
How to pickle a plum for the winter without sterilization. Pitted plums in a spicy marinade

Pickled plum will surprise and delight your guests with its unexpected taste. Because of the spices, it resembles oriental dishes. Sweet and sour and flavorful. An open jar can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator under a nylon lid. We usually roll it up with metal lids and store it in the basement. The recipe indicates data for 1 serving. We usually cook at least three. The plum should have a good pit. We used Hungarian.

Let's get started with the appetizer...

To prepare pickled snack plums for the winter, we need the products on the list.

Wash the plum thoroughly and pierce it 2-3 times with a fork.

We make syrup from vinegar, water and sugar.

Pour the plum with hot syrup and set aside for a day, closing the lid. After a day, we discard the plum in a colander, and bring the syrup to a boil. We shift the plum back into the pan and pour boiling syrup over it. We poured boiling syrup twice. Again, leave for a day in a saucepan with a closed lid.

Preparing spices.

The third and last time we drain the marinade from the plum and send it to the fire. We shift the plum into sterilized jars. We put spices in each jar and pour plums with boiling marinade. Immediately roll up the jars or screw the lids on. Pickled snack plums for the winter are ready!

Pickled plums for the winter are considered a savory snack. There are many recipes for preparing these fruits, but any of them will appeal to a gourmet. Some of the recipes will be presented in the article, novice cooks will be able to choose their favorite option.

Plum blanks for the winter

More often, sweet desserts are prepared from plums: jams, marmalades, preserves, marshmallows, compotes. Some varieties are used for homemade wines. This is an incomplete list of options for which fruits with a stone are suitable. Plums can be pickled for the winter with or without garlic. The finished dish with sweet and sour syrup resembles compote.

But cinnamon, cloves, allspice, garlic and other spices added during pickling give the berries a special taste. The appetizer is an excellent side dish for meat for everyday use. A fragrant dessert is also appropriate on the festive table with a glass of red wine.

How to Pickle Plums

Before marinating, prepare products and necessary accessories, which will be discussed below.

Plum selection

The first point to pay attention to is the choice of fruits. Plums should be whole strong without deformation and damage. Only unripe elastic stone fruits need to be marinated so that they retain their shape during processing. Overripe specimens are not suitable for conservation, as by the time they are ready they will turn into porridge.

Advice! Before pickling, it is advisable to taste the fruits: if they have a bitter skin, then they will not work. More often pickled varieties "Hungarian" (popularly called "Ugorka") or "Renklod".

Plum preparation

First, they are sorted out in order to separate the garbage and conduct an audit: remove substandard specimens. Then the fruits are thoroughly washed until the water runs clear. For pickling for the winter, the bone is removed or left, which determines the recipe. When preparing, they act differently:

  • if you need fruits with seeds, then 2-3 deep punctures are made in them with a toothpick so that they do not burst from boiling water;
  • if you need to remove the seeds, then each plum is cut in half on one side only.

Some recipes call for blanching rather than boiling. For this operation, a deep dish is chosen in which water is brought to a boil. Blanch plums before pickling for the winter with a colander. In this bowl, the fruits are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, depending on the size. Allow to cool and dip again, repeating the action up to four times.

As a result, a protective shell is formed, neither the taste, nor the color of the fruit, nor the content of vitamins from rapid heat treatment does not change. The third point is the preparation of the marinade. When cooking the brine, seasonings and spices are added, provided for in the recipe.

Important! According to doctors, plums should be consumed to prolong youth.

Jars preparation

It is necessary to lay plums only in sterilized jars. They are first washed in hot water with soda, then steamed over steam. You can use the oven or microwave for sterilization.

Pickled plums for the winter without sterilization

Below are two options for pickling plums without sterilization. You can choose which one is tastier after trying each.

Recipe #1

To prepare pickled plums without garlic according to the recipe, you will need:

  • 2 kg of fruits;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 320 g of granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml table 9% vinegar;
  • 12 cloves;
  • 2 g ground cinnamon;
  • 4 peas of allspice.

This recipe for making pickled plums for the winter is considered the best because of its simplicity. But most importantly, filled jars do not need to be sterilized, which confuses novice cooks. Cooking features:

  1. Wash the plums thoroughly, dry on a towel. Since fruits with stones will be used for pickling for the winter, each plum must be deeply pierced. Then tightly fold them into clean steamed jars with a capacity of 1 liter.
  2. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add all ingredients except vinegar. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook the marinade for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, foam appears on the surface, it must be removed.
  3. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids. After 15 minutes, pour the liquid into the pan and boil again. Fill the jars with brine again. Repeat the procedure again.
  4. Before the last filling, pour 50 ml of vinegar into each jar, add the marinade to the top and roll up.
  5. Until completely cooled, keep the jars turned upside down under the “fur coat”.

