
Presentation on semi-finished products biscuit dough. Biscuit dough and products from it

Biscuit dough is made by saturating a sugar-egg mixture with air, which is then combined with flour and kneaded into a dough. The kneading operation itself should be short-term in order to reduce the swelling of the gluten, since this will increase its elasticity, and in the baked semi-finished product - to obtain a dense, low-porous crumb.

In addition, biscuit dough is characterized by a relatively unstable air phase, so it should not be subjected to intense mechanical stress.

To obtain a biscuit dough, wheat flour is used, containing 28 - 34% of weak gluten. Flour with medium to strong gluten gives a tight dough and a dense biscuit. From flour with a low gluten content, the baked semi-finished biscuit product turns out to be crumbly. About 20% starch is added to the flour for biscuit dough (to the mass of flour), thereby reducing the amount of gluten, increasing the plasticity of the dough, and as a result, a drier and more crumbly consistency of the baked semi-finished product is obtained.

The ratio of flour with starch, sugar and eggs in biscuit dough (basic biscuit) 1:1: 1.7.

Depending on the recipe and manufacturing method, there are basic biscuits, butter biscuits (Prague biscuit), bushe (round biscuit) and roll biscuit.

The main biscuit is produced in two ways: without heating and with heating (to speed up whipping).

Cold method (without heating). Thawed melange or eggs are loaded into the bowl of the beater, granulated sugar is introduced and the mass is started to beat at low speed, then bringing the speed of the broom to 240 - 300 min-1 (depending on the type of machine). The duration of whipping the mixture for a portion of biscuit 35 - 40 kg is 30 - 40 minutes. At the end of whipping add essence (vanilla, rum). The whipped mass increases in volume by 2.5 - 3 times, acquires a light cream shade, sugar crystals are completely dissolved in it.

The broom speed is reduced and flour mixed with starch is added. The test kneading lasts no more than 15 s. The dough should be evenly mixed, without lumps.

The use of new modern equipment (pneumatic beaters) makes it possible to reduce the duration of whipping and kneading (from 30 kg of melange) from 40 to 8-10 minutes.

The prepared semi-liquid dough is immediately poured into baking sheets or molds, filling them no more than 3/4 of the height. The bottom is covered with paper, and the sides are lubricated with confectionery fat or oil. For some types of products (rolls), the dough is applied in a thin layer on confectionery sheets.

Cooking biscuit dough with heating. Melange or eggs are combined with sugar and heated to 45 - 50 ° C with stirring before beating. The egg-sugar mass becomes liquefied and easily whipped. Heating lasts 5 - 7 minutes. Then the egg-sugar mass is beaten for 25 - 30 minutes (for 35 - 50 kg of biscuit). The dough is kneaded in the same way as with the cold method. The humidity of the baked semi-finished product is lower than with the cold method, but it turns out to be more loose and fluffy.

In addition to eggs, sugar and flour without starch, the recipe for butter biscuit includes butter (35% by weight of flour), due to which its crumb is more dense and the taste is more delicate.

In the production of butter biscuit, the egg-sugar mixture and slightly softened butter are simultaneously whipped in different containers. For the egg-sugar mixture, the yolks are rubbed with sugar-sand (50% of the norm) until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Beat egg whites separately. At the end of whipping, add the remaining granulated sugar and carefully combine the whites and yolks. Essence is introduced into the finished egg-sugar mass, then whipped butter, mixed until a homogeneous consistency, after which flour is added and the dough is kneaded.

Bush biscuit is also called round. Bush dough is prepared more viscous and thick. The humidity of the baked semi-finished product for the bush is lower than the main biscuit semi-finished product (16 and 25%, respectively). Preparation of dough for bush biscuit includes the following operations: whipping chilled proteins; whipping egg yolks with granulated sugar; mixing beaten yolks with flour and kneading dough (5 - 8 s); adding whipped proteins.

As a result of whipping, the initial volume of proteins increases by 6-7 times.

