .

It is possible to produce bread without the use of yeast from wheat flour of the 2nd grade and rye wallpaper (bread for breakfast, salted, with onions); fortified diet bread with the addition of wheat bran, vitamins C, E, carotene and preventive salt with a low sodium content. Bread Andreevsky is made from exploded grains of wheat, rice or buckwheat, pressed into round plates; Packed in packs weighing from 60 to 340 g.

Rusk products, unlike other bread products, have a low moisture content (from 8 to 12%), so they can be stored for a long time without changing their quality. Rye, wheat and rye-wheat crackers are produced.

According to the recipe, they are divided into simple and rich.

Simple crackers are made from plain bread baked from rye, wheat or a mixture of rye and wheat flour.

Butter crackers are made from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. They are produced with the addition of sugar, eggs, fat, milk. The dough is prepared in the sourdough method. From the dough after fermentation, bundles (rusk plates) are formed, which have a cross-sectional view of the profile of crackers. Plates after proofing are smeared with an egg, treated with nuts, poppy seeds, honey. Semi-finished products are kept for staling for 12-24 hours, cut into slices, dried, sorted and packaged.

Assortment of simple crackers - rye Wallpaper, wheat Wallpaper 1st and 2nd grades, Army.

Assortment of delicious crackers. Butter crackers are made from wheat flour of the highest grade, Dairy, Vanilla, Creamy, Baby, Nut, Lemon are on sale; from flour of the 1st grade - Coffee, Moscow, Anniversary, etc .; from flour of the 2nd grade - Urban.

Crackers-croutons, cracker briquettes (produced by pressing crumbs mixed with molasses) go on sale.

Crispbread is produced in the form of rectangular plates with pricks on the surface; they are prepared from wholemeal rye, peeled rye, a mixture of rye and wheat, or from wheat flour.

Assortment of rye loaves: rye wholemeal, rye peeled, rye peeled with salt.

Rye-wheat crispbread is prepared with the addition of fat and sugar to the dough.

Assortment: Amateur, Dessert, Homemade, Canteen.

Crispbread will replace bread in any conditions, they keep well and for a long time.

The quality of crackers is evaluated by appearance, shape, surface condition, color, fragility, smell and taste. The shape of crackers is rectangular, semi-oval, square, semi-cylindrical. The color of crackers is from light brown to brown. Not pale, but not burnt either. The standard regulates humidity (no more than 8--12%), acidity (no more than 3.5--4 °), swelling in water with a temperature of 60 ° C for 1-2 minutes should be complete.

Rusks with foreign inclusions, signs of mold, with an unusual taste and smell are not allowed for sale.

Store rusk products in dry, clean, ventilated areas, separately from products with a sharp specific smell, at a temperature of 20--22 ° C and a relative humidity of 65-75%.

Butter crackers packed in boxes, cardboard boxes and packs are stored for up to 60 days in plastic bags - up to 30 days. Simple crackers - up to 2 years from the date of production.

Lamb products of the highest and 1st grades are produced simple and rich. Sweet products contain sugar (7-18%), fat (1.5-10.5%), in addition, aromatic additives (vanillin, lemon essence, cinnamon, etc.) can be added. The surface of products can be processed and without it.

Drying is produced from flour of the highest and 1st grade. From flour of the highest grade, simple - simple drying, including achloride, lemon, with poppy seeds, etc .; from flour of the 1st grade - simple, salty, achloride.

Butter cakes are baked from the highest grade flour - vanilla, with cinnamon, milk, new, shuttle, Minsk; from flour of the 1st grade - baby, rich, children's, tea, etc.

Bagels made from premium flour are produced simple, as well as rich (lemon, vanilla, Cherkizovsky, egg, etc.); from flour of the 1st grade - simple and rich (mustard, children's, dairy, sugar).

Bagels are baked from only the 1st grade flour, piece, weighing 0.1 and 0.05 kg. Easy-to-make bagels can have up to 3% sugar added to the dough, and they can also vary in surface finish.

Assortment of simple bagels: plain, with poppy seeds, with cumin, with sesame, etc. Assortment of rich bagels: vanilla, mustard, lemon, Ukrainian, etc. Their recipe includes 7-11.5% sugar and 2-7.5% fat.

Features of production and assortment of straws and bread sticks. For straws, the dough is kneaded from flour of the highest or 1st grade with a high gluten content, using a non-dough method with enhanced mechanical processing. After a short fermentation, the dough is pressed through the molding machine matrix, from where it comes out in the form of bundles. To obtain a golden hue on the surface of the straw, the tows are passed through a bath with a 1% solution of sodium bicarbonate.

In the manufacture of salted straws, the workpiece is sprinkled with salt before baking, Kyiv straws - with poppy seeds. Bake at a temperature of 180-230 ° C for 9-15 minutes. The finished straw is cut into sticks of a certain length.

Products are sticks with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 10 to 28 mm. From flour of the highest grade, Kyiv straws are made, from flour of the 1st grade - sweet, salty, vanilla. A new type - straws Salet from premium flour, white malt, starch, fat, sprinkled with salt.

Bread sticks are dry products in the form of sticks, made from yeast dough with the addition of sugar, margarine, vegetable oil. The dough is rolled out into a thin strip, cut into strips of a certain length and width, laid on sheets and baked. The length of the sticks is 15-30 cm (shortened - 5--8.5 cm), thickness - 0.8-1.6 cm.

Bread sticks are produced by weight and packaged, from the highest grade flour - bread sticks, bread sticks with cumin, butter, Yaroslavl butter; from flour of the 1st grade - fragrant, Yaroslavl simple, Yaroslavl salty. The surface of the sticks should be smooth, sometimes rough or corrugated, salted ones should be sprinkled with salt, sticks with cumin - with visible inclusions of cumin. Sticks are brittle and break easily.

1.3 Commodity requirements for the quality of raw materials for the production of crackers and lamb products

Flour is a product obtained by grinding grain into powder with or without separating the bran. Flour is divided into species, types and commercial grades.

The type of flour is determined by the culture from which it is made. The main types are wheat and rye flour. Minor types - barley, corn and soy flour (can be used in bread baking, but in small quantities). Special purpose flour - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pea - is used in the food concentrate industry; swelling flour - for making custard breads.

The type of flour depends on its intended use. So, wheat flour is produced in three types: baking, pasta and confectionery. Only one type of flour is obtained from rye - baking flour.

Soybean flour is divided into types depending on the fat content: full-fat, semi-skimmed and defatted.

The commercial grade of flour depends on what part of the grain gets into the flour, i.e. from grain processing technology.

Wheat baking flour is produced in five grades: grits, higher, 1st, 2nd and wallpaper.

Flour of different varieties has different degrees of grinding and chemical composition. During the production of flour, the main parts of the grain are redistributed according to different grinding fractions, and its chemical composition depends on which parts of the grain and in what quantity fall into one or another type of flour. Single-grade flour of any grade is characterized by a higher nutritional value than multi-grade milling. The maximum amount of starch contains flour of higher grades. So, in wheat flour of the highest grade, the starch content reaches 80%, and in flour of the 2nd grade - only up to 70%. The protein content in flour increases slightly from the highest grade to the 2nd grade. It should be noted a decrease in the amount of gluten in flour of the 2nd grade, since fragments of the germ and the aleurone layer containing proteins that do not form gluten get into it. With a decrease in the grade of flour, the amount of vitamins, mineral elements increases, and in proteins - albumins and globulins containing essential amino acids. But products made from flour of lower grades are darker in color, less digestible and have worse baking qualities. The highest calorie content is characterized by premium flour.

Krupchatka is produced from vitreous soft wheat with the addition of durum. It is a large particle consisting of pure endosperm of the central parts of the grain. Good quality gluten, its content is not less than 30%, ash content is not more than 0.6%.

Flour of the highest grade consists of finely ground particles of the central part of the endosperm, practically does not contain bran, has a white color. Ash content - no more than 0.55%, the amount of raw gluten - 28%.

Flour of the 1st grade is finely ground particles of all layers of the endosperm, contains 3-4% bran, the color is white with a yellowish tinge. Ash content - not more than 0.75%, the amount of raw gluten - not less than 30%.

Flour of the 2nd grade consists of heterogeneous particles of crushed endosperm, the amount of bran is up to 10%. Due to the presence of shell particles, the flour acquires a grayish tint. The ash content rises to 1.25%, and the gluten content decreases to 25%; nevertheless, flour is used in baking; it does not enter the retail trade.

Wholemeal flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain, it contains up to 16% bran. Flour is not uniform in particle size. Color - white with yellowish or grayish hues, particles of grain shells are noticeable. The content of raw gluten is not less than 20%, and the ash content should not exceed 2%.

Flour entering the bakery must be accompanied by a certificate indicating for wheat flour: grade, moisture content, grinding size, ash content (or whiteness index), gluten content, gluten quality in terms of elastic properties on the IDK device (in a device unit with indicating the quality group), the amount of metal-magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation, therefore, employees of a bakery must carry out quality control of the purchased raw materials, primarily flour.

The analysis of raw materials is carried out by laboratory workers in accordance with the test methods presented in the relevant GOSTs, the presence of which at bakery enterprises is necessary.

Input control over the quality of raw materials consists in carrying out an organoleptic assessment and determining physical and chemical parameters.

In accordance with GOST 27668 "Rules and methods for sampling", flour is taken in batches. A batch is understood as any amount of flour of the same type and variety, homogeneous in quality, intended for simultaneous acceptance, shipment or storage, in packaging of the same type or without it.

Each batch of flour must be accompanied by a certificate or an application-declaration with the obligatory indication of flour quality indicators and standards that ensure the safety of flour for the life and health of the population.

When accepting flour in a container, an external inspection of the container is carried out for the strength and cleanliness of the sacking, for the presence of marking, for infection and contamination by pests of grain stocks. To check the compliance of the quality of flour packed in a container with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, a sample is taken, i.e. a certain amount of piece products selected for control from a batch of products.

The examination is carried out according to organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators and safety indicators.

The standards for baking flour provide for the determination of organoleptic indicators: taste, color, smell, crunch, infestation and contamination by pests of grain stocks in accordance with GOST 27558 and GOST 27559, as well as physico-chemical indicators: moisture content, ash content, particle size, content of metal magnetic impurities, autolytic activity ; for wheat flour - determination of the quantity and quality of gluten. Ash content, fineness of flour particles, whiteness of flour at bakeries, as a rule, is not controlled. In addition to standard flour quality indicators, acidity and its baking properties are determined.

The color depends on the type and grade of flour. Higher grades of flour are always lighter, and lower grades are darker, they contain shell particles.

The color of the flour is of great importance, since the color of the bread crumb mainly depends on it. The lower the grade of flour, the darker it is, since it contains more grain shells, and they contain more pigments that give color to the flour. The color of the flour is established by comparing the test sample with the established or with the color characteristic specified in the relevant product standards. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of individual particles of shells and foreign impurities that violate the uniformity of the color of the flour.

The taste of flour should be characteristic, pleasant, slightly pronounced without a crunch when chewed. Extraneous tastes (bitter, sour) are not allowed.

The smell of flour is weak, specific. Moldy, musty and other extraneous odors are not allowed.

Ash content is an indicator of flour grade control in production. The more shell particles get into the flour, the higher its ash content. In addition, the ash content of flour is the amount of minerals contained in it. Ash content is the main indicator of flour grade. The higher the grade of flour, the lower the ash content, since high-grade flour contains less shell particles, which contain a lot of grain minerals.

