
How to cook mushrooms: recipes for dishes from fresh mushrooms. Special recipes for pickled mushrooms

In almost every supermarket you can find frozen mushrooms. They are sold by weight or packaged in 300 grams. True, regardless of the packaging, it is not always clear how to cook frozen mushrooms.

What does the manufacturer say? How to cook frozen mushrooms:

1. Frying: 300 grams of mushrooms, without defrosting, throw into a liter of salted water. Boil no more than five minutes, strain. After that, send to a hot frying pan, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and fry for 10 minutes.

2. Soups: mushrooms are boiled for 10-15 minutes in a pre-prepared broth. Without pre-defrosting.

The opinion of amateur cooks

Today you can find a lot of information on how to cook frozen mushrooms. Despite the variety of dishes, all culinary specialists agree on one thing - they can be prepared in the same way as fresh ones. And at the same time, they do not have to be boiled or thawed at all. This semi-finished product will make an excellent mushroom soup, filling for pies and pancakes, mushroom caviar. They can even be fried or marinated, in general, whatever your heart desires.

How to fry frozen mushrooms

Products: mushrooms, bulbs, sour cream, salt. Method of preparation: put the washed mushrooms in a hot frying pan without defrosting.

While they let the juice, which evaporates over medium heat, finely chop a large onion. As soon as the liquid has completely evaporated, pour in a spoonful of vegetable oil. Mixed. When mushrooms are slightly fried, add the onion, mix. As soon as the onion begins to acquire a noble golden hue, it is time to salt our mushrooms, season them with a spoon or two of sour cream. Stir, let it simmer a little. Ready. The procedure should take no more than fifteen minutes. If you cut the mushrooms before frying, and do not add sour cream at the end, you will get an excellent filling for pies and pancakes.

Mushroom soup - another way to cook frozen mushrooms


  • Meat broth - 2 liters.
  • Frozen mushrooms - 300 grams.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Potatoes - 2 medium.
  • Greens - dill or parsley.
  • Pepper, salt, bay leaf - at your discretion.

Cooking method:

Wash the mushrooms well and drain off the water. Cut potatoes into cubes. Cut the onion into thin rings, three carrots on a grater. Saute onions and carrots in butter. Put the mushrooms in a 3 liter saucepan and pour over the meat broth. When it boils, remove the foam and add the potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked, add onion with carrots and bay leaf. Boiled for a couple of minutes, you can salt and pepper. The final touch is green. Everything, now cover with a lid and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. It is recommended to use with sour cream. Before putting browned vegetables, you can add pre-boiled barley - a spoon or two.

Mushroom caviar from frozen mushrooms

Our heroes for mushroom caviar fit perfectly. Since preparing frozen mushrooms is quite simple, as we have already seen, you can buy a pound of this product for training. If the result completely satisfies you, prepare more. Boil frozen mushrooms, the method was indicated at the beginning of the article. Strain the prepared mushrooms. Once they have completely cooled, scroll through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Add finely chopped and fried onion in vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, mix well. Everything, caviar is ready.

If you are a fan of "silent" hunting and you managed to freeze forest mushrooms, then you have the opportunity to enjoy their exceptional taste and unforgettable aroma again. You can also buy such a blank in the store, but not every housewife knows how to cook mushrooms so that their taste and aroma are preserved. Many do not trust such preparations, believing that they are harmful and dangerous, but this is an unreasonable delusion.

Frozen mushrooms are tasty and healthy wild mushrooms, but in order to surprise and please your loved ones with a delicious dish, you need to know the cooking recipes. This is what we will talk about with you today.

Defrost mushrooms

Before cooking mushrooms, they need to be thawed. Frozen product should not be immersed in hot water or left in the sun. So that the taste does not change, it is enough to pull out the bag of frozen mushrooms from the freezer, put it in a deep bowl and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After 10-12 hours, the mushrooms will completely defrost and will be ready for cooking. It is not recommended to freeze mushrooms in large portions, as it is much easier to defrost small ones.

Boil mushrooms

So, you have defrosted a serving of raw mushrooms, what's next? Put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil, salt the water and lower the bay leaf into it. Mushrooms are dipped into boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. If the mushrooms are not fully cooked, their taste and aroma will not be able to fully develop; if overcooked, the unique properties will be lost.

