
Blanks from white filling for the winter. How to preserve apple juice from a juicer? Harvesting apple juice: recipe

The maximum amount of vitamins and organic acids contains apples of local varieties, harvested in season. The health benefits of apple juice are well known, and homemade apple juice is guaranteed to be free of preservatives, colors, and artificial sweeteners. Modern juicers greatly facilitate the harvesting process.

Prolonged heat treatment and excess sugar drastically reduce the consumer value of the drink: it should only be brought to a boil, and sugar can be added immediately before use.

The natural product does not have a rich color.


  • 2 kg apples
  • 500 g sugar


1. Rinse the fruit thoroughly, if there are spots of rot or damage by insects on the peel, then they must be cut off. Cut each apple into several pieces, remove the seed box and ponytails.

2. Roll the apples into juice. Since apples of the “White pouring” variety are used, little juice is obtained, from 2 kg about 800 ml. These apples are not very juicy.

3. Pour freshly squeezed apple juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring. Pour in the granulated sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. When we see that the juice is ready to boil, turn off the fire. When harvesting juice, one of the main requirements is not to subject the juice to prolonged heat treatment, otherwise the proportion of useful microelements will drop sharply.

4. Jars for preserving juice should be sterilized over steam, scalded with boiling water. Pour hot juice into jars.

5. If you close the juice for children, and even in small quantities, then it is better to prepare the juice in small bottles or jars - it's more convenient. Wrap hot juice in jars until cool. Store blanks in a cool dark place.

Note to the owner

1. Any juicer, together with the liquid, passes a small part of the pulp, which at first, while the juice is hot, is located near the neck of the jar in the form of thick foam, and then forms an approximately 4-centimeter layer of sediment. If the apples are sour, then in addition to it, a white-yellow coating will also appear at the bottom of the container - small acid crystals. Both phenomena are considered normal.

2. Cake looks unappetizing, but it is useful. To send it to the trash is to act wastefully. Such waste contains both peel and pulp, and they contain iron and vitamins. Why not cook concentrated compote? True, it will have to be filtered, but this is an elementary action.

3. If the pediatrician said that it is time to give homemade apple juice to the baby, it is better to choose green or greenish-yellow fruits for harvesting. Reds are more likely to cause allergies.

4. The drink may turn out to be completely unsweetened, even cause soreness. To adjust the taste, it is advisable to add products more useful than sugar to it: maple syrup, honey. Slightly warmed juice is also flavored with cinnamon, citrus (preferably orange) zest, fragrant herbs with a refreshing aftertaste - mint, lemon balm. A good ingredient is cloves. Thanks to her, the aromatic drink will resemble mulled wine.

Purchased drinks cannot compete with homemade ones. "Home made" products contain 100% vitamins and minerals, while industrial unscrupulous manufacturers add preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. Natural apple juice is recommended for children. It is introduced into complementary foods from five to six months.

It is important to make preparations from those fruits, the quality and "naturalness" of which are beyond doubt. Ideally, if the fruit grew on your site or was bought from a farmer friend. If you buy raw materials in a store, then you need to do this only in season.

The benefits of the drink

In the people, these fruits are called the "universal healer." The maximum benefit, of course, can be obtained from fresh apples and fresh juice. But even in the canned product, many valuable substances are preserved. If the technology is observed, then most of the vitamins remain, and mineral salts are practically not destroyed.

  • Ascorbic acid. Strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing, acts as an antioxidant. It also removes toxins, helps restore the functions of the thyroid and pancreas.
  • B vitamins. Increase stress resistance, support the nervous system, improve digestion, improve skin condition.
  • Vitamin E. Improves skin and vision, prevents the development of anemia, protects the lungs, improves metabolism.
  • pectin. Removes cholesterol, improves intestinal motility, relieves inflammation.
  • Polyphenols. They normalize digestion, slow down the aging process, stabilize blood pressure, improve appetite.
  • organic acids. Break down fats, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system.
  • Iron . Improves metabolism, prevents anemia, supports thyroid function, strengthens the nervous system and immunity.
  • Potassium. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain activity, reduces swelling.
  • Magnesium. Good for the heart, lungs, prevents the formation of kidney stones, gives strength, regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens bones and tooth enamel.

