
The benefits and harms of sushi. The benefits of rolls and how they differ from sushi

The benefits and harms of sushi and rolls are discussed quite often. Many people in our time pay tribute to tradition and eat overseas delicacies.

Without a doubt, sushi, which can consider Japan as their homeland, should be included among them.

True, they most likely came to us from the USA and Europe, which was the reason for the linguistic distortion of the true name of the dish. In the original, they are available as "sushi".

Sushi comes in a wide variety of types and shapes. But raw fish (tuna, salmon, eel, salmon), nori seaweed, and rice have always been considered the main ingredients.

Soy is used as additives and spices. sauce And wasabi- special Japanese horseradish in a ground state.

So the benefits and harms of a particular variety of sushi will depend solely on the ingredients that it contains. So let's start with the most popular.

Rice is a useful source of protein and fiber for our body, which is directly involved in the structure of cells.

But besides this, one should not forget that an excess of rice in the body leads to an increase in the concentration of carbohydrates, and hence unintentional weight gain.

All these very undesirable factors that many who naively believe that sushi is food for those who want to lose weight would like to avoid.

Although how to look, due to the content of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular), sushi and rolls are considered products that normalize weight, strengthen the walls of blood vessels And stabilize the heart.

So let's talk first of all about the benefits of eating sushi and rolls.

Separately, it is worth saying a few flattering words about wasabi. This ingredient should become indispensable, because of all the others applicable to sushi and rolls, it contains the most benefits.

So, wasabi is an excellent antiseptic, which also blocks the development of cancer cells in the stomach and other internal organs. This is in sharp dissonance with one of the disadvantages of sushi in relation to cancer, which we will discuss below.

Fish, which is part of the raw sushi, contains a lot of phosphorus, which promotes the active work of the brain.

For people who are actively engaged in mental activity, it is all the more useful to eat sushi from time to time.

It's time to talk a little about the dangers of sushi. The fact that this is an exotic product for our latitudes and not everyone can be able to tolerate it is by no means the only problem.

If you do not want to become a home for these creatures, then it is best not to abuse sushi, or carefully check the cooking recipes in each particular sushi bar.

After all, we have significantly modified many recipes and sometimes you can find "adapted" rolls, stuffed with lard or meat.

In the case of tuna, there is another important problem. Due to the fact that the world's oceans are significantly polluted, tuna absorbs a lot of harmful substances and especially mercury.

If you do not want to enjoy sushi and rolls with a fair amount of this substance, then limit yourself to their use, at least you do not need to do it often.

Ask and specify what kind of fish is used as a filling.

Nori, which is usually wrapped around rolls, contains a lot of iodine. In one such roll, exactly half of the daily intake of this element by the body.

And even though there are many people who treat iodine deficiency in themselves, look how you don’t have to treat reverse disease - excess iodine. A fan of such food should seriously consider

It is said that excessive consumption of sushi significantly increases the likelihood of developing cancer, in particular liver cancer.

Such a predisposition of exotic food lovers from Japan has not been scientifically proven, but it’s definitely worth warning yourself and taking note of this fact.

Well, how not to say that, without which sushi, you see, is difficult to imagine, contains too much concentrated salt.

She, accumulating in the body in a fair amount, leads over time to joint problems and even arthritis.

So eat sushi, but do not forget about the need to clearly dose the consumption of this product! Well, add wasabi don't forget - he is your ally.

Sushi takes many forms these days, but the classic recipe remains the same: raw fish, nori seaweed and rice. The serving of spices is considered mandatory for the dish: soy sauce and.

The benefits and harms of sushi

First of all, the benefits and harms of sushi and rolls are determined by their composition, so we will understand in detail.

Healthy foods:

  1. Rice. Protein and fiber, the source of which is rice, are involved in the structure of cells, and also improve the digestion process itself. However, a high glycemic index makes people with diabetes, for example, be wary of sushi.
  2. Sea fish. Thanks to phosphorus and other beneficial substances, the product develops mental activity, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  3. Wasabi. The healthiest component of a Japanese dish. The product is an excellent antiseptic, which allows it to block the development of cancer cells in the stomach.
  4. Ginger. A strong immunostimulant, which also has properties.

Dangerous products:

Despite the dangerous components, the benefits of sushi and rolls are obvious, especially if you choose them responsibly.

  1. Order Japanese dishes only in proven and reliable places, if you are not sure about the suppliers of the institution, then it is better to refrain from buying sushi with raw fish.
  2. Eating sushi will bring benefits and pleasure, not harm to health, if you use the "principle of moderation" like the Japanese.
  3. It is most reliable to give preference to fish that has undergone heat treatment.
  4. Despite the love for Japanese cuisine, it is important to remember that in the use of sushi, regularity is important, not frequency.

