
How to make a snowdrift out of paper. The easiest way to make artificial snow

Artificial snow can help you have fun with your child, and also useful for a variety of crafts/handicrafts. How to make it so that it is quite budgetary and simple? We have collected 20 artificial snow recipes for you - try it and share your impressions. Not all of them will completely imitate snow - fluffy, soft, cold and smelling of freshness. There is also "snow" paint for drawing and "snow" slime, and "snow" plasticine, and other interesting substances. But all of them are directly related to the snow and will definitely appeal to children. And if you need "adult" options for use in needlework, then immediately go to the second part (point 9 and beyond)

For children, the most curious options are those proposed by Crystal Andrewood

How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining snow

It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.


Two boxes of corn starch / corn flour

Shaving cream

Mint extract (optional)

2. Snow clay


2 cups baking soda

1 cup cornstarch

1 and 1/2 cups cold water

A few drops of mint extract

3. Snow "lizun"


2 cups of PVA glue

1.5 cups hot water

Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give the slime a frosty flavor

Mix in a small bowl

In a second bowl, mix

3/4 teaspoon borax

1.3 cups hot water
Combine the contents of both bowls and mix with your hands for several minutes until the mass begins to stretch.

4. Snow paint


Shaving cream

PVA school glue

Peppermint extract

5. "Silk" snow


Frozen white soap bars (any brand)

cheese grater

Peppermint extract

Method of preparation - send the soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning, you can take it out one by one (Crystal used 6 bars) and grate it. Fluffy snow will be obtained, in which sparkles and mint extract can be added. It is perfectly sculpted, and you can make a snowman or any other figurine.

6. Snow dough


Corn starch (freeze overnight to keep snow dough cold)

Lotion (refrigerate overnight to keep the snow dough cold)

7. "Liquid" snow.


Frozen cornstarch

Ice water

Peppermint extract

In the starch that you got from the freezer, you need to add ice water until the desired consistency is obtained. It is recommended to add little by little so that the "snow" does not turn out to be too liquid.

Also, if you've never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you might be in for a surprise. Because with active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest it spreads.

8. Snow from shaving foam


1 can of shaving foam

1.5 packs of soda

glitter (optional)

Squeeze the contents of the can of foam into the basin and gradually add soda. You will get a very pleasant mass of snow, from which you can sculpt figures.

Now let's move on to the adult part.

Artificial Snow Recipes

9. Polyethylene foam snow

foamed polyethylene (used as packaging material for equipment, glass; shoe inserts) or foam;
small grater.
We work with gloves. We grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater and ... Voila! Fluffy flakes all over your house!!! If you add sparkles, then the snow will also sparkle. You can powder anything with this snow if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

10. Polymer clay snow

remnants of dried polymer clay (plastic).
Needlewomen often keep the remains of polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to grind it with your hands, and then with a coffee grinder. It turns out a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand-made products.

11. Snow from a baby diaper

baby diaper.
To get snow, you need:
1. Cut open the diaper and remove the sodium polyacrylate from it, and then tear it into small pieces.
2. Put the resulting mass into a container and fill it with water. Pour in gradually, in small portions, until the pieces of polyacrylate begin to resemble snow. Just do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn out too wet;
3. To make the snow look more realistic, put the container in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

12. Frost from salt

salt (preferably coarsely ground);
We prepare a concentrated salt solution. To do this, fill the pan with a small amount of water and put on low heat. Add salt until it no longer dissolves. We dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant in a hot solution and leave for a while. The process of crystal formation goes much faster in warm water! We let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. Sparkling frost is guaranteed! If you add brilliant green, food coloring or ink to the salt solution, then the frost will turn out to be colored!

13. Artificial snow for the "snowball"

Paraffin candle
It must be grated on a fine grater. Such "snow" is great for making toys "a la snowball" when glycerin and artificial snow flakes are added to the water. The container is hermetically sealed and when shaken, the snow falls smoothly to the bottom.

You can really go the simpler way - and add ordinary sparkles to such a ball. It will turn out no less effective.

