
Baker's yeast is. Modern baker's yeast is a killer

Yeast is an excellent source of protein and an excellent source of natural B vitamins, one of the richest sources of organic iron, minerals, trace elements and amino acids. They can lower cholesterol levels (in combination with lecithin), prevent gout and relieve pain from neuritis.

There are various sources of yeast. For example, brewer's yeast (obtained from hops as a by-product of beer production). Whey, a by-product of milk and cheese processing (the most palatable and strongest type of yeast). Liquid yeast from Switzerland and Germany grown on herbs, honey malt drink and oranges or grapefruits.

Avoid live baker's yeast! Living yeast cells reduce the content of B vitamins in the intestines and steal all the vitamins from your body. In nutritional yeast, living cells are killed by heat treatment and no such reduction in vitamin content occurs. The production of baker's yeast is based on their reproduction in liquid nutrient media. Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid.

We make yeast

Homemade raisin yeast. Take 100-200 grams of raisins, rinse with warm water, place in a bottle with a wide neck, pour warm water, add a little sugar, tie 4 layers of gauze on top and put in a warm place. On the 4-5th day, fermentation will begin, and you can put the dough. It should be fragrant and non-sour.

Dry hop yeast. Pour hops with hot water (1 to 2) and boil in a saucepan. If the hops float, they are drowned in water with a spoon. When the water evaporates so much that the broth remains half the original, it is decanted. Sugar is dissolved in the cooled warm broth (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of broth), mixed with flour (0.5 cups of flour per 1 cup of broth). Then the yeast is put in a warm place for 2 days for fermentation. Ready yeast is bottled, corked and stored in a cool place. To prepare 2-3 kg of bread, you need 0.5 cups of yeast.

Yeast from fresh hops. Fresh hops are tightly placed in a saucepan, poured with hot water and boiled for about 1 hour, covered with a lid. The broth is slightly cooled and salt, granulated sugar and 2 incomplete glasses of wheat flour are added. The mass is kneaded until smooth, put in heat for 36 hours, then rubbed with a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mixed with yeast and again allowed to wander in the warmth of the day. Ready yeast is poured into bottles and tightly closed with stoppers. Yeast consumption - 1/4 cup per kilogram of flour.

Malt yeast. Malt is a bread grain germinated in heat and moisture, dried and coarsely ground. Take 1 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, dilute in 5 cups of water, add 3 cups of malt and boil for about 1 hour. They cool, pour the still warm solution into bottles, loosely cover with corks and put in a warm place for a day, and then in the cold. The consumption of this yeast for making bread is the same as that of yeast from dry hops.
Composition 100 gr. product:

water, g74
proteins, g12.7
fats, g2.7
carbohydrates, g8.3
fiber, g2.1
ash, g2.1
potassium, mg590
calcium, mg27
magnesium, mg51
sodium, mg21
phosphorus, mg400
iron, mcg3180
iodine, mcg4
manganese, mcg4300

Dry yeast- single-celled microorganisms of plant origin. Yeast is a free-flowing white product (see photo) with a characteristic odor. Yeast appeared as early as the 9th century, in any case, the word that this product meant still refers to the ancient German language. The official discovery of yeast falls on 1854, when the French scientist L. Pasteur was able to identify the role of microorganisms in the process of alcoholic fermentation. The scientist came to the conclusion that these microorganisms "raise" the liquid due to the formation of gas. Yeast in the process of reproduction releases carbon dioxide, which raises the dough. In nature, scientists have identified yeast on the surface of grapes, in water and even in the air. In total, there are several types of this product: wine yeast, brewer's yeast, baker's yeast. In the bakery business, the following types of yeast are used: pressed, dry and yeast sourdough.

Baker's yeast is an artificial fungus that does not exist in nature. Yeast was created by scientists to speed up the baking of bread and thus to optimize the bakery industry. In those days, when yeast was not yet developed, bread was baked on sourdough. Homemade sourdough was prepared on the basis of flour and water. Such a mixture was prepared in advance, because it had to be left to “sour” for several days. In such a mixture, yeast of natural origin was formed, which multiplied several times faster due to the presence of food - flour. For baking bread, only part of the sourdough was used, and some was left for the next batch of yeast. There is information according to which the same sourdough passed from generation to generation. Due to the presence of different types of yeast in the sourdough, homemade bread turned out to be very tasty and healthy.

The modern industry is based on yeast, this is due to the time savings and ease of use of the product. Scientists draw attention to the fact that artificially bred yeast is not as harmless as it might seem. The fungus, which was obtained thanks to science, does not die when baking bread, because it can withstand even 500 degrees. Thus, this fungus enters the body, where it easily multiplies, affects the intestinal microflora.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of dry yeast are due to the presence of live cultures and beneficial bacteria. Yeast contains a large amount of protein, up to 60%. The proteins that make up the product are perfectly digestible, their nutritional value is not inferior to proteins obtained from dairy products, meat and fish. About 10% of the composition of the product are amino acids.