Skeptics argue that the usefulness of juice crosses out the sugar that is added during preservation. But its amount can be minimized if you take sweet fruits. Moreover, the product can generally be made without sugar - fruit acid will not allow it to ferment.


With an ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis, the possibility of including a drink in the diet should be discussed with a doctor. There are certain nuances here, an independent analysis of which can cost health. For example, with gastritis with high acidity, juice is prohibited, with low acidity it is allowed. With an exacerbation of pancreatitis - it is prohibited, during the period of remission - it is possible, but only non-acidic and diluted with water.

Even healthy people should not get involved in the product. The norm per day is no more than a liter. Otherwise, a feeling of heaviness may appear in the stomach, flatulence will occur. It is undesirable for nursing mothers to drink the drink in the first months, so as not to provoke digestive problems in the baby. Then be sure to monitor the reaction of the crumbs. It is also important to look closely when introducing juice into complementary foods.

Apple juice should not be taken with medicines. Organic acids not only interfere with the absorption of the drug, but can also neutralize its effect.

Preparation for conservation

The preparatory stage is as important as the process of cooking and seaming itself.

  • Variety selection. Juice can be made from any fruit, but it is desirable that they be solid. Then the drink will turn out more, it will be transparent. Antonovka, pear, anise are considered optimal varieties. They are sweet and juicy. Sour varieties (for example, Simirenko) are also suitable, but you will have to add more sugar. White filling and ranetki are not so juicy, so it is better to make compote out of them.
  • Raw material preparation. Fruits must be thoroughly washed, cut, removed ponytails, core. Make sure that among the total mass there are no pieces with a wormhole, rot, or dents. In the future, they can provoke fermentation.
  • Container sterilization. The safety of conservation depends on the cleanliness of the jars. Containers and lids must be sterilized. Choose the method that seems most convenient - over steam, in boiling water, in the oven, in a slow cooker.

Varieties of green apples should be chosen for making a drink for those who have diabetes. These fruits have less organic sugar.

Cooking methods if you have a juicer

If the house has a juicer, preparing a healthy drink is not difficult. First, the apples are prepared, and then the liquid is squeezed out of the raw material. It is necessary that it drain into glass or enameled dishes in order to avoid oxidative processes. To prevent browning, you can add a little lemon juice. To preserve the nectar until the next harvest, heat treatment is carried out before seaming.

Heat treatment

Without this procedure, the fresh will not stand under the lid for a day - it will deteriorate. There are three types of heat treatment before canning.

  1. Heating . The squeezed juice is heated to 90°C, but not boiled. In the process, foam will appear: it is removed. You can track the temperature without a culinary thermometer by the bubbles: as soon as they appear, turn off the stove. The heated liquid is poured into sterile and heated jars, immediately rolled up.
  2. Pasteurization. Freshly squeezed juice is poured into jars. Glass containers are covered with sterile lids, but do not roll up. Banks are placed in a deep saucepan, warm water is poured into the container (indentation - 1 cm from the neck of the cans) and they begin to heat up. When the temperature of the water in the pot reaches 85°C, the fire is reduced by half and pasteurized for 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of the jar). The containers are taken out one by one and immediately rolled up.
  3. Boiling. The squeezed juice is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and boiled for ten minutes. After poured into a sterile container and rolled up. It is recommended to apply to this method if there are doubts about the quality of the raw materials: the drink will definitely stand for a long time. The downside of boiling is that the vitamins "volatilize".

It is better that the jars cool upside down under a blanket. Preservation should be placed in a dark and cool place. The product is stored for two years. But it is better to renew blanks during the period of harvesting a new crop.