When whipping the yolks with sugar, the volume of the mass doubles. A significant increase in the volume of protein is possible with careful separation of it from the yolk, pre-cooling of the protein and the complete absence of fat in the inventory. At the end of whipping, citric acid is added to the proteins, and essence and flour are added to the yolks. The dough is kneaded for 5 - 8 s.

Biscuit dough with the addition of products of processing of fruit and berry and vegetable raw materials is prepared without heating. Apple paste (plum) or jam or puree is combined and mixed with a solution of citric acid, granulated sugar and melange are added, and then the mixture is beaten until the volume increases by 2.5 - 3 times. Plum paste is pre-combined with cocoa powder. Flour with or without starch is introduced into the whipped mass in 2-3 doses and the dough is kneaded for 15-20 seconds.

Biscuit dough can also be prepared on vegetable powders - beetroot, carrot or pumpkin. When using beetroot powder, cocoa powder is added additionally. Powders are preliminarily reduced in water at a temperature of 20 °C for 20 minutes. The consumption of powders per 10 kg of baked semi-finished product is 315 - 350 g, water for restoration - 630 - 700 g.

In recent years, the use of surface-active substances (surfactants) in the production of biscuit dough allows saving up to 45% of egg products. Surfactants, being adsorbed on the surface of air bubbles, increase their stability and lower the surface tension at the interface. Dough with surfactants is more resistant to mixing, retains optimal density for 2 hours (according to the usual recipe - no more than 40 minutes).

The quality of the baked biscuit semi-finished product depends on the method of preparation, the quality of the raw materials and the whipping parameters (intensity and duration).

For example, a dough prepared at excess pressure contains more air, but in a less dispersed form, than a dough prepared at atmospheric pressure. The baked semi-finished product is characterized by larger and uneven air pores, which, however, does not reduce its taste.

The properties of the baked biscuit semi-finished product also largely depend on the quality indicators of the melange, in particular on its viscosity. With a low viscosity of melange, the baked semi-finished product is characterized by excellent appearance and sufficient density. An increase in the viscosity of the melange worsens the quality of the dough and the semi-finished product. In the first case, the stability of the air phase of the whipped egg-sugar mixture decreases, which leads to its partial destruction during dough kneading; in the second, the dough turns out to be less saturated with air, more dense, so you have to increase the duration of whipping the egg-sugar mass. The optimum melange temperature during whipping is 20 ºС.

The baked biscuit is removed from the molds and allowed to stand for at least 8 hours. During the aging process, the semi-finished product cools and its moisture content decreases, as a result of which the biscuit acquires sufficient rigidity to allow it to be cut in a horizontal direction. Otherwise, the biscuit will wrinkle when cut, and deform when impregnated with flavored syrup.

In accordance with the quality requirements, the biscuit semi-finished product must have a light brown, smooth, thin upper crust; lush, porous, elastic structure; yellow crumb. The most common defects in biscuit semi-finished products are: biscuit semi-finished product is dense, of small volume. Causes: insufficiently beaten eggs, too long kneading with flour, use of flour with a high gluten content, no starch added, the dough was stored for some time before baking, mechanical impact during baking, the amount of flour exceeds the norm; the biscuit semi-finished product has compacted areas of the crumb - hardening. Reasons: insufficient baking time, proteins partially settled, long kneading; biscuit semi-finished product with lumps of flour. Reasons: insufficient kneading of the dough, flour was poured all at once.

Control questions.

1. Give a description of the structure of the biscuit dough

2. Describe the conditions for obtaining an air structure.

3. Methods for the production of semi-finished biscuit.

4. What are the requirements for the quality and quantity of gluten for choux pastry?

5. Describe the technology of preparation of semi-finished custard.

Lesson topic:

Preparation of biscuit dough and products from it

Compiled by the master

industrial training

Larina Galina Anatolievna

Lesson Objectives:

Formation of knowledge about the features and methods of preparing biscuit dough, methods of molding, baking products from this dough.

