
What can you do with green tea. How to remove fresh and old tea stains from clothes? Borax and lactic acid

Our favorite drinks - tea and coffee, unfortunately, in addition to enjoying their taste, can also cause a lot of trouble - after all, pollution from them is considered one of the most difficult to remove. Black tea contains tannin, a tannin that causes tea stains to eat into the threads of the fabric tightly and very quickly if you do not remove them immediately. From coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, ugly yellowish-brown stains with clear boundaries remain. Such contaminants must be discolored with special chemical compounds.

What to do if a valuable carpet, branded clothing or a new sofa is damaged? Here it is time to despair. Of course, every modern housewife knows that there are a lot of effective potent drugs, the best samples of which we told you in detail in the corresponding section of our website in the article “ Stain removers". The active ingredients in these cleaners can tackle any stain. But still, there is no need to discount folk remedies - something that has been tested for years and that is always at hand. For example, if a stain is placed during a late tea party, then by the time the shops open, it will already be old and difficult to remove. How to remove stains from coffee and tea, without leaving home, with the most affordable, but very effective improvised means?

. To remove fresh stains, prepare a composition of kitchen salt with glycerin, apply it on the stain and leave for a while (up to half an hour) - let the yellow stains dissolve in the glycerin salts and discolor well. Wait until the spots begin to disappear, and wash the clothes in the usual way - the one recommended by the manufacturer. Salt slurry with glycerin is a tool that perfectly helps to cope with stains of juice, fats, ink.

. To remove a stain from coffee or tea, which is already several days old, a more aggressive composition is needed: half a tsp. ammonia and two teaspoons of glycerin. Simply wipe stains with a swab dipped in two-part formula, then launder your favorite item in warm soapy water.

. Traditionally, to remove stains of various origins (natural or synthetic), freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid are used - substances with bleaching properties. Try to combine 2 tsp. lemon to-you with oxalic to-oh (1 tsp), dissolve the composition in 200 ml of water, treat stains from tea or coffee, then wash in cool water.

.Tea stains on white, especially on cotton or linen napkins, towels, tablecloths, are always a big problem - they are too often put on by guests during holiday gatherings. Flax is a fairly durable fabric, although it tends to wash poorly, like all natural fabrics. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water and wet the stain with a soft sponge, placing a cloth or paper napkin under it in advance (so that it takes the pollution onto itself). Alcohol can remove dirt by pulling it out from the middle of the fabric fibers,but leave divorces. They are easy to clean with an 8% solution of the same lemon to-you, and only then wash and dry the product.

.It is easy to get rid of coffee and tea contamination by applying a light solution.op one tsp oxalic acid and 2 tsp. lemon to-you, diluted in 200 ml of warm water. And so that there is not even a trace left of the stain, strengthen this mixture with another spoonful of ammonia. Such a powerful composition helps to remove even stains from rust, blood, wine, grass.

. Unfortunately, not only wearable things suffer from our careless handling of drinks, but also more expensive things - carpets, furniture. To remove a coffee stain on a carpet or upholstery of your furniture, moisten a foam sponge or soft brush with a solution of glycerin and thoroughly wipe the contaminated area (the solution is made at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of cold water).

. Painted things need a special approach - after all, they should not lose the brightness of colors in the process of removing dirt. Use a 10% borax solution to remove coffee or tea stains. Treat the place of contamination with brown, and stainsremove with lemon juice or juice (5%) with the addition of a small amount of salt. Rinse the fabric alternately in cold, then in warm water.

. Now let's talk separately about natural fabrics. In order not to spoil wool or silk even more, use heated glycerin. Just cover the stain with a rag soaked in glycerine and let it lie on top for 15 minutes. Then gently blot and launder.

. Another method for removing stains from natural fabrics that is ideal for silk is a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lactic acid and distilled water.

. How to remove a stain from coffee or tea, if many of the methods described above did not bring the result you need? To do this, there is a more radical remedy that should be used only in extreme cases - a solution of bleach. Attention: after wiping with a solution, rinse the product 3-4 times in cold and warm water until the bleach and its smell are completely removed. This method is only suitable for cotton products. Not for the blue tetics, much less wool or silk, it is not suitable, because it tends to corrode the fibers of the fabric.

