
The most popular cream nozzles. pastry bags

Nozzles for pastry bag

How often do you want to freeze in front of the window of a pastry shop and admire the intricately decorated cakes and pastries. And if such beauty is made by hand, it is guaranteed to please relatives and friends. But how to make such decorations? Cooking nozzles for cream will help you.Luckily, you can say thank you to the industry for a wide variety of culinary tools to help decorate pastries.

In the online store "Supermarket for Confectioner" you can buy any kind of confectionery nozzles for cream. The price is indicated in rubles. It's easy to order and arrange delivery:

  • in Moscow, it is possible to use the services of a courier or pick up at own expense;
  • in Russia, it is possible to arrange delivery of goods through a transport company or regular / expedited mail.

Nozzles for a pastry bag: types of pastry nozzles and working with them

The modern market offers a variety of confectionery nozzles for every taste - metal, plastic. Culinary nozzles for cream can be bought both individually and in a set. One of the most sought after and highly acclaimed are the Wilton stainless steel pastry nozzles for their convenience and practicality over long periods of use.

A professional confectioner's set is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced hostess. It mainly includes:

  • Pastry bag nozzles that create leaf patterns. They help to create leaves of different shapes and volumes. It is best to decorate the edges of cakes with them.
  • Nozzles that allow you to create patterns in the form of petals. With their help, the product is decorated with petals, bows, lambrequins, ruffles and draperies. These nozzles are great for decorating cupcakes.
  • Confectionery nozzles "open star". They help to create jewelry with fine corrugation in the form of stars and wavy lines. Some of these attachments can also be used to work with dough.
  • Confectionery nozzles for "closed star" cream. They are used to create deep grooved jewelry. With these nozzles, you can decorate the product with patterns in the form of shells and stars.
  • Nozzles for creating jewelry in the form of flowers. These nozzles are used to create a whole flower. There are options for making small flowers, for medium, large and XXL.
  • Attachments for creating basket weave jewelry. Most nozzles create both grooved and smooth stripes. But some can only create smooth stripes.
  • Culinary cream nozzles that create frilled embellishments. Also used to create special effects.
  • Nozzles with a round hole. They are used to create lace, beads, balls, dots, inscriptions.
  • Confectionery nozzles with several holes. They are used to obtain a fluffy surface.
  • Nozzles for creating candlesticks, ropes, hearts and Christmas trees.

For the separate manufacture of floral decorations, you will need a special carnation. A square of baking paper is attached to his hat. Then the desired nozzle is selected (for example, for petals). The stem of the carnation is pinched between the fingers and gently rotated as the petals are created.

First, the core of the flower is created in the form of a slide. Then petals are created around it. The movements of the nozzle in this case go from bottom to top. The nozzle should be held with the narrow end up. The flowers created in this way will wonderfully decorate cupcakes.

Of course, the confectionery nozzles themselves are not everything. To fully work with them, you will need a pastry bag and an adapter.

About pastry bagsOh

A pastry bag is used to create culinary masterpieces by both professional pastry chefs and housewives. Finishing pastries and cakes with a pastry bag makes it easy to create three-dimensional shapes and peculiar patterns. A professional pastry bag is more practical than a homemade one. It gives more efficient results.

The greatest opportunities are provided by a pastry bag with pastry nozzles. But there are also lighter devices. These include disposable pastry bags. They have a variety of sizes and shapes. The main advantage of a disposable bag is that it does not require washing.

A reusable bag, unlike a disposable bag, can be used for a very long time. The silicone piping bag is the most widely used. It is easy to clean and the silicone piping bag can be trimmed to make it smaller if necessary. There are also fabric bags. They are impregnated with a special composition. These bags differ little from silicone ones in their properties. Fabric bags have a wide range. Various confectionery nozzles are suitable for both fabric and silicone bags.

There is also a perforated pastry bag. It is disposable and perforated. Thanks to the perforation, the bag does not tear when filled. Perforated pastry bags are sold with a sealed tip. In the future, the tip is cut under the nozzle.

