
Fruit seasons in Montenegro by months. Seasonal fruit calendar by months

  • When choosing fruits and vegetables, give preference to seasonal products.
  • Vegetables grown outdoors are healthier and safer than greenhouse vegetables.
  • They are less likely to have elevated concentrations of pesticides or nitrates.
  • However, a conscientious grower will carefully monitor the concentration of hazardous substances and in recent years more and more high-quality Russian greenhouse products have appeared (for example, Mirinda cucumbers or Uzbek tomatoes)
  • Fruits and vegetables imported from other countries may be picked unripe and ripen on the road, reducing their nutritional value.
  • Some products are brought to the Russian Federation all year round thanks to technologies that allow preserving taste and nutritional values ​​during transportation (for example, from South America, southern countries).
  • In the summer, products are brought mainly from Russia (Rostov, Krasnodar) (vegetables, berries, some fruits) and CIS countries (Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan - fruits, berries, some vegetables)
  • May is a conditional beginning of the summer season: the first fruits and berries from the southern countries appear: Uzbek cherries, apricots, Azerbaijani cherry plums, etc.
  • The summer season lasts approximately until October (yearly dates vary depending on the weather).
  • At the beginning of "their season" products are expensive, but later, when the season becomes massive, prices go down.
  • Since November, the "winter" season begins: they bring products from far abroad (Peru, Chile, Morocco), a lot of greenhouse and last year's autumn vegetables.
  • Prolonged storage of vegetables leads to the loss of vitamins and minerals. At the end of winter, give preference to frozen and imported products, rather than long-term stored autumn vegetables - there are more nutrients there.
  • Fresh vegetables appear from the first days of April.

What are the current seasonal products?


  • Sweet cherry: this year appeared on the 1st of May, 1st batch - from Tajikistan, now from Uzbekistan. The taste is getting better every day, gaining sweetness. Season - until August, but the most delicious - until the end of July
  • Apricots: now from Uzbekistan, appeared in mid-May, the taste is better every day. Season~until the end of July. The most fragrant, tender variety of apricots is the Armenian Shalah. During the season, the producers change: first Uzbek, then Armenian and Azerbaijani
  • Strawberries: Strawberries appear in December, in the beginning greenhouse, from the end of April - ground. The most delicious now is from Greece: large, sweet. In May, you can find Crimean strawberries, but they are inferior to Greek ones in taste, not so sweet. The Russian strawberry season starts ~ in June (Rostov, Krasnodar), but the season lasts a little, 3 weeks
  • Strawberries: Russian - from mid-June. Very short season, 2-3 weeks
  • Peaches, nectarines, flat peaches: appeared in early May, now from Chile. In July they will be from the CIS countries. Especially tasty and juicy peaches are from Armenia, their season is September-early October
  • Gooseberries, cherries: Russian ~ from mid-June. Season ~ to August
  • Watermelon can be found almost all year round: May - from Iran, the end of July - Uzbek, Dagestan. The best and most delicious - Astrakhan ~ in August-September, but not every year successful
  • Uzbek melon "Torpeda" is the most delicious, season June-October


  • Cucumbers, carrots, beets: from the 1st of May - Lukhovitsky cucumbers (Russia). The season is until September, (the most delicious). The first days of April are young vegetables: carrots and beets with tops
  • Cabbage: from mid-April (first from Macedonia, then from Uzbekistan, then Russian), the season is all summer
  • Tomatoes: in the 1st of May - delicious pink tomatoes from Azerbaijan, will be all summer. From Rostov in mid-May, delicious "Paradise" and "Bull's Heart" will appear, will be all summer.

Have time to enjoy delicious products!

pictures from meetatglobalkitchen.com

Many people try to buy seasonal fruits, because such fruits contain the maximum benefit and are quite affordable. What fruits should be bought in a given month? The seasonal calendar will help answer this question. Thanks to him, you will learn about which fruits ripen in season in Russia, and which ones are brought from overseas countries.