The obvious benefits of sushi and rolls and the irreparable harm that they can cause to the human body indicate that the choice of any exotic dish must be approached responsibly.

The main ingredients of sushi are boiled rice, seaweed (nori) and different types of fish (tuna, salmon, eel). Some recipes use vegetables, fruits, caviar, and special Japanese cheese. The main seasonings of sushi are soy sauce, wasabi sauce (Japanese horseradish), and pickled ginger.


Even if the fish is dried, dried or smoked, this will not help get rid of the same worm. Therefore, when ordering sushi with raw fish, consider whether it is worth taking the risk.

The use of soy sauce is an indispensable seasoning for sushi. The sauce contains a huge amount of concentrated salt, so try not to overdo it. Excess salt can cause edema and water retention in the body, it also tends to be deposited in the joints, which can lead to serious diseases. 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce contains 1-1.5 grams of salt. The daily rate of sodium chloride is 4-8 grams.

Harm of sushi increases due to ocean and seaweed (nori). They contain an increased amount of iodine, and its excessive content in the body affects it very negatively, as well as its deficiency. One roll contains approximately 92 micrograms of iodine, while the daily normal dose of iodine for the body should not exceed 150 micrograms.

Increased (twice) mercury content in sushi with tuna (which harm to sushi of this type increases several times more), this happened due to pollution of the waters of the oceans. There have already been open demands from experts to exclude tuna sushi from the menu of all Japanese restaurants.

Although microscopic doses of mercury do not affect the health of an adult, mercury can cause particular harm to children and pregnant women. Mercury, even in small doses, negatively affects the baby's brain. A child may be born with behavioral abnormalities and impaired motor skills and perception.


The products that make up the sushi are rich in a wide variety of vitamins, trace elements, proteins, omega 3 fatty acids. And their ratio in sushi contributes to the normalization of weight. These elements are easily absorbed by the human body and help the activity of the heart, blood vessels and stomach.

Rice is also rich in vitamins and microelements, it is a dietary product that can quickly satisfy hunger. Fiber contributes to the normalization of digestion, and fish is a valuable source of fatty acids and phosphorus. Nori seaweed is a valuable source of iodine if not abused.

The main ingredient in wasabi sauce is Japanese horseradish, which has antiseptic properties and is rich in vitamins.

If we take into account that sushi does not undergo any additional heat treatment, then all the listed useful elements are stored in them to the maximum extent.

According to nutritionists, the above problems can be avoided if you eat sushi no more than 2-3 times a week.

It is desirable to eat sushi with Japanese wasabi mustard, which is an antiseptic. Scientists reported that the components that make up its composition block the growth and reproduction of cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract, and under certain conditions destroy them altogether.

It is advisable to order sushi only in trusted (expensive) Japanese restaurants, trying to avoid random cafes. Small and new "cafes" can buy raw materials for making sushi from the local market. Or choose sushi that does not contain raw fish, there are a sufficient number of such recipes, for example, sushi with avocado, cucumber, smoked eel, etc.

Most children cannot appreciate their exotic taste, especially without seasonings. Unleavened rice and raw fish do not meet the definition of "delicious" in the perception of most children. Now, if the rice was sweet, and instead of fish there was marmalade ...
The best solution is to prepare homemade sushi, from safe, proven products. If the child is interested in what mom and dad eat, prepare him a portion of sushi without spices with vegetables or boiled meat or fish. The main thing is to decorate them beautifully and serve them correctly!

Recipes for sweet sushi rolls for kids.

Chocolate fruit roll


  • Thin pancakes
  • Filling

  • Pancakes: 2 eggs, baking powder, boiling water, starch tablespoon and flour. A little bit of sugar so that it is not bland, and cocoa to taste (in this cocoa recipe) we make dough like pancakes, bake thin pancakes in a pan and butter.

    Filling: mascarpone 250 gr + vanilla curd mass 250 gr.

    It is necessary to put the pancake on a strip of foil, then grease it with the filling, sprinkle with coconut flakes, and fold it like regular rolls, leave it in foil for at least 4 hours. Any filling can be added.

    Manila roll


  • Pancakes, the most ordinary.
  • Fruits (banana, pear, kiwi).
  • Philadelphia cheese".
  • Fruit jam.

  • First you need to prepare a cream for rolls. Take Philadelphia cheese, add powdered sugar. All this must be mixed until a homogeneous mass. After that, you need to peel the fruit, cut them into medium-sized cubes. Fruits need to be mixed together, after which the resulting fruit mass is mixed with the cream prepared in advance. Put the filling in the middle of the pancake and spread evenly over the entire surface of the pancake. Then we wrap the pancake in a roll. When all the pancakes are ready, cut the rolls and put them on a plate. Top with fruit jam or syrup to taste and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    sushi truffles


    Sumesi rice - 400 grams;

    Smoked salmon - 125-150 grams;

    We begin the preparation of sushi truffles by lining the egg stand with cling film. Then we put half a slice of smoked salmon on the bottom of the stand on cling film, lay it out so that all the small cracks are filled with fish.
    We spread one spoonful of sumesi on a stand and press it with a finger. There should be no excess salmon around the edges, if they look out, then it is better to just cut them off. We lift the ends of the cling film and turn the form over onto the prepared plate.
    So we make a few sushi truffles, which we then put on a plate and decorate with lemon slices.

