
Recipe for mushrooms gobies. Mushroom valui edible and false

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Valuy (cowshed, goby) is a medium-sized mushroom from the family Russula, distributed almost everywhere in the mixed forests of North America, Eurasia. Likes humidity and shade, grows mainly in grass, rarely seen in conifers.

The cap of the mushroom is sand-colored, occasionally it is yellow-brown. In young mushrooms, the cap is in the shape of a ball, straightens with age and becomes flat, often with a depression in the middle. Sufficiently deep transverse grooves (calorizer) are visible along the edges of the cap. The surface of the cap is glossy, often with mucus, the top layer is easily removed.

The leg resembles a barrel, white or with brown spots, it can reach 10-12 cm in length. The pulp of the fungus is fragile, but dense, gradually darkens on the cut.

Calorie mushroom valui

The calorie value of the valuuy mushroom is 29 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of the valuuy mushroom

Useful properties and harm of the mushroom value

Valui mushrooms, like all other types of mushrooms, are useful in that they are able to provide a powerful supply of natural protein, its amount in one hundred grams is twice the amount of protein in meat or in. The presence of vitamins makes valuui mushrooms very useful for general human health, with regular use of valuui mushrooms, cholesterol and blood sugar levels decrease, and heart rate, blood pressure normalize, valuui actively participate in hematopoiesis and metabolism. In addition, valui mushrooms have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect, thereby preventing the occurrence of oncological and infectious diseases.

Valui mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, in their raw form they have a bitter-burning taste and an unpleasant odor, therefore, with inept pre-treatment, they can cause enormous harm to health, namely severe poisoning with unpredictable consequences (calorizator). In addition, the valuuy mushroom, like other edible types of mushrooms, tends to absorb toxic substances, so it is important to know where they grew and purchase them with caution, only from trusted suppliers.

Mushroom valui in cooking

Before use, pour the collected and peeled valui mushrooms with cold and soak for several days, periodically changing the water. To speed up the process, after 5-6 hours of soaking, the valui can be boiled in several waters.

Valui have proven themselves in a salty and pickled form, they are used as a separate snack and as an addition to salads and vinaigrettes. Mushrooms are also suitable for frying; fillings for pies and pies are prepared from pre-boiled valuy.

After heavy rain in summer and early autumn, a lot of mushrooms can be collected in the forest. One of the most common in temperate latitudes are the valui (they are also gobies). After the crop is harvested, the question arises of how best to deal with it. If we are talking about valui, then they are most often salted for the winter. Moreover, there are several recipes for how to salt gobies. Regardless of the choice, it is necessary to do this strictly following the instructions in order to get not only a tasty, but also a healthy snack. After all, many fresh mushrooms (and valui is no exception) contain toxic substances.

How to salt gobies

Allocate hot and cold methods of primary processing of value. It is necessary in order to get rid of their inherent bitterness. Therefore, before salting the gobies, one of the procedures described below should be done.

Cold processing - soaking. In the old days, they tried to do this in running water. That is, mushrooms were placed in a basket and placed in a stream for several days. Water, passing through the holes, constantly washed the mushrooms, freeing them from bitter juice. Naturally, now this method is rarely used. As a rule, mushrooms are placed in a large container, filled with water and left for 5 days, periodically changing it. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

Hot processing. Before salting the gobies, they are simply boiled for 30 minutes. At the same time, all the bitterness goes into the water, and the valui will be ready for further processing when excess liquid drains from them.

How to salt gobies - a recipe for the winter

After the valui have passed the primary processing, you can proceed directly to the preparation for winter storage. First you need to decide on the capacity. The ideal option is a wooden barrel. A lot of mushrooms will fit in it, and they will be perfectly stored there for a long time. However, not everyone has such dishes. Therefore, it can be replaced with an enamel pan of the appropriate size or glass jars.

Video: Salting gobies in a hot way

The dishes must be washed well. The barrel is filled with water in advance and steamed with juniper branches. Then they begin to spread the mushrooms in rows, sprinkling them with salt (a tablespoon per 1 kg of value), peppercorns and bay leaves.

In order for the gobies to release juice, they must be put under oppression. For a barrel or a saucepan, several stones placed on a round plank can be oppressive. If the valui are laid out in jars, you can simply press them down with your hand and stuff horseradish and blackcurrant leaves on top.