Yeast contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Potassium is essential for maintaining the cardiovascular system. Phosphorus, which is 637 mg in this product, is useful for the nervous system. Almost 86% of phosphorus is concentrated in teeth and bone tissue, it is also necessary for brain cells and nerve cells. Yeast contains a large amount of B vitamins, so brewer's yeast is prescribed to be taken orally for acne. Vitamin B is necessary for the nervous system, it relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, drives away apathy, and normalizes sleep.

Yeast is considered a universal dietary supplement or biologically active substances that are needed for the normal functioning of the whole organism. They will be useful for anemia, due to the iron content and with an unbalanced diet. Taking yeast helps with skin problems, namely acne and dermatitis, helps with wounds and burns. Yeast promotes the secretion of the gastric glands and improves absorption in the intestines. This product is indicated for use with reduced tone of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dry yeast is one of the most common and easy-to-use types. Before the invention of dry yeast, people used yeast bars or made them at home. Homemade yeast was often made from beer, hops, malt, raisins, bread crusts. Such a homemade product raised the dough well and brought one benefit to the body.

Pressed yeast was poorly stored due to its high water content, but it was ready for use immediately after purchase. In order to increase the shelf life of this product, they began to dry it, so dry yeast appeared in the form of small granules. Dried yeast can be stored for about two years, due to the fact that their active state was replaced by a dormant one. In order for the housewives not to get confused in measuring the right amount of dry or pressed product, there is a special ratio: a bag of dry yeast is equivalent to 50 grams of pressed. Dry yeast can be used to make bread and baked goods in a bread machine.

Dry yeast can be active and instant. Active yeast must be diluted in advance in milk or water. Instant ones can be immediately mixed with other dry ingredients. The advantage of dough prepared with dry yeast is the absence of foreign odors in baking. For yeast dough, for about 1 kilogram of flour, you will need one pack of dry yeast. In general, there are many recipes using dry yeast, such as pizza, yeast pancakes, pies and pies and many other types of pastries.

Dry yeast is easy to use, even novice housewives can handle it.

Note: a tablespoon "without a slide" contains 8 grams of yeast, and "with a slide" - 12 grams.

Dry Yeast Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of yeast are obvious in skin diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and nervous diseases. For medicinal purposes, yeast should be diluted with water, bran and sugar can be added to the mixture. The mixture is consumed as a nutritional drink.

Many, especially women, are afraid to consume yeast, as they are sure that it contributes to weight gain. But this is not entirely true, the calorie content of dry yeast is quite large, it is 325 calories. But this is an indicator for 100 grams, and it is simply impossible to consume such an amount of this product at a time. Athletes consume yeast in order to gain muscle mass, but under certain conditions, you can also get the effect of weight loss. The fact is that yeast is rich in vitamin B, which has the ability to speed up metabolic processes. Dry yeast is recommended to be consumed according to the dosage of 1 tablespoon, filled with boiled water before breakfast. Yeast is recommended for vegetarians due to the large amount of protein and B vitamins in this product.

Outwardly, yeast is used in cosmetology. Based on this product, vitamin face and hair masks are made. Hair after a yeast mask becomes splendid and light, this procedure helps to strengthen and grow curls.

Harm of dry yeast and contraindications

Yeast can harm the body with gout, dysbacteriosis, and kidney diseases. Women should be especially careful, as yeast can cause thrush or candidiasis. If thrush occurs, you should consult a gynecologist.

Yeasts are living organisms that have long been cultivated by humans and used to make food and drink. If you ask what yeast is made of, then it will be impossible to answer in one word. The fact is that they existed on earth even before the birth of human civilization.

Unique microorganisms

Yeast is a living microorganism that can feed and reproduce. They are very sensitive to temperature changes and food composition.

Yeast fungi exist in nature everywhere. They feed on biological raw materials, and in the process of metabolism, that is, fermentation, they produce new chemical compounds. The number of these microorganisms in nature is so great that if we compare it with the number of grains of sand in the seas and on land, then there will be many times more yeast spores. Needless to say, there are also a great many varieties of yeast fungi. Some are good for our health, while others are harmful. All living yeast intensively emit carbon dioxide and alcohol fractions.

Mycete species used in the production of bread dough

In the food industry, and in our case in the baking industry, only some species are used, namely those that, eating a nutrient substrate, emit a large amount of carbon dioxide. It is thanks to the bubbles of this gas that the bread turns out to be porous. Its quality is even determined by how the loaf behaves, if you squeeze it until the opposite sides meet and release it. If it straightens to its original state, it means that the bread is of high quality.

There are also many yeasts of this class. In the modern baking industry, mushrooms from the Saccharomyces family are most often used to make soft bread.

Baker's yeast and sourdough

What bread yeast is made of, every baker knows. It is best to start talking about bread yeast with a story about sourdough. It is mentioned in ancient books dating back several millennia. Sourdough and baker's yeast are the same thing. Bread sourdough is a product that has always been treated with particular care. All actions with her were surrounded by many signs and rituals. The products from which the initial starter was made were chosen very carefully. The most successful was kept and cultivated, passing from generation to generation.