    Sweet rolls (chocolate happiness)


    milk - 1 glass, egg 1 pc, flour - 0.5 stack,Cocoa powder (or icing, chocolate) - 3-4 tbsp. l.,Butter - 25 g, Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l., Mascarpone (or replace: 200 g of cottage cheese + 50 g of heavy cream + 1 tablespoon of sugar, beat in a blender) - 250 g,Fruits (banana, orange, apple) - you can add any fruit,Fruit syrup (or chocolate)

    Step #1. First you need to prepare pancake dough. Milk, egg, flour, sugar and cocoa, all these ingredients should be thoroughly mixed until smooth. The dough should turn out dark, if necessary, add more chocolate or icing to give the dough the desired color.

    Step #2. All you need in this step is to fry the pancake, cut the filling for the roll (fruit).

    Step #3. After the filling is ready, we spread the mascarpone pancakes, the curd filling is also ideal, put the fruit in stripes on the pancake and wrap it tightly in relics.

    Ready rolls must be put in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours or, if desired, in the freezer for 30 minutes.

    Then we take out the ready-made rolls and cut them in portions into pieces, after which we water them with syrup.

    Sushi with egg


    any filling to taste (fish, crab meat, shrimp, canned corn, vegetables, etc.)
    fried egg
    sumeshi (rice for sushi)

    cookie cutters
    oshibako (wooden device for making sushi into cubes)
    sharp knife

    Composition and preparation:

    1. The secret of this recipe is that figures or motifs are arbitrarily cut out from a fried and chilled egg before being placed in an oshibako using cookie cutters. The thickness of the egg layer should be 0.8–1 cm, since a thinner layer can tear when shifting.

    2. Fill the box with rice, put a layer of filling from any product on top.

    3. Put the figures cut out of the egg into the oshibako for the filling.

    4. Press the sushi, cut into portions of any shape and size and serve. The egg remaining after cutting out can also be used: press a layer of rice, and then cut out the figures from the rice with notches. Carefully place the same figures from the egg on them, cover with cling film and lightly press down with your hands. The egg sticks to the rice easily, so you get extra simplistic sushi.

    Over the past few years, Japanese cuisine has become insanely popular. Today, sushi and rolls are not just dishes of Asian origin, but a real tribute to fashion. Evidence of the popularity of such a peculiar cuisine can be seen on the streets of any city in the post-Soviet space: in Eastern Europe, there are more Japanese restaurants than national ones. It is unlikely that anyone wants to go to a cafe to eat borscht on their birthday - give sushi to everyone! Only here is what Japanese cuisine is fraught with, people practically do not know. Let's figure it out together, sushi - good or bad for the body? But first things first.

    The benefits of sushi

    Like any other product, fish dishes from Asian cuisine, when consumed in moderation, do not pose a danger to the body. Moreover, rolls are even beneficial for health, because they are rich in vitamins and mineral compounds. The main and most important component of sushi is fish. The dish is prepared from tuna, salmon, eel and other marine inhabitants. Fish is known to be rich in riboflavin and omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the stimulation of mental activity. In addition to a clearly positive effect on brain cells, the product has an impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening capillaries and arteries.

    The second equally important component of sushi is boiled rice. The Japanese turned out to be quite savvy, combining foods with high nutritional value in a national dish. Rice belongs to cereal crops, so it is rich in fiber and other trace elements necessary for the body. In addition, rice porridge allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger.
    Rolls and sushi are wrapped, usually in nori - a type of seaweed. The huge advantage of the ingredient is that it contains a considerable amount of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. By the way, sea fish also contains a certain dose of this trace element. Thus, the benefits of sushi are expressed in the prevention of thyroid diseases and related symptoms.
    Additional components of the Asian dish also contribute. Japanese cuisine involves the use of various hot spices and additives, so you cannot do without specific ingredients while eating rolls. Three foods that invariably accompany a meal are soy sauce, ginger and wasabi. Each roll is dipped in soy sauce before tasting. The product enhances the taste of fish and neutralizes the dryness of rice. Soy sauce has strong antioxidant properties and also improves blood circulation. Another specific component of the dish is wasabi. The so-called "Japanese horseradish" is used as a powerful antiseptic, because sushi fish does not undergo heat treatment, which is quite dangerous. They eat rolls with pickled ginger. The plant has pronounced antiviral properties and improves immunity, so it is useful to use it in the autumn-winter period.