Each of the pastry bags has its own advantages. Because of this, they have become so widespread. All pastry bags are used to work with not particularly thick materials. The shape and volume of patterns depend mainly on a particular bag and nozzle.

How to properly use a pastry bag

To fill the bag correctly, the bag must be put on the hand. In this case, its edges will not be dirty from the outside. You need to confidently hold the bag on your hand, fill it with a spatula or a scraper. It is enough to fill the bag half or third. After that, push the filling closer to the nozzle.

When the bag is filled with stuffing, you need to take it in your hand. It is required to hold so that you can feel the bag with your fingers and palm. Its free end must be fixed around the thumb. The cream filling should be pushed through a pastry nozzle and scraped off the sides of the bowl. This will help release excess air from the bag. Now it is ready for use.

Pastry bag adapter

Why is it needed? The pastry bag adapter is a very useful and handy culinary tool. It is made from food grade plastic. The adapter allows you to change nozzles without transferring the filling to a new bag, without making any extra effort. With several adapters, you can use a variety of filling colors. One adapter is equal to one color of cream in a bag. The adapter is easy to work with:

  • Unscrew the adapter and you get two parts: the bottom and the top.
  • Trim the pastry bag so that you can fit the top of the adapter tightly.
  • Place the pastry nozzle on the top of the adapter with the bag and twist the bottom of it.

To change the nozzle, you only need to unscrew the top of the adapter. Then replace the nozzle. The bag will become universal for many nozzles. They can be changed even in the process of working with the filling. Thanks to the adapter, which helps save time and effort.

A few additional tips for housewives using pastry nozzles for the first time

  • For the first experience, you'd better choose a small cake. The ideal diameter of the cakes is 24 cm. When you have already filled your hand, it will be possible to take a more voluminous diameter of the cakes.
  • Don't forget to pump out excess air from the pastry bag. Otherwise, the filling will be distributed unevenly through the nozzle. A disposable bag can burst.
  • Be sure to use the adapter at least the first time. It will help you learn how to change nozzles without the risk of being dirty.
  • If you bought several adapters, do not rush to use several creams of different colors at the same time. Try one first.

I thought for a long time what to write about today and the topic of confectionery devices caught my eye.

Many of us, women, men, love to cook and, accordingly, bake. And pastries such as desserts and cakes require a little more attention in terms of decoration. Of course, now cakes decorated with mastic are gaining more and more popularity, where you need to create without the help of a pastry syringe or bag. And if you like to work with creams and batter, then you can’t do without these confectionery accessories. Today we will choose the right confectionery syringes and bags, consider their pros and cons, purpose and varieties.

Pastry bags, pros and cons, varieties

You should immediately decide on the pros and cons of a confectionery device. Of course, after reading the post it is difficult to decide, you need to try, experiment. But for the development of the general and for those who are going to purchase confectionery "decorators" for the first time, I think the information will be useful.

So, the pros and cons of a pastry bag



Larger volume, which allows you to hold more cream, dough.

Quite durable, depending on the material and quality.

A variety of nozzles allows you to decorate pastries for every taste.

When working with a pastry bag, you can hold it in one hand.

The pressure does not have to be strong, unlike working with a syringe.

Easier to clean than syringes.
If the bag is not made with high quality, the cream can “leak” from all the cracks.

Some patterns are still not subject to the bag.

You have to hold the bag very tightly at the end so that the cream and dough do not come out.

It is advisable to use not a dense consistency of cream and dough.

Now let's talk about varieties. There are three main types:

Disposable- are most often made of paper or food grade polyethylene. The name speaks for itself and yet, they come without nozzles, you have to be content with a slotted hole, so when choosing them, do not forget to pay attention to the cuts. Usually there are only three types of them - a straight cut, an oblique cut and a cut along the edges - two holes with which you can form leaves. The first two will serve depending on your imagination.

Reusable fabric- vinyl and cotton are most often taken as the basis. They are also often rubberized inside, which makes it easier to care for them. There are usually a lot of different nozzles in the kit. When choosing bags from these materials, carefully study the seams - it’s good if they are welded.