Determination of the ash content of flour is carried out according to GOST 27494 by burning flour in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 600.900 ° C until complete ashing, followed by determination of fireproof residue.

The size of the flour particles is a characteristic of the flour variety and to a large extent affects the rate of biochemical and colloidal processes in the dough and, as a result, the properties of the dough, the quality and yield of bread. The size of the flour particles is set in accordance with GOST 27560.

Grinding size characterizes the degree of grain grinding and affects the technological properties of flour. Excessively coarse flour has a reduced water absorption capacity.

The dough formation process is slowed down, the bread is of poor quality. If the flour is over-ground, the bread is undersized and stale quickly. The optimal size is to some extent related to the quality of the gluten and the size of the starch grains. Flour with a strong gluten should be somewhat finer than with a weak one. From the point of view of baking properties, it is desirable that the flour has the most uniform particle size.

By air separating flour particles, it is possible to obtain low-protein flour for the production of flour confectionery products and flour with a high protein content, which can be used as a strength improver for ordinary baking wheat flour.

Infection and contamination of flour with pests is not allowed. Infected flour is not subject to sale.

The definition of a metal-magnetic impurity in accordance with GOST 20239 consists in separating a metal-magnetic impurity (metal particles, ores, etc., with magnetic properties) by a magnet in a mechanized way or manually, followed by sewing in and measuring its particles. Isolation of impurities is carried out on the device PVF or PVF-2, measurement of the size of the metal-magnetic impurity on the devices PIF or PIF-2. For determinations, a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet made of YUN1 ZDK24 grade alloy according to GOST 17809 is used. The content of metal-magnetic impurities in flour is allowed no more than 3 mg per 1 kg of the product.

For wheat flour, the quantity and quality of gluten are determined according to GOST 27839.

Gluten is a complex of protein substances capable of forming a cohesive elastic mass when swollen in water. The more gluten in the flour and the stronger it is, the better the baking properties of the flour. The amount of gluten is determined by washing it out of the dough using mechanical means or manually.

The quantity and quality of raw gluten is determined only in wheat flour, and different varieties differ in the amount of gluten. For premium flour - not less than 28%, semolina and 1st grade - 30%, 2nd grade - 25%, wallpaper - 20%. Wheat flour gluten is a highly hydrated complex composed of the proteins gliadin and glutenin.

Glutenin is the base, and gliadin is its glue. The quality of gluten is determined by color and smell, elasticity and extensibility. Good quality gluten has a white or grayish color, a slight, pleasant floury smell, it is resilient and elastic with medium extensibility. According to these quality indicators, gluten is divided into three groups:

1) good elasticity, long or medium stretch;

2) good elasticity and short extensibility or satisfactory elasticity, short, medium or long extensibility;

3) weak elasticity, strongly stretching, sagging when stretched, torn under the action of its own gravity.

According to the requirements of the standard, the quality of gluten must be at least group II.

The quality of gluten can be determined using the IDK-1 gluten deformation meter, in which a force is applied to a gluten ball weighing 4 g for 30 s. The deeper the punch of the device is immersed in gluten, the worse it is in quality. Strong gluten quality group I has a value of 60-70 conventional units. units device; satisfactory group II: strong - 20-40 and weak - 80-100; unsatisfactory group III: strong 0-15 and weak 105-120 c.u. units

The moisture content of flour is the most important indicator of its quality, according to which the amount of water for kneading dough is calculated. Humidity of baking flour in accordance with the standard is not more than 15.0%.

All calculations at bakeries lead to a basic flour moisture content of 14.5%.

The acidity of flour characterizes the duration of storage of flour and affects the acidity of dough and bread. The acidity of bread is regulated by standards, so it is necessary to check the acidity of each batch of incoming flour at bakeries.

Safety indicators include the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides, which should not exceed permissible levels (Appendix A).

Water in the baking industry is used as a solvent for salt, sugar and other types of raw materials, for making dough 40-70 liters for every 100 kg of flour, for making liquid yeast, brews, sourdough, goes to household needs - washing raw materials, equipment, premises, for heat engineering purposes for the production of steam necessary for humidifying the air in proofers and ovens.

For technological and economic needs, bakeries usually use water from the city drinking water supply. For an uninterrupted supply of water and the creation of a constant pressure in the internal water supply network, special tanks with cold and hot water are installed. The supply of cold water should be such as to ensure uninterrupted operation of the enterprise for 8 hours, the supply of hot water is calculated for 5-6 hours. The temperature of hot water in this tank should be 70 ° C.

The quality of water used for technological and domestic purposes must meet the requirements of GOST 2874. “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control".

Drinking water used to prepare the dough must meet the "Sanitary rules and regulations" (SanPiN It should be transparent, colorless, should not have foreign smell and taste, contain toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms. The safety of water in an epidemic sense is determined by the total number of microorganisms and the number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. The number of microorganisms in 1 mm3 of water should be no more than 100, the number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group in 1 liter of water should be no more than 3, the number of colony-forming bacteria in 1 ml (when determining the total microbial number) should not exceed 50. Limits are regulated in water. permissible concentrations (MPC) of toxic elements (arsenic, lead, etc.). Water hardness is characterized by the content of soluble calcium and magnesium salts in it and is expressed in milligram equivalents of calcium and magnesium per 1 liter of water (1 meq of hardness corresponds to the content of 20.0 mg Ca or 21.16 mg Mg in 1 liter of water).

The total hardness of water should not exceed 7 mg-eq / l.

Water quality control is carried out by sanitary supervision bodies. Sampling for drinking water analysis and determination of its taste, smell, color and turbidity are carried out in accordance with GOST 24481 and GOST 3351.

For the production of bakery products at bakery enterprises, pressed yeast (GOST 171), produced by specialized and distilleries, dried (GOST 28483 and TU 10-0334585-90), yeast milk (OST 18-369-81) are used. Yeast is used in amounts of 0.5-4.0% for loosening the dough. In the dough, yeast enzymes cause alcoholic fermentation. Fermentation goes according to the following scheme:

Carbon dioxide, formed as a result of alcoholic fermentation, loosens the dough, giving it a porous structure.

Pressed baker's yeast are accumulations of yeast cells of a certain race, grown under special conditions on nutrient media with intensive air blowing. As the main component of the nutrient medium, molasses is used - a waste of sugar beet production. From 1 ton of molasses, 700-800 kg of yeast are obtained.

The quality of pressed yeast is evaluated by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters and must comply with GOST 171. The organoleptic characteristics of pressed yeast include color, smell, taste and texture. Pressed yeast should have a light color with a yellowish or grayish tint. The yeast must be free of white or other colored mold, as well as various stripes and dark spots on the surface. The smell of yeast should be characteristic, slightly reminiscent of fruit.

Yeast quality indicators are given in Appendix A, where:

1. The concentration of yeast in 1 liter of yeast milk in terms of yeast with a moisture content of 75% must be at least 450 g.

2. Deterioration of lifting power by 5% per month is allowed when Yeast is stored in a dry room at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C compared to the initial lifting power of yeast on the day of its production.

3. After 72 hours of storage at temperatures up to 10 ° C - no more than 360 mg.

4. In summer, at least 48 hours (2 days) under adverse climatic conditions.

Dried yeast imported, including instant, must have a hygiene certificate issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Yeast milk (TU 10-033-4585-3-90) is delivered to bakeries in tank trucks according to GOST 9218-86E, stored at a temperature of 2 to 15 ° C in special collections made of stainless steel, equipped with mixers with a level indicator and coolers .

Granulated sugar (GOST 2178) is a food product that is sucrose in the form of individual crystals ranging in size from 0.2 to 2.5 mm. Granulated sugar should have a sweet taste without foreign tastes and odors. It is a loose product, without lumps, has a white color with a sheen. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, commercial granulated sugar must meet the requirements given in Appendix A.

Granulated sugar is supplied to bakery enterprises in bags. Granulated sugar must be packed in new bags in accordance with GOST 8516 or used clean fabric bags of the first and second categories.

Bags should not contaminate sugar with fire or pile and have an extraneous smell. In fabric bags with liners (polyethylene with a thickness of not more than 0.100 mm, size 109x59 according to GOST 19360; paper three-layer glued open HM brand, size 92x60 cm according to GOST 2226.

Liquid sugar (OST 18-170-85, TU 911-001-00335315-94) of the highest (discolored by adsorbents) and the first (purified with filter powders) categories is used in accordance with the "Recommendations for the reception, storage and processing of liquid sugar in bakery enterprises".

Liquid sugar should be transparent, sweet in taste, without foreign tastes and odors, light yellow in color, with a mass fraction of sucrose of at least 99.80% (highest category) and 99.55% (first category) and a mass fraction of dry substances not less than 64%.


2.1 Commodity classification of rusk and lamb products

Depending on the diameter and thickness of the ring, lamb products are divided into the following types: drying (ring diameter - 4-6 cm, bundle thickness - 1-17 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-9 cm, bundle thickness - up to 2 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-10 cm, bundle thickness - up to 3.3 cm), breadsticks (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.8 cm) and straws (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.5 cm). Breadsticks are similar in properties to bagels, and straws are close to dryers, therefore they are included in this group. They also produce dietary lamb products (achloride dryers).

Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade.

Dryers have the form of rings or shuttles with a diameter of 4-6 cm, the weight of the product is 6-12 g. The assortment is Simple, Vanilla, Mustard, Baby, Amateur, Dairy, etc.

Bagels are baked in the form of rings and shuttles with a diameter of 7-9 cm, the mass of the product is 25-40 g. The assortment is Simple, Children's, Lemon, Slavic, Dairy, Sugar, Egg, etc.

Bagels are rings with a diameter of more than 9 cm, weighing 50 or 100 g. Assortment - Simple, With poppy, Butter, Ukrainian, Mustard, etc.

Straws and sticks are made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades. Straws are produced in the following assortment: "Kyiv", sweet, salty, vanilla.

Lamb products differ depending on the characteristics of the recipe.

Drying, for example, can be vanilla, mustard, poppy, lemon, plain, etc.; bagels - vanilla, sugar, Cherkizovsky, lemon, etc.; bagels-milk, mustard, rich, with cumin, poppy seeds, etc.; bread sticks do not have varieties, and straws can be sweet, salty and vanilla.

In addition, rahai, which are large bagels with a diameter of up to 250 mm, are classified as lamb products. A braided rahaya is made from three flagella in the form of a braid, which is folded into a wreath.

Technology for the production of lamb products: preparation and dosing of raw materials - preparation of dough or porch - kneading dough - rubbing the dough - resting the dough (fermentation) - shaping products - proofing - scalding in water or steam scalding - drying - baking - packaging - storage or release to the trading network.

The main features of the production of lamb products, unlike bakery products, are that the dough is prepared very steep (32-35 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour, i.e. almost half as much as for bread). To impart plasticity and a bound structure, the dough is rubbed (minced), i.e. passing it between the shaft and the tape of the rubbing machine. To give a shiny, glossy surface, the dough pieces are scalded in water or scalded with steam (as a result, the starch in the surface layer gelatinizes and the proteins denature).

Depending on the characteristics of the recipe and production technology, rusks are divided into the following types: simple rusks, rich rusks, croutons, breadcrumbs, briquettes and crispbread, dietary rusks.

Varieties of crackers are distinguished by the type of flour.

Simple crackers are made from rye, wheat wholemeal flour and mixtures thereof, as well as wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades; rich and crackers-croutons - from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades; breadcrumbs - from wheat of different varieties and corn flour; cracker briquettes - from rye wallpaper and wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades; crispbread - from rye and rye-wheat flour; diet crackers - mainly from wheat flour of the 1st grade.