14. PVA and flock snow

Flock is a very finely chopped pile. And if you are lucky enough to find a package of white flock on sale, rejoice. After all, now you will get "snow" for any craft in a matter of minutes. It is enough to generously grease the surface with glue and sprinkle flock on top (you can use a strainer).

15. Snow from PVA and starch


2 tablespoons starch

2 tablespoons PVA

2 tablespoons silver paint

Thoroughly mix (grind) the ingredients.

Such snow is suitable when it is necessary to decorate the surface of the product with a bulky white mass.

16. Mass imitating snow


fine quartz sand or semolina or foam chips

white acrylic

thick PVA

1. Pour a small amount of your chosen material into a bowl. Approximately 1 faceted glass.
2. In this bulk material, we begin to gradually add white acrylic paint. From experience, it is better to buy it in a hardware store for facade work. We add to such a state that our loose particles stick together, but do not float in the liquid.
3. Then add PVA, preferably thick. We also add quite a bit so that the mixture is elastic and viscous.
4. Well, some silver sequins. We mix everything and ... everything !!!

Recipes for edible "snow".

17. Sugar snow

Dip the rim of the glass (glass) in water or syrup, and then in sugar.

18. "Snow-covered" plants
gum arabic;
egg white.
With the help of these components, plants can be candied (non-poisonous and non-bitter). Flowers of pear, apple, cherry, rose, violet, primrose, lemon, begonia, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, pansies have good taste. Candied leaves of mint, lemon balm, geranium are obtained beautiful and very fragrant. Dissolve 12 g of gum arabic with constant stirring in ¼ cup of hot water (in a water bath). Cool the solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100 g of sugar in ¼ cup of water. Also cool. On plants, apply with a brush first a solution of gum arabic, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with fine granulated sugar (but not powdered). Dry on parchment paper or tracing paper. Such "snowy" beauty will not deteriorate for several months. These flowers can decorate a birthday cake or your favorite small sweet pastries.

19. "Snow-covered" plants - option 2

egg white;
Beat egg white and sugar until foamy. Apply with a brush to the petals of the plant and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the plants prepared in this way on parchment and put in the oven on a small fire. Two hours later you can admire the beauty!

20. salty "snow" for meat

a pinch of salt;
egg white.
Beat the egg white and a pinch of salt in a steep foam with a mixer. Lay this impromptu snow on the meat and send it to the oven! Miracles: a chicken in a snowdrift!

I really hope that from these 20 artificial snow recipes you were able to choose the right one for yourself.

A wonderful winter time is dear to each of us from the school bench. Who doesn't have wonderful memories of playing fun winter games and enjoying snowflakes flying from the sky as children! However, as the climate changes, winter does not please us so often, but the soul still requires a holiday! How to create a festive snowy atmosphere for yourself? How to make snow with your own hands?

There is a sure method to cook snow in just using a kettle of boiling water. However, this will require a “real” fierce winter outside the window. At least 25 degrees below zero. Then with a kettle of boiling water you can go outside, and in a matter of seconds turn it into a pile of snowballs. To do this, you need to carefully throw out all the water from the kettle and, lo and behold, water no longer pours out of it, but snowflakes fly out!

This method is good when it's really cold outside. But how to prepare snow if it is warm there or just a light frost?

In fact, making artificial snowflakes at home is not that difficult. There are several methods that are suitable for this case. You can make snowflakes from seven different materials:

  • baby diapers;
  • salt;
  • Styrofoam;
  • soap and toilet paper;
  • soap and water;
  • cotton wool;
  • sugar and water.

Now more about each method of making snow mass.

Making snow out of diapers

You can prepare snow happiness in three stages:

  1. We buy this diaper in the store. As a rule, its main component are special sodium polyacrylate granules. In its pure form, this item is not for sale. But from one large diaper you can get several handfuls of snow;
  2. now you need to gut the diaper, carefully cutting along the seam. Powder will spill out from under the outer soft coating, which must be carefully collected in a large bowl. The powder should be at least half as much as the free space in the bowl;
  3. now you can add water to the container. By the amount it should be a little more than the powder itself. Now the most amazing begins. The wet powder will begin to grow rapidly in size! The picture is reminiscent of a fairy tale about a magic porridge that crawled out of a pot.