Main raw material


I eggs


sugar peso To


Additional raw materials

  • cocoa,
  • coffee,
  • nuts,
  • vegetables,
  • oil

The eggs are combined with granulated sugar, and while stirring, they are heated in a water bath to 45 O WITH

Beat the egg-sugar mixture until it increases in volume by 2.5-3 times and until a stable pattern appears on the surface, cool to 20 O WITH

The flour is combined with starch and quickly (but not sharply) kneaded with the egg-sugar mass. Essence is added at the end of the batch.

The finished biscuit dough is baked in capsules, on baking sheets or molds at t 200-210 O 10-30 minutes depending on the mold used .

Quality indicators

  • Appearance
  • Color
  • Consistency
  • Taste

quality requirements :

  • Appearance:

a) form- saved, correct;

b) surface - smooth

in colour crust - light brown, crumb - yellow

d) consistency- lush, porous;

  • Taste - sweetish;
  • Humidity– 25±3%

Technological dictation (Completion time - 7 minutes)



"Yes or no"

To improve the taste, vanillin is added to the biscuit dough.

Sample answers



The loosening of the biscuit dough is carried out by a chemical method.

"Yes or no"

Biscuit dough can only be prepared in a warm way.

Biscuit dough requires the use of baking molds.

With an increase in the temperature regime of baking, “hardening” will occur.

If, after pressing with a finger, a depression remains on the surface of the biscuit, then the biscuit is baked.

To strengthen the structure, the biscuit must ripen.

Biscuit baking temperature 240 - 260˚С

To improve the taste, essence is added to the biscuit dough.

Biscuit semi-finished product is used only for making cakes.

Biscuit has a fluffy, light structure, so it is very easy to process.

Evaluation criterion

Each correct answer is 1 point

Criteria for evaluation


Number of points

Control card

  • F. I. student gr. 915PKf ………………………………………………..




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Draw up a technological scheme for the preparation of semi-finished biscuit.

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I have a huge number of cupcakes, pies and other pastries based on cupcake and biscuit dough on my blog. Therefore, it seems to me that the time has come to systematize theoretical knowledge on this topic. And at the same time answer the many “Why” and “Why” that many people have in the process of cooking.

Preparation of ingredients

  • Dry ingredients must be sieved.

This applies not only to flour, but also to cocoa, starch, soda, baking powder, powdered sugar, ground spices.

Sifting allows you to get rid of lumps and foreign objects that may be in the product - in flour, for example, lint from bags, unground wheat grains and other inclusions are often found.

In addition, when the bulk ingredients are sifted, you can knead the most homogeneous dough in the least amount of time. If the dough is kneaded too long, gluten develops in it, and this does not have the best effect on the softness of the cake and biscuit dough.

Another reason to sift dry ingredients is to evenly distribute the baking powder and/or soda to get an even crumb texture in the finished cake or biscuit.

Well, an occasion from the category of urban legends. Some argue that when sifting, the flour is saturated with oxygen, and the dough ends up being lighter and more airy. If you turn on the logic, it becomes clear that the point is still not in oxygen, but in the uniform distribution of the baking powder and the short kneading time, which I mentioned above 😉

  • All ingredients must be at room temperature before kneading.

This is especially important for dough containing fat - butter or vegetable oil, margarine, pork or beef fat. If any of the ingredients are too cold, the dough may separate.

In addition to the correct temperature, the gradual introduction of wet ingredients helps to avoid delamination of the dough. It is for this reason that when kneading dough for a cake, we first add eggs to the butter one at a time, kneading well after each addition, and then we introduce milk, sour cream, kefir or yogurt in two steps, alternating them with flour.

  • For a good result, the presence of air pores in the dough is important.

For butter cake batter, this is achieved by beating the butter with sugar or powdered sugar in the first step. For biscuit on eggs - beating eggs with sugar and then mixing with butter.