On the one hand, it seems that in the winter season it is impossible to find high-quality and ripe fruits. But on the other hand, you just need to know which fruits you can buy on the market during the cold season, and which ones should be avoided. Of course, it is better to refuse to buy strawberries or peaches in winter. Choose quality fruits according to the season. Given the seasonality of fruits, you can choose those fruits that will be most beneficial to your health.

At the very beginning of winter, you can still enjoy a sweet and very healthy persimmon. This bright fruit contains many useful substances, thanks to which it is possible to normalize the work of digestion and not only. Basically, these fruits are brought from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. The season ends there at the end of autumn, so at the beginning of winter you can still find fresh and healthy fruits on the shelves.

By the way, if the fruit turns out to be astringent, then it can be placed in the freezer for a couple of hours, and it will become soft and sweet.

In the winter months, it is quite possible to consume oranges brought from Spain. In this sunny country, they begin to ripen only in November. The season of these citrus fruits lasts until mid-spring. Therefore, all winter you can safely eat citrus fruits from Spain, recharge with vitamins and strengthen your immunity.

In early February, oranges from Egypt or Turkey may appear on the shelves. Just the citrus season begins there in the middle of winter and lasts until summer. It is worth noting that the fruits from these countries have a thicker skin and may be less sweet. But this does not mean that they do not have the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

From December until spring, you can buy apples that were grown in the Russian open spaces. Despite the fact that the apple season ends in October, domestic fruits are perfectly stored until spring, without losing their useful qualities. At the end of February, you can even find juicy strawberries on the shelves. At this time of the year, it is brought from the USA, mainly from California. The taste of this berry is special and very fragrant.

In order to saturate your body with various vitamins and other useful substances, you should pay attention to such an exotic fruit as avocado. The season of this fruit never ends. We can say that the season lasts all year round. Therefore, you can safely buy an "alligator pear" at any time of the year, including during the winter months.

If the fruit turns out to be a little underripe, then you can put it in a paper bag along with bananas and after two or three days it will be the right ripeness.


If you want to choose only juicy, high-quality and tasty fruits by months, then study our seasonal calendar further. In early March, fragrant strawberries already appear on the shelves. If these are fruits brought from Spain or Greece, then it is quite possible to buy them in the spring. And also in the spring they bring this berry from Portugal, Egypt and Poland.

In the spring, you can continue to enjoy citrus fruits from Spain or Turkey. In the spring, the citrus fruit season continues in these countries, so the fruits have time to get enough of the sun and absorb all the vitamins and elements necessary for health.

Until other seasonal fruits appear, it is quite possible to buy exotic fruits. For example, bananas. The season of this fruit lasts all year round, so you should not worry about the safety and quality of the fruit. Bananas are useful at any age, as they perfectly saturate and enrich the body with potassium. Among the exotic fruits at this time, you should pay attention to kiwi, pineapple, mango and various citrus fruits.


The summer months are perhaps the richest and most varied in terms of berries and fruits. Their diversity in the hot season is pleasantly surprising. At this time of the year, you can find absolutely everything on the shelves, from wild berries to melons and watermelons from the melon fields of the North Caucasus, Central Asia and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

At the beginning and middle of summer, it is quite possible to enjoy juicy and healthy strawberries. Not only imported, but also domestic berries appear on the shelves. In summer, you should taste ripe peaches, which are most often brought from Armenia and Central Asia.

In June and July, juicy apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, plums and various berries appear on the shelves. During this period, you can safely buy fruits from a wide variety of countries, since the summer season is considered the richest in many countries of the world. Fruits from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece and Turkey are very popular.

In August, the season of juicy and tasty domestic apples begins. At this time of the year you can find a wide variety of apple varieties for every taste. Early Russian varieties, which have a special taste, aroma and are fraught with many useful vitamins and elements, are very popular.

In addition, in August you can start enjoying juicy and ripe watermelons. The benefits of this huge berry are very great and adults and children love it. Fruits from Astrakhan are very popular. Astrakhan watermelons are larger and very sweet. In early August, you can safely buy melons. In Uzbekistan, just in time for the end of summer, various varieties ripen, with a thicker skin, but very fragrant and sweet. More than one hundred and fifty varieties of melons are grown in this sunny country, so it is quite possible to buy them in late summer and early autumn.