You can store containers in any cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Option number 2

Marinating according to this recipe is designed for 5 days. In the morning and in the evening you need to fill the plums with boiling marinade. Banks are rolled up after the last filling and put away for storage. You'll have to be patient, but the result is worth it: the plums are delicious.

Attention! According to this recipe for pickled plums, the Ugorka variety is chosen.

To prepare a delicious preparation for the winter, you need a small set of products:

  • 1 kg of blue or yellow fruits;
  • ½ st. water;
  • 100 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 10 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 6 cloves.

The recipe does not call for the use of garlic, but you can add it yourself.

The ingredients listed in the list can always be taken in large proportions. Rules for preparing pickled plums for the winter:

  1. First they deal with plums: they carefully sort, wash, remove the stalks and petioles. You don’t need to take out the seeds, but it’s worth piercing each fruit with a toothpick.
  2. Whole plums are laid out in a large container with a thick bottom, with a bay leaf on them. Layers continue until the fruits run out. Place cloves on top.
  3. Then prepare the marinade. Pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe into another container, add sugar, vinegar. Boil the marinade, stirring occasionally. The resulting foam is removed from the surface.
  4. Sugar should be completely dissolved. Sometimes crystals remain, but they are not a hindrance.
  5. Prepared plums are poured with boiling marinade, cover the pan with a lid and set aside until the evening. There must be at least 12 hours between fillings.
  6. In the evening, pour the marinade from the pan into another bowl, put on the stove to boil for no more than 2 minutes. While the brine is boiling, pour the fruits.
  7. The next time the filling is done in the morning. And so it goes on for three more days.
  8. The marinade increases in volume each time, as the plums give up their liquid. In addition, it becomes dark thick and saturated.
  9. On the fifth day in the morning, the fruits are poured again. In the evening, the plums are taken out of the pan and laid out quite tightly in sterile jars. Prepared containers are poured with freshly boiled marinade to the top and rolled up with metal lids.
  10. A place is prepared on the table, jars are placed, turned upside down and covered with a thick towel. In this position, fruits marinated for the winter stand until they cool completely.

Store jars of pickled fruits, prepared according to a "long-playing" recipe, in a cool place without access to light.

Plums pickled for the winter like olives

According to this recipe, you can cook pickled plums to taste like olives. Even a novice hostess will not experience any difficulties, everything is so simple and clear. You can pickle even in the evening after work.

Remark ! The disadvantage of the recipe is that the prepared snack must be eaten one of the first, as it is not stored for a long time.

To prepare a delicious snack for the winter, you need to take:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • wine vinegar - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic cloves to taste;
  • bay leaf and cinnamon to taste.

Features of cooking diner pickled plums like olives:

  1. Sort and wash dense unripe varieties "Hungarian" or "Renklod". To prevent cracking of whole fruits, prick them with a toothpick to the very bone.
  2. Sterile jars are tightly filled with dried fruits, garlic cloves and bay leaf are placed at the bottom.
  3. Pour table vinegar into a small saucepan, add lemon juice and boil.
  4. After 2 minutes, add cinnamon, granulated sugar and salt.
  5. Marinade immediately pour the contents, hermetically close. The jars turned upside down on the lid are covered with a thick towel.

When the contents have cooled, remove the jars to any place, for example, on the bottom shelf of the kitchen cabinet or in the refrigerator.

Garlic Pickled Plums Recipe

Garlic is also present in this recipe for a spicy preparation for the winter. But its use is non-standard. The cloves need to be laid inside the plum, instead of the stone. Garlic must have the appropriate size. Large teeth can be cut.

The composition of the recipe for pickled plums for the winter:

  • dense plums - 1 kg;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5.5 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - 7 peas;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • carnation - 7 buds;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar 9% - 60 ml.

Recipe details:

  1. Sort fruits, wash. After making a side incision, remove the bone from each fruit.
  2. Peel and wash the garlic cloves and put one at a time inside the plum.
  3. In dry steamed jars, put the seasonings provided for in the recipe for pickling plums for the winter: black and allspice peas, clove buds.
  4. Carefully fold the fruit, without tamping, so as not to violate the integrity of the fruit.
  5. Then you need to cook the marinade. Pour cold water into the dishes, after boiling, sugar, salt, add table vinegar. Boil the marinade for about 5 minutes.
  6. Pour plums with boiling brine, let stand for half an hour, then pour the liquid back into the pan.
  7. Repeat the procedure, then roll up the jars with metal or new screw caps. Placed on the lid, cover the jars with a warm towel. When the contents have cooled, remove the blank for the winter in the marinade in a cold place.

Comment! After pickling, garlic loses its bitterness and becomes saturated with plum juice, so do not be afraid to use it.


