
How to cut fresh porcini mushrooms. Mushroom sauce

One of the most popular, delicious mushrooms is considered to be white mushroom. The fact is that even a novice cook can cope with its preparation, it is extremely difficult to spoil the taste of this product during cooking, usually dishes from porcini mushrooms turn out to be very fragrant, satisfying and tasty. The popularity of porcini mushrooms is explained not only by their taste, but also by the possibility of using all known methods of culinary processing. Porcini mushrooms are used fresh, they are pickled, canned, dried, mushroom powder is made, boiled and frozen.Mushroom season is now in full swing, which means you can treat yourself to fresh porcini mushrooms. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, cook delicious dishes from porcini mushrooms!

White mushroom and pineapple salad

2 large white mushrooms,
1 fresh pineapple or 1 can canned
3-4 eggs
2-3 large onions,
1 can of canned corn
a handful of chopped walnuts,
vegetable oil,

If the pineapple is fresh, then peel it and cut into slices, if canned, then drain the juice. Preheat the pan, add a little vegetable oil and heat the pineapple slices for 2-3 minutes. Then put them in a colander to drain all the liquid. Boil porcini mushrooms in salted water with a small amount of onion. Cut the prepared mushrooms into thin slices and fry in the same pan as the pineapple. Cut the remaining onion into half rings and add it to the mushrooms. When the mushrooms have cooled, add the corn and pineapple pieces to them. Hard boil eggs, peel, chop and add to the salad, also add walnuts and mayonnaise. Mix everything, lay out the dish with lettuce leaves and put the finished salad on top.

ready-made shortcrust pastry baskets,
500 gr. fresh porcini mushrooms,
1 head of onion,
1 tbsp butter,
1 tbsp flour,
¼ st. sour cream
100 gr. cheese,
2 eggs,

Peel the mushrooms, wash and soak in salted water for 5 minutes, then drain the water and finely chop the mushrooms. Stew the mushrooms with butter and finely chopped onions. Separate the yolks from the proteins, rub the yolks with sour cream. When the mushrooms are ready, sprinkle them with flour, add the yolks grated with sour cream, salt, pepper and add parsley. Stir and remove from heat. Fill the baskets with a slightly cooled mushroom mass. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle the baskets over it. Put the baskets in the preheated oven for 5-10 minutes to melt the cheese and acquire a golden hue. Serve the baskets hot.

Hot dishes from porcini mushrooms are especially delicious. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who does not like potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream! Meanwhile, dishes from porcini mushrooms are not limited to well-known potatoes; pasta with porcini mushrooms, mushroom cutlets, as well as a wide variety of mushroom stews are no less popular. In addition, mushrooms are used as an accompaniment to some meat dishes.

200 gr. pasta,
300 gr. fresh porcini mushrooms,
100 ml. cream,
50 gr. butter,
1 tsp flour,
500 gr. parmesan or other hard cheese
3-4 sprigs of parsley,
4 cherry tomatoes,


Wash and clean the mushrooms thoroughly, then cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan, add 1 tsp. flour, mix and fry the resulting mass a little. Add cream and mix thoroughly to make a sauce without lumps. Pepper and salt it. Simmer the sauce under the lid for 10 minutes on the smallest fire. Then add whole cherry tomatoes and chopped porcini mushrooms to it. Gently mix everything and continue to simmer over low heat for at least 20 minutes. As soon as the tomatoes give juice, remove them from the sauce and set aside, you can use them to serve the dish. Boil the pasta of your choice according to the instructions on the package. Drain the cooked pasta in a colander to drain all the water. Then transfer the pasta to a deep bowl, add the creamy mushroom sauce and mix. Put the finished pasta with porcini mushrooms on plates, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with parsley and cherry tomatoes.

1 kg. white mushrooms,
2 bulbs
4 eggs,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,

Wash the mushrooms, peel and boil until tender in salted water. Throw the finished mushrooms in a colander, and when the water drains, finely chop. Add raw eggs, ground pepper and salt to the chopped mushrooms, mix the resulting mass well. Form cutlets from minced mushrooms, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot vegetable oil.

