
What can be prepared from plums. Unusual plum wine - a luxurious drink to the table

Even the simplest plum preparations for the winter are best done according to proven recipes. When it comes to long-term storage, we need clear and clear instructions how much, what and how to cook and then how to close it correctly so that the jars do not “fly”. We tried to collect not only traditional recipes winter preparations from plums - jam, jam and compote, but also a variety of sauces, the popularity of which is growing every year. And I understand why. Opening a jar of hand-made tkemali in December, surprising guests with plum adjika - for this it is worth spending an hour of free time in the kitchen.

Plum jam for the winter

One of the most popular winter plum preparations is jam. It does not require any special manipulations with cooking. Our task is not to keep the shape of plums, but to get a jelly-like product, bright, sweet and fragrant. And you will definitely cope with this task by choosing this recipe.

"Weekly" pickled plums for the winter

Preparation from plum-delicacy. Preparing for a whole week. Fantastically delicious sweet and sour plums are obtained. Suitable for marinating varieties with a fleshy structure, ideally blue Hungarian plum. Prescription without sterilization.

Compote of apples and plums for the winter

Plum compote for the winter can be supplemented with various berries or fruits. The most popular option is a combination of plums with apples.

Plum pastille at home

An original preparation of plums for the winter - dried plum puree turns into sweet curls with a rich taste. A simple recipe for lovers and connoisseurs.

Plum compote with pits for the winter

This is the easiest way to prepare plum compote for winter. Plums are placed in jars without processing, directly with pits. They are poured first with boiling water, then with boiling syrup and immediately rolled up. No sterilization, no blanching. The Perfect Recipe for those who need to quickly and without additional hassle to save the harvest of plums.

Spicy plum adjika for the winter

A wonderful recipe for winter plum harvesting is a spicy sauce with the addition of a variety of herbs, garlic, hot peppers, tomatoes and blue basil. It is very easy to prepare. Without sterilization.

Plum tkemali recipe for the winter

If you have a basket of sour red plums, make tkemali from them. The sauce is very easy to make. Plums are boiled, rubbed through a sieve, the sauce is mixed with spices and herbs, after which it is cooked for a short time. Tkemali is well worth it if it is poured into carefully sterilized jars and closed with sterile lids.

Simple plum sauce for the winter

The simplest plum sauce recipe for the winter without salt and vinegar. Sweet peppers, garlic and vegetable oil. Everything is scrolled through a meat grinder and boiled for 20 minutes. Prescription without sterilization.

Chinese plum sauce for the winter

Original preparation for the winter from plums, recipes for real Chinese plum sauce, which is always used for Peking duck, and is also great for any Chinese food - meat, pancakes, wontons.

Smooth and dense jam from plums for the winter is excellent without sterilization all winter. Great as a filling for pies or small pastries. It is prepared with the use of gelling additives "Zhelfix". The recipe is very simple.

Seedless plum jam

Plum jam for the winter is brewed without the use of gelling additives. Just plums and sugar. No pre-sugar filling. So this winter harvesting of plums will take you only half an hour, including processing.

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Plum blanks for the winter: the best recipes for your piggy bank!

Plum season gives us the opportunity to enjoy the taste of this fragrant and healthy fruit from mid-July to October. But so that in winter we have delicious stuffing for pancakes useful compote and a savory plum appetizer, you need to take care of plum preparations and find recipes for preparations in advance.

Everyone knows that sweet preparations can be prepared from this fruit. But, for sure, not everyone knows that you can cook unsweetened billets from plums for the winter. For example: plum sauce for meat, or pickled plums with spices.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention my favorite recipes for fragrant and delicious plums. All recipes are easy to prepare, the proportions are correct, and the jars last until spring.

Seedless plum jam in a pan

The process of preparing plum jam in a pitted pan according to the recipe is very, very fast: it won’t even take half an hour for your plum jam to wait for winter in jars. And this jam will pleasantly surprise you in taste: it turns out to be very fragrant, beautiful, and, of course, insanely delicious! See the recipe with photos HERE.

Plum jam "Southern night"

Let's make plum jam! The real one, where halves of translucent plums float in dark ruby ​​syrup. The one that is so fragrant, so tasty that it is simply impossible to break away! View recipe...

Tkemali sauce at home for the winter

How to cook tkemali sauce at home, you can see HERE.

Plum Jam "Special"

Every year I make one portion of plum jam for the winter, for a change, but with us it diverges first. The jam recipe is very simple, but in the end it turns out thick and fragrant dessert! View recipe...

Pickled plums for the winter: a recipe with cognac

We will pickle plums with vinegar, fragrant herbs, spices, and ... cognac. Here is such an unexpected ingredient. In winter, I'm going to serve pickled plums with meat, or as an addition to a plate of pickles on a festive table. View recipe...

Compote of plums with pits for the winter "Autumn velveteen"

I want to tell you how to make plum compote for the winter with seeds. My recipe is very simple and quick, but despite the ease of preparation, such plum compote for the winter turns out to be very tasty, fragrant and beautiful. Even his name is appropriate - "Autumn Velvet". I prepare compote from plums for the winter without sterilization, so it doesn’t take much time for it. Plum compote turns out to be very tasty, not very sweet with fruit and berry notes. In winter, drinking such a compote is a pleasure. View recipe...

Cherry plum (red plum) compote for the winter

Cherry plum, or red plum, is a very tasty fruit that is pleasant to eat both fresh and to make preparations for the winter. Mom closes cherry plum in a special way, without long-term sterilization of jars, so I liked this recipe :) View recipe ...

Plum Recipes for the Winter - Homemade Encyclopedia

Plum recipes for the winter Plum blanks for the winter recipes Even the simplest plum blanks for the winter are best done according to proven recipes. When it comes to long term storage,

Plums for the winter - 7 best recipes

Many housewives, having collected a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information how to prepare plums for the winter. From beautiful plums you can cook a huge number of blanks, we will focus on the most popular, light and simple recipes that any housewife can cook.

1. Dry (dried) plum

How to dry plums? A unique prunes in the kitchen will always come in handy. Dried plums contain many vitamins, various microelements, and antioxidants. Contained in the composition useful material inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause cavities. Such useful fruit must be prepared for the winter.

In order for the plum to dry properly and well, select only the most ripe fruit that fall from the tree or are about to fall. Not all varieties are successful for drying, the most suitable are Hungarian and plums with great content sucrose, pectin in the composition. An important condition receiving good prunes is the presence of dense pulp, well-removed bones when pressed, the content of pectin and sugar in high quantities.

Healthy plums are selected, bones are removed, then the fruit must be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dipped in cold water and removed, allowing it to dry a little, remove excess liquid with napkins. To make the prunes shiny and dark, the plums are soaked in honey syrup (two parts of boiling water are taken for one part of honey) for 3-5 minutes.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

You can dry on outdoors, in the sun or use a special dryer, gas or electric oven. To dry in the sun, spread the cream on a tray or baking sheet in a single layer, turning occasionally. The time spent in sunlight is 4-5 days, it must be brought indoors at night so that the fruit does not become damp. After the dew dries, put it outside again. After the specified time, prunes should be removed in the shade for drying for several days (usually 3-4).

When the prunes are ready, no liquid should be released when pressed, they should be elastic, not crumble in the hands. Ready dried fruits It is customary to add to meat dishes, use for baking, cooking various desserts or spice up salads.

2. We freeze the fruits correctly

Plums can be frozen to enjoy in winter natural taste or cook compote according to the recipe, add delicious dessert, bake a cake, etc. For freezing, dense varieties are used, with a high percentage of sugar content and a thick skin, where the inner seed is easily separated. The Hungarian and the Kuban legend showed excellent qualities in freezing, after thawing they retained their natural taste and shape.