. Removing stains from coffee and tea from natural silk fabrics is done using a mixture of 1 tsp. lactic acid and 1 tsp. distilled water. Treat the stain and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to thoroughly rinse the fabric in cool water.

Waking up in the morning, a person drinks a cup of tea. This magical drink invigorates, energizes and simply gives a lot of wonderful moments that happen during the tea ceremony. But sometimes troubles happen - these are tea stains, they require some effort to be completely removed.

Having dropped tea on clothes, it is necessary to wash this place. You can use cold water. There is no difference in whether black or green tea left a trace.

The main thing is to take action until it dries and soaks the fabric fibers with tannin. This is a tannin that, when dried, gives a permanent color to the fibers of the fabric.

There is no reason to be upset at the sight of a tea divorce. If you just spilled tea on your clothes, then:

Removing fresh pollution is much easier and easier than dried and old.

How to remove a tea stain

Effective and popular folk remedies

Removing tea stains using folk remedies is much cheaper and more environmentally friendly than going to the store and buying a fairly expensive stain remover. People have long been removing pollution by testing their recipes: as a result, some go into oblivion, while others have come down to us and are still popular.

Hydrogen peroxide

Most often, tea stains appear on tablecloths.

  • This substance is sold in any pharmacy. Tea stains are removed from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide. Here it is necessary to remember that this substance should not be used on colored products. This recipe is easy to use. Wet a cotton pad with peroxide and apply to the dirt. Hold in this position for a quarter of an hour, then remove, wash in cold water. Peroxide, in addition to stains from tea, well removes pollution from wine and green grass.
  • Getting rid of stains with a mixture of equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia: take 35 grams each, apply to the stain and leave for half an hour, then wash.


How to remove stains after drinking tea with linen or snow white cotton tablecloths? Ammonia will come to the rescue in solving this problem. A liter of water is taken, a teaspoon of ammonia is added to it. We impregnate the foam sponge with the resulting substance, moisten the stains. Since we will wet it abundantly, we put a napkin or white cloth under the pollution. In addition, stains may form around, so we prepare a 10% solution of citric acid. We saturate the stains and stand for a quarter of an hour, rinse, then wash in soapy warm water.

Lemon acid


  • Berezhnoe removing dirt with vinegar. To do this, soak a cotton pad in vinegar and wipe the area to be treated until the pollution disappears.
  • Removing stains on colored clothes with table vinegar, which is in every home. Add a full tablespoon of vinegar to 200 grams of water. We soak the damaged fabric. After this procedure, the dirt will be washed off easily.


Household chemicals in the fight against tea stains

Opening the cabinet in the bathroom, you can find a solid amount of laundry detergent in the apartment. Here are washing powders, bleaches, stain removers, various conditioners and fragrances. How to wash tea on fabric with these products? Today, the industry produces a large number of drugs that can cope with pollution without much effort.

Laundry detergents are produced for white and separately colored linen, which include stain removers or bleaches.

When washing in the machine, liquid or powdered stain removers are added, which greatly facilitated the life of the housewives.

How to remove a tea stain on white

Lemon juice removes tea and coffee stains on white

Clothes made of white material are quite easy to wash, but tea stains penetrate deep into the fabric and remain visible.

Radical remedies are needed to eliminate:

  • stain remover with chlorine;
  • clarifier.

Stain remover with chlorine

Chlorox: This substance is used only for white fabrics. It contains chlorine in a fairly high concentration. Therefore, if you wash things in the machine with its addition, then additional soaking and washing is not required.

Domestos: if you put 1 or 2 drops of the substance on a dry tea stain, the stain will go away instantly. The main thing is to rinse the fabric thoroughly after application so that the smell of bleach disappears.


The above recipes are suitable here: citric and oxalic acids, ammonia and peroxide, warm glycerin.

Hair brighteners perfectly fight tea stains: the substance is applied to the fabric, wait 10-15 minutes and washed.

How to wash tea from colored clothes

10% solution Boers removes stains from colored clothes made of any material. It is necessary to apply the solution to the treated area and wipe until the stain disappears. Then wet the sponge in soapy water and wipe the cleaned dirt, rinse simply in water or in cool water with the addition of vinegar.