At the end of summer, different varieties of grapes ripen. Of course, the most popular varieties are seedless, which are sweeter and bring great benefits to the body. Grapes can be found both domestic and imported. Mostly juicy grapes are brought from Uzbekistan, Moldova, Turkey, Greece and Spain.

Delicious and very healthy figs are brought from Azerbaijan by the end of summer. This fruit is very sweet and high-calorie, therefore It is worth remembering this for those who strictly monitor their harmony.


At the end of September, another useful fruit will appear on the shelves of shops and markets - this is pomegranate. In the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, these healthy fruits are just beginning to sing at this time. From Central Asia, pomegranates appear towards the end of autumn. If there are pomegranates on the shelves already in late summer and early autumn, then most likely the fruits are from Africa or South America.

In early September, there are still peaches on the shelves, which are mainly brought from China. Various varieties of autumn grapes from Uzbekistan, Moldova and Italy can also be found on sale. There is also domestic grapes, which are also extremely beneficial for health. In addition, at the beginning of autumn there are still many ripe and healthy melons, watermelons, plums and pears.

The height of the season for berries, vegetables and fruits is undoubtedly summer. Daily use of fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits, we make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, which often occurs during the winter and early spring. However, when going for the next purchase of “vitamins”, it is worth considering which of them ripen during this time period. In this article, we will talk about fruits, berries and vegetables that cannot be bought in June, and which, on the contrary, are better to take.

Why is it important to buy fruits in "their season"?

In modern times, we can buy many seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables in supermarkets throughout the year. However, such products have a clear ripening period, so the best taste and great benefits can be obtained precisely in “their season”.

Also, you should not buy berries, vegetables or fruits out of "their season" because unscrupulous suppliers often use special chemicals to ripen the crop as quickly as possible. On store shelves, such artificially grown vegetables, fruits and berries appear long before the start of their season and usually have a ripe and perfect look. However, such products do not carry any, and sometimes even can be harmful to health.

So what vegetables, fruits and berries can you safely take this season?

What fruits, vegetables and berries ripen in June?

Strawberries ripen in early June. Follow her. Also the first month of summer is the season of cherries and cherries. In addition, raspberries begin to ripen in June.

Seasonal fruits for June are peaches and apricots. From vegetables in June, radishes, cabbage, carrots, green onions, and peppers ripen. Spinach, lettuce, parsley, basil and other vitamin-rich greens also ripen in June.

What fruits, vegetables and berries can not be bought in June?

In June, you should not buy seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries, which ripen at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. First of all, these include grapes, watermelons, melons. in August, but many of us would not refuse to taste this delicious berry in June. However, before you buy watermelons before the start of the season, you should think: could they have ripened in early summer on their own without the use of any chemical additives?

Therefore, in June it is strongly not recommended to buy the following products: grapes, melons (watermelons, melons), eggplants, tomatoes, pears, plums. It is better to wait for the time of their natural ripening, but for now - enjoy the June seasonal "vitamins".

So, let's start the analysis of the June fruits.

Cherries in June

Cherry and opens the summer season. In addition, such a berry will saturate your body with copper. Copper is actively involved in the formation of collagen, which determines the elasticity and firmness of our skin, and, accordingly, down with wrinkles! Cherry supports the production of melanin. If you lie under the sun and at the same time treat yourself to the fruits of juicy cherries, the body at this time enterprisingly produces a saving pigment for your skin, protects it from the damaging effects of sunlight.

Carrots in June

Carrots are a completely different story, which is described in the post. Fresh carrots can relieve overwork, and carrot juice or an orange will not only quench your thirst, but also improve your mood with a strong dose.

June green salad

Green salad is a great companion on every trip. It will reduce the headache caused by changing weather conditions and time zones, flights and moving. June salad is almost 90% water, which allows it to be called the lowest calorie food.

