
Do they make compote from raspberries. How to properly introduce raspberry compote into the diet

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to wash raspberries, but for your own peace of mind, it is advisable to rinse it under running water. You can use fresh or frozen berries.

Open the slow cooker, pour raspberries into it. To enhance the flavor, add a handful of red currants. This is not a required ingredient, but if you use blackcurrant, be aware that it can overpower the raspberry flavor and change the color of the drink, making it darker. Pour in the sugar.

Pour the berries with water, preferably filtered or settled, mix everything gently.

If you have a Panasonic multicooker, select the "stew" function. In mv Redmond compote can be prepared in the "soup" mode. Do not close the lid when the volume is large, the cooking time is about 25 minutes.

With the lid closed, it is enough to cook for 20 minutes.

Let the finished compote brew so that the color and taste become more saturated. Serve the drink chilled in a transparent carafe to show how beautiful it turned out.


So that in winter you can make raspberry compote, make a supply of berries in the freezer. They are easy to freeze plastic bags and in plastic containers. Raspberries must be dry, otherwise you will freeze a single briquette, from which it will subsequently be difficult to separate the amount of berries necessary for compote.
If it was not possible to freeze raspberries in time, but there is an abundance of jam from it, you can use it when preparing a drink (just pour it into boiling water). Since the jam is quite sweet, it is most likely not necessary to add additional sugar. Assorted compotes are very tasty, to which just a little bit is added. There are a couple of apricots or plums, a handful of cherries and raspberries, great - send them to the pan.

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. Usually such delicious ones as this one, I close them in three-liter jars - a smaller volume disperses too quickly, especially when friends with children come to visit. And three-liter jars are very inconvenient to sterilize - imagine what a huge pan is needed for this, and how long the sterilization process will take, and how hot it will become in the kitchen ... Imagine?

Now you understand why I close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. Do not worry that something will happen to the banks before winter: if you do everything right - stand the time and wrap the banks with a fur coat, then your compote will be in in perfect order. So arm yourself with raspberries, three-liter jars and will cook together a delicious raspberry compote for the winter.

Ingredients for raspberry compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar:

  • 0.5 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without a hill of citric acid.

*glass 250 ml.

How to close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization:

We carefully sort the raspberries, removing sepals, leaves, bugs and low-quality berries. Most often, raspberries for compotes are not washed. But, if you are not sure about the quality of the berries, it is still better to wash them. We place the berries in a colander, which we lower into a large container of water. Then raise the colander with berries, let the excess water drain.

Pour prepared raspberries into sterilized jars.

And fill it with boiling water.

We cover the jars with lids and wrap them well in a blanket. Keep it like this for 5-10 minutes.

During this time, the water in the jar will become a completely different color - beautiful, crimson.

Then we take out the jar, remove the lid. Covering the neck of the jar with a special lid with holes, carefully pour the liquid into the pan. I must say right away that this is the most difficult procedure: the jar and its contents are hot, the liquid drains rather slowly (about 2 minutes), you need to keep the jar securely wrapped in a towel. We again put the jar of berries in a warm shelter, covered with a lid.

In a saucepan with drained liquid, add sugar and citric acid and put on fire. On big fire Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then we take out a jar of berries and carefully pour boiling syrup into it. Cover with a lid and seal immediately. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a blanket again and hold until completely cooled.

We hide the cooled jar of compote in a cool place - until winter.

Be sure to cook raspberry compote for the winter! We are offering to you simple recipes preparation of raspberry compotes. Surely you will find exactly the one that will become your favorite. All recipes are extremely simple and do not require much time.

How to cook frozen raspberry compote

To prepare delicious useful compote from frozen raspberries, it is necessary to observe several conditions:

1) Berries should never be thawed or washed

2) Cook compote only on low heat

3) Cook delicious raspberry compote under the lid.

Well, that's all. Now we can move on to the ingredients.


  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 3 liters of water
  • 500 grams of frozen raspberries.

How to cook frozen raspberry compote:

Boil water and add sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar. Put the raspberries into the boiling water and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. If you cook frozen raspberry compote over high heat, foam will form, and all the berries will fall apart. When the compote is ready, leave the pan under the lid and wait 15 minutes for the frozen raspberry compote to infuse properly. it can be drunk hot for a cold or cold if you want to quench your thirst.

In the frozen raspberry compote, the recipe of which you read, you can add finely chopped fresh apples without skin and a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Now you know how to cook frozen raspberry compote. Feel free to harvest berries to last all winter. You can also make gooseberry compote, also using frozen berries.

Raspberry and apple compote

This apple-raspberry compote perfectly complements red dry wine. Naturally, this drink is not for children. If you drive a car, 100 ml of 18 proof wine per 3 liters of liquid is not that much. You can not be afraid of the traffic police inspector if you have not drunk compote from apples and raspberries in a volume of 20 liters.


  • 200 grams fresh raspberries
  • 200 grams of peeled and seeded apples
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • half a lemon
  • 100 ml dry red wine
  • A glass of sugar.

