
Natural energy drinks, cooking energy drinks at home. Natural energy drinks

How important it is for you and me to be healthy, vigorous and energetic at any time of the year, and especially in the autumn-winter period, when our body is weakened and needs special protection. Let's turn to natural remedies for help.

Today we will talk with you about how to cheer up without energy drinks. I present to your attention products that have the same invigorating properties as caffeine, but at the same time, are completely safe for health and your nervous system.

Natural energy drinks are completely harmless, do not contain caffeine and are very easy to prepare - it only takes five minutes of your time.

Chemical-based energy drinks are not always useful, even harmful, so use natural remedies that will give you vivacity, energy and excellent health. And most importantly - help maintain and maintain health!

How to cheer yourself up in the morning


A very important reason for our morning fatigue, lethargy, is a lack of glucose in the blood.

Therefore, for a quick awakening of the body: in the morning on an empty stomach, you can eat 1-2 glucose pills.

Drinking water or fruit juice

Ordinary water will also have a great effect on the activity of body cells and your awakening.

As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water or your favorite juice. This will help your body to start functioning more actively.

Try in the morning and during the day, if necessary, to cheer yourself up with gentle, natural remedies. If you already decide to use caffeine, give preference to the one that is only in freshly ground, natural coffee.

Excellent invigorates dark chocolate with cocoa, chocolate itself must be consumed in solid form.

Useful and very rich in vitamins rosehip broth, black tea with lemon balm.

Now, I will tell you more about natural invigorating remedies, and each of you will choose them according to your taste and what is more suitable for the body.

Green tea

A great alternative to cut down on your daily coffee and caffeine intake. You can start drinking green tea.

Green tea, drunk in the morning, perfectly tones up, gives cheerfulness and energy. Tea stimulates the activity of the body, provides you with the necessary nutrients that are stored throughout the morning.

lemon tonic

A very useful invigorating drink that activates the work of all important body systems.

Lemon tonic - recipe:

In drinking water, one glass of water, add one teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. We mix everything well and drink.

Take boiled water for preparing tonic, preferably a little warm, but not hot.

Contraindications: lemon drink is not suitable for people with diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Ginger tea

Ginger is simply a miracle - a remedy that improves the blood circulation of the body, thanks to which our brain begins to work more actively. This is especially important for knowledge workers.

Ginger tea - recipe:

Peel a small root of ginger from the skin, grate and pour a glass of boiling water. Let the tea brew for 3-5 minutes. Immediately, before pouring boiling water, you can add a little fresh mint. And when the drink cools down a little, a teaspoon of honey - for taste.

Berry-citrus puree

Start your morning with a fruity breakfast.

This dish improves the condition of the whole organism, which means that you will wake up faster and feel more active.

Berry-citrus puree - recipe:

  • Cranberries or other berries to taste - 200 grams.
  • Orange pulp, pitted - 200 grams.

We skip the berries and orange through a meat grinder or grind in a puree with a blender. Sweeten to taste - add a little honey.

Eat for breakfast, adding 1 - 2 tablespoons to porridge.

Fresh (freshly squeezed juices)

Freshly squeezed natural juices, instead of coffee, are a great way to recharge your positive mood and energy for the whole day.

Let your morning begin with a pleasant enjoyment of a juicy, tasty drink with an amazing aroma of fresh fruits.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is especially useful, it is rich in vitamin C - it perfectly invigorates and fills you with energy for the whole day.


Eleutherococcus has an invigorating effect, has a positive effect on the entire body, increases its endurance. In addition, it relieves drowsiness, strengthens the immune system and increases mental activity. Why not natural energy?

This is because Eleutherococcus contains biologically active substances - which scientists called eleutherosides.

Recent studies have shown that eleutherococcus has a positive effect on people who suffer from constant fatigue syndrome.

Athletes, after training, also speak positively about this natural energy.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is the best natural energy drink given to us by nature.

The invigorating effect after the use of preparations based on lemongrass increases gradually, after about 35-40 minutes. However, its action lasts for as much as 5 hours.

Lemongrass Chinese, increases efficiency, normalizes sleep and emotional state.

Now you know how to cheer up without energy drinks. We wish you good health and great well-being!

In modern society, it is necessary that there are 100 hours in a day, then a person, perhaps, will begin to keep up. People are so accustomed to the fast pace of life that they simply do not follow how they live, how they eat, how much they sleep. But, sooner or later, all this affects health, and then we begin to suffer, sleep for a long time, and gain new problems and worries. To avoid all this, it is enough to drink natural energy drinks that will keep our health in good condition, and in this article we will tell you how to prepare an energy drink at home.

