
Fruit cake with protein cream. Cake with protein cream - airy splendor for baking

Protein Cream Cake Recipe With step by step cooking.
  • Preparation time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 40
  • Servings: 5 servings
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Amount of calories: 289 kilocalories
  • Type of dish: Desserts

Very simple protein cream cake recipe with photo and step by step description cooking. At home, you can cook for 40. Contains only 289 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 5 servings

  • 250 g softened butter or margarine, 0.5 cups of granulated sugar, 3 egg yolks, 0.5 teaspoon of soda quenched in vinegar, 2 cups of flour, a little bit of vanillin on the tip of a knife (optional), jam for the layer.
  • For cream:
  • 3 egg whites, 1/1 cup powdered sugar, 5-6 drops lemon juice.

Cooking step by step

  1. Thoroughly grind softened butter or margarine with sugar until white and add beaten yolks with a fork, mix well until sugar is completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained, add soda quenched in vinegar. Pour flour and quickly knead the dough with your hands, but do not knead it (the dough should not be very steep). Divide the dough into 3 equal parts for 3 cakes. If the kitchen is very warm, then the dough needs to be cooled, and hands held in cold water. Flatten each part of the dough a little and transfer it to a sheet or pan and roll it out, and also better with hands flatten into a round layer about 8 mm thick. Bake cakes at 180-190 ° C until golden color(approximately 15 minutes). Finished cooled cakes trim sharp knife and layer with jam or jam. Grease the top cake also with jam.
  2. For the cream, beat the heavily chilled proteins with a mixer with lemon juice and powdered sugar. On top of the jam, put a little more than half of the protein cream in an even layer and coat the sides of the cake with it. Using a pastry syringe or spoon, lay the remaining cream beautifully on the surface of the cake. Put the cake in hot oven briefly, until a crust forms and to give the protein cream a creamy-beige hue.
Cake with protein cream recipe with photo

Today we will tell you how to make an amazing cake with protein cream.

A little information before the recipe itself - Protein cream very delicate, so it is not used for gluing cake layers. The basis of the cream are proteins, which, when whipped and added with powdered sugar, form a lush protein mass.

Protein cream for cake with citric acid:

We will prepare such a cream from:

  • - 4 proteins;
  • - 1 cup of powdered sugar;
  • - 0.5 cups of water;
  • - 1 g of citric acid;
  • - a little berry juice.

The cooking time will take 10 minutes.

We cool the egg whites to 2 degrees and the tools with which we will whip should also be cold. Whip the egg whites first on a slow mixer and gradually increase the speed. With an increase in proteins by 5-6 times and persistent foam, do not stop beating, slowly add powdered sugar and citric acid. Then the cream needs to be whipped for another 2 minutes no more, as it can settle. Protein cream must be consumed immediately after preparation, as it is very unstable.
To better preserve the shape of the finish, the cake should be placed in the oven for 1 minute at a temperature of 220 degrees. In this case, a crust forms on the cake with protein cream, which will prevent it from falling.

Biscuit cake with protein-gelatin cream "Bird's milk"

Cake with protein cream and gelatin is known and loved. It is tender, tasty and will delight at any holiday.
To make a cake with protein cream and gelatin, we need:

  • For the most biscuit dough:
  • - 4 eggs;
  • - 1 cup of sugar;
  • - flour 1 cup.

To make a protein-gelatin cream, you need to take:

  • - 15 g of instant gelatin;
  • - 2 egg whites;
  • - half a glass of sugar;

To soak the cake layers, we will take:

  • - 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - 1 glass of water;
  • - if desired, you can add 1 tablespoon of cognac.

The cake preparation time will take 2 hours, it will be possible to treat 8 guests.

This version of the cake bird's milk» is prepared on sponge cakes, and protein cream and gelatin make it soft and airy and also light and non-greasy.

Protein Cream Cake Recipe

Cakes for sponge cake we will cook like this:
First, beat the eggs with a mixer until thick foam. Without stopping the mixer, slowly add sugar. The mixture will become white color and will be tighter. Then add the flour little by little and knead the dough with a spatula. Now we prepare the baking dish, grease it with a piece of butter and pour the dough into it.