Quality bread is a guarantee of good health

The fact is that different types of fungi exist under different conditions. And even if the dough from yeast bred on the same raw material turns out to be very tasty, this does not mean that this sourdough will behave similarly the next time it is used. There is always a possibility that the original mushroom culture has been replaced by a new one. It's not visible to the naked eye, but the next batch of bread may be tasteless and even unhealthy. It is no coincidence that in ancient times one of the ways to destroy an enemy tribe or other community was like this. The scout penetrated the camp of the enemy and spoiled the leaven, since it was believed that bread and water were the most important food for man. Health and life depend on the quality of these two products. What do yeast do with the product? They change its appearance, texture, composition and properties. To understand the mechanism of their work, it is necessary to understand how and from what baker's yeast is made.

Hop starter

Take one glass of hop cones, pour two glasses of water and put on fire. Cook until liquid volume is reduced by half. Cool to 37-40 degrees and strain. In the hop broth, put one or two tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of flour. Cover with gauze. This is necessary so that the yeast receives oxygen, otherwise they will die. Place the container in a dry, warm place away from direct sunlight and drafts. In two days, you will grow a culture of baker's yeast, the same sourdough that, by taking a little, can be reused in bread baking. Usually, 1 kg of flour requires 50 to 100 g of sourdough.

Unusually delicious is sourdough bread made from barley malt with honey and hops. Malt is flour ground from sprouted and dried grains. Its microbiological composition is fundamentally different from the composition of flour from polished grain.

The secret to delicious beer is malt, hops and yeast

Hops and barley malt are what brewer's yeast is made from. The brewing process is extremely simple. Whole barley grain is soaked for sprouting. Rye grain is also what beer yeast is made from. However, due to its specific taste, barley is more often used. Growing is a must. Yeast does not like unsprouted grain - it contains a lot of starch and little sugar. When the embryo is activated, that is, germination, the amino acid present in it, amylase, is activated in the grain. Amylase and hydrolyzes starch into sugar digestible for mushrooms. The sprouted grain, called malt, is left to rest for some time to ensure the most complete fermentation, then ground, mixed with water and boiled with the addition of hop cones. It turns out the wort - an excellent food for brewer's yeast.

For beer, two types of yeast are used. Some ferment the drink on the surface and live at a temperature of + 14-25 degrees Celsius. This so-called top yeast forms a head of foam on the surface of the wort. At the end of the process, the mass fermented by riding yeast sinks to the bottom. There, another colony begins to work - grassroots yeast. They work in colder conditions - at temperatures from +6 to +10 degrees.

The difficult art of the baker

In the old days, before the advent of electric ovens and refrigerators, the process of making bread and preserving sourdough was almost a sacrament. The sourdough was not given on credit, and when bread was made (this process took at least two days), they tried not to make noise, not to slam doors and shutters. We watched the dough in order to have time to knead it in time and not let it turn sour. Failure to comply with the prescribed conditions is fraught with the development of another yeast culture, since different yeasts need different temperatures, density and composition of the nutrient substrate. Beneficial yeast can be replaced by harmful ones. It was believed that a bad person's bread is always tasteless. They tried to buy bread only from a certain master.

Yeast - a source of vitamins necessary for health

Yeast ferments the bread base in such a way that it also changes in chemical composition. Good bread consists only of flour, water and sourdough, in which there is a small amount of sugar for the pleasant taste of bread - a consequence of the fermentation of flour by yeast. Yeast enriches bread with B vitamins and vitamin D. When baked in a Russian oven, most of the nutrients were preserved. It is not clear whether this was known in the old days, but the temperature of the oven had three characteristics - before, after and during baking. The mild, even heat during the preparation of the loaves was below the boiling point of water. With very high heat, the product burns on the outside and does not bake inside.

Modern dry yeast, unlike sourdough, is very convenient, as it is less capricious and more stable. Even an inexperienced housewife can bake excellent bread from them. In this regard, a logical question arises: “What is dry yeast made from?”

Sugar, water, air and a temperature of 30-50 degrees - the optimal environment for Saccharomycetes

Since yeast are living organisms, by and large they are not made, but grown from ordinary yeast fungi used in the manufacture of bread - saccharomycetes, that is, bacteria that feed on sweet things - sugar, sucrose, fructose, etc. In factories for the feed of baker's yeast, waste beet mass - molasses is used. Sugar beet is what raw yeast is made from at domestic enterprises.


Yeast mushrooms grow very quickly on this product. Molasses, also called molasses, is a thick, viscous liquid of a very dark color. Up to 750 kg of yeast grows on one ton of substrate. Molasses from beets or sugar cane is what baker's yeast is made from, pressed, as well as instant. At present, with high production volumes and high demand for ready-made yeasts, these are the most common bases for growing Saccharomycetes. However, these mushrooms can grow well on another rich in natural sugars. If you use a starchy substrate - potatoes or grains, then it should be fermented.