Energy drinks have earned great popularity, especially among young people. Imagine that you need to prepare for exams, you, as always, do everything on the last day, and on the night before passing the subject you have to cram everything quickly. Naturally, you want to sleep more, but you can’t go to bed anymore, otherwise you can just oversleep the alarm clock. And in this difficult moment, an energy drink comes to our aid, which can be bought at any store. But, does it really help? Does he really not want to sleep?

The fact is that all modern energy drinks are built on giving the maximum effect in a short time, and besides, it is important for business owners that it also sells well. Therefore, they add to them a large portion of caffeine, taurine and other components that immediately act on the body. It seems to us that it really helps, because you don’t want to sleep, but we all forget about the consequences. Of course, if you drink one bottle, then it will not hurt much, but here supplements come into play that cause a certain dependence, and you start drinking more and more. This amount of caffeine and taurine greatly harms the liver, kidneys, and also the brain, because, in fact, it does not receive useful components, and does not get rest.

Natural energy is a completely different matter. Their main task is to help people restore the body after a hard day, to prepare before difficult working days, but not to harm in any way. The fact is that natural energy works according to the following principle: it saturates the human body with useful substances, minerals, vitamins, and the brain does not need additional rest. As you know, in a dream, the brain and body rest in order to restore strength, accumulate and process the minerals and vitamins received during the day. If you saturate the body with useful components with the help of natural energy drinks, then you will need less time to sleep, you will be active, cheerful, and will be able to do many useful things, and you will still have energy for entertainment.

The benefits and harms of natural energy

The benefits of natural energy drinks are incommensurably great, and you will now see for yourself:

  • First of all, they are made from natural ingredients and do not have any chemicals. This is their main advantage over purchased ones.
  • Also, these drinks do not contain caffeine, which in large quantities is very harmful to humans.
  • They are simply made at home and you don't have to spend a lot of money.
  • Such energy drinks are always fresh, and contain vitamins C, E, B, K, D, F and others.

These are not all the advantages of such a drink, but they also have harm, or rather, contraindications:

  • Such drinks are made only from natural products, but if you are allergic to one or another component, then you should not use such an energy drink.
  • It will also be harmful if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you simply must consult a doctor.
  • Some drinks contain sugar, glucose in a considerable amount, and if you have diabetes, then also ask your doctor if you can drink such drinks.
  • Otherwise, they will be useful and will saturate the body with vitamins, and you will get strength, energy, and a lot of extra time.

Making energy drinks at home

Making energy drinks at home is a fairly simple task, but it takes time and attention. Nevertheless, even a child can prepare such a tasty and healthy drink that will add a lot of strength and energy. It will take you only five minutes to create a unique drink that allows you to give a huge benefit, the main thing is to relax and enjoy what you will be doing.

So, let's start with energy drinks that will invigorate you in the morning, and you will immediately gain energy and strength. They are prepared quite simply, but at the same time, they are very useful and effective.

The fact is that the problem of morning sleepiness is that there is not enough glucose in your blood. Accordingly, this situation must be corrected, and you will instantly wake up. But, first you need to drink a glass of the simplest energy drink, which is not worth preparing - this is ordinary purified water. Yes, it is because of the lack of water that people often feel tired. In the morning, you can drink warm water to wake up the cells, wake up the stomach, and during the day, drink clean, chilled water.

You can also eat bitter natural chocolate, but not all the bar at once, otherwise something will stick together. One piece is enough for the body to receive a portion of glucose. Now you can prepare an elementary drink that will invigorate. After it, you can safely engage in mental and physical activity.

lemon tonic

Lemon tonic is very easy to make. In drinking water, preferably cool, you should add one teaspoon of lemon juice (of course, natural, not diluted citric acid), and one teaspoon of honey. Mix it all well, and drink to your health. Such a tool will give you a lot of energy and strength in the morning, and you will be immediately ready for exploits.

You can make another drink that is also perfect for morning awakening.

Ginger energy tea

Ginger is generally an amazing tool that allows you to improve the condition of the body as a whole, and in particular, it actively affects the human circulatory system. Thanks to this, our brain will begin to work actively, and you will be able to quickly return from the state of sleeping beauty.