Crackers are produced from the highest grade flour: creamy - 50-55 pcs. per 1 kg. The recipe includes (per 100 kg of flour) 2 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 20 kg of sugar, 15 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 80 eggs; vanilla -- 95--100 pcs. per 1 kg. The recipe includes (per 100 kg of flour) 2.5 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 22 kg of sugar, 16 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 100 eggs, 0.1 kg of vanillin.

Crackers are produced from the first grade flour: coffee 60-- 65 pcs. per 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1.2 kg of salt, 13 kg of sugar, 5 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs; "road" - 40--45 tit. per 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 5 kg of sugar, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs.

From flour of the second grade: "City" - 40--45 pcs. in 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1.2 kg of salt, 13 kg of sugar, 5 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs.

In addition, crackers “Slavic”, “Amateur”, “Delicatessen” and “Children” are made from flour of the highest grade, “Kolkhoz”, “Moscow”, “Sugar” and others are made from flour of the first grade.

Due to the fact that crackers of different varieties can not always be distinguished by external signs (except for those that have obvious external features in size and shape, for example, "Children's produce small sizes - 200-- 300 pieces per 1 kg", "Amateur" sprinkle crushed nuts), to determine the variety, the establishment of physical and chemical quality indicators is required.

Rusk products have a low moisture content - 8-12%, so they can be stored for a long time without changing their quality, and have a high calorie content.

Simple rusks differ from rich ones in a lower content of fat, sugars, however, they significantly exceed them in the content of minerals. They contain almost 4 times more potassium, 2 times more calcium, 2-7 times more magnesium, 2-3 times more phosphorus and iron. Also, simple crackers contain significantly more vitamins B1, B2 and PP, which is explained by the use of low grades of flour.

2.2 The specifics of the technological process for the preparation of crackers and lamb products

The production of lamb products due to its specificity is very laborious, as steep dough is prepared, which is difficult to process, the products are small in size.

The technological process for the production of lamb products consists of the following operations: preparation of raw materials, preparation of a porch or dough, preparation of dough, molding and proofing of products, scalding and drying, baking, packaging and labeling.

The dough for bagels and dryers is prepared using a porch as a baking powder - a periodically updated wheat sourdough; sourdough prepared with pressed or liquid yeast.

The porch is prepared in two ways: on the porch of the previous preparation and on the dough.

Depending on the method of cutting the dough - manually or by machine - the dough for lamb products is prepared in different ways.

Dough intended for cutting by hand is prepared at a lower temperature - 23--27 ° C. A porch or dough is taken from 5 to 16 kg per 70 kg of flour going into the batch. In terms of 100 kg of flour, counting the flour brought in with the porch and the flour going into the batch, this will be from 7 to 20 kg of the porch. The duration of dough fermentation is usually 50-60 minutes for bagels and 30-40 minutes for dryers.

Dough intended for machine cutting is prepared warm, at a temperature of 28 to 34 ° C. The duration of the fermentation of the dough is much less than with manual cutting - usually 20-30 minutes, in connection with which the amount of porch added to the dough increases to 17-40 kg per 100 kg of flour (counting the flour added with vestibule).

In the dough for drying the porch, they take less: 6-8 kg per 100 kg of flour for manual cutting and 10-15 kg per 100 kg of flour for machine cutting.

In the dough for bagels, the recipe of which includes fat (butter, mustard bagels), put a little more porch than in the dough, for example, for simple bagels. The dough is kneaded in a low-speed dough mixer. It has a tilting trough for unloading the dough from the machine.

When kneading the dough, the required amount of porch or dough is first weighed, then it is thoroughly mixed with water and additional raw materials. Additional raw materials - animal butter and margarine - must first be melted, sugar and salt are dissolved, the solution is filtered. Then the flour is dosed and mixed for 3-5 minutes.

Since the lamb dough is prepared steep (its moisture content for simple bagels is 36--37%, sugar - 30--33%, dryers - 36%, etc.), then at the end of the kneading, a completely homogeneous coherent mass of dough is not obtained , and separate pieces of it are formed, in which unmixed flour is visible.

Molding lamb products is the most time-consuming operation of the entire process of their preparation.

With the manual method of molding, bundles are prepared from dough on a rolling-cutting machine. The wire-cutting machine consists of two pairs of smooth rolls and a pair of rolls with grooves. First, the dough is rolled into a layer with smooth rolls, and then cut into bundles with grooved rolls.

The grooves on the rolls are shaped so that they give a round cross-section tow, and appropriate rolls are used for each type of product. When preparing tows for drying, rolls with a chute 10 mm wide are used, bagels - 15 mm and bagels - 22 mm. This ensures that bundles of the required diameter are obtained.

Currently, most of the enterprises that produce bagels are equipped with dividing and seaming machines for forming bagels, bagels and dryers.

Bagels are baked in ovens of various designs, but most often they use a special BK oven with a conveyor belt hearth. It gives products of uniform quality. The duration of baking in the BK oven can be varied from 9 to 25 minutes by adjusting the speed of the conveyor. When baking bagels, exposure to radiant energy is used, obtained using gas burners, infrared radiation sources, or roasting at 300 ° C. The surface of the products in this case is brighter, more beautiful.

Butter crackers are obtained by drying slices of rich bread baked in the form of plates of different sizes and shapes. The technological process for the production of rich crackers includes the receipt, storage and preparation of raw materials, the preparation and cutting of dough, the baking of crackers, the exposure of crackers, their cutting into slices, drying and cooling of crackers.

The dough for rich wheat crackers is prepared in the following ways: on thick and liquid dough, non-dough and on concentrated lactic sourdough (KMKZ). The moisture content of thick dough is 40--43%, liquid - 64--65%, KMKZ - 63--65%, dough - 29.5--39%. The more sugar and fat in the recipe, the lower the moisture content of the dough. The duration of fermentation of thick dough is 180-300 minutes, liquid 240-300, KMKZ - 480-960, dough - 60-120 (with steam methods and at KMKZ) and 90--150 minutes (with non-spar method) .

When producing rich crackers with a high content of sugar, fat, eggs, these ingredients are added to the dough approximately 20-30 minutes before the end of fermentation, 25-30 minutes before cutting the dough is punched 2-3 times.

In the non-dough method, to ensure a uniform porosity structure and improve the brittleness and swelling of crackers, the fermented dough is additionally processed in a screw chamber before cutting.

The cutting of the dough includes its division into pieces, the formation of blanks for breadcrumbs, the proofing of the molded blanks, the finishing of the spaced blanks. The dough, prepared by one of the described methods, is cut on a machine, the formed slices are stacked against each other on a moving sheet, forming a plate-row. The extruded continuous tow enters the baking sheet moving along the conveyor and is cut off along the length of the sheet.

When forming the dough, the diameter of the matrix is ​​selected depending on the type of crackers, taking into account the increase in the height of the plate during the proofing and baking period by about 2 times, and the width by 10-15 mm. The height and width of the baked plate should provide the dimensions of the crackers.

Proofing of molded blanks is carried out in proofers for 50–75 min at 35–40 °C. Plates after proofing are lubricated with egg grease. After egg lubrication, coffee crackers are sprinkled with crushed crumbs, and amateur ones are sprinkled with nuts.

Breadcrumbs are baked in an oven at 200-260 ° C for 15-20 minutes, depending on the type of crackers and the brand of the oven.

Exposure of crackers is carried out to bring them into a state that is optimal for cutting. Baked rusk slabs are laid on plywood sheets or in trays on the bottom crust or edge and placed in a cooler or trolleys, preventing the slabs from deforming. After 5-24 hours, depending on the production conditions, the plates are sent for cutting into slices.

The room for cooling and holding the plates must be dry and ventilated.

The slabs are cut into slices by disk or sawmill machines. The slices are manually or mechanically laid out on metal sheets or under ovens and sent for drying. Rusks are dried in ovens at a temperature of 115--210 ° C for 9--31 minutes. depending on the type of crackers, their recipe composition and size. Dried crackers are cooled, placed in boxes or packaged in bags or boxes manually or automatically.

2.3 Analysis of the quality of consumer properties and nutritional value of crackers and lamb products

The usefulness of products is determined, first of all, by their ability to satisfy human nutritional needs. It depends on the chemical composition and characteristics of the transformations of various substances of these products in the human body and is characterized by such basic consumer properties as nutritional, biological, energy and physiological values.

Nutritional value characterizes the fullness of the useful properties of the product, i.e. good quality (harmlessness), digestibility, the content of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, etc.).

Biological value is characterized by the presence of biologically active substances in products: vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These food substances are not synthesized in the body and therefore cannot be replaced by other food substances.

The physiological value is determined by the ability of products to influence the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems of a person. Tea, coffee, spices and other products have this ability.

The energy value of products is determined by their content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and their digestibility. When oxidized in the body, 1 g of fat releases energy equal to 9 kcal (37.7 kJ), 1 g of protein - 4 (16.7 kJ) and 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal (16.7 kJ).

Digestibility is an indicator that characterizes the degree of use by the body of the consumed product. It is expressed by the digestibility coefficient, which shows what proportion of the product is used by the human body. Digestibility depends both on the objective properties of the product (type, taste, aroma, texture, amount of nutrients, etc.), and on the state of the body, nutritional conditions, habits, tastes, etc. The average digestibility of products is (in%): proteins - 84.5, fat - 94 and carbohydrates - 95.6.

Consumer advantages of food products largely depend on the properties and quality of the processed raw materials. The quality of flour, bread, pasta depends on the properties and quality of wheat grain; the quality of butter - from the quality of milk; the quality of sausages depends on the quality of the used meat and other raw materials, etc. The initial properties of the product and its quality are significantly changed by the production processes, technology, conditions and methods of storage, transportation, sale, etc.

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assortment characteristics lamb rusks

For nutrition, a person consumes food products of plant, animal and mineral origin, which have a certain usefulness, nutritional value, and digestibility.

Lamb products are traditional bakery products for Belarusian tea drinking. Lamb products are the products of most bakeries and bakeries.

Crackers include simple and rich, crispbread crackers.

The object of research in the course work are lamb and rusk products.

The subject of the research is the classification and consumer properties of lamb and rusk products.

The purpose of the research in the course work is to study the commodity-consumer classification of lamb and rusk products and analyze the range of this product group at a particular enterprise.

Objectives of the course work:

Analyze the range and classification of crackers;

To study the methodology for the examination of crackers;

Investigate organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of crackers.


1.1 Consumer properties and nutritional value of lamb and rusk products

The usefulness of products is determined, first of all, by their ability to satisfy human nutritional needs. It depends on the chemical composition and characteristics of the transformations of various substances of these products in the human body and is characterized by such basic consumer properties as nutritional, biological, energy and physiological values.

Nutritional value characterizes the fullness of the useful properties of the product, i.e. good quality (harmlessness), digestibility, the content of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, etc.).

Biological value is characterized by the presence of biologically active substances in products: vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These food substances are not synthesized in the body and therefore cannot be replaced by other food substances.

The physiological value is determined by the ability of products to influence the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems of a person. Tea, coffee, spices and other products have this ability.

The energy value of products is determined by their content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and their digestibility. When oxidized in the body, 1 g of fat releases energy equal to 9 kcal (37.7 kJ), 1 g of protein - 4 (16.7 kJ) and 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal (16.7 kJ).