Some housewives prefer to freeze already boiled mushrooms, well, this also makes sense. In this case, 10 minutes of cooking will be enough. Bay leaf can be added or not, because the special aroma of mushrooms does not need additional smells, and the smell of the leaf can become dominant.

Soup with frozen mushrooms

Cooking soup with frozen mushrooms is not difficult, with a minimum of effort, and your loved ones will have the opportunity to enjoy a culinary masterpiece performed by you. For soup, mushrooms are thawed in the same way, but it makes no sense to cook them separately.

Raw mushrooms, after defrosting, will have a stronger aroma than boiled mushrooms, so they are best used for making soup. So, the mushrooms are thawed and washed under running water, what's next?

  1. Pour the required amount of water into a small saucepan, salt and bring the water to a boil.
  2. Dip the mushrooms into the saucepan and cover the saucepan with a lid. The soup should be cooked over medium heat, but do not forget to open the lid and get rid of the foam in a timely manner. You can add bay leaf and peppercorns.
  3. Peel and wash the onions and carrots, grate the carrots, chop the onions. All this is slightly stewed in vegetable oil for no more than 10 minutes. At this time, you need to peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and send them to the soup along with the frying.
  4. Stir the contents of the saucepan, taste for salt and leave to boil. After 15 minutes, the soup can be removed from the heat.
  5. Pouring the soup into serving bowls, add sour cream and chopped herbs.

Fry mushrooms

If the mushrooms were frozen raw, they are first thawed, then they need to be boiled for 15-20 minutes. Boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander and allowed to drain. You can put the mushrooms on a paper towel and wait until they dry. Vegetable oil is poured into a hot frying pan, mushrooms are spread and fried for 30-40 minutes. At first they will be stewed in their own juice, then they will dry out and brown.

Boiled frozen mushrooms do not need to be re-cooked, they can immediately be laid out in a pan with heated vegetable oil. For 15 minutes they are stewed over low heat, without covering the pan with a lid. You can add butter, sour cream, coconut yogurt to the finished dish, or make sour cream - onion sauce and stew mushrooms in it for 15-20 minutes.

Fried mushrooms go well with young boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes or any other side dish. From the aroma alone that appears during cooking, you can get indescribable pleasure.

You can put potatoes and mushrooms in the pan at the same time.

Frozen mushrooms can be prepared using other recipes; fried potatoes, stewed cabbage, fried eggs with mushrooms, etc. are considered very tasty dishes. The most important thing is to follow the recommendations, because the dishes should not only be tasty, but also healthy, which means that the heat treatment should not be too long.

You can cook a dish that resembles julienne. To do this, the mushrooms are fried together with chopped onions in a frying pan with a thick bottom in vegetable oil, butter and sour cream are added, sprinkled with flour and rubbed with cheese, and then sent to the oven. If desired, mushrooms can be crushed with black ground pepper, chopped onion or dill.

Information for beginners:

  • It happens that after defrosting, you open the package, and instead of a pleasant mushroom aroma, you smell an unpleasant smell of rot or mold. What to do in such a situation? There is no doubt that mushrooms should not be eaten.
  • Mushrooms that you picked yourself must be boiled, but for those bought in a supermarket, such a precaution is not necessary. Before they get to the counter, they go through careful control, so there is no chance that there is a poisonous mushroom among them.
  • Frozen products are convenient to use, because you do not need to wander through the forest before preparing a gourmet dinner, and thanks to the special deep freezing technology, the shelf life is quite long.

Feel free to experiment, include new, interesting dishes in your menu and save your energy and time for other things no less important than cooking.

With the advent of autumn, the forest presents us with a rich harvest of mushrooms. You can get great pleasure from going to the forest for mushrooms and at the same time pick up a whole basket, and if you're lucky, then several. After all, this mushroom does not grow one by one, but immediately by whole families. Literally from one tree or stump it is possible to collect several kilograms. As a rule, the whole family takes part in further processing, because it is simply impossible for someone to sort out and cook mushrooms because of their number.

Rules of use

The benefits of mushrooms for our body have been valued by almost all cultures for many centuries. These mushrooms fill with vital energy and serve as a good helper for the body to resist viral diseases. Honey mushrooms are a source of iron, zinc, complete proteins, vitamin C and phosphorus. Those who are on a diet or are vegetarians include mushrooms in their diet because of their low calorie content.