The main value in this vegetable is vitamins of youth. To normalize the work of the endocrine glands of the female body, natural antioxidants are required, which are in the sea in green salad! By the way, for travel, in addition to a green salad, take films on the road, but you can.

june strawberry

in June. Yes Yes Yes. In some regions of Russia, it is already sold in full from the beds of diligent summer residents and gardeners. Strawberries will support your memory in a downright brain-melting heat and stand against spring beriberi.

June greenery

Green onions, dill, parsley and other greens are generally green utility itself. We kill microbes, wipe the face with a cold decoction of dill, so that blackheads and pimples do not pop out ahead of time. In addition, the very aroma of a mixture of all these greens will make any dish appetizing and beautiful.

Not a radish, but a June radish

Radishes are recommended by nutritionists. They suggest that the earliest vegetable is more often included in your diet for those people who are prone to fullness. Radish acts as a mild diuretic, removes toxins from the body, prevents weight gain and swelling. Rich in vitamins and essential oils, due to which working enthusiasm and energy rise.

June turnip

Turnips are another low-calorie food that will save your stomach from surprises and saturate the body with vitamin C, it is twice as much in turnips as in oranges and lemons!

Other June fruits and vegetables

  • cucumbers
  • Green young onion
  • Green pepper
  • Wild strawberry
  • Red currants
  • Black currant
  • Raspberries
  • Apple

    The summer season is open for a long time, and this is a great opportunity to grow real, healthy food!

    Own plot provides an amazing opportunity to provide your family not only with fresh, healthy vegetables and berries, but also with excellent herbal medicines that are not always available in city pharmacies.

    August is the season of vegetable crops - the richest time and minerals. It is in August that the canning of the famous Russian cucumbers, tomatoes in their own juice and plum jam begins.

    Vegetables and fruits in August

    Below I will provide a list of plants that gardeners grow in August, and which contain the most amazing set of minerals and vitamins. The August vegetable garden and garden can be said to be able to feed the whole winter and half of the spring season, if you carefully stock up on everything that Mother Nature gives. You can read about it in the previous article, but I didn’t have time to describe the July ones, we’ll leave them for next year ...))

    List of August vegetables

    • Green salad (Roman)
    • Broccoli
    • Green string beans
    • Zucchini
    • Fennel
    • cucumbers
    • young green onion
    • Red pepper
    • Green pepper
    • Red onion
    • Pumpkin (summer)

    13 vegetables that ripen and are already ripe in August are the basis of a healthy and satisfying table. At least one of these food products is used daily by you for the preparation of a particular dish.

    List of August fruits and berries

    • Raspberry - continuation of the season
    • Grapes - the season begins!
    • Nectarines
    • figs
    • Peach is the peak of the season!
    • Apricots are the best!
    • Plum
    • Watermelon

    And 10 August fruits and berries at their summer cottage, which are just a whole vitaminization boom!

    List of September vegetables

    Vegetables in September

    • Green beans - the season continues
    • Green salad - the season continues
    • Broccoli is in season
    • Savoy cabbage is in season
    • White cabbage - harvesting
    • Cauliflower - the beginning of the season
    • Chard
    • Leek is in season
    • Fennel
    • Cucumbers - the season continues
    • Zucchini is in season
    • Red pepper is in season
    • Pumpkin (summer) - the season continues
    • Garlic
    • Parsley - the season continues
    • Celery - the beginning of the season
    • Pasternak - season
    • Potatoes - harvesting

    There are already 24 important vegetable products for this month, the choice is rich, the main thing is to be able to cook all these crops well and enjoy the September fortification.

    List of September fruits

    By September, many that are familiar to us and which are brought from across the sea ripen. At the same time, the list of July fruit crops continues to spread to September. So, in the first autumn month there are such berries and fruits as:

    Fruits and berries in September

    • Grapes are in season
    • Nectarines are the peak of the season
    • peach - season
    • Plum - the beginning of the season
    • Figs - the beginning of the season
    • Watermelon is in season
    • Melon - the season of all summer varieties
    • Quince - season
    • - continuation of the season
    • Cranberries - the beginning of the season
    • Peaches - continuation of the season
    • Lingonberry - season
    • Blueberries are in season
    • Chokeberry - the beginning of the season
    • Sea buckthorn - the beginning of the season
    • Elderberry - season
    • Barberry - season

    Another twenty September fruits and berries for your attention, gentlemen, readers! It's just some kind of paradise, not a month.