    If we talk about sushi in general, without focusing on individual components, the dish can be considered a real find for people struggling with extra pounds. Fish and rice products contribute to the speedy burning of fat, normalize metabolism and even help eliminate depression.

    Harm of sushi

    Unfortunately, our article will not end with enthusiastic speeches, as sushi has some negative sides. We recommend caution and moderation when consuming the dish in order to insure against possible health problems. The first and most dangerous point regarding rolls is raw fish, which is part of the dish. Salmon and tuna taste great even without heat treatment, but they can become a haven for pathogenic bacteria and helminths. Even prolonged salting or smoking does not completely destroy the dangerous "inhabitants".

    Doctors are especially distrustful of sushi with tuna. The fact is that recently the cleanliness of the world's oceans leaves much to be desired. Reservoirs are littered with waste and toxins, including mercury. Tuna belongs to the centenarians of the deep sea, so a critical amount of toxic metal can accumulate in its fillet. Of course, after eating a few rolls, you will not get poisoned, but frequent consumption of the product (more than 2-3 times a week) can be dangerous.
    Hides pitfalls and soy sauce. Yes, in small quantities the product is useful, but do not forget that the liquid is concentrated, as it contains a lot of salt. Soy sauce can cause arthritis and other joint problems. As for nori algae, they negatively affect health only because of the high iodine content. The lack of a substance promises malfunctions in the thyroid gland, and its excess leads to the same problems. So, try not to lean on sushi, you should eat no more than 5 pieces at a time.

    We do not advocate a complete rejection of Japanese cuisine, but we advise caution. First, try to avoid going to dubious cafes, choose trusted restaurants with a good reputation. Secondly, be sure to eat sushi with wasabi to kill as many bacteria as possible. Thirdly, observe the measure.

    Even if the fish is dried, dried or smoked, this will not help get rid of the same worm. Therefore, when ordering sushi with raw fish, consider whether it is worth taking the risk.

    The use of soy sauce is a must seasoning for sushi. The sauce contains a huge amount of concentrated salt, so try not to overdo it. Excess salt can cause edema and water retention in the body, it also tends to be deposited in the joints, which can lead to serious diseases. 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce contains 1-1.5 grams of salt. The daily rate of sodium chloride is 4-8 grams.

    Sushi may contain mercury

    Land damage is increasing due to ocean and seaweed (nori). They contain an increased amount of iodine, and its excessive content in the body affects it very negatively, as well as its deficiency. The composition of one roll contains approximately 92 micrograms of iodine, while the daily normal dose of iodine for the body should not exceed 150 micrograms.

    The increased (twice) mercury content in sushi with tuna (which increases the damage of this type of land several times more), this happened due to pollution of the world's oceans. There have already been open demands from experts to exclude tuna sushi from the menu of all Japanese restaurants.

    Although microscopic doses of mercury do not affect the health of an adult, children and pregnant women can be especially harmful. Mercury, even in small doses, negatively affects the baby's brain. A child may be born with behavioral abnormalities and impaired motor skills and perception.


    The products that make up the sushi are rich in a wide variety of vitamins, trace elements, proteins, omega 3 fatty acids. And their ratio in sushi contributes to the normalization of weight. These elements are easily absorbed by the human body and help the activity of the heart, blood vessels and stomach.

    Rice is also rich in vitamins and microelements, it is a dietary product that can quickly satisfy hunger. Fiber contributes to the normalization of digestion, and fish is a valuable source of fatty acids and phosphorus. Nori seaweed is a valuable source of iodine if not abused.

    The main ingredient in wasabi sauce is Japanese horseradish, which has antiseptic properties and is rich in vitamins.

    If we take into account that sushi does not undergo any additional heat treatment, then all the listed useful elements are stored in them to the maximum extent.

    How to eat sushi

    According to nutritionists, the above problems can be avoided if you eat sushi no more than 2-3 times a week.

    It is desirable to eat sushi with Japanese wasabi mustard, which is an antiseptic. Scientists reported that the components that make up its composition block the growth and reproduction of cancer cells in the gastrointestinal tract, and under certain conditions destroy them altogether.

    It is advisable to order sushi only in trusted (expensive) Japanese restaurants, trying to avoid random cafes. Small and new "cafes" can buy raw materials for making sushi from the local market. Or choose sushi that does not contain raw fish, there are a sufficient number of such recipes, for example, sushi with avocado, cucumber, smoked eel, etc.

    Can pregnant women eat sushi

    Pregnant women, during the period of gestation, should still refrain from eating sushi, which includes raw or half-cooked foods, and pay attention to the so-called hot rolls.