These mushrooms will not bring harm to the body. It is important not to abuse them and choose only high-quality food. The only thing not to do:

  • Use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Give food to children under 7 years of age.

How to peel and boil mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a product that is considered perishable, so after the forest, the first thing to do is sort them out. How to cook honey mushrooms fresh for processing:

  • Send all insect-damaged, rotten and rotten mushrooms to the trash.
  • Clear forest debris: remove earth, leaves and twigs.
  • If mushrooms are required for drying, then you need to remove the film under the cap and cut off the lower segment of the leg. For fresh cooking, soak the mushrooms for an additional hour and then peel the film.

The cleaning process will not take much time and effort, although the mushrooms themselves are small and very fragile. Upon completion of the cleaning process, heat treatment of mushrooms should begin. For this you will need:

Salad recipes with boiled and fried oyster mushrooms

There is nothing easier than picking up a basket of mushrooms and preparing them for dinner as an appetizer or fried with potatoes. Children ask for a pie - not a problem either. And caviar for the winter for pancakes must be prepared. There are many recipes with mushrooms.

To cook honey mushrooms with onions for a snack, you do not need to have exorbitant culinary skills, because the recipe is very simple:

  • Boil mushrooms.
  • Cut the onion into rings and fry in a frying pan with the addition of butter.
  • Pour mushrooms to the onion, salt and fry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with basil or dill.

Nowadays, every housewife has a multicooker in the kitchen. With its help, you can deliciously cook mushrooms with sour cream. Ingredients:

Cooking instructions:

Arrange the finished dish on beautiful plates and sprinkle with herbs on top.

Creamy mushroom soup is a traditional French dish that is very common in cafes and restaurants. But it is not so difficult to cook it using mushrooms at home and treat yourself to this exquisite taste.

Products needed:

Instructions for making mushroom soup:

How long to fry mushrooms in a pan after cooking

Serve the finished soup with toasted white bread or sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs.

There is a wonderful idea on how to cook mushrooms deliciously. Combine mushrooms with cheese and dumplings, and then bake them in the oven. For cooking you will need:

Such a dish is not only prepared, but also eaten very quickly.

The most popular and favorite dish, of course, is fried potatoes with mushrooms. In order to cook fresh mushrooms, the hostess will need:

  1. Freshly picked mushrooms (if it's winter outside, you can use blanks) weighing 500 g
  2. Medium potato tubers - 8-9 pieces.
  3. Onions - 2 pieces.
  4. Sour cream 20% fat - 100-120 m.
  5. Butter and vegetable oil for frying.
  6. Greenery.
  7. Salt and pepper.

You should prepare like this:

Sauce recipes with mushrooms and sour cream

Arrange on plates and decorate with herbs. Add a variety of pickles to taste.

If guests suddenly appeared and you need to quickly set the table, then you can prepare a salad with mushrooms and beans. At first thought, it seems that such a combination of products is simply unacceptable, but in fact it turns out a hearty and tasty dish. Prepare the following ingredients:

Preparation description:

  • Cut the carrots and onions and fry over medium heat until tender.
  • Chop the ham into strips.
  • Grate cheese on a small grater.
  • Put carrots with onions, ham, cheese into a deep salad bowl, pour a jar of beans (without liquid) into the same place and add mushrooms.
  • Mix everything well with mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and garnish with herbs.

Arrange on plates and serve to guests.

Often housewives decide to cook risotto with mushrooms, but fresh mushrooms are not at hand. In this case, frozen ones will come to the rescue. The recipe is very simple.

Honey mushrooms are forest mushrooms that are quite popular in our latitudes. Delicious dishes from these mushrooms can please yourself not only in the autumn season, but also at any time of the year. It is enough to freeze mushrooms for future use in the fall or purchase a frozen product in the store. Such mushrooms will retain all the useful properties, thanks to the method of deep freezing and will please with their appearance.

Many doubt whether it is worth buying such a product, because they do not know how to properly cook frozen mushrooms. Is it necessary to defrost mushrooms, what and in what ways can be made from them. In fact, there is nothing complicated in working with frozen mushrooms, but they are used in the preparation of the same dishes as fresh mushrooms.


The most common question that cooks ask themselves before preparing frozen mushrooms is: is it worth defrosting them?

The answer to this question can be given, knowing the method of freezing. Honey mushrooms can be frozen raw and boiled. In the first case, it is necessary to defrost the mushrooms, and the pre-boiled or fried semi-finished product can be immediately used in the cooking process.

