
Salad for vodka for the winter. Salad "Watch out for vodka" for the winter - delicious and original recipes for savory preparations

“Watch out, vodka” is a salad that you can replenish your winter stocks with. This appetizer is perfect for any meal. Recipes with detailed instructions can be found in the article. We wish you great success in the kitchen!

general information

It's August, which means it's time to make preparations for the winter. Vodka Watch Out Salad is a simple and win-win option. It has a sharp and spicy taste, combined with any alcoholic beverages. Salad can be eaten as a dish on its own, as well as served with barbecue or boiled potatoes. Below are some of its variations.

Traditional salad "Watch out, vodka" for the winter

Required Ingredients:

  • sugar - enough 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar (9%) - 200 ml;
  • we take 1 kg of ripe tomatoes, carrots, onions, white cabbage, sweet peppers and cucumbers;
  • salt - 5 tsp
  • water - 2, 5;
  • vinegar (9%) - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g is enough;
  • no more than 60 g of salt.

Practical part

  1. Wash vegetables with tap water. We remove the husk from the onion. Cut the pulp into thin half rings. If you don't really like onions, you can reduce their proportions in the salad.
  2. Grind cucumbers in circles, and carrots in cubes. What are the next steps? Pour boiling water over carrot pieces. We pinpoint 10-15 minutes. This is necessary to soften the carrots.
  3. Cut the peppers into strips, and the tomatoes into slices. Cabbage can be simply shredded.
  4. In a bowl, combine the previously chopped vegetables. Sprinkle with spices. We leave for half an hour. During this time, they will just let the juice out.
  5. Let's start preparing the marinade. Put sugar and vinegar into a pot of boiling water. Salt. Keep on fire until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. We mix the salad. We distribute it to sterilized jars. Pour in hot marinade. We cover each jar with a lid.
  7. We cover the bottom of a large saucepan with a towel or an old sheet. We put salad jars. Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach the necks by 5 cm. Bring to a boil for 15-20 minutes. Carefully remove the jars from the pan and roll them up.

If you like spicy dishes, you can add a little hot pepper to the salad. But just don't overdo it.

Salad "Watch out, vodka": a recipe without cucumbers

Grocery list:

  • 1 kg of carrots, ordinary onions and sweet peppers;
  • one celery root;
  • spicy seasoning (optional)
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • by 4 tbsp. l. salt and regular sugar;
  • 1.5 kg white cabbage;
  • ground pepper;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

detailed instructions

Step number 1. We wash the vegetables in running water. "Watch out, vodka" - a salad that is traditionally prepared using cucumbers. But in this recipe, it will not be used.

Step number 2. Shred the cabbage. Grind peppers into strips, onions into half rings, and tomato fruits into slices. Pass the carrots through a grater. We combine all this, except for cabbage, in a saucepan. Why so? Chopped cabbage is recommended to be added at the very end. Then it will not have time to soften and remain crispy. And this is very important for the snack “Watch out, vodka”. We also roll up salad for the winter. In the meantime, put the pan with the contents on the fire. The stewing time for vegetables is 7-10 minutes. When the carrots are ready, add cabbage, tomatoes and spices. Simmer for a few more minutes.

Step number 3. So, we have prepared a snack "Watch out, vodka." Salad in hot form is poured into sterile jars. Now we roll them up with tin lids.

Another option

Grocery set:

  • 250 ml of refined oil and vinegar (9%);
  • sugar - enough 5 tbsp. l.;
  • we take 1 kg of cucumbers, ripe tomatoes, onions, fresh cabbage, sweet peppers and juicy carrots;
  • salt - 5 tsp

Cooking process

We wash all vegetables. We chop cucumbers into slices, and tomatoes into slices. The rest of the vegetables should be cut into strips. We put it all in a large container. We add vinegar there. Sprinkle with spices. We leave for 60 minutes. During this time, chopped vegetables will infuse, give juice. What's next? Transfer the salad with the released juice to the pan, adding oil. We are waiting for the moment of boiling. Let the salad simmer for a few more minutes. We lay out the vegetable mixture in sterile jars. Top with boiled juice. The last touch remains - roll up the jars with lids.


Now you know how the “Watch Out, Vodka” salad is prepared for the winter. It will give your body the necessary vitamins. After all, the salad consists of several types of vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on).

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

A simple vegetable salad with sweet and sour notes and a spicy aroma - the combination of crispy cabbage, sweet carrots, juicy peppers, crispy cucumbers and sweet tomatoes is just perfect for serving it as a snack with vodka. And if you also announce the name of the dish to the guests, then believe me, everyone will immediately rush to check how the salad for the winter "Watch out for vodka" works in practice! With such a vegetable snack, vodka really disperses very quickly. But this is not its main advantage. In fact, the twist is universal for any dinner or lunch. A salad of this variety of vegetables is suitable for any hot meat dishes.

