
Make chocolate at home from cocoa and milk. How to make real homemade cocoa chocolate? How to make chocolate from cocoa powder

Homemade chocolate - black, coffee, milk: the best recipes, a step-by-step description of the cooking process at home

Chocolate has long been one of the most popular gifts for various holidays. Today, the choice of chocolate products is huge: bars, bars, sweets, with various additives and fillings. Only one upsets: they often contain preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes - all that is harmful to the body, especially for children.

But there is also good news: chocolate can be prepared at home, from healthy and natural products, together with your household, black, coffee, milk - any!

It will take only 15-20 minutes to create your favorite dessert, and the process itself will bring a lot of pleasant emotions, especially if you cook homemade chocolate with your kids. And when the whole house is filled with a delicious chocolate-vanilla aroma, everyone will come running to the kitchen, and even household members indifferent to sweets will not be able to resist the temptation to enjoy a wonderful dessert.

But how do you make homemade chocolate taste delicious? Let's touch together the secret of creating this ancient delicacy and find out all the secrets of its preparation at home.

How to make chocolate at home

Recipe one. Homemade chocolate: a classic of the genre

It is almost impossible to get the same tile as we see in the store, because it retains its shape thanks to cocoa butter, and it is very difficult to buy. But if you manage to get this valuable ingredient (as a rule, cocoa butter is sold in bars or bars), as well as real cocoa liquor, then your chocolate will turn out to be unusually tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • grated cocoa - 200 g
  • cocoa butter - 40-50 g
  • butter - 20 g

Preparation: Melt the butter and cocoa beans in a water bath, add grated cocoa, sugar and stir until completely dissolved. When the mass becomes homogeneous and cools a little, it can be poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator. It is better to use silicone molds, chocolate will be easier to get. You can take liners from candy boxes or, most conveniently, pour the chocolate mass onto a parchment-lined plate.

Recipe two. Homemade chocolate from affordable products

You can also prepare chocolate from simpler and more affordable ingredients, and the taste of the finished product will hardly differ from chocolate bars that are sold in stores.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 5 tablespoons
  • butter - 70 g
  • cocoa powder - 150 g
  • sugar (powdered sugar) - 100 g
  • flour - 1.5-2 teaspoons

Preparation: pour milk into a small saucepan and heat it over low heat, gradually add sugar and cocoa. Melt the butter in a water bath and mix it with the milk mixture. Whisking constantly, bring the chocolate mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Sift flour into it through a fine sieve, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left, and hold for another 2 minutes on fire (you need to bring it to a boil again).

The consistency of the finished product should resemble thick sour cream. When the chocolate has cooled down a bit, spread it in a thin layer (1-2 cm) on a flat surface or pour it into molds pre-lubricated with butter and send it to the freezer to harden. The chocolate hardens in 3-4 hours.

Recipe three. Coffee chocolate - for gourmets

True coffee connoisseurs will surely enjoy homemade coffee flavored chocolate. Preparing this delicious delicacy is easy. From freshly ground whole grains, you need to brew strong coffee, strain it, add orange zest and vanilla sugar if desired. Then you need to enter the remaining ingredients: cocoa, sugar, melted butter, bring to a boil, combine with flour - everything, as in the original recipe. Unusual and very tasty! Bon appetit!

Perfecting your favorite dessert

The number of ingredients can be varied: add more butter or milk, replace butter with cream or condensed milk. If you like dark chocolate, you can reduce the amount of sugar and increase the serving of cocoa.

Powdered milk will give the chocolate a more delicate, milky taste. For a spicy vanilla flavor, add a pinch each of vanilla sugar and cinnamon to the chocolate mixture. You can take banana slices, tangerine slices, strawberries, cherries - any fruit or berries, dip them in liquid chocolate, put them on a plate and send them to the refrigerator.

You can add a small amount of rum, liqueur or cognac to the finished chocolate, fill it with marzipan pieces, waffle crumbs or ground cookies. Berries, nuts, marmalade, candied fruits are used as fillings. Chocolate can be sprinkled with coconut, chopped nuts, almond petals, ennoble it with dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dried cherries.

