
Is mushroom soup healthy? Mushroom soup: useful and harmful properties of the dish

Many people are ardent fans of mushroom soups. Refined aroma, incomparable taste characterize such a first course as gourmet soup. The recipe for mushroom soups is very diverse. Various varieties of mushrooms can be used as the main ingredient. Such soups can be included in the diet of any person. They contribute to the rapid saturation of the body and filling it with numerous useful substances.

mushroom soup calories

calories and nutritional value soups on mushrooms directly depends on their type and variety, method of preparation, as well as the products with which this dish is served.

nutritional value ready meal on average is:

  • Carbohydrates - 2.6 g.
  • Fat - 3.3 g.
  • Proteins - 1.2 g.

The average energy value is 51.3 kcal per 100 ml of finished product.

benefits of mushroom soup

The usefulness of mushroom soup for the body is very high. First of all, most of its species are dietary, but at the same time they greatly saturate the body. The presence of various groups of aminocarboxylic acids in the composition of the main component significantly increases memory, the intensity of mental development and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Ensure the full functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, increases strength and elasticity blood vessels. It has an antiviral effect on the body. Significantly improves the condition of the hair and epidermis.

Harm of mushroom soup

When preparing mushroom soup, you should pay attention to the fact that mushrooms can be deadly. The high content of toxic poisons in their composition has negative impact on the body. Also, among the edible varieties there are deadly poisonous ones, the slightest particle of which in the soup can be fatal. The abuse of mushroom soups provokes the development of pathologies of the digestive tract. Nutritionists recommend that children under the age of 14 should not include mushroom soups in their diet at all.

Mushroom soup quite often present in the human diet. It is not only different excellent taste, but also helps to stock up on energy for the whole day. Soup can be prepared from any variety edible mushrooms, and the process itself will not require special physical costs and time, which is important for people with a fast pace of life.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of mushrooms lie in a large number of amino acids, the number of which is 18 out of a possible 20. This makes mushrooms indispensable in the human diet and compares favorably with most other ingredients used in food. The use of forest fruits improves memory, increases brain activity, and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

In the list of vitamins found in this product, you can find such as B, D, A, E and nicotinic acid. Do not lose sight of the considerable content of vitamin PP, which is responsible for the process of hematopoiesis. Another positive property mushrooms is a protein, the level of which can be equated to that found in meat. Calcium and phosphorus in mushroom soup contains as much as in fish.

by the most useful species mushrooms have long been recognized as white, boletus, mushroom, boletus, honey agaric and even russula. Photo and video recipes for cooking forest fruits can be found in abundance in cookbooks, networks.

With all the diversity useful properties, it is worth paying Special attention on possible contraindications. One of the important factors to consider when using mushrooms is care when harvesting. In addition to poisonous, there are also false mushrooms. It is necessary to refrain from collecting in polluted places, because mushrooms tend to actively absorb harmful substances. If possible, you should not eat the legs either - they are saturated with chitin, which has Negative influence to our health. You also need to cut off the top layer.

Do not forget that mushrooms are a rather heavy product that is difficult to digest in gastric tract and complicates the processing of the rest of the food.

mushroom soup calories

Even if the mushroom soup is cooked on chicken broth, it is considered enough diet dish. The average kilocalorie varies from 50 kcal per 100 grams, which is typical for lean chowder. Knowledge of this fact will be useful to people seeking to maintain harmony. It should be borne in mind that depending on the added ingredients, this criterion will increase. For example, cheese soup with mushrooms will become more satisfying than cooked with vegetables or cereals.

Is it possible during pregnancy, breastfeeding

Every woman during pregnancy begins to think about what can be eaten, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby.

Mushrooms contain enough protein, without which it is impossible to build the cellular "foundation" of the whole organism, which is important during the bearing of a child. These " forest products» contain about 1% fat and 3% carbohydrates, so necessary for a person. However, a pregnant mother should be careful about eating mushrooms so as not to harm herself and her baby.

You should not often introduce mushroom soup into the diet, or it is generally recommended to refuse the dish in case of an allergy to this product. Mushrooms must first be carefully cooked and used only those species whose quality and edibility are 100 percent sure.