Apple-raspberry compote - recipe:

Cut peeled apples small pieces. Pour a glass of water and simmer covered over low heat for 10 minutes. The apples need to be soft.

Sprinkle raspberries with sugar and put on slow fire so that she starts up the juice. Combine softened apples and raspberries, add zest from half a lemon and lemon juice, stir. Pour in the remaining water and bring to a boil. Switch off immediately and pour in the wine.

You can grind the berries in a puree and serve compote with them, or you can strain. Drink raspberry compote You can either cold or hot. We recommend that you find out which perfectly complements raspberry compote.

Raspberry compote for the winter

The simplest recipe for raspberry compote. This raspberry compote for the winter.


For a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.5 cups raspberries
  • glass of sugar
  • 2.7 liters of water.

Making raspberry compote is easy:

Sort the raspberries and rinse them with cool water. It is important that the berries are not spoiled. Place a 4-liter jar in a saucepan with the neck down, boil water in a saucepan and boil the jar for 10 minutes. Together with the jar, boil the iron lid.

Boil 2.7 liters of water, add sugar and boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

IN hot jar add berries and pour sugar syrup. Roll up immediately, turn over and leave at room temperature until completely cool. Then you can take the raspberry compote for the winter to the pantry, where it will be stored throughout the year. Raspberry compote for the winter is useful in the cold season, when colds become frequent. It will need to be heated in the microwave and drunk warm or hot.

Raspberry and currant compote recipe

If we cook compote from raspberries and currants, we get more saturated color and excellent aroma.


  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of raspberries
  • 250 grams black currant.

Raspberry compote recipe:

Blackcurrant and raspberry compote can be prepared for the winter, or drunk within 2 days. Only raspberry compote will need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Sort and wash the berries. Boil the water and drop the berries into the boiling water. Stir, add sugar and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook covered for 15 minutes. If foam suddenly forms, it must be removed immediately. Raspberry currant compote will be ready after it has been infused for 15 minutes under the lid.

If the currant raspberry compote is for harvesting for the winter, you need to immediately pour ready compote into a jar and roll up the lid. You will insist already in the bank during the day. Then you can take it to the closet. You can use red currant instead of blackcurrant, but then you will need to add 50 grams more sugar. That is, for a 3-liter jar of raspberry redcurrant compote, you will need 200 grams of sugar.

Black raspberry compote

Very great recipe delicious compote from black raspberries. It is easy to prepare, keeps well and does not require special efforts for cooking, as well as.


  • 300 grams black raspberries
  • 300 grams of blueberries
  • 15 grams fresh mint
  • 100 grams of honey
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Black raspberry compote recipe:

Rinse the berries and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour cold water, bring to a boil over high heat. Immediately reduce the gas to a minimum, put the washed mint, honey and cook for another 3-5 minutes, no more.

Pour hot compote into sterilized jars and immediately roll up tin lids. If you don’t want berries in jars, you can strain black raspberry compote through a sieve or cheesecloth, and only then pour it into jars.

sugar free recipe


  • Raspberries
  • Berry juice.

Raspberry jam without sugar - recipe:

As you can see, the number of ingredients is not indicated. Place the raspberries in sterilized jars so that the jars are filled to the shoulders. You can pour berries raspberry juice or redcurrant juice.

IN large saucepan put jars of raspberries and pour cold water so that it reaches the shoulders of the cans. Bring the water to a boil and sterilize the raspberry compote. For half liter jar the time will be 8 minutes, for a liter - 14 minutes. Roll up immediately with sterilized tin lids and tuck under the covers. Take it to the pantry only after it has completely cooled. IN big banks rolling raspberries without sugar is not recommended.

To make raspberry compote sweet when you serve it to the table, add and a small amount of purified water.


In addition to the fact that raspberries are very tasty and fragrant berry It is also extremely beneficial for human health. To eat it all year round, hostesses diligently do various blanks. Raspberry compote for the winter is one of the simplest and most popular.

Raspberry compote conquers with its aroma and stunning taste. First you need to prepare the berry, namely sort it out, excluding the rotten or, and then rinse thoroughly. Then you should wait until all the water has drained from the tank. A colander is perfect for washing berries. We will need jars (three-liter), which must first be sterilized. We put 1/3 clean raspberries in them.

Pour from above boiling water. We wait 40 minutes, during which time the raspberries warm up properly and release their juice. Next, pour the liquid from the jars into the pan. Pour in about 300 grams of sugar and bring to a boil. After boiling for about 4 minutes, turn off and let the resulting syrup rest for 8-10 minutes. Then we pour it back into jars with raspberries, which we immediately roll up with lids.

It is worth noting that the container with compote must be wrapped, after turning it upside down. In this state, the compote will be brought to readiness on its own, thanks to the heat stored inside. After a day, the jars can be turned over, wiped and stored in a cool, dark place.