Digestibility is an indicator that characterizes the degree of use by the body of the consumed product. It is expressed by the digestibility coefficient, which shows what proportion of the product is used by the human body. Digestibility depends both on the objective properties of the product (type, taste, aroma, texture, amount of nutrients, etc.), and on the state of the body, nutritional conditions, habits, tastes, etc. The average digestibility of products is (in%): proteins - 84.5, fat - 94 and carbohydrates - 95.6.

Consumer advantages of food products largely depend on the properties and quality of the processed raw materials. The quality of flour, bread, pasta depends on the properties and quality of wheat grain; the quality of butter - from the quality of milk; the quality of sausages depends on the quality of the used meat and other raw materials, etc. The initial properties of the product and its quality are significantly changed by the production processes, technology, conditions and methods of storage, transportation, sale, etc.

The content of food substances (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in lamb and rusk products depends on the type and grade of flour and the additives used. The amount of carbohydrates in the most common varieties of lamb and crackers is 40.1--50.1% (80% is starch), protein - 4.7--8.3, fat - 0.6--1, 3, water -- 47.5%. When various enrichers (fat, sugar, milk, etc.) are added to lamb and rusk products, the content of the above substances increases depending on the type of additive.

There are more proteins in products made from wheat flour than in products made from rye flour. About eight parts of carbohydrates account for one part of proteins in lamb and rusks, which is clearly not enough in terms of the quantitative content of protein substances. The most rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food is 1:1:5.

Due to lamb and crackers, the human body satisfies the need for B vitamins by 50%: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and nicotinic acid (PP). The presence of vitamins in lamb and rusk products is mainly due to the type of flour. When grinding grain into flour, up to 65% of vitamins are lost, and the more, the higher the grade of flour. Bagel and crackers made from wholemeal flour are characterized by a higher content of vitamins.

Lamb and rusk products are also important as a source of minerals. They contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium; in slightly smaller quantities - chlorine, calcium, sodium, silicon and other elements in small quantities. Bread made from lower grades of flour contains more minerals.

The biological value of lamb and rusk products is characterized by amino acid composition, content of ash elements, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Proteins of lamb and rusk products are biologically complete. However, in terms of the content of such essential amino acids as lysine, methionine and tryptophan, the proteins of this commodity group are inferior to the proteins of milk, eggs, meat and fish.

The digestibility of lamb and rusk products depends on the type, grade of flour and its quality. Bagel and crackers made from wheat flour are digested better than those made from rye flour of the same variety. The digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is higher in products from higher grades of flour and, accordingly, for products from wheat flour of the highest grade is 87.95 and 98%, and from wholemeal flour - 70.92 and 94%. Bagels and crackers with good, uniform, thin-walled porosity, in which all substances are in the most favorable state for the action of enzymes (proteins are denatured, starch is gelatinized, sugars are dissolved), are easily saturated with digestive juices, are well digested and absorbed.

The energy value of lamb and rusk products is determined by the peculiarity of the chemical composition and depends on the type, grade of flour and recipe. With an increase in the grade of flour, the amount of energy released increases. Varieties of lamb and rusk products, where the recipe provides for the addition of various nutrients, are characterized by a higher energy value.

Lamb and crackers, as well as bakery products, have a high calorie content (the highest - drying - up to 380 kcal / 100 tons). Products with improvers are distinguished by higher organoleptic quality indicators.

Storage conditions are an important consumer property of lamb and rusk products. When storing indoors, maintain a relative humidity of 60-70% and a temperature not higher than +20°C.

Shelf life from the date of manufacture of bagels - 25 days, dryers - 45 days, products packaged in plastic or plastic bags - 25 days; bagels from the moment they are taken out of the oven - 16 hours, packaged - 72 hours; crackers packed in boxes, cardboard boxes or packaged in packs - no more than 60 days, in plastic bags - no more than 30 days.

Rusk and lamb products (with the exception of bagels) are characterized by low humidity, therefore, under proper conditions, they can be stored for a long time without a significant reduction in quality. They are stored separately from bread in clean, dry rooms with a temperature of 0-15 ° C and a relative humidity of no higher than 75%. Fluctuations in indoor air humidity cause alternating wetting and drying of products, which changes their structure, significantly increases strength and worsens swelling. Increased relative humidity (more than 75%) leads to an excessive increase in the equilibrium moisture content of products, loss of brittleness and mold.

The storage should not be infested with barn pests. Crackers, crispbread and dryers practically do not go stale due to their low humidity; in bagels this process is many times slower than in bread. In crackers and lamb products containing fat, the processes of its oxidation take place. Due to the porous structure of the products, contact with air oxygen occurs over a large surface, and the speed of these processes can be significant. Oxidative deterioration of fat is accelerated by elevated storage temperatures.

Guaranteed shelf life standards set the following (per month): for crispbread simple recipe - up to 4, containing fat - up to 1.5 with a bagel products, warranty shelf life is not established by the standards. Under proper storage conditions, these products can be stored from a month (butter crackers with a high fat content) to a year (plain crackers).

The quality of lamb and rusk products is determined by the quality of raw materials and the technology of preparation.

1.2 Technology for the preparation of lamb and rusk products

1.2.1 Technology for the preparation of lamb products

The production of lamb products due to its specificity is very laborious, as steep dough is prepared, which is difficult to process, the products are small in size.

The technological process for the production of lamb products consists of the following operations: preparation of raw materials, preparation of a porch or dough, preparation of dough, molding and proofing of products, scalding and drying, baking, packaging and labeling.

The dough for bagels and dryers is prepared using a porch as a baking powder - a periodically updated wheat sourdough; sourdough prepared with pressed or liquid yeast.

The porch is prepared in two ways: on the porch of the previous preparation and on the dough.

Depending on the method of cutting the dough - manually or by machine - the dough for lamb products is prepared in different ways.

Dough intended for cutting by hand is prepared at a lower temperature - 23--27 ° C. A porch or dough is taken from 5 to 16 kg per 70 kg of flour going into the batch. In terms of 100 kg of flour, counting the flour brought in with the porch and the flour going into the batch, this will be from 7 to 20 kg of the porch. The duration of dough fermentation is usually 50-60 minutes for bagels and 30-40 minutes for dryers.

Dough intended for machine cutting is prepared warm, at a temperature of 28 to 34 ° C. The duration of the fermentation of the dough is much less than with manual cutting - usually 20-30 minutes, in connection with which the amount of porch added to the dough increases to 17-40 kg per 100 kg of flour (counting the flour added with vestibule).

In the dough for drying the porch, they take less: 6-8 kg per 100 kg of flour for manual cutting and 10-15 kg per 100 kg of flour for machine cutting.

In the dough for bagels, the recipe of which includes fat (butter, mustard bagels), put a little more porch than in the dough, for example, for simple bagels. The dough is kneaded in a low-speed dough mixer. It has a tilting trough for unloading the dough from the machine.

When kneading the dough, the required amount of porch or dough is first weighed, then it is thoroughly mixed with water and additional raw materials. Additional raw materials - animal butter and margarine - must first be melted, sugar and salt are dissolved, the solution is filtered. Then the flour is dosed and mixed for 3-5 minutes.

Since the lamb dough is prepared steep (its moisture content for simple bagels is 36--37%, sugar - 30--33%, dryers - 36%, etc.), then at the end of the kneading, a completely homogeneous coherent mass of dough is not obtained , and separate pieces of it are formed, in which unmixed flour is visible.

Molding lamb products is the most time-consuming operation of the entire process of their preparation.

With the manual method of molding, bundles are prepared from dough on a rolling-cutting machine. The wire-cutting machine consists of two pairs of smooth rolls and a pair of rolls with grooves. First, the dough is rolled into a layer with smooth rolls, and then cut into bundles with grooved rolls.

The grooves on the rolls are shaped so that they give a round cross-section tow, and appropriate rolls are used for each type of product. When preparing tows for drying, rolls with a chute 10 mm wide are used, bagels - 15 mm and bagels - 22 mm. This ensures that bundles of the required diameter are obtained.

Currently, most of the enterprises that produce bagels are equipped with dividing and seaming machines for forming bagels, bagels and dryers.

Bagels are baked in ovens of various designs, but most often they use a special BK oven with a conveyor belt hearth. It gives products of uniform quality. The duration of baking in the BK oven can be varied from 9 to 25 minutes by adjusting the speed of the conveyor. When baking bagels, exposure to radiant energy is used, obtained using gas burners, infrared radiation sources, or roasting at 300 ° C. The surface of the products in this case is brighter, more beautiful.

1.2.2 Technology for the preparation of crackers

Butter crackers are obtained by drying slices of rich bread baked in the form of plates of different sizes and shapes. The technological process for the production of rich crackers includes the receipt, storage and preparation of raw materials, the preparation and cutting of dough, the baking of crackers, the exposure of crackers, their cutting into slices, drying and cooling of crackers.

The dough for rich wheat crackers is prepared in the following ways: on thick and liquid dough, non-dough and on concentrated lactic sourdough (KMKZ). The moisture content of thick dough is 40--43%, liquid - 64--65%, KMKZ - 63--65%, dough - 29.5--39%. The more sugar and fat in the recipe, the lower the moisture content of the dough. The duration of fermentation of thick dough is 180-300 minutes, liquid 240-300, KMKZ - 480-960, dough - 60-120 (with steam methods and at KMKZ) and 90--150 minutes (with non-spar method) .

When producing rich crackers with a high content of sugar, fat, eggs, these ingredients are added to the dough approximately 20-30 minutes before the end of fermentation, 25-30 minutes before cutting the dough is punched 2-3 times.

In the non-dough method, to ensure a uniform porosity structure and improve the brittleness and swelling of crackers, the fermented dough is additionally processed in a screw chamber before cutting.

The cutting of the dough includes its division into pieces, the formation of blanks for breadcrumbs, the proofing of the molded blanks, the finishing of the spaced blanks. The dough, prepared by one of the described methods, is cut on a machine, the formed slices are stacked against each other on a moving sheet, forming a plate-row. The extruded continuous tow enters the baking sheet moving along the conveyor and is cut off along the length of the sheet.

When forming the dough, the diameter of the matrix is ​​selected depending on the type of crackers, taking into account the increase in the height of the plate during the proofing and baking period by about 2 times, and the width by 10-15 mm. The height and width of the baked plate should provide the dimensions of the crackers.

Proofing of molded blanks is carried out in proofers for 50–75 min at 35–40 °C. Plates after proofing are lubricated with egg grease. After egg lubrication, coffee crackers are sprinkled with crushed crumbs, and amateur ones are sprinkled with nuts.

Breadcrumbs are baked in an oven at 200-260 ° C for 15-20 minutes, depending on the type of crackers and the brand of the oven.

Exposure of crackers is carried out to bring them into a state that is optimal for cutting. Baked rusk slabs are laid on plywood sheets or in trays on the bottom crust or edge and placed in a cooler or trolleys, preventing the slabs from deforming. After 5-24 hours, depending on the production conditions, the plates are sent for cutting into slices. The room for cooling and holding the plates must be dry and ventilated.

The slabs are cut into slices by disk or sawmill machines. The slices are manually or mechanically laid out on metal sheets or under ovens and sent for drying. Rusks are dried in ovens at a temperature of 115--210 ° C for 9--31 minutes. depending on the type of crackers, their recipe composition and size. Dried crackers are cooled, placed in boxes or packaged in bags or boxes manually or automatically.

1.3 Quality of lamb and rusk products

The quality of lamb products is evaluated by organoleptic and physico-chemical methods.

Orgapoleptically determine the correctness and constancy of the form (round, oval, in the form of a shuttle); standing surface (smooth, glossy, the presence of bubbles, cracks and burns); color (evenly golden); taste and smell (depending on the characteristics of the recipe). Mesh prints on the underside of the products are possible.