Little secrets of rich taste and perfect shape

Secrets of making chocolate at home:

  • The more cocoa you add, the more bitter and, most importantly, the harder your chocolate will be.
  • If it does not freeze well in the freezer, increase the amount of flour next time. But if you are making chocolate according to the second recipe, be prepared for the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve a completely solid state. In secret: the delicious taste more than compensates for this shortcoming.
  • Even better homemade chocolate will be if you use brown cane sugar instead of harmful white sugar, which contains valuable minerals: it will make the taste of chocolate more intense.

These simple recipes can be improved endlessly. Feel free to experiment, find your ideal proportions of ingredients, reveal new secrets: this will help make your favorite dessert special. It's so nice to cut homemade chocolate made by yourself into pieces and treat your little sweet tooth, beloved husband, parents and friends with this delicacy. Give joy to loved ones, it's so easy!

Chocolate is a delicacy without which it is difficult to imagine our life. Despite the fact that it can spoil the figure, it is with chocolates that novels begin, it is chocolates that we give to friends as a token of gratitude, not a single holiday is complete without chocolate! Special taste is not everything. Chocolate is also very healthy! It gives energy and increases the efficiency of the brain, which has been proven by researchers for a very long time. This article will discuss how to make chocolate from cocoa at home.

How chocolate is made in factories

The main raw material for the production of chocolate and cocoa powder is cocoa beans. These are the seeds of the tree of the same name, which grows in the tropical regions of our planet.

Technological processing turns the beans into the main semi-finished products, which are further used for the production of chocolate. These include grated cocoa, cake and cocoa butter. The cake is turned into cocoa powder, and the cocoa mass and cocoa butter are used to make chocolate. Interestingly, the very technology of making treats is the secret of each individual chocolate factory. Each has its own recipe.


Chocolate is divided into classic, milk, bitter and white. They differ in the content of cocoa products: in the classic - 35-60%, in bitter - more than 55%. The latter is considered the most useful. White chocolate is distinguished by the absence of cocoa powder in it, but cocoa butter is present in it in the same amount as in dark chocolate. There are also special diabetic options, products with various aromatic or food additives, fillings.

How to make chocolate at home: the easiest recipe

To make this treat at home, you only need three ingredients: butter, cocoa powder, and sugar. The complexity of the recipe lies in the fact that it is impossible to determine the exact amount of products, everything must be done by eye. Butter must be cut into pieces and put on fire in a small saucepan. When the butter boils, sugar and cocoa are added to it. The amount of sugar is a purely individual matter for everyone, it all depends on taste preferences. Cocoa is also added by eye until the mass resembles thick sour cream in consistency. It is important to add cocoa and stir the mixture constantly. When the mass thickens, it needs to be cooked for about a minute. Then the pan is removed from the heat, the mixture is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Note that the more cocoa, the more bitter and hard your chocolate will turn out.

With added milk

This recipe is useful for those who are thinking how to make milk chocolate. Prepare one teaspoon of sugar, two tablespoons of milk, four tablespoons of cocoa and 50 grams of butter. It all starts again with melting. The sugar, milk and cocoa are then mixed and added to the butter. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat for about two minutes, placed in molds, then in the freezer.

With added flour

Flour (1 tsp) is added to milk (5 tablespoons), butter (50 g), sugar (7 tablespoons), cocoa (5 tablespoons). First, a mixture of milk, sugar and cocoa is brought to a boil, then butter is sent to them, and then gradually flour. The chocolate is removed from the heat when the flour has completely dissolved. Then everything is as usual.

Interestingly, if you leave the chocolate in the freezer, it will turn out a little harder than if it cools in the refrigerator. Milk in the last recipe can be replaced with water. An interesting product will turn out if you add vanilla to it, and you can use honey instead of sugar (but you can’t heat it too much).

How to make chocolate: filling and shape

It is very easy to make candy at home. For the filling, you can take dried fruits, nuts, waffle crumbs - anything. How exactly you prepare sweets depends on your imagination and desire. You can grind the filling and add to still hot chocolate, and then pour into molds. You can simply dip a nut in chocolate, or you can make a candy by placing a layer of chocolate, a filling, and another layer of chocolate in a mold.

