
Vodka with dry mint recipe. Mint tincture: recipes for making a strong alcoholic drink at home

Fans of alcoholic beverages have long mastered their preparation at home. This does not mean moonshine, but the desire to ennoble the taste of ready-made drinks. Agree, it is much more pleasant to savor the contents of your glass than to use it with difficulty and grimacing. Aesthetes will surely like mint tincture, which is prepared with ease (albeit for a rather long time), and after that it pleases with color, smell and taste at the same time.

Useful in the kitchen

Any housewife is aware of how valuable mint can be in cooking. Especially in cases where lamb is cooked: the end result is great in taste, but can be radically spoiled by a peculiar smell. And this modest herb is able to remove such a significant defect.

Mint is indispensable in baking, and when creating desserts, and in cocktails or liqueurs. Having appreciated its fragrant possibilities, it is quite difficult to do without fragrant grass in winter. Of course, you can use dried analogues, but this is not quite the same. But mint vodka can be an interesting drink option. Firstly, the aroma in it is expressed to the maximum extent. Secondly, just a few drops are enough, and if you want to be a bartender, no restrictions are expected at all.

Actually a cure

Mint tincture has been used as a versatile medicine since ancient times. It is very useful for normalizing the heart rhythm, stimulates and stabilizes blood circulation. Mint is able to relieve even a serious vascular spasm and expand blood vessels. Quite quickly, it reduces pressure and eliminates the effects of stress.

It is believed that mint has aphrodisiac qualities, enhancing sexual desire and opportunities in this area. So mint was strictly forbidden to the Greek fighters, so that they would not be distracted from the goal by extraneous activities. True, modern medicine does not agree with this and believes that mint vodka can depress male power. Perhaps, if it is used in large quantities, this opinion will be fair.

Of course, the miracle plant also has contraindications. So, it is categorically not recommended for hypotensive patients, since it reduces pressure effectively and sharply. For the same reason, mint derivatives should not be consumed by those who have problems with veins, such as varicose veins. For those who, due to their chosen profession, attention and speed of reaction are important, it is also better to avoid mint, which has a pronounced calming effect. But everyone else can enjoy the aroma and taste of mint drinks with a clear conscience.

Just mint tincture on vodka

It requires only two ingredients: alcohol and grass. There are more intricate recipes for tinctures, but we will start with the simplest. A liter of vodka will require about 50 grams of fresh leaves. By the way, it is better to collect them in dry weather and take only the upper young leaves. They are washed, slightly dried and placed in a bottle of liquid. Enough to insist two weeks. During this time, the drink will acquire a rich emerald color and a pleasant, but not overly strong aroma. The tincture is filtered through clean bottles and left until the solemn moment. It is better to store either in the dark or in darkened containers so that the color remains as bright.

Harder but more elegant

The next mint will be more complex. But the taste is more refined: notes of additional ingredients will soften the taste and smell of the main one, which seems to many to be too “medicinal”. For a liter of good, high-quality vodka, it is proposed to take 100 grams of fresh mint leaves, half of this amount of dill seeds, a couple of spoons and a little cinnamon. After the first experience, you can change the ratio according to your tastes. The infusion is carried out for the same two weeks, and after straining, the drink can be sweetened if you are going to treat the lady: the tincture will not lose the taste at all.

vintage drink

The recipe is the same one that was mentioned in the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession." Anisovka may as well be called differently as “mint vodka”. Ingredients are introduced in equal proportions. For two liters of "little white" (necessarily very high quality), 40 grams of mint, anise and crushed orange nuts are taken. The container should stand warm for 12 days (a full two weeks is possible), after which the drink is filtered. And the thick can be filled with vodka again. For re-manufacturing, only a liter of alcohol is used, and it will take a whole month to withstand. But in terms of taste, it's just as good.