How to get a tea stain out of a couch

If tea was spilled on the sofa, you must:

  1. Blot the tea with a paper towel, cotton cloth, microfiber. It is forbidden to rub the stain, otherwise the tea particles will penetrate deep into the sofa.
  2. Prepare a solution: 2 cups of water and 1 tbsp of dishwashing liquid. With a sponge slightly moistened with this solution, treat the speck.
  3. Rinse with water and pat dry with a towel.
  4. Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1x1, apply to the treated coating, rinse with water, blot, dry. If the contamination is not removed the first time, repeat the procedure.

In order for clothes to be clean and tidy, it is necessary to closely monitor it, constantly wash it, remove stains, dry it, and iron it. It is gratifying that most stains do not require special treatment, they are washed off with the first wash, but there are also those for which this is not enough. We have already told, and today we will consider how to remove a tea stain.

In this material, you can learn useful information regarding the removal of tea stains from clothes of various types, we will consider different ways and means of dealing with such stains.

Tea is one of the favorite drinks of millions of people.

Washing fresh footprints

Almost all people regularly drink tea, a delicious, invigorating and tonic drink. Therefore, it is not surprising that tea stains constantly appear on garments. Such pollution is not catastrophic for things and can be removed in a variety of ways, but are considered uncomfortable and persistent.

The fact is that the composition of tea contains phenolic compounds of tannin, which are responsible for the taste of the drink. It is they who are the reason for the strong fixation of a dark stain from tea on clothes. Therefore, it is important to react immediately to such contamination, which in the fresh state can be removed by conventional means. If you do not do this, then after drying, the stains from the tea will be very problematic to remove.

An unpleasant situation involving tea

If you've just spilled a drink on your clothes, you can take immediate action and quickly remove the stains with regular detergents. To do this, pour warm water into a basin or bath, load a piece of clothing there, and wash the soiled area with ordinary laundry soap.

If you are dealing with delicate fabrics, such as silk or wool, then glycerin soap may well be used. For white cotton or linen items, you can take laundry soap with a bleaching effect.

If hand washing colored or white clothes does not suit you, you can wash them in automatic mode, the main thing is to choose the right settings that are suitable for this type of fabric.

Removing old stains

If you could not immediately react to pollution, or saw an already dried stain, then ordinary washing will not help to remove it. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to remove dried tea from things:

  • Glycerin and table salt can be used to clean a piece of clothing from traces left by tea. We create from these substances a cleaning agent that resembles gruel and apply it to tea stains. The action of the cleaning composition must be constantly monitored, and removed when the stains fade. Long-term presence of this mixture on the fabric will contribute to its rapid wear. Then things should be washed in the usual way, adhering to the standard rules. It is advisable to use medium and low temperatures. Note that this method also allows , .
  • You can create a cleaning composition based on glycerin and in a more liquid form. To do this, mix 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of ammonia. With the resulting composition, use a cotton pad to wipe the tea stain, moving from its edges to the middle. After things have been cleaned, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the cleaning composition and tea using a normal wash.
  • To get rid of traces of tea or coffee on clothes, you can use a mixture of acids that break down tannins. To do this, add a couple of teaspoons of citric acid and one teaspoon of oxalic acid to a glass of clean water, and then mix everything thoroughly. With the resulting composition, it is necessary to treat the stains using improvised means, such as a cotton pad or a light cloth. After processing, it is necessary to wash in order to finally get rid of all the dirt on the colored fabric.

Great warming drink

  • Tea stains from a white cloth will help remove the ammonia. However, it is dangerous to use it in concentrated form, it must always be diluted with water. We take a teaspoon of ammonia, and dissolve this chemical in 1 liter of clean water. You will get a very weak solution, which must be thoroughly soaked in the fabric in the process of removing the traces left by the tea. In order for the stain to be more successfully washed out, it is necessary to put sheets of white paper or napkins under it. It is the paper that should eventually absorb the coloring pigment.
  • After ammonia, stains may remain, but they can be easily washed off with citric acid diluted with water. After treatment with lemon, clothes should be allowed to cool for 10-15 minutes, and then rinsed and washed in warm or cool water. By the way, natural lemon juice promotes the breakdown of tannin, so it can also be used to treat tea stains.
  • For delicate light-colored things, there is nothing better than hydrogen peroxide. This composition removes many impurities, and tea is no exception. After treating the dirt with peroxide, it is necessary to wash things exclusively in cool water.
  • For natural silk, lactic acid can be used. Lactic acid must be diluted with water in equal proportions, treated with the resulting composition of the soiled area, and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. A subsequent rinse in cold water will remove all traces of tea.
  • For natural cotton fabrics, you can use bleach or chlorine stain removers. This will remove stubborn marks on things that you have spilled tea leaves or very strong tea on. The aggressive composition of bleach for cotton is not terrible, while for synthetics, wool, silk it is simply fatal. If these fabrics are treated with a solution of bleach, then instead of a dark stain from tea, you can get a hole.
  • To remove traces of tea from delicate silk and woolen items, use glycerin heated to room temperature. A warm solution helps to quickly get rid of stains. After processing, after 10-15 minutes, when the fabric has cooled down, you can rinse the former soiled places with warm water.
  • You can remove tea stains from colored fabrics with a 10% solution of borax. With this composition, the initial treatment of the soiled area is carried out. Then the remaining traces are removed with a mixture of citric acid and salt. After cleaning the stains, the clothes should be rinsed in cold water and then in warm water.