If you cook a dish of raw frozen mushrooms, then after defrosting they also need to be boiled. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Put the mushrooms in a deep bowl and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to thaw for 10 hours.
  2. You can also defrost at room temperature, but not in a microwave oven, so as not to lose a significant part of the useful properties of the product.
  3. Thawed mushrooms should be boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Mushrooms are placed only in boiling water.
  4. Boiled frozen mushrooms should be poured with cold water, add a spoonful of salt, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, constantly removing the foam.
  5. Throw the mushrooms in a colander or sieve, let the water drain completely and start cooking.

Thawed mushrooms can not be boiled before frying or baking, but processed mushrooms will be more tender, tastier, retain their unique mushroom flavor and cook faster.

What to cook?

If there is a package of frozen mushrooms in the freezer, you can not be afraid of the arrival of unexpected guests. Many dishes are prepared from this product, mushrooms are combined with a large number of additional ingredients, combining and combining different products, you can cook everything from appetizers and salads to pies and main dishes. Frozen mushrooms are boiled, fried, stewed and pickled, in general, the same dishes are prepared as from fresh mushrooms.

Fried mushrooms

Frying is the easiest and tastiest way to cook frozen mushrooms. You can pre-boil them, then the mushrooms will be more tender and fragrant, or throw them into the pan without pre-treatment. Mushrooms are fried in butter and vegetable oil with onions and garlic, sometimes sour cream, potatoes and other vegetables are added.

First meal

Frozen mushrooms make very tasty fragrant soups, borscht, broths and hodgepodges. Even without the addition of meat, the first courses of these mushrooms come out very rich and satisfying.

Potatoes, onions, carrots, sweet peppers, celery, cereals or noodles are added to mushroom soup. Fresh herbs added at the end of cooking will give a special smell and taste. Even vegetarian borscht in mushroom broth is prepared from mushrooms. And if you want something more satisfying, you can cook a thick meat hodgepodge with mushrooms and olives.

You can cook such dishes on the stove or in a slow cooker.

Main dishes

Due to their structure, mushrooms saturate the body very quickly. Therefore, hearty main dishes with and without meat are prepared from them.

Ragout with mushrooms and vegetables is cooked in a pan, frying all the ingredients - onions, peppers, potatoes and other vegetables. The dish is brought to readiness in the oven, baking for 40 minutes. You can also add fried pieces of pork, beef or chicken to the stew.

Meat rolls, potato zrazy, casseroles are stuffed with such mushrooms, juliennes and dishes in pots are prepared from them.


Boiled and finely chopped mushrooms are used as a filling in pies, pancakes, pizza, puffs and other flour products. Especially delicious will be the filling of finely chopped mushrooms, stewed with onions in sour cream.

Salads and appetizers

Boiled or fried mushrooms can be added to salads, and the most delicious snacks are obtained from marinated frozen mushrooms. It is very easy to prepare them. Mushrooms pour water, bring to a boil, drain the water. Pour honey mushrooms with boiling water, for 1 kg of mushrooms 1 cup of boiling water. Add bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, salt and sugar to the broth. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, add vinegar.

Mushroom caviar is also ideal as an appetizer. Defrost mushrooms, boil, grind in a meat grinder, mix with fried onions, season with spices.


With frozen mushrooms, you can cook delicious scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. It is faster to do this with boiled frozen mushrooms. They can be immediately sent to a pan with oil, fry for 10 minutes, pour in the eggs and fry until tender. You can add onions, cheese, tomatoes and sweet peppers.

cooking secrets

To properly cook frozen mushrooms without harming your health and without spoiling the food, you need to know some tricks:

  • thawed mushrooms cannot be re-frozen and stored in the refrigerator;
  • thawed mushrooms need to be smelled, they should have a mushroom pleasant aroma. If the smell is sour and unpleasant, the mushrooms are not suitable for consumption;
  • store frozen mushrooms in the freezer for 1 year;
  • in a slow cooker, frozen mushrooms are boiled in the “Steamed” mode for 25 minutes.

Recipe: fried mushrooms with potatoes

The simplest and most delicious dish of frozen mushrooms is fried mushrooms with potatoes. Every housewife should be able to cook it.


