
Complex forms of slicing tubers. Types of cutting vegetables Mechanical cooking of tubers Primary processing of vegetables tubers and root crops

Potato tubers are rich in starch, contain proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins C and group B. Potatoes occupy an important place in the diet, so they are processed in mass quantities in catering establishments. For cooking, it is better to use table varieties of potatoes that have a thin and dense skin, a small number of small eyes and good taste.

Mechanical cooking of potatoes can be done by mechanical, chemical and thermal methods. The most common of these is mechanical.

mechanical way. With this method, the processing of potatoes consists of the following operations: sorting and grading, washing, cleaning and cleaning.

Sorting potatoes in mechanical sorting machines or by hand. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities (stones, chips, lumps of earth) and sprouted tubers are removed, since the eyes of such potatoes contain a poisonous substance - solanine. Potatoes are calibrated by size in order to reduce waste during machine cleaning, since large tubers are cleaned faster and by the end of cleaning the whole potato, a layer of pulp is cut off from them, which contains a large amount of nutrients.

The washing up potato contributes to its rapid cleaning, improves sanitary conditions for further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peeler, while maintaining the rough surface of the grater discs and increasing their service life. A higher quality starch is obtained from the peels of washed potatoes. Potatoes are washed in washing machines, potato peelers with a disc without abrasive lining, washer-cleaners or manually in grated baths.

Purify potatoes in batch or continuous potato peelers. When using a batch potato peeler, first open the water supply valve, turn on the machine and load the potatoes through the hopper. The potatoes are peeled by rubbing against the rough surface of the disc and the walls of the potato peeler. When peeling potatoes, the skin and part of the surface cells are peeled off. The duration of cleaning is 2-2.5 minutes, with longer cleaning, a layer containing a large amount of starch is removed. Peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor. To do this, open the car door, the potatoes enter the substituted container.

Finishing potatoes are made manually with a rooted or grooved knife. When cleaning, eyes, cavities, dark spots, and remaining skin are removed from peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

At enterprises of the vegetable processing industry, large harvesting factories, thermal methods are used - steam and fire.

steam method. Potatoes are treated with high pressure steam. In this case, a shallow boiling of the surface layer occurs. When the potatoes are unloaded from the apparatus, the skin is pulled back due to the pressure difference, and during washing it is easily removed.

fire method. Potatoes are roasted in a cylindrical oven at a temperature of 11001200 °C. The duration of roasting is 6-12 seconds. After roasting, the potatoes enter the washing machine, where the skin is peeled off and washed off with water using brush rollers.

Cutting forms. Peeled potato tubers are used for heat treatment whole or pre-cut. Potatoes are cut into simple or complex shapes.

TO simple, the most common forms of cutting include: straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices (Fig. 3). Cutting by hand is a laborious process, so special tools and vegetable cutters are widely used to facilitate it. When cutting straws and slices by hand, a shredding technique is used.


Rice. 3 Forms of cut potatoes and root crops 1 - slices; 2 - circles; 3 - straw; 4 - bars; 5-cubes; 6 - slices.

TO difficult(curly) forms of cutting include: barrels, pears, garlic, balls, spirals, shavings (Fig. 4). In this case, the potatoes are cut by hand, by grinding. To obtain complex shapes, you can use special tools (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4 Figured forms of cutting vegetables:

1 - barrels; 2 - garlic; 3 - pears; 4 - spirals; 5 - balls.

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, put one on top of the other and chopped across into straws 4-5 cm long, with a cross section of 0.2X0.2 cm. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Cubes. Potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large - 2-2.5, medium - 1 - 1.5, small - 0.3-0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium - for cooking "potatoes in milk" and for stewing, boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (medium-sized) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to make pickles, stews, wind beef, and deep-frying.

Blocks. Raw potatoes are cut into plates 0.7-10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3-4 cm long. They are used for frying, cooking borscht (except naval and Siberian), pickle, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Rice. 5 Tools for curly cutting vegetables

Slices. Boiled potatoes of small or medium size are cut lengthwise in half, then in half again and chopped across into slices 1-2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into sticks and chopped across into slices. Use slices for salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed, giving it the shape of a cylinder, then cut across into thin circles 1.5-2 mm thick. Circles of raw potatoes are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Barrels. A medium-sized potato is cut from two opposite sides, then turned, shaped into a barrel, and used boiled for a side dish.

Garlic. Raw potatoes are first turned into barrels, then cut lengthwise into several pieces. A small notch is made along the edge of each part. Used to make soups.

Balloons. Balls of various sizes are cut out of raw potatoes with the help of special recesses or a turning technique is used. Large balls are used for deep-frying, medium - for deep-frying and boiled as a side dish for cold dishes.

Shavings. Raw potatoes are cut from two opposite sides so that a cylinder 2-3 cm high is obtained, trimmed around its circumference, cut off a ribbon 2-2.5 mm thick and 25-30 cm long. Then this ribbon is shaped into a bow and tied with a thread . Used for deep frying.

Spiral. Using a special tool, the potatoes are cut into a spiral. Used for deep frying.

Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato are processed and cut like potatoes.


Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition: they improve the digestion process, maintain acid-base balance and fluid metabolism in the body. Being one of the main sources of vitamins, they are also rich in carbohydrates, minerals, aromatics, flavors. Some vegetables (garlic, onion, horseradish, radish) contain special bactericidal substances - phytoncides that destroy pathogenic microbes or delay their development.

In catering establishments, vegetables are widely used for preparing cold dishes, soups, sauces, vegetable dishes and side dishes.

Vegetables are divided into the following groups:

  1. tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear), sweet potato (sweet potato);
  2. root crops - carrots, beets, turnips, swedes, radishes, radishes, parsley, parsnips, celery, horseradish;
  3. cabbage - white, red, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli;
  4. onion - onion, green onion, leek, garlic;
  5. spicy - dill, tarragon, savory, basil, marjoram;
  6. fruit - pumpkin (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, melon, squash); tomato (tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum), legumes (peas, beans); cereals (sweet corn);
  7. dessert - artichokes, asparagus, rhubarb.