Making this drink is easy. Take a small ginger root and peel it with scissors or a knife. Grate it on a fine grater, and pour a glass of boiling water. This decoction should be infused for 3-5 minutes, and you can drink it. To add a more pleasant taste, before pouring boiling water, you can put a mint leaf, and when the tea is infused, add a spoonful of honey, or a little sugar.

These simple morning energy drinks will help you feel like a person in the morning, especially after a stormy night at a club or at work.

But, cooking energy drinks at home should not be limited to morning drinks. After all, it happens that you just need to stock up on strength for the whole night to finish a project, or prepare for an exam. Therefore, we present you a recipe that will help you make a drink so that you do not want to sleep for a long time.

Ginger drink to recharge the body

We have already talked about the properties of ginger. This drink will allow you not to fall asleep all night, but it is better to take it in small portions 3-4 times a day, if it doesn’t work out, then you can immediately at one time, but. It's better to stretch it out.

So, we need:

  • ginger root - 1pc (about 100g)
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • cinnamon stick or pinch


Peel the ginger root and rub it on a fine grater. You can also pass it through a meat grinder, and then, it should be mixed with lemon juice and honey. Add cinnamon to taste, and fill it all with hot water, it is not necessary that it be boiling water. Mix well, let the drink infuse for 20 minutes. You should drink it in a glass 3-4 times a day, and you will definitely not sleep at night.

As you can see, preparing energy drinks at home does not take much time, energy drinks are easy to prepare, and most importantly, they are absolutely harmless. We wish you health and success!

According to harsh parents, the best energy supply for a child is the kind of well-soaked rod or father's belt. Indeed, you can’t imagine anything more natural and there is no harm to internal organs.
From this point of view, the upcoming session for students or the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Commission for restaurateurs are also good stimulants. Fear of failure contributes to the injection of adrenaline - and it rushed clumsy over bumps with eyes falling out of horror.

However, the body under such loads consumes many times more fuel than in the normal state. You can supply him with chemicals or concentrates - but these are all surrogates with unpredictable side effects.
Natural energy drinks are useful, completely absorbed by the body and do not come around with sores of adulthood. They can be divided into two types according to their origin: Plant and animal.


Feeding from the fauna (animal) is also divided into two main branches, let's call them for clarity "voluntary" and "compulsory" - from the point of view of animals, of course. Voluntary - all kinds of allocations, of which various dairy and sour-milk products are in the lead, and forced ... Of the forced ones, fish oil can be considered the most harmless and it is better to close this topic in order to avoid complaints from Greenpeace and other vegetarians.

Only VERY tired and absolutely non-squeamish people will be able to voluntarily consume such drinks. Although their efficiency is approaching 87% - the highest among natural energy.

Fermented milk products in this series are represented by ayran, curdled milk, stat (sour seal milk) and koumiss. The above drinks are available in different parts of the world and are comparable in price to pure drinking water. They have a truly healing effect on the human body: They not only feed it in a hurry, but also stimulate the process of digestion itself.

As a result, a person is able to absorb food and oxygen faster - accordingly, he thinks better and moves more energetically. The efficiency of these drinks approaches 55%, which, combined with a pleasant taste and the absence of side effects, is simply excellent.


There are a number of plant extracts that can be called energy drinks. In pharmaceuticals, they are used as tranquilizers, stimulants, poisons, and other pleasant food additives. However, the vast majority of them are obtained after complex multi-pass processing - this is already minus ten points on a five-point accessibility scale.

But natural juices are undeservedly relegated to the back shelf in this energy supermarket. We are not talking about sour, crushed apples with the aroma of fresh glucose or sweetened water in which three lemons have been washed - no!
Even, and especially, in central Russia there are plants and berries, the juice of which is comparable in its effect to the effect of tincture of medical alcohol on the root of ginseng.

We move the fruits immediately - these are the spermatozoa of the trees, leaving all the vitality in the trunk. Berries and vegetables are sources of strength and good spirits.

Among the berries of the middle and northern strip of Russia, cloudberries and blueberries are in the lead. Usually jams are made from them - but only for the sake of preservation for a long time. Blueberry juice contains fully digestible natural substances, including alkaloids. One hundred grams of this juice is comparable in energy supply to a breakfast consisting of a large mug of coffee brewed from whole grains and three sandwiches with egg and bacon.