The selected cream is thoroughly washed, but not overexposed in water, then dried and the bones are removed, cut into two parts. Also frozen whole, if necessary for culinary affairs in winter period. The plum is packaged in plastic bags or containers in one layer, sent to the freezer.

Credit: canalblog.com

After an hour or two, they check if the plums have seized and hardened, they are removed for a long freeze, folding all the plums into bags, plastic containers. If you put all the available plums at once in a bag and freeze, it will be difficult to extract fruits in winter, so the fruits will easily separate from each other. The storage temperature of plums in the freezer is -16 ° ... -18 ° С, in such conditions the product is stored for up to six months.

3. Preparing plum juice

The recipe for making juice is very easy, it will not cause trouble for novice cooks. Plum juice retains all the beneficial elements, including insoluble pectin. To make juice from plums, take 2 kg fresh fruit, 0.4-0.5 l filtered clean water and 100 gr granulated sugar.

Credit: simplepurebeauty.com

They take only ripe and overripe plums, which must be washed and pitted. Put the plum into the pan, add water, heat to a temperature of +75 ° ... +80 ° С. Remove from heat, let stand for a while to soften the plums, then wipe the fruit through a sieve or use a juicer.

In the resulting thick consistency, pour some water from the pan in which the fruits were located, add granulated sugar and put it on the stove again. We are waiting for the juice to heat up to a temperature of +85 ° C and pour it into pre-prepared containers (jars, glass bottles), roll it up. To adjust the saturation of the juice, reduce or increase the amount of water at your discretion, so you will achieve the desired consistency and sweetness.

4. Make Delicious Plum Marshmallow and Sweet Marmalade

To prepare plum marshmallows, you need 1 kg of freshly picked fruits and a little vegetable oil. First brewed liquid puree by analogy with the recipe for making juice from plums, then it is laid out in a saucepan (but not in aluminum) and boiled until the volume is halved.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

The mass of plums is cooled, laid out on baking sheets, trays, etc., having previously covered the bottom of the form with parchment, greased with oil. The mass layer should not be more than 2 cm. The plum mass packaged in forms is sent to the oven with an internal temperature of +80 ° ... + 90 ° С. An important point when cooking marshmallow, there is a slightly ajar door oven, otherwise the output product will be just baked. The approximate cooking time for the recipe in the oven is 3-4 hours.

When the puree thickens enough and stops sticking to your fingers, the plum marshmallow is ready. The finished marshmallow is taken out of the oven, cut into wide strips (along with parchment), put in glass jars and put in the refrigerator for storage.

To make marmalade from plums, you need 1 kg of plum puree and 500-600 grams of sugar. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which the mashed potatoes are laid out, put on a small fire and stir constantly until the mass stops sticking to the bottom. At this point, during the cooking process, the volume will decrease by half.

Credit: www.italianfoodforever.com

Be sure to taste the resulting mass until a consistency is reached. chewing candy. If the puree is still quite viscous and easily eaten, boil until the desired viscosity is obtained.

Parchment is lined in prepared containers, marmalade from plums is distributed with a layer of no more than 2 cm, left to cool, dry in a dry room for a couple of days. After 2-3 days, marmalade will easily separate from parchment paper, cut into pieces, dip in sugar. Keep homemade marmalade from plums you need in a closed dry container.

5. Pickled Plum - Add some spice to your dishes

Not every housewife will find a pickled plum in the kitchen, this product is not so popular, but in vain. Plum in the marinade will not only decorate the dishes for the festive table, but also add unusual taste meat or side dishes.

The recipe will require 5 kg of plums, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 250 ml wine vinegar, 20 gr bay leaf, 10 gr cloves. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon or allspice can be used in the recipe as desired.

Credit: www.lovefoodeat.com

The plum is placed in a container in small layers, sprinkling each of them with seasonings. The marinade is prepared separately - 250 ml of wine vinegar is taken, the indicated amount of granulated sugar (do not be afraid thick consistency), mixed, put on a flame and languished until the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous composition is obtained. The resulting hot, almost boiling syrup is poured over plums. The plums may not completely cover, the plum juice will fill the voids after a while, so do not worry. Leave to cool for a day.

After 24 hours, the plums are carefully separated from the marinade and the procedure is repeated. Within three next days put on the stove, bring to a boil, then pour again and leave to cool. It is advisable to drain and boil the marinade twice a day (morning and evening), but one is allowed according to the recipe.

Five days later, the fruits are laid out in pre-prepared clean jars (necessarily sterilized), spices are added and poured with boiling marinade to the very edge of the jars, clogged or rolled up. Pickled plums will not only diversify the festive table, but will also become tasty treat for guests.

6. Cook jam and preserves for the whole family

Delicious plum jam will not only be a wonderful treat for tea on a frosty winter evening, but will also serve as an excellent filling for various confectionery delights, especially in combination with apples, chocolate, lemon. After harvesting plums, be sure to make a couple of jars of jam! There are quite a few jam recipes, we will focus on an unusual version, very fragrant and unsurpassed in taste, children and adults will definitely like the delicacy.

Credit: www.panbagnato.com

To make plum jam in chocolate, according to the recipe, take 2 kg of washed fresh plums, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 40-45 g of cocoa powder and 40 g of vanilla sugar. A plum with dense pulp is cut into two parts, the seed is removed, 0.5 kg of sugar is added, gently mixed, trying not to crush, left for 24 hours in a cool room to release the juice.

A day later, the remaining sugar is added, vanilla and cocoa powder are poured and put on low heat. With gentle movements, the plum is mixed and boiled for 50-60 minutes. For each plum variety, the cooking time may vary, and the ripeness of the fruit also affects the duration of the process - the riper, the faster it will cook. Once the plum jam is cooked, transfer the product to jars and roll up.

Plum jam is prepared using a different technology and differs from jam in its consistency, which has a jelly-like structure. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of plums, 1 kg of sugar, 2.5 g citric acid, 125 ml of purified drinking water. The bones are removed from the plums, cut into 4 parts, placed in an enamel saucepan, poured with boiling water. Then, stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes on a fairly low heat.

Then start adding sugar in small portions and cook for another 35-40 minutes, removing the resulting foam. At the end of cooking, pour in the lemon, let it boil for one minute and pour into jars to twist. Jam will differ not only in taste, but also in a beautiful iridescent color.

7. Unusual plum wine - a luxurious drink to the table

For plum wine, according to the recipe, 10 kg of pitted plums, 4.7 kg of granulated sugar and 1 liter of filtered water are taken. Prepared fruits cut into 2 parts are folded into glass jar(bottle), pour water, granulated sugar and leave in a warm room for 3-4 days, not forgetting to cover the neck with gauze.

Credit: ogorodko.ru

When the fermentation process begins, a water seal is installed on the bottle or a medical glove is put on in the old fashioned way, making one or two punctures in the fingers, and left for fermentation for 25-30 days.

A month later, the wort is filtered thoroughly. The pulp must be thoroughly squeezed out, the wort must be filtered with a fine sieve several times. Now the wine is poured into a clean container (preferably glass), corked and placed in a dark, cool room for further infusion. Sample delicious wine from plums it will be possible in 2-3 months.

The longer the wine stands, the tastier and richer it will be. Plum wine has an incredible aroma and pleasant taste, be sure to try cooking according to the recipe, you can’t buy this in a store! Yes, and from wine from other fruits and berries, plum stands out noticeably.

Plums for the winter - 7 best recipes

Plums for the winter - 7 best recipes Many housewives, having collected a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information on how to prepare plums for the winter. From beautiful plums you can

What to cook from plums for the winter

Plum, like any fruit, has its own short ripening season, so every housewife is in a hurry to prepare plums for the winter to please her family delicious meals at dinner on long cold evenings.