The easiest recipe

Description . Squeezed juice is prepared for seaming by heating: it is both easier and beneficial substances are preserved. How much sugar to add, the hostess will have to calculate on her own. The yield of the product depends on the variety of apples, the maturity of the fruit, the density of the pulp. If the fruit is of medium sweetness, then it is recommended to add about a tablespoon per liter of liquid. But you can be guided by your taste.


  • apples - 4 kg;
  • sugar - to taste.

How to do

  1. Wash the apples. Remove ponytails, seeds, wormholes, cut out wrinkled places.
  2. Cut fruit into slices. Pass through the device.
  3. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth to get rid of the pulp.
  4. Pour into a saucepan.
  5. Add granulated sugar to taste.
  6. Bring almost to a boil - 90 ° C. Hold at this temperature for three minutes. Skim off the foam while heating.
  7. Pour into pre-sterilized containers, roll up.

If you take fruits of different varieties, you get a richer taste. You can flavor the drink by adding ground cinnamon, vanillin.

Blended options

If you have a juicer, it's easy to make blended drinks at home. Apples should remain the main component, and vegetables, berries, and other fruits are added to them. It is recommended to observe the following proportion: 65% of the main juice and 35% - additional. But you can also dilute 1:1 or whatever you prefer. Blended drinks are preserved using the same technology as monovariants: squeezed, heated or pasteurized, rolled into a sterile container.

What can be passed through a juicer to make a delicious blended cocktail, the table will tell you.

Table - The most successful components for blending apple juice

It is not forbidden to mix more than two components. Try making a "goodness leader": apple-carrot-beetroot smoothie.

Juicer Recipes

The main advantage of this method is simplicity. You just need to pour water into the juice cooker (about 2/3 of the volume of the tank), put it on fire, and put the fruits cut into four parts into a special compartment. You do not need to follow the process, which is very convenient.

The preparation time of the drink depends on the type of fruit. The process usually takes about an hour. The fact that it has ended can be understood by the moisture content of the apple slices. If excess moisture is present, the juicer is left on the stove for another 30 minutes, and then the pieces are checked again. And so on until they are completely dry. The drink is immediately ready for canning.

You can not throw away processed pieces of fruit, but turn them into puree for stuffing pies or make jam.

The drink is clear and fragrant. However, it is inferior to the squeezed version in composition. The liquid is obtained by steaming the fruit, but when condensed, water also enters the juice.

The juicer makes a drink with and without sugar. Sugar is always added when laying apples. If in the end it turned out that the product is sour, you will have to put up with it. Decide to add some sweetness before rolling - the drink won't stay until winter.


Description . Do not overdo it with sugar: you need to try apples first. If the fruit is sweet, then you can do without it altogether. Try to put a sprig of celery at the bottom of each jar - the product will acquire additional useful properties. But remember that not everyone likes the smell of this plant.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g.

How to do

  1. Wash the fruits. Cut in half and remove seeds. Cut the halves into two more pieces.
  2. Place the slices in the juicer. Sprinkle each layer with sugar.
  3. Pour water into the appliance.
  4. Cover the fruit with a lid, check if the “assistant” tap is tightly closed, then send it to the stove.
  5. Boil for about an hour. (Time is taken from the moment the water boils).
  6. Pour the finished drink into a sterile container, roll up with clean lids.


Description . This recipe will appeal to those who love drinks with "spicy" notes. Spices saturate the product with an incredible aroma.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • grated ginger - to taste;
  • cinnamon - half a stick;
  • carnation - three buds.

How to do

  1. Cut the fruits into medium slices.
  2. Pour water into the appliance. Put the "assistant" on the stove.
  3. Fold the slices into a removable compartment specially provided for this purpose. Sprinkle spices and sugar on top.
  4. When the water in the appliance boils, place a container with chopped fruit.
  5. Boil an hour.
  6. Preserve.