Vegetables entering public catering establishments are checked for quantity and variety in accordance with state standards. To do this, vegetables are weighed and the data obtained are compared with the data indicated in the accompanying documents, which makes it possible to accurately record the number of vegetables received.

Much attention is paid to quality control, since the processing of low-quality vegetables increases the amount of waste and the quality of cooked dishes deteriorates. The good quality of vegetables is determined by the organoleptic method: by color, smell, taste, texture.

Mechanical culinary processing of vegetables consists of successive technological operations: sorting and grading, washing, cleaning and cutting.

Sorting and grading contribute to the rational use of vegetables for the preparation of certain dishes, reduce waste during mechanized processing. When sorting and calibrating, foreign impurities, rotten and beaten specimens are removed, vegetables are distributed by size and quality.

Vegetables are washed in vegetable washing machines or by hand in order to remove soil and sand residues from their surface. This improves the sanitary condition of machines, helps to increase their service life.

Peel vegetables in vegetable peelers or by hand to remove parts with reduced nutritional value

Slicing vegetables contributes to their more uniform heat treatment, gives the dishes a beautiful appearance, improves the taste.

Cut vegetables mechanically or manually. To increase the productivity of workers, reduce production costs, improve the sanitary condition of the enterprise, it is advisable to carry out the mechanical culinary processing of vegetables at large public catering enterprises (combines, harvesting factories) and supply pre-cooked enterprises with vegetable semi-finished products.

Mechanical culinary processing of vegetables is carried out in the vegetable shop. It is located, as a rule, not far from the vegetable warehouse. This improves the sanitary condition of the workshop and reduces the cost of delivering vegetables.

Mechanical equipment is installed in the vegetable shop: machines for washing, peeling and cutting vegetables, as well as non-mechanical equipment: production tables, baths, chests for storing vegetables, special tables for vegetable cleaners and the simplest devices for settling starch. All equipment is placed in accordance with the technological process. There are several production lines for processing vegetables: potatoes and root crops; various vegetables and herbs; salted and pickled vegetables.

Tuber processing

Potato tubers are rich in starch, contain proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins C and group B. Potatoes occupy an important place in the diet, so they are processed in mass quantities in catering establishments. For cooking, it is better to use table varieties of potatoes that have a thin and dense skin, a small number of small eyes and good taste.

Mechanical cooking of potatoes can be done by mechanical, chemical and thermal methods. The most common of these is mechanical.

mechanical way. With this method, the processing of potatoes consists of the following operations: sorting and grading, washing, cleaning and cleaning.

Potatoes are sorted in mechanical sorting machines or manually. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities (stones, chips, lumps of earth) and sprouted tubers are removed, since the eyes of such potatoes contain a toxic substance - solanine. Potatoes are sized by size in order to reduce waste during machine cleaning, since large tubers are cleaned faster and by the end of cleaning the entire potato, a layer of pulp is cut off from them, which contains a large amount of nutrients.

Washing potatoes contributes to its rapid cleaning, improves sanitary conditions for further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peeler, while maintaining the rough surface of the grater discs and increasing their service life. A higher quality starch is obtained from the peels of washed potatoes. Potatoes are washed in washing machines, potato peelers with a disc without abrasive lining, washer-cleaners or manually in grated baths.

Potatoes are peeled in batch or continuous potato peelers. When using a batch potato peeler, first open the water supply valve, turn on the machine and load the potatoes through the hopper. The potatoes are peeled by rubbing against the rough surface of the disc and the walls of the potato peeler. When peeling potatoes, the skin and part of the surface cells are peeled off. The duration of cleaning is 2–2.5 minutes; with longer cleaning, a layer containing a large amount of starch is removed. Peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor. To do this, open the car door, the potatoes enter the substituted container.

Potato peeling is done manually with a rooted or grooved knife. When cleaning, eyes, cavities, dark spots, and remaining skin are removed from peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

At the enterprises of the vegetable processing industry, large harvesting factories, thermal methods are used - steam and fire.

steam method. Potatoes are treated with high pressure steam. In this case, a shallow boiling of the surface layer occurs. When the potatoes are unloaded from the apparatus, the skin is pulled back due to the pressure difference, and during washing it is easily removed.

fire method. Potatoes are roasted in a cylindrical oven at a temperature of 1100–1200 °C. The roasting time is 6–12 seconds. After roasting, the potatoes enter the washing machine, where the skin is peeled off and washed off with water using brush rollers.

Cutting forms. Peeled potato tubers are used for heat treatment whole or pre-cut. Potatoes are cut into simple or complex shapes.

The simplest, most common forms of cutting include: straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices (Figure 1). Cutting by hand is a laborious process, so special tools and vegetable cutters are widely used to facilitate it. When cutting straws and slices by hand, a shredding technique is used.

1 - slices; 2 - circles; 3 - straw; 4 - bars; 5-cubes; 6 - slices
Figure 1 - Forms of slicing potatoes and root crops

Complex (figured) forms of cutting include: barrels, pears, garlic, balls, spirals, shavings (Figure 2). In this case, the potatoes are cut by hand, by grinding. To obtain complex shapes, you can use special tools (Figure 3).

1 - barrels; 2 - garlic; 3 - pears; 4 - spirals; 5 - balls
Figure 2 - Figured forms of cutting vegetables
Figure 3 - Tools for curly cutting vegetables

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, put one on top of the other and chopped across into straws 4-5 cm long, 0.2X0.2 cm in section. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Blocks. Raw potatoes are cut into plates 0.7–10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3–4 cm long. They are used for frying, cooking borscht (except naval and Siberian), pickle, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Cubes. Potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large - 2–2.5, medium - 1 - 1.5, small - 0.3–0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium - for cooking "potatoes in milk" and for stewing, boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (medium-sized) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to make pickles, stews, wind beef, and deep-frying.

Slices. Boiled potatoes of small or medium size are cut lengthwise in half, then in half again and chopped across into slices 1–2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into sticks and chopped across into slices. Use slices for salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed, giving it the shape of a cylinder, then cut across into thin circles 1.5–2 mm thick. Raw potato circles are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Barrels. A medium-sized potato is cut from two opposite sides, then turned, shaped into a barrel, and used boiled for a side dish.