When it comes to form, there are many options. If you are making chocolate exclusively for yourself, so that you can immediately eat it, you can simply leave it on a plate and then pick off the frozen mass with a knife. You can try the same option to cut with a knife. The most common method is pouring chocolate into molds. The main thing is to have time to pour while it is very hot. You can use molds for ice, cookies or special forms for sweets.

The benefits of hot chocolate

Before you make hot chocolate, we invite you to learn about its beneficial properties. Firstly, everyone knows that a cup of hot chocolate in winter is an indispensable thing for those who want to warm up or cheer up. In the summer, this drink calms the nerves, in the fall it gives positive emotions, in the spring it helps to cheer up.

Traditionally, hot chocolate is melted bar chocolate to which milk, water and spices have been added. Once such a drink was considered a medicine, today it is perceived more as a dessert. Why is it useful? Hot chocolate contains calcium and potassium salts, which are incredibly good for bones and skin. Milk helps to digest salts, and iron and magnesium charge a person with energy and give strength. It is worth mentioning the antioxidants and flavonoids (improve the functioning of blood vessels). Mood improves thanks to substances such as phenylethylamine and tryptophan, which contribute to the production of “happiness hormones”. Magnesium in hot chocolate normalizes emotions and relieves stress. Hot chocolate contains some sugar, so it is not as damaging to the figure as regular slab chocolate. However, no matter how useful it may be, it is not recommended to abuse this product. How to make hot chocolate at home?

hot chocolate recipe

Preparing your favorite drink will take only half an hour. Before making hot chocolate, check the ingredients: milk (0.5 l), dark chocolate, milk chocolate (90 and 30 g respectively), sugar and whipped cream. Sometimes special spices are also added, but this is another recipe.

Chocolate bars are divided into small pieces and placed in a small bowl. A teaspoon of sugar is added here (or less, depending on your taste), milk is poured. Water is collected in a small saucepan and brought to a boil. A mixture of chocolate, sugar and milk is melted in a water bath with constant stirring. Make sure the chocolate is completely melted. Hot drink is ready! You can safely pour it into cups, decorate with cream and chocolate chips.

Cooking with chocolate

What can be made from chocolate? There are a million options. You can make a wide variety of sweets, cakes, cookies from home-made chocolate. You can decorate other desserts with chocolate, add it to ice cream or just eat it with tea. The recipe for the classic chocolate cake is also very simple. Since you now know how to make chocolate, you can learn how to use it to make something bigger.

So let's get started. You will need 200 g of homemade treats (how to make chocolate from cocoa, written above), 150 grams of butter, 200 g of regular sugar, 2 tbsp. l. vanilla, 4 chicken eggs, 100 g flour, a pinch of salt and food for decoration on top (optional).

The oven must be heated to 180 degrees Celsius and place a baking dish there, greased with butter in advance. Chocolate prepared at home is melted together with butter over low heat, after which the mass is boiled to a liquid consistency. Then it is removed from the fire and cools down a bit. Sugar and vanillin are added to chocolate, eggs are beaten one at a time, flour and chopped walnuts are introduced. The heated form is filled with dough, which is baked for about half an hour. The finished dessert is decorated with chocolate chips, sauce or nut paste; when serving, you can decorate the cake with fresh mint.


Making chocolate at home is a five-minute affair. Having tried once, it is already very hard to stop, because the resulting product will surprise you with its original real taste. Now you know how to make chocolate without preservatives and dyes, which is in no way inferior to a chocolate bar from a store in taste and color. Nothing limits you from experimenting and creating absolutely original sweets at home. Now you also know how to make hot chocolate - a tasty and healthy drink for the whole family, relevant at any time of the year.

In the minds of most people, chocolate is bars wrapped in foil and colorful labels on store shelves. But chocolate is not so difficult to make yourself. In addition to the fact that this is a fascinating process (every housewife is curious to try herself as a confectioner-chocolatier), you will be absolutely sure of your chocolate, its composition and ingredients that do not contain preservatives, thickeners, hardeners and other chemicals.

To the question: “How to make chocolate at home? "- there is a simple answer:" Elementary! » Ten to fifteen minutes for preparation and for the entire production process - and you are the proud owner of a plate of hot chocolate. We form it and put it in the freezer - further your participation is not required. After a couple of hours, you are not afraid of suddenly arriving guests - at any moment you are ready to treat them to tea with homemade chocolate.