    What legumes to eat in September?

    Father-September gives us a bunch of legumes. Right now, the freshest beans appear on the shelves directly from the beds. In addition, by the end of the month, chickpeas, known by the pseudonym of Turkish peas, begin to ripen. This bean Turk in its nutritional value surpasses all its counterparts: lentils, and soy.

    List of September legumes and nuts

    • Beans
    • Hazelnut
    • Sunflower
    • Walnut

    In addition to the September gastronomy list, I honorably add five more food items that you can enjoy at the beginning of the autumn season.

    Mushrooms in September

    Professional mushroom pickers and just lovers of this delicacy can also find something to do in September. Many representatives of this culinary family are found in the forest, for example:

    • autumn mushrooms
    • Milk mushrooms
    • Volnushki
    • Oilers
    • Mokhoviki
    • Aspen mushrooms
    • boletus

    Perhaps, in addition to the 8 mushrooms I have indicated, there are some more, but you, dear reader, will already find out for yourself by visiting the bosom of nature and the forest equivalent.

    September game and seafood

    Among other things, at the beginning of autumn it is customary, as they say, to count chickens. Of course, you can go to shops and markets for poultry and meat even in fierce February or hungry April. However, according to elementary logic, according to the natural order of things, chickens that are grown on free pasture reach their best condition just in September. And it is in this month that they need to be bought in the markets.

    By the way, the season for game is also in September. Black grouse, geese, ducks and other birds well-fed in the summer months are already dutifully waiting for hunting shots.

    September is oyster season. Therefore, many restaurants around the world hold themed festivals on this occasion. Read the local newspaper, suddenly miss an interesting event.

    Animal Food List for September

    • black grouse
    • Wild goose
    • Wild duck
    • Free range chickens
    • Acne
    • oysters

    October vegetables

    There are plenty of vegetables this month, as in the previous one, so we will not be left without winter reserves. In October, shop and market stalls offer us 41 types of vegetables and herbs please list:

    • Avocado
    • Shallot
    • Radish
    • Potato
    • Rucola
    • Salad
    • Garlic
    • field lettuce
    • Green salad
    • Spinach
    • Cress
    • Broccoli
    • Chicory
    • Chard
    • savoy cabbage
    • Cauliflower
    • red cabbage
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Fennel
    • Leek
    • Celery
    • Red pepper
    • Zucchini
    • winter pumpkin
    • Basil
    • Sweet potato
    • Parsnip
    • Dill
    • Parsley
    • green onion
    • cucumbers
    • radish

    October fruits and berries

    golden autumn - these are the most long-awaited natural sweets, they ripen for a long time and end quickly, and many simply do not have time to try them. And in order not to forget what fruits to eat in October and to enjoy the long-awaited taste, I offer a list of berries and fruits for the second autumn month. 18 berries and fruits for October:

    • Peach - season ends
    • Grape
    • Figs are in season
    • Clementine - the seasonal predecessor of tangerines
    • winter melon
    • pending end of october
    • Aiva - just started
    • Apple - a variety of varieties
    • already on the shelves
    • it's all year round
    • Cowberry
    • Dogwood
    • Cranberry
    • Sea ​​buckthorn
    • viburnum
    • Bananas
    • Nectarines

    Nuts, dried fruits in October

    Traders begin to bring to the market mountains of "dry" food, healthy and tasty - nuts, dried apricots and other goodies. Don't miss out on these seasonal purchases, they're the perfect accompaniment to tea instead of biscuits or cakes, or even alcohol instead of salted fish or dried squid. So what can we buy in October?

    • Hazelnut
    • Almond
    • Dried fruits
    • Walnuts
    • chestnuts

    Another October gastronomy

    The hunting season continues, so game can come running to the table, and oysters from sea gifts. Also by this time, many types of cheeses are ripening, it’s a sin not to use this information and not go, for example, to Holland or France to test delicacies. Although, you can also look in our markets ... So, what else can we do from groceries to buy in October?