To date, about 100 varieties of plums are known. different sizes, color and taste. Benefits of these fruits human body no doubt. If you eat two plums before breakfast, the work of the digestive tract will significantly improve and cardiac tension will be relieved. Regular consumption of plums strengthens the nervous system and enriches the body. useful substances and vitamins, improves vision. Doctors recommend including these fruits in the menu for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, metabolic disorders, obesity and rheumatism. Phytocoumarins found in plum pulp prevent thrombus formation.

For children, plums are useful in that they improve appetite and prevent the development of anemia. However, fresh fruits do not need to be included in the children's menu in large quantities; it is better to subject them to heat treatment, adding to compotes, jelly or fruit puree. A large number of eaten fresh plums in a child and even in an adult can cause diarrhea (stool disorder).

Plum is actively used in traditional medicine, home cosmetology And traditional cooking. A large number of dishes can be prepared from fresh plums, frozen, mashed with sugar or rolled into jars in the form of jam, compote, sauce. Some interesting recipes harvesting plums for the winter, I decided to combine in a selection.

Adjika with plums for the winter

  • 2 kg plums;
  • 3 heads of onions;
  • 1 chili pepper (small pod);
  • 5 pieces of bell pepper;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 art. l. vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Sort the plums, wash and remove the pits. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and tails, and then cut into large pieces. Wash and chop the chili pepper, and the peeled onion into large cubes. Pass bell peppers, plums, chili peppers and onions twice through a fine sieve of a meat grinder. Put all the vegetables in a saucepan and cook for an hour, stirring all the time. When the mass releases juice, add salt and sugar. Floor- liter jars place on a wire rack in a cold oven, bring the temperature to 150 C and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. Spread hot adjika in sterile jars and roll up. By the way, the sharpness of the workpiece can be adjusted - add more or less pepper Chile.

Yellow plum tkemali sauce for the winter

  • 5 kg of yellow plum;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 piece chili pepper;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 medium heads of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hops-suneli.

Wash the yellow plums and separate the pulp from the pits. Now put the plums in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Remove the plums from the heat, add the peeled garlic squeezed through the garlic and chopped chili peppers. Beat everything into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Now return the pot to the stove and bring the sauce back to a boil. Add all spices. Sterilize half-liter jars in the oven on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Then fill jars with sauce and roll up.

Thick plum jam

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 25 g gelfix (vegetable thickener for jelly and jam).

Sort the plums and wash. Divide in half and remove the bones, then transfer to an enamel pan. Mix sugar with gelfix and pour plums with this mixture. Put the pot on the fire. Bring the plums to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Then, using a blender, grind everything into a homogeneous mass. Bring to a boil again, boil for 2 minutes and turn off. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars in boiling water or on a wire rack in the oven for 15 minutes. Divide the jam into jars and swirl. It is advisable to store such jam in cool place, for example, in the cellar.

Tkemali sauce with plums and red tomatoes

  • 10 kg of red tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg plums;
  • 1.5 kg of chili pepper;
  • 350 g of garlic;
  • 50 g dry red pepper powder;
  • 5 st. l. coriander;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • 5 st. l. vinegar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into quarters each. Then put them in a saucepan, fill with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 30-40 minutes. Be sure to stir. Then rub through a sieve so that the skins do not get into the sauce. While the tomatoes are stewing, wash the plums and remove the seeds from them. Wash the pepper and cut into slices, and peel the garlic. Then chop plums, peppers and garlic in a meat grinder. Now add this mass to the mashed tomatoes, pour out the spices and mix. Put the sauce back on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for half an hour on minimum heat, stirring constantly, then pour in the vinegar, stir and turn off. Place the jars on a wire rack in a cold oven, heat to 150 C and sterilize: 0.5 liter for 15 minutes, liter for 20 minutes. ready sauce pour into jars and roll up.

Pickled plums without seaming

  • 500 g plums;
  • 5 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 1 tsp fenugreek seeds;
  • dried chili peppers to taste.

For this recipe, it is desirable to use hard plums - ripe, but not overripe. Wash the plums and let them dry. Then remove the bones and chop them thin plates. Now put the chopped plums into a deep bowl, add sea salt, mix gently and let stand for at least 3 hours, if you have time, you can leave it all night. During this time, the drain will release juice, which will act as a brine. Now, in one dry frying pan, fry a little (so that it is well dried) mustard seeds and fenugreek, and dry hot pepper pods in the other. Let the spices cool and grind them into a powder, add to the plums and mix. Let the dish stand for 30 minutes. During this time, sterilize liter jars in the oven for 20 minutes at 150 C. Arrange the plums in sterile jars, cover nylon lids and refrigerate. In a day, the dish will be completely ready for use.

Plum jelly for the winter

Sort through, wash under running water and dry the plums a bit. Divide each plum in half, remove the pit and cut into quarters. Transfer the plums to a saucepan, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the plums. Stir. Turn on the fire and start boiling the plums. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Now add sugar, pectin, mix and cook for about 2 minutes until the sugar melts. Remove foam and remove from heat. Pour the jelly into sterile jars and roll up. Now jars of jelly need to be sterilized. Place hot jelly jars in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave them to stand in the water for another 5 minutes. After that, remove the jars, wipe with a towel and leave to cool.

Jam "Plums in syrup"

First, wash the plums and remove the pits. If you want the plums to remain whole, remove the pits with a pencil. Boil the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, fill it with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Now pour the plums into the syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Place the prepared clean jars on a wire rack in a cold oven and bring the temperature to 150 C. Sterilize for 20 minutes and cool slightly. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Plum compote for the winter

Ingredients for one jar:

Sort the plums, wash, remove the tails. Then use a pencil to remove the bones. Pour plums into clean three-liter jars. Plums should take up a little less than half of the jar. Now pour boiling water into the jars so that the water covers the plums, let stand for 15 minutes. Now pour the water from the jars into the pan. Bring water to a boil and add sugar. Boil for a few minutes until sugar dissolves. Now pour the syrup back into all the jars equally. Add the missing amount with boiling water. Cover jars with lids and let stand 10 minutes. Drain the compote again into the pan (without drains), boil and pour into jars. Roll up the lids immediately. Turn the jars upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Plum fig (marshmallow)

Wash the plums and remove the pits from them. Now lay the plums cut side up. Preheat the oven to 180 C and place a baking sheet with plums in it for 20 minutes. Take the plums out of the oven and let them cool down. Then grind the plums with a blender until smooth. Add sugar and mix everything again. Line a baking sheet with parchment and pour a 0.5 cm thick plum mass onto it. If everything does not fit in one baking sheet, divide it into two or even three baking sheets. Now, if you have a summer cottage, you can dry the fig in the sun for 3 days. The second option: preheat the oven to 70 degrees and cook figs in it for 6-8 hours. This time is enough for the fig to dry and become smooth. Now cut the fig into strips and wrap them in rolls - the product is ready for use.

Plum in own juice

Ingredients for one half liter jar:

Wash and dry the jars. Sort the plums, wash, divide each in half and remove the seeds. In each jar, lay the plums in layers, cut side down. First, lay a layer of plums tightly, then cover with sugar, again a layer of plums, a layer of sugar, and so on until the neck. Now cover the jars with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then immediately seal the hot jars, turn upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Plum ketchup

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 250 g of onions;
  • 1.5 st. l. salt;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp pepper mixtures;
  • 2-3 pieces of red hot pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 100 g of garlic;
  • dill, cilantro, parsley, basil to taste;
  • 5 cans of 0.5 l.

Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pits. Wash the tomatoes and pour over with boiling water. Then hold in cold water 5 minutes and remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces. Onion peel, wash and cut into quarters. Peel the garlic, and wash the red pepper and remove the tails from it. Now mince plums, tomatoes and onions. Pour the resulting puree into a non-stick pan and cook after boiling for two hours, stirring occasionally. In the meantime, pass greens, peppers and garlic through a fine sieve of a meat grinder. After two hours, add a mixture of garlic, pepper and herbs to the ketchup, as well as salt, sugar, bay leaf and a mixture of peppers. Now add vinegar, stir and cook for another 30-50 minutes until thickened. Sterilize the jars in the oven at 150 C for 15 minutes. Remove the bay leaf from the ketchup and pour hot into jars. Roll up with sterile lids and wrap in a blanket.

Plum confiture

For this recipe, use a well-ripened plum. Sort it, wash it and remove the bones. Then pass the plum through a meat grinder. Now pour into a saucepan and add sugar, mix. Put on fire and cook for 45 minutes on low heat. Now remove from heat and cool. Wash the lemon, pour over with boiling water, cut into two halves and squeeze the juice from one. Add lemon juice in confiture and cook over low heat for another 20 minutes after boiling. At this stage, you can also add spices - cinnamon sticks, star anise. Sterilize the jars in the oven at 150 C for 15-20 minutes. Arrange the hot confiture in jars, after removing the spices from it, roll it up. store plum billet in a cool place.

How to dry plums and cook prunes

Remove pits from ripe plums with a pencil. Now boil the water and dip the plums into it three times for a minute. Cover the plywood sheets with paper, lay out the plums and dry for 2-3 weeks in the sun, turn over several times a day. Bring plums into the house at night. You can also dry plums in the oven. To do this, first dry the plums for 2 days in the sun on wooden grates. Then dry in the oven in three steps. In the first and second steps, preheat the oven to 40-50 C and place the plums in it on the grate. Dry the plums on the first and second day for 5 hours. For the third drying, make syrup: dilute burnt sugar with water. Dip the plums in the syrup and arrange on a baking sheet. Dry the plums a third time for 10-12 hours. Select the finished plums, and dry the rest. Store prunes in dry jars with lids or in a dry room in wooden boxes. Prunes can be sprinkled with bay leaves to protect the plums from insects.

plum cheese

If you have very ripe and soft plums, you can cook this unique dish. Wash the plums, remove the pits, sprinkle with sugar and mix. When the plum starts to juice, put the pan on the fire and cook, stirring occasionally, until the consistency jam. Then wipe the mass through a colander or sieve. Add cilantro seeds and stir. Now take a piece of gauze folded several times or a fabric bag, transfer the resulting mass into it. Put the bag under oppression for three days. Ready cheese brush with oil and roll in cilantro seeds. This cheese keeps well in a cool place.

Plum garlic sauce

Round blue plums work best for this sauce. However, yellow ones too, and you can also take an ordinary Hungarian, only ripe. Wash the plum, remove the pits and stew in a small amount water. Peel and chop the garlic, and wash and finely chop the dill. Mix all the ingredients, add salt and vegetable oil. Blend with a blender until pureed. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes and place in sterile jars. Pasteurize 30 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket for 24 hours for additional sterilization.

What to cook from plums for the winter: 15 best recipes!

Plum recipes for the winter: sauces, adjika, jam, compotes, confiture, jelly, plum cheese. And also the secrets proper drying cooking prunes and marshmallows.

While still in stores, markets and dachas remained fresh plums, it's time to cook something from them that will delight you in the kitchen on long winter evenings.
Can be made from plums various blanks, which will allow in the cold period to receive useful vitamins. The most simple blank- cut clean plums into halves, separate the stones and put them in freezer bags in the freezer.

A little about the beneficial properties of plums
Plums are useful for problems with digestive tract, are able to regulate the level of acidity in the stomach, help prevent blood clots. This is a wonderful immunomodulator, thanks to the vitamin B it contains. Vitamin A, which is also abundant in fruits, supports liver function and helps maintain vision.
Sodium in plums is responsible for removing toxins from the body. Plums are indicated for people with kidney disease, hypertension, ulcers, patients with cholecystitis and atherosclerosis. They should be included with caution in the diet of diabetics and young children. Plums are contraindicated for people with gout and rheumatism.

A few shared secrets

For blanks, choose plums of any variety, large in size, fleshy, without spots and cracks, with an easily removed stone.
So that during heat treatment the plums do not “explode”, they are pierced in advance with a needle in several places.
If the plums have a very thick and dense skin, then before processing, be sure to blanch them for about 10 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees and then lower them into cold water.
Not only sweet preparations are obtained from plums, they are great for meat, salads and can diversify the winter menu.
Ideal spices for plums are vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg.

pickled plums

Pickled plums are an excellent side dish for meat and fish dishes. In addition, they can be added to vegetable salads to give them piquant taste.

Plums of sweet varieties are suitable for pickling. From such a blank, it will be possible not only to use the plums themselves, but also the marinade in which they are stored. They can marinate poultry or meat.
Plums 3 kg
Sugar 1.2 kg
Vinegar 9% 250 ml
Cloves 10 peas
Black pepper 10 peas
Bay leaf 4 pcs.
Cinnamon 1 tsp
My plums, remove the stalks and let dry.

We pierce each fruit from several sides almost to the bone. Pour vinegar, add sugar, pepper, cloves, bay leaf. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

The sugar should dissolve completely. Pour the plums with boiling marinade, cover with a lid or towel and leave overnight at room temperature.In the morning, drain the marinade, bring it to a boil again and pour the plums again.

Leave for 8-10 hours. Bring the marinade and plums to a boil, add cinnamon, keep on fire for about 5 minutes. Cool down.

We lay out the completely cooled plums in clean jars. Bring the marinade separately to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes, and pour plums in jars into it. Close with lids.

We store cooled jars in the refrigerator.

IN I lazy spicy plums
This preparation is ideal both for salads and for adding to vegetable stews and meat dishes. Spicy, fragrant blanks can also be eaten as healthy snacks. Pairs well with various cheeses and curd dishes.
Plums 1 kg
Garlic 8 cloves
Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
Rosemary 1 bunch
Thyme 1 bunch
Vegetable oil 2 tsp
Salt, pepper to taste
Prepare the plums, cut in half and remove the stones. Chop the garlic, pick rosemary needles and thyme leaves from the branches.

Combine herbs, salt, pepper, garlic, vegetable oil, sugar and mix well. Arrange plum halves on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Apply the spice mixture to each half of the fruit. Cook for about 4 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees with convection.

Without convection, the temperature can be 15-20 degrees higher.

candied plums
wonderful and healthy treat for sweet tooth.

With such candied fruits, you can not only have a snack, but also add them to fruit salads, desserts, morning porridge and cottage cheese.

Plums 1 kg
Sugar 1 kg
Walnuts 100 g
Zest 50 g
Water 0.5 l
Cooking method:
We prepare the plums, cut them in half and remove the stone. Boil water, add sugar and cook for about 1 minute. Put the plums in the resulting syrup and cook until tender. Drain the syrup, dry the fruits slightly at room temperature. In each half of the plum we put a piece of zest, a nut kernel, roll in sugar.

We spread the plums on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry in the oven at a temperature of 90 degrees until cooked. Store in a box in a cool place, shifting each layer parchment paper.

plum jam
Very tasty and fragrant jam obtained from plums. Its taste will never be replaced by other sweets. Plum jam can be spread on morning sandwiches and toast, or used as an ingredient in pies.
Plums 1 kg
Sugar 1 kg
Water 250 ml
Kernels from stones 2-3 pcs.
My plums, scalded with boiling water, peeled and removed the stone. We put the fruits in an enamel pan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for several hours. Add water and cook over low heat until completely boiled.