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. We put the form with the future cake there and bake for 30-35 minutes. It is better not to peek while baking, because the biscuit may fall. When the cake is ready, leave it to cool in the oven.

Now we will prepare the protein-gelatin cream:
Dilute gelatin in water with a temperature of 400C. We separate the proteins from the yolks and begin to beat with sugar, after increasing in a thin stream, pour in the gelatin. Cut the cake crust and soak warm water with sugar and cognac. Then we spread the protein-gelatin cream on the bottom of the biscuit, and on top we also cover the soaked top layer of the cake. We determine in the refrigerator for 3 hours to solidify the gelatin. Decorate the walls already finished cake protein cream, and the top layer chocolate icing. It is better to put the cake in the refrigerator again so that the icing freezes.

Today we will tell you how to make an amazing cake with protein cream. A little information before the recipe itself - Protein cream is very delicate, so it is not used to glue the cake layers. The basis of the cream are proteins, which, when whipped and added with powdered sugar, form a lush protein mass.

Protein cream for cake with citric acid:

We will prepare such a cream from:

  • - 4 proteins;
  • - 1 cup of powdered sugar;
  • - 0.5 cups of water;
  • - 1 g of citric acid;
  • - a little berry juice.

The cooking time will take 10 minutes.

We cool the egg whites to 2 degrees and the tools with which we will whip should also be cold. Whip the egg whites first on a slow mixer and gradually increase the speed. With an increase in proteins by 5–6 times and persistent foam, we do not stop beating, slowly add powdered sugar and citric acid. Then the cream needs to be whipped for another 2 minutes no more, as it can settle. Protein cream must be consumed immediately after preparation, as it is very unstable.
To better preserve the shape of the finish, the cake should be placed in the oven for 1 minute at a temperature of 220 degrees. In this case, a crust forms on the cake with protein cream, which will prevent it from falling.

Biscuit cake with protein-gelatin cream "Bird's milk"

Cake with protein cream and gelatin is known and loved. It is tender, tasty and will delight at any holiday.
To make a cake with protein cream and gelatin, we need:

  • For the biscuit dough itself:
  • - 4 eggs;
  • - 1 cup of sugar;
  • - flour 1 cup.

To make a protein-gelatin cream, you need to take:

  • - 15 g of instant gelatin;
  • - 2 egg whites;
  • - half a glass of sugar;

To soak the cake layers, we will take:

  • - 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - 1 glass of water;
  • - if desired, you can add 1 tablespoon of cognac.

The cake preparation time will take 2 hours, it will be possible to treat 8 guests.

This version of the Bird's Milk cake is made on sponge cakes, and the protein cream and gelatin make it soft and airy, and also light and non-greasy.

Protein Cream Cake Recipe

We will prepare cake layers for biscuit cake as follows:
First, beat the eggs with a mixer until thick foam. Without stopping the mixer, slowly add sugar. The mixture will turn white and thicker. Then add the flour little by little and knead the dough with a spatula. Now we prepare the baking dish, grease it with a piece of butter and pour the dough into it.

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. We put the form with the future cake there and bake for 30-35 minutes. It is better not to peek while baking, because the biscuit may fall. When the cake is ready, leave it to cool in the oven.

Now we will prepare the protein-gelatin cream:
Dilute gelatin in water with a temperature of 400C. We separate the proteins from the yolks and begin to beat with sugar, after increasing in a thin stream, pour in the gelatin. We cut the cake crust and soak it with warm water with sugar and cognac. Then we spread the protein-gelatin cream on the bottom of the biscuit, and on top we also cover the soaked top layer of the cake. We determine in the refrigerator for 3 hours to solidify the gelatin. We decorate the walls of the finished cake with protein cream, and the top layer with chocolate icing. It is better to put the cake in the refrigerator again so that the icing freezes.

Also check out the cool and delicious recipes.