Cloudberry is a natural pacemaker FULLY STABILIZING cardiac activity even in heart attacks. Her juice contains tannin homogen (invigorating) and a line of vitamins, next to which southern fruits will wither with envy.

The efficiency of these juices (completely natural and harmless) is close to 82%.
Vegetables do not have such radical and explosive properties, therefore they are good only with regular intake, however, our body does not work on a rotational basis, but constantly, therefore: It should be looked after!

One could write a dissertation on the topic of natural energy drinks ... But - there is no time, no time ... Life runs ahead and you need to swallow something fast-acting in the nearest eatery, but you can think about health even after!
In a hospital bed, for example.

Superfoods and energy drinks

Many products sold as "superfoods" actually need to be consumed for years to get a noticeable result in health and strength gains - the effect is stable and predictable. Superfoods help to significantly improve health, because these products contain a large amount of useful vitamins, minerals and other substances, and in an easily digestible and natural form ... In fact, many vegetables and fruits, especially when raw, are superfoods. But not always a person is able to endure for so long! Sometimes "work rush" at work, sports loads or stress, as well as the risk of getting a cold, require more radical methods.

What to do - take a loading dose of vitamin C (adaptogen), or drink coffee (energy drink)? But there are healthy, vegan foods that provide quick, or sometimes almost instantaneous results - energy boost, cold protection, improved mood and ability to focus. Moreover, without wear and tear of the body, but only due to its nourishment. What kind of natural, non-harmful, and at the same time affordable "energy" do we have, as opposed to chemical "from a jar", which mainly contain coffee or guarana (which is also, in fact, coffee)? Maybe there are even “ours”, Russian adaptogens growing in the Russian Federation? Eat! Are foreign ones good: from South America and China, for example? Let's try to figure it out!

Energy drinks and adaptogens

It is more correct to call what we will talk about today “adaptogens”. This somewhat scientific term is, in fact, straight to the point: these are substances that help the body adapt to negative, unexpected factors. Say, don't get sick in the cold. Or “carry bags! So, for example, the situation is far from fantastic: it was cloudy in the morning, went for a run, ran to the park - got caught in the rain (moreover, with snow) ... What should I do? In order not to catch a cold from a lack of "adaptation", you can take a natural adaptogen (or "chemical" - vitamin C!). But usually it's better to eat natural! And what exactly - see a little lower in the text.

From the point of view of people involved in sports and fitness - we are on the same path with them! - adaptogens are substances that increase endurance, tone the body, stimulate the central nervous system and help protect the body from negative environmental factors (such as the same rain and snow, for example).

Most of the energy drinks used by vegetarians and "omnivores" are vegan, of plant origin. But there is no need to completely lose vigilance, because. there are exceptions - for example, the well-known energy drink (adaptogen) pantocrine obtained from cut antlers (not keratinized horns) of live or killed deer - this is not an ethical product at all.

Also, it is undesirable to drink coffee, which, on the one hand, is a natural vegan product that has a number of typical adaptogen properties, and is even sometimes used as a medicine (including for headaches or in case of loss of strength), but on the other hand, with regular use is undesirable, tk. vivacity from coffee lasts no more than 40 minutes, and then gives a "rollback" for 2-3 hours, "in the bottom line" millet tiring and exhausting the body, and especially in large doses. In addition, caffeine removes fluid from the body, which, most often, is undesirable (unless you suffer from enuresis, for example). Moreover, a weak but persistent addiction is formed to coffee! Do you need it?

(A few more representatives of the "black list" - see at the end of the material). Luckily, these black sheep are just a drop in the bucket of affordable, healthy, and 100% vegan adaptogens! These days, so many herbal "energy" or adaptogens have been well studied by scientists and have been tried for decades by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and sick and debilitated people, with noticeable results. And now they can be bought in our country, and used for health benefits.

The best "domestic" plant energy (what is growing and what is harvested from us):

· Ginseng (tincture) - "Ginseng" is a long-known Chinese remedy "for everything", the best - or at least the most studied and known - adaptogen. The root of the plant is used. In China, they talk about 7 beneficial properties of ginseng: relieves fatigue and strengthens the body, good for the heart, calms the nerves, quenches thirst, good for the lungs, digestion and skin.

Eleutherococcus (extract): minus - the beneficial effect is revealed with long-term use - by the course; pluses - it improves not only physical, but also mental performance, with a normal dosage it has no side effects. This proven product is regularly taken by Russian cosmonauts, Olympic athletes, climbers, specialists in difficult and dangerous professions.