The basis of the foundations of any real chocolate

Responsible and scrupulous housewives often face a difficult choice for them. How to make homemade chocolate - from cocoa powder or ready-made cocoa mixtures, or is it better to look for cocoa beans? If you take the finished mixture as a basis, you need to be firmly confident in its high quality.

In other cases, as they say, if in doubt - do not take it. Grinding cocoa beans like the ancient Mayans is, of course, original, but very laborious. And the process should be fun. Time-tested cocoa powder without unnecessary additives is all that is needed to solve the question of how to make chocolate with your own hands.

Step by step instruction

Gathering the Ingredients

What should a beginner (and an experienced one too) have a chocolatier at hand? The three main ingredients are cocoa powder, butter (cocoa butter is ideal) and sugar. All other additives are already variations on the chocolate theme.

The process itself - how to make homemade chocolate - recipe

The essence of all chocolate recipes comes down to one thing. By experimenting, you will find your ideal proportions.

Recipe one

How to make homemade chocolate - dark chocolate recipe. Melt the butter in a suitable container. When it boils, add sugar (can be replaced with honey) and cocoa to taste. Approximately measure out the amount of cocoa powder until you are satisfied with the density and consistency of your chocolate. An extreme option is the consistency of thick sour cream. This is the limit - a more viscous structure will only harm your chocolate.

Consider the fact that the more cocoa, the harder and bitterer the dark chocolate. Pour into molds (you can not bother and pour into a regular deep plate), let cool and hide in the freezer. A couple of hours - and you can evaluate the result.

Recipe two

This recipe answers the question of how to make homemade milk chocolate. You will need:

  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • Butter.

The proportions will be as follows - respectively - 4 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons. Oils - 50 g. Then boldly proceed according to the standard scheme described above.

Little chocolate tricks

  • In the freezer, the chocolate is harder, but in the refrigerator, the opposite is true.
  • Instead of milk, water will do.
  • If you put honey in chocolate instead of sugar, then try not to heat it above 40 degrees, which will preserve all the beneficial properties of honey. Honey can be added after the chocolate has cooled down a bit.
  • For variety, add toppings - dried fruits, nuts, wafer crumbs, vanilla for flavor - everything will go into business when making homemade chocolate.

Making chocolate at home is easy. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your own flavor to standard recipes!

In ancient times, this dessert was called black gold, since only very wealthy people could afford it. Now it has become more accessible to all segments of the population, and the recipe for chocolate is not a secret. So why not plunge into the history of the appearance of this delicacy and create a little magic by preparing it in your kitchen?

The past of chocolate has more than three thousand years and begins in the expanses of present-day Mexico with the Olmec Indian tribe. They worshiped the cocoa god and used the beans of the tree as money. So, 100 beans was the price of one slave.

In the 16th century, the bloodthirsty Hernan Cortes tortured the Mayans, who replaced the Olmecs and Aztecs, to give out a recipe for making chocolate. Since that time, the delicacy began to quickly conquer Europe. Interestingly, for a long period of time, chocolate, due to its bitter taste, was exclusively a drink for men, and only thanks to the British, who replaced the water with milk, women were also able to taste chocolate.

In the 19th century, sweetness found its solid form after the extraction of cocoa butter from beans. Initially, a rectangular chocolate bar saw the light of day at the English factory "Fry and Sons" (J.S. Fry & Sons). At the beginning, boxes with chocolate were decorated with leather, velvet, surprises were put into them in the form of notes of specially written melodies. Now the design of the dessert is more democratic.

Modern factories produce more than one hundred different sweets and chocolate desserts, but the main types of chocolate produced are dark, milk and white. It can be porous or dense, in the form of figurines or traditional tiles, with or without various fillers.

Recipes for preparing treats are different. So, the dessert can even be vegan (without ingredients of animal origin) or diabetic, in which sugar is replaced with sweeteners for diabetics.

From fruits cultivated in Brazil, Ecuador and Côte d'Ivoire, pink chocolate is made with a flavor note of berries, without dyes and flavors, which is why it is also called ruby.

