
Homemade beer: recipe, ingredients, preparation technology. Homemade hop beer

Let's talk today about how to make homemade beer, this wonderful, beloved drink by many.

"It's not beer that kills people, it's water that kills people."

Connoisseurs claim that beer - a low-alcohol foamy drink - comes in only two varieties: good beer and bad beer.

But we still take a chance and, in addition to these two varieties, we will single out a few more.

For example draft beer. Among amateurs, it is reputed to be the best, since there are almost no preservatives in draft beer, but it is often diluted.

Bottled beer, unlike draft beer, is more difficult to dilute and fake, but it may contain a significant amount of preservatives, which greatly prolongs its shelf life, but what is still tasty and healthy is what is stored for only a few days.

Canned beer boasts the longest shelf life, but it contains the most preservatives that spoil its taste. And some preservatives contain antibiotics, which are not recommended to be taken in large quantities.

As for determining the quality of beer, each nation has its own approaches. For example, in Bavaria and some Scandinavian countries, on numerous holidays dedicated to His Majesty Beer, brewers use old tests dating back centuries: for the density of beer, its foam, color, strength, etc.

The taster, putting on leather pants and pouring some beer to be tested on a wooden bench, sat down for a few minutes in the formed beer puddle. If during this time the bench sticks to his wonderful pants, the beer is considered excellent.

We brew our own beer at home

The good quality of the drink can also be judged by a coin placed on top of the beer foam.

If it does not sink in a freshly poured mug, the beer can be considered first-class. And the foam ring, which does not slip off the walls of the glass after each sip, confirms the excellent quality of the tasting drink.

But, of course, the most basic criterion for a good beer is its taste, and, as you know, it is different for everyone. Some prefer dark beer, others light, others bitter, others strong, and we bring to your attention several recipes for making homemade beer.

There are a lot of recipes for making homemade beer, but most of them cannot do without the presence of hops, a suitable wooden barrel and malt. With its preparation, we will start taking barley malt as a basis.

How to make barley malt

To make good malt, barley grains must be thin-skinned, heavy, of uniform ripeness and have a light yellow color. In addition, the grain must be no older than one year and have foreign impurities.

First, the grain must be soaked.

To do this, it is poured in small portions into a wooden vat half-filled with water, each time thoroughly stirring the poured grain.

At the same time, ripe grains will immediately sink to the bottom, while empty and unripened grains will float. They must be collected from the surface of the water with a slotted spoon. And after three or four hours, mix again and collect the floating grains again.

Then drain some of the water, leaving it a few centimeters above the surface of the grain.

Soaking the grain should be continued for 2-4 days, draining the water every 12 hours and filling in a new one, not forgetting to remove the floating grains each time.

The last drained water should be clear and clean, and the grain should swell so that the skin at the end to which the sprout adjoins cracks slightly.

After such a steeping, some brewers consider the malt-making process to be quite complete and proceed to drying the grain.

Others first germinate it until roots and sprouts appear and only then dry it. To do this, the sprouted grains are scattered under a canopy or immediately transferred to a dryer, gradually raising the temperature to 70 - 80 degrees.

Depending on the method of drying, the malt is called green, white or airy.

It is removed from the dryer when it gets a special smell characteristic of malt, and when the sprouts are easily separated from friction. By the way, the sprouts will need to be separated from the grain by placing it in a mesh drum and rotating it quickly.

Ready malt should be poured into a linen bag and stored in a dry place, using as needed. Before making beer, the malt should be slightly crushed. For this purpose, you can use a coffee grinder, so that the grains do not turn into flour, they should be lightly sprinkled with water.

home beer recipe

  1. Pour 2 buckets of water into a keg, stir in ½ barley malt and leave overnight
  2. In the morning, pour everything into the cauldron, add a full teaspoon of salt and simmer for 2 hours
  3. Pour 6 cups of hops into the resulting broth and boil everything together for another 20 minutes
  4. Then filter the broth through cheesecloth, drain it into a barrel, and cool to room temperature
  5. Then add 1 glass of yeast and 1 glass of molasses, mix everything well and, covering with a napkin, let stand for a day
  6. Then pour the finished beer into bottles and, after letting it stand for another day, plug the necks. After 1 - 2 days, the beer will be completely ready for drinking.

Light beer

  1. Grind with a little flour 100 gr. hops, mix it with 3 cups of malt and fill in a tight pointed bag (linen bag)
  2. Then hang the bag with a wide opening to the tap of the samovar, and place a tub under the sharp sewn end of the bag
  3. When the samovar boils, slightly open the tap and let the boiling water flow into the wide opening of the bag in a thin stream.
  4. It is necessary that 12 bottles of boiling water flow out of the samovar in this way.
  5. When the required amount of water filtered through a mixture of hops and malt is collected in a tub, it should be cooled to room temperature and pour in 2 cups of diluted yeast
  6. When the beer has fermented, it must be bottled, corked and stored in a dark, cool place.
  7. After 2 - 3 weeks it will be quite ready for use.