“But what about baking powder?”, You ask. And it will just work much more efficiently if you do not neglect whipping, which is recommended in the recipes. And the end result is a cake with a lighter crumb texture and a smaller hump in the center.

Preparing baking dishes

  • Lubrication with grease.

For cupcake dough, the mold is completely greased - both the bottom and the sides. For a better result, the buttered mold can be dusted with flour - this way the cake will surely come out of the mold undamaged. I also like to use breadcrumbs for powdering - they do not spoil the color of the crust, unlike flour. It is better to sprinkle the mold for chocolate muffins and butter biscuits with cocoa powder.

For biscuit dough on beaten eggs, only the bottom of the mold is lubricated, the sides remain unlubricated.

  • Using parchment.

For baking dough of both types described above, the bottom of the mold can be covered with parchment paper. If the dough is thick, and it is necessary not to pour it, but to spread it, it is better to grease the bottom under the parchment with oil - so the parchment will not move while you spread the dough over it.

With the sides of the form, the situation is the same as in the case of conventional lubrication - for cupcake sides we lubricate, for egg biscuits - no, only parchment at the bottom.


For the so-called angel biscuits (cooked with a large amount of proteins), the form is not smeared at all. The fact that the dough sticks to the sides during baking is an additional stabilizing factor for this type of baking. All this allows the angel biscuit to remain porous and tender, despite the small amount of flour in the composition.

  • Filling out forms.

By default, molds are three-quarters full unless the recipe says otherwise. Thus, we leave a reserve of space for the dough, which will grow in volume during baking.

In the case of cake dough on baking powder, without beaten eggs, after filling the form, it makes sense to knock it on the table. This will get rid of large bubbles that can form when portioning the dough and distributing it in shape.

Cooling biscuits and cupcakes

After removing from the oven, the finished cake or biscuit should be allowed to cool slightly in the form - 10-15 minutes is enough for this. After that, the product must be removed from the mold.

  1. We pass a thin knife or spatula between the side of the mold and the biscuit / cake, pressing the tool to the mold - it is important not to damage the pastries.
  2. Invert the pan onto a plate, cutting board or wire rack. We knock on the bottom and shake out the pastries.
  3. If parchment was used, remove it so that hot steam can freely escape from the crumb - otherwise the biscuit may turn out to be too wet. For the same reason, it is recommended to cool hot pastries on a wire rack, and not on a flat surface, to which the bottom of the pastry is adjacent.


And again an angelic biscuit. This type of baking cools completely in the mold. We remember that the form for him is not smeared at all. Therefore, when it cools, it turns upside down so that the steam goes up when it cools, forming a wet layer between the biscuit and the bottom of the mold, and ultimately helping to remove the biscuit from the mold easier.

Storage of biscuits and cupcakes

Everything is simple here. We wrap the completely cooled product in a film or put it in a container with a tight-fitting lid and store at room temperature. Baking with fresh fruits and berries in the composition is stored for 2-3 days, without them - up to a week.

For longer storage, we use a freezer - muffins and biscuits can be stored in it for up to 3 weeks without a significant loss in quality and taste. Defrost at room temperature, uncovered.

BISCUIT DOUGH: classic or modern? GBOU NPO Professional Lyceum of Culinary Excellence Soldatenkova I.A. - teacher of special disciplines Group 179 GBOU NPO Professional lyceum of culinary skills Soldatenkova I.A. - teacher of special disciplines Group 179

LESSON QUESTIONS 1. History of biscuit dough History of biscuit dough 2. Cooking technology Cooking technology 3. Comparative characteristics of biscuits 4. Application of confectionery mixtures Application of confectionery mixtures 1. History of biscuit dough History of biscuit dough 2. Cooking technology Cooking technology 3. Comparative characteristics of biscuits 4. Application of confectionery mixtures Application of confectionery mixtures

LESSON OBJECTIVES I. Educational To systematize theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with modern requirements II. Developing To update knowledge within the framework of interdisciplinary relations III. Educational To improve the professional level and stimulate the desire for self-education

Probably not a single gourmet will refuse a piece of biscuit cake or a roll for a cup of fragrant tea! Currently, biscuit dough is used extremely widely. Rolls with various fillings, cakes, cookies are prepared from it. What is worth only one famous "Drunken Cherry"!


