
Business idea: online shop for tea and coffee. Open a coffee to go business How to sell coffee beans

Among the rather undeveloped niches for the development of domestic business in trade, a special place is occupied by the opening of a coffee shop. With successful promotion, this commercial project is capable of generating significant profits, however, for this to happen, an appropriate business plan for opening a coffee shop should be drawn up.

Business Benefits

The launch of this commercial project has certain benefits consisting in:

  • the possibility of reducing the amount of start-up capital due to small rental payments when opening a mini-shop;
  • no need to recruit a large number of staff, as well as saving wage costs by hiring only 2 salespeople to work in shifts;
  • a wide range of coffee offered by wholesalers at affordable prices.

Store Format Definition

In order to plan in the business plan the format of the opened store for the sale of coffee, you should immediately decide on the size of the starting capital.

If finances allow, it is recommended to rent a store space of at least 15 sq. meters in a place located either in the center of the village, or in the place of the highest traffic in a residential area. For the success of the business, it is recommended to conclude an agreement with suppliers and sell coffee by weight or sell it in packages. In the future, such a business can be expanded by opening a tasting room. This detail will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the conduct of trade and the overall profitability of the store, since visitors to such a store will be able to directly feel all the characteristics of each coffee variety and choose their favorite option.

If you do not have large start-up capital, then a simpler and easier option from an economic point of view is to open a mini-store or stall in a large shopping center or metro station. In this case, there is no need to search for suppliers of exclusive varieties of coffee; for business success, it is enough to provide the most popular and sought-after varieties from well-known brands in the assortment of the store.

Solution of organizational and legal issues

As part of the implementation of the business plan for opening a coffee shop, decisions must be made organizational and legal issues related to this area of ​​activity, they are as follows:

  1. Registration of a legal entity. In this case, it is appropriate, since the business plan provides for the acceptance of employees (sellers).
  2. Coordination of the location of the store with the sanitary and epidemiological service and firefighters. A license to sell coffee is not required.
  3. Formation of the organization for tax accounting and determination of the form of taxation.
  4. Purchase and registration of a cash register.

In order to carry out these activities in the shortest possible time, it is recommended to contact specialized legal companies that provide intermediary services at the beginning of the activities of a commercial legal entity. Such intermediary organizations are able to coordinate all aspects of the registration of an LLC in all instances within 2 weeks and provide the necessary documents for a fee of about 6,000 rubles.

Resolving supply issues

Opening a store in the capital opens up better horizons for establishing business relationships with suppliers than in regional settlements, as it allows you to establish contacts with suppliers directly without involving intermediaries or representatives. This allows you not to overpay additional instances when making wholesale purchases of coffee.

Almost every one of us starts our day with a cup of good coffee, which energizes us for the whole day. Today we will talk about how to start a coffee selling business in your city, what are the moments and formats for launching retail outlets, and how to scale this business in the future to reach a significant profit.

Features and business format

If we talk about coffee itself, then this product is in demand on the market and it is bought every day, regardless of the season, the demand is constant. Competition depends on the region and there are cities where this niche is practically not filled.

Among the advantages of opening a coffee shop are:

  • profitable product;
  • constant demand;
  • a small rental area is required, which can significantly reduce the monthly costs of maintaining a business.
  • the opportunity to organize a traveling trade in coffee, that is, to make the business mobile enough.

Of the minuses:

  • as in any business there is competition;
  • it is difficult to find good rental places for a store, as they are usually already occupied in shopping centers.

Now let's talk about the formats of doing this business. There are three main areas that you can look at, they have their pros and cons, but each of these options has the right to life and works successfully in many cities.

  1. This is the opening of a full-fledged coffee shop in a shopping center. The most expensive option for investing in this business and, having no experience, it is better to try starting with a less expensive option. Of the minuses, one can note the difficulty of finding a shopping island in a shopping center, since it is it that is used for such an outlet. In this option, it is most realistic to buy a ready-made business that makes a profit.
  2. Business selling coffee from a vending machine. This format of work is in vending format. You install coffee machines in various crowded places, maintain them and make a profit. Of the minuses, vandalism can be noted, often such property is spoiled, especially if the devices are installed somewhere on the street. And the second disadvantage is competition. Difficult to find crowded places where there would be no coffee machines.
  3. Street coffee trade. This is the most popular option in our country, and many entrepreneurs start with it. It includes several subcategories, which we will now consider. Street coffee trading is most popular in big cities, where people take a cup of coffee with them when they are in a hurry to work, or to warm themselves from the winter frosts.