Guest beer

  1. Take separately barley and rye malt, rye flour, scald with boiling water. Connect everything together. Knead medium thick first dough
  2. Put in a warm oven for 10 - 12 hours (until it turns slightly red)
  3. Then dilute with cold water and let stand for 4 - 5 hours
  4. Next, separately from buckwheat flour and yeast, knead a thick dough, let it rise in a warm place for 2 hours, grind, dilute with strained malt dough (1 glass of malt and 1 liter of cooled boiling water)
  5. Combine both liquids and set to ferment for 4 - 6 hours in heat until yeast appears on top
  6. Pour your homemade beer, along with yeast, into bottles with screw caps, seal tightly and store horizontally in a cool place for 7 to 10 days
  7. Such beer (when properly made) was once valued on a par with champagne and could be stored for several weeks.
  8. Ingredients: for 10 liters of water for the first dough - 4 cups of barley and rye malt, 8 cups of rye flour, 2 liters of water.
  9. Ingredients for the second test: 2.5 cups of buckwheat flour, 1.5 - 2 cups of yeast

English beer

  1. Take 3 - 3.5 kg of barley or oats and, stirring constantly, dry the grains so that they do not even fry
  2. Well-dried grains crush, pour into a cauldron or other utensils and pour 15 liters. water temperature 65 degrees C
  3. Stir well, let stand for 3 hours and carefully drain the liquid
  4. Refill the grains remaining in the boiler with 12 liters. water at a temperature of 72 degrees C and drain after 2 hours
  5. And once again fill in grains 12 l. water, but already cold, and drain after 1.5 hours. Mix all three drained waters
  6. Dilute 6 kg in 2.5 buckets of warm water. molasses, pour into the prepared liquid, add 200 gr. hops and boil everything together, stirring constantly
  7. After 2 hours, when the liquid has cooled, pour into it from a glass of yeast and leave at room temperature
  8. When the process of active fermentation is over, pour the beer into a barrel and leave it open for 3 days. Then nail with a sleeve and after 2 weeks you will get the finished beer

Pine shoot beer

  1. Cut young shoots of pine 5-8 cm long, cut them into small pieces, fill with water and cook after boiling for 30-40 minutes, strain the liquid through cheesecloth folded in several layers
  2. Then for every 12 liters. of this liquid, put 800 g of sugar and cook until the syrup thickens to the consistency of molasses
  3. Drain it into a barrel, cork and store in a cool dry place.
  4. Shelf life can be up to 1 year
  5. When you want to make beer, for every 15 bottles of water, take 1 bottle of pine broth, mix and simmer for 2 hours over low heat
  6. Cool, pour into a barrel and leave to ferment for 2 - 3 days, then bottle and cork

Cheap beet beer

  1. Finely grate 1.5 kg of carrots and 1.3 kg of beets, pour 15 liters of water over them, put on fire and add 3 handfuls of hops, 400 g of salt and 10-15 g of juniper berries
  2. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, cool to the temperature of fresh milk and pour in 3-4 tbsp. spoons of yeast dissolved in boiled water
  3. When the high-rising foam of the fermentation wort has been collected three times, the beer is considered ready.
  4. It is bottled, corked and put in the cellar for 10 - 14 days.

Beer from pea pods

  1. Pour the peeled pea pods into the cauldron and, pouring water on them so that it covers the pods by 4 fingers, cook for 3 hours
  2. Drain the liquid (wort) and, pouring the same number of pods again, cook for another 3 hours
  3. Then strain the wort and put in it as much sage and hops as they want to add bitterness to the beer
  4. After allowing this mixture to ferment until completely clarified, bottle it, and after two weeks the beer can be considered ready for use.

Learning how to make grain beer - video recipe

You can buy beer in any store. However, at breweries, various dyes and preservatives are put into the drink so that the beer retains its marketable appearance longer. If you don't trust beer companies, you can make beer at home.

Why is homemade beer better than store bought?

You can cook it at home. If you carefully read the label on the bottle, you will find that manufacturers often put preservatives, flavors and dyes in the composition of the drink. And if the addition of preservatives can be somehow justified (natural beer spoils rather quickly, and yet it still needs to be bottled and delivered to the store), then the addition of flavorings and dyes is important for manufacturers only to improve the presentation of the product. Also, home-made beer compares favorably with draft beer with thick foam and rich hop-malty taste. Also, factories often resort to the procedure of clarification and pasteurization, which decomposes various vitamins and useful trace elements.

There is an opinion that a lot of special expensive equipment is needed to produce good beer. This is a myth that is actively supported by many brewing companies. They don't like home brewing. The only expensive tool that you cannot do without when brewing beer is an electronic thermometer. It will instantly determine the temperature of the liquid in which it was placed. It is really difficult to do without it, because at some stages of cooking it is necessary to maintain a strictly defined temperature.