During lactation (breastfeeding), you should also not be zealous in using this type of soup. It can be introduced into the diet only if during pregnancy and before mushrooms were used repeatedly. This should be done when the baby reaches 3 months of age, and preference in cooking should be given to champignons. Do not forget about moderate consumption of products - this will not bring harm, only benefit.

At what age can children be given

When introducing mushrooms into a child's diet, do not forget that this product is quite difficult to digest. You should not give mushrooms to children either at the age of one or at the age of two. You can start offering mushroom dishes little by little when the baby has reached the age of 3. And this applies only to those species that have been grown artificial way: These include oyster mushrooms and champignons. It is worth delaying with forest specimens, because they contain a considerable amount of chitin.

After the child reaches 6 years of age, diversity mushroom dishes can be increased, but should not be exceeded a small portion 100 grams maximum once every 7 days.

Mushroom soup for weight loss

Most mushrooms have a low calorie content, which makes it suitable for people on a diet. True, in the case of preparing soup for weight loss, it is worth abandoning the usual stages of cooking - completely eliminate the process of frying vegetables on vegetable oil. Carrots and onions can be added to fresh. The taste should be adjusted with components such as celery or rice, buckwheat, noodles from durum varieties wheat.

Making mushroom soup for diabetics

For people with diabetes, the choice of diet is not only a matter of principle, it is the basis of normal life. At diabetes 2 types, gastritis, gastric ulcer and hyperacidity you have to count every calorie and carefully select products so as not to harm the body.

Nutritionists recommend sticking to strict diet, which will be based on fresh vegetables. Mushrooms can also be included in the list of these products. Lean mushroom soup is the best option for a tasty and satisfying meal without provoking an increase in blood sugar.

True, it is worth observing a number of conditions. The first is cooking exclusively from fresh ingredients. Freeze in this case won't fit. The second is to use the so-called second broth for cooking. When cooking mushrooms, it is worth draining the first broth, adding clean water and continue the process. To give the dish a brightness of taste, you can add butter when frying.

If you take into account all the subtleties of cooking and choosing mushrooms, "forest products" will become a real storehouse useful substances. As a result, you will be able to please yourself and your family. delicious meals. Be healthy!

Last year, the district pediatrician strongly advised me to boil meat for the child, and pour out the broth and not give the child in any case, since I think that what is good for a child is excellent for an adult, I usually began to cook soups without meat for adults . usually we have 1-2 soups with meat a week (pea or bean, even capusnyak), the rest are all without. no one was indignant (except for mom. but she is always indignant))
But today I wanted to explore this issue in more depth. here's what I dug up.

Meat broths or vegetable broths?

There are few comrades for the taste and color of the broth. After all, this dish is not only the quintessence of vegetables, beef or chicken, but also the intersection of two competing culinary worldviews - vegetarian and "meat-eating". Let's put an end to the feud?

Meat broths came into fashion even when mankind knew the only kind of fitness - "Running after the mammoth." Or Run from the Mammoth. Naturally, only the broth from the same mammoth could compensate for such expenditures of strength. And when large animals ran out, our ancestors had to switch to livestock and poultry, since hard physical labor still required intensive meat nutrition. But in the last hundred years, due to the development of transport and all kinds of technologies, human motor activity has sharply decreased and eating according to the principle "More broths, tasty and different" has become irrelevant.

The calorie and nutritional value of meat and chicken decoctions "drops out" of the modern diet, the favorites of which are vitamins, minerals and fiber, and, as you know, they are practically absent in animal broths. Added fuel to the fire Genetic Engineering and chemistry, "helping" the rapid growth muscle mass animals and by all possible (and impossible!) means "taking care" of their health. But how to explain this to the stomach, reasonably accustomed by our mothers and grandmothers to the "first" for lunch? "Eureka, vegetable broths!" - we exclaimed and moved the vegetables from the salad bowls to the soup plates. But are vegetable decoctions so useful? And are meats so harmful? Let's find out!

You can enrich the broth with vitamins by sprinkling it with fresh chopped herbs.