For 6 liters of twist you will need:

- 1 kg of cabbage,
- 1 kg of bell pepper,
- 1 kg of cucumbers,
- 1 kg of carrots,
- 1 kg of onion,
- 1 kg of tomatoes,
- 250 ml of vinegar,
- 5 tablespoons Sahara,
- 1 tbsp. sunflower oil,
- 4 - 5 tsp salt.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Remove the top leaves from the white cabbage, rinse. Shred thinly, cutting off thick veins along the way, if you want the vegetable salad "Watch out for vodka" to not turn out rough.

We wash the cucumbers and, without removing the skin, cut them across into rings or half rings. We do not take bitter ends.
We rub the peeled carrots coarsely or pass through a special grater for Korean snacks.
We divide the washed tomatoes into slices or medium-sized pieces.
We remove the core from the peppers, dividing in half for convenience. And cut each part into thin strips.

We remove the husk from the onion and chop into half rings.

We put all this in one capacious enameled pan or basin. Pour and fall asleep all the other spices.

And after mixing, let it soak for an hour. The dishes need to be covered with a plate with a load or just stretch the cling film.
In the meantime, prepare the container for conservation. We do not dry the washed jars, but put them directly in the oven with drops of water. Set the temperature to 150 degrees. And we wait a quarter of an hour. You can put lids along with the jars if you have screw caps. And in the case of using standard ones that need to be rolled up with a key, boil them in water for five minutes.
Now it remains to boil our salad a little. To do this, put it on the fire right in the bowl where it was salted. As soon as the marinade boils in it, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. In the process of heat treatment, vegetables will lose their bright color somewhat, but they will release a lot of fragrant juice.

We fill sterile jars with this appetizer, topping up each marinade remaining at the bottom. Roll up and turn upside down. As soon as the vegetable salad "Watch out for vodka" cools down, we transfer it to the pantry, where it will wait for its finest hour in winter.

Bon appetit.
Old Lesya
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Summer is not only a vacation, relaxing on the beach, hot weather, but also hard, albeit pleasant work in the country for those who have it. And a long range of vegetable, berry, fruit preparations.

Today on the site is a recipe for a winter salad with an interesting name "Watch out, vodka." I didn't come up with the name. Lettuce, as they say, went to the people along with its unusual name. I think that it is by the name that you can understand the purpose of this salad. It is simply necessary on holiday tables. And there are many holidays in winter.

Salad for the winter Beware, vodka is a fortified salad with lots of vegetables. Vegetables in this salad are available to us both by season and by money. All of them can grow in any dacha, which means they are not infected with any harmful impurities.

You will need:

  • medium-sized turnip onion - one kilogram,
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 kilogram,
  • carrot - one kilogram,
  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kilogram,
  • white cabbage - one kilogram,
  • tomatoes - one kilogram,
  • sugar - five tablespoons,
  • salt - five teaspoons,
  • vinegar 70% - 30 ml. You can take vinegar 9% - 250 ml,
  • odorless vegetable oil - 250 ml


Vegetables for salad for the winter Beware, vodka, of course, needs to be cleaned, freed from stalks and seeds (bell pepper) and washed under running water.

Jars and lids must be sterilized in any way. Cucumbers cut into quarters or halves of circles. If the cucumbers are small, cut them into circles. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into slices depending on the size of the tomato. In general, try to cut the vegetables into uniform pieces. This is the general rule for all salads.

Onion cut into halves of rings. Grate carrots on a medium grater. Shred the cabbage into small strips.

Transfer all vegetables to one large bowl. Mix vegetables thoroughly. Since there are a lot of vegetables, you need to interfere with very clean washed hands.

Add vegetable oil, sugar, a solution of 70% vinegar in a glass of water, salt to the mixture of vegetables. If the vinegar is 9%, then it does not need to be dissolved in water. Again, mix thoroughly with your hands.

Now the future salad for the winter "Watch out, vodka" needs to be postponed for a couple of hours so that it gives juice.

This juice, or better to say, brine, is poured into a small saucepan through a sieve and put on fire. Boil.

Pour hot brine over vegetables. And mix everything again. The vegetables have shrunk a little, so you can stir with a large spoon.

Put the mixture of vegetables on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, boil the mixture for ten minutes over low heat, remembering to stir.

Our salad for the winter "Watch out, vodka" is ready. It is time to put it in sterilized jars, alternating with brine, roll up and turn over to cool.

The name of the appetizer is "Watch out, vodka!" speaks for itself. A salad with this name simply has to be an excellent appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks, and it lives up to the expectations of the participants in the feast. If you make a salad "Watch out, vodka!" for the winter, then guests will never be taken by surprise. In addition, it can be served not only with vodka - it is tasty on its own, goes well with potatoes.