Lemon mint charm

The combination of these two components gives a truly charming result. True, mint-lemon tincture on vodka will require a little more attention and hassle. Four lemons (per liter of alcohol) are peeled, and you need to manage to remove only the zest, without a white layer. It should be cut into smaller pieces. Then the citruses are freed from the white shell and cut. In a container with a liter of vodka, both the zest and the pulp, plus mint, taken to taste and chopped, are laid. For four days, the complex is kept warm, then the liquid is filtered (the cake is squeezed into a new dish), a glass of sugar is poured in, and the tincture returns to heat for another 10 days. Shake it well once a day. The initial turbidity should not be embarrassing - over time, the lemon-mint tincture will lighten up and it will only need to be drained from the sediment. This must be done very carefully. If you shake it, you will have to wait at least a day until the turbidity settles again, and the drink may stop standing.

The same can be done at home. If you do not want too much, you will have to dilute. It is advisable to take exclusively clean water. And you need to pour the tincture into it, and not vice versa, otherwise you will get a cloudy and ugly drink. In addition, it will be possible to drink it only after a week. You may need another filtering.

For lovers: mint with lime

Lime in our area won recognition not so long ago. However, he already managed to find fans who liked the bitterness inherent in him. Accordingly, they invented a mint-lime tincture, quite worthy of attention. For its manufacture, you will need a jar where an average bunch of mint (not crushed) is placed. The zest of two limes and squeezed juice are also added here. It is advisable to add three tablespoons of cane sugar to soften the bitterness. The prepared ingredients are poured with a liter of vodka, and the lime-mint tincture hides in darkness and coolness for the same two weeks. Keeping longer is not recommended even more insistently than in previous recipes: overexposed mint and lime will give an simply impossible taste.

Linden mint drink

What compositions people did not come up with in order to celebrate the holidays was not only fun, but also delicious! And among the recipes - a lot of very successful. We also included linden-mint in this list. However, moonshine can also be taken if it is subjected to double distillation. Alcohol must be diluted to 45% before infusion. In a container with alcohol are laid: lime blossom and mint - on a spoon with a solid slide; licorice root (pharmacy is suitable) - a spoon; rosehip - 30 pieces of berries; natural honey, of any origin - 60 grams; half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little vanilla. The “cocktail” is infused for three weeks, after filtering it rests for a couple more weeks. The taste is amazing.

Rataphia mint

Recipes for tinctures are mostly focused on fairly strong drinks. But do not forget about the ladies who prefer softer options. And here, mint ratafia will be most welcome. For her, three tablespoons of dried mint are poured into a liter of vodka. If the case is started in the summer - a bunch of chopped fresh grass. Three days the tincture is aged in the sun. Or at least warm. Separately, a syrup is made from a glass of water with an equal amount of sugar. Close attention is paid to descaling - it can spoil both the taste and the "appearance" of ratafia. The syrup is poured through a filter funnel into a common container, and the mint tincture is placed in a warm place for a week. At the end of the processes, the drink is filtered into a beautiful bottle and stored at room conditions.

Whichever recipe you choose, mint tincture will always please. Moreover, no one forbade experiments: you can easily invent your own drink.

Known to the people from time immemorial. Very often, the resulting distillate is used in a variety of tinctures, herbal tinctures are especially valued. Mint is one of the most popular ingredients in a wide variety of tinctures. For the manufacture of an alcohol base, any, even the simplest ones, are suitable.

Mint in moonshine

The medicinal properties of mint have been used by people since ancient times:

  • mint has a positive effect on human immunity, strengthening it;
  • treats colds;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a mild diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • increases appetite, helps get rid of migraines and much more.

Mint is used as a decoction or tincture. In mint tincture on moonshine, alcohol or vodka, all the properties of raw materials retain their medicinal properties, because. alcohol is a strong preservative. When mint is insisted on moonshine, an unpleasant odor is also removed, which may be present even after several distillations.

The recipe for mint tincture on moonshine

There are a very large number of recipes for mint tinctures on moonshine.

The easiest recipe:

  1. Add crushed mint to a container with moonshine, cover with a lid and put in a dark place to infuse.
  2. You need to insist within 3-4 days. If fresh mint was used, then you should get a bright green tincture.
  3. The tincture can be filtered and it will be ready for use, or you can additionally overtake it again.
  4. You can also add honey and other spices for flavor.

