
Red currant jelly without cooking. Redcurrant jelly: preserve summer

With the onset of summer, a huge selection of different fruits and berries opens up, some of which can be eaten with pleasure in large quantities. There are also those that, because of the specific taste, are eaten last. Sour currant is one of them. To prevent it from spoiling, housewives make jelly jams that can be eaten in winter.

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

Berry sourness is not to everyone's taste, so preparing a delicate sweet dessert that can be eaten as an independent delicacy or added to pastries and ice cream will be a great idea. Redcurrant jelly is cooked a little slower in the cold way than by boiling. It will take more time to dissolve the sugar in this recipe. From the ingredients you will need:

  • sour berry;
  • sugar - 250 g.

The recipe consists of the following steps:

  1. Rinse the berries and free from the cuttings. There should be no foreign elements.
  2. For a jelly dessert, the berries themselves are not needed, only juice is used in the recipe, which should be 200 ml for this amount of sugar. Crush the round currants, rub through a sieve and pour over the liquid.
  3. Gradually add sugar and stir continuously. The next portion of sugar can be poured when the previous one has dissolved.
  4. Pour the finished thick broth into sterilized jars, tightly corking with lids.
  5. It is better to store the mixture in a refrigerator or other dark place with a low temperature.

Redcurrant jelly with gelatin

It is not difficult to prepare a delicious delicacy according to the recipe with your own hands at home, in this situation you will definitely know the composition of the dessert. The proportions of the components are so simple that you can easily cook any amount of jelly sweetness. Preparations that require solidification contain gelatin. For the redcurrant jelly recipe, you need to take:

  • berries - 250 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar sand - 250 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Sort out the currant ingredient, fill with water and transfer to the stove.
  2. As soon as the broth has reached a boil, crush the berries and boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. The resulting slurry needs to be well filtered.
  4. In a third of a glass of water (about 80 ml), add gelatin to swell the latter.
  5. Currant broth must be brought to the point of boiling, add granulated sugar and gelatin. Mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour the mixture into pre-prepared jars, cork with lids.

How to cook redcurrant jelly without gelatin

Many berries, even in the form of jam, do not lose their beneficial properties. Berry with sourness, rich in pectins, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. If you don't want to use gelatin in your jelly treat recipe, you don't have to. Enough of these products:

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g.

How to cook redcurrant jelly will tell you this recipe:

  1. Wash the berries, remove the cuttings and leave to dry for a while.
  2. Transfer the berry component to a small saucepan, filling with water. Cook over medium heat with constant stirring.
  3. Pound in the same container, continue to cook.
  4. After 7 minutes, take a sieve and another pan, strain the gruel, leaving only the juice. Return the liquid to the fire.
  5. Pour in sugar, stirring with a spoon. Boil until mixture thickens.
  6. Prepare jars, pour jelly sweetness. It will begin to solidify after natural cooling.

Currant jelly from frozen berries

It is not always possible to harvest a berry crop, but you still want to taste this storehouse of vitamins. If you froze the berries yourself last year or bought them in a store, you can also make a jelly treat from them. The list of ingredients for the recipe is simple:

  • frozen berry - 300 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • lemon juice.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Before making redcurrant jelly for the winter, defrost it. It is better to do it in a natural way, without the help of a microwave.
  2. Pour gelatin with cold water, leave to swell.
  3. This recipe for redcurrant jelly involves turning it into a puree. Mix it with sugar and a few drops of lemon juice.
  4. Place the mass on a gentle fire, stirring with a spoon, cook until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  5. Pour in the gelatin solution, continue cooking.
  6. Pour the thickened mixture into jars, cool and place in a cold place.

Red currant jelly

Berry delicacies differ in their preparation and consistency. Properly made jam, unlike a jelly dessert, preserves the integrity of the berries. However, thanks to pectin, which provides a natural thickening of currant jam, these two desserts can be combined. To implement the redcurrant jelly recipe, you need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

This algorithm will tell you how to cook redcurrant jelly:

  1. The proportions of cooking are very simple: the same amount of sand is put per kilogram of berries, therefore, how much to cook delicacies is up to you. Berries need to sort out and wash.
  2. Pour the berry component into an enamel saucepan, fill with water.
  3. Bring to a boil, simmering for 2 more minutes after boiling.
  4. Rub half of the berries through a sieve, but leave the other part untouched.
  5. Combine the resulting mixture with sugar. Boil until thick.
  6. Pour hot jam into jars.

Redcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

Modern technology makes our lives easier and allows you to cook your favorite sweets without spending a lot of time and effort. The recipe for redcurrant jelly does not imply the exact amount of ingredients down to the gram. How much to add certain components is easy to understand from the proportions of 1: 1. There are only two components:

  • sour berry;
  • granulated sugar.

A step-by-step description of how to make redcurrant jelly for the winter using a slow cooker:

  1. Remove large branches, sort and wash the berries. Pour them into the multi-cooker bowl and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 25 minutes.
  2. With the help of a pusher and a sieve, free the resulting mixture from the liquid, which is poured back into the bowl. You can additionally strain the juice.
  3. The amount of sand and currant juice should be equal. Pour the sugar into the multicooker.
  4. In the "Extinguishing" mode, it is necessary to bring the syrup to a boil. The resulting foam must be removed.
  5. Pour the hot jelly treat into jars, cool.

Video: how to make redcurrant juice jelly

1 kg redcurrant,
1 kg of sugar
small mug of water

Different varieties of red currant have different pectin content, so jelly according to the same recipe can turn out to be of different thickness. Currant varieties with at least 6-7% pectin content are suitable for good gelling: Asya, Bayana, Valentinovka (10% pectin), Vika, Gazelle, Dana, Marmeladnitsa, Niva, Spark (11%), Orlovskaya Star (11%) , Orlovchanka (11%), Osipovskaya, Gift of Summer (11%), Rose (11%), Yuterborgskaya.

We sort out the red currant, rinse with cold water. We boil a 200 milliliter glass of drinking water in a saucepan, pour currants there, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the berries burst and let the juice flow.

We wipe the currant through a sieve, discard the cake. Now we need a wide pan, the wider the better.

Pour the resulting juice into this pan, add sugar and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Do not cover with a lid, let the juice boil slowly and excess liquid evaporate. It should barely boil, because gelling substances are destroyed during active boiling. Your goal is to evaporate at least 1/3 of the water.

Pour hot jelly into sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over and wrap it with a blanket until it cools completely.

1 liter of jelly comes out of 1 kg of berries. The very next day after cooking, currant jelly turns into a real, thick one, as if with gelatin. And what a vibrant color! And the aroma! If there is not enough pectin in the berry, the jelly according to this recipe may thicken and only after 3-4 weeks, so do not panic if you still have juice in the jar the next day.

This is the easiest way to make currant jelly. If you have a juicer, you can first squeeze currant juice, then add sugar to it (250 g of sugar per 200 g of juice), bring to a boil, but do not boil, roll into sterilized jars.

This year I tried to reduce the cooking time from 30 minutes (as originally indicated in the recipe) to 15 minutes, the result is exactly the same - quite thick and tasty jelly, so I corrected the time in the recipe.

And now to understand the process. In some berries, and currants - red and black - among them, there are substances (pectins) that form gels in the presence of sugar and acid. There is acid in the berries, add sugar, leave to stand - here you have jelly, provided that there is enough sugar. If not gelled, add sugar and leave again. But if we boil the juice or dilute it with water, we reduce the amount of pectin. That is, if the juice is too diluted or boiled too much, it may not gel. But there is a way out in both cases - you need to reduce the water content in the broth. How? We heat the juice in a wide saucepan so that the excess liquid only boils slightly and evaporates, evaporate by half, leave in a cool place for gelling. In the process of gelling, do not touch, do not interfere with or move the jar, let the bonds form quietly. That, in fact, is all, now you will approach the process of cooking jelly from red, and any other, currant consciously.

If it didn’t work out, add a little sugar and again boil the juice one and a half to two times and you should get exactly jelly, it has been tested in practice!

Red currant is a bright berry with a whole “bouquet” of healthy substances that are preserved even during heat treatment. Therefore, in the berry season, it is worth stocking up for the winter with delicious currant preservation, for example, making tender jelly from red berries. Currants have a high content of pectin. Thanks to its gelling properties, the currant delicacy thickens beautifully without the addition of gelatin.

Prepared according to all the rules of homemade preparations, red currant jelly will be stored for a whole year. True, you will have to work hard - to subject the berries and jars to a thorough heat treatment. But there are also simpler solutions - quick recipes "in 5 minutes", methods that do not require sterilization and even boiling berries. For a change, raspberries and even a juicy orange are added to redcurrant berries.