Necessary equipment

To make beer, we need the following tools:

Pot for 25-30 liters for wort . Give preference to enamel pans without black burn marks. Before cooking, wash the pan well with a detergent, and then dry it in the sun. It is important that there is no detergent left in the pan - this will ruin your drink.

Additional fermentation tank for 20-25 liters . For this purpose, pots, bowls, various pottery will do. You can ferment the wort both in one container and in several.

Thermometer. It is impossible to make good homemade beer without a thermometer. Moonshine and wine do not require a special regime. But in brewing, a thermometer is indispensable. Give your preference to an electronic thermometer with a long spout. Yes, a thermometer can be quite expensive, but this acquisition will pay for itself.

Bottles for finished beer . Give preference to glass containers, as glass does not retain odor well. If glass bottles are not available, and their purchase will be expensive, you can pour beer into plastic bottles.

Fine Medium Hose . Give preference to silicone hoses. We will need this component to remove the foam.

Cooler for beer wort . For this purpose, you can use a large metal bowl filled with cold water. If you do not have a bowl of the required size, you can use a bathtub filled with ice or cold water.

Water seal . We need it for fermentation.

Gauze for malt bag and filtration . The size of the gauze should be 3-5 meters. She is inexpensive.

Wooden or metal spoon . We will need it to stir the drink while cooking.

Iodine and a clean white plate for sampling (optional, you can do without it).

A device for measuring the density of liquids - a hydrometer (also optional).

What is beer made from?

A standard brewing kit looks like this:

  • Water- 25-27 liters. In it we will cook hops and malt.
  • Hop with an acidity of 4.5% - about 50 grams. Hops can be obtained from any market. Russian hops are suitable for home beer. Hops will add bitterness and aroma to the drink.
  • barley malt- about 3 kilograms. Barley malt can be obtained from any market or specialty store. However, remember that Russian malt is usually not of very high quality. Buy German or Czech malt. It can be ordered online. Malt will make the drink rich and tasty.
  • Brewer's yeast- about 30 grams. Brewer's yeast can be obtained in any market or in a specialty store. Yeast can be bought and Russian. We need yeast for fermentation.
  • Sugar. We need sugar with the calculation of 8 grams of sugar 1 liter of beer. Sugar is important for additional fermentation, as well as for saturating the drink with carbon dioxide.

How to Brew Homemade Beer in Six Easy Steps

There are many ways to make homemade beer. Next, we will look at how you can make beer at home in 6 steps. Even a beginner can master it.

First, carefully read all the cooking steps and tips, and only then proceed to the process itself.

Stage 1 - preparatory work

Check that you have the necessary components and equipment. Separately, check the thermometer - for this, boil water in a container.

Sterilize instruments. This is to keep unwanted bacteria out of the beer. Wash all equipment and dry it in the sun. While the equipment is drying, wash your hands with soap and water. Do not use alcohol or vodka as a sterilizing agent - this will harm the drink. Sterilization is vital. If you don't run it, there is a chance that you will introduce so-called "wild yeast" into the wort, which will turn your homemade beer into an unpalatable brew.

Pick up water. Give your preference to bottled or spring water. If it is quite expensive to get it, you can use tap water. If you use tap water, boil it a day before cooking, and then place it in a dry, cold place for settling. This must be done to get rid of various harmful components in the water. For example, tap water is often chlorinated, and during settling, chlorine will leave the water in a day.

Prepare your yeast. If your yeast is pressed, break the yeast brick into small pieces, then soak them in clean warm water for 5-10 minutes.

Stage 2 - prepare the wort for brewing

Take the malt, put it in the pan. Then take a crusher and grind it to a powder state. After that, the malt is ready for grouting. Sometimes malt is sold already in crushed form. However, experienced brewers do not advise buying such malt, as it very often contains artificial additives like starch or even flour to increase the weight of the product.

Double roller malt mill

Make a small bag out of gauze. Place grated malt there. Malt should not fall out of the bag. It is recommended to make a bag in 3 layers.

Pour 25 liters of water into a large saucepan, put it on fire. Place the tip of a thermometer into it from time to time. When the temperature is about 80 degrees, make the fire quieter.

Place the bag of malt in the water and cover the pot with a lid. Boil the malt for an hour and a half. The temperature must be maintained at about 67 degrees. Keep in mind that placing a bag of malt in a pot will cause the temperature to drop dramatically, so sometimes brewers turn the heat up a little.

Brewing at a temperature of 67 degrees will make the beer dense and soft on the palate. Its strength will be about 4%.

After an hour and a half, do an iodine test. It is done to determine the presence of starch in the drink. They make a sample like this: a few tablespoons (5-10 milligrams) of the wort are taken, they are poured onto a white plate; after that, a few drops of iodine are dripped onto the wort. If the color of the liquid has not changed, then it is considered ready. If the color of the liquid has turned dark blue, boil the wort for another 10-15 minutes. It is important that you do not need to do an iodine test - it is enough to boil the wort for an additional 15 minutes.