A few minutes before readiness, you can add crushed kernels from plum pits, they enhance the flavor of the jam.

We lay out the jam in sterilized jars, roll up and cool.

plum compote
What could be tastier than homemade plum compote? Perhaps no drink can compare with its light taste.
Plums 1 kg
Sugar 400 g
Water 1 l
Wash the plums, pierce them from several sides, put them in sterilized jars not to the very top. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar, boil for about 2 minutes. Fill the plums with hot syrup and sterilize in hot water.

Close tightly, turn upside down and leave to cool completely.



For 400gr. unripe plums: 1/2 cup dry white wine, 1/2 cup sugar, 4 cloves, 2 circles of ginger (about 0.5 cm thick), orange zest.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the plum, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into slices.

2. Pour wine into a saucepan, add sugar, cloves, ginger, orange zest and 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Put the plums into the syrup and cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off the fire.

4. Transfer the plums in syrup to a sterile jar and close. It turns out a half-liter jar. Store in a cool place.

Advice : You can cook peaches according to the same recipe.



For 1kg plums: 500g. apples, 0.8-1 kg of sugar, zest of 1 lemon, a pinch of vanillin.

For sprinkling: sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the plums, cut into halves, remove the seeds. Place the plums in a jam bowl, heat over low heat until softened, then rub through a sieve.

2. Cut the apples into slices, heat over low heat and also rub through a sieve.

3.Plum and applesauce combine, add sugar, add grated zest and vanillin. Stir, cook until done.

4. Put the finished marmalade on a dish, let it cool. Then cut into curly pieces, sprinkle with sugar, store in a sealed container.



For 2 kg of plums: 1 kg of apples, 1.5 kg of sugar, zest of half a lemon, 1 tsp. teaspoon crushed cinnamon (to taste)

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the plums, peel them. Peel the apples, cut into slices and remove the core.

2. Place in a bowl for cooking in layers: plums, apples and sugar, repeat the layers. Add grated lemon peel mixed with cinnamon and sugar.

3. Cook the marmalade, stirring all the time, until a thick mass forms.

4. Spread it into pots or jars, and after cooling, tie with parchment paper.



For 1kg of blue plums: 2 cups of sugar, 200g. walnuts, 100 gr. pitted raisins, 1/2 cup water, a little cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the seeds from the plums. Cut plums into quarters.

2. Coarsely chop the nuts. Wash the raisins.

3. Pour the plums with sugar, add 1/2 cup of water, raisins and cook until tender for about 1 hour, skimming off the foam. Add nuts, cinnamon and boil for another 10 minutes.

4. Pour the finished jam hot into clean jars, close with sterile lids.



For 5-6 kg of small blue plums: 1 kg of oranges, 2.5-3 kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the plums into halves, remove the seeds. Pour the third part of the plums into a saucepan, add 1 glass of water and cook under the lid until juice is formed.

2. Add the remaining plums in two steps, boil, then wipe through a sieve.

3. Oranges with peel, but without pits, pass through a meat grinder and combine with plum mass. Gradually add sugar while cooking. Cook over low heat until done. Then pour into jars and seal.



For 700 gr. ripe large red plums: 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, 1 large peach, 400g. sugar, 8 peeled walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Plums are thoroughly washed in cold water, dried. We make a cut on each plum sharp knife and then carefully remove the bones. Important: we do not make the cut completely, so that the plums remain intact.

2. Put the peeled walnuts in a bowl, pour boiling water. Let stand a little, drain the water. Place walnut quarters in each plum in place of the pit.

3. Wash the peach, dry it, remove the skin. Divide the peach into quarters and remove the pit.

4. We put stuffed plums in clean and dried jars, and put one slice of peach on each row of plums.

5. Fill jars with plums with boiling water, cover with a scalded lid, let stand for three minutes. Drain the water from the fruit into a saucepan, add sugar, then cognac and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup into jars with plums. We roll up sterilized jars with confiture.

Advice : For confiture, you need to select very hard plums



For 1 kg of plums: 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the plums, pour over with boiling water, dry and free from stones.

2. Grind with a mixer or pass through a meat grinder. Mix with sugar 1:1. Pack in small sterilized glass jars, close with sterile lids. Store in a cool place.



For 500gr. drain: 2 hard pears, 2 apples, 200g. grapes, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pears, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick, pour boiling water over them. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, drain the broth.

2. Peel the apples from the core, cut into pieces. Remove the grapes from the branches.

3. Boil the sugar syrup on the broth. Put plums, grapes, sliced ​​apples, pears into the syrup and boil.

You can prepare plums for the winter in many ways and pamper your loved ones with sweet treats in the form of jam or compotes or please you with original ones. savory snacks- sauce or pickled fruit. Any preservation is a worthy variety of the assortment of jars with stocks in the pantry.

What to cook from plums for the winter - recipes

Plum for the winter blanks that can be made out not only in the sweet version. A variety of recipes will allow you to get rid of excess crops by creating unusual, sometimes spicy or salty snacks.

  1. Canned plums for the winter in the form of jam or simple compote, as a rule, do not require additional sterilization, therefore it will take a minimum of time to cook.
  2. Any variety of plum goes well with other fruits, so you can combine them and create your own original variations of the workpiece.
  3. Even without cooking, the plum is stored all winter, it is important not to neglect the addition of sugar, it acts as the main preservative in the workpiece.
  4. Dishes from plums for the winter, the recipes of which involve spinning with bones, are not stored for a long time. Nuclei contain a large amount hydrocyanic acid, therefore, after six months, conservation will become unusable.

Plum jam - a recipe for the winter

There are several ways to prepare plum jam for the winter. The ideal would be a mass containing small pieces. Fruits are rich in pectin, so it is not necessary to add gelling ingredients, the jam will reach the desired consistency during storage. Jam comes out delicious from yellow or white honey plums.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, remove the pits, cut into 4-6 pieces.
  2. Cover with sugar, leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Cut the lemons into cubes, add to the plums.
  4. Cook until boiling, removing all the foam.
  5. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, pour into jars, cork.

Compote of plums and apples for the winter

A simple plum compote for the winter can be supplemented with different seasonal fruits, apples or pears are ideal. A drink is prepared without additional sterilization and stored for more than a year, provided that the plums are pitted. It is better to use blue fruits, sour varieties. The amount of these ingredients is calculated to fill 1 can of 3 liters.


  • plums - 500 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • water - 2.5 l.


  1. Wash and peel the plums, cut the apples, removing the seed box.
  2. Immerse the fruit in a sterilized jar, pour boiling water over it, cover, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Fill jar with syrup, seal.

How to cook plum tkemali for the winter?

Delicious Georgian adjika from plums for the winter - tkemali. To make the sauce, they use the plum variety of the same name, but if there are none, other sour fruits are suitable - unripe Hungarian, blackthorn. The main ingredients are ombalo spices can be replaced with dry peppermint.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • hot peppers- 3 pods;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • ucho-suneli, dried dill and mint, ground coriander - 1.5 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash the plums, transfer to a large bowl, pour water.
  2. Cook until the skin separates and the plum becomes soft.
  3. Rub fruit through a sieve.
  4. Add salt, sugar, dry spices, pureed peppers and garlic.
  5. Boil the mass for another half hour.
  6. Pour into jars, seal.

Plum in its own juice for the winter

Such preservation of plums for the winter does not require much time and patience. Prepare a large container for sterilization, which will fit at least 3 jars of 0.5 liters. It is up to the chef to remove the stones or not, during the pasteurization process the contents of the containers will decrease in volume, but you do not need to add plums.


  • plums.


  1. Wash plums, fill jars with them.
  2. Bottom large pot cover with a towel, put the blanks, fill with water to the "shoulders" of the cans.
  3. In the process of boiling, the fruit will release juice. The contents of the jars should boil for 5-8 minutes.
  4. Plums are corked in juice for the winter, put under a blanket for slow cooling.