How to make classic cocoa chocolate

Among the bright and colorful wrappers of various bars and bars, it is difficult to find a delicacy prepared in accordance with the old recipes of chocolate masters. More often under this name you can get cocoa products on cheap vegetable (palm and coconut) fats. To enjoy the rich taste of cocoa beans, it is easier to make chocolate from cocoa yourself.

In the types of the classic dark product, only three components are used: cocoa powder, sugar and butter. The fat component can be taken from a mixture of butter and cocoa butter, or only high-quality butter.

For a portion of chocolate, the proportions of the necessary components are equal to:

  • 100 g cocoa powder;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 40 g butter (or 30 g cocoa butter and 10 g butter).

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. On the quietest fire or a water bath, heat the oil. Sift the powder with cocoa and mix this loose mixture into the fat that has become liquid.
  2. Boil the composition on minimal heat for several minutes until the density of sour cream. Then turn off the stove and let the mass cool down a little. Pour it into molds and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

Sugar practically does not dissolve in cocoa butter, so it should be ground into a very fine powder.

To exclude large particles, it is better to sift it through a piece of organza, then it will be possible to avoid unpleasant squeaking on the teeth.

Dairy treats at home

Regular bitter dark chocolate is not to everyone's liking, so it will not be superfluous to master the recipe for a milk treat. The more milk you add to the product, the sweeter it will turn out. But then you need to carefully monitor the density of the mass, otherwise it will not harden.

The composition of hand-made chocolate in milk will include:

  • 50 ml of non-cold milk;
  • 75 g cocoa powder;
  • 60 g of regular white sugar;
  • 25 g of melted butter;
  • 5 g wheat flour.

Sequence of actions:

  1. On a moderate flame, warm the milk to 60 - 70 ° C. Then, with a tablespoon, fold in the sweet sugar crystals and brown cocoa powder mixed together in a sowing motion. Cook everything, stirring, until all sweet crystals are dissolved without exception.
  2. When the mixture reaches uniformity and bubbles appear on the surface, put small pieces of butter, sift the flour on top and stir it with a spoon again until smooth.
  3. Turn off the stove and let the chocolate cool to room temperature. Pour into small ice cube trays and refrigerate to stabilize. After that, it remains only to remove the chocolate from the molds and experience the bliss of its relish.

With mint

What tricks do manufacturers go to to draw attention to their sweets. You can even find lard in chocolate! Homemade chocolate can be quite interesting too. For example, this delicacy is appreciated by many gourmets for its refreshing exquisite taste.

You can taste all the facets of an unusual combination of chocolate and mint, savoring the delicacy extremely slowly, and in order to make it yourself, you need to prepare:

  • 65 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 ml of non-cold milk;
  • 35 g of regular white sugar;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 125 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 5 g vanillin;
  • 3.5 g cinnamon powder;
  • 1.5 g chili pod;
  • 6 - 8 sprigs of fresh mint;
  • almonds, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts to taste.

How to make mint flavored chocolate:

  1. Sprinkle washed juicy mint leaves with sugar, add spices (pepper, cinnamon and vanilla). Grind everything into a pulp until the juice is released.
  2. Combine the resulting mass with cocoa and pour in milk. Introduce hot water in small portions, stir carefully and put on the stove.
  3. Cook the chocolate until thick, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Then add soft butter and stir. Stop heat treatment as soon as a glossy sheen appears.
  4. Cover the container for pouring the tiles with foil, distribute half of the chocolate mass on it, sprinkle the nuts evenly on top and pour the remaining chocolate. Let the dessert harden in the cold.

Professional chocolatiers cast their desserts in polycarbonate molds.

But they are expensive, so those who make chocolate at home from time to time can use small silicone ice molds. It is only important not to forget to grease them with vegetable oil so that the dessert separates from them without problems.

Do-it-yourself black chocolate

Bitter dark is prepared not only by mixing melted butter with cocoa and a sweetener, but also in another way - with the addition of hot water.

To make hot chocolate you need:

  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 20 ml of boiling water.


  1. We grind cocoa with sugar (for convenience, you can grind it into powder), pour in boiling water and grind to a paste.
  2. Pour liquid oil into the chocolate paste and keep the resulting composition in a bath a little. Stir continuously until glossy.
  3. We distribute the finished chocolate into molds and cool in the freezer. To remove the frozen candies, you just need to turn the mold over and tap it lightly on the table.