— Takeaway coffee business. This street vending format involves working at a small kiosk that specializes in hot drinks and quick bites. Usually customers, when buying drinks, take them with them and drink on the way to work. Take-away coffee is especially in demand near universities, where there are many students, or at the exit from the subway or bus transport.

— Sale of coffee from the car. This business is also very popular. Small cars with a cargo compartment are bought, converted into mobile coffee stations. They are placed around the city and sold. One of the downsides is that you will need to obtain permission from the local authorities for each location to trade from a car, and this is usually a difficult and long process. But at the same time, this type of trade is very mobile and allows you to move your mini coffee shop to any convenient place at any time.

– sale of coffee drinks in markets or parking lots. Usually these are manual transportable coffee houses, in which the drink is poured from a thermos and brewed directly in front of the client.

As you can see, in this area of ​​business there is room for expansion and, first of all, there is how to scale the business. Having successfully established sales, for example from one car, over time, you can buy another equipped car and install it in another location. The same can be used for small retail outlets in shopping centers.

We looked at various formats, but in this article, let's talk about a broader niche, namely, an integrated approach to the implementation of both drinks and the sale of coffee beans by weight. Usually, retail space is rented for this and an assortment is developed.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment

As already mentioned above, shopping islands in large shopping centers are an ideal option with minimal monthly investment. The size of such an outlet is usually from 2 to 5 sq.m. The closer you are to the exit of the shopping center, the more profitable the place will be.

From coffee retail equipment you will need:

  • vacuum glassware for storing coffee beans;
  • product packaging equipment. Usually these are special spoons and scoops.
  • coffee grinder;
  • professional coffee machine;
  • mini refrigerator for storing milk. Cappuccino and latte are usually made from it.
  • electronic balance;
  • cash machine;
  • display racks;
  • chair and counter for the work of the seller.

Coffee Trade Rules

As in any business, if you want to work quietly, you will need to complete all the necessary documents.

Let's look at what permission to trade coffee you will need to obtain:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • indicate OKVED for coffee retail. In Russia it is 52.27.36 — Retail trade in tea, coffee, cocoa. In Ukraine - 46.37 Wholesale trade in coffee, tea, cocoa and spices.
  • have on hand all the necessary certificates of product quality.
  • obtain permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate to trade in the premises that you rent. Often these issues are decided by the landlord himself.
  • organize a buyer's corner.

Range and suppliers

Now let's talk about the range of products. In the coffee business, it is very important to have the most popular varieties of this drink.

Here are just the basic assortments that you should include in your business plan as you develop it.

  • coffee beans;
  • ground;
  • monosort;
  • soluble;
  • coffee platter;
  • tea (leaf and in bags);
  • various additives (dairy, chocolate);
  • sugar;
  • glasses for coffee;
  • paper bags for packing.

Also, you will earn on the sale of ready-made drinks: coffee, tea, latte, cappuccino, hot chocolate and more. Over time, the assortment can be diluted with buns and other sweets.

Over time, you will be able to launch an online coffee shop and sell your products there using search engine promotion or contextual advertising.

How much money do you need to start?

You will need to calculate the starting capital for opening one outlet, depending on what the rent will be, what equipment you decide to purchase and how much product you will keep in stock. We will indicate to you only the main items of expenditure and approximate costs, but you will correct them for yourself.

  • Room rental - $150 - $220
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $ 200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $3000 - $3500
  • Purchase of equipment - $2000 - $3000
  • Signboard and promotional items - $150.

What profit can you expect?

Even with a detailed business plan, you will not be able to accurately predict what the trade will be like and what you can expect. But you can focus on the average margin.

The average margin for grain and ground coffee is about 70%;

For packaged products - 15% - 50%

Margin on ready-made drinks - from 80% to 100%.

Conclusions. A business idea for selling coffee is a good start to your business. The main thing here is to decide on the format, choose where there is less competition and provide quality service for the client.

Is there anything to add material? We are waiting for your comments.

Coffeemania has swept the entire planet. Many people prefer this particular tonic and fragrant drink, forgetting about the usual teas, cocoa and other hot drinks.