In order to be completely sure of the quality of the consumed product, it is best to use self-made moonshine, but for this you will need (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a brand distillation column or brand dry steamer). It is so easy to choose a model that is ideal for the production of distillate for tinctures, because they all differ in different characteristics. But you can take advantage of where experienced craftsmen share their experience and enjoy delicious homemade drinks.

Mojito at home

There are more elaborate recipes for mint tinctures. For example, a homemade mojito or a recipe for mint tincture on vodka (alcohol). This drink can be prepared in several ways.

For the first method, you will need the following ingredients:

  • vodka - 1l (or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees);
  • mint - 100 gr;
  • lime - 4 pcs;
  • sugar or fructose to taste - approximately 60 gr.

Cooking technology:

  1. First you need to clean the lime. Only the zest will be used.
  2. Then the zest should be grated on a fine grater, and the mint should be ground together with sugar in a mortar.
  3. After all the ingredients are added to the alcohol base and mixed thoroughly.
  4. The resulting concentrate must be put for 3 days to infuse.
  5. After this time, the tincture is filtered and left for another 3-5 days.

Mint tincture on vodka (alcohol) at home is ready.

For the second recipe, you can use a ripe lemon instead of a lime. It must be poured over with boiling water so that it is easier to peel the peel. The juice is squeezed into moonshine, and covered with mint. A jar of tincture, just like in the first recipe, is placed in a dark, cool place for 2-3 days, then sugar is added and in another day the mojito will be ready.

The drink should have a yellowish green color, and taste sweet and sour with a fresh mint flavor. Recommended to be consumed very chilled. You can add ice cubes.

In this article, we will look at three of the best recipes for homemade lemon tinctures. With the right approach, ripe juicy lemons and vodka (alcohol, moonshine) make excellent drinks with different flavors.

The technology of their preparation will not seem complicated even to novice cooks.

The strength of tinctures can be adjusted by adding more or less water than indicated in the recipes. The concentration of sugar is also selected to taste, but when making a drink for the first time, I advise you not to deviate from the recommended proportions, since they are designed for most people.

Classic lemon tincture

The taste of the drink is similar to homemade Limoncello liqueur, but it is prepared faster and a little easier. It is served chilled to 10-12°C as a dessert spirit.


  • lemons - 5 pieces;
  • vodka (moonshine) - 0.5 liters
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - 200 ml.


1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry.

2. Gently remove the zest from one lemon, being careful not to touch the bitter white flesh. This can be done with a potato peeler. Then squeeze out the juice.

3. Boil syrup from water, sugar and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring and removing the foam.

4. Remove the zest from the four remaining lemons. Trim and discard the white rind, cut the clean flesh into small pieces.

5. Mix syrup, vodka, zest and pulp in a jar. Close the lid tightly and shake well several times.

6. Put the jar in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

7. Strain the finished homemade tincture through gauze and cotton wool so that it becomes transparent. Store in a dark cool place, the shelf life is unlimited.

Alcohol tincture of lemon

A delicious drink with an original way of infusion, in which the raw materials do not come into contact with the alcohol base.


  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • alcohol (70%) - 350 ml;
  • water - 200 ml.

It is better to make ordinary tinctures on alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, then in this case, on the contrary, strong alcohol is diluted after infusion, so that its concentrated vapors better absorb lemon essential oils.

This method is also suitable for vodka tinctures, but then the aging period increases to 30-45 days.


1. Rinse the lemon in warm water, then wipe dry. This is necessary to wash off the paraffin and other preservatives that are on the peel.

2. Pour alcohol into a jar, pierce a lemon with a needle in the upper part and pass a thread through it.

3. Using a wire, hang a pierced lemon in a jar so that it does not touch the alcohol (pictured).

Lemon in a jar on a wire and a thread

4. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put for 14 days in a dark place with a temperature of 18-24 ° C

5. Add water, mix well. After that, the tincture will become cloudy, but after a few days of exposure, it will again become light. You can add sugar to taste.

6. Before use, keep the drink for 24 hours in a dark, cool place. Shelf life - more than 3 years.

Mint on lemon

The combination of mint and lemon gives an unforgettable taste that you will never find in other tinctures.