Bad and good result of iodine test

During brewing, the malt participated in natural fermentation. Now we need to stop this process. To do this, we make a larger fire so that the temperature in the pan is about 80 degrees. We cook 5 minutes.

After that, we take out the bag of malt from the pan.

Stage 3 - boil the wort

Make the fire bigger so that the liquid boils.

Add 20 grams of hops there. Don't put out the fire. After half an hour, add 15 grams of hops.

After another half an hour, add the remaining 15 grams of hops. You need to boil the wort for another half an hour.

Stage 4 - wort cooling

Our task at this stage is to cool the wort to 25 degrees very quickly. This must be done within 20 minutes so that wild bacteria do not have time to settle in it, starting wild fermentation.

  1. Turn off the pot of wort, put on thick gloves, add some cold water to the bath.
  2. After that, we take a pan with the wort and put it in the bathroom. After that, we fill the bathroom so that the water does not get into the pan. If there is ice in the refrigerator, add it to the bathroom.
  3. After 15 minutes, use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the wort. If the temperature is 25 degrees and below, you can proceed to the next step. If not, wait a bit.
  4. Now pour the chilled wort into the fermentation vessel, before passing it through cheesecloth several times.

Stage 5 - wort fermentation

Now you need to add yeast. There are two types of them (depending on the temperature regime):

Top fermentation - contribute at 20 degrees.
Bottom fermentation - contribute at 10 degrees.

For our case, top-fermenting yeast is suitable (if you want to add “bottom” yeast, cool the wort further).

The following actions:

Use the instructions on the yeast packet to calculate the amount of yeast you need.

Take a glass of cold water, pour yeast into it, stir it well.

After that, pour a glass of yeast into a saucepan with wort, mix the resulting mixture well.

Place the pot of yeast in a dark, cool place. Install a water seal to prevent excess oxygen from entering the tank.

Somewhere in 12 hours, fermentation will begin. Active fermentation lasts about 2-3 days, after which the process begins to fade.

After a week, remove the pan, remove the water seal and use a hydrometer to check the density of the liquid.

After half a day, remove the pan again, remove the water seal and use a hydrometer to check the density of the liquid. If the numbers are the same, fermentation is over. If they differ, let the liquid ferment further.

Stage 6 - plugging, adding sugar, getting carbon dioxide

Now you need to carbonize. This must be done so that the beer foams well and is carbonated:

  1. We take glass or plastic bottles, add 8 grams of sugar per liter to each. After adding the beer, the sugar will cause a little extra fermentation, which will release some carbon dioxide.
  2. Pour beer into bottles, tightly close the lid. The distance between the beer and the lid should be up to 2 cm.
  3. When pouring, the bottles should not be shaken so as not to disturb the yeast. If you touch the yeast, the beer will turn out very cloudy (however, some people like it).
  4. Place the bottles in a dark, dry place where the temperature will not exceed 24 degrees. Three weeks later, the beer will be ready. Shake the beer well every week. After that, move the beer to the refrigerator. The beer is ready to drink. In a good refrigerator, beer will keep for up to 9 months. After opening the bottle, the drink is stored for three days.

To make homebrewing easier, experienced brewers suggest the following:

  • Russian malt is of rather poor quality. Therefore, give preference to foreign malts, such as German or Czech.
  • Never buy ground malt, as vendors often add starch to it. Do not overpay extra money for starch.
  • You can let the beer mature. To do this, at the final stage of preparation, do not put the beer in the refrigerator, but let it stand for another month. As a result of maturation, the beer will acquire a caramel flavor.
  • While boiling the malt, remember to stir the pot with the mixture with a spoon. This will enhance the fermentation, which will have a good effect on the quality of the drink.

How to brew beer at home - a traditional recipe

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The history of brewing exists since ancient egypt. Now this popular drink is ubiquitous, sold in large quantities in grocery stores and bars in many varieties.

Its quite can be cooked at home using only natural products and ordinary equipment. In this regard, a simple recipe can give a better result than when prepared at the factory.

There are many beer recipes with interesting ingredients. In the traditional case, it consists of the following components:

  1. Malt– barley grains, a natural filter during production. The raw material should be white, have a pleasant smell, and not sink when lowered into water. It is ground, leaving the husk intact.
  2. Hop divided into varieties. Aromatic and bitter types are used, which are combined in the preferred proportion: either the beer will be bitter or hoppy.
  3. Yeast it is preferable to choose beer. Ordinary ones are also suitable if the required type could not be found.
  4. Spring, filtered or (worse) boiled water.
  5. A little Sahara for carbonization improves palatability and makes dense foam. Homemade beer recipes also come with honey.

All products for making beer at home are easy to purchase. The requirement for yeast (as well as for all other ingredients) is the best quality.