Provitamin A - basil, parsley, green onion, dill.
Vitamin B1 - dill, celery, parsley, green onions, mint.
Vitamin B2 - celery, parsley, dill.
Vitamin C - parsley, dill, green onion, celery, rosemary, mint.
Vitamin K - parsley, dill.
Vitamin P - parsley, basil, dill.
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - dill, celery, parsley.

vegetable broth

Who and what is useful: in a decoction of vegetables, vitamins and minerals are stored in a small amount and fat is completely absent. That's why vegetable broth considered to be a diet food.

Hazardous Substances: Vegetables grown on soil contaminated with industrial waste may contain health hazards. chemical substances(cadmium, lead). In addition, pesticides, nitrates and herbicides are still often used to protect fruits from pests and specific diseases.

What can be added: garlic, Bay leaf, tomato sauce, soy sauce, celery root, parsley root, fresh herbs parsley, dill, rosemary, mint and celery, skim milk.

1) Peel vegetables. If the potatoes turn out to be green or stained, peel off 5-8 mm. Beets should be cut 3-5 cm from the edge where the tops grow.

2) Soak questionable vegetables in water so that harmful substances are in it, then chop.

3) Throw the vegetables into boiling salted water, bring it to a boil again, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and so cook the vegetables until tender.
Chicken broth, beef (veal) broth, fish broth

Who and what is useful: chicken, beef, veal and fish broths in the primary version (undiluted) contain a large number of extractive substances that stimulate appetite and increase the overall tone of the body. Especially it concerns chicken broth, which since ancient times soldered convalescent patients. Those who suffer from chronic gastritis of reduced secretion, as well as anemia and exhaustion (contraindications - gout) cannot do without primary saturated broths. Secondary broths have a wider "audience": people with stomach ulcers and duodenum, chronic gastritis and increased secretion in the acute stage, chronic colitis with increased secretion in the acute stage, chronic colitis, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. And, of course, everyone who follows the figure.
Chicken bouillon

Harmful Substances: If "forbidden practices" were used in poultry rearing, there is a risk that heavy metal salts, antibiotics that protected the chicken from disease, growth hormones that contributed to the bird's weight gain, and preservatives will be in the broth.

What can be added: carrots, parsley root, dill (spices can "hammer" the delicate chicken taste).

What part to cook from: from the breast - the most dietary part of the chicken.

How to cook the broth correctly:
1) clean chicken breast from the skin (since the proportion of bones in the chicken is small, they can not be removed).

2) If you are not sure about the quality, soak the chicken for two hours in water.

3) Weld secondary broth: put the chicken in a saucepan, pour over cold water, put a surge and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Completely drain the primary broth, fill the meat with fresh water and cook the bird in it until tender.
beef broth

Harmful substances: The purine bases contained in meat make it dangerous for gout, metabolic arthritis and other diseases. Poor-quality beef may contain antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, and substances that give old meat a "fresh" look.

Nutritional value per 100 ml: 100-150 kcal.

What can be added: onions, carrots, fresh herbs, celery root, bay leaf, black peppercorns and ground, saffron (for color).

From which part to cook: the femoral and shoulder parts of the carcass, tenderloin.

How to cook the broth correctly:
1) Separate the pulp of beef (veal) from the bone and remove all visible fat from it.

2) Meat of "unknown origin" is best soaked in water.

3) Cook the secondary broth according to the second method: cut the meat into small pieces, cover with cold water and put on fire. Drain after half an hour? broth, add required amount water and cook until done.
fish broth

Harmful substances: fish that lived in ecologically unfavorable water areas may contain salts of harmful metals, carcinogenic and toxic compounds, and salmon - dyes. And some types of fish (perch, horse mackerel, tuna) are able to reach large sizes, often in the process of growth "enriched" with mercury.

Nutritional value per 100 ml: 100-150 kcal.

What you can add: carrots, whole onion, parsley root, dill, lemon wedge (pitted), bay leaf, pepper, tarragon.

What part to cook from: from whole carcass small fish, since the accumulation of harmful substances is directly proportional to the size of the fish.

How to cook the broth correctly:
1) Clean the fish from scales, gut, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water and quickly bring to a boil.