Our snow is almost ready! If you need a multi-colored material, then any dye can be added to the water. Thus, you get a multi-colored snowball, from which you can make any compositions or gifts.

This method takes a little time, and the output is almost real crumbly dry snowflakes that do not stick to your hands and do not freeze your fingers. It turns out that making snow at home is really easy and fast.

However, if there are children in the house, then it is important to ensure that the child does not eat such a “snowflake”. No matter how hypoallergenic diapers may seem, sodium polyacrylate is a chemical element. If used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Making snow from salt

With the help of salt, it will be possible to make not so much a handful of snow as a delicate cover of hoarfrost. It is interesting to do this business with a child. For him, this will be both an exciting activity, and at the same time there will be a chance to gain some basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences.

You can make frost from salt in five steps:

  1. buy rock salt in the store;
  2. prepare a solution. For one kilogram of salt, two liters of water are required. Stir until completely dissolved. It will not be easy, but it is an important step in the whole process;
  3. to obtain frost with some color tint, you need to add dye or ink to the solution;
  4. now the fun part. We take a branch (spruce, flower, string of beads) and dip it into the salt solution. Leave in this container until the solution has completely cooled;
  5. now you can remove your object from the saline solution and leave to dry.

After the final drying, the immersed object will acquire a white coating, which in appearance will very much resemble winter frost. Now you can use this branch to make bouquets or arrangements.

Preparation of snow mass from foam

To prepare such snow, you just need a piece of foam plastic left over from buying household appliances or warming the house. You need to take a fine grater and grate a piece of foam on it. The result is a pile of snow that is suitable for use in crafts or decorations.

The advantage of polystyrene is its harmlessness. This environmentally friendly product does not emit any odors or fumes. Therefore, even allergy sufferers can make snow from polystyrene foam. In addition, this is one of the most budget options, as it does not require any additional costs.

With the help of such snow, you can make snow-covered branches. To do this, it will be enough to grease the branch with glue, and then sprinkle with cooked snowflakes.

How to make snow out of soap and toilet paper?

The process of making snow from soap and toilet paper is somewhat unusual, but crafts can be easily sculpted from such a mass of snow. For example, you can sculpt snowballs or even a whole snowman.

To make snow, you need to prepare several rolls of toilet paper and a piece of white soap. The paper needs to be torn into small pieces. In a large glass dish at the bottom you need to put a piece of soap and cover with torn paper. This dish needs to be microwaved at 100 degrees.

The mixture should “bake” for about a minute, but every fifteen seconds it must be stirred, as if fluffing. The soap must not be completely dissolved. It should just become soft.

The resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of water, mix well and add another half glass. Our snow is ready. From the resulting mass, you can sculpt any figures that your imagination can master.

How to make snow with soap and water

Such snow will not last long, but it will be an interesting activity for both the parent and the baby. For its preparation it is enough:

  1. grate one bar of white baby soap on a coarse grater;
  2. add a quarter cup of boiling water;
  3. using a mixer, beat the solution to the state of thick sour cream.

Knowing how to make snow using this method, you can prepare it in advance before bathing a child. This will give him a lot of pleasure, and his parents will allow him to calmly bathe him.

Cooking snow from cotton wool

The advantage of this method of making snow is that after using it, the house does not require general cleaning. All ready-made snowflakes will be easy to place anywhere in the house, as well as successfully removed. Here is the preparation itself:

  1. we roll a large number of rollers from cotton wool;
  2. we dip an ordinary thread in PVA glue;
  3. string cotton balls on a thread wet from glue;
  4. the thicker we lower, the more impressive the snow garland will be;
  5. let dry;
  6. decorate your home with the resulting snow garlands.

Cooking sweet snow

An unforgettable event for the whole family will be the preparation of sweet snow, which can be eaten. For him, made in the form of snowflakes and stars.

A pinch of sugar and egg yolk are beaten with a mixer until very thick foam. The resulting foam can decorate all the cookies, and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Everything is baked in the oven on low heat. As a result, it will turn out to make a lot of snow, which will be fabulously tasty and beautiful!

With the help of sugar, you can also frame the edges of the glasses. After wetting the glasses, you can dip them in sugar and let dry. Sugar will be securely fixed on the glasses, creating an unusually beautiful decor.