Pickled plums for the winter are not prepared in every family. But having tried this appetizer once, it is already difficult to refuse it. You can make several options by reducing the number of ingredients to determine the choice of recipe. Marinated plums are a great addition to lunch or dinner. In winter, there will be something to please the household and guests. Part of the vitamins is preserved, they are supplemented by garlic, which is important in the cold season. Berries are served as an appetizer for dry and semi-sweet wine.

One of the recipes is visually shown in the video below.

Today's preparation is delicious pickled plums with spices that will change your idea of ​​​​using fruits only in sweet preservation.

I want to say right away that such a pickled plum is good both as a snack bar, for meat, and as a delicious dessert. The recipe does without sterilization, but, however, a little time-consuming. Even inexperienced gourmets will like this method of pickling and will take its rightful place in your cookbook. I suggest mastering a detailed recipe with step-by-step photos for all lovers of plums.

You will need to take:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 700 gr;
  • apple cider vinegar - 300 ml;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns;
  • allspice peas;
  • clove buds.

How to pickle plums for the winter at home

To prepare such a blank, it is better to use unripe fruits with a hard peel. It can be varieties "Hungarian" or "renklod".

To make a workpiece, they begin with the fact that the plums are washed with running water and dried in a colander.

The fruits are laid out in layers in a wide enameled or stainless steel basin, sprinkling each layer with spices: bay leaf, cloves, allspice and black pepper.

Now, you should cook the marinade. Bring apple cider vinegar to a boil and dissolve sugar in it to the maximum. Don't be put off by the fact that the sugar won't dissolve completely. In the future, the plums will start up the juice and a homogeneous marinade is formed.

Plums are poured with hot syrup, covered with a clean towel and left for several hours.

Now you should be patient and fill the plums with boiled marinade twice a day for 5 days. To do this: in the morning and evening, drain the plum marinade, boil it and pour the plums again. On day 3-4, the fruits will release enough juice and the marinade will completely cover the fruits.

After 5 days, pickled plums are laid out in sterile dry jars and poured with boiled marinade, covered with lids and turned over. The workpiece is covered with a blanket until completely cooled.

Delicious pickled plums serve as a savory snack and wonderfully complement baked meat or fish. Such a plum can also be used in a variety of desserts and pastries.

It’s a glorious time now, the harvest literally falls into your hands and asks - put it in a jar, prepare it. In my pantry with a variety of preservations, there is always a place for a pickled plum diner. Moreover, you can prepare it simply and quickly, and I will provide you with recipes.

A savory appetizer with a pleasant marinade will harmoniously go with meat delicacies. It will adequately present a collection of your blanks on the festive table, replacing overseas olives with vodka. The main thing is to learn a couple of recipes and work a little.

Interesting! Pickled plum appetizer is not our discovery. In Japan, a seasoning for meat called "umeboshi" has long been known. This is a small salted cream of pink color.

How to pickle plums for the winter

An eel variety is considered ideal for preparing snacks for the winter. They are solid, with a dense structure, perfectly keep their shape. Do not take overripe fruits, it is better to take with a green barrel. Hungarian, prunes will go, but also not mature enough, otherwise you risk getting a softened mass in the jar.

I advise you to prepare a spicy snack in small jars and buckets, like olives. Many spices are involved in the marinade. In addition to the plums of pepper and garlic traditional in pickling, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg are allowed in the appetizer.

Classic pickled plums - the best recipe

The recipe is taken from the Soviet encyclopedia of home canning. For a couple of decades, harvesting has not met anyone who would refuse a slightly sour, tart snack. I advise you to preserve prunes, or other dark dense varieties of plums.

Take on 2 liter jars:

  • Large plums - how much will fit.
  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Table (apple) vinegar - 6% - a glass.
  • Clove buds - a small spoon with a slide.
  • Cardamom - 4 stars (substitution for allspice and simple peppercorns is acceptable).
  • Star anise (anise) - 1 pc.

We marinate:

  1. Since we take large fruits, prick them with a toothpick in several places (6-10 times). Divide into jars or small buckets.
  2. Throw the spices into boiling water, add sugar, boil until the sweetness is completely dispersed.
  3. Refrigerate the marinade.
  4. Pour into buckets to the top. If not enough, add a little boiled water.
  5. Press down with oppression, send to the refrigerator to ripen. If you are harvesting in jars, oppression will not fit. Don't worry, I've marinated so well. Try a month later, the plums will be ready.

Pickled plums with garlic without sterilization


  • Plums.
  • Garlic - according to the number of plums.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.
  • Water - 700 ml.
  • Table (wine) vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Allspice - 8 pcs.
  • Clove sticks - 5 pcs.