Pickled plums with garlic for the winter - recipe

Extraordinarily spicy preparation - stuffed plum with garlic for the winter. original taste lovers will definitely like this conservation unusual combinations in food. An appetizer can be served with strong drinks, fruit salads or main dishes. It is better to roll up conservation in small jars of 0.5 liters.


  • plums - 400 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lavrushka - 3 sheets;
  • carnation - 3 buds;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • peppercorns and allspice - 5 pcs.


  1. Wash the plums, remove the stones without damaging the integrity of the plum.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash and dry.
  3. Put 1 clove of garlic into each plum.
  4. Put lavrushka, peppers and cloves in sterilized jars.
  5. Fill with stuffed plums.
  6. In a saucepan, combine water, salt, sugar, vinegar, boil.
  7. Pour jars with hot marinade, cover, leave for 10 minutes.
  8. Drain the marinade, boil, pour over the plums again, cork for the winter, put in heat to cool.

Plum juice for the winter

Canned plum juice for the winter is delicious. To save space and use less cans, in the process of preparing water is used minimal amount. The drink turns out to be very concentrated, therefore it can be confidently diluted with water during serving.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, remove the pits, and pass through a juicer.
  2. Add sugar and water.
  3. Cook over medium heat, boil the juice for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour into a sterilized container, seal.

Plum in chocolate for the winter - recipe

An extraordinary treat that will be appreciated by the younger audience of eaters - canned plums in chocolate for the winter. The process of making a delicacy is no different from creating a thick jam, but pieces of dark chocolate are added during cooking. You should not be stingy when choosing chocolate, it must be bitter and always of high quality, the final result depends on this.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • sugar - 800 g.


  1. Wash the plums, separate the pits, scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.
  2. Put the puree on a minimum fire, add sugar, simmer, removing the foam.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the broken chocolate, wait for it to completely melt.
  5. Pour into a sterilized container, seal.

Seedless plum jelly for the winter

Unusually delicious canned jelly from plums for the winter. You can achieve the desired consistency by adding gelatin, pectin or gelfix to the composition. You can taste and evaluate the quality of the workpiece the very next day, but during storage, the delicacy will become thicker and more jelly. To make the jelly transparent, you can not neglect the removal of foam during cooking.


  • yellow plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g.


  1. Gelatin pour ½ tbsp. warm water.
  2. Wash the plums, remove the pits, rub the pulp through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, put to boil.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes, removing foam.
  5. Set aside, after 5 minutes add swollen gelatin, mix.
  6. Put to boil, waiting for the boiling stage (do not boil!), Immediately remove from heat.
  7. Pour into jars, seal.

How to freeze plums for the winter in the freezer

The simplest and hassle-free way save everything valuable properties And taste qualities fruit - freezing plums for the winter. As a rule, halves are harvested, but if the plums are too large, they are cut into 4-6 parts. In winter, compotes, sauces, jams are cooked from them, decorate or fill homemade cakes.


  • plums.


  1. Wash fruit and dry well.
  2. Remove the pit and cut in half if necessary.
  3. Put in a single layer on a tray, put in the freezer.
  4. When the workpiece hardens, it is distributed in portions into suitable containers and put away for storage in the freezer.

Dried plums in the oven for the winter

There are two ways to prepare dried plums for the winter. The savory spicy version is described below, but using this technique you can also make sweet preparation, after soaking the fruit in sweet syrup and under oppression for 4 hours. Both spicy and sweet preparations are stored in glass containers, hermetically sealed.


  • plums - 2 kg;
  • rosemary - 3 sprigs;
  • dry thyme and basil - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • quality olive oil- 150 ml.


  1. Wash plums, dry, remove pits.
  2. Lay the halves on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. Sprinkle with salt.
  4. Mix honey with 50 ml of oil, pour plums on top.
  5. Chop fresh rosemary with a knife, mix with dry herbs, sprinkle on top of plums.
  6. Put in the oven, heated to 110 degrees, do not close completely, leaving the door slightly ajar.
  7. Dry plums for 3 to 5 hours.
  8. Transfer to a sterilized container, alternating layers of plums with slices of garlic and herbs.
  9. Heat olive oil (do not boil!), Pour jars with it.
  10. Cork plums for the winter, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Plum mashed with sugar for the winter

Canned plum with sugar for the winter without cooking is stored throughout the cold season and does not deteriorate, thanks to the sugar layer, which clogs the workpiece and lets oxygen into the jar. It is also important not to quickly spread the puree in the bowl until the sugar crystals have melted. The plum harvested in this way retains its valuable properties and will become excellent treat with tea or an excellent filling for a quick pie.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, dry, remove the stones, beat with a blender.
  2. Pass through a sieve, getting rid of the remnants of the peel.
  3. Pour in sugar, mix.
  4. Fill the jar without filling up to the edge of 2-3 cm.
  5. Fill the remaining space with sugar and seal immediately.
  6. Store exclusively in the refrigerator.
How to Turn a Plum Harvest into Winter Plum Wealth

In winter we miss summer. We lack warmth and fruit and berry abundance… Each jar of canned fruits on a February day is like a godsend. Therefore, today, looking at the tree branches strewn with plums in their garden, housewives involuntarily wonder how many different plum goodies can be prepared for the winter in order to please their families in the cold snowy months with a piece of warm summer?

Plum is such a wonderful, rich in taste and color berry that you can do, without repeating, dozens of the most different blanks. So that the entire crop from the branches moves into jars and bags, and not a single berry is offended that it grew in vain, we offer several absolutely different ways preparations for plums of different varieties and different degrees of ripeness - from unripe to overripe. So, what can be done with the harvest of plums?

Make jam, jam
Plum jam is always very tasty, it is readily used as a filling for confectionery and design of the most gourmet desserts. In addition, adding apples, lemon, butter or chocolate, you can get just masterpieces culinary arts! Therefore, having a harvest of plums in the house, it would be unforgivable not to prepare several jars of jam for the winter.

Plum jam is cooked in several ways, you just need to choose the most acceptable for yourself. And we offer an original recipe for plum jam, which will surely appeal to both children and adults with a sweet tooth.

Recipe "Plum in chocolate"
Plum - 2 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Cocoa powder - 40 g
Vanilla sugar - 40 g

Ripe dense plums (preferably Hungarian) are cut into halves, remove the pits, cover with half (500 g) of sugar, mix gently and leave for a day so that the plum releases juice.

After a day, add the rest of the sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar, mix (gently, without damaging the plum slices) and cook for small fire 40-60 minutes. Cooking time depends on the ripeness of the fruit: the riper the plum, the faster it cooks. Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized heated jars - and cork (roll up).

You can add dark chocolate instead of cocoa during the cooking process - the recipe offered by summer residents looks like this:
Peeled plum - 1 kg
Chocolate 75% - 100 g
Sugar - 750 g
The cooking process is the same.

If you have a slow cooker or a bread machine in your kitchen, the process of making jam is even simpler: just put the products according to the recipe and set the bread machine to the “Jam” mode, and the slow cooker to the “Soup” or “Stew” mode

In the next video - wonderful recipe plum jam with walnuts. Perhaps he, too, can qualify for the hit of the season)

plum jam
Many housewives ask how jam differs from jam, because the ingredients are the same, and both products are similar ... In fact, there is a difference, and it is in the consistency. In jam, unlike jam, the berries are boiled in sugar syrup to a jelly-like consistency.

plum jam recipe
Plum - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon
Water - 1/2 - 1 cup (depending on the juiciness of the plums)
Remove the pits, cut the plum into quarters, place in a saucepan and pour over hot water. After boiling with continuous stirring, cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Pour sugar in small parts and cook further for 35-40 minutes, removing the foam as needed. At the very end, add citric acid, pour hot into prepared heated jars and roll up. Ready jam has a beautiful and rich color and original taste.