Can artificial snow be used on ski slopes?

Interestingly, at the moment, some world-famous ski resorts use artificial snow for their slopes. Snow for the ski run, of course, is not prepared by any of the above methods. There, for this, special pumps or snow guns are installed, which give out snow quickly and automatically. Although in nature snow forms only at temperatures below zero, artificial snow is made at higher temperatures by the action of special proteins.

However, some experts believe that although real snow can be replaced in this way, environmental damage cannot be completely avoided. The movement of large volumes of water from one place to another often leads to a sharp decrease in the water level in freshwater rivers, and they, in turn, play a key role in supplying local residents with drinking water.

In any case, making artificial snow at home is an exciting experience. It will bring happiness to children and adults, and will be remembered for a long time as a colorful and memorable event!

Hello, friends! The ShkolaLa blog welcomes you to your home laboratory and congratulates you on the onset of winter!

Allow me to introduce our young fearless experimenters Alexandra and Artem.

Oh, how many interesting experiments they have already redone, how many new things they have learned! But, they are not enough. And today the guys will try to surprise you again. They will make snow out of starch! With my own hands!

Starch is generally a very cool product. A lot can be done from it. For example, a non-Newtonian fluid.

Starch snow turns out like real, though not cold and very fragrant, since baby cosmetic oil is used in the recipe. And hands after playing with it become soft and tender. But less words and more deeds. Let's start the experiment.

After the camera was turned off, the game with artificial snow continued for about an hour and a half. Isn't that what all parents want?

To keep the children busy, preferably not with gadgets, and preferably with something developing. The fine motor skills of children will thank you very much for this!

Now more about the recipe. To make snow you need:

  1. starch;
  2. oil.

We had corn starch, but in the store, oddly enough, there was no potato starch. But potatoes are fine too. And we took baby cosmetic oil. But instead of it, you can take the usual sunflower.

It took 400 grams of starch. Oils 200 ml.

All this needs to be mixed well and that's it. Snow is ready! You can play!

Try it! You'll like it!

Of course, in winter there is a lot of snow and the street is full. But you can’t play with him at home, he will melt and that’s it. And from our snowball you can make different crafts, some winter and even New Year's compositions.

You can plant a Christmas tree in it and put small animal toys in a round dance.

In addition, the resulting mixture is absolutely safe for children's hands. And, I tell you, it has anti-stress qualities. You touch it with your hands, you sort it out with your fingers and you calm down.

We wish you a fun and interesting winter-winter!

Come visit again, we will be glad!

Artem, Alexandra and Evgenia Klimkovich!

Today, there are many ways to make artificial snow at home.
1. Making snow from soap

Grate white soap (or a white candle) on a grater and mix with baby powder.

2. Making snow from Styrofoam

On a grater, you need to grate the foam and sprinkle it with branches that must first be smeared with glue. Branches for this can be taken from any tree, and if you add a little glitter to the foam, the snow on the branches will sparkle beautifully. This method can be used to decorate sprawling and large branches. Snow-covered branches can be decorated with anything, such as a garland, bows, balls, etc.
3. Snow from diapers

Having taken a sufficient number of diapers, you will have to carefully cut them with scissors and pour the contents - the same sodium polyacrylate - into a container prepared in advance. For these purposes, you can take a bucket or basin, or get by with a smaller container - everything will depend on how much snow you want to end up with. After the contents of the diapers are poured into the container, you should pour some water into it, mix, and wait some time until the sodium polyacrylate absorbs the liquid. If the "snow" looks dry, add a little more water and mix again. And so on until the contents of the container look like real snow. To make artificial snow look like real snow, not only externally, but also to the touch, just place it in the refrigerator. If the capacity is too large - in the cold. The main thing is that the temperature should not be below zero - in this case, the water will freeze, and our artificial snow will simply turn into ice.
4. Snow from packaging bags (comparison with real snow in the photo)

You will need:
- foamed polyethylene; (material that is used as wrapping material for breakable items, and is also inserted into the toe of a new shoe to keep its shape.)
- fine grater
- scissors.