Safety of a Modern Dough Raising Product

Thus, it is obvious: what baker's yeast is made of in modern industries does not pose any harm to health. With proper storage and use of modern dry fast-acting yeast, you can not be afraid that new, unhealthy cultures will develop in them, because only those yeasts that are well studied for resistance to various transformations are used in food production. What's more, they are significantly safer than "wet" homemade sourdough starters. In dry yeast, metabolic processes are in a static state. Metabolism begins only with the addition of sugar and liquid - water or milk.

Having figured out what yeast is made from for baking bread, you have to decide which one to give preference to - raw pressed or dry instant (instant).


The yeast mass grown on molasses is separated, that is, it is filtered. Water is added to the yeast and separated again. As a result of several procedures, the yeast mass acquires a grayish color and a viscous consistency. The vacuum device removes excess moisture. This process is called sublimation. The resulting gray, plastic, clay-like substance is cooled, divided into portions, formed into briquettes, packed in and sold. Such a product should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius and an ambient humidity of about 72-75%. Shelf life - 12 days. In retail sales, such yeast in our time can not always be found. In this case, I want to know what they are made of if they are such a rare commodity. After all, we very often tend to think that the products that adorned store shelves 20 years ago were much better than the current ones. It is possible that this is true, but not in relation to yeast.

It turns out that the point is not what compressed baking yeast is made of, but the fact that they are extremely inconvenient to use. It is extremely difficult to withstand the required humidity and temperature in the dry cold of a modern household refrigerator. A period of 12 days also limits the housewife. Usually baking from yeast dough is done on weekends. A whole pack of pressed yeast is too much for one time. For a family of 4, even with invited guests, half a pack is more than enough, and it is impossible to keep such yeast active until next weekend.


They have long and firmly occupied a place in our kitchens. I must say that, despite the modern electronic technologies that are used by the manufacturers of this product, dry yeast was known even in pre-Christian times, when the leaven was dried in order to preserve it during transportation over a long distance. What dry yeast is made of is no different from what pressed yeast is made from. This is the same sweet molasses and, in fact, the Saccharomycetes themselves.

The process of their manufacture is longer, because the grown and partially dehydrated yeast mass must be dried and turned into granules. There are three types of dry yeast. These are dry active yeast, dry active instant and dry active instant instant. Sugar molasses and Saccharomycetes are what quick yeast is made from. Only the technology of dehydration differs. If for ordinary dry yeast low-temperature drying is used according to the technology of the Russian stove, then instant ones are dried in vacuum by the sublimation method. With the first method of drying, a product with a rather weak vital activity is obtained. Despite the fact that the life of such yeast is 12 months, they barely reach its end, losing the ability to ferment muffin so much that they can be advised to buy only at the beginning of the expiration date stated on the package. Therefore, when reading the accompanying inscription on the package, carefully study not only information about what baker's yeast is made of, the composition of the product, its calorie content, the name of the manufacturer, but also the date of manufacture of the yeast and its validity.

Emulsifiers and antioxidants

If you are against the addition of emulsifiers and antioxidants to the product, then use pressed yeast or sourdough. However, do not forget that they may also contain unhealthy microflora and chemical elements. Emulsifiers are added to the raw yeast mass before drying. The entire thick mass is poured onto a pallet in a vacuum chamber. Vibration is created there, it separates the dried substrate into small fractions, which are then packaged in an Emulsifier and an antioxidant is added to the yeast to prevent unwanted growth of fungi and prevent them from sticking before they find use in the dough. No need to think that these additives are included in the composition in order to harm our health. Such an opinion is deeply erroneous and very much smacks of dilettantism and "yard competence" in matters of molecular chemistry. Sometimes you can even hear this: “Everyone knows perfectly well what yeast is made of. The composition of good yeast is only Saccharomyces and nothing else!” However, even pressed yeast is poured with vegetable oil so that they do not begin to actively multiply before they get into the sweet solution. Asking what dry yeast is made of (the composition is described on the package), you can see that the product contains natural yeast, emulsifier E 491, antioxidant E 320, starch or rehydrator. Those cases where dry yeast contains only yeast and nothing else only indicate that the manufacturer did not provide complete information about the composition of his product, and not at all about the absence of stabilizing and disinfecting impurities. People with a sense of humor say that the fear of food can kill much faster than the food itself. This also applies to nutritional supplements.

It is a pleasure to make bread from dough kneaded with instant instant yeast. Instant yeast "Saf-moment" has proven itself very well. Knowing what Saf-moment yeast is made of, and this is indicated on the label, you have much more confidence in the manufacturer than if he had not written that a rehydrator was introduced into the yeast mass to control the moisture level. This yeast can not be diluted in sweet milk or sugar syrup. They will perfectly rise the dough if you pour them directly into the flour or knead into the finished dough.