Interesting! Light beer recipe uses with normal drying. And in dark varieties add 10% caramel, dried in the oven with light roasting.

Equipment for home brewery

All cooking recipes require only. Namely:

  • pan 30 liters (preferably enameled);
  • fermentation;
  • thermometer for temperature control;
  • gauze up to 5 meters;
  • silicone hose to pour the drink from the sediment;
  • chiller - a device for cooling the wort or a cold water bath;
  • hydrometer measuring sugar content (optional);
  • bottles for the finished product.

Attention! Sometimes a faucet is installed at the bottom of the pan, through which the liquid is drained. How to brew homemade beer is outlined below.

Classic cooking recipe

To implement the traditional method of brewing beer at home, you first need wash, dry, sterilize all utensils. Composition of products:

  • water - 32 l;
  • barley malt - 5 kg;
  • hops - 45 g;
  • brewer's yeast - 25 g;
  • sugar (sand) 8 g / l.

Brewing beer at home is possible according to step by step instructions:

  1. 25 liters of water are poured into the pan, heated to 80 ° C. Ground malt is immersed in a gauze bag, covering the container with a lid. Keep the composition for 1.5 hours at a temperature of about 72 ° C, periodically turning on the fire under the pan.
  2. Increase the temperature to 80 degrees and keep it for 5 minutes. After that, the bag of malt is taken out, washed with 7 liters of remaining water, which is added to the wort in a large pot. Now all the malt sugars have been used.
  3. Boil the wort, remove the foam and add 15 g of hops. Boil for 30 minutes, then add the second portion of hops - 15 grams. After brewing for another 50 minutes, add the last hops and boil for up to 15 minutes, then turn off.
  4. The wort must be cooled quickly (for a period of no more than 30 minutes). The purity of the drink depends on this. The pan can be lowered into a bath with the coldest possible water. After that, the contents are poured into a new container through cheesecloth.
  5. Brewer's yeast is diluted according to the instructions on the package and poured into the wort with stirring. The container is transferred to a dark place where the contents ferment for a week (up to 10 days) with a water seal at a temperature of about 22°C.
  6. After 12 hours, fermentation will become intense, lasting up to 3 days. Bubbles should come out of the water seal. As carbon dioxide escapes, the drink will lighten. The absence of bubbles for a whole day is a sign of readiness.
  7. Carbonization (saturation with carbon dioxide) improves the taste, creates a dense foam. Sugar (8 grams per liter) is poured into bottles and beer is poured using a narrow hose, eliminating sediment. Leave about 2 cm near the throat (for "breathing") and clog. After this, secondary fermentation begins.
  8. Bottles are stored for up to 3 weeks at t up to 23°C in the dark, after which they are transferred to the refrigerator.

This recipe contains a step by step guide on how to brew beer at home. Product you can try right now, but if you hold it for a month in the cold, the taste will improve due to exposure.

Based on this cooking method for beginners (and not only), you can come up with other recipes.

Other DIY cooking recipes

Beer at home is prepared using recipes based on a variety of components.

It is made from grain, berries, bread or crackers, with or without yeast. The following methods will help you make homemade beer with original ingredients.


Beer, the recipe of which includes cherries, has long been made in Belgium under the name cry (kriek). This is not the only kind of cherry beer drink, but the most traditional.

In fact 30% liquid from which it is made is the juice. The recipe for cherry beer includes the following products:

  • Pilsen lager malt - 4 kg;
  • Crystal malt - 0.3 kg;
  • chocolate malt - 135 g;
  • corn flakes -700 g;
  • barley popcorn (air) -700 g;
  • 20 g each of Whitbread Golding and Tettnang hops;
  • Saaz hops - 10 g;
  • Irish moss - 10 g;
  • water - 28 l;
  • ripe cherries - 4.5 kg.

The preparation steps are as follows:

  1. The wort is boiled for 1.5 hours, at the beginning of the process laying the hops of the first two varieties. And 15 minutes before the end of the boil, Saaz is added. Irish moss is laid 10 minutes before the end.
  2. Cool down to 22°C.
  3. This is a yeast-free beer. It is poured into barrels, where it is stored for up to 4 months, after which cherries are added.
  4. Maturation lasts up to 8 weeks, while the fortress increases.

Cherry beer can be brewed with yeast, but this method is preferred.

How to make rye?

Rye beer happens dark and light depending on the type of malt. The shade can be copper-orange or dark red.

Making light beer at home involves reduction in the share of rye malt up to 50%, replacing it with barley or wheat, and also eliminates the light roasting of this ingredient.

  • rye malt - 3 cups;
  • honey - 2 cups;
  • hops - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1.5 sticks;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • water (boiling) - 10 liters.

You need a container with the possibility of liquid flowing out at the bottom like a samovar.