In order for the juice to flow out of the device quickly, the water inside must boil well. If you feel like the process is taking too long, try adding fire.


Description . The drink can be flavored with zest. Lemon, grapefruit, orange are suitable for these purposes. And if you add lemon balm, then the product will turn out incredibly fragrant.


  • apples - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • any citrus - one;
  • Melissa - two branches.

How to do

  1. Wash and cut the main ingredient.
  2. Fold half of the raw materials into the appropriate compartment of the device.
  3. Put melissa on top.
  4. Prepare the zest. Put it on lemon balm, but not just like that, but on gauze. This is necessary so that the sieve of the device does not clog during the cooking process.
  5. Sprinkle everything with sugar. Add remaining fruit slices. Sprinkle them with sugar too.
  6. Pour water into the appliance.
  7. Boil for half an hour.
  8. Stir. Let the drink brew, then pour into a sterile jar and twist.

Treat citrus fruits with soda, wash thoroughly, and then rub the zest. This way you neutralize microbes that can cause fermentation in seamings.


Description . When preparing a drink in a juicer, you can add vegetables, other fruits, berries to the main ingredient. The apple-grape product is especially delicious. Pay close attention to washing the grapes and removing twigs: nothing extra should get into the workpiece.


  • sweet apples - 4 kg;
  • grapes - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon - one;
  • carnation - two buds;
  • cinnamon - one stick.

How to do

  1. Wash apples, grapes and lemon thoroughly.
  2. Cut the fruits, remove the grape branches, prepare the zest.
  3. Pour water into the tray of the machine.
  4. Put the main ingredient in the appropriate compartment. Put zest and spices wrapped in gauze on the slices. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Lay grapes on top.
  6. Boil an hour.
  7. Stir the pulp to decant the rest of the drink.
  8. Pour the product into sterile jars, roll up.

For the preparation of apple-grape juice, any grape variety is suitable - both elite and country Isabella. But if you take several types, then the taste and aroma of the drink will become richer.

Drink from apples can be closed, even if the house does not have the appropriate appliances. To do this, you need to cut the fruit into pieces, pour water and sweat until softened. After cooling, the slices are ground through a sieve. The puree product is poured into a sterile container and rolled up. If the fruit is unsweetened, then after grinding add sugar and bring the mass to a boil.

The most delicious and healthy type of drink today is apple juice. Apple juice for the winter through a juicer is made by those chefs who care not only about the taste of the resulting product, but also about its useful qualities. The process of preparing such a blank is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook will be able to handle it. The product prepared by the hostess will not only be an excellent health product, but also a good addition to the main dishes prepared for the festive table.

The main advantages of the dish include: juice passed through a juicer retains much more useful properties, is more nutritious and easy to prepare. The disadvantage of the method of obtaining is that only ripe fruits are suitable for its preparation.

The benefits of apples for the human body

The beneficial properties of apples are so great that a huge number of people eat them. On the one hand, this fruit has a low calorie content, and on the other hand, it is easy to digest. It is great for people who want to lose weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 47.5 kilocalories. Very often it is used in various diets. Apples help people lose weight quickly while eating a tasty food item.

In apples there are such groups of vitamins: C, E, A, H, PP, K, B1, B5, B6, B9. In addition, they contain a huge number of micro and macro elements. Some of the most important are trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and iodine. The main advantages include the huge content of fiber, organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in fruits. It is precisely because of the large number of positive properties of the fruit that harvesting apple juice for the winter through a juicer is so popular.

Choosing a Canning Variety

Choosing the right type of fruit will largely depend on the desired result that you want to get. Juice can have a pleasant mild sweet taste or sour taste. Picking up a sweet variety of apples, you can get a drink with a sweetish taste, and sour - with sourness. Apples Cosmonaut Titov, Freedom, Antey, Elena - have a dense structure, so the juice made will have a lot of pulp and not very much liquid. Such a product is suitable for those who like to drink juice with softness.