From physical and chemical indicators I determine: humidity, acidity, swelling by changing the mass before and after swelling. In bread sticks and straws, in addition, the content of scrap and crumbs is determined (no more than 5 and 2%, respectively). The content of fats and sugar is determined at the request of trade organizations.

The quality of crackers is evaluated by organoleptic (taste, smell, color, shape) and physico-chemical parameters (humidity, dimensions, wetness, scrap content and reduced size products). Brittleness is also established by breaking at least two crackers from an average sample on a special device. In addition, the hardness of cracker briquettes is set on a special device.

The main defects typical for bagels, dryers and bagels: irregular shape, rough, unevenly sprinkled surface, large cracks (more than 1/3 of the circumference), pale color, burnt, dirty, unblended, voids in the crumb, bland, sour, oversalted taste , extraneous tastes, unusual smell, deviations from the established sizes (number of pieces in 1 kg). The causes of defects and preventive measures are the same as for bakery products.

Packing and storage. Cellophane bags are used for packing lamb products, and for rusks, in addition, parchment, parchment, aluminum foil and combined materials.

Each packaging unit (package, box) must have a label, and each box (bag) must have a label.


2.1 Classification of bagels

Depending on the diameter and thickness of the ring, lamb products are divided into the following types: drying (ring diameter - 4-6 cm, bundle thickness - 1-17 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-9 cm, bundle thickness - up to 2 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-10 cm, bundle thickness - up to 3.3 cm), breadsticks (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.8 cm) and straws (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.5 cm) (Fig. 1). Breadsticks are similar in properties to bagels, and straws are close to dryers, therefore they are included in this group. They also produce dietary lamb products (achloride dryers).

Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade.

Straws and sticks are made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades. Straws are produced in the following assortment: "Kyiv", sweet, salty, vanilla.

Lamb products differ depending on the characteristics of the recipe. Drying, for example, can be vanilla, mustard, poppy, lemon, plain, etc.; bagels - vanilla, sugar, Cherkizovsky, lemon, etc.; bagels - milk, mustard, rich, with cumin, poppy seeds, etc.; bread sticks do not have varieties, and straws can be sweet, salty and vanilla.

In addition, rahai, which are large bagels with a diameter of up to 250 mm, are classified as lamb products. A braided rahaya is made from three flagella in the form of a braid, which is folded into a wreath. Twisted rahai is made from three flagella, folded into a ring.

Technology for the production of lamb products: preparation and dosing of raw materials - preparation of dough or porch - kneading dough - rubbing the dough - resting the dough (fermentation) - shaping products - proofing - scalding in water or steam scalding - drying - baking - packaging - storage or release to the trading network.

The main features of the production of lamb products, unlike bakery products, are that the dough is prepared very steep (32-35 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour, i.e. almost half as much as for bread). To impart plasticity and a bound structure, the dough is rubbed (minced), i.e. passing it between the shaft and the tape of the rubbing machine. To give a shiny, glossy surface, the dough pieces are scalded in water or scalded with steam (as a result, the starch in the surface layer gelatinizes and the proteins denature).

2.2 Classification of rusks

Depending on the characteristics of the recipe and production technology, rusks are divided into the following types: simple rusks, rich rusks, croutons, breadcrumbs, briquettes and crispbread, dietary rusks.

Varieties of crackers are distinguished by the type of flour. Simple crackers are made from rye, wheat wholemeal flour and mixtures thereof, as well as wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades; rich and crackers-croutons - from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades; breadcrumbs - from wheat of different varieties and corn flour; cracker briquettes - from rye wallpaper and wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades; crispbread - from rye and rye-wheat flour; diet crackers - mainly from wheat flour of the 1st grade.

Crackers are produced from the highest grade flour: creamy - 50-55 pcs. per 1 kg. The recipe includes (per 100 kg of flour) 2 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 20 kg of sugar, 15 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 80 eggs; vanilla -- 95--100 pcs. per 1 kg. The recipe includes (per 100 kg of flour) 2.5 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 22 kg of sugar, 16 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 100 eggs, 0.1 kg of vanillin.

Crackers are produced from the first grade flour: coffee 60-- 65 pcs. per 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1.2 kg of salt, 13 kg of sugar, 5 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs; "road" - 40--45 tit. per 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1 kg of salt, 5 kg of sugar, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs.

From flour of the second grade: "City" - 40--45 pcs. in 1 kg. For 100 kg of flour, take 1 kg of yeast, 1.2 kg of salt, 13 kg of sugar, 5 kg of animal oil, 0.5 kg of vegetable oil, 50 eggs.

In addition, crackers “Slavic”, “Amateur”, “Delicatessen” and “Children” are made from flour of the highest grade, “Kolkhoz”, “Moscow”, “Sugar” and others are made from flour of the first grade.

Due to the fact that crackers of different varieties can not always be distinguished by external signs (except for those that have obvious external features in size and shape, for example, "Children's produce small sizes - 200-- 300 pieces per 1 kg", "Amateur" sprinkle crushed nuts), to determine the variety, the establishment of physical and chemical quality indicators is required.

Rusk products have a low moisture content - 8-12%, so they can be stored for a long time without changing their quality, and have a high calorie content.

Simple rusks differ from rich ones in a lower content of fat, sugars, however, they significantly exceed them in the content of minerals. They contain almost 4 times more potassium, 2 times more calcium, 2-7 times more magnesium, 2-3 times more phosphorus and iron. Also, simple crackers contain significantly more vitamins B1, B2 and PP, which is explained by the use of low grades of flour.


3.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Prodservice LLC is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, can acquire property and personal non-property rights and perform duties on its own behalf, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, open settlement, currency and other bank accounts, have seals and stamps with their name.

The main goal of the economic activity of Prodservice LLC is to make a profit in order to satisfy the economic and social interests of the founders of the Company.

The subject of activity of Prodservice LLC is the implementation of economic and other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Thus, Prodservice LLC has a license for retail trade (including alcoholic beverages and tobacco products) and public catering.

Prodservis LLC is located in a separate building. The working hours of the organization are from 07:00 to 23:00, without a break for lunch and without days off. Its total area is 608.69 sq.m., of which the retail area is 260 sq.m. m.

The store has a complex of premises necessary for the normal functioning of the trade and technological process. All the premises of the store are located taking into account the provision of a rational relationship between them. Warehouse and retail space allows for a convenient layout of premises, rational direction of customer flows. There is a dining room, a rest room, a locker room and offices for management personnel in the organization's administrative and amenity complex.

The principles of recruitment, qualification requirements for employees, the main conditions of labor agreements (contracts), the procedure for their conclusion and termination, the rights and obligations of personnel and other features of regulating relations among employees are regulated by labor legislation, regulatory or local documents.

The dynamics of income from sales is positive and represents an increase in the indicator for 2010 by 21.29% compared to 2009. This is largely due to an increase in the volume of trade. And the level of income from sales increased by 0.18% compared to last year.

The dynamics of sales expenses is characterized by their growth by 18.78%. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level of expenses by 0.15%.

Prodservice LLC has seen an increase in the profit from sales indicator, which amounted to 134.26% compared to the level of 2009, which is a natural result of income growth and a decrease in the level of sales costs. Return on sales in 2010 was 3.12%, which is 0.33% higher than in 2009, which was 2.79%.

Profit of the reporting period increased by 30.94% compared to 2009, positively affected by the growth of profit from the sale of goods. Non-operating income decreased by 4 million rubles compared to the previous year.

Profit for distribution increased by 31.58% compared to the previous period. This was due, first of all, to the positive dynamics of such indicators as turnover, sales revenues, profit of the reporting period.

The average number of employees of Prodservice LLC as of 01.01.2011 was 100 people. Labor productivity of personnel in the reporting period increased by 13.31 million rubles, or by 14.04% in current prices, compared to the previous period, and in comparable prices the growth rate was 6.58%.

The payroll fund increased by 16.42%, this was due to an increase in the number of employees, an increase in wages, the provision of material assistance, the accrual of bonuses, and the conclusion of work contracts.

Trade turnover per 1 sq. m. increased by 20.04%. There was no change in the trading area in 2009 and 2010, the increase in trade had a positive effect. The given dynamics of indicators proves that the organization has conditions for the growth of turnover not only due to rising prices, but also due to the introduction of new technologies in the trade and technological process, and the mobilization of available labor resources.

Let's carry out a factorial analysis of indicators of turnover, sales income, sales costs.

Let us trace the influence of labor factors (number of employees and labor productivity) on the turnover of the organization by the method of chain substitutions:

T0 \u003d PR0 * TOn1work (0) \u003d 95 * 94.81 \u003d 9007 million rubles.

Tusl \u003d CHR1 * TOn1work (0) \u003d 100 * 94.81 \u003d 9481 million rubles.

T1 \u003d PR1 * TOn1work (1) \u003d 100 * 108.12 \u003d 10812 million rubles.

Change in turnover due to the number of employees:

DTOchr \u003d 9481 - 9007 \u003d 474 million rubles.

Change in the turnover of the organization due to the growth of turnover per 1 employee.

DTOto1person = 10812 - 9481 = 1331 million rubles.

Thus, an increase in the number of employees would cause an increase in the turnover of the organization by 474 million rubles. ceteris paribus, and the growth of turnover per 1 employee - by 1331 million rubles.

The impact of turnover per 1 m2 on the turnover of the organization fully reflects the growth in turnover, since the growth of retail space in the organization was not provided.

3.2 Characteristics of the range of lamb and rusk products of the LLC Prodservis enterprise

Lamb and rusk products constitute a special group of bakery products, differing in composition, properties, production technology and storage conditions. Indicators and moisture content (8-14%), therefore they are called "canned bread".

In the structure of the optimal daily diet, lamb and crackers should occupy about 1.5%.

Since 2007, a new standard for wheat flour has been put into effect in Belarus. It applies to flour made from soft wheat, from soft wheat with an admixture of durum wheat (durum) up to 20% and intended for the production of bakery, flour confectionery, pasta, culinary products and sale for other food purposes.

The standard expands the range of flour, the determining quality criterion of which will be the content of raw gluten. So, to the existing 5 varieties, 4 more were added - "extra", "highest selective", "first selective" and "second selective". Now the flour will be classified not only by 9 grades, but also within the grade by brands, there will be 18 of them in total.

This news did not cause much joy among Belarusian bakers, since most of them doubt that flour mills will be able to meet the bids of bakery and confectionery manufacturers for all flour grades. In addition, in their opinion, most manufacturers will most likely express a desire to work only with flour of high grades, and flour of lower grades will not be used.

There is also a question about the calculation of the cost of bakery products, because each grade and brand has its own cost, therefore, when calculating, it will be necessary to include only a certain grade and brand of flour in the calculation in order to comply with the established level of profitability. In the absence of this variety and brand at the enterprise, it will be impossible to develop a specific product name, and therefore, fully satisfy consumer demand according to the application of trade enterprises.

In addition, in all currently valid recipes for bakery and flour confectionery products, the list of raw materials indicates: "baking wheat flour". The new standard does not include this term. Thus, it will be necessary to revise, make changes and coordinate with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus the entire prescription range, and this is more than 1000 items. According to the bakers, this cannot be done not only before the introduction of a new standard, since the deadlines for coordinating the documentation are set by the Ministry of Health.


The object of research in the course work was lamb and rusk products.