How to prepare berries and jars

Proper preparation of berries and jars for winter preservation is necessary to obtain a high-quality home-made long-term storage product:

  • Ripe red currants are selected, removing all rotten and damaged fruits.
  • Berries are cleaned of leaves, twigs, small debris. Rinse in a colander several times under the tap, leave to drain. To dry the currants, they spread it on cloth or paper kitchen towels.
  • Caps are also required, into which preservation for the winter is poured, otherwise the product will quickly deteriorate. The jars are sterilized with high temperature - in the oven (120-130 degrees), boiling water (or doused with steam). The heat treatment time must be at least 10 minutes. Wash jars and lids cleanly before sterilization.

Plastic lids should not be boiled, and even more so placed in the oven - they will deteriorate. For processing, a cleanly washed lid is clamped with tongs and placed in boiling water. The time of thermal exposure is no more than 20 seconds.

Simple tips will help you properly prepare and preserve delicious red berry currant jelly:

  • It is best to boil berry preservation for the winter in a basin. In a high saucepan, the heating of the berry-sugar mass will be uneven - more intense from below, slower from above.
  • To obtain jelly without skins and seeds, the berry mass is passed through a fine sieve. To do this, portions of the berries are unloaded into a sieve, gently pushing the mass in a circular motion with a wooden spoon or spatula (this process is also called rubbing). The pulp and bones are removed.
  • Berry preservation is cooled in a special way. Banks rolled up with lids are turned over “on their heads”, and on top they are wrapped with a warm blanket, woolen scarf or blanket. First, this is how the tightness of the lid is checked. Secondly, prolonged heat increases the sterilization of products, which is necessary for their preservation throughout the winter.

Currant jelly from sweet and sour red berries, prepared according to all the rules of heat treatment, is stored for up to a year in an ordinary dark cabinet at room temperature. "Quick" preservation options should be eaten within a month and stored in the refrigerator.

The best currant jelly recipes

In order for currant jelly to be stored for a long time and it is enough for the whole winter, they use the recommendations of the classic recipe.

Classic recipe

How to make redcurrant jelly? For 3 liters of dessert you will need:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 0.4 l.

Pour the berries into a bowl of water. Set the heat to slow on the stove. Boil until the currant gives all the juice. Strain the berry juice into a separate container. Wipe the surviving berries there through a sieve (the skins should not fall into the liquid).

Add sugar to the prepared juice. Pour the syrup into a bowl for cooking. Cook at a low heating temperature, stirring constantly, until thickened (a third of the volume of the liquid boils away in about a quarter of an hour).

Pour the finished currant mass into jars, seal with lids. A day later, after complete cooling, remove to a place of permanent storage.

Unused skins from berries (cake) do not have to be thrown away. Currant fruit drinks are prepared from them or compotes are cooked.

According to taste and desire, spices are added to the berries (during the cooking stage): lemon zest, mint, star anise, cardamom or cinnamon. Aromatic spices add flavor to the finished dish, but should not drown out the main taste, so they are used sparingly.

Currant mix

In this recipe, 2-3 varieties of currants are mixed: red, black and white. For currant mix you will need:

  • red berry - 0.5 kg;
  • black - 0.5 kg;
  • white - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l.

The cooking technology is the same as in the classic recipe. If 2 varieties of berries are used (and not three), then they are taken in a total amount of 1.5 kg. It is permissible to change the proportions of berries at your discretion, the main thing is to maintain the total volume. For example, take 250 g of black and white berries for 1 kg of red berries.

Five Minute

You will need currants and sugar in equal proportions:

  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Put the prepared berries in a basin, sprinkle evenly with sugar, mix. For an hour, the berries are left in the basin so that they let out thick juice. Put the basin on the stove, set the intense heat. Cook with constant stirring. Wait for a boil. Boil 5 minutes, then remove. Pass hot jelly through a sieve, pour into jars and roll up.

This is a quick-use product, they store jelly - a “five-minute” currant in the refrigerator.

Jelly without boiling berries

Red currant jelly without cooking should be eaten within a maximum of 10 days, it is a perishable product. Therefore, prepare it in small portions.

To make redcurrant jelly without cooking, you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Grind prepared berries with a blender or meat grinder. Pass the finished berry mass through a sieve. Pour sugar into a container with juice, mix until it turns into syrup without residue. Roll the berry jelly into jars, and when it has completely cooled down, put it in the refrigerator.