The fact that wonderful, fragrant and transparent broths are obtained from white mushrooms everyone knows. On the basis of such broths, especially tasty mushroom soups are obtained. Although any porcini mushroom dishes can be delicious if you know the most important secret. If you yourself are not a mushroom picker and have difficulty distinguishing a fly agaric from a toadstool, then when buying porcini mushrooms, pay attention to the fact that they are fresh, young and without any signs of pests. Before cooking, be sure to cut off the bottom of the stem of the mushroom to make sure the mushroom is completely clean. It is from these mushrooms that the most rich, tasty and mouth-watering broths are obtained.

1 large porcini mushroom
5-6 small white mushrooms
3 pcs. potato,
1 carrot
1 onion
2 tbsp semolina,
500 ml. milk,
500 ml. water,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
sour cream,

Wash and clean mushrooms, also clean potatoes, carrots and onions. Chop the onion very finely, grate the carrots and a large porcini mushroom on a coarse grater. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the grated carrots, mushrooms and onions in it. Grate potatoes on a coarse grater, add them to mushrooms and carrots, fry for 5-7 minutes and remove from heat. Pour milk and water into a separate bowl, bring the mixture to a boil and add to the mushrooms and potatoes. Mix everything thoroughly and put the pan back on low heat for 7 minutes. Wash the small porcini mushrooms, peel and coarsely chop. Fry them in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the fried mushrooms to the soup, bring it to a boil and leave over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then remove the soup from the heat, sift the semolina and, constantly stirring the soup, gradually add the semolina. Continue stirring for about 1 minute more, then season with salt and return the soup to low heat and simmer for another 10 minutes, covered. Serve the finished soup with sour cream.

White mushroom soup

500 gr. white mushrooms,
100 ml. 22% cream,
5 pieces. potato,
1 onion
1 st. water,
vegetable oil,
sour cream,

Peel and finely chop the onion. Wash mushrooms, clean and cut. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and fry them until tender. Peel and boil the potatoes, make mashed potatoes from the finished potatoes, add the mushrooms fried with onions to it. Turn the resulting mixture into a puree using a blender. Add cream and a glass of clean water to the future soup, season with pepper and salt. Put the resulting soup on the fire and bring to a boil. Fry the croutons in a pan with hot vegetable oil and chopped garlic. Serve the finished soup with sour cream and garlic croutons.

Everyone knows how delicious pastries with the addition of porcini mushrooms are. Surely not many will refuse small pies and large open pies, from ruddy, tender, fragrant pancakes from fresh mushrooms or mouth-watering pizza. All these porcini mushroom dishes firmly settled on our tables, but sometimes it’s worth adding variety and cooking your favorite dishes according to new recipes.

250 gr. pizza dough,
200 gr. mozzarella cheese,
150 gr. white mushrooms,
olive oil,

Wash mushrooms thoroughly, peel and dry. Boil the water, salt it a little and blanch the mushrooms in boiling water for a few minutes. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes. Form a thin round layer from the pizza dough, sprinkle it with grated Mozzarella cheese, spread the mushrooms evenly over the cheese. Brush the edges of the pizza with olive oil and bake in a preheated oven until done.

600 gr. white mushrooms,
4 slices of stale white bread,
1 clove of garlic
1 bunch of parsley
vegetable oil,
1 egg
1 yolk,
75 gr. cheese,
1 onion
200 gr. sour cream
1 lemon

Peel the onion and chop finely. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it. Add sour cream, juice squeezed from one lemon, pepper and salt. Stirring constantly, simmer the resulting sauce for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, sprinkle with lemon zest and set aside. Cut off the crust from the bread, and soak the pulp in warm boiled water. Wash the mushrooms well, peel, dry and finely chop. Peel the garlic and finely chop. Wash the parsley and chop. Mix the soaked bread, herbs, mushrooms and garlic in a deep bowl. Add egg, yolk, grated cheese, salt and pepper. Thoroughly mix the resulting dough. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, use a spoon to put small portions of the dough into the pan and fry them on each side until golden brown. Serve hot pancakes with sour cream and lemon sauce.

Mushroom season is in full swing, which means that now is the time to treat yourself and cook delicious dishes from porcini mushrooms. Mushrooms will make the dish satisfying, fill it with vitamins and minerals, and give such a flavor that no fussy can resist. The low calorie content of mushrooms allows you to include them in your diet even during diets, so you can cook dishes from porcini mushrooms at least every day and not be afraid for your figure. And the abundance of ways to prepare this product opens up wide opportunities for your creativity. Prepare hearty, original and tasty dishes from porcini mushrooms, and indulge your loved ones with new culinary experiments!