Garlic. Raw potatoes are first turned into barrels, then cut lengthwise into several pieces. A small notch is made along the edge of each part. Used to make soups.

Balloons. Balls of various sizes are cut out of raw potatoes with the help of special recesses or a turning technique is used. Large balls are used for deep-frying, medium - for deep-frying and boiled as a side dish for cold dishes.

Shavings. Raw potatoes are cut from two opposite sides so that a cylinder 2–3 cm high is obtained, trimmed around its circumference, cut off a ribbon 2–2.5 mm thick and 25–30 cm long. Then this ribbon is shaped into a bow and tied with a thread . Used for deep frying.

Spiral. Using a special tool, the potatoes are cut into a spiral. Used for deep frying.

Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato are processed and cut like potatoes.

Root processing

Root crops contain sugar, vitamins, minerals, coloring and aromatic substances. The nutritional value of root crops is different: white root crops (parsley, celery, parsnip) contain a large amount of essential oils; turnip, rutabaga and radish contain glycosides and essential oils, which give them a specific taste and aroma.

Root crops are processed mechanically, thermally or manually. Carrots, turnips, beets, radishes are sorted by size, rotten specimens are removed, tops are cut off from young carrots and beets, after which they are washed by hand or in washing machines, cleaned and washed again. Beets, turnips, radishes and short carrots are peeled in a potato peeler, while long carrots are peeled by hand.

Parsley, celery, parsnips are sorted, greens and roots are cut off, washed and cleaned by hand. Parsley and celery are sorted out, spoiled, yellowed, sluggish leaves are removed and washed.

The greens and roots are cut off from the red radish, then washed, and the skin is peeled from the white radish.

Horseradish is peeled and washed. If horseradish roots are sluggish, then they are soaked in cold water before processing.

Cutting forms. For cooking, root vegetables are cut. Below are simple and complex forms of slicing carrots.

Straw. Cut by hand or with a vegetable cutter. When manually slicing, carrots are cut into thin slices and chopped into strips. It is used to prepare marinade, borscht (except naval and Siberian), noodle soups, pickles, carrot cutlets.

Blocks. Raw carrots are first cut across into cylinders 3.5–4 cm long, cut into 0.5 cm thick plates and cut into sticks. Used to make soup with pasta, broth with vegetables and for poaching.

Cubes. Carrots are cut lengthwise into long sticks and cut across them into cubes. By size, the cubes are divided into medium, small and crumbs. Raw carrots are cut into medium cubes for stewing, stewing. Small cubes of raw carrots are used to make soups, boiled carrots are used for cold dishes, raw carrot crumbs are used for daily cabbage soup, rice soup.

Slices. Carrots are cut across into cylinders 4 cm high, cut in half lengthwise and each half is cut into slices along the radius. Carrot slices are used for stewing, cooking stews, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, and steamed beef.

Circles. Carrots of the same diameter (up to 3 cm) are cut into circles 1 mm thick. Use raw circles for making peasant soup, boiled - for cold dishes.

Slices. Carrots are cut lengthwise into two or four parts and cut across into slices 1–2 mm thick. Raw slices are used to make navy and Siberian borscht, boiled carrot slices are used for salads and vinaigrettes.

When cutting carrots into more complex shapes, a carbo technique is used. Carrots are taken of the same diameter, trimmed around the circumference, then carved with a rooted or special knife.

Asterisks. Carrots are cut across 1 mm thick and used to decorate cold dishes.

Scallops. Carrots are cut in half lengthwise, then sliced ​​obliquely with a thickness of 1 mm and used to decorate cold dishes.

Balls and nuts. Carrots are cut into various sizes using special notches or manually turning. Used boiled as a side dish for cold dishes.

Beets are cut raw and boiled for soups, mains and cold dishes.

Straw. Cut the beetroot in the same way as potatoes. Straws are used for cooking borscht (except naval and Siberian), marinade, beetroot, beetroot cutlets.

Slices. Raw or boiled beets are cut into plates 1–1.5 cm thick, cut into sticks of the same thickness, then cut across into slices 1–1.5 mm thick. for the vinaigrette.

Cubes. Boiled beets are cut into medium and small cubes in the same way as potatoes. Medium cubes are used for stewing, small cubes are used for cooking cold dishes.

Beets can also be cut into balls, stars, scallops - to decorate cold dishes.

Processing cabbage and onion vegetables

Cabbage. Cabbage vegetables are rich in vitamins, contain sugars, proteins, minerals. White, Savoy and red cabbage are treated in the same way. Rotten and contaminated leaves are removed from her, the outer part of the stalk is cut off and washed. The head of cabbage is cut into two or four parts and the stalk is cut out. If snails or caterpillars are found during processing, then the processed cabbage is placed in cold salted water (50–60 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 15–20 minutes, while the caterpillars or snails float to the surface, from where they can be easily removed. After that, the cabbage is washed again. Processed cabbage is cut manually or on a vegetable cutter machine.

Straw. Halves of a head of cabbage are cut into several pieces and chopped into strips. Used for stewing, cooking borscht (except naval and Siberian), salad, cabbage cutlets.

Squares (checkers). Cabbage is first cut into strips 2–2.5 cm wide, then across into squares. Used for cooking cabbage soup, naval and Siberian borscht, stew, vegetable soup, for stewing.

Slices. Small heads of cabbage are cut in half lengthwise, then cut along the radius into several parts. Used for cooking, poaching, for frying after pre-cooking.

Cutting. Cabbage is first chopped into strips, and then chopped by hand or on cutters. Used for making minced meat.

In cauliflower, the stem is cut off 1–1.5 cm below the beginning of the branching of the head so that the inflorescence is preserved, green leaves are removed. Rotten and darkened places of the head are cleaned with a grater or knife and washed. If caterpillars are found in cauliflower, it is placed in cold salted water, and then washed.