Any baker or confectioner can boast of good pastries, but knowing the recipe for making a cake with protein cream will create competition for any cooks. And you can also give your family an atmosphere of comfort and festive mood, especially in anticipation new year holidays. Baking and assembling such wonderful treat does not take much time and effort, and decorating the cake with protein cream leaves your imagination big choice using different fruits. Such a snow-white dessert is easily suitable in quality.


To prepare the crust:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar- 1 tbsp.;
  • kefir - 1 tbsp. (any fat content);
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp (slaked in vinegar).

To prepare the impregnation:

  • sour cream - 1.5 tbsp. (15% fat);
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 st.;
  • vanillin - 1 pack.;

To prepare the protein cream:

  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar- 1 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - ¼ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 pack.

How to make a cake with protein cream

First we will prepare the cake. To do this, we drive the eggs into a bowl and beat them a little with a whisk or fork. Then add sugar and mix. Add kefir and mix again. Next, extinguish the soda in vinegar and add to the rest of the ingredients. Pour the flour in small portions and knead the dough until uniform consistency. Lubricate the round shape vegetable oil as the crust may burn. Pour the dough and put in the oven, which does not have to be preheated. Bake at 170-180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. In about 10 minutes, we check the readiness of the cake with a toothpick or match.

While the cake is baking, let's prepare the impregnation. To do this, mix sour cream, granulated sugar and vanilla. Leave the sour cream until the sugar is completely dissolved. Finished cake should rise well and be airy. We take out more hot cake out of the oven and immediately cut into two halves. Lubricate both parts abundantly, prepared in advance, sour cream impregnation. Sour cream is well and quickly absorbed into the hot cake, so the cake will turn out juicy. We assemble the cake, putting one part on top of the other, when both halves of the cake are soaked with sour cream.

We put the cake aside and prepare the protein cream for decoration. Set the water to boil in advance, as we will use later water bath. Separate the whites from the yolks so that no yolk gets on the droplets of fat. This is a prerequisite, otherwise the proteins will not whip well. Dishes should be cold and dry. We take a saucepan and whisk the egg whites into foam right in it. Then add citric acid, vanillin and powdered sugar in small portions, continuously whisking. We put the pan in a water bath, without turning off the mixer. We continue to beat for 15 minutes. The whites should form into firm peaks and stick well to the whisk. Now we can start decorating the cake. We grease the entire cake with cream and make small waves with a spoon. And along the edge, using cream injector, draw any pattern. We remove the cake with protein cream in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and it is better to spend the night until morning.

All recipes for cakes with protein cream have been used more than once for cooking. They refer to cream cake recipes. Also pay attention to the recipes for custard cakes we have collected.

Star Cake For dough, rub the yolks with sugar and butter in lush mass, add flour mixed with soda and ammonium, mix, then add whipped proteins, essence and mix again gently. Bake 3 cakes on a baking sheet, greased with oil. You will need: wheat flour - 2 1/2 cups, butter - 8 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 3 1/2 tbsp. spoons, eggs - 2 pcs. baking soda - 1 teaspoon, * ammonium - 1/2 teaspoon, * fruit essence - 1/2 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg whites - 2 pcs. citric acid.

Silver Wedding Cake (11) For cream, beat chilled egg whites for 710 minutes, add powdered sugar and beat for another 10 minutes. Then slowly pour hot sugar syrup. Beat the mass for 57 minutes. Biscuit cakes soak the syrup. You will need: coffee and fruit biscuit ready - 300 g each, sugar syrup - 1 cup, egg white- 2 pcs. sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, powdered sugar - 1/2 teaspoon, protein cream - 200 g, pine nuts in icing sugar- 40 g, chocolate icing - 50 g, coconut.