Ode to Saccharomyces and Vacuum

What to prefer - yeast or sourdough, everyone decides for himself. However, what yeast is made of, we figured it out. It is very difficult, or rather impossible, to grow not Saccharomycetes, but any mushrooms that are dangerous to health on sugar molasses. Alcohol and carbon dioxide emitted by these little workers destroy the pathogenic microflora, and vacuum sublimation and sealed packaging guarantee the absence of unsanitary impurities. Sourdough is a good thing, but is it possible to make it just as sterile?

It is not surprising why yeast bread, to put it mildly, is not very useful ... What is used to make yeast according to GOST?

Yeast. Yeast refers to "pressed baker's yeast" GOST 171-81 (more details). I will give only a short list of the chemical components that make up the yeast.

For the production of yeast, the following main and auxiliary raw materials are used:

  • technical ammonium sulfate obtained in the production of sulfur dioxide;

  • ammonium sulfate purified according to GOST 10873;

  • ammonia water technical grade B (for industry) according to GOST 9;

  • orthophosphoric thermal acid according to GOST 10678;

  • technical sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184 (improved) or battery acid according to GOST 667

  • potassium carbonate technical (potash) in accordance with GOST 10690 of the first grade;

  • potassium chloride technical according to NTD;

  • caustic magnesite powder according to GOST 1216;

  • technical sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184 (contact improved grades A and B) or battery acid according to GOST 667;

  • microfertilizer for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR;

  • defoamers;

  • disinfectants:

  • lime chloride according to GOST 1692;

  • building lime according to GOST 9179;

  • bleaching lime (heat-resistant);

  • technical caustic soda according to GOST 2263;

  • soda ash (technical) according to GOST 5100; formalin technical according to GOST 1625;

  • boric acid according to GOST 9656;

  • furatsilin;

  • furazolidone;

  • sulfonic acid NP-3;

  • catapin (bactericidal);

  • liquid detergent "Progress";

  • technical hydrochloric acid according to NTD;

  • hydrochloric acid from rectified hydrogen chloride grade B according to NTD, etc.

Of the nearly fifty components in food without harm to health, only about 10 can be consumed !!

As can be seen from the official state document, 36 types of basic and 20 types of auxiliary raw materials are used for the production of yeast, the vast majority of which cannot be called food. With the help of microfertilizers for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR and other chemicals (see the textbook by Semikhatova et al. "Production of baker's yeast", M .: Ed. Pishch. prom., 1987), yeast is saturated with heavy metals (copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, etc.) and other chemical elements that are not always useful for our flesh (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc.). Their role in the process of yeast fermentation is not disclosed in any reference books.

This chemical mixture for making yeast has been used since the Soviet era, when it was necessary to feed everyone quickly (apparently, during a famine). Then it was not customary to think about healthy nutrition, especially about someone else's. Now scientists have come to the conclusion that yeast bread is the cause of cancer. But until now, the technology for the production of yeast bread has not changed. And here everything is clear, if you want to live, stop eating yeast bread.



Thermophilic yeast: the whole truth about the dangers of yeast

In Rus', bread has always been treated with respect and love, paying tribute to the valuable and nutritional properties of this product. However, modern bread is made very differently from its distant man-made ancestor, and the components used in modern bread production are often very harmful to the body. And this is instead of being useful.

One of the main components that is necessary for baking bread is yeast. The currently used thermophilic product appeared relatively recently - it was created by German biologists during the Second World War. Modern scientists studying this issue found sources from Germany during the Third Reich in the Lenin Library, where it was directly stated that this yeast was grown on human bones, and if the Russians did not die in the war, then they would die from yeast. The material was so shocking that access to it was closed and the documents were classified.

Let's go back a little and remember how our ancestors baked bread. Simple peasant bread was fermented with rye flour, oats, wheat, barley and straw. In some old villages, recipes for baking yeast-free bread have been preserved to this day. The sourdoughs aged in a special way were beneficial to people, enriching their bodies with acids, vitamins, minerals of natural origin. In addition, fiber, live enzymes, pectin substances and natural biostimulants were present in the starter cultures.

The very process of baking bread was of a ritual nature, all its secrets were carefully kept by the housewives and passed on to the next generation. Each family, community or village had its own tricks and recipes for making the most delicious bread, which was baked weekly on rye and oat sourdough. The product was coarser and healthier, as unrefined rye flour was used, which retains the beneficial properties of natural cereals. Bread from the Russian oven was incredibly tasty and fragrant, it did not go stale after a week, like modern products, but could be stored for months.

Alas, modern bread is baked differently. Natural sourdoughs have been replaced by artificially created saccharomycetes yeast, the production technology of which causes a slight shock. To propagate baker's yeast, a liquid nutrient medium is used, which is obtained as follows: molasses is diluted with water, disinfected with bleach, clarified, sulfuric acid is added for acidification, and so on. Appetizing ways to prepare a food component? Why use natural yeast malt and hops - it's faster and easier to chemist an artificial and dangerous substance.

Harm of thermophilic yeast: let's face it

Scientists in many countries are very concerned about the harmful effects of thermophilic yeast on the human body. Let's take a look at what these yeasts are and why they impair our health.