Brussels sprouts come with or without a stem (trimmed). If the cabbage came with a stem, then the buds are cut from the stem immediately before heat treatment to avoid wilting. They are cleaned of spoiled leaves and washed. To refresh the cabbage, put it in cold water for 20-30 minutes.

Kohlrabi cabbage is sorted, manually peeled and washed. Cut into strips, slices, sticks. Used for salads, soups.

Onion vegetables. Onions are valued for their content of sugar, essential oils, and phytoncides.

Onions are sorted, the lower part is cut off - the bottom and neck, then the dry scales are removed and washed in cold water. At large enterprises, for cleaning onions, special cabinets are installed with an extractor hood that removes essential oils. Onions can be thermally peeled. It is fired in a thermal unit at a temperature of 1200–1300°C, then cleaned in washing-cleaning machines and cleaned by hand.

Onions are cut just before heat treatment, as they quickly wither and essential oils evaporate. Cut it into the following shapes.

Rings. Onions are cut across 1-2 mm thick and divided into rings. Used for cooking kebabs, deep-frying.

Half rings (straws). The onion is cut along the axis into two halves or into four parts, put cut down and chopped with a thickness of 1-2 mm. Used to make soups, sauces, vinaigrette.

Slices. For slicing, small onions are used, in which a part of the bottom is left during processing in order to better preserve the shape of the slicing. The onion is cut in half lengthwise, and then along the radius into 3-4 parts. Used for cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, stew, brass beef, kidneys "in Russian".

Cubes are small (crumb). The onion is cut in half lengthwise, cut into plates 1-3 mm thick, then cut into cubes across. Used for cereal soups, kharcho soup, daily allowances, minced meat.

Roots are cut off from green onions, the white part is cleaned, wilted, yellowed and rotten feathers are removed, put in cold water, washed well several times in plenty of water and rinsed in running water.

The root of the leek is cut off, dry, yellowed leaves are removed, cut lengthwise to better wash off the sand and earth, washed in the same way as green onions.

The top and bottom of the garlic are cut off, the scales are removed, the head of garlic is divided into cloves and cleaned.

Processing of fruit vegetables

Fruit vegetables contain sugar, carotene, some protein, vitamin C and group B. Leguminous vegetables are high in protein.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are sorted by size and degree of maturity (ripe, unripe, overripe), spoiled or dented specimens are removed. Then they are washed and cut out the place of attachment of the stalk. Strong mature tomatoes of medium size and small are used for salads, garnish, stuffing. Overripe tomatoes - for cooking soups, sauces, stews. Cut tomatoes into circles for salads and frying; slices - for salads, soups; cubes - for soups.

Eggplants are sorted, the stalk is cut off, washed, old eggplants are scalded and the skin is peeled. Cut into circles, slices for frying, cubes - for soups.

Capsicum (hot and sweet) are sorted, washed, cut in half lengthwise, the seeds are removed along with the pulp and washed. Cut into strips for salads, soups, small cubes - for soups.

The pumpkin is washed, the stalk is cut off, cut into several parts, the seeds are removed, the skin is peeled and washed. Cut into cubes, slices and less often slices, used for cooking, stewing, frying.

Zucchini and squash are recommended to be used in an unripe form, since their pulp is tender, tasty and the seeds are not hard. Zucchini is washed, the stalk is cut off, the skin is peeled and washed. Large specimens are cut into pieces and the seeds removed. Cut into circles and slices for frying, cubes - for making stews, vegetable soup, for stewing.

Fresh cucumbers are sorted by size, washed. In garden cucumbers, the skin is cut off; in greenhouse and early garden cucumbers, the skin is cut off only from both ends. Cut into circles, slices for salads, small cubes, straws - for salads and cold soups.

Young pods of beans and green peas are sorted, the ends of the pod are broken, and the veins connecting the halves of the pods are removed. Pea pods are used as a whole, and beans are cut into squares or rhombuses and immediately used for cooking, as they quickly darken.

Milky-waxy corn cobs are cleaned immediately before cooking so that the color does not change. The stalk and base are cut off from the corn, while the leaves fall off along with the stalk. Then the fibers covering the cobs are removed and washed.

Processing salad, spinach and dessert vegetables

Lettuce, spinach, nettle are sorted out, removing wilted, spoiled and rough leaves, cut off the roots. The processed greens are placed in cold water, washed several times in a large amount of water, and then under running water to wash off the grains of sand. Spinach is washed immediately before cooking, as it quickly deteriorates when wet.

The sorrel is sorted out, removing the yellowed, spoiled leaves, the stem is cut off, put in cold water and washed like a salad.

The rhubarb is sorted, the lower part of the petioles is cut off, the skin is removed and washed. Rhubarb is cut across into pieces and used to make jelly, compote, fillings for pies.

Asparagus comes in white and green. Green asparagus has a slightly bitter taste, so it is used to make side dishes. Asparagus is used in boiled form as an independent dish and for making puree soups. The most valuable and tasty part of asparagus is the head, so it must not be damaged during processing. The asparagus is washed, the skin is carefully peeled, retreating from the head by 2–3 cm, and washed again. Peeled asparagus is sorted by size, tied into bundles so that it does not break during heat treatment.

Artichokes are best used large, young, greenish in color. In artichokes, cut off the upper prickly part of the leaves with a sharp knife, cut off the stem and clean the bottom of the dry leaves. Then the soft fibrous part is removed with a spoon or notch, the cut points are moistened with citric acid so that they do not darken. The processed artichokes are washed and tied with twine so that their shape is preserved during cooking. Then immediately subjected to heat treatment; can be stored for no more than 1 hour. in acidified water.

Processing of canned vegetables

Sauerkraut is squeezed out of the brine, sorted out, removing impurities, coarsely chopped stalks and carrots are separated, chopped, combined with cabbage and everything is chopped. Very sour cabbage is washed in cold water.

Pickled cucumbers are washed with cold water. In small salted and pickled cucumbers, the place of attachment of the stalk is cut off. Use them whole or cut. In large cucumbers, the skin is peeled, cut lengthwise into 4 parts and the seeds are cut out. Cucumbers are cut into slices, rhombuses for making hodgepodges, salads, kidneys "in Russian", straws - for pickle, small cubes - for cold dishes, crumbs - for sauces.