Reusable silicone- like the previous ones, they have a larger number of nozzles. One of the main advantages of silicone is that they are easier to handle, easier to wash, and such a problem as seam divergence is not terrible for these bags. They are more durable and harmless to the body.

One of the main points that you need to pay attention to is the fastening of the nozzles. They must be attached from the outside, so that you can easily replace the nozzle with another one, even if there is cream inside the bag.

Confectionery syringes, pros and cons, varieties

Confectionery syringes have their own number of advantages and disadvantages.



Various sizes depending on preference.

Small drawings are easier to apply.

The cream does not leak out.

According to the consistency, you can use any cream, dough.

Long service life depending on the material.

It is possible to form beautiful cookies.
Quite hard to wash.

If the volume is small, medium or large cake, decorate for a long time, due to refueling.

You have to apply pressure with both hands, squeezing out the cream, especially if the consistency is dense.

Like pastry bags, syringes are also divided into three types according to the material of manufacture, the number of nozzles varies depending on the manufacturer.

Plastic- made of plastic, therefore, the service life is not great. If the syringe is made in a combination of plastic and metal, then its service life increases.

One of the advantages– the case is transparent, which allows you to monitor the level of the filler.

Metal- long service life due to the material, but it will no longer be possible to trace the level, test, cream.

Silicone- thanks to such a syringe, you can easily draw a picture continuously. The case is transparent, which allows you to monitor the level of the filler. They last long enough.

Syringes, divided by volume- from small two-hundred-gram ones, to huge, two-liter ones. Confectioners consider the golden mean - liter. They are enough to decorate an average cake and form cookies 🙂

Confectionery shops are also on sale mechanical pistols And electric pistols, it is much easier to work with them, you do not have to put a lot of effort, the decoration process is faster.

With them, you can not only decorate pastries, there is also the opportunity to form cookies and decorate drinks (cocktails).

As I said earlier, high-quality seams and gluing are the key to long-term operation.

Nozzles should be attached from the outside, not from the inside.

Disposable bags are not advised for beginners, as they are more difficult to handle. Also, it is not advised to use dense fillers for plastic bags, since the hole will tear quickly enough.

When buying, pay attention to the size and width of the bag, it should be wide enough so that you can easily lay the cream, dough.

Choose a pastry bag, a syringe correctly and create masterpieces, I wish you profitable and successful purchases.


The pastry bag is an indispensable tool for those who strive to create unique desserts decorated with a unique cream decoration. Therefore, when choosing it, special attention is paid to additional components. The question of how to use cream nozzles so that the result meets expectations becomes relevant.

Is an adapter needed?

The answer to this question is ambiguous:

  • If it is planned to apply decor in one color and with a single design for the entire confectionery product, it is allowed to install the nozzle directly on the cut of the bag.
  • When a cake or cupcakes are decorated with cream in several shades or the decor involves the alternate use of different patterns, the adapter becomes a necessary element.

Complete with a pastry bag or separately from the main tool, 2 adapter options are offered - standard and large. The first is a universal solution, the second is suitable for nozzles with which cupcakes are decorated. After fixing it in the cut of the bag, the replacement of nozzles is not difficult: just remove one element and install the next one.

Rules for the use of nozzles

To get a decent result, you need to understand how cream nozzles work. To obtain spectacular colors, waves and other decorative details, confectioners use a number of techniques.

Round straws

The following options are possible:

  1. A smooth round tube of minimum diameter is used to create inscriptions, ornaments, and bitmaps.
  2. A medium-diameter tube helps shape creamy mushroom stems, ideal for jigging meringues.
  3. The round nozzle of the maximum diameter is effective when creating eclairs, custard buns, profiteroles. For cream, it is practically not used.

carved tubules

Knowing how to use nozzles for cream with a carved exit, you can get interesting and unusual decorations for a wide variety of confectionery.

  • Tubes of small diameter are needed to create elegant patterns and ornaments from butter cream. With their help, ornaments, small flowers, basket weaving are well obtained.
  • The middle tube is used to decorate cakes with ornaments, the large one becomes an indispensable tool when decorating with protein cream or whipped cream.
  • By squeezing the cream through the nozzle in a circle, rosettes are formed, which are then decorated with berries and chocolate. Several rosettes create a wavy ribbon.
  • Beautiful waves are also obtained in this way - they squeeze a small strip through the nozzle, while raising the tip. Keeping pressure, the bag is lowered and the movements are repeated in a circle again.