Zamaniha (tincture) - gives vivacity, is used in case of loss of strength and depression, it is logical to use it in the cold season to improve the general condition and mood,

Rhodiola (extract or capsules) - also "Rhodiola rosea" or "golden root", a useful plant with a wide spectrum of action. In particular, it helps with diseases of the respiratory system and colds in general, with asthenic conditions, relieves fatigue, is good for the heart, lungs, and brain. Light antidepressant. It can be purchased not only as an alcohol-based tincture, but also in capsules, in powder or in the form of dry raw materials.

Leuzea (extract) - "maral root". It grows mainly in Altai and Siberia. It is used both as a tonic, and for insomnia, alcoholism, and diabetes mellitus. It is a vasodilator and aphrodisiac for men.

Aralia (tincture) - "Aralia Manchurian" is known for its ability to reduce high blood sugar, in addition to the general adaptogenic effect. Restorative, tonic. Caution: increases appetite!

Slightly less desirable/effective for non-athletes:

Schisandra chinensis (tincture): the downside is that it is very invigorating;

Sterculia (tincture). Cons: not very strong, contains caffeine. Plus - the prevention of colds in the cold period.

Some of these energy drinks not only strengthen the body, but also noticeably invigorate, so they should be taken in the morning to avoid problems with falling asleep. This:


Schisandra Chinese,

Aralia tincture,

tincture of lure,

Leuzea extract,

Sterculia tincture

Exotic energy drinks from other countries:

· Mate (mate, yerbamate) - a drink originally from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, widely popular with the local population. It contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body, as well as a special substance - matein, which is an adaptogen. In reasonable amounts, this nutritious and slightly invigorating drink does not cause the side effects associated with coffee: tremors, heart palpitations, trouble falling asleep - although the action is not weaker. It relaxes the muscles, therefore it is interesting for those who play sports (after, not before training). Reduces cholesterol. It dulls the feeling of hunger: it can be used to smoothly reduce the amount of food consumed per day. Useful for high mental stress. Dry raw materials require proper brewing and use.

Ashwagandha (“horsepower”) is an Ayurvedic adaptogen. Tones without depriving sleep, even calms the nerves. Not recommended for severe slagging of the body. It has many uses that experts can spend hours explaining. One of the strongest preparations of "export" Ayurveda. Increases Ojas (sattvic energy).

· Cat's claw ("una de gato") - a liana from the forests of the Amazon and Peru. Not only an adaptogen, but also a good remedy for the prevention of colds and flu. Is an aphrodisiac.

· Zanthoxylum is the bark of a tree that grows in Japan (where it is used for making bonsai), the Southeast United States, and China. In addition to the general strengthening and tonic effect typical of other adaptogens, it is useful for teeth, gums, and oral mucosa. In the East, it is used as a seasoning ("Sichuan pepper"), and in the South of China (as "hua-zhao") it is even better known than ginseng and is used as a dietary supplement.

Suma root (Brazilian ginseng) is an effective adaptogen. A shrubby vine native to Central and South America. Strengthens the immune system, relieves Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), has other useful properties.

Catuaba (translated from the Guarani language - "what gives the Indian strength") - has been known since ancient times to the Indians of modern Brazil as a tonic and a powerful aphrodisiac (used for men and women). At the same time, it has no side effects and has a moderate calming effect: it helps against irritability and stress.

· Betel (betel nut) is not recommended as a natural energy drink. its regular use has a number of negative side effects and is addictive. Regular chewing of betel, common in India, apparently depletes the nervous system, and also gives a person an unattractive appearance (“zombie”): bright red inflamed gums and lips, teeth sticking out in different directions, red eyes with burst blood vessels, sharp body movements and severe tremor of the fingers. Perhaps betel (at least when combined with lime) depletes Ojas. Consider it as an adaptogen "for every day" is not worth it.

Also not a priority is the cola nut (Colaacuminate) - a natural adaptogen. Contains caffeine! Excites the nervous system. Contrary to the coincidence with the name, it is almost certainly not included in the modern (secret) composition of the Coca-Cola drink.

Another less desirable natural energy drink is guarana. Its extract is found in many energy and sports drinks. It is worth remembering that the main active ingredient of guarana is caffeine, a slightly toxic substance, and it is 2 times more in guarana grains than in coffee beans.