Dried vegetables. In dried form come: potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, parsley and dill. Vegetables are dried by fire and sublimation.

During fire drying, vegetables decrease in volume and change their properties. These vegetables are soaked before use. To do this, they are completely filled with water so that vitamin C does not collapse, and vegetables containing tannins do not darken. Dried parsley and dill are added to dishes without pre-treatment. Dried onions are first sprinkled with water so that they swell, then they are used for sautéing. Dried carrots, beets, potatoes are sorted, scalded, poured with cold water and allowed to swell for 1–3 hours. Prepared vegetables are boiled in the same water in which they were soaked to preserve nutrients.

In freeze drying, vegetables are frozen and then dried in a vacuum. At the same time, the shape and volume do not change, nutrients are well preserved, the color and aroma of vegetables change little. Such vegetables are immediately laid in hot water and boiled until tender.

Fresh frozen vegetables. Green peas, green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, corn, potatoes, beets, cauliflower, herbs, etc. come in frozen form. Quick-frozen vegetables retain the natural properties of products: taste, aroma, color, appearance.

Preparing vegetables for stuffing

For stuffing, zucchini, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and cabbage are most often used.

Zucchini stuffed in portions or whole (small). Processed zucchini is cut across into cylinders 4-5 cm high, the seeds are removed, put in boiling salted water and boiled until half cooked for 3-5 minutes. Prepared zucchini is cooled and filled with minced meat.

Peppers are washed, an incision is made around the stalk and the stalk is removed along with the seeds, washed again, put in boiling salted water for 1–2 minutes, removed, cooled and filled with minced meat.

Tomatoes for stuffing are taken ripe, dense, medium in size. After washing, they cut off the upper part together with the stalk, take out the seeds with part of the pulp, let the juice drain, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fill with minced meat.

For cabbage rolls, it is better to use loose cabbages. In cabbage, after stripping, a stalk is cut out of a whole head of cabbage, the head is washed. Prepared cabbage is placed in boiling salted water, boiled until half cooked, taken out, allowed to drain, cooled, divided into leaves, the thickened part of the leaf is beaten off, minced meat is put in and wrapped.

Processed eggplants are cut lengthwise in half or across into cylinders, the pulp is taken out along with the seeds and filled with minced meat. Small eggplants can be stuffed whole.

quality requirements. Shelf life

Peeled vegetables and prepared semi-finished products must be immediately subjected to heat treatment, as their quality deteriorates during storage.

When stored in air, raw peeled potatoes gradually darken, since it contains the amino acid tyrosine, which, under the action of atmospheric oxygen and the enzyme polyphenyl oxidase, is oxidized and converted into other chemical compounds, forming melanin, which has a dark color. So that the potatoes do not darken, they are placed in cold water and stored for no more than 2–3 hours, since nutrients (carbohydrates, vitamin C, minerals) pass into the water. The enzymes that cause the browning of potatoes are destroyed when heated, so boiled potatoes do not darken.

You can protect peeled potatoes from browning by blanching, but at the same time it acquires a specific taste and the surface of the potato softens. To protect potatoes from browning, the sulfitation method is used. At the same time, the peeled potatoes are placed in metal meshes, immersed in a 0.5–1% sodium bisulfite solution for 5 minutes, then removed and washed in cold water 2–3 times. For washing use shower devices or baths with running water. Sulfitation can be carried out in special PLSC machines.

To obtain a solution of sodium bisulfite in 1 liter. cold water dissolve 16 g of sodium pyrosulfite powder. The prepared solution is used 10–12 times, then it is poured out. After sulfitation, potatoes are placed in wicker baskets, containers or plastic bags and stored without water at a temperature not exceeding 7 ° C for no more than 48 hours, and at room temperature - no more than 24 hours.

Peeled root vegetables are stored in baskets or boxes at a temperature of 0 to 4 ° C for no more than 12 hours. So that the vegetables do not darken, they are covered with a damp cloth.

Parsley, dill, lettuce are laid in a layer of 5–10 cm, covered with a damp cloth and stored at a temperature of 2–12 ° C for no more than 3 hours.

Processed vegetables must meet technical specifications in terms of their qualities. Tubers of peeled potatoes should be clean, elastic, without dark spots, remnants of eyes and skin; smell characteristic of fresh potatoes; color from white to cream; the surface is smooth, may be somewhat dried out, but not dry and not loose.

Carrots, beets should be clean, elastic, whole, uniform in color, without remnants of roots and tops, rot, without dark spots and skin residues, the surface is dried, but not windy.

The onion must be elastic, clean, whole, the color characteristic of the variety, without dark spots and rot.

Waste vegetables and their use

During the processing of vegetables, waste is obtained, the amount of which depends on the quality of the vegetables received, the method of processing and the time of year. Waste rates are shown in table 1.

The rational use of waste is of great importance.

Table 1 - Waste rates

Waste spoils quickly, so it must be recycled immediately. Starch is obtained from potato waste. In small enterprises, a starch settler is used for this. It consists of two boxes stacked on top of each other. The top drawer has a mesh bottom, while the bottom drawer has a drain pipe above the bottom. The waste obtained during the cleaning and cleaning of potatoes is crushed, placed on the grid of the upper box and washed. The resulting starch milk flows into the lower box, where the starch grains settle to the bottom, and the water is removed through the drain pipe. The starch that has settled on the bottom is washed several times. To obtain starch at large enterprises, the APCHO-1-5 unit is used.

Raw starch is dried at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, since at a higher temperature the starch grains gelatinize.

Beet infusion is prepared from beet peels. Cleanings are washed well, crushed, poured with water, vinegar is added, brought to a boil and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes, then filtered. Used to color borscht. The tops of early beets can be used to prepare beetroot.

Parsley, celery, dill stalks are washed, tied into bunches and used for cooking broths and sauces. Peeled white cabbage stalks can be used to make salad, borscht, cabbage soup. The asparagus peels are washed and added to the broths for flavoring.