Admirers of sour taste can pay attention to the following varieties of fruits: Nizhegorodka, Antonovka. Professionals recommend preserving sour apples, they are stored much longer than sweet ones.

Important! Mixing different types of apples when creating juice should not be. It is also necessary to distinguish between quickly ripening and summer fruits of this fruit.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: video

Apple Juice Secrets

In order to make winter harvesting more palatable, it is recommended to follow some important cooking secrets:

  • The time of pasteurization of juices largely depends on the volume of its preparation. A 1 liter can will be processed for 15 minutes, 1.5 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.
  • Experienced cooks add sugar syrup instead of sugar. The recipe for its preparation is simple: 200 grams of sugar is dissolved in water, mixed, filtered through a dense piece of gauze. This juice is more tasty and softer in taste.
  • Enameled containers are used for brewing juice, since they are more harmless than aluminum or steel.

Harvesting apple juice for the winter through a juicer can be prepared according to various recipes, but using these recommendations, the product will turn out to be of a higher quality.

Sterilizing juice jars

The power of the device is a very important property, it must be at least 300 watts. Juicers with a power of about 500 watts are considered the highest quality. This indicator affects the performance of the device.

DIY juicer for apples

The juicer can be assembled with your own hands from an activator-type washing machine. The operation of the device is based on centrifugal rotation. The activator and the shaft are removed from the bottom of the old machine, installed on the shaft of the required diameter. 3 knives are installed on the threaded part with the help of nuts at an angle of 60 degrees. The drain hole is covered. A stainless steel mesh with a cell of 1.5 millimeters lies on the wall of the centrifuge with an overlap of 40-50 millimeters. A lid is placed on its bottom, made of rubber with a cork tightly closing it. Everything is thoroughly washed with baking soda, and the timer relay is turned off.

After that, 2-3 apples are placed in a home-made design on rotating knives. They are thoroughly crushed for half an hour. For 1 time, 3 liters of applesauce can be placed in the centrifuge. After the end of each procedure, the device must be thoroughly rinsed. The assembled apparatus can prepare about 10 liters of juice with pulp per hour. This performance of the device is great for home use.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: recipe without pulp

Many people prefer to drink juice without pulp. Creating a similar product is very simple if you follow the following recipe. The main components needed for cooking:

  • apples - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 50 grams.

Instructions for making apple juice:

    Selected and thoroughly washed apples are cut into 4 parts, removing the core from them, and sent to the juicer.

    The juice is very cloudy, so it needs to be filtered. As a filter, you can use a small piece of cotton cloth, gauze or a sterile bandage. From the resulting pulp, culinary specialists prepare jam.

    Strained juice does not need to be brought to a boil, but it needs to be heated to 85 degrees Celsius, after which it can be poured into separate jars. It, together with the container, must be sterilized before rolling. Sterilization time is 20 minutes.

recipe for cooking without pulp) - is one of the most common.

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Apple juice for the winter through a juicer, transparent without pulp

The cooking sequence is very simple:

  • peeled apples are cut into small pieces, previously with the cores removed from them;
  • fruit is passed through a juicer;
  • after, it is filtered through a fine sieve, separating the pulp from the clear juice;
  • at the end of the procedure, the juice is heated to a boil and sterilizes it along with the container in which it will be located.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pulp

Many chefs advise making apple juice from a juicer for the winter, while there are a wide variety of recipes. The main components of such a drink:

  • sour and sweet varieties of apples - 2-3 kilograms;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We wash the fruits with water and chop into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan, press down with something heavy so that the apples give juice, add granulated sugar and water, bring to a boil.
  2. After, remove from the heat and use a wooden crush to knead the apples, put the puree on the fire again, for about 5 minutes.
  3. After that, carefully sterilize the container with the product for 20 minutes and roll up the lid.

Step-by-step instruction:

Persico - apple juice

This drink is very tasty. Two healthy fruits are in perfect harmony with each other. The result is a very nutritious and tasty juice.