Nice color drink

All these methods have been tested many times, they allow you to get rid of the presence of tea traces most quickly and safely for clothes.

At the same time, in order to effectively remove stains, it is necessary to follow certain rules to protect the fabric and simplify the work. The following tips will help you deal with these contaminants:

  1. Before treating stains with a cleaning compound, make a substrate under the stained area. White paper, napkins or a highly absorbent cloth are suitable as a substrate.
  2. With colored clothes, you should always be careful when removing stains left by tea, coffee, fruit or berry juice. To be 100% sure of a cleaning agent, you must first test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing, a bend or a seam. Many cleaning compounds wash not only the pollution itself, but also the dye from the fabric.
  3. Start processing the stain from the area around it, then smoothly move to the edges and move to the middle. This method will not allow smearing contamination on a clean cloth.
  4. It is advisable to start treatment with a less concentrated cleaning composition, and as the cleaning progresses, increase the concentration. This technique will also save you from unnecessary damage to things.

Summing up, it is worth noting that if it is possible to immediately wash the things on which tea was poured, it is necessary to do this, because after drying the drink is deeply eaten into the structure of the fabric, and then it becomes problematic to remove the stains. Otherwise, tea stains are perfectly removed from white, yellow, green, red and any other material.

Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of freshly brewed tea. Each nation has its own special ritual of preparing this fragrant drink, as well as tea drinking ceremonies, which are rooted in antiquity. However, a drink that is useful in all respects can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes in the form of yellowish streaks.

Why tea dyes fabrics

Tea stains are classified as difficult to remove because they do not disappear with normal washing. The coloring properties of the drink are given by the tannins contained in its composition. It has been proven that their content in green tea is much higher than in black. Tannins intensively stain the fabric, firmly eating into its fibers, and leaving an unpleasant mark. Many seek to immediately get rid of damaged clothes, not even assuming that there are many ways to remove a tea stain on colored and white linen.

Interesting fact! Freshly brewed tea is used as a safe natural dye when toning or permanently dyeing white fabrics or paper.

Fresh tea stains are easy to remove, while old stains require a different approach. However, by showing patience and perseverance, and sometimes resorting to cunning, even the most persistent of them can be brought out.

How to remove a fresh tea stain

The ideal solution to the problem of "how to wash tea" can be called the use of a stain remover, which can be purchased at the store. But it will be much cheaper and safer to use improvised means that are available in every home.

Fresh tea stains, if detected in time, can be removed in a matter of minutes. They are easily washed from any fibers, even in cold water.

To do this, soak the wardrobe item or textiles in a warm soapy solution, and then carefully rub the soiled area with a brush. As a rule, tea stains disappear instantly and forever. But this method is good if the trouble happened at home.

At a party, where it is not possible to change clothes or wash soiled clothes, you can use another option for express cleaning. No matter what kind of stain - from green tea or traditional black, they are easily removed in this way. Cotton pad soaked in alcohol the area to be treated should be thoroughly blotted. So the liquid will not penetrate into the fibers of the fabric, but will combine with alcohol. This will allow you to wash and rinse the item later, when you return home. As a rule, after treatment, the spots disappear without a trace.