  • 400 grams of frozen mushrooms;
  • 400 grams of potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • oil for frying (butter + vegetable);
  • greenery;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. For such a dish, it is better to take mushrooms boiled or fried before freezing. They do not need to be thawed, but can be immediately sent to the pan.
  2. Unprocessed frozen mushrooms are first thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After they can be pre-boiled for 10 minutes, so mushrooms will be softer and tastier.
  3. Cut the onion into small cubes or thin half rings and fry until transparent in a mixture of oils.
  4. Rinse the mushrooms, cut and add to the onion. Cook until all liquid has evaporated.
  5. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin strips or circles, add to the mushrooms, mix and cook over medium heat under a lid until the potatoes are soft. At the end, add spices, salt and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

From frozen honey mushrooms, you can cook many delicious and healthy dishes that your whole family will be happy with!

If you haven't tried cooking roast with mushrooms yet, be sure to catch up! Fragrant and satisfying, it will not leave anyone indifferent, so if there are honey mushrooms left somewhere, go for it :)

Never forget that cooking is a place for creativity. Try, for example, to cook this light and fragrant chicken soup with mushrooms, and you will definitely like this new shade of taste :)

What could be better than rosy homemade pies? For some reason, they are rarely cooked with mushrooms, and in vain :) How to cook pies with mushrooms on dough without yeast - every housewife should know!

If you have mushrooms in the refrigerator, you don’t have to worry about dinner - cook mushrooms in a slow cooker. It will turn out much tastier than if you cook it in the usual way.

Many of us go to the forest in the fall for mushrooms, and then they are frozen. From frozen honey mushrooms, the soup turns out tasty and beautiful, because. These mushrooms retain their shape when cooked and do not boil.

Pie with honey mushrooms is an amazing dish! Such a pie will please you not only with its taste, but also with ease of preparation. Cooking a pie with mushrooms is easy - see for yourself!

Salad "Firebird" with mushrooms

Salad "Firebird" is not only a delicious dish, but also a wonderful decoration for the festive table! It looks original, is prepared quite easily, and is eaten very quickly.

Mushrooms are a very valuable product that certainly deserves your attention. They are not only tasty in different dishes, but also contain many useful substances, and also have healing properties.

One of the most delicious dishes that can only be prepared from mushrooms is mushrooms baked with potatoes in the oven. Such a dish will surely be appreciated by your household and guests!

Honey mushrooms are nutritious mushrooms. Just 100 grams of honey mushrooms is enough to satisfy the body's need for elements such as zinc and copper. Therefore, mushroom soup puree is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Honey mushrooms are one of the most delicious forest mushrooms, and therefore the mushroom soup from mushrooms turns out to be surprisingly tasty. The recipe is very simple: I tell you how to cook the most delicious!

Soups not only help digestion, but also have a very beneficial effect on the figure - after all, this is a very low-calorie food. Therefore, I am sharing with you a recipe for a light soup with mushrooms. Read the recipe!

Salad "Polyanka" with mushrooms

Well, hostesses, it's time to diversify your holiday table. And then all Olivier and vinaigrette ... Well, let's try to cook a delicious, beautiful and healthy salad "Polyanka" with mushrooms?

Oh, well, who can resist fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms? I personally can't. If you are also not indifferent to mushrooms - read the recipe!

Down with potatoes and rice, push pasta and buckwheat into a corner. We'll cook mushrooms! And if you are not ready to completely replace the side dish with them, then mushrooms in sour cream will be a great addition.

The mushroom season has not yet begun, but many mushroom pickers have freezers full of mushrooms. What to do with them? Of course, cook delicious mushroom soup! Read the recipe for frozen mushroom soup with a photo.

To the delight of mushroom pickers - a simple recipe for fried mushrooms. Delicious, simple, fast - just what you need. Perhaps the easiest way to cook mushrooms.

Salad "Forest edge" with mushrooms

A holiday is on the nose, but there are no new ideas for a feast? Then I suggest you learn how to cook Forest Edge salad with mushrooms. Delicate taste and original presentation - my guests appreciated;)

Honey mushrooms are one of the most delicious mushrooms, and since the mushroom season has already begun, you should definitely stock up on a great recipe for pickled mushrooms. Marinating mushrooms is very simple - I tell you how!

Salad with chicken and mushrooms is a very interesting and rich salad with different tastes. A hearty dish is prepared quickly and easily from pickled mushrooms, pickles, vegetables and fried chicken.