Semi-finished products from vegetables

The industrialization of public catering provides for the organization of a centralized supply of enterprises with semi-finished products, culinary products of a high degree of readiness, which are produced by the food industry and procurement factories.

The range of semi-finished products supplied to pre-cooking enterprises, semi-finished products and culinary shops includes fresh vegetables - peeled or chopped, prepared for heat treatment, as well as vegetables that have undergone preliminary heat treatment.

The semi-finished product "peeled potatoes" comes packed in boxes, flasks or polyethylene bags. Store it at a temperature of 2-7 ° C for no more than 48 hours.

Semi-finished products "peeled carrots" and "peeled beets" come packed in wooden boxes or wicker baskets of 20 kg. When using containers without lids, vegetables are covered with a damp cloth to prevent drying and browning. Store at a temperature of 2–4 °C for no more than 24 hours.

The semi-finished product “peeled onion” comes packed in boxes or baskets of 15–20 kg, it is covered with a damp cloth on top. Store at a temperature of 2–4 °C for no more than 24 hours.

Semi-finished product "white cabbage" comes in baskets or boxes of 20 kg. Store for 48 hours at 2-4°C, covered with a damp cloth.

Semi-finished products that arrived whole are removed from the container, washed and used in the same way as freshly peeled vegetables.

Public catering enterprises receive canned vegetables produced by the food industry. They have good taste and high nutritional value. They contain vitamins, minerals, organic acids.

Natural and pickled beetroot comes sterilized or quick-frozen. It is a peeled whole root crops or cut into cubes, sticks. It is used as a side dish for herring, for cooking borscht, beetroot, vinaigrette and other dishes.

Natural carrots come sterilized or quick-frozen. Used to prepare salads, cold dishes, soups, sauces and second courses. A decoction of natural carrots is used to make soups and sauces.

Sorrel and spinach puree is sorrel and spinach leaves mashed to a homogeneous consistency. Used for cooking first and second courses.

Semi-finished product "sauteed vegetables". Produced according to TU-28-30-83 browned onions and browned carrots. Onions and carrots, cut into strips, passer on margarine or cooking oil. In a hot state, they are packed into functional containers, in each container - semi-finished products of the same name and batch, closed with lids, placed in containers and subjected to intensive cooling. Store at a temperature of 4–8 ° C for no more than 48 hours. Use for cooking first and second courses. Lay 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Set for cabbage soup. The set includes: fresh white cabbage, carrots, onions. Vegetables are peeled, washed and chopped into strips. The set includes meat or bones. Prepared products are placed in plastic bags.

Borscht set. The set includes: beets, fresh white cabbage, carrots, onions; also include meat or bones. Processed vegetables are chopped into strips and packaged together with meat or bones in plastic bags.

mushroom processing

Mushrooms contain proteins, fats, sugar, minerals, vitamins A, C, D, PP and group B. They are rich in extractive substances, therefore they have a good taste and aroma, they are widely used for making soups and sauces. Edible mushrooms in structure are: spongy - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus; lamellar - champignons, russula, chanterelles, honey mushrooms; marsupials - morels, lines. Mushrooms are supplied to catering establishments fresh, salted, dried, pickled.

Fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms are immediately processed, as they quickly deteriorate. Primary processing of mushrooms consists of the following operations: cleaning, washing, sorting and cutting.

Porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, russula are treated in the same way: they are cleaned of leaves, needles and blades of grass, the lower part of the stem and damaged areas are cut off, the contaminated skin is scraped off and washed thoroughly 3-4 times. When processing russula, the skin is removed from the cap. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water. They clean the legs and cut off the caps, cut out the damaged and wormy places, remove the mucous skin from the cap and wash it.

Mushrooms are sorted by size into small, medium and large. Small mushrooms and caps of medium mushrooms are used whole, large ones are cut or chopped. Porcini mushrooms are poured with boiling water two or three times, the rest of the mushrooms are boiled for 4–5 minutes so that they are soft and do not crumble when cut.

Mushrooms for enterprises come from greenhouses. They should not be overgrown, the plates on the underside of the cap should be a pale pink color. When processing champignons, the film covering the plates is removed, the root is cleaned, the skin is removed from the cap and washed in water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar so that they do not darken.

Morels and lines are sorted out, cut off the roots, put in cold water for 30-40 minutes in order to soak the sand and motes, washed several times. Then the mushrooms are boiled for 10-15 minutes in a large amount of water to destroy and remove the toxic substance - helvelic acid, which turns into a decoction during cooking. After boiling, the mushrooms are washed with hot water, and the broth must be poured out.

When processing fresh mushrooms, it is necessary to carefully select them, as some of them resemble inedible and poisonous mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms. The best dried mushrooms are ceps, as they give a light, fragrant and tasty decoction when cooked. Boletus, boletus, boletus darken when dried, so they are of little use for broths. Dried mushrooms are sorted, washed several times, soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, then the water is drained, filtered and used for cooking mushrooms. Mushrooms are washed after soaking.

Salted and pickled mushrooms. They are separated from the brine, sorted by size and quality, spices are removed, large specimens are cut. Very salty or spicy mushrooms are washed with cold boiled water, sometimes soaked. In order to preserve the good qualities of salted and pickled mushrooms, care must be taken to ensure that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine or marinade before processing.

Below are the waste rates for the mechanical culinary processing of mushrooms (in% of the gross weight):

  • White fresh mushrooms 24
  • White pickled mushrooms 18
  • Fresh champignons 24
  • Morels 16
  • Salted mushrooms in a barrel container 18
  • Salted mushrooms in glass containers 25
  • Dried mushrooms No
  • Waste for marinade, brine, decoction.



The main objectives of the classes:

1. To develop practical skills for students in organizing the workplace, processing vegetables and mushrooms, slicing, using tools, utensils, equipment.

2. To teach students how to use raw materials, electricity, take care of equipment, and follow safety rules.



Material and technical equipment

Equipment: production tables

Inventory, tools, utensils: pots, colander, sieve; chef's knives and cutting boards marked "OS" (raw vegetables); karbovochny knife for figured cutting of vegetables.

Raw material: tubers and root crops.