Fresh contamination from black or green tea can be quickly removed if it is blot with a paper towel and sprinkle with salt. After the salt changes its color, it must be shaken off, and the place should be treated with a swab with alcohol (ammonia or medical). To save a thing, you can use a mixture of glycerin and salt. Apply the paste to the contaminated area. When the traces of tea disappear, remove the slurry, and wash the thing in the mode corresponding to the type of fabric.

How to remove an old stain

To remove yellow and brown marks, you need to make some efforts, while showing maximum patience. To remove tea stains that have had time to dry thoroughly, you can use one of several options:

  • washing in a washing machine;
  • the use of store funds;
  • use of popular advice.

The first two options involve the use of cleaning agents or household chemicals that are sold in the store, but are not always at hand. The latter option allows you to use the funds available in the house of each hostess.

Glycerol- is considered one of the effective and affordable inexpensive substances used to cleanse tissues. It can be wardrobe items, textiles, tablecloths, tulle. It perfectly removes pollution of various degrees. To remove old stains, it is necessary to heat a small amount of pure glycerin, and treat the place of contamination with it. After a quarter of an hour, the thing should be washed in soapy water and rinsed thoroughly.

table vinegar- the best option for removing old tea stains on both colored and white fabrics. A small amount of vinegar should be dissolved in warm water and immersed in the soiled item. After the traces disappear, it must be washed with powder.

Borax (sodium tetraborate)- is an affordable, proven and inexpensive means of removing old tea stains on all types of fabrics. A 10% solution of the substance should be carefully applied to the contaminated area and treated for several minutes until the stains completely disappear. Wipe the cleaned dirt with a sponge dipped in soapy water and rinse in clean water.

How to remove a stain with improvised means

Any tea stain can be removed if you choose the right product to remove tea leaves at home.

oxalic acid powder, diluted to a paste, it must be applied to the contamination, and left for 30–45 minutes. Clothes should be washed in the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide solution used to restore white fabrics. It is applied for an hour, after which it is removed, and the thing is sent to the wash.

Ammonia also used to repair white fabrics. The liquid is applied to the problem area. Further processing consists in washing and rinsing the salvaged item.

Lemon acid is a substitute for lemon juice and is also used to remove tea stains in the form of an aqueous solution. It perfectly breaks down dyes, returning the fabric to its original appearance.

How to remove stains from white fabric

Any tea stains on white linen are much easier to remove than on colored fabrics, since you do not have to worry about the fabric shedding or completely fading. Therefore, you can use the following tools to restore.

Bleach. Suitable for removing tea stains on whites. Dilute in water according to the instructions and place the soiled item in the prepared solution. After some time, it should be rinsed and washed by hand or in a washing machine.

Bleach. This substance, which is part of many stain removers, can effectively remove tea stains on light natural fabrics. She can remove stains on a napkin or tablecloth. The damaged item should be placed in the solution, then rinsed and washed.

To remove dirt on a white cloth, you can also use natural lemon juice. Apply the product to the contaminated area and leave until the stain completely disappears. Wash in soapy water and rinse.

An equally popular way to remove black tea from white things can be called lactic acid. The substance, diluted 1:1 in water, actively removes stains from delicate white fabrics.

A mixture of glycerin and ammonia It will also help to remove a tea stain from a white T-shirt. The composition, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, is applied for half an hour, followed by washing the product in warm soapy water and rinsing.

You can use normal boiling water, if the pollution is light. It is recommended to water the pollution with hot water until it disappears completely. After washing the item in soapy water, rinse it.

Removing stains from colored fabrics

To remove a stain from a colored fabric, you can use a mixture of ½ tsp. ammonia and 2 tsp. glycerin. The mixture is applied to the problem area for half an hour, after which the product is sent to the wash.

A 10% solution of borax or a mixture of lactic acid and water will help remove contamination from colored fabrics. They allow you to remove stains while maintaining the structure and color of fabrics.

With tea stains on woolen clothes, a solution consisting of soap shavings, citric acid, and table vinegar will cope. It is suitable for both hand and machine wash.

A complex composition of soap shavings, vinegar, citric acid and borax will help remove a stain from green or black tea from knitwear.

How to remove stains from jeans

To remove tea stains from jeans or woolen fabrics, we recommend using ten percent solution of borax. It is applied to the damaged surface and left until the traces disappear completely. To permanently remove the tea stain from the jeans, the area is treated with soapy water. Finally, the product is rinsed in clean water.