Cake In the world of fantasy Cake consists of two tiers. The first tier is made of biscuit semi-finished product and protein cream. Covered with glaze. The second consists of seven petals made of biscuit and protein cream, the surface of which is decorated with colored glaze. Required: sugar, biscuit, confectionery decoration, mastic, egg white, whipped cream, caramel, cream

Cake Gulliver Composition on the theme of Gulliver in the land of the Lilliputians is made of biscuit, sand semi-finished product, decorated with marzipan, mastic, protein cream. Recipe author: SIROYAN NAIRA, Moscow, OOO Fert+, pastry chef

Cake for friends Cooking a biscuit. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites with half the sugar until stiff peaks form. Beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until white. Mix and add flour with baking powder and cocoa. Divide the dough into two parts. Place one in a round shape, and w. You will need: For the dough: 10 eggs, 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 6 tbsp cocoa, For the Bavarois cream: 300 g milk, 3 yolks, 0.5 cup sugar, 300 g cream 33%, 2 tbsp powdered sugar, 20g gelatin, for sour cream: 500 gr homemade sour cream, 1 tbsp sugar, 200.

Children's cake Racing in the snow (7 types of milk) www.edimdoma/recipes/17973 products This time I made a biscuit on rice flour. Cooking eclairs. The recipe is up to you. While the oven was busy with a biscuit, I made eclairs in the Airfryer. By the way, they turned out 2 times higher than from the same dough but from the oven. You will need: Biscuit: 1 egg, 1 can of condensed milk (380 g), 30 g butter (3 tbsp), 200 g flour, 2 tsp soda, 2 tsp vinegar (or lemon juice), ______________________, Impregnation for biscuit : milk + sugar (boil), ______________________, Eclairs: __________.

pancake cake on protein pancakes Whip the proteins into a stable foam. In a separate bowl, mix pancake ingredients. Gently fold in the egg whites with quick movements. We bake pancakes. Ready pancakes. For the cream pudding: Beat egg yolks with sugar until thick. light cream. Mix flour. Heat the milk (without bringing it to the boil). You will need: For pancakes: Milk - 2 tbsp. Flour - 1.5 tbsp. Proteins - 4 pcs. Sugar - 4 tbsp. Butter - 50 g, Vanillin, Salt - a pinch, Soda - 1 \3 tsp Cream cream: Cream 35% - 400 g, Sugar - 4-6 tbsp Cream pudding: Yolks - 4 pcs Sugar - 200 g, Vanillin, Flour - 2 tbsp M.

Cake Lady Baltimore (for 1.6 years old my son) Grind nuts and figs, add raisins and pour the mixture with cognac (or sherry), leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. For cakes, sift flour with salt and baking powder. Melt the butter with a glass of sugar until white. Alternating, add 1/4 of the flour mixture to the butter. Then 1/3 milk. Required: For the test: 3 stack. flour, 4 tsp baking powder, 175 gr. butter, 1.5 stack. sugar, 4 proteins, 1 stack. milk, 1 tsp almond essence, 2/4 tsp. salt, For syrup: 1 stack. sugar, 2 tbsp. Amaretto liqueur, For protein cream: 3 proteins, 3 hundred.

Cake The smell of summer We start by preparing a quick and tasty biscuit without eggs strawberry yogurt. Beat yogurt with vegetable oil, sugar and vanilla. Pour the flour and baking powder into the yogurt mass, beat again. Pour the dough into a greased form, put in a preheated oven. You will need: For the cake: Strawberry yogurt with pieces of berries - 450 g, Sugar - 100 g, Vegetable oil - 100 g, Vanillin - 1 package. Flour - 2 stack. Baking powder - 2 tsp For protein cream: Sugar - 200g, Water - 100ml, Protein - 4 pcs.

Cherry ice cream cake with chocolate biscuit(Tescoma) Prepare the dough: beat sugar with eggs in lush foam, add the sifted flour, starch and cocoa, mix. Grease the bottom of the baking dish with oil, lay out the dough and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Ready biscuit cool, cut into 3 cakes, lower and upper and. Required: Biscuit: 6 eggs, 150 g sugar, 100 g flour, 20 g starch, 2 tbsp. cocoa, Syrup: 100 g sugar, 100 ml water, cherry liqueur (or any other), Filling: 800 g cherry ice cream, Protein cream: 3 proteins, 250 g sugar, juice of 1/3 lemon, powdered sugar for sprinkling