The content of food substances (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in lamb and rusk products depends on the type and grade of flour and the additives used. The amount of carbohydrates in the most common varieties of lamb and crackers is 40.1--50.1% (80% is starch), protein - 4.7--8.3, fat - 0.6--1, 3, water -- 47.5%. When various enrichers (fat, sugar, milk, etc.) are added to lamb and rusk products, the content of the above substances increases depending on the type of additive.

There are more proteins in products made from wheat flour than in products made from rye flour. About eight parts of carbohydrates account for one part of proteins in lamb and rusks, which is clearly not enough in terms of the quantitative content of protein substances.

The physiological significance of lamb and rusk products lies in the fact that they give the entire mass of food consumed a favorable texture, promote wettability by digestive juices and better functioning of the digestive tract.

Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade. The dough for these products is prepared steeper than for bakery products, sugar, fat, molasses and other raw materials are added. After forming the dough in the form of rings, the blanks are scalded in boiling water to obtain a gloss on the surface and increase in volume, then the blanks are proofed and baked.

According to the recipe, lamb products are simple and improved. Depending on the size, they are divided into dryers, bagels and bagels.

Dryers have the form of rings or shuttles with a diameter of 4-6 cm, the weight of the product is 6-12 g. The assortment is Simple, Vanilla, Mustard, Baby, Amateur, Dairy, etc.

Bagels are baked in the form of rings and shuttles with a diameter of 7-9 cm, the mass of the product is 25-40 g. The assortment is Simple, Children's, Lemon, Slavic, Dairy, Sugar, Egg, etc.

Bagels are rings with a diameter of more than 9 cm, weighing 50 or 100 g. Assortment - Simple, With poppy, Butter, Ukrainian, Mustard, etc.

The quality of lamb products is regulated by the standard and is determined by organoleptic (shape, surface, color, taste and smell, internal state, fragility) and physico-chemical (humidity, acidity, mass fraction of sugar and fat, swelling) indicators.

Products that have an irregular shape, burnt, pale or contaminated surface, unusual taste and smell, crunch from mineral impurities, traces of unmixed products are not allowed for acceptance and sale.

Products strung on twine or in bulk are packaged in bags made of paper, cellophane "or polyethylene film, in plank, plywood or cardboard boxes weighing no more than 10 kg. Marking is applied to each packaging unit.

The products are stored in dry, clean, ventilated warehouses, free of pests, at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C, relative air humidity of 50-70% Sharp fluctuations in temperature and air humidity are not allowed.

Rye, wheat and rye-wheat crackers are produced. According to the recipe, they are divided into simple and rich.

Simple crackers are made from simple bread baked from rye, wheat flour or a mixture of rye and wheat.

Butter crackers are made from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. The recipe of these products includes sugar, fat, eggs, milk and other additional raw materials. The dough is prepared in a sourdough manner. During cutting, dough pieces are shaped into bundles (rusk plates), which, after proofing, are smeared with an egg and treated with nuts, sugar or poppy seeds.


1. Boltukhov A.K. Merchandising. - M., 2009.

2. Auerman A.Ya. "Assortment of bread and bread products", M., 2009.

3. Ivanova T.N. "Commodity research and examination of grain-and-flour products" 2008

4. Lorakov VL, Elizarova VF, Loiko D. Merchandising of food products: / Textbook. allowance for bargaining. universities /-- 2nd ed., revised. -- M.: Economics, 2008.

5. Merchandising of food products: Proc. Allowance for bargaining. Universities / Agbash V.L., Elizarova V.F. et al. - 2nd ed., pnrerab. - M .: Economics, 2009. - 495 p.

6. Merchandising goods. General course: Proc. Benefit / N.M. Ilyin, V.V. Karachun, Yu.I. Maryin and others; Under total Ed. Prof. N.M. Ilyin. - Minsk: BSEU, 2008. - 401 p.

7. Shepeleva A.F. "Commodity research and examination of food products" 2009

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Commodity characteristics and examination of lamb and rusk products

Consumer properties of the product

Depending on the diameter and thickness of the ring, lamb products are divided into three types:

bagels by weight from higher flour,

the first and second grades;

· drying by weight and packaged from flour of the highest, first and second grades;

· bagels by weight and packaged from flour of the first grade.

Products have a high calorie content and digestibility, have a pleasant taste and attractive appearance. The high nutritional value of lamb bakery products is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The quality of lamb bakery products is evaluated by indicators: nutritional and biological value, organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators and safety indicators.

Assortment of bakery products. Bagels:

· Vanilla, the highest grade;

· Mustard, first grade;

· Children's, first grade;

· Lemon, the highest grade;

Dairy, first grade;

· Enriched with proteins, the highest grade;

· Simple, first grade;

· Simple for the far north, the highest grade;

· Slavic, the highest grade;

· Rich, the highest grade;

· Sugar, first grade;

· Kyiv (sugar with poppy), the highest grade;

· Cherkizovskie, the highest grade;

· Egg, highest grade.

Assortment of bakery products. Drying:

· Vanilla, the highest grade;

· Mustard, the highest grade;

· With cinnamon, the highest grade;

· Lemon, the highest grade;

· Amateur, the highest grade;

Baby, first grade;

Dairy, top grade;

· With poppy seeds, the highest grade;

· New, premium;

· Simple (achloride), the highest grade;

· Rich children's, first grade;

· Butter with salt, the highest grade;

· Butter with cumin, first grade;

· Pickles, first grade;

· Tea, the highest grade;

· Shuttle, the highest grade;

· Diabetic, premium;

· Minsk, the highest grade;

· Drying for beer, the highest grade.

Quality requirements for lamb products

The quality of bagels and dryers is evaluated organoleptically by appearance, taste and smell, fragility, internal state, which must meet the established requirements.

Table 1.1 Organoleptic indicators

Name of indicator Characteristic
Appearance: shape surface color In the form of a ring, oval - for vanilla, lemon bagels and dried shuttles; rounded for all other products. No more than two small prints are allowed, the presence of a flat surface on the side lying on the sheet, mesh, hearth. Glossy, smooth, without blisters and cracks, sprinkled with poppy seeds, cumin or salt in the appropriate varieties. On one side, mesh prints are allowed, as well as the presence of small cracks no longer than 1/3 of the ring surface. From light yellow to dark brown. A darker color and lack of gloss on the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth is allowed.
Quantity of scrap In packaged and weight dryers (except for "Malyutka" dryers) - no more than 6% of scrap by weight of a packing unit (packaging), for "Baby" dryers - no more than 3% of scrap by weight of a packing (packaging) unit. In packaged and weight bagels (except for children) - no more than 13% of scrap by weight of a packing unit (packaging), for children's bagels - no more than 7% by weight of a packing unit (packaging).
internal state Loose, baked, with no signs of unmixed. Mustard dryers and bagels have a yellowish color in the break.
Taste Corresponding to this type of product with a taste of aromatic and flavoring additives, without foreign taste
Smell Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell. In the corresponding products, the smell of the added spices should be felt.
fragility Bagels should be fragile or brittle, drying fragile

When evaluating physical and chemical indicators, the moisture content of products, acidity and swelling are determined.

High humidity reduces nutritional value, impairs taste and shortens shelf life.

Acidity affects taste properties. Not enough or too sour bagels or crackers taste bad. According to this indicator, the correctness of the technological process is judged.

The higher the swelling of products, the longer they remain fresh and are better absorbed by the body, since they are better saturated with digestive juices and therefore more fully absorbed.

Table 1.2 Physical and chemical parameters

The safety indicators of bagel products must comply with the MBT standards in terms of the content of toxic elements, microtoxins, pesticides, radionuclides.

Table 1.3. Safety performance


Marking - text, symbol or drawing applied to the packaging or product, as well as other auxiliary means designed to identify the product or its individual properties.

Food labeling is a means of ensuring quality control. The main functions of marking: informational, motivational, emotional, advertising.

Depending on the type of container and packaging, marking is divided into transport and consumer.

The consumer label has a bar code. A barcode is a marking applied to the label and packaging of goods in the form of multi-row numbers in the decimal system with each digit being encoded in the form of black stripes on a white background, and is one of the means of automatic product identification systems. Each type of product is assigned a number. It does not guarantee the quality of the product, but can only characterize it directly.

Labeling of consumer packaging of lamb products contains the following data (GOST 7128 - 91):

· product name;

name of the manufacturer, its location;

Trademark of the manufacturer (if any);

net weight;

· composition of the product;

· storage conditions;

the date of manufacture;

· best before date;

designation of a regulatory or technical document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified;

information on confirmation of conformity;

information about nutritional value;

information about the energy value.


Storage of lamb bakery products is carried out at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C and relative humidity of air not more than 65-75%. During storage at high air humidity, lamb bakery products are moistened and increase in mass due to the absorption of moisture, lose their brittleness, become soft and may become moldy. In rooms with air humidity significantly below 65%, the products dry out, and their wetness decreases. Violation of temperature storage regimes leads to the appearance of signs of rancidity and salting of fats in lamb bakery products. Bagel bakery products can be affected by flour pests (flour moth). Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor the cleanliness of the premises and carry out disinfection in a timely manner. It is not allowed to store lamb bakery products together with products that have a specific smell. Do not expose products to sunlight. Shelf life from the date of production of bagels - 25 days, drying - 45 days.

When examining the quality of lamb bakery products, defects can be detected, both of a production nature (burntness, undercooking, traces of undermixing, foreign inclusions, etc.), and resulting from non-compliance with the conditions and terms of storage (rancidity, mustiness, mold, etc.).

The nutritional value

Bread is the number one food, the basis of nutrition. Bread proteins are in a denatured form, starch is partially gelatinized, partially passed into a soluble state, fat is in the form of an emulsion or adsorbed by proteins and starch; salt and sugar are dissolved.

The good taste and smell of fresh bread stimulates the appetite and promotes digestion. The nutritional value largely depends on the type of flour and bread recipe. The lower the grade of flour, the more nutrients it contains, and the higher the grade of flour, the more starch and less vitamins and minerals, which affects the nutritional value of bread. As a result of the introduction of fats, sugar, milk and other components into the dough recipe, the nutritional value of bread changes.

Carbohydrates predominate in all bread products. Their number is on average 50% (of which 80% is starch). They satisfy the needs of the human body for energy (56-58% of all daily costs) at a rate of 450 g of bread per day (280 g of wheat and 170 g of rye). A special place is occupied by indigestible carbohydrates (fiber and hemicelluloses), which almost do not break down, but increase intestinal motility.

At the expense of bread, the need of the human body for vitamins of group B is satisfied by 50%. The presence of vitamins in bread is due to the type of flour. Most vitamins in bread from wholemeal flour. But the content of vitamins decreases due to their destruction during baking (up to 20-30% is lost).

Bread is also important as a source of mineral elements. It contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, in a slightly smaller amount - sodium, calcium, chlorine, etc. Bread of lower grades contains more mineral elements.

The energy value of bread depends on the chemical composition. With an increase in the grade of flour, the amount of energy released increases. Improved varieties of bread due to the introduction of additional raw materials are characterized by a higher energy value. So, the energy value of 100 g of bread from whole wheat flour is 849 kJ, from wheat flour of the highest grade - 975, from seeded rye - 895, bread improved according to the recipe - 1100, rich products - up to 1450 kJ .

Quality shaping factors:

raw materials, recipes and technological processes of production.