Cooking with vanilla flavor

Until recently, the most expensive delicacy can be perfectly complemented by the most expensive spice in the world - vanilla. And even if in the nearest store, most likely, it will be possible to buy its synthetic substitute for vanillin, but both its taste and aroma will add a pleasant “zest” to classic milk chocolate.

The proportions of the ingredients for this delicacy:

  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 65 g butter;
  • 90 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla powder.


  1. Pour sugar and vanillin into a container with hot, but not boiling milk. Stir the mixture until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved, but so that the sugar does not burn to the bottom.
  2. Bring the butter to a liquid state in a steam bath or in a microwave oven. Pour it into sweet milk and mix.
  3. Lastly, add cocoa powder to the chocolate, carefully mixing the ingredients so that there are no lumps. Simmer the chocolate on low heat for 25 minutes, then pour it into molds and let it harden.

coffee dessert

Coffee can speed up metabolism for a short time, which is good news for coffee and chocolate lovers. But it is possible to combine both of these products in solid form. So, fragrant chocolate with coffee and citrus notes can become not only a favorite treat, but also an exquisite hand-made gift.

This dessert includes:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 5 g ground coffee;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 2 g orange peel;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 25 g cocoa powder;
  • 125 g of milk powder;
  • 125 g butter.


  1. First you need to brew strong coffee. For this purpose, send ground grains, zest and vanillin to boiling water. Let the mixture boil for five minutes, then strain and return to the fire again.
  2. In boiling filtered coffee, add cocoa mixed with sugar. Boil everything for about five minutes. Then remove from the heat and alternately stir in the milk powder first, followed by the diced butter.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes smooth, spread it on a rectangular baking sheet and leave to harden. This will happen even at room temperature.
  4. Cut the hard chocolate into small pieces with a very sharp knife.

Quick homemade chocolate recipe

To prepare chocolate according to the proposed recipe, it will take even less time than going to the store for ready-made tiles. And the reward for the efforts at the stove will be a delicious dessert without preservatives and dyes. In it, if desired, you can add various fillers: nuts or dried fruits.

For one serving of "quick" treats you will need:

  • 25 g of melted butter;
  • 2.5 st. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • the same amount of milk;
  • only ordinary sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp flour;
  • vanillin and fillers to taste and desire.

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, mix cocoa, sugar and a tablespoon of milk. Pour in the remaining milk after the mixture has reached the consistency of a paste.
  2. Boil the milk mixture, stir in cubes of butter at room temperature and flour passed through a fine-mesh sieve.
  3. Heat the chocolate again to a boil, add vanillin and other filling components and distribute the resulting composition among the molds. After hardening, quick homemade chocolate is ready.

With honey notes

Honey fragrance can be given to a dessert prepared according to any of the above recipes. But the use of a bee product will be more justified for a recipe that almost completely repeats the technology of industrial production. The recipe has two hard-to-find ingredients (cocoa butter and cocoa liquor). You can’t buy them in the nearest grocery store, but you can easily order them in specialized online stores.

Component ratio:

  • 100 g of grated cocoa;
  • 50 g cocoa butter;
  • 25 g honey.

Cooking technology:

  1. Cocoa ingredients, pre-crush by rubbing on a coarse grater.
  2. Melt the cocoa butter in a bowl over boiling water. To make chocolate excellent not only in taste, but also in appearance (with a glossy sheen), the temperature of all its components during cooking should not rise above 40 degrees.
  3. The next process is called conching - the introduction of honey and grated cocoa alternately into the liquid oil. This should be done in small parts, kneading until the ingredients are completely liquefied in the total mass. The duration of this stage will be approximately half an hour.
  4. Further, molds are filled with liquid chocolate and left to stabilize, without putting it in the cold, for 8 to 12 hours.

With nuts and dried fruits

The selected chocolate recipe is effortlessly transformed according to the mood of the culinary specialist by diluting its composition with your favorite nuts and dried fruits. These ingredients are able to make the most primitive set of products a bestseller.

Such culinary experiments are also possible with white chocolate, for which it is necessary to prepare:

  • 40 g milk powder;
  • the same amount of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa butter;
  • 2.5 ml of vanillin extract;
  • nut crumbs and pieces of dried fruit to taste.