What to cook from porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms) - delicious recipes from the magazine "site"

There is nothing more desirable for a passionate mushroom picker than filling a basket with porcini mushrooms (the second name is mushrooms). These inhabitants of the forest are tasty, nutritious, healthy and at the same time low in calories (only 30 kcal per 100 g of fresh mushrooms). Borovik is deservedly called the king of mushrooms. It owes its popularity to its impressive size, wide distribution area and excellent culinary qualities - impeccable taste, bright aroma and high nutritional value.

Dishes from porcini mushrooms are very satisfying and unusually fragrant. They are especially popular in Russian, Italian and French cuisine. Salads, soups, casseroles are prepared from white mushrooms, they are boiled, stewed, salted, dried and pickled. Julienne with sour cream sauce, salad with pumpkin seeds, spicy eggplant soup, cream soup with cream and many, many more unusual, delicious dishes can be prepared from porcini mushrooms. Mushrooms are ideal for gravies and soups: the broth from them is clear, rich and unusually fragrant.

There are no special secrets in porcini mushroom recipes, but to make the dishes really tasty, knowing little tricks and culinary secrets will not hurt.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms?

It is enough to boil very young and very small mushrooms for 20 minutes, and large and mature mushrooms should spend 35-40 minutes in boiling water. Thawed mushrooms are cooked for 30 minutes, dried mushrooms are first soaked in cold water and then boiled until they settle.

Mushrooms, which crumble heavily after drying, can be chopped - you get an unusually fragrant, tasty, and most importantly natural seasoning. Just one teaspoon of this powder will fill cream sauce, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, cheese casserole with delicious mushroom notes, favorably set off the aroma of baked meat. And if you want to give the dishes to which you add dried mushrooms a particularly delicate taste, soak them not in water, but in milk.

Recipes for porcini mushrooms

Recipe 1.

You will need: 1 carrot, 50 g of dried mushrooms, 2 onions, greens, salt, 3 egg yolks, a quarter pack of butter, 700 g of chicken, 1.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of flour, 150 ml of cream with a fat content of 20%.

Put the chicken in a saucepan with a liter of water, let it boil, remove the foam, and then put the peeled vegetables into the broth: carrots and 1 onion (without chopping). Salt and cook for 25 minutes. Remove the meat, cool slightly and cut into pieces. Strain the broth. Discard the onion and cut the carrot into pieces. Pour dry mushrooms for 10 minutes with cold water, put in 0.5 liters of salted boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the mushrooms and cut into strips. Finely chop the second onion, fry in butter, add flour, mix well, dilute in 40 ml of chicken broth and rub through a sieve. Mix chicken broth with mushroom broth, add onion sauce, diced egg yolks, chicken and mushroom pieces. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 30 g of dried mushrooms, 300 g of white cabbage, 4 potatoes, 4 beets, a handful of chopped parsley, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 50 g of tomato paste, 70 g of prunes, 2 teaspoons of flour, 1 onion, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 1 parsley root, 2 liters of water and salt to taste.

Soak the mushrooms in water for 1.5 hours, and then boil for an hour and remove from the broth. Dissolve sugar in 2 cups of water, put the washed prunes and cook for 10 minutes. Wash and clean all vegetables. Cut the beets into strips and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes in half the vegetable oil, adding a tablespoon of mushroom broth and tomato paste. Sauté the parsley root, onions and carrots, cut into thin strips separately, adding the remaining oil, flour and tomato paste. Cut potatoes into cubes. Shred the cabbage finely. Dip the stewed beets, cabbage and potatoes into the boiling mushroom broth. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Then add the prunes along with the water in which they were boiled, chopped mushrooms, browned vegetables, your favorite spices and cook for another 8-10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 3 sweet peppers of different colors, 1 red onion, 180 g of frozen green beans, 180 g of asparagus, 2 tomatoes, 200 g of pickled mushrooms, 1 fresh cucumber, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper, half a glass of olive oil and honey to taste.