The steps are:

  1. Grind hops and malt, place in a linen bag. Mix yeast with a tablespoon of sugar and leave to come up.
  2. Put honey in a saucepan, boil the samovar and pour water from it through a bag into a large container. Mix malt.
  3. When there is enough water in the pan with honey, you need to mix the contents, let it cool and add the yeast.
  4. The yeast will descend, after which it is required to pour the liquid into bottles and keep in a dark place for up to 4 days. The drink is ready.

There are many other similar methods for making grain beer.

Based on bread

Bread beer is also produced, including the brewing, fermentation and maturation steps. Compound:

  • malt - 400 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • hops - 200 g;
  • crackers - 800 g;
  • yeast - 35 g;
  • pepper - peas;
  • water - 13 liters.

The homemade bread beer recipe is implemented in the following steps:

  1. In a large saucepan, mix half the sugar, malt and crackers. Add pepper to the hops scalded with boiling water.
  2. Dilute the yeast in 6 liters of warm water, combine them with hops and pepper, mix. Put in a dark place for a day, without covering. Pour the remaining sugar and pour in warm water, 4 liters. On low heat, without bringing to a boil, cook for 4 hours.
  3. Boil the next day, then drain the liquid. Add 3 liters of boiled water to the porridge. After an hour, drain the liquid, combining with the previous portion.
  4. Boil the wort, remove the foam and filter. Fill the bottles with the product, close tightly, place in a cool place for a two-week period until ready.


The recipe for Viennese beer will require the following composition:

  • Vienna malt - 3.8 kg;
  • Pilsen malt - 1 kg;
  • hop "Istra" - 28 g;
  • hop "Early Moscow" - 20 g;
  • yeast (S-33);
  • 2 oranges - zest.

Beer is prepared in the following steps:

  1. Wort is made: malt is mashed and water is added. Cooking lasts 75 minutes at 65°C.
    First, "Istra" hops are added, and after 20 minutes - "Early Moscow". The beer is brewed for an hour, then cooled to 22°C.
  2. Yeast is added, everything is mixed and left to ferment for up to 10 days. The temperature is from 18 to 25 degrees.
  3. The composition is filtered, orange peel is added. The beer is left to mature for 2 weeks.
  4. The composition is filtered. It is ready, but you can withstand another month. The total storage period is up to six months.


Noteworthy recipe for making velvet beer with honey and cinnamon. Compound:

  • rye malt - 12 kg;
  • wheat malt - 1.2 kg;
  • black bread - 4.8 kg;
  • yeast - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 g;
  • molasses - 1 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • raisins - 600 g;
  • hops - 140 g;
  • water.

Prepare it in the following steps:

  1. Dry, grind bread, mix with other ingredients except water. Hops are scalded with boiling water.
  2. Water is added, the mixture is brought to a state of porridge, after which it ferments for 6 hours.
  3. Pour in 26 liters of boiled water. In a tightly closed form, the composition settles for a day in heat.
  4. The liquid is drained, water is added, 6 liters. The container is left for another 6 hours.
  5. Drain again, mix the drained liquids and bottle with stoppers.
  6. Ripening is carried out cold 12 days.

But such a result, which will be obtained with the use of home technology, will not work. That is why it is recommended to learn the secrets of brewing.

Cooked at home, has a rich taste, does not include preservatives. A foamy drink without harmful additives is prepared from natural ingredients: hops, malt, yeast. In this case, the most common kitchen utensils and available inventory are used.

Homemade hop beer is a traditional recipe that is a classic of brewing. This ancient drink has been loved by mankind for centuries. Moreover, the natural ingredients and the process carried out independently significantly distinguish the home version from what can be found on the shelves.

Homemade beer is indeed healthier than store-bought beer, as it is made up of plant-based products. Everyone can try to cook it according to the recipe, having all the ingredients and following the steps of the process.

Main components - hops and malt are bought on the market, in special stores or they are grown in a garden plot. You will need a large saucepan and a glass container in which it will be held fermentation.

Beer made from malt and hops is best made at the best quality. If the dishes are sterilized and the ingredients are purchased, you can proceed.

Composition, equipment and stages

How to brew beer at home? The traditional method will require the following components:

  1. Water - 27 liters.
  2. Hops (with an alpha acidity of 4.5%) - 45 grams.
  3. Barley malt - 3 kg.
  4. Brewer's yeast - 25 grams.
  5. Sugar (sand) - 8 grams per liter.
  • enameled saucepan, 30 liters;
  • for fermentation;
  • thermometer for precise temperature control;
  • bottles for bottling for storage (plastic, glass);
  • narrow silicone hose for transfusion of liquid from sediment;
  • a bath of cold water to quickly cool the wort;
  • gauze up to 5 meters.

The wort will be boiled in a saucepan; you need to make a bag for malt from gauze in advance. It is also recommended to prepare hydrometer- a device for measuring sugar content, if possible. A white plate and iodine will help to test for the absence of starch in the finished wort.