Thermophilic yeast, also called Saccharomyces, does not naturally reproduce and is an artificially synthesized substance. Used in bread baking, brewing and alcohol production, Saccharomycetes are very resistant and are not destroyed either by high temperatures or during the digestion of a product of the human gastrointestinal tract. In turn, yeast cells produce toxic substances, which, due to their small size and molecular weight, spread throughout the body, poisoning and killing it.

Yeast protein, with its toxicity, corrodes the membranes of plasma cells, making them vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. The destructive process begins in the digestive tract, and then spreads further. The rate of spread of yeast in the body is enormous, their activity allows an increasing number of harmful microorganisms to penetrate into the system and fight against the beneficial internal microflora. Malfunctions of useful internal microorganisms lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as a reduction in the production of amino acids and B vitamins. The stomach and pancreas, liver, gallbladder and intestines - all organs suffer from the intervention of artificial yeast.

We know that the inner surface of the human stomach is protected from acids by a special mucous membrane. This shell reliably protects the digestive organ in everyday life. If a person begins to abuse yeast products (as well as acid-forming foods), the load on the protective membrane increases, and it may not be able to cope with a powerful aggressive effect. As a result, a person begins to suffer from stomach pains, heartburn, and may even develop an ulcer.

Another unpleasant "surprise" from thermophilic yeast will be the sand that forms in the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. Clots of this sand turn into stones that impair the functioning of the digestive organs and are dangerous to human health. The processes of putrefaction intensify in the intestines, constipation occurs and tumors can form. Pathogenic foreign flora is activated and injures the alkaline border. Toxic masses are more slowly excreted from the body, it is possible to form gas pockets in the intestines and stagnation of fecal stones in them, which then grow into the intestinal layers. The protective and digestive functions of the gastrointestinal tract decrease, the synthesis of vitamins and microelements decreases, as well as their absorption.

Calcium is especially bad. This microelement is already not very well absorbed by the body, and a decrease in its intake, in general, is catastrophic for internal organs and processes. Analytical data showed that in recent years the level of calcium in children has decreased to 2.5-3 units in the blood, while the previous norm was 9-12.

Through the walls of the intestine, harmful microorganisms enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Metabolic processes in cells are disturbed, the composition of the blood changes, it thickens and slows down its movement through the vessels. More often, blood clots form, the lymphatic system wears out, and the nervous system degrades and becomes exhausted.

The use of yeast can cause acidosis - an imbalance in the acid-base environment of the body. Symptoms of this serious disease are: physical and mental fatigue, bitterness in the mouth and a grayish coating on the tongue, black circles under the eyes and nausea, muscle pain and gastritis. The body makes incredible efforts to restore the lost balance and actively spends its alkaline reserves: iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. All these elements are removed from the bones, which causes their fragility, and later osteoporosis.

If all the previous reasons failed to convince skeptics, there is one more - anatomical disorders. Nature conceived the harmonious and interconnected work of all organs in a system called the “human body”. The heart and lungs, liver, stomach and other organs must receive stimulating impulses from the movement of the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. Taking off to the 4th, 5th intercostal space, it massages the internal organs, charging them with the necessary energy. Yeast fermentation inflates the intestines and does not allow the diaphragm to move in full amplitude, forcing it to deform and take an unusual position. In this position, the heart is forced to lie horizontally, the lower part of the lungs is compressed, the digestive organs are clamped by the swollen intestines. Even the gallbladder is often forced to leave its usual place.

In a normal state, the diaphragm, like a pump, creates pressure in the chest region, drawing blood from above and below. The restriction of its movement does not allow the process to take place in full and causes stagnation of blood in the limbs, head, pelvis and other organs. Such stagnation is fraught with varicose veins, the occurrence of blood clots and ulcers, as well as a general decrease in immunity.

The French scientist Etienne Wolf conducted one demonstrative experiment. He took a malignant tumor and divided it into two parts: one was placed in an extract of yeast undergoing fermentation, the other was deprived of its connection with living tissue and placed in normal saline. The tumor in the yeast solution increased two to three times in a week, the tumor left without the yeast extract died. The conclusion was unequivocal - yeast sourdough contributed to the stimulation of the growth of a cancerous tumor.

And finally, a few words about flour, which is the basis of modern bakery products. Refined flour is devoid of all the natural ingredients found in the grain. All vitamins, minerals and useful elements are removed from it along with the shell and germ. They were replaced by artificial substances, food additives, flavor and odor enhancers that do not carry any benefit.

In addition, sterile refined flour helps to form mucus, which settles in the stomach and clogs the body.

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For the sixth year now, now calming down, then again becoming the subject of lively discussions, a story about some insidious conspiracy has been circulating on the net. Its goal is to destroy the population of Russia with the help of the so-called "thermophilic yeast", which seem quite harmless to an uninitiated gullible layman. This spring, this topic has become relevant again. Basically, the harm of yeast is discussed on the forums of Orthodox groups in Odnoklassniki, but I had to meet discussions on other sites. So what is this killer yeast, how dangerous are they, what harm do they do to the human body?