Video: Value collection and salting part 2

The use of salted mushrooms

After a month, the mushrooms can be removed, washed under the tap and eaten. More often they are used as watering with vegetable small and sprinkling with green onions. You can make a salad by putting salted valui instead. It turns out delicious. If the mushrooms are too salty, they are soaked for half an hour in cold water.

For those who do not know how to salt gobies, and have never done this harvesting method, you can start with a small amount (for example, from one can). If the result is to your liking, next summer it makes sense to repeat it with more impressive volumes.

Attention, only TODAY!

Freshly prepared valuuy mushroom is tasty and fragrant. Despite the fact that it belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms, it does not contain any dangerous toxic substances. Since ancient times, it has often been used for drying and preparing other preparations for the winter. The advantages of valuing is that it does not lose its benefits, aroma and taste in dry, salted, or canned form. Surely every mushroom picker met this mushroom in the forests, since it is very common, and in various countries and forests. Let's consider its features.

Mushroom value description.

As you know, the valuuy mushroom is included in the Russula family, the Russula genus. This mushroom has many other names by which it is known in different areas. Here are the most common folk names for the fungus: goby, cowshed, plakun, kulbik, fist, svinur, podtopolnik, snot. The first mention of this mushroom as edible dates back to the 17th century - already in those days people knew that it was safe and healthy. How to distinguish this mushroom in the forest zone and what are its external characteristics? Let's consider.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the mushroom cap. It is this part of the fruiting body that can tell the main part of the information about belonging to a particular species. The value has a hat of a dirty yellow, yellow-brown or yellow with a grayish tint. Young mushrooms are distinguished by a hemispherical cap shape - it is round and voluminous. In the process of growth and maturation, the mushroom cap gradually opens and flattens. The top of the cap is covered with a slimy skin that can be removed very easily. Radial stripes are pronounced along the edges of the cap, and a depression is observed in its center. The diameter of the caps of the valuya ranges from 7-12 cm, it rarely grows up to 15-17 cm, but it is better not to cut the overgrown mushrooms - they lose their taste, become watery and tough.
  • After the mushroom picker is familiar with the appearance of the hat, you need to consider the leg. In young mushrooms, the stem may be barrel-shaped, with a pronounced thickening closer to the center. As it grows, it becomes cylindrical, about 2-3 cm in diameter and up to 12 cm in height. In young mushrooms, the leg is erect, fleshy inside, and with age a cavity appears in it, it becomes loose and fragile. The color of the valuing leg is white or gray-white, but near the base it may have large brown or brown-brown spots.
  • The spore powder is necessarily cream-colored, and the spores are small, have a warty shape. The plates can be of various lengths, narrow and frequent, painted in white or creamy grayish. The main feature - the plates emit a liquid - a transparent, yellowish hue, which dries quickly and becomes brown.
  • The pulp is brittle and fragile, smells unpleasantly, like sour milk, pungent and bitter in taste. At the cut point, the flesh quickly oxidizes and acquires a brownish tint.

Where and when to collect mushroom value?

Valui mushrooms are considered one of the most common in the forest zone of the Eurasian continent. They also grow in the forests of North America. This fungus can form mycorrhiza with deciduous and coniferous trees. Most often found in birch forests, deciduous and mixed forests. As a rule, the valui grows in a shady area, does not tolerate heat well and practically does not bear fruit during hot periods. An important condition for the germination of the fungus is high humidity, so it is necessary to go in search of valuya 2-3 days after heavy rains. The valuuy mushroom begins to bear fruit already in the month of July, but it can be harvested throughout the season - until the end of October. As a rule, it grows in small colonies - from 5 to 10 pieces, but single specimens can also be found.

Precautionary measures.

It should be noted that such a popularity of the mushroom, as in Russia and neighboring countries of the post-Soviet space, is not shared in Western countries - there it is considered inedible and mushroom pickers bypass it in the forests. In fact, the valui mushroom can be eaten, but only the youngest specimens should be chosen for cooking. In addition, it is not recommended to collect mushrooms that grow in polluted, environmentally unfavorable areas, as they quickly absorb toxins from the soil and can then cause poisoning.

But, these are not all the precautions that mushroom pickers need to remember. In the forests, the so-called false valui is often found. This is a poisonous mushroom that can seriously harm human health. The scientific name of this dangerous fungus is Hebeloma sticky. The first difference between the dangerous double is a pungent smell, similar to the aroma of bitter radish. The second difference is the presence of scales on the hat. This dangerous mushroom grows and bears fruit for a short time - only in the autumn months, it is found exclusively under deciduous trees and quickly turns gray in the cut, exuding an unpleasant odor.