When choosing a nozzle for a pastry bag in the form of a star, you need to pay attention to the number of rays - the more there are, the more embossed the pattern is.

Floral decor

Here you can select one of the following design options:

  • Tubes "buds", "rose", "magnolia" and "chrysanthemum" help to reproduce flowers, openwork waves on a confectionery product.
  • You can make flowers separately from the rest of the decor. To do this, take a special confectionery carnation with a wide hat and a high leg and a leaf nozzle (if desired, you can purchase additional elements of different diameters). Petals are formed one by one on parchment paper strung on carnations, creating the desired composition. If the flower is made from oil cream, to give it strength or long-term storage, the finished element is placed in the freezer. In a frozen state, the decoration can be easily fixed on a cake or pastry.

If the question of how to use cream nozzles correctly is asked in relation to oil formulations, a number of nuances should be noted:

  • Fill a tissue, silicone, or polyethylene container with cream halfway and close it well from above.
  • Patterns are applied with uniform movements, slightly pressing on the bag. When the element is completed, stop pressing and sharply direct the end straight away from you in the direction of the drawing. If you act on this principle, the remainder will form a barely noticeable tongue on the surface of the created image.
  • To prevent an ugly cone when lifting the nozzle, they immediately make downward movements and a quick jerk upwards. Thus form a ball of cream.

One more note concerns the temperature of the applied decor - a warm cream forms glossy patterns, but without a relief texture, the cold mass will lie figuratively, giving a matte picture.

Formation of leaves and core

To obtain such elements, special devices are used:

  • The middle is made by squeezing the cream through the “grass” nozzle. This decor looks especially impressive when creating sunflowers.
  • To form petals or leaves, nozzles with the appropriate name are taken. They are represented by several shapes with a rounded or triangular surface.

Working with cream filler is always an exciting process, especially if you have the right tool at hand. There are various nozzles for a pastry bag, and how to use them in a particular case is decided based on the situation. If experience is not enough, it is better to start from basic positions. In the future, one should not forget about the creative component - in the confectionery business, it is one of the main components of success.

Finally! A long-awaited post for many about confectionery nozzles. I’ll make a reservation right away that here I will talk about the most popular nozzles that I have and which I regularly use to decorate cakes and cupcakes for the site.

First, some general information.

What nozzles to buy

We will agree right away that we do not buy plastic nozzles that are sold complete with bags or syringes in stores in post-Soviet countries and do not seriously consider them. Most often they are too small and with an inexpressive relief of the outlet. I myself threw one such set into the trash about six years ago, because. little sense from him. The exception that I met in popular retail chains is a set of nozzles in Ikea. They are stainless steel, normal size and even with a more or less decent bag included. In all other cases, we turn around and go to look for specialized pastry shops or explore the Internet for online orders (ozone, Amazon, ali-express and others like them to help you).

If at the time of purchase you have a choice between a set or several separate nozzles, buy separately. As experience shows, most of the nozzles from the set just lie around idle. Choose and buy a few attachments that you will actually use - save both money and space in the kitchen cabinet.

About bags

If you choose between a pastry bag and a syringe, then a bag is still preferable. It is more convenient for several reasons:

  • Size. More cream or dough can be placed in a bag at a time than in a syringe.
  • Ease of use. With a bag, it is easier to control the force of squeezing the cream.
  • Versatility. With a bag, you can use any nozzles without a connector (special adapter). Especially with a disposable one - we cut the tip to the desired diameter - and use it.

I have a couple of reusable nylon bags. But given the fact that I hate washing them with every fiber of my soul, my favorites are disposable bags - a set of large ones for everything and a set of small ones for small decor. If you buy a reusable bag - take at least 35 cm in length. Material is a matter of personal preference.