In this regard, selling coffee is now very profitable. How can you build your business on the second most popular consumer product? Consider the most promising options for coffee business.

So, in order for anyone to have the opportunity to buy or sell coffee, the raw material itself is necessary. That is, whole or ground coffee beans, as well as their soluble equivalent.

Do not forget about those who like the taste of coffee, but for some reason they cannot afford to drink this drink (allergies, hypertension, increased nervous excitability, etc.). For them, you can offer coffee substitutes.

Most often, these are dried and crushed parts of any plants: chicory, dandelions, oak, baobab, rye, barley, beets. This is a separate segment of the coffee market, because the demand for this product is directly related to its ability to imitate the taste of coffee beans.

Engaging in the sale of coffee raw materials, that is, directly selling coffee as such, is perhaps one thing. Because everyone needs beans or coffee powder: coffee drinks sellers, home-made coffee lovers, and coffee machine owners.

The sale of coffee can be organized even via the Internet. Including offering people a subscription to a monthly purchase of various unusual varieties of coffee.

After all, in fact, the coffee assortment is very rich and varied. Ideally, you need your own online store.

The next most popular today is selling through. Here, in general, everything is extremely simple.

It is enough to purchase or rent an automatic device for the retail sale of hot drinks. It can be selling only coffee or an integrated option: (cocoa, hot chocolate, jelly, powdered milk, etc.).

Next, you need to look for a room with high traffic (hypermarket, office building, educational institution) and agree with the administration on the lease of a small plot of it. Believe me, a hot coffee drink (especially in the cold season and in the morning) is in great demand.

Putting such machines right on the street is unsafe, and not cost-effective. A person still wants to sit somewhere or at least hide from prying eyes in order to calmly drink coffee.

Agree, it is not very pleasant to do it directly on the street. Especially in cold windy winters.

If you settled on coffee machines, then at least equip some tables with chairs next to them.

Thus, you will simultaneously show concern for customers, increasing their loyalty to you. And increase your sales volumes, because it is the lack of convenience that deters many from buying coffee from street machines.

Maintenance of coffee machines consists in the daily replenishment of water, coffee raw materials and other consumables. With good sales per day, the most popular types of coffee drink are almost completely consumed.

As for the coffee business, they are either less popular or require more organizational and financial arrangements. Therefore, it is easiest to sell coffee today in these two ways.

In terms of investment: a new vending machine for selling hot drinks costs at least about 200,000 rubles. And 1 kg of coffee at retail can be purchased at a cost of 800 rubles (wholesale, of course, cheaper)

Most people start thinking about starting their own business sooner or later. Everyone chooses his own direction depending on the possibilities, interests, desires and finances, of course. Some people prefer the coffee business, which is much more than just selling coffee to customers. Let's analyze this company, its capabilities, pros and cons, etc.

First you have to decide which branch of the coffee business you are going to be involved in: It could be a coffee shop, an online coffee shop, a restaurant, or anything else that is coffee related or has nothing to do with coffee. Of course, your business must be primarily coffee oriented, otherwise you should not be reading the following information which is outlined below.

Second, but no less important than deciding which direction to take, is finding a good spot. Yes, this is the real key to a successful business. You will not always be able to prepare good food or drink, but in a good place you will not lack customers. A good location should be located in a crowded area with heavy foot traffic and large buildings with a large number of people working, studying and living there. A big plus is a place with good car parking - the drivers will all be your customers.

Third, do not forget about design. Some people do not notice the surroundings and visit such places just to drink a cup of natural bean coffee, chat with friends and relax. But let's face it: one of the main reasons for us to visit the place is its design. I will not deny - I go to a certain restaurant, mainly because I love their style, and I am not going to change them to any other place in the world.

However, a simple design will not save you from bankruptcy when your establishment has poor service. So you need to hire a good manager who will train your staff to be polite, quick and inconspicuous, or train them yourself.

Good cuisine is another important reason why most people visit some places more than others. When I told you about my favorite restaurant, I didn't talk about the most important reason why I still visit this place. The answer to this lies in its great food and drink. A simple design is not enough for regular customers. They eat and drink while talking - why they like it, I don't know, but I guess it's our human nature.

So, now you already know some basic principles and are ready to start your own coffee business. Don't be discouraged when it doesn't start successfully from the start. Be patient and work hard - and one day you will reap the fruits of your labor.