Wash all vegetables and pat dry on paper towels. Put the peppers in a refractory form, sprinkle with a spoonful of oil and bake for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 200 °. Remove tough stems from the asparagus and boil for 3 minutes in salted water. Boil the beans in water with salt for 7 minutes. Cut the chilled asparagus and bean pods into pieces. On tomatoes, to make it easier to remove the skin, make cross-shaped cuts, and then dip in boiling water for half a minute and immediately pour over with ice water. Peel off the skin and cut the flesh into slices. Peel the roasted peppers, remove the core and cut into thin strips. Wash the mushrooms. Cut the cucumber into circles, onion into thin rings. Combine the remaining oil with honey, pepper, salt and lemon juice. Combine the asparagus, peppers, green beans, mushrooms, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad bowl and pour over the dressing.

Recipe 4.

You will need: 10 medium-sized mushrooms, 100 g of cheese, 100 ml of milk, 140 g of ham, 1 fresh tomato, two slices of loaf, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 eggs, a handful of herbs, spices and olive oil.

Wash mushrooms thoroughly, dry and cut off the legs at the very hat. Peel the tomato (as in the previous recipe) and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the ham along with mushroom legs, add finely chopped garlic. Cut off the crust from the loaf, and soak the pulp in warm milk, squeeze and combine with the mushroom filling. Then add diced cheese, tomato, beaten eggs, salt, pepper and mix everything well. Stuff the hats with the stuffing, put on an oiled baking sheet and bake in the oven until done. Serve garnished with chopped herbs.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 1 kg of mushrooms (preferably small and the same size), 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 onion, 2 dessert spoons of sugar, 4 cloves, 4 allspice and 4 bay leaves, a teaspoon of mustard seeds and black peppercorns, 60 ml 6% vinegar (preferably white wine).

Wash the mushrooms. Small mushrooms are pickled whole, and large ones need to be cut. Put the mushrooms in a deep saucepan, pour a glass of water, let it boil and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Throw the boiled mushrooms on a sieve, and add cloves, bay leaves, sugar, salt and pepper - black and fragrant to the resulting mushroom broth, bring to a boil, remove the bay leaves, pour in the vinegar and put the mushrooms into the broth. Cook for 10 minutes, remembering to stir and remove the foam. Cut the onion into rings and place in sterilized jars. Send mushrooms there, fill with marinade and cork. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and let cool. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 6.

You will need: half a cup of dried mushrooms, 1 onion, 400 ml of water, 120 ml of homemade sour cream (or cream), a handful of chopped herbs (dill and parsley), 2 bay leaves and 4 black peppercorns, 3 tablespoons of flour, salt, 2 garlic cloves , a pinch of nutmeg, a piece of butter.

Soak mushrooms for 1 hour in a small amount of cold water, then drain the liquid, and cut the mushrooms into equal-sized pieces, pour fresh water (400 ml) and cook for about an hour. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry, first, finely chopped garlic and onions until half cooked, then add the mushrooms and sauté for another 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled, pour 50 ml into a glass, add flour and stir thoroughly or beat until smooth. Combine the flour mixture with the chilled broth in a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, put the fried mushrooms, finely chopped greens, salt, add black peppercorns, nutmeg and bay leaf, boil for 7 minutes, pour in the sour cream and keep on fire for another 3 minutes. It turns out very tender and at the same time spicy sauce. It goes well with boiled pasta, mashed potatoes, buckwheat and rice porridge.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 5 mushrooms, 2 ears of corn, 2 carrots, 1 young squash, 2 green bell peppers, 2 red onions, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, a handful of pine nuts, 80 ml of olive oil, 4 green onion feathers, 2 stalks of the white part of the onion -leek, 20 ml of wine vinegar, pepper and salt.

Clean the mushrooms, wash and dry. Rinse all other vegetables too. Prepare a marinade from soy sauce, vinegar and finely chopped green onions (1 feather is enough) and dip the mushrooms cut in half into it for 15 minutes. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 4-5 parts and make cuts in the form of a mesh on the skin on each piece. Cut the peeled carrots in half lengthwise and blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water, remove with a slotted spoon and dry. Divide the onion into quarters. Cut the corn into pieces about 3 cm thick. Put the zucchini, carrots, onions, leeks and corn on a well-heated grill. Drizzle with a spoonful of oil and cook for 4 minutes on each side. Then place mushrooms and quartered peppers on the grill (right with the core, it will give the vegetables a special flavor), drizzle with a spoonful of oil and cook for 6 minutes on each side. Salt and pepper all the vegetables and mushrooms, drizzle with oil, put on a large flat plate and sprinkle with nuts.

Mushrooms are noble mushrooms. Indulge your loved ones with new culinary experiments, cook delicious, original and healthy recipes for porcini mushrooms and eat to your health!