How to remove stains from furniture and carpet

If tea gets on furniture or carpet, you need to get rid of the liquid, and only then proceed to eliminate dark spots. Removing a tea stain on a carpet will help dishwashing liquid, which is applied to the problem area, and subsequently removed with warm water. Remaining dirt can be removed with vinegar from the carpet, which should be left for 10 minutes. A similar tool can be used if you need to remove tea stains from the carpet.

Washing in the washing machine

A washing machine will help you quickly remove tea stains. Depending on the type of fabric, the mode is selected and the desired agent is poured. If the stain is fresh, then simply throw the item into the machine and wash it as usual.

If the stain is old, then it can be pre-treated with the means indicated above. The help of the washing machine is to save time and effectively clean, which allows you to save your favorite wardrobe item.

Dry cleaning

If you do not have the time or energy to remove tea stains yourself, you can use the services of dry cleaning. Professionals will quickly and efficiently put your things in order. This is an expensive, but effective option that allows you to save your favorite thing.

Tea is not just a drink, it is a whole philosophy. How often, in a variety of circumstances, we resort to a tried and tested way to warm up, think, communicate, confess or make a decision. However, from a practical point of view, tea has one unpleasant feature: stains from it are quite difficult to remove. And yet this is not a reason to immediately contact the dry cleaner - you can try to cope with pollution at home.

Spot Features

"You need to know the enemy by sight" - says folk wisdom. In our case, the role of the enemy is stains, the resistance of which is due to the content of tannin in tea. This aromatic hydrocarbon - a phenolic compound - provides the drink with an amazing taste and exquisite aftertaste. But tannin has one very important feature: the substance shows coloring properties only with time, so the “older” the stain, the more difficult it is to remove it.

For the amazing taste and aroma of tea, sometimes you have to pay with a merciless fight against stains from this drink on different surfaces.

Properties of traces from different types of tea

Green tea stains, which are not as intense in color as black tea, are considered harmless. But in fact, this is a delusion, since there are even more phenolic compounds in this type of drink. Regarding herbal teas, pu-erh, they also contain tannins, only in different quantities, which, in fact, does not change things: it will not be easy to remove old stains, especially from fabrics.

Any type of tea contains tannin, which has tannins.

This is interesting. Pu-erh tea lovers probably know that it takes many months, years to produce it. Moreover, if the Shen Puer production method is used, then the tea leaves undergo natural fermentation for 7–8 years, and the infusion is not too dark. But with the accelerated Shu Puer technology, fermentation takes only 100 days and 12 months for aging, but the color becomes saturated, dark. These stains will not be easy to remove.

So, we can conclude that the method of removing stains does not depend on the type of tea, since the basis of any pollution is the coloring properties of tannin, which is present in any brewed drink.

Stain removal options

There are two ways to deal with pollution:

At the same time, resorting to the help of specialists is definitely worth it only in a few cases.

  1. If the trace of tea remains on natural fur or artificial, but light shades. It will not be easy to remove traces of a drink from such a fleecy surface without damaging it mechanically. So it's better not to risk it.
  2. If your attempts to remove the stain have not been successful. True, it is worth noting that not all dry cleaners will take up the thing that they tried to clean at home.
  3. If you are afraid of the prospect - even minimal - to spoil the thing.

Work rules

From whatever surface you have to remove the stain, there are three important conditions that must be observed:

We clean textiles

The most common category of surfaces "affected" by tea is textiles, that is, clothing, furniture upholstery, carpets. At the same time, it is hardly possible to compete with clothes: these things are more often than others in the line of fire. Removing stains from fabrics requires careful study of labels to find out the best cleaning methods. Namely, washing and its regimen, or dry cleaning. If you settled on the first option, then in this case the invariable rule applies: the faster you start removing the stain, the more chances for luck.

The sooner you start removing stains, the greater the chance of success.


The most effective and convenient option for removing any stains, including tea stains. But here you need to know which washing method (machine or hand) is allowed in a particular case.

Please read the cleaning instructions label carefully before washing.

Table: machine wash different types of fabric

If the stain is fresh, it is likely that one wash will suffice. But if the pollution has already eaten in, then you will first have to take care of removing traces of tea, and only then wash it: in a typewriter or by hand.