How to do:

  1. Having built a bath from a saucepan with water and another container, bring cocoa butter to a fluid state. Stir in the free-flowing mixture of milk and powder, adding vanilla extract almost at the very end.
  2. Fill the mold for the future chocolate bar with half of the liquid white chocolate. Sprinkle evenly with whole or crushed nuts and/or dried fruit. Top them with the remaining liquid mass.

After about an hour, the chocolate will harden and you can enjoy it.

There are no special tricks in making chocolate in your own kitchen. It is only important to choose high-quality ingredients, follow the recipe and add a drop of love to every movement.

Since the outlandish cocoa beans came to the European continent, confectioners have no rest.

They invent more and more delicious sweets from products obtained from exotic fruits of chocolate trees.

Sweet tooth also does not sit still.

Each of them at least once was lucky enough to make a delicacy at home, using both specially purchased ingredients and various little things from home stocks: nuts or vanilla, raisins or dried fruits.

The inventors of new forms of antidepressant (namely, chocolate) do not stop there, improving their culinary skills, inventing fresh sweet combinations and configurations. But for starters, a beginner in the home chocolate industry would do well to get acquainted with the basic recipes and general principles for making real chocolate at home.

Chocolate at home - general principles of preparation:

Don't skimp on products! The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa powder, butter, sugar or honey, as well as nuts and raisins. By buying a little less ingredients, you run the risk of getting a delicacy of inadequate quality and taste.

When making chocolate at home, remember that the normal temperature for making quality chocolate is not too high: no more than 32 degrees Celsius. This is easy to check manually: touch the mixture with your hand - and if it does not burn the skin, then your chocolate is not ruined yet.

Connoisseurs say that the mixture should not be put on an open fire, although some recipes indicate just such a method. But it is better to use a double boiler or a water bath.

Do not start making chocolate on an industrial scale. Start with a small portion. If you are satisfied with the taste and quality, then you can make a larger portion of the treat.

To make the filling “inside” your sweets, add it in layers alternately with chocolate.

Filling for making delicious chocolate at home:

The filling for homemade chocolate can be any sweetness that you like. Some sweet tooth prefer nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), others prefer citrus zest, others prefer cracker or waffle crumbs. The filling is crushed and added already to the hot mixture, then stirred and poured into molds.

Recipes to help you make delicious chocolate at home

Classic chocolate: nothing more

Don't even try to make an exact replica of a shop bar if you haven't stocked up on cocoa butter. It is this rare ingredient that allows sweets to keep their shape. But if your hunt for rarities is still crowned with success, you will get a delicious delicacy. This recipe is for lucky hunters.


Grated cocoa - 200 grams;

Cocoa butter - 40-50 grams;

Butter - 20 grams.

In a water bath or in a double boiler, melt both types of oils (cocoa and butter), then add grated cocoa, sugar (powder) to the mixture and stir until the composition becomes homogeneous. Then cool the contents of the bowl a little, pour into prepared molds and place in the refrigerator.

Vanilla chocolate "Refined" with nuts and dried fruits

If you opted for vanilla chocolate, then you will need the following products:

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l;

Milk - 100 ml;

Butter - 125 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 1 cup;

Vanillin - half tsp;

Walnuts, raisins and dried fruits.

Pour milk into the container, then put on a slow fire and warm it up. Vanillin and sugar add to the warmed milk, without removing the bowl from the heat and constantly stirring the mixture. Then you need to make a separate water bath, melt the butter in it and pour the already melted butter into a container with milk and sugar. Cocoa powder is added there after mixing the previous ingredients. Then the container stays on low heat for about 25 minutes. The dried fruits or nuts chosen as the filling are added just before the chocolate is poured into the molds. A few hours in the refrigerator, and your treat is ready.

Coffee chocolate "for true gourmets"


Cocoa powder - 50 grams;

Powdered milk - 250 grams;

Sugar - 500 grams;

Butter - 250 grams;

Brewed ground coffee - 1 tsp;

Dried fruits, nuts, lemon peel, vanilla (to taste).