Pancakes with honey mushrooms - delicious pancakes with such a fragrant filling that not only your home, but also your neighbors' home will gather for its smell. I tell you how to cook pancakes with mushrooms! ;)

Rice with mushrooms is a combination that is very unusual at first glance, but if you have fresh mushrooms, be sure to try cooking, you will not be disappointed. I tell you how to cook rice with mushrooms!

Potatoes and mushrooms are the perfect flavor combination. And if you add to this the aroma that this dish acquires in the oven - it turns out just delicious. I recommend cooking!

This delicious salad with mushrooms and ham will become a frequent guest on your table. It will decorate both a festive dinner and a light dinner on a hot summer day. Pairs well with red wine.

This salad with fried mushrooms will be loved by many housewives. Not only because it will require the usual available products, but also because it is easy to prepare and turns out amazingly tasty.

Honey mushrooms with sour cream is a wonderful dish, traditional for Russian cuisine. If you are lucky enough to pick fresh mushrooms - be sure to cook them in sour cream according to this recipe, you will like it!

Honey mushrooms in a pot are surprisingly fragrant, tender, juicy. And cooking them is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it. If you are lucky and you have mushrooms - feel free to cook!

Cheese soup with mushrooms is a surprisingly tender, almost creamy soup made from fairly simple ingredients. The recipe was invented by me personally and tested dozens of times - it always turns out perfectly.

Frozen mushrooms in sour cream is a very interesting quick dish. If mushrooms disappear idle in your freezer, be sure to cook this dish, you will surely like it.

Salad "Penek" with mushrooms

Today I have something special for you - a salad recipe "Stump! with mushrooms with a photo! I promise that such a salad will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmets. A great salad for the holiday table!

Mushroom season is coming soon, do you still have pickled mushrooms? :) I offer you an interesting and simple recipe for an appetizer of mushrooms. Hearty, unusual, with a rich taste - what you need for sandwiches :)

Cooking a fragrant soup from dried mushrooms is within the power of everyone - not only an experienced chef, but a beginner. The soup turns out to be very solid, satisfying, rich - what you need for an everyday lunch.

Don't know how to diversify pizza toppings? Try adding mushrooms! Pizza with mushrooms turns out to be incredibly fragrant, as well as quite satisfying and, no doubt, original. Mushroom lovers will love it! ;)

Soup with pickled mushrooms is a very fragrant and tasty soup that no mushroom lover can resist. If there is a jar of pickled mushrooms in the refrigerator - feel free to cook!

Mushroom dishes can be very refined and refined. Honey mushroom cream soup, the recipe of which is presented below, is one of such exquisite mushroom delicacies. Treat yourself and loved ones!

Each of us ate fried mushrooms, but fried mushrooms are not just mushrooms! And if you add sour cream and greens to them, then from an ordinary dish you will get one that will definitely please your taste buds!

Mushroom porridge is my favorite dish of these wonderful autumn mushrooms. If we manage to collect them, then we will certainly prepare porridge with mushrooms - hearty, fragrant, tasty. The recipe is for you.

Fasting is a golden time for mushroom lovers! I suggest you try a delicious salad with mushrooms according to a recipe that I have repeatedly tested. I promise that not only fasting people will like it :)

Spaghetti with mushrooms is an ideal dish, which is a kind of Russian variation of traditional Italian pasta :) For a glass of mushrooms in Italy you will pay a lot of money, but I don’t want to take it from us. So let's get ready!

Do you have a jar of pickled mushrooms in your refrigerator, and you do not find a use for it? Salad with mushrooms and cabbage is a great way to use these mushrooms. Simple, inexpensive and delicious.

I propose to cook a traditional Italian dish - risotto with mushrooms. In Italy, mushrooms are considered a delicacy, you will pay a lot for such a dish. And we have honey mushrooms - a dime a dozen. So let's get ready!

With what they just do not cook pilaf - even with mushrooms. Of course, the taste of this dish resembles pilaf only remotely, but the principle of preparation is the same, that's why I call this tasty dish - pilaf with mushrooms.

Mushroom pasta is a gourmet dish that is prepared easier than steamed turnips. Note to the hostesses, if the guests suddenly arrive and if you have fresh mushrooms available, the dish will make a splash! ;)

Delicious, simple, low-calorie, economical - the advantages of this dish can be listed for a long time, but one thing is certain - every housewife should know how to cook stewed cabbage with mushrooms :)