The above list of herbal adaptogens, of course, does not claim to be complete! Selected subjectively the most interesting, and available "with us". If you know other effective natural adaptogens, share your findings and experiences in the comments! In addition, such unconfirmed by science, "controversial" adaptogens, like noni, and powerful and proven, but "slow" adaptogens, like goji berries and other similar ones, are not listed - they are more correctly classified as superfoods. For ethical reasons, neither "bloody" adaptogens, nor those obtained from insects (including yarsagubma - cordyceps) and in beekeeping were included in our "hit parade".

RESTRICTIONS. Natural adaptogens are safe and beneficial - but of course, it is important to follow the recommended dosages. Remember that any of these adaptogens should not be taken for longer than 1 month, as they can accumulate in the body. Plant adaptogens are taken in a course, and preferably after consultation with a doctor: there are contraindications, incl. such as pregnancy, high fever and infectious diseases and a number of others - check on the package or in the instructions for use of each drug. In general, herbal adaptogens usually have little or no side effects (and those that do occur are symptomatic and pass quickly) and are not toxic if taken in large doses by accident.

Alexey Sokolovsky

What to do if fatigue, weakness, laziness, lethargy, drowsiness and lack of energy attacked you en masse, and your energy is sorely lacking and by the end of the day you are squeezed like a lemon? How to become a cheerful and energetic person who manages everything, and spend a minimum of money on this with maximum efficiency?

In the modern world, there is a fetish for everything healthy and natural, all sorts of cleansing of the body, which sometimes reach the point of absurdity (read the article) and other nonsense in the spirit, but in the case of energy drinks, this is quite justified.

Why would you even buy this expensive, sweet, carbonated mix when you can buy the best natural natural energy drink at a pharmacy for a penny?

What to replace the purchased ones?

So, in order to feel alert and full of energy, you need to know what andaptogens are. Andaptogenes- these are substances that have a general tonic effect on the body and increase its resistance to high physical exertion, in conditions of hypoxia, with sudden bioclimatic changes.

It sounds abstruse, but it is this term that very accurately reflects the essence: these substances help the body adapt to negative or simply unexpected factors.

You don't need to go far for an example: it was sunny in the morning, and by evening the temperature dropped, and a nasty, fine rain charged. A familiar situation, isn't it? In order not to catch a cold, you can take a natural adaptogen and protect yourself.

In addition, for people involved in sports (yes, this is us 😉), adaptogens are a great way to increase endurance, “support” the body with energy, stimulate the central nervous system and protect against negative environmental factors (such as the very rain).

This group of reducing agents includes preparations based on ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea, aralia, Chinese magnolia vine, deer antlers, mumiyo and some others. These drugs should not be taken with increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac disorders, and also in the hot season. It is also necessary to periodically change adaptogens to prevent addiction to them.

So, what to do if there is not enough energy?

How and from what to make: recipes

note: natural stimulants will only benefit you if you follow the recommended dosages and take into account all contraindications. Remember that any of the adaptogens described below should not be taken longer than 1 month.

Herbal adaptogens are taken in a course, and preferably after consultation with a doctor.: there are contraindications, incl. such as pregnancy, high fever and infectious diseases, high/low blood pressure, kidney problems, etc. Be sure to refer to this item on the package or in the instructions for use of each drug.

In general, plant energy drinks usually have practically no side effects (and the existing ones are symptomatic, they pass quickly), but you should not think that since natural means automatically safe!

Natural energy bomb for the body

Always lacking strength and energy, and constant fatigue has become your best friend? Then introduce her to ginseng! Preparations based on it have a tonic effect on the body, stimulate metabolism, prevent the development of fatigue, exhaustion and general weakness, and increase efficiency.

In China, they talk about 7 beneficial properties of ginseng: relieves fatigue and strengthens the body, good for the heart, calms the nerves, quenches thirst, good for the lungs, digestion and skin. Available in the form of tincture, powder in capsules and tablets.

Price: from 35 rubles

Mode of application: Ginseng tincture is used 15-25 drops 3 times a day in a small amount of dissolved baking soda, the course is 10-15 days.

Ginseng translates as "man-root". If you purchased dried ginseng, then it can be taken as part of tea or as a seasoning, including in combination with other ingredients.

How to become more cheerful in the morning in 5 minutes at home

Energy drinks with eleutherococcus extract. This is our answer to the question of how to become cheerful if you don’t get enough sleep! Eleutherococcus has a stronger antitoxic and radioprotective, antihypoxic and antistress effect. In sports medicine, it is used as a tonic and regenerative agent for heavy physical exertion, overwork.