It is advisable to work with gloves. With a little effort, we get the following result. But if this result does not suit you, you can experiment further. Take scissors and finely cut our snow flakes.
5. Hoarfrost from salt

We will imitate frost with the help of salt crystals. It will turn out a real chemical experience, and for the baby - a magical transformation. Salt is better to take coarse grinding, then the crystals will be more effective. Salt crystals can be made colored by tinting the saline solution with ink, green paint, or food coloring.
So. Pour salt into boiling water, let it dissolve completely (proportion: 1 kg of salt per 1.5-2 liters of water). We lower clean and dry branches into the hot saline solution (this is important). We leave to cool. Then carefully remove the branches and let dry. Frost is ready. The method is convenient for small twigs, dried herbs, dill umbrellas, etc. You can grow salt crystals on Christmas tree decorations. "Frost-covered" branches look good not only solo, as an independent winter bouquet, but also in New Year's compositions from coniferous branches.

6. Snow from shaving foam

You need to mix about a pack of baking soda with about a can of shaving foam. By kneading a mass of these ingredients, you will get a cool, snow-like substance, from which snowballs and snows are really molded.

7. Shiny snow

It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.
Two boxes of corn starch / corn flour
Shaving cream
Mint extract (optional)
Glitter or mica

8. Snow clay

2 cups baking soda
1 cup cornstarch
1 and 1/2 cups cold water
A few drops of mint extract

9. Snow "lizun"

2 cups of PVA glue
1.5 cups hot water
Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give the slime a frosty flavor
Mix in a small bowl
In a second bowl, mix
3/4 teaspoon borax
1.3 cups hot water
Combine the contents of both bowls and mix with your hands for several minutes until the mass begins to stretch.

10. Snow paint

Shaving cream
PVA school glue
Peppermint extract

11. "Silk" snow

Frozen white soap bars (any brand)
cheese grater
Peppermint extract
Method of preparation - send the soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning, you can take it out one by one (Crystal used 6 bars) and grate it. Fluffy snow will be obtained, in which sparkles and mint extract can be added. It is perfectly sculpted, and you can make a snowman or any other figurine.

12. Snow dough

Corn starch (freeze overnight to keep snow dough cold)
Lotion (refrigerate overnight to keep the snow dough cold)

13. "Liquid" snow.

Frozen cornstarch
Ice water
Peppermint extract
In the starch that you got from the freezer, you need to add ice water until the desired consistency is obtained. It is recommended to add little by little so that the “snow” does not turn out to be too liquid.
Also, if you've never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you might be in for a surprise. Because with active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest it spreads.

14.Snow from polymer clay
remnants of dried polymer clay (plastic).
Needlewomen often keep the remains of polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to grind it with your hands, and then with a coffee grinder. It turns out a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand-made products.

15. Polyethylene foam snow
foamed polyethylene (used as packaging material for equipment, glass; shoe inserts) or foam;
small grater.
We work with gloves. We grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater and ... Voila! Fluffy flakes all over your house!!! If you add sparkles, then the snow will also sparkle. You can powder anything with this snow if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

16. Artificial snow for the "snowball"
Paraffin candle
It must be grated on a fine grater. Such “snow” is great for making “a la snowball” toys when glycerin and artificial snow flakes are added to the water. The container is hermetically sealed and when shaken, the snow falls smoothly to the bottom.
You can really go the simpler way - and add ordinary sparkles to such a ball. It will turn out no less effective.

17. PVA and flock snow
Flock is a very finely chopped pile. And if you are lucky enough to find a package of white flock on sale - rejoice. After all, now you will get “snow” for any craft in a matter of minutes. It is enough to generously grease the surface with glue and sprinkle flock on top (you can use a strainer).

18. Snow from PVA and starch
2 tablespoons starch
2 tablespoons PVA
2 tablespoons silver paint
Thoroughly mix (grind) the ingredients.
Such snow is suitable when it is necessary to decorate the surface of the product with a bulky white mass.

19. Mass imitating snow
fine quartz sand or semolina or foam chips
white acrylic
thick PVA
1. Pour a small amount of your chosen material into a bowl. Approximately 1 faceted glass.
2. In this bulk material, we begin to gradually add white acrylic paint. From experience, it is better to buy it in a hardware store for facade work. We add to such a state that our loose particles stick together, but do not float in the liquid.
3. Then add PVA, preferably thick. We also add quite a bit so that the mixture is elastic and viscous.
4. Well, some silver sequins. We mix everything and ... everything !!!