One of the most common statements by the proponents of the "conspiracy" reads: “Yeast-saccharomycetes (thermophilic yeast), varieties of which are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking, do not occur in nature (and, therefore, are genetically modified - prot. A. E). Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more resistant than tissue cells. They are not destroyed either during cooking or by saliva in the human body. Yeast killer cells, killer cells, kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by releasing poisonous substances of small molecular weight in them. It goes on to say that sulfuric acid and even human bones are used in the production of yeast! After such a convincing description of the yeast production technology using unfamiliar tricky words, you don’t even want to eat bread - it’s just scary to get poisoned.

What is true in this statement? Surprisingly, upon closer examination, it turns out that there is absolutely no truth here.

Let's start with the fact that thermophilic yeast does not exist not only in nature, but also in the laboratories of chemists. There are thermophilic bacteria, but they have nothing to do with yeast, which are fungi. By the way, thermophilic bacteria are also safe. Both yeast fungi and thermophilic bacteria exist in nature and are not genetically modified products. Of course, one can assume that someone is producing genetically modified "thermophilic" baker's yeast, but in this case it should be indicated on the packaging. Exceptions to this rule, when the manufacturer, contrary to the established rules, hides such information, can only be single.

Another "conspiracy" argument goes as follows: “Scientists who were studying this issue came across sources from Nazi Germany in the Lenin Library, which said that this yeast was grown on human bones, that if Russia did not die in the war, then it would die from yeast. Our specialists were not allowed to link to sources or copy them. The documents were classified ... ". This statement is repeated from article to article, while it seems that the “specialists” were sent by the authors of the articles to the library literally on a first-come, first-served basis, but there, showing them all the sources, copying (again, everyone) was strictly forbidden. Why didn't the "specialists" use a simple mobile phone with a camera and even remember the document numbers? Maybe there were no specialists, because not only their names are not mentioned, but the literal copying of this text allows us to assert that we are talking about nothing more than just another gossip wandering from publication to publication, from site to site.

We also note that in the 1940s, when, according to the conspiracy supporters, “thermophilic yeast” was bred, genetic engineering did not exist. Why is it that the technology of yeast production, laid down in those days, causes such fear?

As for Saccharomycetes, they are always present in the human body, regardless of whether he has ever eaten bread with industrial yeast or not. They are natural constituents of the intestinal microflora; they do not cause any harm, except for the rarest cases of allergies, and, of course, contrary to the statements of the “yeast conspiracy” supporters, they do not destroy the cells of the human body. As for "poisonous substances of small molecular weight", they are simply unknown to science, and this term is used only on the websites of the "conspirators".

“The stomach is covered from the inside with a special mucous membrane that is resistant to acid. However, if a person abuses yeast products and acid-forming foods, then the stomach cannot resist this for a long time. The burn will lead to the formation of ulcers, pain and such a common symptom as heartburn will appear. This statement is based on nothing. "Acid-forming" food is indicated for low stomach acidity, up to yeast, they are just used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, having only one contraindication - hypersensitivity.

“The use of food products prepared on the basis of thermophilic yeast contributes to the formation of sand clots, and then stones in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, constipation and tumors. The processes of decay increase in the intestine, pathogenic microflora develops, and the brush border is injured. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body slows down, gas pockets form, where fecal stones stagnate. Gradually, they grow into the mucous and submucosal layers of the intestine. The secret of the digestive organs loses its protective function and reduces the digestive. Vitamins are not assimilated and synthesized enough, microelements, and the most important of them, calcium, are not assimilated to the proper extent. All this is nothing more than the imagination of the authors. Yes, excessive consumption of bread made from refined white flour can cause problems in the intestines, but yeast has nothing to do with it. In general, attempts to create myths using near-medical terminology will always be popular in society, especially in connection with the catastrophic situation with the environment, but doomed to failure in the light of medical sciences. And to believe that all doctors are malicious murderers of the nation is possible only if you completely lose all common sense.

What do the fighters with the "yeast conspiracy" offer? If you carefully look at their articles on natural sourdough, it turns out that it is proposed to use the same yeast fungi for baking wheat bread - with the only difference that their production is more natural, but also more expensive. Of course, it is not difficult to make wort at home, but in mass production such a culture does not retain its viability for a long time. It is very difficult to buy such a starter in the store, because it requires special storage conditions. And the extract of the starter is much lower than that of ordinary yeast. And if for a rural dweller this is not of great importance, then in the conditions of a busy city life this factor is still important, just as it is important for mass production. A bakery that starts making bread using the old technology will either go bankrupt due to the high cost of its products, or will be forced to sell bread at inflated prices, and it is always more difficult to sell expensive bread. This is where conspiracy theory can help. After all, the most reliable way to eliminate competitors is to announce that their products are worse than their own. Of course, this should have been proven, but it’s easier not to officially prove anything, but simply write carbon-copied articles on a dozen visited sites - and make a profit.