On a note! Pureed jelly tolerates freezing well. Therefore, for long-term storage, the finished product is laid out in food containers with tight lids and sent to the freezer. In the freezer, currant jelly from red berries will last all winter.

Currant-raspberry with gelatin

Most options for making redcurrant jelly are given without gelatin (the gelling properties of the berry itself are quite enough). Since the amount of currant in the recipe with raspberries is less than in the others, gelatin is used for good thickening. Jelly will thicken without it, but with gelatin it will turn out thicker and denser.

For redcurrant jelly with gelatin, you need:

  • currant - 1 kg;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;

Raspberries are very fond of small bugs (they are called so - raspberry). To free the berries from them, pour the raspberries into slightly salted water and gently stir in a circle with your hand. Pop-up bugs and small debris are removed with a spoon or strainer. After that, the raspberries are washed 2 more times in plain water to remove the salt. Otherwise, it is prepared for cooking in the same way as red currants.

Pour the prepared berries into a bowl, evenly pouring half the sugar. Leave for a few hours (the berry should release juice). Set the heating plate to a low temperature, stirring, cook the berries until boiling, boil for a quarter of an hour.

Rub the boiled berries through a sieve. Then send them back to the bowl for cooking, cover with the second half of the sugar and cook at a low heating temperature for another half an hour (in this phase, the active boiling of the berry-sugar mixture is not allowed).

Dissolve gelatin (according to package directions) until liquid. Gelatin should not be poured into hot (so it will lose its properties), but into a warm berry-sugar mass. Therefore, when the future jelly is half cooled, gelatin is added to it. Berry juice with sugar and gelatin is thoroughly mixed for several minutes. Then they are poured into jars, rolled up with lids.

On the page you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a vertical clothes dryer.

With oranges

By analogy with currant-raspberry jelly, an “orange” version is prepared. Required components:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • oranges (without skins) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin, 20-gram sachet - 1 pc.

Peeled oranges are freed from white veins and pits as much as possible, crushed with a meat grinder or blender. The rest of the dish is prepared in the same way as in the "currant-raspberry jelly" recipe.

Without sterilization

Jelly, which is supposed to be eaten in the near future, does not have to be laid out in sterilized jars. It is poured immediately into cups or bowls.

For cooking you will need:

  • currant - 0.7 kg;
  • sugar - 0.7 kg.

Pour the prepared berry with sugar, leave for an hour or two until the berry releases abundant juice. At a low heating temperature, wait until it boils, cook for a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally. Pass the currant mass through a sieve and pour into bowls. Place the cooled jelly in the refrigerator.

The finished jelly is decorated with whipped cream, berries and pieces of fruit.

Currant jelly made from sweet and sour elegant red berries is an exquisite delicacy, a dessert for tea, a decoration for an ordinary dinner and a festive feast. Currants are not only tasty, but also very useful, since their vitamin and mineral composition is preserved even after cooking. In winter, the red sorceress will help maintain tone, the body's defenses, increase resistance to colds and viruses.

Video - recipe for fragrant redcurrant jelly:

Red currant jelly has a peculiar taste. Very tasty and healthy jelly is obtained according to these recipes. The article gives different recipes for making redcurrant jelly for the winter, choose the right one for yourself.

1. Red currant jelly
What do you need:
1.5 kg redcurrant
1 kg sugar
(4 cans of 500 g)
What to do:
Wash the currants, dry and put in a container for making jam. Pour in 100 ml of water and heat over medium heat.
Cook until the berries burst and begin to release juice. Squeeze the currant with the convex side of the slotted spoon. Boil. There should be enough juice. Add sugar, mix. Boil for 3 more minutes. , then remove from heat. Strain the contents through a very fine sieve, without squeezing the berries, so that the jelly is transparent.
Pour into jars using a ladle with a spout. Cool and cover with lids or parchment paper.

2. Red currant jelly.

1 kg. berries, 500 gr. sugar, half a glass of water. Pour the berries into the prepared boiling syrup and cook until tender. Interrupt cooking 2-3 times for a few minutes, removing the foam. Redcurrant, pureed with sugar: 1 kg. berries, 2 kg. Sahara. Crush the berries with a wooden pestle or pass through a meat grinder, arrange in a clean, dry dish (glass jars) and store in a cool place.