Prepare jam, marmalade, marshmallow
The basis for marmalade, marmalade and marshmallow will be puree juice, which is prepared according to the recipe for plum juice with pulp. In fact, all these blanks are varying degrees processing of grated plum mass, but in appearance and palatability they differ greatly. And this gives a lot of imagination for the preparation of completely unique and inimitable winter delicacies.

classic recipe plum jam
Plum puree - 1 kg
Sugar - 500-600 g
Sweet puree is boiled over low heat with constant stirring until the mass is reduced by a third. Cook in a copper basin, in a stainless steel or aluminum pan. A little hint: first it is better to boil the puree without sugar, and when the mass thickens noticeably, add sugar and evaporate further until tender. If a drop of jam does not spill on the cold bottom of the saucer, the jam is ready. It is poured hot into sterilized heated jars and either immediately rolled up and sent to cool, or left under a fabric (gauze) coating for several days until a crust appears on the surface - then the jars are covered with parchment paper, tied and stored jam in this form.

And from ripe and overripe plums of sweet-fruited varieties, you can make jam without sugar - it will still be tasty, sweet and fragrant.

Recipe plum marmalade
Plum puree - 1 kg
Sugar - 500-600 g
The plum puree prepared according to the recipe for juice is boiled in a bowl with a thick bottom, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon, until the puree begins to lag behind the bottom (this will happen when the mass is reduced by about half).

Ready sweet mass spread in molds, on dishes or on baking sheets covered with parchment paper, and leave to dry. When the marmalade dries, if desired, it can be given various shapes by cutting with a knife or special notches. You can store the delicacy both in glass containers and in cardboard boxes.

Recipe plum marshmallow
Plum - 1 kg
Vegetable oil
The plum puree prepared according to the recipe for juice is placed in an enamel bowl or pan and boiled over low heat until the mass is halved.

The chilled mass must be poured onto baking sheets or any other forms covered with parchment paper and greased. vegetable oil, a layer of 1.5-2 cm and put in the oven, preheated to + 70 ° C. When the mass is compacted, it is taken out and twisted into tubes. It turns out original and tasty.

Pastila goes great with tea. Free of dyes and harmful preservatives, it will be a healthy and tasty treat for the whole family!

For some reason, pickled plums are not very popular with our hostesses. And absolutely in vain, because they are unusually tasty and can become a real highlight of your winter table. Just imagine that you will serve such a non-standard and delicious side dish! It is hard to imagine a more original and, mind you, cheap snack.

pickled plum recipe
Plum - 10 kg (best - Hungarian, not very ripe, dense)
Sugar - 3 kg
Wine vinegar - 0.5 l
Bay leaf - 40 g
Cloves - 20 g
Ground black pepper, ginger, cinnamon - for an amateur

The pickling process is extended for 5 days
Pour plums into any chosen container (plastic, glass, wood, porcelain) in layers in this way: plum layer - bay leaf and cloves on top, plum layer again - and spices again on top, do not cover the top layer with bay leaf and cloves.
Make a marinade from 0.5 liters of vinegar and 3 kg of sugar (don't be afraid of the density) and pour plums with this hot syrup. If they are not completely covered with marinade, it’s not scary - later own juice compensates for this.

For the next three days, 1-2 times a day (preferably 2 in the morning and evening), drain the marinade, bring to a boil and pour over the plums again. Try to handle the fruits as carefully as possible: do not mix, but shake the container a little so that the plums do not “leak”.

On the fifth day, put the pickled plums into prepared sterilized jars along with spices, bring the marinade to a boil and, filling the jars “to the eyeballs”, roll up or cork with lids. Turn the jars over onto the lids and wrap.

Plums taste amazing. And the extra marinade can be used to cook meat for barbecue! Try it - the result is worth it!

You can pickle plums in one day (hot filling) - there are also many such recipes. And in the next video - the original recipe for harvesting pickled plums for the winter ... with garlic!

Pickled plums with garlic are wonderful as a side dish for meat and as a proper appetizer. The taste is unusual, you should like it)

Make juice
Plum juice is a versatile and very useful preparation for the winter. Especially if you make it with pulp - then we will save everything valuable substances, carotene and insoluble pectin. The process of making juice is simple, and anyone, even a novice hostess, can easily cope with it.

plum juice recipe
Plum - 2 kg
Boiled water - 450 ml
Sugar - 100 g
cooked ripe and fresh ripe plums freed from stones and, having added water, heated up to +75...+80°С. After a little settling (so that the fruits soften as much as possible), the fruits are either rubbed through a sieve or passed through a juicer. You can soften the plums in another way - by holding them over the steam for 5-7 minutes.

In received thick juice add water, in which the plums were warmed, sugar (or ready-made syrup), bring to a temperature of + 85 ° C, pour into prepared jars and roll up. If desired, the density of the juice is “regulated” with water, sweetness is also to taste. You will get either thick juice with pulp (juice puree), or liquid. In winter, you can make delicious jelly out of it!

Prepare wine, liquor
Plum liqueur is rightfully considered one of the most delicious alcoholic beverages that can be made at home. Almost all varieties of plums are suitable for its preparation, but, according to experienced plum makers, the most successful will be Hungarian, Mirabelle, Renklod, egg and Canadian plums.

An important condition for high-quality liqueur is a careful selection of fruits. Even one spoiled plum can noticeably worsen the taste. ready drink, so the raw material for the liqueur is ripe, high-quality fruits.

Plum Wine Recipe (by alcofan)
Pitted plum - 10 kg
Sugar - 4.7 kg
Water - 1 liter

Cut the plums into halves, remove the seeds, put the processed fruits in a glass bottle, add water and sugar - and leave in a warm place for 3-4 days under a cloth (gauze). As soon as signs of fermentation appear, immediately install a water seal on the container and leave for 20-30 days for complete fermentation. Then carefully filter the wort, squeeze out the pulp, pour all the filtered liquid into prepared bottles, cork them tightly and put in a dark, cool place for aging.

After 2-3 months the wine is ready. In sealed bottles, it can be stored in a cool place (cellar) at temperatures up to +5°C for up to several years.

The next video is a cooking master class plum liqueurs at home

Dry (dry)
dried plums- wonderful in taste and very useful blanks. Prunes, with a low calorie content, contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants, and it contains one and a half times more potassium than bananas, which are very much praised on this occasion. And the most interesting and topical fact is that prunes slow down the growth of bacteria, causing caries and inflammation of the gums. Well, how not to prepare such healthy dried delicacies for the whole winter?

For drying, you need to choose only fully ripe plums, when they themselves begin to fall off the branches. But it is also important to know which varieties are suitable for drying and which are not.

Varieties suitable for drying: Hungarian (Sochi, home, Italian and Bühl) and garden plums- Ekaterina, Izyum Ekik and others.
Unsuitable for drying: apricot, mirabelle, great blue, early blue, egg yellow.

It is advised, when preparing for drying, to lower all selected fruits for 30 seconds in a boiling weak soda solution (15 g baking soda per 1 liter of water) and immediately rinse in clean water, but you can not carry out such disinfection - at the choice of the hostess.