2) Remove the foam with a slotted spoon, salt to taste, add the root and cook the broth until fully prepared fish.
mushroom decoction

Who and what is useful: as in meat (chicken, fish) broths, mushroom broth contains a certain percentage of extractives and, in addition, aromatic resins, which also stimulate digestion.

Harmful Substances: Heavy metal salts are often found in mushrooms collected near busy highways.

Nutritional value per 100 ml: 20-30 kcal.

What can be added: onions, carrots, bay leaves, black pepper, peas, ground black pepper, skimmed milk or cream, parsley or dill.

What part to cook from: from any part young mushroom(White is best.)

How to cook the broth correctly:
1) Carefully sort the mushrooms, wash them several times, peel the caps from the skin, in which harmful substances accumulate first of all, and soak for a short time in cold water.

2) If the mushrooms are large. cut them up in small pieces, pour into a saucepan, cover with water and cook until tender. dried mushrooms should be rinsed more thoroughly and soaked for large quantity time, because in this case the mushrooms will also have to "swell".
bone broth

Harmful substances: in Lately nutritionists strongly recommend abandoning this type of broth, since it is especially saturated with purine bases - nitrogenous extractives (purine derivatives) that provoke the deposition of salts. Purine bases are also found in other types of protein broths, but in a smaller and, therefore, less harmful amount for human health.
bouillon cubes

Harmful substances: the fat that is part of the cubes, in terms of calories, equates the broth from them to the primary broths from meat and chicken. Preservatives are added to the cube, and monosodium glutamate is added to enhance the taste, harmless in small doses, but which should not be abused ("syndrome Chinese restaurant"). Because of high content salt (more than 50% of the cube) such broths should be avoided by people who need to limit salt in their diet.

How much does mushroom broth cost (average price for 1)?

The broth is a liquid broth or culinary semi-finished product, which is obtained as a result heat treatment different varieties animal and poultry meat, vegetables, fish, and mushrooms. It is noteworthy that its original name The broth is derived from the French verb bouillir, which literally means "to boil". As a rule, broths contain enough a small amount of natural protein.

For this reason, broths are used as first courses, which are designed to stimulate the appetite before serving the main dishes. The uniqueness of the benefits of broths lies in the fact that this product is good, and most importantly, it is quickly absorbed. human body. Due to such distinctive properties, broths are used in dietary, as well as medical menu nutrition.

Since the product is easily absorbed even by a weakened human body as a result of a serious illness. The most popular are meat, fish, chicken, vegetable, and mushroom broth. In Japan, kombu seaweed broth is made. mushroom broth along with other varieties of the product, it occupies not the last place in the Russian national culinary tradition.

Mushroom broth has long been used in the preparation of various culinary products. The popularity of mushroom broth is associated primarily with the abundance of various varieties of mushrooms growing on the territory. Russian Federation and suitable for the manufacture of the product. You can use both fresh and dried mushrooms to make mushroom broth.

Of course, mushroom broth prepared on the basis of fresh forest mushrooms has the best taste and aromatic characteristics. Such a broth can be excellent, tasty and helpful first dish. It is noteworthy that in modern grocery stores you can buy mushroom broth in cubes. However, such a product should not even be compared with freshly brewed, tasty and aromatic mushroom broth.

In order to prepare mushroom broth you will need the following ingredients: fresh or dried mushrooms as well onion, carrots, salt, spices and spices to taste. If fresh mushrooms are used to prepare mushroom broth, then they must be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then only boiled.

Dried mushrooms must be washed before preparing the mushroom broth. warm water and stand for several hours in cold water. Mushrooms cooked in the stock preparation process can be finely chopped and used in the preparation of sauces or gravy.

Calorie mushroom broth 3 kcal

The energy value of mushroom broth (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Mushroom soup stands apart among the variety liquid meals, combining satiety of meat and lightness vegetable first and at the same time possessing a unique rich taste and smell.

Mushroom soup is easy to prepare and in the selection of ingredients; any edible mushrooms in any processing are suitable for it - fresh, dry, salted. Of course, the taste will change depending on the composition, but the main advantages of mushroom soup will remain with it anyway.