3. Redcurrant jelly: 1 st. red currant juice, 1 and a quarter cup of sugar. Grind the berries and extract the juice. Mix the juice with sugar, heat slightly and stir until completely dissolved. Pour into small jars, close with plastic lids or parchment. Store in a cold place.

Try to cook according to this recipe.
4. Red currant jelly- one of the most magnificent dishes that can be prepared from red currants. One of the advantages of jelly is that after cooking it contains the same amount of vitamins as in fresh currants. And if so, today we decided to give a recipe for redcurrant jelly.

Red currant jelly


Red Ribes.
Take sugar at the rate of 1:1 in relation to the currant juice that you need to squeeze out, that is, how many liters of juice, the same number of liter cans of sugar.

1) Currants must be washed well and put in a colander.

If you save your time, use the microwave. Within three or four minutes everything will be ready. Namely: currant berries will settle so much that they will give juice.

For ten minutes in a heated oven, you can put red currants, lined with an enameled baking sheet or in a fireproof bowl.

If you have a double boiler, you can warm the berries there.

Without pouring the currants out of the colander, put in a pot of boiling water for ten minutes. The most important thing is that you will need to make sure that the berries do not burst. If this happens, then all the juice will end up in a pot of water.

Another way is to heat it in a saucepan, adding a small amount of water. But, the less water, the thicker the jelly.

3) The next step is to squeeze the juice. You can use a juicer, sieve or cheesecloth. What suits you best, then choose. If you want the jelly to be opaque, use a juicer, if transparent, then a sieve. You decide to use gauze - it must be rolled up in three to four layers. If a sieve - you, for starters, with the help of a pusher, you will need to knead the red currants. If you hesitate whether to choose a sieve - plastic or metal, it is better to take the first, as the second gives an unpleasant aftertaste. As soon as we squeezed, add sugar to the juice that we got and wait a few hours until it brews. Let me remind you! You need to put as much sugar as juice. For example, you have two liters of juice, which means you need to put two liter jars of sugar. That's just at this stage, many are mistaken, they measure not by volume, but by weight. Just the opposite is needed.

4) After pouring the juice into a special saucepan for jam. The fire must be small. We put a saucepan with juice on a gas stove. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. It will only take a couple of minutes in time.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, we stop boiling the juice.

5) To the very brim, pour the resulting mixture into jars or pre-cooked dishes. In order for the jelly to harden, it is necessary to cover with a towel. Once the jelly has set, you can cover with parchment paper and tie with a thread. To do this, you first need to wet the parchment paper, close the jar with it and tie it tightly with a thread. This is done so that there is no condensation. It is not advisable to use a lid as air can get in and your jelly will quickly become moldy. And this, of course, is not very pleasant when such a surprise awaits you. But this is only if you decide to do spins.

It is better, of course, to eat immediately after cooling.

That's the whole simple recipe for making redcurrant jelly.

​Related Articles​ Red currant juice contains a large amount of gelling agents. A beautiful, brightly colored jelly comes out of the raw redcurrant juice. A thin glass of granulated sugar is taken on a faceted glass of redcurrant juice and mixed until completely dissolved. The mass is poured into small containers, covered with parchment paper and tied. It is also possible to make jelly from white currant juice. If you put the jars in a cool place, the jelly will turn out faster. This jelly is well stored until spring. Wash, pick berries. Mash, add a little water. Put on fire, stirring. After boiling, keep on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool down. Rub through a sieve or squeeze juice in gauze. Boil juice in proportion with sugar 1/1 for 15-20 minutes. Pour into banks.

We lay out the finished jam in jars and roll up

The benefits of redcurrant jam

1 kg of sugar;

  • Redcurrant jelly is a favorite dish for many children and adults. They can be enjoyed just like that or used in culinary experiments. For example, there is more than one recipe for confectionery, soufflés and creams, cocktails and ice cream, fruit salads and fruit drinks, which include gelled jam. In order to replenish vitamins in winter with the help of those substances that are carefully stored in berries, redcurrant jelly is served with dumplings and cottage cheese, pancakes and casseroles, cereals and pancakes. It's nice that the calorie content of the delicacy is low, so it will not harm the figure.
  • You need to keep it, as always, cool. To make the jam look like in the advertising photo, the lid is decorated with a bandaged colored napkin.​
  • To make the jelly harden, it is covered with a towel. Then it is best to cover also with parchment paper, tie with a string. Only the paper is wetted first. This prevents the formation of condensate. Yes, and it will be beautiful, as in the photo in culinary magazines. Jelly is ready!​
  • "Minute" is a delicious cooking option, but jelly is in no way inferior to it. Cooking it is also easy, and the photos with the finished jelly are impressive - the dish looks more than appetizing.​
  • ​0.3-1 hours​
  • An even more fragrant jelly is obtained by mixing the juices of raspberries, red, white and black currants. For 3 parts of red and white currant juice, you need to take 1 part of black currant juice and 1 part of raspberry juice.