The process of making homemade beer from hops consists of the following steps:

1. Preparation: checking the presence of components and sterilizing inventory. The containers are washed with hot water and dried. Wash hands thoroughly. If pathogenic flora or microorganisms get into the wort, the process will be spoiled.

2. The wort is prepared by mashing. It consists in the breakdown of starch by mixing crushed malt and hot water. The sugar maltose and soluble dextrins are obtained. You can buy crushed malt. Otherwise, you will have to grind it in a meat grinder or grain grinder.

Attention! Grinding raw materials into flour should not be. It is required to crush the grains into pieces, leaving a peel useful for filtering.

The pan is filled with water (25 liters), heated to 80 ° C. The prepared malt in a gauze bag 1 by 1 meter of 3 or 4 layers is immersed and kept in water at a temperature of about 72°C for 90 minutes. When mashing malt with a temperature of up to 63 degrees, sugar comes out, which increases the strength.

At 72°C there will be less alcohol, but the taste will be more intense and the wort will increase in density. An iodine test at the end of the boil should show that there is no starch in the malt. Up to 10 ml of liquid is poured onto a plate and iodine is added, a few drops. When a dark blue color appears, cook for another 15 minutes. If the wort is ready, brewing is continued for 5 minutes at 80°C.

The bag is taken out, washed with the remaining boiled water at 78°C, which is added to the wort. This method avoids filtering on complex equipment.

3. The wort is brought to a boil and then make the hop composition. 15 grams of hops are added immediately after the start of the boil, then the same amount after 30 minutes, and after 40 minutes - the remaining 15 grams and boil for 20 minutes. may differ, and with them - the periods, the dose of hops.

4. Cooling up to 24°C should be fast, no more than 30 minutes, so that bacteria cannot contaminate the drink. There are submersible designs of coolers, and you can also transfer the container to a bath with very cold (ice) water.

Attention! Care must be taken in this process because the pot of boiling water can tip over and scald the brewer.

The cooled wort from hops and malt is poured into a fermentation vessel, filtered through gauze.

5. Digestion process beer from malt and hops is carried out using yeast pre-diluted according to the instructions. They must be added to the wort, mixing. The container is placed in a dark place and kept at temperatures up to 25 ° C for up to 10 days.

Fermentation begins after a period of up to 12 hours and in active form lasts 2-3 days. At the last stage, the beer is clarified, and the bubbles cease to stand out. You can also check the sugar content with a hydrometer. If there are no bubbles during the day, fermentation is considered complete.

6. Recipe home beer involves a procedure carbonization when plugged. Before bottling, sugar (8 grams per liter) is first poured into dark material bottles. receive secondary fermentation. The beer is freed from sediment by pouring the malt liquid into bottles.

Use, one end of which should be in the middle of the fermentation tank. The other is placed at the bottom of the bottle. Capacities with the product are clogged, leaving 2 cm to the throat unfilled. Storage is carried out in a dark place up to 20 days at 24°C. Shake the beer weekly. After the right time, it is transferred to the refrigerator.

7. Ripening will improve the taste, lasting up to 30 days. Full shelf life in the cold - up to 8 months.

Other DIY recipes

The trial brewing method allows beginners to learn the basic principles at home. You need to take the following steps:

  • 1.5 hours boil 16 hop cones in 5 liters of water;
  • add 250 grams of sugar previously dissolved in water, cook for another 20 minutes:
  • strain and cool to normal room temperature;
  • add yeast and set for fermentation;
  • filter, bottle, cork and leave to mature.

This method is simple, and there is no malt in the recipe. Another similar molasses recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • 50 g of yeast;
  • 10 liters of boiling water;
  • 100 g dry hops;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of molasses;
  • a small amount of flour.

To create a drink, you need the following steps:

  1. Grind the hops with flour, sugar, pour into a saucepan with boiling water, mix and let it brew for 3 hours.
  2. Strain, pour into a small barrel, add yeast and molasses, mix.
  3. Put to ferment for 3 days.
  4. Pour into bottles, close tightly, send to ripen in the cold for a week.

Brewing beer on your own follows with strict adherence to the recipe. Do not add foreign ingredients or dilute the finished product with water. And also it is worth considering a few rules:

  • Self-brewed beer is stored in a sealed form in the refrigerator for no longer than 6 months (read:).
  • Fermentation is recommended in glass containers.
  • The process of crushing the malt is done using a coffee grinder or meat grinder (not a blender). If it turns into flour, it will not match the correct fermentation in the drink.

Attention! Hops are a natural preservative with antiseptic properties. Foaming depends on it.

This affordable component at home is almost always used in its natural form, and not in granules, as in production. Bitterness is regulated by the dosage of dry cones, which in the standard case corresponds to 20 grams per 10 liters of drink.

These are inflorescences containing essential oils, resins that give the beer a bitter taste. Homebrewing can handle any hop recipe.