Raw material subdivided into primary and secondary. The main raw materials are flour, water, yeast (for rye dough, starters are used, consisting of yeast and a large number of specific lactic acid bacteria) and table salt. As auxiliary raw materials, fats, sugar, molasses and other sugary substances, malt, eggs or egg products, milk and dairy products, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, candied fruits, vanillin, spices, etc. are used. Auxiliary raw materials are introduced into the formulation of some products for increasing their nutritional value, providing specific taste and aromatic, as well as physico-chemical properties of bread and bakery products

Production bread consists of a preparatory stage - preparation and dosing of raw materials; the main one - dough kneading, its fermentation, molding, cutting, proofing dough pieces, baking; final - grading, cooling and laying on trays. The preparation of raw materials includes sifting flour to separate impurities and aeration, dissolving salt, sugar, breeding yeast. Dosing of raw materials ensures compliance with the established recipe and the yield of finished products. Wheat dough kneading is carried out in two ways: sponge (two-phase) and non-dough (single-phase). At sponge method kneading the dough is carried out in two phases:

1st phase - preparation of dough (from 45-60% of the flour provided for in the recipe, all water and yeast are kneaded into batter) and fermentation (carried out at a temperature of 27-29 ° C for 3-4.5 hours);

2nd phase - kneading the remaining components and fermentation for 1-1.5 hours.

At in a non-double way all components are kneaded immediately and sent for fermentation for 2.5-3.5 hours.

The total duration of bread preparation with the sponge method is 6.5-8 hours, with the unpaired method it is 4-5 hours. Bread obtained with the sponge method is distinguished by more uniform looseness, full taste and aroma. The steamless method is used mainly for the production of small-piece bakery and sometimes fancy products. In the preparation of rye dough, starters (kvass, heads) containing yeast and lactic acid bacteria are used. During fermentation, alcohol and lactic acid fermentation occurs in the dough, and lactic acid fermentation prevails in rye dough. The acidity of rye dough, as already mentioned, should be higher than that of wheat. To soften the sour taste of rye dough during kneading, part of the flour (about 10%) is brewed with hot water (temperature 95-97 "C), malt and spices are added and left for saccharification for 1.5-2 hours. When the tea leaves cool to 30-35 "S, knead the dough on it. During fermentation, one or two punches are produced - short-term (2-3 minutes) mixing of the dough. At the same time, part of the carbon dioxide is removed, and the dough is saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the intensity of alcoholic fermentation is restrained and a fine uniform thin-walled porosity of the crumb is formed.

Dividing and shaping the dough is aimed at preparing a dough piece corresponding in weight and shape to a certain type or name of bread. At the same time, carbon dioxide is partially removed from the dough, as a result of which its looseness worsens. Baking such a dough causes the appearance of a defect - undercookedness and low porosity. Therefore proofing of dough pieces is necessary.

Dough proofing is carried out to accelerate fermentation at a temperature of 35-40°C and a relative humidity of about 80-85%. High humidity prevents the formation of a crust on the surface of the dough piece, which worsens the appearance of the finished product. During proofing, fermentation continues and the workpiece is again loosened by carbon dioxide, almost completely removed from it during molding, which makes it possible to obtain well-leafed bread. Proofing time - 15-120 minutes depending on flour properties, recipe, weight, proofing conditions and other factors. Both insufficient and excessive proofing have a negative effect on the quality of the bread.

Baking is done in baking ovens at a temperature of 200-250°C. The duration of baking is from 12 to 80 minutes, and sometimes more, depending on the shape, weight and recipe of the products. On the surface of the products before planting in the oven, pins or cuts are made to help remove water vapor and gases and protect the crust from cracking. The number of cuts and punctures, their location and shape are characteristic features of bread varieties. During baking, the color of products and the aroma of freshly baked bread are formed due to melanoidin formation, and the aroma is additionally due to the formation of esters. The taste is determined by the initial additional raw materials, as well as fermentation processes and complex processes that occur during baking. Along with the shape and color, these features serve as identifying indicators of the product grade.

Rye bread has a dark crust, a finely porous crumb of gray or dark gray color and a pleasant sour taste and smell.

Rye simple bread is made from wholemeal, peeled and seeded flour. The name of the bread indicates the type of flour and the method of baking, for example, shaped rye bread (hearth) from wholemeal (sown, peeled) flour. It is characterized by the highest acidity, humidity and the lowest porosity.

Improved rye bread is made from the same types of flour, by brewing and with the addition of malt, molasses and spices (coriander, cumin, etc.). It includes Zavarnoy (with cumin or anise) and Moscow (with red malt, molasses, cumin or anise).

Rye-wheat bread is made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour. In terms of moisture, porosity and acidity, this bread "occupies an intermediate position between rye and wheat. The addition of wheat flour improves the physical properties of rye dough and allows you to get finished products with a crumb of better structure. With an increase in the proportion of wheat flour, the moisture and acidity of the products decreases somewhat, and the porosity Custard grades have lower acidity and greater porosity than simple ones from a similar grade of flour.

Simple rye-wheat bread is produced in the following assortment: Ukrainian (80-20% peeled rye and 20-80% whole wheat flour) and Ukrainian new (40-60% peeled rye and 60-40% wheat 2nd grade flour).

Quality bread is evaluated organoleptically (by appearance, crumb state, taste and smell) and by physicochemical parameters (humidity, acidity, sugar content, fat, porosity).

The crumb of bread is lighter and more porous; the taste of this bread is less sour than plain rye bread made from wholemeal flour.

The shape of rye bread should be correct, without lateral overflows, not mint; for tin bread - the corresponding bread form in which it was baked, with a slightly convex upper crust; for the hearth - round, oval or oblong-oval, not vague, without impressions. The surface should be smooth, for certain types of products - rough, without large cracks and undermining; rolls, loaves - with cuts; for hearth products, pins are allowed.

The rind should be light yellow to dark brown in color depending on the variety, without burning or pallor.

The thickness of the crust of bread should be no more than 4 mm; for long loaves and small-piece products it is not standardized. The state of the crumb.

The bread should be well baked, not sticky and not wet to the touch, without lumps, voids and traces of unmixed, with uniform porosity, elastic.

The crumb after light pressing with your fingers should take its original shape, be fresh.

The taste and smell should be characteristic of this type of bread.

When evaluating physical and chemical indicators determine the moisture content of the crumb, acidity and porosity.

Humidity is provided by the standard, taking into account the type, method of baking and recipe of bread: for rye plain and custard - no more than 51%, for wheat bread from wholemeal flour - no more than 48%, hearth products have less moisture than molded ones. High humidity reduces the nutritional value of bread, impairs its taste and reduces its shelf life. As a rule, the higher the grade of flour, the lower the moisture content of the bread.

The acidity of bread is determined by the way the dough is prepared and the type of flour. Acidity affects the taste properties of bread. Not enough or too sour bread tastes bad. According to this indicator, the correctness of the technological process is judged. Rye products prepared with sourdough have a higher acidity (up to 12°) than wheat products prepared with yeast, and their acidity does not exceed 4°.

The state of the crumb of products is characterized by its baking, mixing, porosity, elasticity and freshness. In baked products, the crumb is dry, non-sticky, non-moist to the touch, without lumps and traces of non-mixing, elastic, non-stale and not crumbly.

Porosity is objectively defined as the ratio of the pore volume of the crumb to the total volume of the bread crumb, expressed as a percentage.

The higher the porosity of the product, the longer they remain fresh and are better absorbed by the body. Well-leavened bread with a uniform fine thin-walled porosity is better saturated with digestive juices and therefore more fully absorbed. The crumb with good elasticity of the cooled bread quickly acquires its original shape after punching.

Examination of the quality of cereals

The quality of cereals is determined by various methods (organoleptic, physico-chemical, chemical) and is characterized by the following features and indicators: humidity, appearance (color of cereals, surface treatment, shape), taste, smell, lack of pest infestation of grain stocks, content of metal-magnetic impurities, the amount of impurities, the content of a benign kernel, size, evenness and the presence of crushed grains in the whole groats, as well as dust-like particles (mucheli). For some cereals, ash content, acidity and other signs and indicators normalized by standards are taken into account.

When organoleptic evaluation determine the color, smell, taste, as well as the digestibility of buckwheat and oatmeal GOST 26312.2-84.

For examination of the quality of cereals according to the standard, it is necessary to correctly select an average sample that would reflect the quality of the batch.

Selection of notches. From cereals in bags, recesses are taken with a bag probe from the upper, middle and lower parts.

The number of bags from which the notches are taken is determined V depending on the size of the party. If there are up to 10 bags in the batch, the recesses are taken from each bag, if more than 10 to 100 bags, they are taken from 10 bags, and then from every tenth bag, if more than 100 to 750 bags, the recesses are taken from 20 bags and from the remaining more than 100 bags not less than 5% of the lot. If there are more than 750 bags in a lot, two initial samples are taken.

In case of small packaging of cereals, recesses are taken from 2% of boxes, boxes and other packaging (but not less than from two places).

From each unit of packaging, one bag of cereals is taken, which is a recess. When packaging cereals, it is allowed to select recesses from the stream of moving cereals intended for packaging. In this case, the recesses are taken periodically at regular intervals, but not less often than after 1-2 hours. The mass of each recess should be no more than 200-300 g.

Croup defects

Infection with granary pests - beetles, butterflies and mites - can occur during storage of grain and products of its processing in conditions of high humidity and temperature. The granary pests can be conditionally attributed to mouse-like biscuits curd biscuits biscuits curd rodents (mice, rats).

Of the granary pests, the most dangerous are beetles (granary weevil, bread grinder, pretender) and butterflies (granary moth and mill moth), and especially the larvae of these insects. Eating food, they pollute them with their secretions and corpses. Mouse-like rodents are, in addition, carriers of infectious diseases, and mites are small (less than 1 mm), arachnid pests give the products a specific smell reminiscent of honey.

Groats infected with granary pests (except for ticks) are not allowed for use. You need to clearly understand what can and cannot be used when cooking.

Pest control measures.

Measures to combat barn pests are preventive and destructive. Preventive measures are the maintenance of storage facilities clean and strict adherence to sanitary storage rules. Extermination measures include the use of chemicals, lowering the storage temperature, and for rodents also the use of poisonous substances, traps and traps.


The carbohydrate complex of flour is dominated by higher polysaccharides (starch, fiber, hemicellulose, pentosans). A small amount of flour contains sugar-like polysaccharides (di- and trisaccharides) and simple sugars (glucose, fructose).

Starch. Starch, the most important carbohydrate in flour, is contained in the form of grains ranging in size from 0.002 to 0.15 mm.

Cellulose. Cellulose (cellulose) is located in the peripheral parts of the grain and therefore is found in large quantities in flour of high yields. Wholemeal flour contains about 2.3% fiber, and wheat flour of the highest grade contains 0.1-0.15%. Fiber is not absorbed by the human body and reduces the nutritional value of flour. In some cases, a high fiber content is useful, as it accelerates the peristalsis of the intestinal tract.

Hemicelluloses. These are polysaccharides belonging to pentosans and hexosans. In terms of physicochemical properties, they occupy an intermediate position between starch and fiber. However, hemicelluloses are not absorbed by the human body. Wheat flour, depending on the variety, has a different content of pentosans - the main component of hemicellulose.

Lipids. Lipids are called fats and fat-like substances (lipoids). All lipids are insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents.

Fats. Fats are esters of glycerol and high molecular weight fatty acids. Wheat and rye flour of various varieties contains 1-2% fat. The fat found in flour has a liquid consistency. It consists mainly of glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic (mainly) and linolenic. These acids have a high nutritional value, they are credited with vitamin properties. Hydrolysis of fat during storage of flour and further conversion of free fatty acids significantly affect the acidity, taste of flour and the properties of gluten.