Jelly is made from currant juice (about 1.2 liters of juice is obtained from 1.5 kg of berries). Sugar is added to it and boiled for 3 minutes, then poured into jars and rolled up. For 1.5 kg of currants, about 1 kg of sugar is required.

Use enamelware and a non-metal sieve!

How to choose berries for redcurrant jam

This cooking procedure must be repeated three times. After that, the blanks can be quickly sent to jars and rolled up. We wrap the jam until it is completely cool, and then place it in the pantry or other place for storage.

1 kg currant;

To prepare a dessert, you can use a recipe according to which a delicacy is prepared without boiling red currants. When choosing this technology, more useful substances will remain in the product. True, it is worth storing the workpiece in a cold place.

Jam "Minute": how to cook

For 1 liter of currant juice, 600 g of sugar, 4 large bananas are taken.

  • Berries for him should be whole, without overripe barrels. Currants are crushed in a blender until a berry puree is obtained. This mass is laid out in a container, where sugar is then poured (proportion 1: 1), mixed with a spoon. So leave the mixture for half an hour. After that, the jam, which did not have to be boiled, is laid out in sterilized jars.
  • ​Ingredients:​
  • Blackcurrant can be considered more useful, but this does not mean that the composition of the red berry does not compare with black. It is also rich in vitamins and microelements, so it is a must to cook blanks for the winter!

​3-4 servings​

If you put the jars in a cool place, the jelly will turn out faster. This jelly is well stored until spring.

To give special shades of taste before boiling, spices can be added to the currant juice: cinnamon, cloves. To prevent solid spice particles from getting into the jelly, strain it before pouring into jars.​

Juice + sugar boil for 5 minutes

How to make delicious redcurrant jelly

Five-minute jam is an invaluable source of useful trace elements and vitamins, and it is very tasty. Due to the fact that there are a lot of gelling substances in red currant, it will resemble jelly in consistency, and its calorie content allows you to use a treat during a diet.

0.5 liters of water.

  • To test this recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:
  • Juice is put on fire, sugar is added there.


  • There can be only one hint here - large-fruited varieties of berries are suitable for jam. Then a healthy delicacy will indeed be optimal in consistency, it will be easier to cook it, and the taste will be pronounced.​
  • 284 kcal
  • I cooked redcurrant yesterday. I think this would work for white as well. Only white will have a worse color in the end. If possible, add a little red or a little raspberry.​
  • * 1 kg redcurrant
  • Redcurrant jelly is the only jelly that is prepared in a "raw" way. No water and no heat treatment. Close with wax paper and store in the refrigerator.​
  • Some hostesses, when they first try out a recipe, worry that the delicacy will not harden. You can calm them down - even if something like juice remains in the jar in the first hours after preparation, most likely, after a day it will already have that desired mass. However, in some cases, the gelling process takes even longer, and the blanks take on their final form within a week.​

We begin work with the processing of berries. It needs to be washed, dried and removed from the branches. After that, we combine the red currant with water and put on fire. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, immediately turn off the stove.

4/5 cup redcurrant juice;

Redcurrant jelly (video)

Jam without cooking: the subtleties of cooking

Banana puree should be dipped into boiling juice, all this should be cooked for at least half an hour, and then put into jars.

Close with nylon lids, put in the refrigerator.