Cooking features

Salad "Watch out, vodka!" not like most snacks that are prepared for the winter. Through the glass of the jar, bright pieces of vegetables that have retained their natural color are clearly visible. This makes the salad "Watch out for vodka!" very appetizing. Vegetables are crunchy and taste fresh. To achieve this effect, you need to know a few secrets.

  • Salad "Watch out, vodka!" they try to cook as little as possible, so the vegetables in it retain their crunchiness and brightness. Thanks to this, many vitamins are also saved in them, which give strength to the body to resist the negative effects of alcohol. Therefore, when preparing a salad, it is very important not to exceed the cooking time, if it is used, and in general, follow the technology exactly.
  • Considering that the heat treatment time is minimal, you need to take the maximum time to marinate vegetables before cooking. Let them soak in the oil and vinegar dressing for at least an hour, two is better. If you completely refuse heat treatment, then preserve the appetizer in the marinade and be sure to sterilize it already in jars.
  • Serious attention should be paid to the preparation of cans. First, they must be thoroughly washed, then sterilized for at least 10 minutes and allowed to dry. Only after that they can be used to fill the salad. Close the jars with sterilized metal lids using a special key to ensure tightness.
  • In order for the snack to be preserved even better, do not let it cool at room temperature. Let it cool slowly in a "steam bath" setting. To do this, closed jars must be turned over and covered with a blanket so that air does not get under it.
  • The composition of the salad "Watch out, vodka!" Cabbage is a must. Preference should be given to juicy autumn varieties.

Salad recipes are slightly different due to differences in cooking technology. Salad without marinade is prepared for the winter a little easier, but in a salad that is made without cooking (with sterilization), vegetables retain useful vitamins better.

Salad "Watch out, vodka!" without sterilization

Composition (per 5.5–6 l):

  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 0.25 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves from the head - they are almost always spoiled. Cut the cabbage into pieces, discard the stalk. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Remember her with your hands so that she gives juice.
  • Wash cucumbers, cut off their noses and tails, fill with cold water, let stand in it for an hour. Rinse, dry. Cut in half lengthwise, then cut into thin rounds or strips.
  • Wash the peppers, cut off the stalks and remove the seeds from the peppers, rinse again under running water. Cut each pepper lengthwise into 4 pieces and cut into strips about 2 mm wide. It is not necessary to cut thinner, as otherwise the pepper will not retain its shape well.
  • Peel the onion. Cut it into thin quarters of rings.
  • Wash the carrots, peel them. Grate on a regular grater with large holes or on a grater for preparing Korean salads.
  • Wash the tomatoes well, cut off their stems. Cut the tomatoes, without peeling, into thin slices.
  • Place all vegetables in a large saucepan. It must be enameled or stainless steel. You can use ceramic dishes. Aluminum is categorically not suitable for the preparation of canned vegetables and berries, since it releases toxic substances during oxidation.
  • Stir vegetables.
  • Mix oil with vinegar, add salt and sugar to it, mix.
  • Pour the mixture over the vegetables, mix them gently again, being careful not to crush the tomatoes. Leave the salad to marinate for an hour at room temperature, covered.
  • Put the pan on a slow fire and wait until its contents boil. After that, cook the snack for 8-10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and arrange in pre-prepared, necessarily sterilized jars. Top with the remaining marinade in the saucepan. Screw them tightly with metal lids. You can use a seaming key if the jars and lids are made for it, or screw caps.
  • Put the jars with the lids down and insulate well. After a day, return the jars to their normal position and send them to the pantry for the winter.

During cooking, the tomatoes will give a lot of juice, so the salad will take on a reddish tint. It will look even more beautiful if not any sweet pepper, but red, is used for cooking it.

Salad "Watch out, vodka!" in the marinade

Composition (per 6–6.5 l):

  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Cooking method:

  • Wash vegetables. Cut the bell pepper into strips, chop the cabbage. Cut the tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into thin slices. Cut the onion into half rings, cut the carrots into thin strips or grate.
  • Soak carrots in hot water for 10 minutes. Remove from water, wring out.
  • Mix all the vegetables and season with a mixture of 100 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, 200 ml of vinegar. Leave for half an hour under the lid.
  • Boil 2.5 liters of water, add the remaining salt, sugar and vinegar to it. Boil everything together for 5 minutes.
  • Stir the salad and spread, crushing with a spoon, into sterilized jars. Pour hot marinade over. Cover with clean lids.
  • Place in a large saucepan, filling it with water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jars. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the jars.
  • Take out the jars, roll up, turn over and cover with a blanket. After 24 hours, move to the place where you store winter supplies.

The vegetables in this salad look like they were just picked from the garden and cut into a salad. The taste of this appetizer is also beyond praise.

Salad "Watch out, vodka!" it’s worth making for the winter, not even because it’s an excellent snack for “little white”, but because it is very tasty and healthy. But vitamins in the winter will not interfere with anyone, even children and convinced teetotalers.