Two ways to dry plums
In the sun, outdoors. To do this, lay out the selected berries in one layer on the prepared surface - trays, baking sheets, plywood sheets and the like. For even drying, and so that the plums do not get moldy, they are regularly turned over. After 5-6 days of being in the sun, the semi-finished products are moved to the shade, where they are dried.
In dryers, electric and gas ovens. Since the plum is a juicy fruit, “forced” hot drying is carried out in 3 stages:
Plums laid out in one row on baking sheets are dried in the oven for up to 4 hours at a low (+40 ... + 45 ° C) temperature and left for 3-4 hours to cool the fruits
The second drying takes place at a temperature of +55...+60°C for 4 hours, after which the plums are again left to cool
The third drying takes place at a temperature of + 75 ° C for a longer time - for 8-10 hours. If a few minutes before its end, the temperature is raised to + 100 ° C, the prunes will acquire a beautiful shiny appearance.

Ready prunes should be pliable to the touch, soft and elastic, not dry, but not wet. The juice from the fruit should not stand out even with strong pressure.

Dried plums are served with meat and chicken, added to pastries, desserts and fruit salads.

To freeze
Frozen plums - beautiful blanks for subsequent consumption in its natural form, for winter compotes, desserts and pastries.

The best behavior in freezing (and after defrosting) is well-ripened dense plums of “not juicy” varieties with high sugar content, strong skin, separated by a stone. In specially conducted studies, the varieties Vengerka Caucasian, Kuban legend and Stanley showed the highest ability to retain juice during defrosting, so they can be especially recommended for this harvesting method.

Fruits for freezing should be washed and dried well. You can dry plums in their entirety, but if you are going to use them in winter not only for compote, but also for baking or as a dessert, it is better to make even cuts and remove the seeds - in this form they will be “prettier” after defrosting.

The prepared plum must be placed in special containers or in plastic bags, squeeze out excess air - and into the freezer! At a temperature of -18 ° C, they are perfectly stored for a year.

Bogdan Ribak expresses his opinion about frozen plums in winter in the following video clip:

We have just “run” a little on the topic of harvesting plums ... “Behind the scenes” there are still thousands of wonderful recipes for compotes and jellies, stewed and soaked plums, candied fruits, sauces and combined blanks ...

Plum is an inexhaustible object of culinary inspiration. You just try to cook something with your own hands from it - and you will forever fall in love with this sunny juicy berry, which can bright taste and send you greetings from the ringing cheerful summer in rich color in snowy January, making the winter day a little warmer.

During the canning season, housewives do not bypass such a valuable fruit crop like a plum. Plum is not only tasty and fragrant - thanks to useful properties it is used in dietary and clinical nutrition.

It contains a large amount of sugars (up to 14.8%), pectins, organic acids, vitamins: A, C, B, B2, PP.

Due to its high yield, it is harvested for future use in the form of jam, jam, compote.

Subtleties of cooking

  • For compotes for the winter, it is better to use plum varieties such as Italian Ugorka, Renklod green, Renklod Altana, Late prunes, Hungarian Moscow, Memory Timiryazev and others, in which the stone is easily separated.
  • Only ripe fruits without wormholes are suitable for canning. large plums cut in half and remove the pit. Small ones are preserved whole.
  • The fruits are sorted by size and then washed thoroughly in cold water.
  • In order for whole fruits to be better fed with sugar during pasteurization, they are blanched. To do this, it is recommended to warm the plums at 80-90 ° in a 0.5% soda solution (5 g of baking soda are taken per 1 liter of water). Thanks to this technique, small cracks appear on the skin of the fruit, through which sugar easily penetrates.
  • The amount of sugar for making syrup depends on the type of plum. The sweeter the fruit, the less sugar you need. Compote from sour plums requires up to 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Some recipes use honey instead of sugar.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, vanillin, red wine are added to plum compote to give aroma and piquant taste.
  • Compote is very tasty if you add other fruits or berries to it.

Plum compote for the winter: the first recipe

  • plum - 3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 750 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe plums thoroughly in cold water. Remove the stems. Cut in half with a sharp knife and remove the pits.
  • Wash soda cans thoroughly. Rinse with hot water. To sterilize, bake them in the oven or hold them over the steam, putting them on top of the kettle. Wash and boil the lids.
  • Place the halves of the plums tightly into the jars.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup.
  • Fill them with plums. Cover with lids.
  • Place the jars in a wide pot of hot water. So that when boiling water does not get into the compote, it should not reach the top of the cans by 2-3 cm (to the shoulders).
  • Pasteurize from the moment the water boils for 15 minutes (half-liter jars) and 25 minutes (liter).
  • Roll up jars with compote immediately with sterile lids.
  • Turn upside down, cover with a blanket. Leave until completely cool.

Plum compote for the winter: the second recipe

Ingredients for two 3 liter jars:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • baking soda - 7 g;
  • sugar - 900 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the plums, rinse well in cold water, free from the stalks.
  • Prepare sterile jars with lids.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Reduce heat to 80°. Put in baking soda.
  • Dip the fruits in the soda solution and heat until the skin is covered with a network of small cracks.
  • Drain in a colander and rinse under running water.
  • Fill jars with plums.
  • Make syrup from pure water and sugar.
  • Fill them with plums.
  • Cover the jars with lids, put in a pot of hot water. Sterilize 15 minutes. If you used sour plums, then time heat treatment cut it down to 5 minutes.
  • After that, cork the jars with lids, turn them upside down. Wrap with a blanket and cool in this position.

Plum compote for the winter spicy

Ingredients for 5 liter jars:

  • plums - 3.5 kg;
  • sugar - 400-450 g;
  • cloves - 12 buds;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Cooking method

  • For this compote, take a little unripe plums. Sort them, wash them thoroughly, remove the stalks.
  • Prepare sterile jars with tin lids.
  • Cut the plums, remove the pits.
  • Boil 40% syrup in a saucepan (take 400 g of sugar for 1 liter of water), adding cinnamon, vanillin, cloves to it. Add plums and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  • Catch the plums with a slotted spoon, arrange in jars.
  • Boil the syrup. Fill them with plums.
  • Cover with lids. Sterilize in boiling water for 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove jars from water, seal tightly.
  • Turn lids down. Wrap up with a blanket. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

Plum compote with wine for the winter

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • water - 0.75 l;
  • red grape wine - 0.75 l;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon and vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Sort ripe plums, rinse in cold water, remove the stalks.
  • Cut in half with a sharp knife, remove the bones.
  • Place in sterilized jars.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water, wine. Put in the spices. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour hot syrup over plums.
  • Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.
  • Then seal tightly. Turn upside down.
  • Wrap in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Plum compote with honey for the winter

Ingredients for five liter jars:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • honey - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort ripe but strong plums, rinse in several waters, remove the stalks.
  • Place whole plums in a bowl.
  • Boil water with honey. Pour honey syrup over fruits. Leave for a day.
  • Then drain the syrup, and place the plums in prepared sterile jars.
  • Boil the syrup and pour over the plums.
  • Sterilize in hot water 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  • Then seal tightly, turn upside down, wrap with a blanket. Wait until it cools down completely.

Plum compote for the winter without sterilization

Ingredients for two 2 liter jars:

  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp.;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Cooking method

  • Sort strong ripe plums, rinse thoroughly, remove the stalks.
  • Prepare sterile three-liter or two-liter jars with tin lids.
  • Fill jars 1/3 full with plums.
  • Fill with boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, pasteurization will take place.
  • Close the lid with holes for each jar. Drain the cooled water into a saucepan.
  • Add sugar according to the norm. Put on the stove, bring to a boil.
  • Pour the plums with the resulting syrup to the very top of the jar.
  • Seal tightly. Turn upside down. Wrap up with a blanket. Wait until it cools down completely.

Note to the owner

To prevent whole plums from bursting during heat treatment, they can be pricked in several places with a needle.

Compote with plums is stored in a dark, cool place.

If you put more sugar in the compote, then when using it, you will need to dilute it with boiled cold water.

You can add a little citric acid to the compote of sweet plums.