It should also be noted that yeast sourdough is used only in the preparation of wheat bread. Rye bread is prepared by the process of sour-milk fermentation (or combined). So the statement about the widespread use of yeast in modern bakery is still exaggerated.

If we were only talking about ordinary homemade bread, then the question would hardly have been so acute. But through the efforts of some priests, primarily Abbot Mitrofan (Lavrentiev), the problem acquired a religious character. Hegumen Mitrofan declared prosphora baked with yeast canonically unacceptable. And his main thesis is that animal products are used in the production of yeast. However, this is not true - after all, the initial experiments using animal materials have long sunk into oblivion. At the same time, the "technology" of making sourdough at home requires the use of hops or raisins and sugar - otherwise the dough simply won't work. So in any case, whether there is yeast or hop products, it is allowed to use not only flour and water, but also other components in prosphora. The statements about , that only “our method” is correct, are dangerous because in this way a certain “spiritual elite” is formed and, if we follow the words of the same Fr. Mitrofan, you can only take communion with them, but blasphemy is allegedly committed in the rest of the parishes. Although in reality it is precisely the statement about the inferiority of the Sacrament (which is either performed or not, it cannot be otherwise) that is blasphemy in parishes that did not follow the practice of preparing hop sourdough.

Personally, I prefer hop sourdough. The bread on it is indeed more fragrant, tastier (primarily due to longer fermentation) and, undoubtedly, more nutritious. What is important is that I have time to prepare this sourdough. However, on occasion I can buy bread in the store and see nothing wrong with that. But I perceive calls to abandon store-bought bread because of its “spoilage” as groundless and not at all harmless. After all, not every family has the opportunity to bake their own bread. And a person who believes in a "conspiracy" can fall into deep despondency and even despair from the inability to "eat right." And what about Communion? Start to find out on what leaven the prosphora are baked in the parish? And suddenly on yeast? Then you will have to change the parish, look for the “right” priest. Such a search often leads to a spiritual catastrophe, for which those who have created temptation in the minds of gullible brethren in Christ will have to answer. And we must be more careful in this difficult age of lies and deceit, and not succumb to the provocations of the "caring" citizens of the world of conspiracies.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Yeast in bread - are they harmful to humans?

Recently, a number of publications (clearly custom-made) have appeared in the press about the allegedly existing harm of baker's yeast and the enormous benefits of "hop bread". Without disputing the benefits of bread made with hop sourdough, let's dwell on some points of these publications.

We believe that it is pointless to explain to some authors of such publications that yeast does not “devour the intestinal microflora”, and “yeast bacteria” cannot exist in principle, just as there cannot be a feathered pike or a winged sheep. Such statements speak only about the lack of elementary knowledge in the field of biology. Let's dwell on more meaningful statements.

In particular, the authors of such publications claim that all yeast cells die in “hop bread” during baking, but not all of them in ordinary bread. This statement is also simply absurd. If you do not go into physical and chemical details, then the death of yeast when heated depends mainly on their type and temperature. During baking in the center of the crumb, the temperature reaches 95-97°C, regardless of the technology used to prepare the dough. As for the type of yeast, hop starter cultures are known to contain mainly the same S. Cerevisiae as in pressed or dried yeast, which was proven as early as 1937 by V.A. Nikolaev.

Therefore, in both cases, the yeast almost completely dies off and only single yeast cells can remain viable when baking both "hop" and ordinary bread. This fact is well known and has long been included in textbooks.

In addition, the amount of yeast cells that enter the human body from bakery products is simply not comparable with the amount that enters the human body with other foods. It is known that yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces are isolated from the surface of grapes, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, and currants. For the manufacture of wine, in the production of beer and kvass, strains of Saccharomuces serevisiae (formerly known as S.vini, S. Carlsbergensis, etc.) are also used. S. serevisiae.

Thus, it is obvious that the yeast will still enter the body of the consumer, even if he completely refuses to eat bread and bakery products. Now consider what effect they have on the human body?

Yeast is not at all some kind of exotic, “bred through the efforts of geneticists” (as one of the publications claims). They are a permanent part of the normal human microflora. About 25-30 types of yeast are regularly found in the body, which do not cause manifestations of a clinical infection. The number of yeast in the intestine ranges from hundreds of cells to millions per gram. content.

As for the publications about the longevity of the Abkhazians, who “do not bake bread, but are distinguished by longevity”, the following facts can be cited: in the study of the normal microflora of the intestinal tract of long-livers of Abkhazia and their families, conducted in 1978-1981, yeast was detected almost constantly ( in 75-100% of cases). In centenarians, among other yeasts, S. cerevisiae was isolated, and in these strains strong antagonistic properties were found in relation to various pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The literature also describes other facts of inhibition of bacterial growth by substances of a protein nature isolated from baker's yeast.

Thus, the statements of the authors of such newspaper publications about the dangers of baker's yeast for human health are unfounded. They would not deserve special attention from specialists if they did not mislead the consumer, sowing unreasonable panic among the population.

Department of Microbiology of the State Research Institute of the Bakery Industry

Rice. from We Awakened