But the biscuit was not only useful, but also a very tasty product. And this could not be ignored by secular gourmets. Obviously, one of them, during the voyage, out of necessity or out of curiosity, tried this dish from the sailor's menu and concluded that his place was not in the galley, but in the royal palace. So the biscuit got its new "noble" birth at the court of the English Queen Victoria. It was no longer a dried piece of dough. The biscuit has become a fresh and tender cake with jam layers. Over time, "Victorian" cakes left the royal palace "to the people" and began to travel around the world. In England they are ubiquitous. Then, in the 17th century, they crossed the English Channel and settled in France. Further more. Biscuits crossed the ocean, and the English colonies could no longer imagine themselves without them.

Most of all, they fell in love with the Australians. Surely, many have heard the name of such an Australian confectionery company - "Arnott". It opened in 1865 and was then a small tent. Now Arnott is the world's largest manufacturer of biscuits, supplying its products to forty different countries around the world. And Australians consider the biscuit to be part of their culture.



EXERCISE - WARM-UP WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF ... Produce a long kneading with flour? Biscuit p / f will turn out to be dense, small in volume, low-porous. Is it not enough time to bake a biscuit? Biscuit p / f will have compacted areas of the crumb Biscuit bake at a low temperature? Biscuit p / f will turn out with a pale crust. To prepare the dough, take flour with a high content of gluten? Biscuit p / f will turn out to be dense, small in volume, slightly porous ANSWER OPTIONS Is it not enough to beat the eggs? Biscuit p / f will turn out to be dense, small in volume, slightly porous

ADVANTAGES OF MIXTURES: Speed ​​- the mixture is whipped in 10 minutes; Speed ​​- the mixture is whipped in 10 minutes; Ease of preparation - all components are dosed and mixed almost simultaneously; Ease of preparation - all components are dosed and mixed almost simultaneously; Persistence - whipped mass can be stored for several hours; Persistence - whipped mass can be stored for several hours; Quality - the resulting biscuit has a uniform porosity; Quality - the resulting biscuit has a uniform porosity; Taste is pronounced; Taste is pronounced; Storage - retains freshness for a long time; Storage - retains freshness for a long time; Savings - electricity, production space, labor costs are saved. Savings - electricity, production space, labor costs are saved.

List of sources Buteykis N.G. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: A textbook for the beginning. prof. Education: Proc. allowance for Wednesdays. prof. education / N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukova. - 3rd ed., Sr. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", - 304 p. Kharchenko N.E. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: Proc. allowance for the beginning prof. education / Nelli Erievna Kharchenko. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", p.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Lesson topic: "Biscuit dough and products from it" Prepared by a teacher of special disciplines: Mazur N.G.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Biscuit has a light and fluffy structure, easy to process. To prepare a biscuit, take flour with a low gluten content, otherwise it will turn out to be long, with poor rise. A biscuit is prepared by whipping, in which a large amount of air is introduced into the mass, and the dough greatly increases in volume. Due to the splendor and elasticity of the biscuit, a variety of pastries and cakes are prepared. Depending on the method of preparation and the recipe, a biscuit is prepared basic (heated), round (boucher, cold). Biscuit is also prepared with various fillings (with cocoa, nuts, butter, vegetables).