The benefits and harms of the mushroom value.

Since ancient times, people have valued this mushroom not so much for its health benefits, but for its taste and suitability for salting. But, in addition to taste and aroma, it can also benefit the human body. Consider what is useful this mushroom.

  • The pulp of the fungus contains the most important amino acids for the human body and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in the proper functioning of the nervous system and are involved in intracellular processes.
  • Mushroom valui accelerates tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is able to prevent, slow down the aging process and remove toxins from the body. The fungus triggers autophagy, due to which the body “cleanses” itself.
  • The use of the mushroom has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The substances contained in it normalize the work of the heart, strengthen the muscles and walls of blood vessels, and restore normal heart rhythm.
  • Scientists have been interested in the anti-cancer properties of mushrooms for several years now, and valui is no exception. It contains special antioxidants that prevent and even stop the growth of tumors and the processes of pathological cell changes.

It is important to understand that in order to benefit from the fungus, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications. Indeed, in addition to useful substances, its pulp contains chitin, which harms pregnant women, young children and people who have problems with the liver and kidneys. Chitin cannot be destroyed in the pulp of the mushroom, neither during the cooking process, nor by soaking.

Before cooking the mushroom, it is necessary to remove the skin from it and soak it in water for at least 5 hours. This measure will help make it more tasty and easily digestible. Valuy mushroom, properly collected and cooked, is healthy and tasty!

Mushroom value photo.


or fist, bull, snotty, cowshed

- conditionally edible mushroom

✎ Belonging and generic features

Value(lat. Russula foetens) or russula smelly, among the people - plakun mushroom, fist, fist, goby, snotty, kulbik, head over heels, cowshed, podtopolnik, and in the Perm region - capsule- this is a type of cap conditionally edible mushrooms from the russula genus (lat. Russula), the russula family (lat. Russulaceae), a large order of russula (russular) (lat. Russulales).
The valui got its name for its untidy appearance, pungent smell of pulp, natural "hardness" (or "usuality") and "snottyness". Also because in some dialects the word valuuy means (albeit in relation to a person) - clumsy or clumsy and untidy.
An interesting feature of value mushrooms lies in the fact that, despite the presence of bitter milky juice in their pulp, they, oddly enough, manage to avoid damage by fungal worms. That is why only young valui mushrooms are usually harvested, still with an unopened hat.

✎ Similar species and nutritional value

Mushroom value is a kind of podgruzdki and together with them is included in the family of russula. All podgrudkovye mushrooms, in their structure, structure and taste, differ little from each other, and all the difference they have is only in the differences in texture, shape and color of the cap.
However, it is difficult to confuse a mushroom-valu with a loader because of its "snotty" hat, which is always dry in loaders. From a distance, a porcini mushroom also looks like a mushroom-valui (but only from a distance, and near they have nothing in common).
Value can be confused, perhaps, only with:
- edible russula almond (lat. Russula laurocerasii), which is distinguished by the smell of bitter almonds;
- poisonous false value, which is distinguished by a "swollen" leg at the base (like many poisonous mushrooms) and a vigorous smell of radish or horseradish.
There are hardly any other likenesses or twins of valuing in nature.
In terms of taste and consumer qualities, valui belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms of the fourth category, therefore it is often considered a mushroom of low quality. However, many connoisseurs argue that such an attitude towards valui is biased, and in general it is the most untasted delicacy of the russula family, which is why they prefer salted valui to many other mushrooms.
In Western Europe, the valui is recognized as an inedible mushroom, because of the bitter pulp, and in Russia it is traditionally considered conditionally edible and is used in a salty form. Previously, the skin is removed from it and bitterness is removed by soaking or boiling.
From ancient times, in Rus', valui were soaked and salted, and therefore these mushrooms are still popular with us, though only among connoisseurs of ancient recipes for their preparation.

✎ Distribution in nature and seasonality

Valui can create mycorrhiza with conifers and deciduous trees, and bear fruit quite abundantly, and live almost everywhere, as alone, but more often in small groups and large colonies in forests of any type.
Valui give preference to shady and humid places, they especially like birch forests or forests mixed with birch, and are common both in the forests of Eurasia and North America, and in the forests of Russia, where they are most common in the European part of the middle zone, in Western Siberia, in the Far East, in the Caucasus.
The main period of fruiting value begins in the summer, in July, with the arrival of summer rains, and ends only in October.