The sequence of technological operations

Operation number 1. Organization of the workplace, sorting and washing vegetables.

When organizing a workplace, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured: sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning, cutting.

Sorting, sizing contribute to the rational use of vegetables for the preparation of certain dishes, reduce waste during mechanized processing. When sorting and calibrating, foreign impurities, rotten and beaten specimens are removed, vegetables are distributed by size and quality.

Vegetables are washed by hand. The water temperature should be 10 ... 15 C.

Operation number 2. Cleaning vegetables.

Vegetables are peeled manually using knives marked "OS".

Operation number 3. Cutting vegetables.

Vegetables are cut mechanically by hand with a knife "OS". The tool, inventory is placed on the right of the worker, and the processed product is on the left.

Slicing vegetables is necessary for their more uniform heat treatment. It gives the dishes a beautiful appearance, improves the taste.

For tubers and root crops, there are two forms of cutting: simple and complex. The simple, most common forms of slicing are:

Simple forms of slicing tubers

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, put one on top of the other and chopped across into straws 4-5 cm long, 0.2X0.2 cm in section. They are used for deep-frying (in a large amount of fat).

Blocks. Raw potatoes are cut into plates 0.7–10 cm thick and cut into sticks 3–4 cm long. They are used for frying, cooking borscht (except naval and Siberian), pickle, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Cubes. Potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large - 2–2.5, medium - 1 - 1.5, small - 0.3–0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium - for cooking "potatoes in milk" and for stewing, boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (medium-sized) are cut in half and cut into slices along the radius, which are used to make pickles, stews, wind beef, and deep-frying.

Slices. Boiled potatoes of small or medium size are cut lengthwise in half, then in half again and chopped across into slices 1–2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into sticks and chopped across into slices. Use slices for salads and vinaigrettes.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are trimmed, giving it the shape of a cylinder, then cut across into thin circles 1.5–2 mm thick. Raw potato circles are used for frying, and boiled ones are used for baking fish and meat.

Forms of slicing potatoes and root crops

1 - slices; 2 - circles; 3 - straw; 4 - bars; 5-cubes; 6 - slices.

Cut shapes, sizes and culinary use of potatoes Cut shape straw sticks Dimensions, cm Culinary use Length 4 * 5, cross section 0.2 * 0.2 cm For deep-frying Length 4 * 5, cross section 0.2 * 0.2 cm For frying, borscht (except naval and Siberian), pickle, soups with pasta, etc. Cubes: (large amount of fat) For soups with cereals, naval, Siberian borscht, stewing. Large Rib 2 * 2.5 cm Medium Rib 1 * 1.5 cm For "potatoes in milk" dish, stews small Rib 0.3 * 0.5 cm For salads, garnish for cold dishes. wedges From medium potatoes but not more than 5 cm long For pickles, stews, brass beef, deep-frying. Thickness 0.1 * 0.2 cm For salads, vinaigrettes. slices Rib Circles: Raw boiled 1 * 1.5 cm Diameter 2 * 3, thickness 0.15 * 0.2 cm For deep-frying, the main way. For baking fish, meat, frying.

Cutting forms, sizes and culinary use of carrots Cutting form Dimensions, cm Culinary use straws Length 4 * 5 cm, transverse For marinade, noodle soups, pickles, section 0.1 * 0.2 cm borscht, (except naval and Siberian), carrot cutlets. Bars Length 3.5 * 4, cross section 0.4 * 0.5 cm For soups with pasta, broths with vegetables, for poaching Rib 1 * 1.5 cm For poaching, stewing. Rib 0.5 * 0.5 cm For soups with cereals, legumes, for garnishes for cold dishes Rib 0.2 * 0.2 cm For daily cabbage soup, rice soup, minced meat. Length 3, 5 * 4 cm For poaching, stew, fresh cabbage soup Cubes: Medium Small crumbs Slices of cabbage, brass beef. Slices Thickness 0.1 * 0.2, edge 1 cm For navy, Siberian borscht, salads, vinaigrettes. Circles: Diameter 2 * 2.5 Thickness 0.1 * 0.15 cm For peasant soup. raw boiled For garnish to cold dishes.

Slicing forms, sizes, culinary use of beets. Forms of cutting Dimensions, cm Straws Culinary use Length 4 - 5 cm For borscht (except naval and Siberian), beetroot, Cross-section 0.2 marinade, beet cutlets. – 0.2 cm Cubes: Rib Medium 1 – 1 cm Small 0.5 – 0.5 cm Sliced ​​Cross section 02 – 02 cm For stewing. For an elaborate side dish; herring. For navy, Siberian borscht, boiled for vinaigrette. length 1 - 1.5 cm Balls, stars, scallops Diameter 1 - 1.5 cm For decorating cold dishes.

Primary processing of white cabbage Remove rotten and contaminated leaves; cut off the outer part of the stalk and wash; The head of cabbage is cut into two or four parts and the stalk is cut out; put in cold salted water (50 ... 60 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 10 - 15 minutes to remove caterpillars. washed.

Slicing forms, sizes, culinary use of cabbage. Forms of cutting Dimensions, cm Culinary use. straws Length 4 - 5 cm Borscht, pickles, stewed cabbage, salads, side dishes for cold dishes, cabbage casserole. Thickness 0.2 - 0.2 cm checkers Rib 2 - 2.5 cm Cubes Rib 0.2 - 0.3 cm Daily cabbage soup, minced meat. Length according to the size of the head Cooking, poaching, for frying after pre-boiling. Shchi, navy, Siberian borscht, stew, vegetable soup, peasant soup, condiments. Small (crumb) slices

Processing of onions sort; cut off the lower part - the bottom; cut off the upper part - the neck; remove dry scales; washed in cold water.