White mushroom is the most honored guest in every kitchen. This delicacy is pleasant not only to eat, but also to collect. The area of ​​​​its distribution is quite large, and the taste is excellent. In addition, the white mushroom has an impressive size, which makes it a welcome trophy in the basket of any mushroom picker. A special product requires special preparation. "How to cook porcini mushrooms?" - cooks who are not quite confident in their abilities are interested. For anyone who wants to understand this issue, this article is intended.

Taste qualities

Everyone has probably heard about the valuable nutritional, and sometimes even medicinal qualities of porcini mushrooms. However, mushrooms gained true love and popularity due to their excellent culinary properties. The bright aroma and distinct taste of these mushrooms make them an excellent product for preparing separate dishes or adding them as an ingredient to dishes with a richer composition. What kind of dishes are not prepared from mushrooms! They are used in salted, stewed, fried, pickled and baked form. White mushroom, the recipes for which are discussed in this article, are equally good in any version. And its amazing aroma, like no other, is able to emphasize the taste properties of fried chicken, baked beef, good-quality buckwheat porridge or stewed lamb. On cold winter evenings, pickled or salted mushrooms will be a welcome guest at any festive feast.

How to pick mushrooms

The answer to the question is not fraught with special secrets. However, in order to accurately select the right mushrooms and cook a fragrant and tasty dish from them, you need to know some culinary secrets and little tricks.

The most appetizing dishes are obtained from hand-picked and fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms grow in deciduous and coniferous forests. You can collect them from August to October. It is best to cut young porcini mushrooms, the height of which does not exceed seven centimeters. Large mushrooms are tasty no less than their younger relatives, but are often eaten by worms. It is not difficult to cope with this trouble - it is enough to hold freshly picked mushrooms for half an hour in salted cool water. However, eating such a product will no longer be so pleasant.

How to choose mushrooms when buying

Before buying mushrooms, you need to carefully feel and inspect. Young porcini mushrooms have a characteristic density, strength and crunchiness. If you bring a fresh mushroom to your ear and squeeze it slightly, it will crunch under your fingers. In addition, freshly picked mushrooms retain a pleasant aroma filled with the smell of earth, foliage and autumn forest. Excessively flabby and soft mushrooms with an unpleasant odor can cause poisoning. In any case, it is no longer possible to cook a delicious dish from them.

Preliminary processing

Before cooking porcini mushrooms, they must be processed immediately. They are not subject to long-term storage. Mushroom mushrooms should be washed in cool water, the largest specimens cut into pieces, cut off the lower part of the mushroom legs. Then you need to soak the product in salted cold water for half an hour. After that, the mushrooms must be washed again and proceed to the preparation of the selected dish. If for any reason processing is delayed, mushrooms should be shaken off needles, earth and leaves, put in a paper bag or wicker wide bowl and put in the refrigerator. However, the shelf life of the product in this form should not exceed one and a half days.

Mushroom soup with semolina

One of the most delicious and nutritious dishes is mushroom soup. From porcini mushrooms and semolina, it turns out to be especially tender, with an original taste and bright aroma. For cooking, you need to take 300 grams of mushrooms, peel them and rinse. On a coarse grater, you need to grate mushrooms, potatoes (three tubers) and carrots (one piece). Then finely chop one medium-sized onion with a knife. After that, vegetable oil should be heated in a saucepan (2 tablespoons), add vegetables and mushrooms, mix thoroughly and simmer for ten minutes. Separately, you need to mix half a liter of milk with 500 ml of water, boil. Add the resulting liquid to vegetables with mushrooms, mix well, season with pepper and salt, bring to a boil and cook for seven minutes over low heat. 3 more small mushrooms need to be finely chopped, fried until golden brown in sunflower oil and added to the soup. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil again and cook for five minutes. Then you should pour semolina (2 tablespoons) into the soup and, stirring constantly, keep on low heat for another ten minutes. After that, the pan with the finished dish must be removed from the stove, tightly closed with a lid and let stand for ten minutes. Then the soup, pre-sprinkled with finely chopped dill, can be served at the table.