Redcurrant jam without cooking (video)

Preparation of red currant jam with oranges

  • ​Low difficulty​
  • Red currant jelly
  • * 500 g sugar
  • It doesn't need to be cooked. I scroll a berry through a meat grinder. I'm squeezing juice. For 1 liter of juice 800 grams of granulated sugar. This ratio gives a very good jelly. Stir thoroughly, until the sand dissolves and immediately lay out in sterilized jars, it will seize, air will not get in. And if you lay out the jelly already, then there will definitely be a problem with air bubbles. I store in the refrigerator, the top of the jelly can be lightly powdered with mustard powder, this will prevent mold from developing. A frequent guest in unboiled berries.
  • Some culinary experts believe that gelled jam should be made from redcurrant juice even in the process of transferring it to jars.
  • Add sugar to a homogeneous mass and bring to a boil.
  • 1 glass of sugar with a slide.

One has only to look at the photo of such a delicacy, as you want to try it. For 3 kg of currants, you need to take 1 kg of oranges. Take 3 kilos of sugar, a bag of vanilla will not be superfluous.

Recipe for redcurrant jam with banana

  • The quantity is not specifically prescribed - this is an individual choice, the main point here is that sugar is taken in equal proportion to the currant juice to be squeezed out.
  • The berries must be thoroughly washed, removed from the brushes and dried.
  • Redcurrant jamRedcurrant jam has a great taste and is a healthy product. In the cold season, this seam is difficult to replace: for example, it is considered a good natural antipyretic. But even in warm weather, delicious jam is useful - with ice cream, this delicacy goes away with a bang. Yes, and in the photo these berries look very beautiful, which means that jam can be presented to friends as a home present.

Red currant - 1 kg

Wash the berries and mash well with a wooden pestle through a sieve. Place in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for about 5 minutes, then put everything in a colander. Strain juice. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Immediately pour into prepared jars and roll up. Wrap and put in a dark place until completely cool.

RAW RED CURRANT JELLY. Squeeze redcurrant juice and mix with sugar (1 liter of juice-1kg of sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour into sterilized jars, close with plastic lids. Store in a cool place.​

To do this, the mass must be boiled until it becomes thick and viscous, and a pink coating forms on the walls of the dishes. If such a sign is found, gelled jam is guaranteed.

Jam storage rules

We have a red solution that needs to be filtered. We grind the boiled berries so that the valuable juice residues get into the mass. After cooling, filter the liquid, combine with sugar. Bring the mass to a boil, cook for half an hour, stirring all the time.

The berry must be washed and separated from the branches

That's the whole recipe!

Berries are passed through a meat grinder. Oranges, cut into pieces, are also crushed through a meat grinder. Bones, of course, it is desirable to remove. Do not remove the peel from oranges!

Step-by-step instructions for redcurrant jam below:

Redcurrant (video)


Redcurrant jelly without cooking - a quick recipe

Features of cold preparation of a bright and healthy treat

Cooking the delicacy "Minute" is not difficult - even beginners can handle it. In order to prepare this fragrant delicacy, as in the photo, we need:

The method of preparation is important here. The so-called raw jam is really useful, it is used both in the treatment and in the prevention of respiratory diseases. Moreover, the impeccable vitamin composition of currants makes it an effective natural remedy in the treatment of such ailments as:

Granulated sugar - 1 kg

  • White currant jelly
  • Squeeze the juice from the currant, add sugar to taste. Dissolve gelatin in water and mix with currant juice. Place in the refrigerator and wait until the jelly forms (usually 3-4 hours, depending on the amount of gelatin used).​

Finally, consider one more piece of advice. Using any cooking recipe, it is worth boiling red currant blanks in a low dish. The ideal gelled jam or raw jelly will turn out in a wide basin - the liquid will boil away faster from it, and the mass will solidify.

Now you can pour the jelly into sterilized jars. Putting a tablespoon of sugar under the lid in blanks, roll them up. We put the jars in the pantry, and in winter we use a dish to decorate the table. Beautiful jelly will be an excellent treat, and its low calorie content will be the key to a beautiful figure.​

Cooking begins with the preparation of berries. As the recipe says, they need to be washed and dried, then cut off from the branches without crushing. After that, the red currant must be mashed without using metal objects. Then we squeeze the mass through a sieve or several layers of gauze. In this way, we get natural fresh juice. Also, redcurrant jam in a slow cooker can be cooked according to this recipe. It is usually prepared in the "soup" or "stew" modes. The crushed ingredients are mixed.

The first step in making jelly is to wash the currants, put them in a colander.

1 kg of berries;

Hot way to make homemade jelly


  • Water - 1 glass
  • An old recipe for whitecurrant jelly.
  • We usually scrolled the berries through a meat grinder with special. attachment...