Lipoids. Flour lipoids include phosphatides - esters of glycerol and fatty acids containing phosphoric acid combined with some nitrogenous base.

The flour contains 0.4-0.7% of phosphatides belonging to the group of lecithins, in which choline is the nitrogenous base. Lecithins and other phosphatides are characterized by high nutritional value and are of great biological importance. They easily form compounds with proteins (lipo-protein complexes), which play an important role in the life of every cell. Lecithins are hydrophilic colloids that swell well in water.

Pigments. Fat-soluble pigments include carotenoids and chlorophyll. The color of carotenoid pigments in flour is yellow or orange, and chlorophyll is green. Carotenoids have provitamin properties, as they are able to turn into vitamin A in the animal body.


Flour consists mainly of organic substances and a small amount of mineral (ash). The mineral substances of the grain are concentrated mainly in the aleurone layer, shells and embryo. Especially a lot of minerals in the aleurone layer. The content of minerals in the endosperm is low (0.3-0.5%) and increases from the center to the periphery, so the ash content is an indicator of the flour grade.

Most of the minerals in flour consist of phosphorus compounds (50%), as well as potassium (30%), magnesium and calcium (15%).

In negligible amounts contains various trace elements (copper, manganese, zinc, etc.). The iron content in the ashes of different types of flour is 0.18-0.26%. A significant proportion of phosphorus (50-70%) is presented in the form of phytin - (Ca - Mg - salt of inositol phosphoric acid). The higher the grade of flour, the less minerals it contains.


Cereal grains contain a variety of enzymes, concentrated mainly in the germ and peripheral parts of the grain. In view of this, high-yield flour contains more enzymes than low-yield flour.

Enzyme activity in different batches of flour of the same variety is different. It depends on the conditions of growth, storage, modes of drying and conditioning of the grain before grinding. Increased activity of enzymes was noted in flour obtained from unripe, sprouted, frost-bitten or bug-damaged grain. Drying grain under a hard regime reduces the activity of enzymes, while storing flour (or grain) it also decreases somewhat.

Enzymes are active only when the humidity of the environment is sufficient, therefore, when storing flour with a moisture content of 14.5% and below, the action of enzymes is very weak. After kneading, enzymatic reactions begin in semi-finished products, in which hydrolytic and redox flour enzymes participate. Hydrolytic enzymes (hydrolases) decompose complex flour substances into simpler water-soluble hydrolysis products.

Wholemeal flour has a lower digestibility and energy value, but a high biological value, it contains more vitamins and minerals.

Flour of the highest grades is poorer in useful substances, since they are concentrated mainly in the shells of the grain and the germ, which are removed when receiving flour, but are absorbed more easily and more fully.

Flour of the 2nd grade is obtained from soft wheat. The color is white with a yellowish-gray tint. Flour differs in the content of 8-10% shells, flour particles are larger than in the 1st grade, heterogeneous in size. Gluten content - not less than 25% ash content - not more than 1.25%. Flour of the 2nd grade is used in baking bread.

Wholemeal flour is made from soft wheat with single-grade wholemeal grinding without screening out bran. Flour yield - 96% Grayish-white color, gluten content - 20%, ash content, up to 2%. Used for baking bread.

flour defects

The reason for the occurrence of defects in flour may be the use of low-quality grain, violation of manufacturing technology, non-compliance with modes and periods of storage. Self-heating of flour is an increase in temperature in its mass due to internal physiological processes and poor thermal conductivity. Among the physiological processes that occur in cereals and flour during self-heating, it is necessary to single out the process of respiration and the development of microorganisms. At the same time, the organoleptic indicators of flour (color, smell, taste) change. The foreign smell of flour occurs due to non-observance of the commodity proximity of their storage with products that tend to transmit smell (fish, spices, soap, cologne, etc.). The reason for the appearance of an extraneous taste in these products may also be extraneous aromatic impurities in the grain before its processing.

With prolonged storage, especially in the light, the flour becomes discolored, darkens. Wetting flour is the cause of other defects. Such products cannot be stored for a long time, they quickly deteriorate. The increased humidity of flour activates enzymes, increases the intensity of their respiration, self-heating, and the development of microorganisms. Moldy flour occurs due to self-heating or storage in poorly ventilated rooms with high relative humidity - above 80%. Products acquire a musty smell, acidity increases in them, their color becomes darker. Moldy flour clumps.

Flour souring begins in the inner layers of the product mass due to the development of acid-forming bacteria, primarily lactic acid bacteria. Souring occurs to a greater extent in flour and cereals. Rancidity in flour is the result of fat oxidation.

Flour with a high fat content will go bitter faster. Flour of the lower grades contains more particles of the germ rich in fats, so it will also go bitter faster. A decrease or loss in the flowability of cereals occurs with an increase in contamination in them, and in flour (in particular of lower grades) due to the large content of shell particles. This also happens at high humidity. The ability of flour to lose flowability partially or completely is called compaction or caking.

Caking is more characteristic of flour. With an increase in the duration of storage, the likelihood of flour caking increases. Flour that has lost its flowability due to the pressure of the upper layers of products on the lower ones is not used for long-term storage. If the flour is compacted and loses its flowability due to self-heating, the development of microorganisms and pests of grain stocks, it becomes unsuitable for consumption and is not allowed for sale. Flour with low baking properties is defective, for example, flour with a low gluten content and its low quality.

Flour packaging

Flour packaging - according to GOST 26791-89 regulates the requirements for the packaging of wheat and rye flour:

Packed in consumer packaging with a net weight in kilograms: 1,000; 2,000 and 3,000 for flour;

Permissible deviations of the net weight of individual packaging units must not exceed in percent: ±1.0.

Flour is packaged in transport containers in new or used fabric grocery bags in accordance with GOST 30090 and other normative and technical documentation, ensuring the safety of products.

Bags must be at least:

II category - for flour from soft vitreous wheat for pasta; durum wheat flour (durum) for pasta; flour of the second grade from durum wheat (durum); crushed wheat groats;

Whole wheat flour for local supply is packed in bags not lower than category IV.

When transported by mixed railway-water transport or with reloading from one track to another, flour is packed in new or used bags of at least category 1.

Flour labeling

In accordance with GOST R 51074-2003, the manufacturer (seller) is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about food products, enabling them to make the right choice. This standard regulates grain processing products must contain the following information:

Product name (for example, for flour: rye, rice, barley, corn, buckwheat, baking wheat, pancake wheat, etc.);

Grade or number (if any);

Name and location of the manufacturer [legal address, including the country, and, if not the same as the legal address, address(es) of production(s)] and the organization in the Russian Federation authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any);

Trademark of the manufacturer (if any);

Net weight;

Composition of the product (except for one-component products);

Food additives, flavors, biologically active food supplements, ingredients of non-traditional products;

For fortified wheat bread flour of the highest and first grades, the word "VITAMINIZED" (in large print);

The nutritional value;

date of manufacture;

Storage conditions;

Shelf life;

Shelf life for corn flakes, wheat, rice and oatmeal;

Designation of the document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified;

Information about confirmation of conformity.

The same information is applied to the labels attached to the bags.

flour storage

Flour storage is regulated in accordance with GOST 26791.

The shelf life of flour is set by the manufacturer of products at an ambient temperature not higher than 25 ° C and relative air humidity not higher than 70%.

Flour is stored in dry, well-ventilated, pest-free grain stocks, warehouses in compliance with sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

Rye, wheat and rye-wheat crackers are produced. According to the recipe, they are divided into simple and rich.

Rusks, simple made from plain bread baked from rye, wheat flour or a mixture of rye and wheat.

Butter crackers produced from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. The recipe of these products includes sugar, fat, eggs, milk and other additional raw materials. The dough is prepared in a sourdough manner. During cutting, dough pieces are shaped into bundles (rusk plates), which, after proofing, are smeared with egg and treated with nuts, sugar or poppy seeds.

Assortment of simple crackers - Army, rye Wallpaper, wheat Wallpaper, 1st and 2nd grade.

Assortment of rich crackers - from wheat flour of the highest grade: Creamy, Dairy, Vanilla, Autumn, Lemon, Children's, Walnut, Kyiv, etc.; from wheat flour of the 1st grade: Pioneer, Moscow, Yubileiny, Barnaul, etc.; from wheat flour of the 2nd grade: Urban.

New types of rusk products include dry briquettes, produced by pressing crumbs mixed with molasses. Briquettes should have a thickness of 1.65-1.9 cm, weight - no more than 100 g.

Crispbread are produced in the form of rectangular plates from yeast dough, which is rolled into a thin ribbon and pricked before baking. They are prepared from rye wallpaper, peeled, a mixture of rye and wheat or from wheat flour.

Assortment of simple crispbread - rye Wallpaper, rye Peeled, rye Peeled with salt.

Rye-wheat crispbread is prepared with the addition of sugar and fat to the dough. Assortment - Dessert, Amateur, For tea, Homemade.

The quality of crackers is evaluated by shape, surface condition, size, amount of scrap, brittleness, color, taste and smell. Of the physico-chemical indicators, the standard normalizes humidity (no more than 8-12%), acidity (no more than 3.5-4 degrees), swelling (1-2 min), the mass fraction of sugar and fat in products, if the recipe provides for them introduction.

Products with a crunch of mineral impurities, with foreign inclusions, signs of mold, unusual taste and smell are not allowed to be sold.

Rich crackers are packed in plywood, plank or corrugated cardboard boxes lined with paper, simple crackers - in paper bags or bags, cans, plastic bags. Each packaging unit must be labeled.

Store rusk products in dry, clean, well-ventilated premises, not infested with pests, separately from products with a sharp specific smell at a temperature of 20-22 ° C and a relative humidity of 65-75%.

Warranty period of storage butter biscuits packed in boxes, cardboard boxes, packs - up to 60 days, in plastic bags - up to 30 days; simple crackers - up to two years from the date of production.

Lamb products.

Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade. The dough for these products is prepared steeper than for bakery products, sugar, fat, molasses and other raw materials are added. After forming the dough in the form of rings, the blanks are scalded in boiling water to obtain a gloss on the surface and increase in volume, then the blanks are proofed and baked.

According to the recipe, lamb products are simple and improved. Depending on the size, they are divided into dryers, bagels and bagels.

Dryers have the form of rings or shuttles with a diameter of 4-6 cm, the weight of the product is 6-12 g. The assortment is Simple, Vanilla, Mustard, Baby, Amateur, Dairy, etc.

Bagels are baked in the form of rings and shuttles with a diameter of 7-9 cm, the mass of the product is 25-40 g. The assortment is Simple, Children's, Lemon, Slavic, Dairy, Sugar, Egg, etc.

Bagels are rings with a diameter of more than 9 cm, weighing 50 or 100 g. Assortment - Simple, With poppy, Butter, Ukrainian, Mustard, etc.

The quality of lamb products is regulated by the standard and is determined by organoleptic (shape, surface, color, taste and smell, internal state, fragility) and physico-chemical (humidity, acidity, mass fraction of sugar and fat, swelling) indicators.

Products that have an irregular shape, burnt, pale or contaminated surface, unusual taste and smell, crunch from mineral impurities, traces of unmixed products are not allowed for acceptance and sale.

Products strung on twine or in bulk are packaged in bags made of paper, cellophane or polyethylene film, in plank, plywood or cardboard boxes weighing no more than 10 kg.

Each packaging unit is marked.

The products are stored in dry, clean, ventilated warehouses, free of pests, at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C, relative air humidity of 50-70% Sharp fluctuations in temperature and air humidity are not allowed.