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Technological scheme for the preparation of biscuit semi-finished product (basic) and products from it

4 slide

Description of the slide:

25% flour can be replaced with starch to reduce gluten. In addition, thanks to starch, the biscuit turns out to be drier, the products have even pores and do not crumble so much when cut. The preparation of a biscuit consists of the following operations: combining eggs with sugar, heating and beating them, mixing the egg-sugar mass with flour. Eggs with granulated sugar are combined and, stirring, heated in a water bath to 45 * C. At the same time, the fat of the yolk melts faster and has a more stable structure. Basic biscuit (heated)

5 slide

Description of the slide:

The egg-sugar mixture is beaten until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times and until a stable pattern appears on the surface (when drawn over the surface, the trace does not flow). During whipping, the mass is cooled to 20°C. Flour is combined with starch and quickly (but not sharply) with a whipped egg-sugar mass so that the dough does not drag out and does not settle. If the batch is produced in a beater, then it should last no more than 15 seconds. Essence is recommended to use vanilla or rum. Add it at the end of beating the egg-sugar mass.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The finished biscuit dough is immediately baked in capsules, cake molds and on sheets, as it settles during storage. Capsules, molds and sheets are lined with paper, but you can also grease them with margarine or confectionery fat. Biscuit dough is placed in molds at ) / 4 of their height, since during baking it increases in volume and may leak out. On sheets, biscuit dough is baked for rolls and some types of cakes and cakes. The dough is poured onto a sheet lined with paper, with a layer of no more than 10 mm and leveled with a knife. Biscuit dough is baked at a temperature of 200-210°C. The baking time depends on the volume and thickness of the dough. So, in capsules, a biscuit is baked for 50-60 minutes, in cake forms for 35-40 minutes, on sheets for 10-15 minutes. In the first 10 minutes, the biscuit semi-finished product cannot be touched, since it will settle from shaking (the fragile walls of air bubbles burst).

7 slide

Description of the slide:

The end of the baking process is set by the light brown color of the crust and elasticity. If the fossa quickly recovers when pressed with a finger, the biscuit is ready. During baking at a high temperature, a dark thickened crust is formed, and at a low temperature, the biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust. If the baking time is not enough, compacted areas of the crumb (“hardening”) are formed.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

The baked biscuit semi-finished product is cooled for 20-30 minutes. Then they are freed from capsules and forms, cutting out with a thin knife around the entire perimeter of the sides and overturning the biscuit semi-finished product on the table. If products are subsequently prepared from the biscuit, which are soaked in syrup, then the paper is not removed and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure of the crumb. The paper keeps the cake from drying out too much. It is necessary to withstand the biscuit at a temperature of about 20 * C. After that, the paper is removed, the biscuit semi-finished product is cleaned and cut horizontally into two layers. In this form, the biscuit semi-finished product is used for making pastries and cakes.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

the biscuit semi-finished product should have a light brown smooth thin upper crust; lush porous elastic structure; crumb yellow. Humidity (25 ± 3)%. quality requirements

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Types of marriage Causes of occurrence Biscuit semi-finished product dense, small volume, low-porosity Flour with a high content of gluten (no starch added); eggs not beaten enough long kneading with flour; the dough has not been baked for a long time; mechanical impact during baking; increased amount of flour Biscuit semi-finished product has compacted areas of the crumb (“hardening”) Insufficient baking time Biscuit semi-finished product with lumps of flour Insufficient promesest; all the flour was added at once Biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust Low baking temperature; insufficient baking time Biscuits have a burnt or dark brown thickened crust High baking temperature; long baking time

11 slide

Description of the slide:

For this biscuit, only fresh or dietary eggs are taken, in which the yolk is well separated from the protein. The dough is prepared more viscous and thick. Starch is not added to it. Preparation consists of the following operations: beating separately the proteins and yolks with sugar, combining the beaten yolks, proteins and flour. Egg yolks are combined with granulated sugar according to the recipe and beat until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. At the same time beat the egg whites until the volume increases by S-6 times and until a stable foam (does not drain from the whisk) slowly at first, then gradually the rate of whipping increases; at the end, citric acid is added to strengthen the structure of the protein. Biscuit round (bushe)