Unlike budget store-bought beers, beer brewed at home from hops, malt and yeast itself has a sharper taste and thicker foam. Also, in such beer there are no preservatives that extend the shelf life of store-bought beer. In this article, we will look at a recipe for making homemade beer without any extra ingredients. As components of such a low-alcohol drink, only:

  • hops (45g.)
  • barley malt (3 kg.)
  • brewer's yeast (25g.)
  • water (27l.)
  • sugar (200g)

Traditionally, there is an opinion that in order to make beer at home, you need to buy a mini-brewery. However, you can make delicious beer without expensive devices. We will only need improvised means, such as bottles, pots, etc.

All of the above ingredients can be grown at home and close the entire production process for yourself. We will buy them in the store.

To make homemade beer you need the following equipment:

  • an enameled pan, with a volume of at least 30 liters, in which the wort will be boiled
  • any container for fermentation
  • thermometer for precise liquid temperature control
  • gauze
  • beer bottles

homemade beer recipe

Consider the process of making beer in stages.

1. At the first stage
it is necessary to prepare the necessary ingredients in the proportions indicated above, as well as the equipment used in the preparation process. All containers must be clean and dry. Before cooking, we also recommend washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water so as not to infect the wort with yeast other than purchased beer yeast.

If tap water is used, then it must be allowed to stand for a day. It is advisable to use spring water or buy non-carbonated bottled water.

Activate the yeast according to the instructions on the package. Usually yeast is simply diluted with warm water.

2. The wort is grouted. Mix crushed malt and hot water. If the malt was bought not in crushed form, then it must be scrolled through a meat grinder. In this process, the main thing is not to overdo it. Grinding malt into flour with a coffee grinder is not worth it. You should get small pieces with a peel, which will help to further filter the wort.

We pour 25l. prepared water in a saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 80 degrees. Malt is poured into a bag made of gauze in several layers, placed in water, closed and left to boil for one and a half to two hours, maintaining a temperature of 60-72 degrees. The temperature of the water must be monitored with a thermometer. It is necessary to maintain the required range. So at 60-63 degrees, sugars are better excreted, increasing the strength of the future drink. At 68-72 degrees, the density of the wort increases. For a more optimal result, you can stick to an average temperature of 65 degrees.

After 1.5-2 hours of cooking, quickly raise the temperature to 80 degrees, and in this mode cook for another 5 minutes. With this procedure, we completely stop the fermentation process. Next, the gauze bag with the malt remaining inside is taken out and washed with 1.5-2.5 liters. water of the same temperature, washing out the remaining extractives. This water is also subsequently added to the wort.

We looked at the "in the bag" method of mashing, which eliminates the need for filtration during the preparation of the wort.

3. The next step is to bring the wort to a boil. After boiling, add 15g. hops, after half an hour the same portion, an hour after the start of boiling the rest of the hops, after which they boil for another half an hour. In total, boiling lasts 1.5 hours.

4. Next, the wort must be cooled. Within a short time (no more than half an hour), we cool the wort to 25 degrees. To quickly cool the beer wort, you can use a homemade bath with ice water. After cooling, the wort is poured into a fermentation tank. It is advisable to preliminarily pour the wort several times, saturating it with oxygen, which was not left after a long boil.

5. Fermentation process. After pouring the wort into the fermentation tank, add brewer's yeast there. The fermentation tank is left in a dark place at room temperature, we install a water seal.

6. Fermentation. Diluted brewer's yeast is added to the wort and mixed well. In this case, it is very important to observe the temperature and proportions indicated in the instructions on the sachet label. There are top-fermenting yeasts, which are fermented at a temperature of 18-22°C, and bottom-fermenting, working at 5-16°C. These two types make different types of beer.

After 10 hours, the fermentation process will begin, accompanied by an abundant release of bubbles. It lasts for several days. The final fermentation process can be determined by a water seal, or you can use a saccharometer (hydrometer). Missing bubbles and clarification of the wort also symbolize the completed fermentation process.

6. Carbonization of beer. At the final stage, homemade beer is artificially saturated with carbon dioxide. Carbonization at home is quite easy. A little sugar (8 g per 1 liter) is added to the bottles into which the beer will be bottled. Sugar activates secondary fermentation, as a result of which carbon dioxide will be released. Beer is drained from the sediment, pouring into bottles with sugar. This procedure must be carefully followed so that the beer is not cloudy. You can use a silicone tube as an accessory.

After the beer has been bottled, they must be hermetically sealed with a lid so that the carbon dioxide produced during the secondary fermentation process does not evaporate. Bottled beer is also left in a dark place at room temperature for a couple of weeks. Periodically (every few days) it must be shaken. After 2 weeks, put the bottles in the refrigerator.

Homemade beer made from hops, malt and yeast is ready to drink. You can check the quality of homemade beer by reading this article. The shelf life of this drink is 6 months. We recommend that you do not drink the beer immediately, but let it sit for a couple more weeks in the refrigerator to improve the taste.

Video: Cooking beer at home

Video 2: Making beer at home

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