Product Components:

  • peaches - 5 kilograms;
  • apples - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 70 grams.

Product preparation process:

  1. We wash the apples and peaches well with water, remove the peel from them, send the fruits to the juicer.
  2. We sterilize the jars, boil the lids for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour apple and peach juice into a large bowl and bring to a boil, then add sugar to the resulting composition, boil for about 7 minutes, pour into jars and close with lids.


Apple juice for the winter through a juicer is prepared very simply and quickly. It can be prepared at home not only with the help of an expensive juicer, but also with the help of a home-made device. Apple juice has a lot of valuable qualities that support the normal functioning of the human body.

To prepare apple juice at home without a juicer, you need to set aside a lot of time, as well as prepare for physical labor. The resulting sweet and sour elixir will reimburse all the costs of its manufacture.

A bit about apple juice

Who doesn't love apple juice? Basically, all people adore this product and are ready to drink it both in the morning and in the evening. Drinking the drink promotes excellent digestion, so it is recommended to take it after a meal. There is not a single person who would refuse a glass of apple juice. Although, according to our Aesculapius, it is not useful for everyone. What's the matter? Hydrocyanic acid in apples is not always beneficial for people with high stomach acidity. Therefore, juice should be consumed with extreme caution.

Provisions from apple juice

Squeezed juice from apples, due to the presence of natural sugar, is naturally sweet. Therefore, for such a preparation, sugar is not always necessary. No more ingredients are needed, but, with regards to kitchen utensils, here you should stock up on a lot. To get apple juice for the winter without a juicer, use a fruit press. There are huge industrial, screw and hydraulic presses. At home, any crush can play the role of such a press.

There are three types of apple juice canning:

  1. Preparation of warm juice without boiling. This option requires heating the drink to 95 degrees, after which it is immediately sent to jars and tightly corked.
  2. Preparation of boiled juice. The case under consideration provides for boiling the juice from the moment of boiling for another 10 minutes.
  3. Preparation of raw freshly squeezed juice. The name speaks for itself: freshly squeezed juice is immediately placed in jars. There is one "but". Glass containers with apple nectar require mandatory sterilization.

There are a couple of options on how to squeeze juice from apples without a juicer. These include: the operation of the press unit in industrial conditions or in mass production, the work of a metal crush in a colander or a wooden crush in a sieve at home.

Apple juice recipe White filling


red apple juice recipe


A three-liter jar holds 1.5 kg of chopped apples.

Apple juice with other garden fruits without a juicer

Apple juice is too concentrated, especially with pulp, so it is advisable to dilute it with other juices or water when taken directly. To understand how to make apple juice without a juicer, check out the recommended step-by-step recipes below. Such a drink with pulp during processing does not lose any healing properties, it also retains the entire volume of products invested in it.

With 1 kg of apples, 1 liter of juice with pulp will come out.

apple pumpkin juice recipe

The taste of pumpkin is specific and not understandable to everyone. And, here, mixed with apple juice, it is much more pleasant. Value - the apple is taken, purely, from your taste. You can take 1:1, and if you want the predominance of a sour taste, then there should be more apples.


Apple Carrot Juice Recipe

The sweetish aftertaste will perfectly fit into apple sourness. In addition, the presence of carotene and vitamin B will complement the vitamin baggage of apples.


apple squash juice recipe

Mild sweetish taste can contribute. Its organic acids, an abundance of potassium will have a positive effect on the nervous system and stomach. Patients with diabetes are also recommended to use this vegetable. Apple juice with squash at home is quite easy to make without a juicer.


Apple juice at home without a juicer goes well with other juices from berries: raspberries, chokeberries, viburnum, strawberries. In pure form and mixed with other vegetables, fruits, apple juice brings healing and delicious joy to every home. It is useful for adults and children, sick and healthy, the main thing is to put it on the menu to get the benefit.