Soup with eggplant and porcini mushrooms

Fans of spicy will love the spicy mushroom soup. White mushroom combined with eggplant gives the dish an exquisite and unusual taste. For cooking, you need to take 400 g of mushrooms, peel, rinse them and cut into large pieces. Then the mushrooms should be placed in a saucepan and pour them with two liters of cool water. Add carrots (1 pc.), Parsley (1 root), onion (1 pc.), Bay leaf (2 pcs.) And a little salt to them. Boil everything together for 15 minutes, then strain the broth, discard the vegetables, and set aside the mushrooms. After that, in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil (2 tablespoons), you need to add one large eggplant (diced), a clove of chopped garlic and fry everything together for five minutes. Then add mushrooms to the eggplant and simmer for another two minutes. After that, mushrooms and vegetables should be transferred to the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. For spiciness, you can add one small bitter pepper, de-seeded and cut into circles, into the pan. After cooking the soup for another five minutes, you need to pour 150 grams of cheese grated on a fine grater into it, mix everything well, heat for another couple of minutes and remove from heat. Sprinkle the prepared dish with parsley and serve.

Marinated mushrooms

Marinated porcini mushrooms are a real highlight of any feast. To prepare an exquisite delicacy, the smallest mushrooms are taken, cleaned, washed and put into a deep saucepan. Then they should be boiled for twenty minutes in salted hot water over low heat. After that, the finished mushrooms should be thrown into a colander and slightly dried. The marinade is prepared separately. To do this, boil 4 cups of mushroom broth, add 1 cup of white wine vinegar, half a cup of sugar, one tablespoon of salt, mustard seeds (1 tablespoon), black peppercorns (1 teaspoon) and four cloves. Then you should bring the broth to a boil, cook for five minutes and remove from heat. After that, you need to arrange the mushrooms in jars, add one bay leaf and a dill umbrella to them, pour hot marinade over them. Banks with mushrooms are sterilized in boiling water for twenty minutes. Then they are rolled up with lids, turned over, wrapped in towels and left to cool completely. Porcini mushrooms marinated in this way are stored at room temperature for no more than one year.

mushroom caviar

Porcini caviar is another tasty and popular dish. For it, it is necessary to select one kilogram of the largest mushrooms and chop them finely. Then you need to pour two tablespoons of sunflower oil into the pan, add fifty grams of butter to them and fry the mushrooms for about 15-20 minutes until fully cooked. After that, peel the tomatoes (4 pieces) and scroll in a meat grinder along with mushrooms. The minced meat prepared in this way must be put back into the pan and simmer for about 5-7 more minutes, until the excess moisture has completely evaporated. Then you need to season the resulting dish with spices (add pepper and garlic), salt and serve chilled.

Dried porcini mushroom soup

How to cook dried porcini mushrooms? Dishes from them are also very tasty and healthy. The mushroom soup is the best. From porcini mushrooms in dried form, it turns out to be especially fragrant and rich. It takes very little time, labor and products to prepare it. Dried mushrooms (5-7 pieces) must be washed, put in a deep container, pour boiling water and leave for a while. Then you should do the dressing for the soup: finely chop one onion, grate the carrot (1 pc.), Fry the vegetables over low heat until tender. After that, you need to remove the mushrooms from boiling water, rinse thoroughly again under the tap and cut into small strips. Mushroom infusion must be carefully strained into a saucepan, throw chopped mushrooms and ready-made dressing from carrots and onions into it, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. Then you need to take a handful of vermicelli (it is better to use high-quality spaghetti), add it to the pan and cook. The soup is ready. It can be poured into plates and served with sour cream.

frozen mushrooms

How to cook frozen porcini mushrooms? Pretty much the same as fresh. Good cooks have proven that you can cook a tasty and nutritious dish from mushrooms that were stored in the freezer. To do this, mushrooms are preliminarily thawed and boiled until cooked (about 20 minutes), fried, stewed or boiled vegetables (potatoes, broccoli or cauliflower) are added to them and ground to a paste in a blender. Then return the resulting mass to the pan, bring to a boil and boil with the addition of sour cream or cream. Ten minutes later, hot fragrant soup is ready, it is served with sour cream and herbs. You can add melted cheese to the dish during cooking. To do this, pre-shredded cheese must be added to the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking, bring to a boil and cook, stirring all the time, until cooked. It turns out a very tasty dish, the preparation of which takes very little time.