Before starting the main process, you should prepare the main "flavor" - coffee. Of course, the dosage depends only on your taste, but the following steps are assumed in the basic recipe: 3/4 cup of water for one spoon of coffee. When the coffee boils, you need to add zest or vanilla to it and continue to boil for 4-5 minutes over low heat. Then strain the liquid removed from the stove from the coffee pomace and again put the container on the fire. When the coffee begins to rise, add cocoa and sugar to the mixture, and then boil for another five minutes.

Now the turn of powdered milk will come - it should be added here, mix thoroughly, turn off the heat and dissolve the butter, previously cut into pieces, in the resulting chocolate. The filling - nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots or prunes - are added to an almost ready-made delicacy at your discretion right before pouring into molds.

Milk chocolate "Gentle"


Cocoa powder 4 tbsp. l;

Butter - 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Milk - 100 grams.

In a suitable bowl, first you need to pour the milk and heat it up over medium heat. Next add sugar and cocoa powder. Meanwhile, the butter is melted in a separate container in a water bath, and then poured into a bowl with the main mixture, which, after adding the oil, should be brought to a boil. After that, the fire should be reduced and the chocolate should be cooked for another 2-3 minutes.

Chocolate "a little bit of everything"

Cooks who have tried the following recipe claim that the taste of this product is not much different from store-bought tiles. But it contains affordable ingredients, for which a zealous hostess does not need to run to the store - they will always be found in the kitchen cabinet and refrigerator.


Cocoa powder - 150 grams;

Butter - 70 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 100 grams;

Milk - 5 tbsp. l.;

Flour - 1.5-2 tsp.

On a slow fire, heat the milk, gradually pouring sugar (or powdered sugar) and cocoa into it. Separately, in a water bath, you need to melt the butter, and then pour it into the milk mixture and mix. Continuing to stir, you need to bring the mass to a boil, and then turn off the heat.

Chocolate flour is first sifted through a fine sieve, added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly - so that there are no lumps left, as if you were preparing pancake dough. Now once again you need to turn on the fire and hold the mixture on it for about 2 minutes - until it boils.

As a result, the mixture will resemble sour cream in density. Slightly cooled chocolate should be poured into molds greased with oil, and then put in the freezer to harden. After 3-4 hours, the treat will be ready.

Dark chocolate "Elementary, Watson!"

This recipe does not provide for any tricks or an abundance of components.


Cocoa powder - 100 grams;

Butter - approximately 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp.

As you can easily understand from the list of ingredients, cocoa powder will be the most in this chocolate. Because chocolate will turn out bitter or bitter. More experienced confectioners will change the ratio of sugar and cocoa. But one detail should be taken into account: it is on the basis of these proportions that more complex chocolate desserts are prepared.

The process itself is very simple: the butter cut into pieces must be melted in a water bath, then add a mixture of cocoa and sugar. The result is a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. The composition must be brought to a boil, and then cook for about 2 minutes, stirring evenly. Then everything is the same as in other recipes: the chocolate should be cooled down a little, poured into molds and put in the refrigerator or freezer.

Homemade chocolate "honey"

The simple process of making real honey chocolate is fully offset by the rarity of the two main ingredients and the long wait for the final product to be ready.


Grated cocoa - 400 grams;

Cocoa butter - 200 grams;

Liquid honey - 100 ml.

In a water bath, as it should be in cases with the “correct” chocolate, you need to melt the cocoa butter, then pour in the grated cocoa in small portions and pour in the liquid honey. Heat the mixture to a temperature of about 40 degrees (not higher, since in this case the properties of honey deteriorate), and then pour into molds. For readiness, honey chocolate should “settle” at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours, until it completely hardens.

What you need to know when making real chocolate at home - secrets, tricks and tips

The more cocoa you add, the more bitter it will turn out. But the hardness of the delicacy also depends on the amount of cocoa!

If chocolate made with flour doesn't set well in the freezer, add more flour next time.

If you cook chocolate with brown cane instead of white sugar, then the delicacy will become much more useful. Cane sugar contains valuable minerals and makes chocolate tastier.

Chocolate that is chilled in the freezer will be firmer; chocolate that is refrigerated will be softer.

The milk provided by the recipe can be replaced with water, although some experienced confectioners do not recommend this.

Chocolate molds are easier to remove from silicone molds.