In our area, soup is rarely cooked from pickles and marinades, preferring to use them as a snack. The most common recipes for this dish include noble Forest mushrooms dried or plain fresh champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are “overwhelmed” on the shelves in any season.

Wild mushroom soup among gourmets is considered a benchmark. But fresh mushrooms, boletus and boletus for residents of the non-forest zone are in short supply, so dried ones are usually used. However, in the soup dried mushrooms has its own, special charm and richness peculiar only to it. Of the cultivated mushrooms for soups, Japanese shiitake is preferable, which, in their taste and nutritional properties approach the whites. Mushroom or oyster mushroom soup will have a relatively mild taste, although it also has many connoisseurs.

The basis

There is mushroom soup and there is mushroom soup. What is the difference? The first one is always cooked on a mushroom broth and only, but the second one can be made by adding mushrooms even to chicken, even to vegetable broth, at least in the ear. But it will be a fundamentally different dish.

The preparation of mushroom broth varies depending on the initial processing of the product. fresh mushrooms it is not necessary to soak, although if it is a “wild”, half an hour in cool water will do her good. In any case, mushrooms must be cleaned and washed thoroughly before cooking. Cut into large cubes of 1-1.5 cm or slices of about 5 mm. Small cuts can lead to a loss of taste and texture, while larger cuts will be inconvenient to use. Small mushrooms with legs are best sliced. The slices will retain their characteristic shape, which will favorably affect the aesthetics of the finished dish.

Chopped mushrooms are poured with cold water in the amount of 1 liter per 200 grams and put on fire. The time of cooking the broth after boiling does not exceed 30 minutes.

The consumption of dried mushrooms will be about 70-100 years. for a 3 liter pot. Dried mushrooms need to be soaked for a long time - at least 3 hours, or all night. At the same time, the water in which the drying was soaked will become the basis of the future broth, so its volume should correspond to the yield of the dish, as 1:1 or 1:3. In the latter case, the strained mushroom infusion is diluted clean water. The choice of method depends on what strength the decoction is planned to receive. Dried mushrooms are boiled for an average of 1.5 hours.

For soups from canned mushrooms broth is not made.


After the broth is ready, the rest of the ingredients are added to it in turn, taking into account the cooking time. Their choice depends only on the preferences of the cook.

Traditional side dishes for mushrooms in soup are potatoes or noodles. Potatoes give satiety, but interrupt discriminating taste mushrooms, and noodles, for all their nutritional value, perfectly complement it. Homemade with the addition of eggs will be especially good. Of the vegetables in this soup, carrots and onions are most often found. But don't limit yourself to the most popular recipes.

Delicious mushroom soups are obtained with cereals - rice, wheat, barley, any other. Turnip, pumpkin or beans will fit perfectly here. A worthy role in the soup will be played by chopped boiled eggs, fried bacon, grated cheese, which are added at the very end. Other options will prompt fantasy.


Spices can both save and destroy the taste of food, and mushroom soup is no exception. Depth taste sensations celery, parsley root, tarragon, thyme, paprika will be added from it. It is better to refrain from adding garlic or suneli hops, as they can completely kill both the taste and aroma of mushroom soup.


Mushroom soups are often served with sour cream. This will be especially appropriate in the case of low-nutrient champignons. It is also good to sprinkle the soup poured on plates with crumbled green onion, parsley and dill. Many like to add to the plate savory croutons- this is suitable for lovers of garlic, instead of adding it to the pan.


Mushroom soup is one of those dishes that get better the next day. But do not leave it in the refrigerator for more than 4 days.

So, we talked about how to cook mushroom soup from mushrooms, we gave the recipe, it remains only to tell how this soup is useful.

benefits of mushroom soup

This soup is a rare example of hearty, tasty and at the same time low calorie meal. Mushrooms are 85-95% water, so when using them, you can not be afraid for the figure. However, supporters healthy eating you should refrain from passivating ingredients (especially on butter), because from this energy value jumps up instantly. Mushroom soup is high in protein, which is why vegetarians love it.

The mushroom picker is also an indispensable item in Lenten menu. The main thing is not to forget about the rules of caution when using wild mushrooms, so that pleasure and benefit do not turn into trouble.