Effective ways to remove stains

As we have already found out, no matter what kind of tea appears in the form of a stain on natural or artificial textiles, the methods for removing it will be the same. There is only one difference: the degree of saturation of the stain remover. So, for synthetics, the concentration of the solution should be higher than for natural materials. The composition of stain removers will vary depending on the color of the item.

Generic Methods

Regarding the removal of tea stains, such textile cleaning options are not always effective, but it is still better to start with them. Especially if the stain has just appeared.


The traditional way to remove stains.


Salt or sugar


  1. We fall asleep a fresh trace with sugar or salt.
  2. We leave for 1 hour.
  3. We remove the remnants of the product and rinse the problem area with warm water.

White things, tablecloths, towels and tulle

If we are talking about bulky products, such as, for example, tulle, then a fresh (!) Tea stain is not yet a reason for washing, washing after processing the pollution is enough.

Ammonium chloride and citric acid


This is interesting. This method is great for removing stains from white cotton and linen.

As an alternative to ammonia, you can offer a stain remover based on 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Lemon juice

A great option for an ambulance that is always at hand.


  1. Lemon juice is dripped onto a cotton pad and rubbed into the dirt.
  2. We leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

Video: how to remove a tea stain from a white cloth with lemon juice



By the way, if the stain is old, then we add one more ingredient to this recipe: ammonia.


  1. We heat the glycerin as in the previous method.
  2. Add ammonia in a ratio of 1:2, that is, for example, 2 tsp. glycerin 1 tsp alcohol.

For fleecy fabrics, we prepare a special paste based on glycerin.


Oxalic acid

Old stains require more drastic measures. In our case - acid treatment.


This is interesting. To avoid acid burns, add acid to water, not the other way around.

Hyposulfite (salt used in medicine and photography)

In terms of effectiveness, this tool may well compete with oxalic acid. In this case, there is no risk of burns or tissue burning at the slightest violation of the proportion of the connection.



Natural fabrics have one undoubted advantage over artificial ones: they can be bleached with chlorine stain removers. But at the same time, such a tool cannot be used on thin delicate tissues - either a hole is formed, or the product turns yellow.

Colored products

A feature of the processing of such things will be that after treating the stains, it is desirable to wash them completely - so there will definitely not be stains after the place of pollution dislocation has dried.

Of course, in the arsenal of means for removing stains from colored textiles there should be a universal recipe. This is exactly what borax solution is. They can process jeans, cotton, linen, silk and even knitted sweaters.

Borax or sodium tetraborate


Warm glycerin

This is an excellent option for removing tea stains from silk items, fine wool products.


  1. In a water bath, heat 2-3 tbsp. l. glycerin.
  2. We wipe the pollution with this solution.
  3. We wash the product in the usual way.

How to remove tea stains from a carpet or sofa

Working with these surfaces is difficult due to the inconvenience of cleaning them, which means that there is a high probability that the treatment will have to be repeated 2-3 times. And yet the problem is still solvable. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

Dishwashing liquid


  1. We localize the stain, that is, we blot it with a soft cloth (for example, microfiber) or a paper towel.
  2. We breed in 2 tbsp. cold water 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing gel.
  3. We wipe the stain.
  4. We remove the remnants of the product with clean water.
  5. A cotton pad moistened with table vinegar is applied for 10 minutes to the place where the stain was.
  6. Rinse off the vinegar with cool water and pat dry.

The inconvenience of using dishwashing gel is that after it it is quite difficult to wash the foam - you have to wash the trace many times

This is interesting. You can dry a wet mark on a sofa or carpet naturally (this is the best option!), Or you can speed up the process with a hair dryer by directing a warm stream of air onto the wet area.

Glycerin and ammonia

This remedy is also effective and safe for cotton and linen.


  1. We mix 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and ½ tsp. ammonia.
  2. Apply to the stain with a cotton pad. Lightly rub the place of contamination.
  3. We remove the stain remover residue with a cloth dampened with clean, cool water.

This is interesting. If this method turned out to be ineffective the first time, then you should try something else. Since the textiles may turn yellow from excessive efforts.

Professional stain removers

If there is no desire to prepare home remedies for removing stains, then you can use finished products. Moreover, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products to combat stains of various origins on different types of textiles. Before using the product, carefully read the instructions for processing a particular type of fabric.

Video: step-by-step instructions on how to remove a tea stain with Vanish Oxi Action stain remover