Raspberry compote can be prepared absolutely without the use of water. To do this, we need large raspberries (about 3 kg) and granulated sugar(800 gr). We prepare the berry in the same way as in the first recipe. Then pour it into a deep basin and cover with sugar on top. Thus, we leave the berries for the night, allowing them to release their juice. It should stand out quite a lot, so do not rush to proceed with further actions, leaving the raspberries for at least 11-12 hours.

And in the morning we put it in sterilized jars. Top with the resulting juice. Next, the jars are placed in a saucepan, which is pre-filled with water, which is brought to a boil. Thus, they are pasteurized, and then rolled up. Compote with raspberries is stored for the winter in a cellar or other cool place. Such a concentrated drink can even be used as a syrup for desserts.

For many housewives, sterilization is the most unloved stage in harvesting fruits, berries and vegetables. Found just for them this method compote preparation. Only lids are sterilized here. Banks are thoroughly washed with running water. The washed berry is poured into jars "up to the shoulders". Boiled syrup from water and sugar are poured on top.

Raspberry compote is delicious and healthy drink capable of quenching one's thirst summer heat and protect the baby from colds in the autumn-spring period. Despite the beneficial properties of such a drink, every mother should know, as well as the features of its preparation.

Many are wondering how to cook raspberry compote, looking for a proven recipe suitable for babies. You will learn about positive properties drink, get recommendations on preparation and consumption so that tasty and vitamin compote brings benefits and pleasure to your child.

What are the benefits of raspberry compote

  • Despite heat treatment, raspberry compote - it is a storehouse of vitamins, pectin, as well as macro- and microelements.
  • Vitamin A participates in the regulation of metabolism, the formation of teeth and bones, increases the barrier function of the body, activating the leukocytes of the mucous membranes.
  • With vitamins A, E and C raspberry compote increases the body's resistance to, as well as to colds, and diseases gastrointestinal tract. They are powerful antioxidants, have a beneficial effect on small residents of large polluted cities, cleanse the body of free radicals.
  • Magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the work of the child's heart muscle, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Pediatricians note the benefits in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • During illness, raspberry compote will serve as an excellent antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent due to salicylic acid.
  • Unlike juices, the composition of compote is more suitable for the baby's developing digestive system.

Important! The total volume of fluid for children in the second half of life is 200-250 ml. This already includes water, compote and other drinks.

  • In the hot season, compote - great way quench thirst and replenish vitamins in the child's body.
  • It is not necessary to add sugar to a drink brewed from sweet berries.

How to properly introduce raspberry compote into the diet

Pediatricians recommend using homemade compotes no earlier than from the age of six months. The drink is tried with 1-2 teaspoons, increasing the volume of liquid to 20-30 ml in a few days. At the age of seven months, a child can drink 100 ml of compote per day. Divide it into several servings of 30-50 ml and give it throughout the day.

Important! For the first time, it is better to make apple compote because of its low acidity and low allergenicity. In the absence of a reaction, you can diversify the drink for the baby.

Did you know? While the baby is getting used to compote, pediatricians do not recommend adding other berries. So you will definitely understand if the baby has raspberries.

Features of making raspberry compote for a baby

  • Choose quality berries.
  • Clean them before cooking and rinse well with water.
  • When the drink has cooled, strain and pour it into a glass or enamel bowl.
  • Do not add sugar to compote. If the drink is too acidic, use fructose. Check with your pediatrician first.
  • At first, dilute the compote with water, after the baby gets used to the drink, gradually bring it to a normal concentration.

Important! In some children, raspberry causes allergic reaction. Closely monitor the baby after the first drink.

  • Do not teach your child to drink too sweet drinks in early age, the baby will refuse less sweet compotes, juices and fruit drinks even at an older age.
  • Homemade compotes are best consumed immediately. Store the drink for no more than two days in the refrigerator.

How to cook raspberry compote according to a tasty and healthy recipe

Required Ingredients

  • Raspberries - 500 g.
  • Pure water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 150 g.

Important! If the berries are sweet, try not to add sugar to the compote. If the drink turned out to be too sour, it can be sweetened with fructose, after consulting a pediatrician.

Cooking method

You can serve on the table, bon appetit!

Did you know? Tasty and healthy compote can be made not only from fresh, but also from frozen raspberries.

In addition, raspberry compote can be prepared for the winter according to a proven recipe. The drink does not waste useful properties. In this video you will learn how to cook flavored drink to enjoy it during the cold season.

Vitamin compote supports the health of the baby and perfectly quenches thirst. Such a drink should be given no earlier than from the age of six months, it must be diluted with water. Make sure that the baby does not have an allergy to berries, introduce compote into the diet, starting with 1-2 teaspoons, gradually increasing the volume of liquid. You can brew a drink from both fresh and frozen berries; it does not lose its beneficial properties during storage.

Also see how to cook, and.

Try making a compote this recipe, tell us in the comments if your baby liked this drink. And what compotes do you prefer to cook?