  • fresh mint leaves - 150 grams (or 50 grams dried);
  • lemons - 5 pieces;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) - 1 liter.

In this cooking technology, only the fragrant top lemon peel (zest) is used, the pulp and juice can be used for other dishes.


1. Carefully remove the zest from the lemons washed in hot water, without touching the white flesh.

2. Pour vodka over mint, add lemon zest and close the jar tightly with a lid.

3. Infuse for 7-10 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking every day.

4. Filter the tincture through a cotton-gauze filter, then bottle for storage.

Mint tincture is made from the fresh or dried plant. You can dry it yourself or buy mint in a pharmacy. It is worth collecting a plant for a drink away from the roadway and before flowering. Near roads, the plant can absorb harmful substances. Stems and roots are not used due to the fact that they add bitterness to the tincture.

Mint tincture preparation

At home, mint tincture is prepared in several ways. Suitable as a base: vodka, moonshine or ethyl alcohol, brought to a strength of 40-45%.

Cooked mint tincture is stored for no more than a year, after drinking it is not recommended. The recipes have their own nuances, but in general, nothing complicated.

Classic recipe

All the ingredients of the recipe are easily accessible, no special skills are required for cooking.

You will need:

  • fresh mint - 0.05 kg;
  • sugar - from 0.05 to 0.15 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the stems, roots, leave only the leaves. Put them in the bottom of the jar. Slightly knead with a wooden rolling pin.
  2. Fill the leaves with vodka, mix, close the jar with a lid (hermetically).
  3. Insist for 45 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the jar every fifth day.
  4. After insisting, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, squeeze the leaves a little.
  5. Try what works. Add sugar to taste, stir. Close the container tightly, leave to infuse for another 5-7 days.
  6. If a precipitate occurs, filter the liquid through a layer of cotton wool.

As a result of infusion, a drink with a strength of 32-38% is obtained, which has a greenish tint.

Quick Recipe

The preparation of mint infusion according to this recipe will take only three days. The aroma of the drink will not be as rich as in the first recipe, the fortress will be smaller. For cooking you will need:

  • fresh mint - 0.065 kg;
  • water - 0.15 l;
  • vodka (moonshine or alcohol 40 °) - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - two tablespoons.

The recipe is the following:

  1. Prepare mint leaves, wash them, cut into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan, add sugar. Mix everything.
  2. Boil water separately and pour mint into it. Close the pot, leaving the mixture for three hours. When the time is right, strain the mixture through cheesecloth.
  3. Prepare a container. Mix the resulting extract with vodka. Close the container tightly with a lid.
  4. Remove to a dark place. Leave at room temperature for three days.
  5. If a precipitate appears, carefully drain the liquid without lifting the suspension. You can sweeten the drink with sugar if you like.

If you stand longer, the taste will improve. The strength of the finished product is 32–35%.

Infusion with lemon

At home, you can make a mint tincture with lemon flavor and a slight sour taste. Due to the sourness, the infusion will increase appetite.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of vodka (moonshine or alcohol 40 °);
  • 0.12 kg of fresh mint;
  • fresh lemon - three pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 0.25–0.4 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse lemons, wipe with paper towels. Peel them off. Be careful to cut off only the yellow part without touching the white part, otherwise the drink will become bitter. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. Cut mint leaves. Put in a jar, add zest, lemon juice. Pour in vodka, stir. Vodka can be replaced with good moonshine or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40–45%.
  3. Close the lid tightly and put the container in a warm, dark place for 10 days. Shake the mixture every day.
  4. After 10 days, strain the composition through three layers of gauze. Sweeten with sugar. Leave to stand for another week.
  5. Pour into bottles, cork tightly.

According to this recipe, lemon, mint and alcohol form a drink that has a pleasant mint-lemon aroma and a beautiful greenish color.

You can use mint tincture in the preparation of cocktails, desserts or sauces for meat. In medicine, it is used as an anesthetic, reduces fever. Drinking alcohol is not worth it for people suffering from high blood pressure and varicose veins.

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