Recipes for edible snow.
1. Sugar snow
Dip the rim of the glass (glass) in water or syrup, and then in sugar.

2. "Snow-covered" plants
gum arabic;
egg white.
With the help of these components, plants can be candied (non-poisonous and non-bitter). Flowers of pear, apple, cherry, rose, violet, primrose, lemon, begonia, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, pansies have good taste. Candied leaves of mint, lemon balm, geranium are obtained beautiful and very fragrant. Dissolve 12 g of gum arabic with constant stirring in ¼ cup of hot water (in a water bath). Cool the solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100 g of sugar in ¼ cup of water. Also cool. On plants, apply with a brush first a solution of gum arabic, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with fine granulated sugar (but not powdered). Dry on parchment paper or tracing paper. Such "snowy" beauty will not deteriorate for several months. These flowers can decorate a birthday cake or your favorite small sweet pastries.

3. "Snow-covered" plants - option 2
egg white;
Beat egg white and sugar until foamy. Apply with a brush to the petals of the plant and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the plants prepared in this way on parchment and put in the oven on a small fire. Two hours later you can admire the beauty!

4. salty "snow" for meat
a pinch of salt;
egg white.
Beat the egg white and a pinch of salt in a steep foam with a mixer. Lay this impromptu snow on the meat and send it to the oven! Miracles: a chicken in a snowdrift!
Taken from open internet sources. All rights belong to the authors.

We continue the winter, New Year's theme. Today you will know, how to make artificial snow from:

  • salt;
  • napkins or yarn;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • polystyrene;
  • starch (soda) and shaving foam;
  • soap or paraffin.

New Year's, fabulous atmosphere is loved by both adults and children. But the festive mood is made up of little things: home decorations, Christmas and other New Year's, a large numberin colorful packages, spicy, citrus or "Christmas tree" flavors, etc. Do you have a New Year's mood? Are there snowdrifts outside the window? Sometimes for the reliability of the New Year's fairy tale, there is not enough snow.

I propose to make artificial snow for decoration with your own hands from improvised means and “home-made” frost for interior decoration or a children's game.

There are many easy and inexpensive ways to get artificial snow. The choice of method depends on what you ultimately want to get and where you will use this snow later. When working with children, choose the simplest and safest ways. For example, the process of "frost" twigs with salt crystals will interest the child, and there will be nothing to worry about if he licks this twig. But the stage of dissolving salt in hot water must be carried out under the close supervision of an adult.

DIY artificial frost

If you want to get a frosty twig to decorate the interior, use salt crystals.This process is simple, interesting and informative for the child. A real magical "action": salt crystals are formed right in front of the child's eyes.

To simulate frost on the branches, dissolve 1 kg of coarse salt in 1.5-2 liters of boiling water. We lower dry and clean branches into the resulting hot saline solution. We wait until the solution has cooled, carefully remove the branches and let them dry, observing the formation of crystals. Instead of branches, you can “frost” dill umbrellas, bunches of mountain ash, Christmas toys, etc.

Artificial frost from napkins or yarn

Don't want to do such hard work? Use yarn for knitting "Grass"

Polyethylene foam artificial snow

This material is widely used in the transportation of goods, breakable objects are laid on it, and it is also inserted to maintain the shape of the product in new shoes. To obtain artificial snow, it is enough to grate a piece of such polyethylene on a fine grater. It turns out to be quite plausible.

If you want to decorate your home with snow-covered twigs, use styrofoam artificial snow.Split the styrofoam into balls with a table fork. Cover a large, sprawling twig with glue, and while it's still wet, sprinkle it with styrofoam balls.

Artificial snow from "pampers"

To obtain artificial snow, you will need ordinary diapers, in particular, sodium polyarylate - their internal contents. Pour this substance into a convenient container, add a small amount of water, mix and wait until the filler absorbs the water. As a result, you form a gel. Next, we divide this gel with handles into pieces until snow flakes form.