    • oysters
    • Turkeys
    • Olive oil

    Have you thought about freezing certain plant foods for the summer or spring? One thought occurred to me just a couple of days ago about freezing citrus fruits for spring and summer. Well, for example, in the summer there are no oranges, grapefruits, or the same new exotic as a pomelo. There are also no figs in spring and early summer.

    Although our winter has not been quite severe lately, it is still not the best season for vitaminization and nourishment of our body. Additional care is needed, and therefore exotic ones are no longer a luxury, but, so to speak, a means of maintaining immunity and a positive mood. Those who believe that winter fruits are poor in content and simply useless are mistaken. If they are stored correctly, then the vitamins in them are only slightly less than in the summer gifts of nature. They also contain the most important organic acids with trace elements, and, of course, fiber.

    However, let me remind you that the maximum shelf life of such fruits, berries and vegetables is up to 7-8 months. After, the content of vitamins in most of them is reduced by half.

    So, we can freeze for the summer

    • persimmon,
    • tangerines,
    • oranges,
    • grapefruit,
    • broccoli,
    • cauliflower,
    • chokeberry,

    And enjoy them until the arrival of new fruits. But what dishes can turn out if you mix summer and winter products? A completely different taste in the form of new dishes.

    How to freeze winter fruits and vegetables?

    Broccoli and cauliflower also washed, dried or well wrapped and disassembled into twigs. Then in a plastic bag in one layer and in the freezer. It is necessary to put these vegetables so that when frozen they do not stray into lumps and there are separate branches. You can make a frozen mixture of broccoli and cauliflower, or you can do it separately.

    Grapefruit. Freezing this citrus should be very delicate. First you need to prepare it. We clean the fruit from the peel and white walls, leaving only pink or ruby-pearl flesh. Then you can put it in a bag - also in one layer, so that the grapefruit freezes evenly or in a disposable plastic cup.

    Oranges and tangerines. Peel and divide the exotics into slices and freeze in a bag, it’s good if you don’t damage the slices when peeling the fruit, so all juices and vitamins will be better preserved.

    Freeze kiwi is also pretty simple. Wash the fruit thoroughly, cut it into four slices, remove the skin, put it in a bag in one layer and freeze.

    chokeberry it is even easier to freeze - it is washed, dried, sent to the bag and to the freezer - that's it!

    So, you will have a winter supply for the summer.

    What to do with frozen winter exotics?

    • Well, for example, you can cook a wonderful compote.
    • Make the perfect pie filling.
    • Add frozen fruit to tea when brewing.
    • Make fresh - mix all the fruits in a blender, and then squeeze through cheesecloth or pass through a sieve.
    • Also, frozen fruits are great for decorating cakes, pastries, martini glasses or other drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
    • And, in general, you can just freeze them with sugar, you get something like popsicles.

    Any other ideas for using frozen winter exotics? - Then write, let's try.

  • Seasonality of fruits and vegetables - an aspect that we do not always take into account when choosing products. Indeed, in supermarkets, vegetables and fruits are laid out all year round in neat slides on chilled shelves, even and smooth, as if for selection. Large retail chains make us think less about the quality of products and more about a wide choice and maximum convenience of purchase: at any time of the year, any day of the week and any time of the day. We regularly eat beautiful vegetables and fruits from the supermarket, succumbing to the illusion of a healthy lifestyle.

    Are vegetables and fruits always healthy?

    Filling our carts with fruits and vegetables with pleasure, we forget that they will be useful only in the season, which is different for each product. Moreover, out-of-season fruits can harm the body. But how is it? Haven't we been taught since childhood that fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones, are a source of many vitamins?

    Yes and no. Seasonal fruits are maximally rich in vitamins and microelements, ripened according to the natural cycle and collected at its peak. Such vegetables and fruits can and should be eaten raw, while maintaining their beneficial composition.