If desired, add bay leaf, hot red pepper - ½ teaspoon, the same amount of ground ginger and paprika, ½ cinnamon sticks, salt.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the plums, dry them, cut each one crosswise. Carefully remove the bones.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut the large cloves lengthwise, you can leave the small ones, but cut them a little.
  3. Put a garlic clove into the plum instead of the stone.
  4. Fill the jars, but not too tightly.
  5. Boil the marinade by boiling water with spices. Boil for three minutes. Pour in plums.
  6. Cool the workpiece to room temperature. Drain the marinade back into the saucepan.
  7. Boil again, return to jars, leave covered for 12 hours.
  8. I advise you to make a third, control fill. After roll up the jars, send for storage.

Pickled plums like olives - a quick recipe

Fans of homemade preparations will appreciate the recipe for quick pickled snacks.

  • Eel - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 4 teaspoons.
  • Salt - 2.5 teaspoons.
  • Table vinegar - 2.5 teaspoons.
  • Bay leaf - a couple of pieces.
  • Clove sticks - 5 pcs.
  • Olive (sunflower) oil - a spoonful for each jar.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prick the fruit in several places.
  2. At the bottom of the sterilized jars, fold the cloves with lavrushka, from the top of the plum to the top.
  3. Pour boiling water, hold for 5 minutes, no more, otherwise the fruits will become soft.
  4. Drain the marinade, boil, pour in the vinegar, add sugar and salt. Return the water to the jars.
  5. Make a third pour by pouring the marinade back into the pot. Boil, pour into jars. Before the last filling in the jars, splash a tablespoon of oil. Better than olive oil, but vegetable is fine too.
  6. Cork under an iron lid, cool, take it to the cellar, pantry.

In the piggy bank of plum recipes:

The original simple marinade recipe

Found this recipe on the internet, very easy to make.


  • Plums - 1.6 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Ground cinnamon - 15 gr.
  • Vinegar.


  1. Prick clean fruits in several places.
  2. Place in a jar in layers, sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Fill to the top with wine vinegar, diluting it with water.
  4. Cover with lids, put to sterilize in the bath. Sterilization takes a long time, about an hour.

bone pickling recipe

You will need:

  • Hungarian (eel) - 2.5 kg.
  • Salt - 80 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - ½ cup.
  • Sugar-sand - 700 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 6 pcs.
  • Cloves - 3 sticks.
  • Cinnamon - ¼ small spoon.


  1. Wash the fruits while they dry, cook the marinade. Dilute salt and sugar in water, add other spices (cinnamon is not needed yet).
  2. Prick plums in several places. Place in sterile jars, sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. Pour vinegar into the filling, let it boil strongly and pour over the plum. Roll up, turn over, cool.

Pickled Plum Snack Recipe Video

Pickled plums are also called "Ukrainian olives".

If they are marinated deliciously, then they can be used both as a seasoning for meat, and in salads, and simply served on the table, and let the guests guess what it is and how it is cooked.

They usually pickle plums of the “Hungarian” variety, because you can easily remove the stone from it. Plums should be firm but ripe.

By itself, this berry is fragrant, but requires the addition of some zest to the bouquet. For the marinade, spices, such as cinnamon, should be used.

Try to prepare such a delicious preparation for the winter as pickled plums with cinnamon.

pickled plums recipe


  • plums - how much will it take
  • water - 2 l
  • sugar - 400 g
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • allspice - 10 peas
  • carnation - 5 pcs.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon or 1 stick

How to pickle plums with cinnamon:

1. Wash the plums. You can preserve them pitted (take out, cut in half) or with them, like olives, if the plums are small.

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2. So that the plums do not boil during sterilization, they must be blanched in hot water at a temperature of 85 degrees for 2-3 minutes. You can do this in a metal colander, dropping portions into a pot of water. Pour immediately into a bowl of cold water, then place in clean jars.

3. Prepare marinade for cinnamon plums. Boil water with spices, salt and sugar for 5 minutes, add vinegar and strain.

4. Fill jars with plums with hot marinade, cover with lids and sterilize 0.5 liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15, three-liter - 25 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the jars and leave to cool upside down under a blanket.

Pickled plum with cinnamon


  • plum - 2 kg
  • sugar - 200 g
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • water - 0.8 l
  • allspice peas - 3-4 pcs.
  • cloves - 3-5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon on the tip of a knife

How to make Cinnamon Pickled Plums:

1. Select ripe hard plums, wash and drain.

2. Prick with a wooden toothpick in several places so that the plums do not burst.

3. Place in clean jars and fill with hot marinade. For the marinade, boil water, add spices, cook for 5 minutes, then add sugar, dissolve, stirring, pour in vinegar and remove from heat.

4. Cover and sterilize liter jars for 15 minutes. Roll up.