Slicing forms, sizes, culinary use of onions. Forms of cutting Straws (half-rings) Dimensions, cm Length 4-5, cm Cross-section 0.2-0.2 cm Culinary use For dressing soups (except naval, Siberian), soups with pasta, sauces, vinaigrette, beef stroganoff. Cubes 0.1 - 0.3 cm For cereal soups, kharcho soup, daily cabbage soup, minced meat. Slices length 3 - 5 cm For cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, stew, brass beef, kidneys "in Russian". Rings Diameter - 3-4 cm For cooking shish kebabs, deep-frying, for cold dishes. Thickness 0.1 -0.2cm

Potato is a unique food crop, its tubers contain an average of 23.7% dry matter, including 17.5% starch, 1-2% proteins, and about 1% mineral salts. Potato protein in its nutritional value is close to chicken egg proteins, 500 g of fried or 600-700 g of boiled potatoes can satisfy a person's need for almost all essential amino acids (except methylonine and cysteine).

In the southern regions of Europe, potatoes provide on average up to 10% of the population's annual need for vitamin C, and in the north and northeast, up to 50-60%.

Potato is the only plant that a person can eat for a long time without adding other foods to the diet.

The most important role in determining the taste of potatoes belongs to amino acids. Them in potatoes is approximately South per 1 kg of fresh weight. Most of them are proline and alanine, which give the tubers a sweet taste; but leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine make the tubers bitter.

Potatoes contain aspartic acid, which itself has no taste, but enhances the pleasant taste imparted by other substances (such substances are called flavor enhancers). Significantly improves the taste and glutamic acid. In the tubers of such tasty potatoes as Early Rose, the content of glutamic acid increases to 2.3%, while in unpalatable potato varieties it drops or, in extreme cases, remains at the same level.

Some mononucleotides also belong to the number of gutentiators. In the tubers of the most delicious potato varieties (Early Rose), there are twice as many of them as in tubers with low palatability (Woltman, Ubel, etc.). The content of mononucleotides increases markedly when potatoes are boiled (probably as a result of thermal decomposition of RNA) and falls in raw tubers kept until spring.

The taste of the finished dish largely depends on the processes that occur during cooking or frying potatoes. The same amino acids, entering into various reactions during heat treatment, give dishes not only taste, but also aroma. The appearance of a golden yellow color is associated with melanoidin formation.

The aroma of tubers also depends on fats, although there are not many of them (0.1%), which form the organoleptic properties of the product, affecting its texture.

The aroma of potatoes baked in ash is associated with the release of volatile substances, which are a mixture of acetone and ethanol.

Dimethyl sulfide appears in the tubers during storage, and there is less ethanol - as a result, the taste of the potato deteriorates greatly.

Polyphenolic compounds, chlorogenic, caffeic and quinic acids worsen the taste of potatoes. The more tubers contain phenols, the more noticeable the bitterness, the stronger the astringent taste.

Alkaloids have a particularly strong effect on the taste of tubers, they can even make them poisonous. Their content during storage of tubers in the light increases sharply. So the content of solanine during storage of potatoes in the light for hours from 20% rises to 50%. And if corned beef tubers contain about 30%, then signs of poisoning are already showing. During heat treatment, the content of alkaloids is greatly reduced due to their destruction, simpler compounds are formed. The complete absence of alkaloids also reduces the taste of tubers, so their content should be 1.9-2.5 mg%.

Potatoes and vegetables are supplied to catering establishments unprocessed (fresh). Potatoes and vegetables can also be supplied in the form of semi-finished products: raw peeled potatoes, sulphated, fresh white cabbage, carrots, beets, raw peeled onions. In addition, many types of products are supplied to enterprises as fermented, salted, pickled, dried, canned, and quick-frozen.

Vegetables supplied to catering establishments must meet the requirements of current standards in terms of their quality. The amount of waste produced during cleaning depends on the season and is regulated by the recipe collector. However, these norms are the maximum permissible, and it is necessary to strive to reduce the amount of actual waste. This can be achieved by proper organization of the workplace, strict observance of the rules for the operation of machines, the use of grooved knives for cleaning.

Mechanical processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting, grading, washing, cleaning and cutting. When sorting, rotten beaten specimens, foreign impurities are removed, and when calibrated, they are distributed by size. Potatoes and root crops are washed and peeled in vegetable peelers, protected by hand.

Peeled potatoes quickly darken as a result of the oxidation of nitrogenous substances by atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, potatoes are kept in cold water for no more than 6 hours. Root crops after cleaning and washing are stored in trays, baking sheets and containers so that they do not fade, they are covered with a damp cloth or plastic wrap.

When cleaning white, red, Savoy cabbage, contaminated and rotten places are removed. After that, the cabbage is washed. In heads of cabbage intended for cabbage rolls, a stump is cut out without violating their integrity; heads of cabbage intended for cutting are divided into two or four parts, and then the stalk is removed and cut into straws or checkers, depending on further use.

Cut off a stump of cauliflower 1 cm below the branching of the head, along with green leaves. Darkened or rotten places of the head are cut off with a knife or scraped off with a grater. Cleaned heads are washed.

Brussels sprouts are cut with stems. The sprouts are cleaned from spoiled leaves and washed.

Kohlrabi is manually peeled, washed and cut into strips, sticks, slices.

Sauerkraut is sorted out before use, coarsely chopped - crushed; for some dishes it is finely chopped. If the cabbage is very sour, it is also washed and squeezed.

Wash the zucchini and cut off the skin from them. Cut the zucchini into circles or slices. In zucchini used for stuffing, part of the pulp with seeds is removed.

Artichokes are sorted, the stem and upper sharp ends of the scales are cut off, the core is removed and washed.

The asparagus is sorted, carefully peeled so as not to break off the head, and washed.

Parsley, celery are sorted, removing yellowed and withered leaves, washed in plenty of water.

Green onions, lettuce and other green vegetables are sorted, the roots are cut off and rotten and withered leaves are removed, then washed.

Fresh cucumbers are washed, after which the stalk and top are removed; yellowed, with a rough skin, they are cleaned. In greenhouse and long-fruited cucumbers, the skin is not removed.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are washed, cut off the stalk. In tomatoes intended for stuffing, along with the stalk, part of the pulp is cut off and the seeds are removed.

The remains of the tops, roots and skin are cut off from the radish, then washed.

Parsley, celery (root) are sorted, petioles and small roots are cut off, washed and cleaned by hand.

Garlic is divided into cloves, from which the skin and shell are removed.