Fried mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms fried with onions is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. Nevertheless, it is considered a delicacy even among gourmets. It is necessary, as usual, to sort out mushrooms, rinse them, pour boiling water over them, cut into thin slices and put in a pan with preheated vegetable oil. How much to cook porcini mushrooms this way? Fifteen minutes is enough. When frying, the product must be stirred with a wooden spatula. Then onion (1 pc.) Should be cut into rings, fried separately until golden brown in sunflower oil and mixed with porcini mushrooms. The dish is ready.


How to cook porcini mushrooms to please your relatives and friends with a delicious delicacy? The most popular appetizer is julienne. From mushrooms with sour cream, it turns out very tasty. For cooking, you need to take half a kilogram of porcini mushrooms, peel them, rinse, cut and simmer in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil for ten minutes until the juice is released. After that, excess moisture should be drained into another bowl, and chopped onion rings, a couple more tablespoons of oil should be added to the mushrooms, then cook for another fifteen minutes over medium heat. To prepare the sauce in a separate bowl, put 200 g of sour cream, one tablespoon of flour (table) and mix well. Salt, pepper and mushroom juice should be added to the resulting mixture, again beat everything conscientiously with a whisk. Sour cream sauce must be added to the pan with mushrooms and onions and simmer, stirring often, for ten minutes. Cocotte makers (special containers for julienne) must be rubbed with garlic from the inside, filled with sour cream sauce with mushrooms, sprinkled with grated parmesan and baked in the oven at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and bacon

I would like to finish the article on how to cook porcini mushrooms with a description of the preparation of a simple, but very nutritious and tasty dish. Buckwheat porridge in combination with mushrooms and bacon turns out to be especially fragrant. To prepare it, you need to fry carrot (1 pc.), Bacon (100 g) and onion (1 pc.) In sunflower oil in a deep frying pan. Then add porcini mushrooms (200 grams), cut into large pieces, fry for another ten minutes. The resulting mass should be poured with three cups of hot broth or water, add 1 cup of buckwheat, season with pepper, add salt and two cups of chopped parsley, mix everything in good faith and bring to a boil. Cook the porridge for half an hour at medium temperature, until the moisture has completely boiled away. The prepared dish must be flavored with two tablespoons of butter, mix and let stand for about 15 minutes. The porridge is ready. Bon appetit!

White mushroom is a fairly large cap mushroom on a dense white leg, which has exceptional taste. It belongs to the mushrooms of the first category, among the people it is considered "noble". It is used boiled, fried, pickled, suitable for drying, canning, freezing. Powder is also made from porcini mushroom, which is added to soups, sauces, gravies.

In some countries, the "white handsome" is eaten raw. For example, in Italy, raw porcini mushrooms are used to make a salad seasoned with oil, lemon juice, and spices. In Russia, white mushrooms are most often fried with sour cream and onions, marinated, used as a filling for pies, excellent soups and roasts are made from it.

White mushroom is rightly called "vegetable meat", because it contains a huge amount of protein. Through research, it was found that this protein is several times better absorbed after drying mushrooms - almost 80%. In terms of its ability to stimulate the digestive system, porcini mushroom surpasses even meat broth. The chemical composition of mushrooms includes several valuable natural enzymes that perfectly break down carbohydrates, fats and glycogen - sources of high blood pressure and diabetes. The white fungus also contains lecithin, which is useful for anemia and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Among its healing properties, it is necessary to mention the ability to resist infections, increase immunity, tone up.

To eat, porcini mushroom is recommended for almost everyone. The only exceptions are preschool children and very elderly people, who have an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes that affect the breakdown and absorption of heavy food.

Other names: boletus, belovik, cowshed, bear cub.

This time I propose to cook the most noble representative of the kingdom of mushrooms - white mushroom. It has dense pulp, pleasant aroma and taste, which is even better revealed when sour cream is added.

Prepare a soup of dried porcini mushrooms, potatoes, onions and sour cream in a slow cooker according to our recipe. Exquisite taste, divine aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Try and enjoy!

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The soup that we are going to cook now can be called mushroom stew or mushroom soup. Dried mushrooms are quite often used in Russian and national cuisines of other nations. Harvested in summer or autumn, carefully selected...

White mushroom (or boletus) has long been considered by our ancestors as one of the most delicious and valuable gifts of nature. You can meet him at the edge of a coniferous or deciduous forest, in summer, and already in autumn. In addition, look for them in clearings and in young spruce forests. Dishes prepared with the addition of porcini mushrooms have been on the menu of our ancestors since ancient times, they were served as separate dishes and as part of various culinary delights.