✎ Brief description and application

Valui belongs to the section of agaric fungi and spores for its reproduction are in plates. The plates are different in length, thin and frequent, narrowly adherent, whitish or dirty cream in color, secrete a yellowish transparent liquid, which dries up and leaves brown spots. The hat is slippery and covered with mucus in the rain, with the edges tucked inward, yellow and yellow-brown in color, in young fruits it is spherical, later it opens and becomes prostrate, with a slight depression in the center and pronounced radial grooves along the edges. The skin on the cap is always smooth, shiny, strongly mucous and easily removed from it. The leg is cylindrical or barrel-shaped, white, often covered with brown spots (especially at the base), in the middle of the leg, with age, an irregularly shaped cavity forms, with the appearance of which the leg becomes loose. The pulp is quite fragile and brittle, chalky in color, gradually darkens and turns brown on the cut, it tastes burning-bitter and can cause nausea, with an unpleasant odor similar to rancid butter.

Valuy is a traditional pickling mushroom (usually for "cold" pickling) and is suitable for this only at a young age, after prolonged and repeated soaking in water. Valui can also be marinated, but not everyone knows how to do this, so they do this much less often.

Experts say that in terms of taste, salted mushrooms - gobies are not inferior to the famous milk mushrooms. Frying this mushroom is also possible, but this is already an amateur. Whether to salt, pickle or fry, but before any of these types of processing, the gobies should be thoroughly soaked in cold water and then boiled.

Choose your recipe

Goby, valui, snotty, kulbik, head over heels, cap - these are all popular names for the same mushroom, which belongs to the russula genus. However, this russula differs from its counterparts, with which, after a short boil (in order to get rid of brittleness), you can do whatever you want - fry, salt, pickle. Gobies, on the other hand, require special processing, so many mushroom pickers prefer not to mess with them. But sometimes it's just impossible to get past. In addition, tight, dense, spherical hats of yellow-brown color on a tubular leg do not even think of hiding, sitting side by side with a whole family.

We get acquainted with the features of gobies

European mushroom pickers classify gobies as inedible mushrooms, but in Russia they are highly appreciated, especially in Western Siberia, where they are found in large groups in mixed forests. It's just that in mushroom terminology, edible mushrooms are commonly referred to as those mushrooms that can be cooked without prior boiling or soaking. Gobies are considered conditionally edible, just like milk mushrooms, mushrooms, volnushki and many other recognized representatives of this class. It seems that the question of harvesting milk mushrooms does not raise questions for anyone, so you should not criticize bulls - they are no worse in pickling.

Experts advise collecting mainly gobies with unopened hats, however, you should not refuse overgrown mushrooms if they are not wormy. The disadvantage of a bull is that it often has a wormy hollow leg, even a small one. Since gobies are lactic mushrooms, like milk mushrooms, they contain a milky juice that has a caustic texture and a bitter taste. But with prolonged soaking in cold water (3–5 days), there will be no trace of these shortcomings.

Methods for processing mushrooms called "gobies"

To bring the salting date closer, the water needs to be changed 2-3 times a day. It is quite acceptable to replace soaking with boiling, if it is not possible to change the water often, but then you need to cook for at least half an hour and drain the water remaining from cooking. Then boil again in water with salt. If the gobies have been soaked for a long time, then it is still recommended to boil them in salted water, but only for 5-10 minutes. After this procedure, you can begin to prepare the brine or marinade.

Pickled usually small gobies. For 1 liter of water, you need 1 heaping tablespoon of salt and twice as much sugar. Spices are put to taste: dill, black peppercorns, allspice, sprigs of cloves. Pre-prepared gobies are lowered into a boiling marinade and boiled for about 10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar or a teaspoon of 70% to the water.

When salting gobies, you need to take a little more salt than for mushrooms. If usually 1 tablespoon per 1 kg is used to pour the mushroom layers, then 1.5 is required here. Ready time - after 2 months, but experienced harvesters say that after 3-4 weeks, salted bulls are quite ready for use. By this time, they are not bitter and have an amazing crunchiness. Pickled can be eaten after 5-7 days.

To fry gobies or not is a moot point. On the one hand, experts assure that this is not the best mushroom for frying. On the other hand, amateurs refute this fact and fry the gobies in the same way as all other mushrooms intended for this purpose, in vegetable oil with onions, but only after soaking and boiling. Recipes are known in which already salted gobies are used as an ingredient for frying mushroom caviar and making cutlets. Tastes, as they say, do not argue.