I do this:

If you want to make homemade preparations in a minimum of time, you can use a quick cooking recipe. In fact, we get a five-minute gelled jam. It will be no less tasty and very useful.

Now you can combine the juice with sugar until the latter dissolves.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for making fragrant strawberry jam.

Quick and Easy: Jelly Jam in 5 Minutes

Sugar is added, which should all dissolve.

Berries need to be warmed up. This can be done as follows: either warm it up in a double boiler, or put it in a refractory container in a heated oven for about ten minutes.

1 glass of plain water;

  • anemia;
  • Pour the washed red currants into a saucepan, add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil.

Grind the berries, squeeze out the juice, put on fire, heat, but do not bring to a boil, remove the thick from above, which will float, strain. For a glass of juice, you need to take 2 glasses of sugar and boil well. If whitecurrant jelly is prepared to decorate cakes, you need to take a glass of sugar on a glass and boil until cooked.

The resulting mass (pitted) add sugar in a ratio of 1:!.5

Take 150 g of red currant, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin, 1.5 cups of water

We warn you that five-minute jam is not cooked for five minutes. It will take a little more time, and the calorie content of the dish will be 295 kcal. This treat will cook faster and easier than regular redcurrant jelly.​

Secrets of successful harvesting from skilled chefs

To speed up the process, the recipe allows you to slightly heat the mass. However, it cannot be boiled, and it should not be brought to a hot state.

No matter how you have to cook the berries, in what way and technology, proper storage is no less important.

The mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil in the usual way.

Now the delicate process - you need to squeeze the juice. Grandma's way - a strainer or gauze. Today, they are increasingly using a juicer, but many photos of culinary publications show exactly this way of making jelly.


How to cook redcurrant jelly?

Amalia Zolotnikova

1.5 kg of sugar (sand).

Wipe through a sieve.

Red and white currant jelly

Bring part of the juice 1.5 parts of sugar to a boil and everything gels on its own when cooling ....

Alexander Nikishin

It is necessary to pour gelatin for 30 minutes with cold (well, you can use room) water. Sort the red currant, rinse with warm boiled water, shake off and rub through a sieve. Pour the cake remaining in the sieve with hot water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the prepared red currant broth, dissolve sugar in it, heat to a boil. Remove the foam from the surface of the syrup and introduce the prepared swollen gelatin into it. Stir thoroughly so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the previously squeezed redcurrant juice, strain, pour into molds and cool in the refrigerator.​


Let's look at the recipe to find out what ingredients we need for one kilogram of red ripe currants;
Let the juice be barely warm, and the cook needs to stir it, helping to dissolve the sugar.

Irina Raspopova

It is believed that jam can be stored in a dry room for two years. If it fermented, then there were errors during the cooking process, or the container turned out to be non-sterile.

Tatyana Egorova

After the redcurrant jam has reached the boiling point, it is cooked for 15 minutes.


Next, you need to add sugar to the squeezed juice, and wait until the mixture is infused. This will take several hours, not a minute, as in the previous recipe. Therefore, be patient, the result is worth it. If one and a half liters of juice came out, then a similar amount of sugar will go to jelly. It's a liter! You need to measure by volume, not by weight.​


First, a syrup is brewed from water and sugar - a minute in this regard does not differ from traditional jam. Prepared (selected clean berries) are sent to boiling syrup, and after boiling, the mass should be cooked for no more than five minutes. Actually, that's why such a name is a minute.

Alena Popova


Tell me how to cook redcurrant jelly so that it is not liquid

Elena Vershinina

Pour sugar into the resulting juice and cook over medium heat. Bring to a boil, like a five-minute jam, gels instantly.
For the recipe you will need:
per liter of redcurrant juice - 600g. Sahara. pour in 3 doses. boiling each time for 15 minutes.


In advance, whole redcurrant berries or other fruits or berries can be put into molds to taste. You can use fresh or canned fruits or berries.​

Tatyana Dyachkova

1.5 kg of sugar;
When the syrup is ready, the cooking process is practically over. It remains to pour it into sterilized jars and cover with polyethylene roofs. Thus, the prepared redcurrant jelly can be preserved until spring, if it is put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar.

After that, vanillin is poured in.
The juice is poured into a container, where we will cook jelly. The fire is kept small. You need to stir the jelly until the sugar dissolves. It takes a minute or two.

Pour hot jelly into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap with a blanket until completely cool.