My nozzles

Everything that I have, I divide into three groups:


1 - 20 mm at the exit, 8 twisted cloves.
2 - 22 mm at the exit, 12 cloves, large clearance in the center.
3 - 18 mm at the exit, 8 cloves.
4 - 14 mm at the exit, 10 cloves.
5 - 8 mm at the exit, 9 cloves.
6 - 7 mm at the exit, 4 cloves.
7 - 9 mm at the exit, 8 cloves.
8 - 4 mm at the exit, 5 cloves.

Straight nozzles

Diameter - from 3 to 17 mm. The photo does not show the whole set.

Other curly attachments

9 - nozzle "weaving" 10 mm wide.
10 - nozzle "weaving" 17 mm wide.
11 - nozzle "sheet" 10 mm wide.
12 - nozzle "sheet" 6 mm wide.
13 and 14 - nozzles "petal".

And now - about what can and should be done with them.

This is the result of nozzle number 4:

Most often I use it to decorate the borders of cakes. Like, for example, here:

With them I “finish” cupcakes, plant meringues and marshmallows.

Nozzles 8, 6 and 7:

Again, borders and small decor.

Nozzle number 2:

I give her custard dough for profiteroles and eclairs. And also for brew rings.

Well, it is also suitable for cupcakes, although here the volume of cream turns out to be too big for my taste.

Nozzles 11 and 12:

The most obvious is the leaves for the flowers on the cakes. They can also decorate the sides of the cake. Like, for example, here:

Nozzles 9 and 10:

Braids on the sides are made with just such nozzles. An example is in this recipe (sorry for the photo, the recipe is very old).

Unfortunately, I will not give an example of how nozzles 13 and 14 work. To be honest, I haven't learned yet. But roses from cream cakes are made with their help.

Now - about direct nozzles. They may be needed for:

  • french pasta,
  • Profiteroles, eclairs and shu,
  • meringue,
  • Savoiardi Cookies (Ladyfingers)
  • Spreading cream between cake layers,
  • Decorating cakes, pastries and cupcakes.

My most popular ones are 6, 10 and 15 mm.

Everything seems to be 🙂 If you still have questions - ask them in the comments. I'll update the post later if needed.

How to use a pastry bag (or bag)? First, insert the nozzle into the bag, and then cut off its tip. To prevent the filling from “running away” while filling the bag, push it into the opening of the nozzle. To properly fill the bag, put the bag on your hand, and then its edges will not get dirty on the outside. Hold it on your hand confidently, fill the bag with a scraper or spatula. It will be enough if the package is filled by a third or half. Next, push the filling closer to the nozzle.

How to hold a pastry bag correctly, how to use it confidently? You need to take the bag in your hand, feeling it with your palm and fingers. Lock the free end around your thumb, push the filling through the nozzle and scrape it off the rim of the bowl. Thus, you will release excess air from the bag and it will be ready for use.

Pastry bag nozzles: use, types

Next, let's look at how to use a pastry bag with nozzles and make beautiful decorations on the cake. When the bag is ready for use, apply pressure only with the hand you are holding it in, while with your free hand you can hold and guide the nozzle. To make a decoration with a beautiful ponytail, you need to put pressure on the bag, and then stop and lay the ponytail on its side. If you need to plant a product in the form of a shell, for example, when preparing marshmallows, you need to press strictly in the center, then stop and lay the tail on its side making a semicircle.

Nozzles for a pastry bag: how to use, types of nozzles. There are a large number of special nozzles for a pastry bag. They are used depending on the type of jewelry. For example, with a smooth round tube, a small pencil, you can deposit cookies, apply an ornament, or make inscriptions on the cake. With a medium pencil, meringues, mushroom legs, cookies are deposited and ornaments are made from cream. With a large pencil, you can make custard buns, profiteroles, eclairs and meringues.

How to use a pastry bag: video

Also, there are special nozzles for a pastry bag, how to use, see the video instruction below. They allow you to make decorations in the form of flowers. There are nozzles: “chrysanthemum”, “buds”, “rose”, “magnolia”, etc. We hope you have learned how to use the nozzles for a pastry bag correctly and you will be able to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful.