Some sources report that the effect of Eleutherococcus extract is not so much curative as preventive.

To not fall asleep

What to do if you feel weak, lethargic and apathetic? Buy lemongrass chinese. It is taken in the form of tincture, powder, tablets, decoction of dried fruits, or dry fruits, fresh juice are added to tea. Lemongrass is a kind of biostimulant, toning up the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increases resistance to hypoxia.

It is used to activate the metabolism, accelerate the recovery of the body during heavy physical exertion, to increase efficiency, with overwork and overtraining. Contraindicated in nervous overexcitation, insomnia, hypertension.

Tincture price: from 76 rubles.

Attention: the effect can be very strong, take only in the morning (preferably in the morning) to avoid problems with falling asleep

Herbal pre and post workout

Aralia Manchurian - here's your choice! Preparations from this plant in their action belong to the group of ginseng. They are used as a tonic to increase physical and mental performance during recovery periods after training, as well as to prevent overwork and in asthenic conditions - in fact, what we need during active sports! It is produced in the form of tincture of Aralia roots, as well as Saparal tablets.

The price of "Saparal": average price 175 rubles.

Tincture price: from 50 rubles.

Tincture is taken 30-40 drops 2 times a day in the morning for 2-3 weeks; Saparal tablets are taken after meals, 0.05 g 2 times a day in its first half for 2-3 weeks.

Aralia is known for its ability to reduce high blood sugar, in addition to the general adaptogenic effect. Restorative, tonic. Caution: increases appetite!

To cheer up the sad

If you don't have enough energy in your workout, then try Golden Root (Radiol Rosea). The drug from this plant is available in the form of an alcoholic extract. It optimizes the recovery processes in the central nervous system, improves vision and hearing, increases the adaptive capabilities of the body to the action of extreme factors, increases efficiency and improves mood!

In particular, it helps with diseases of the respiratory system and colds in general, with asthenic conditions, relieves fatigue, is good for the heart, lungs, and brain. Light antidepressant.


Temptation high - the most non-toxic natural energy drink! The tincture from the roots and rhizomes of this plant is only slightly inferior to ginseng and other drugs of this group in terms of the effectiveness of the psycho-energizing effect, but it has much fewer side effects. It is recommended in the event of the so-called peripheral forms of muscle fatigue, asthenia, in states of physical detraining during periods of heavy exertion.

Price: from 55 rubles.

Dosage: 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Zamaniha (tincture) gives vivacity, is used in case of loss of strength and depression, it is logical to use it in the cold season to improve the general condition and mood

If there is not enough energy for life

Why is there not enough vital energy for a person in the body, what are the reasons for this and what to do? It is difficult to say unequivocally why fatigue, lethargy and apathy attacked you. Most likely, if you do not have enough vital energy for the whole day, you have the following problems:

  • low-quality, low-calorie, unvaried food,
  • little sleep,
  • increased stress levels due to any problems,
  • you may be deficient in B vitamins and magnesium with potassium.

It is more than possible to identify problems if you take a couple of minutes and analyze your life in all areas. So you will understand what exactly you are missing! And in order to quickly become vigorous, our next energy drink is with maral root (leuzea sophloroid).

It is available as an alcoholic extract. It is used as a stimulant that increases efficiency during physical and mental fatigue.


Sterculia platanophylla does not contain potent substances, therefore, it has the most “mild” psychostimulating effect compared to other drugs of the ginseng group. It is taken when a state of lethargy, overwork, headache, bad mood, asthenia, general weakness, decreased muscle tone and after infectious diseases occur.

It grows mainly in Altai and Siberia. It is used as a tonic and in diabetes mellitus. Caution: is a vasodilator


Pantocrine is a preparation made from deer antlers. Available in the form of an alcoholic extract, in tablets and in ampoules for injection. It has a tonic effect in overwork, the occurrence of asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, myocardial overstrain, hypotension. Applied with increased physical exertion to prevent adverse disorders in the body and accelerate recovery.

Assign with: overwork, neurasthenia, neuroses; asthenic condition, after acute infections; arterial hypotension - in complex treatment; the need for additional support at increased loads.

These are not all adaptogens, of course! Bone Shirokaya chose the most accessible and common "with us". If you know other effective natural energy drinks, share your findings and experience in the comments 😉