    Modern agricultural technologies, catering to endless consumer demand, supply us with a wide selection of off-season products that are not only not healthy (artificially grown vegetables and fruits do not accumulate the required amount of vitamins), but also harmful. Additives that stimulate growth and early ripening, nitrate fertilizers, pesticides that do not have time to decompose due to too short a cycle - all this is harmful to our health. Children under three years of age and the elderly are especially susceptible to this.

    Such vegetables and fruits must be carefully processed before eating to reduce the harmful effects. It is recommended to soak them in cold water (or in a weak solution of vinegar), cut off the stalks and peel. But even in this case, their benefits to the body will be minimal.

    Stocking up on vitamins

    Realizing that winter comes after abundant summer, we consciously or unconsciously adjust our diet, trying to get enough of juicy fresh tastes and accumulate more vitamins in reserve. This desire is supported by national food traditions: seasonal vegetables in summer they do not leave the table, alternating in "green" salads and various types of okroshka. The craving for fresh vegetables and fruits is not accidental: our body instinctively chooses what will be useful for it. So, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is converted by the body's enzymes into vitamin A (retinol), which strengthens the retina. Cucumber is 95% water, saturated with potassium and serves as an excellent tool for removing toxins and toxic substances. And the red color of the tomato is due to its constituent lycopene, which prevents the division of some cancer cells.

    According to the recommendations (http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/fruit/ru) of the World Health Organization, a minimum of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, fresh or cooked, should be eaten per day (excluding potatoes and similar starchy root vegetables), to prevent disease heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. For convenience, you can remember the universal “rule of five servings”: eat 5 or more various fruit and vegetable “servings” per day. One serving is about 80-100 grams, or an amount that fits easily in a folded palm: a carrot, a tomato, a couple of tangerines, or a small bowl of vegetable salad.

    Canning, drying or freezing?

    To maintain the right balance in the diet even in winter, you can make preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and mushrooms. The most popular, but least valuable option in terms of retaining usefulness is canning. So you can cook a lot of vegetable dishes, completely ready to serve. However, canning requires heat treatment, so the content of vitamins and minerals in the final product is minimal. There is also little use in jams and jams, because prolonged boiling and combining with sugar does not have the best effect on the composition of berries and fruits.

    A more gentle treatment is drying at room temperature, in the sun or in the oven. This option is well suited for fruits, berries, mushrooms and herbs.

    Finally, an almost ideal way to harvest is to freeze food. It allows you to maximize not only the useful composition, but also the appearance, taste and aroma of vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered that re-freezing is undesirable, so it is better to distribute the products into small portion packages.

    Seasonal calendar of vegetables and fruits

    To easily navigate the seasons and create a tasty and healthy menu all year round, use our seasonal calendar.

    Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots and leeks, artichokes, turnips, parsnips

    Citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines), quince, persimmon

    Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. shallot, parsnip


    Watercress and radicchio salad. Asparagus, spinach, radish, rhubarb

    Asparagus, spinach, radish, white cabbage. Salads: head, lettuce, radicchio, arugula. young peas

    Asparagus, spinach, radish and radish, swede. Beans, peas. Carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers. Cauliflower, broccoli. Salads: lettuce, head, radicchio

    Strawberries and wild strawberries, cherries and cherries. Red currant, gooseberry, blueberry

    New potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Cauliflower, broccoli. Carrots, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers. Green peas and beans. Celery, leeks and onions. Watercress, head lettuce, lettuce

    Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries. Black and red currants, blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Peaches, apricots, nectarines

    Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, eggplant, zucchini and zucchini. Cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, green peas. Bulgarian pepper, corn, onion. Radish, radish, swede, leaf beet.

    Watermelons and melons, plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots. Gooseberries, blueberries, currants, sea buckthorn


    Cucumbers and tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplant and zucchini. Cauliflower and broccoli. Onions and leeks, cabbage, horseradish, radish and swede

    Apples, plums, figs, pears. Melons and watermelons. Sea ​​buckthorn

    Tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Leek, swede, turnip, horseradish

    Apples, pears, figs

    Carrot, pumpkin, turnip. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Leek, horseradish

    Persimmon, pear, quince, cranberry

    Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, turnip, leek

    Quince, persimmon, pomegranate. Cranberry. Citrus