Traditionally, they were combined with potatoes, but they also harmonize well with meat and fish products. However, porcini mushrooms are rarely used as a side dish, because they are quite heavy for our stomach. To use them more often, you need to know how to properly cook porcini mushrooms. Acquaintance with what, in fact, now we will do.

Porcini mushrooms baked in cheese and sour cream sauce

You will need:

A kilogram of fresh mushrooms;
- forty g of soft butter;
- 30 g of hard cheese;
- 250 ml of sour cream;
- art. l. flour;
- dill, and also table salt (to your taste).


Peel and then thoroughly wash the young mushrooms, then add them for 5 minutes in a container full of boiling water. After that, drain the water, and chop the mushrooms into medium-sized pieces and fry for 1 1/4 hours in pre-melted butter. Then put sour cream in the pan and carefully pour in the flour, constantly mixing the ingredients so that no lumps form. After three to five minutes, put the mushroom mass in a baking dish, sprinkle with finely grated hard cheese and bake in a preheated oven. Serve hot, topped with finely chopped dill.

mushroom goulash

You will need:

Half a kilogram of fresh mushrooms;
- eighty g. onion;
- a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
- a pod of sweet pepper;
- 250 ml of sour cream;
- art. l. flour;
- one st. l. thick tomato puree;
- art. l. weak mushroom broth (can be replaced with water);
- table salt and allspice (to your taste).


Cut the mushrooms and onions into lengthwise slices and fry in a preheated pan until a slightly ruddy color appears. Put finely chopped pepper and simmer until fully cooked.

Then sprinkle the components with flour, put sour cream and tomato puree. Pour a little water into the pan, and preferably mushroom broth, pepper and a little salt. Turn off the heat after a couple of minutes - the goulash is ready.

Mushrooms with nuts

You will need:

- three hundred grams of peeled walnuts;

- a couple of tablespoons of vinegar;
- parsley herbs;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- table salt (to your taste).

Preparation method

Peel and wash the mushrooms well, then cut them into large slices and put them in an enamel pan. Pour the mushrooms with oil, salt and simmer until fully cooked. Crush the nuts with garlic and herbs, salt a little and mix thoroughly, adding vinegar. Combine the finished dressing with mushrooms, simmer everything together for five to ten minutes.

Mushrooms with potatoes

You will need:

Half a kilogram of fresh mushrooms;
- a couple of potatoes;
- medium bulb;
- art. l. butter;
- 4 l. sour cream;
- l. flour;
- pepper, salt, even parsley - (to your taste).


Cut the mushrooms along with the potatoes. Fry the potato slices in a preheated pan until half cooked, then pour the mushrooms into the pan and fry the ingredients until cooked. After that, put a little sautéed onion in half rings and flour. Season the dish with sour cream, and sprinkle with pepper, then boil it for ten minutes. Right before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs.

lumberjack stew

You will need:

Half a kilogram of fresh mushrooms;
- 4 medium potatoes;
- a small head of cauliflower;
- a couple of carrots;
- 250 ml fresh or canned peas;
- a cube of good meat broth;
- leek;
- a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
- half a liter of milk;
- processed cheese;
- a couple of tomatoes;
- salt, pepper, and even parsley (to your taste).


Boil half a liter of water and slowly dissolve the cubed meat stock in it. Finely chop the carrots, cauliflower and potatoes into the boiling liquid. Boil vegetables for 5 minutes, and then put peas and a little tomato paste on them. Bring the vegetables to readiness by covering with a lid. At the same time, brown the chopped onion and chopped mushrooms in butter, pour milk into them.

Grate melted cheese on a medium grater or finely chop and dissolve in boiling milk broth. Season the vegetables with spices to taste, and, stirring constantly, pour the milk broth into them. Garnish the finished stew with small slices of tomatoes and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Mushroom cutlets

You will need:

100 gr. dry mushrooms;
- 250 ml of boiled rice;
- 3 tablespoons parsley;
- egg for batter;
- table salt, nutmeg (to your taste);
- flour;
- vegetable oil.

Wash the dried mushrooms thoroughly, then boil them until fully cooked, cool and chop finely. Combine raw materials with rice and parsley, season with nutmeg and a small amount of salt. Form cutlets from the mass, dip them in batter and fry in a preheated pan until golden brown. Serve your meal with a side dish of green peas.
