
Yogurt cheesecake with gelatin. Strawberry Yogurt Cheesecake (No Bake)

It is not at all difficult to cook such a tasty and cool one, for this you don’t need to bake or knead anything at all, everything is fast enough, it will take time only for everything to freeze.

Let's take the simplest crumbly cookie, it can be baked milk, coffee cookies, any cookie that can be easily crushed into crumbs. Grind cookies with a blender or using another device.

In a water bath or microwave, melt a piece of butter. The butter should be completely melted.

Pour the melted butter into crumbs. The more melted, the better the mixture mixes.

Mix the butter and crumbs into a homogeneous mass. The mass should not be liquid or dry. Try to press it with a spoon, if it is well compacted, then there is enough oil.

A detachable form, I have a form with a diameter of 22.5 centimeters, we cover it with parchment paper.

Pour the oil crumbs into the mold and tamp well with a spoon or hands. This will be the first layer. The oil should harden, for this we set aside it in a cool place.

While the base hardens, we take on the second layer. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces.

Since gelatin is the basis of the second layer, and kiwi acid neutralizes all gelling effects, kiwi must be thermalized. To do this, put the kiwi in a saucepan, cover with sugar, add the juice of half a lemon and put on fire. Bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.

While the sugar dissolves, in parallel we dilute 20 grams of gelatin in warm water. Pour the heat-treated kiwi with gelatin, mix and let cool slightly.

Pour yogurt into kiwi there.

Pour yogurt over the first already frozen layer of cookies. Leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

There are several ways to prepare the third layer. For example, if you use canned pineapple from fruits, then you can add diluted gelatin to the remaining juice and pour fruit on top. If kiwi is present, then it must be lowered into boiling water.

I use ready-made packaged jelly (orange flavor). We dilute the jelly with boiling water according to the instructions and let it cool. Decorate the yoghurt layer with fruits and pour over the cooled jelly.

Place the mold back in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours, all layers have solidified well and the no-bake cheesecake is completely ready to serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Photo recipe for "no-bake cheesecake" prepared by: Daria, especially for.

Today I want to share with you a delicious strawberry cheesecake recipe. It is very airy, light and gentle - just what you need for summer! And by the way, the recipe for this cheesecake is very simple, because you don’t need to bake anything!

Just imagine this combination: a crispy cake with nuts, cookies and chocolate, and on top is the most delicate soufflé of fresh strawberries, yogurt and cream…

Be sure to treat yourself and your loved ones this strawberry season with this magical no-bake yogurt cheesecake!

To make our no-bake yogurt cheesecake very tender - put 9 sheets of gelatin (or loose gelatin based on 750 ml of liquid (yogurt + strawberry puree and cream)). This consistency is provided by the recipe. A photo of a cheesecake of the desired consistency is shown in the recipe. It is really soft and melts in your mouth! The recipe can be slightly modified by adding more gelatin if you like a firmer consistency (like jelly).

Be sure to take cookies covered with chocolate (black or milk - to taste). Chocolate, nuts and strawberries with cream are just perfect in this cheesecake recipe.

If you want the edges of the cheesecake to be perfect, you can cut out strips of 4-5 cm wide from baking paper and cover the vertical edges of the form in a circle. At first, the tape will sort of stand apart, but then, when forming the cake, we will press its bottom edge to the form.

The cheesecake recipe is taken from my favorite sweet blog www.mojewipieki.com and updated with my explanations and minor changes.

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Today we will prepare a light, summer and delicate dessert - no-bake cheesecake. Of course, this recipe is far from the classics. But since there are so many variations of cheesecakes, I think this dessert can be called a cheesecake for a healthy, healthy diet.

Yogurt is the main creamy component in this recipe. It tastes closer to cream and Philadelphia cheese than cottage cheese, which is often used as a substitute. But to improve the consistency, namely its compaction, plasticity, density, I add soft cottage cheese.

Cheesecake ingredients

The cheesecake consists of two parts - a base and a creamy (cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt) layer. For the base you need:

  • biscuit cookies (like Maria), I have homemade - 100 gr;
  • Applesauce (or any fruit, baby) - 180 gr;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Coconut milk * (optional) - 3 tablespoons;
  • Apple - 1 piece (about 130 grams in weight).

For the yogurt layer you will need:

  • Gelatin - 25 gr;
  • Water - 150 gr;
  • Classic yogurt 2.8% - 480 gr;
  • Soft fat-free cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Vanillin - 2 gr;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sweetener - to taste.

A few notes

  • At the end of the recipe, I will give the calorie content of the cheesecake. But in its calculation, “Maria” cookies were used, the calorie content of which is twice as high as that of homemade. "Maria" is also acceptable to use, because of all types of cookies, biscuit ("Maria" or children's) is the most useful in terms of composition.
  • The cookies I used can be made according to this recipe. It is quite tough, so feel free to add mashed potatoes - it will soften the cookies.
  • The recipe mentions coconut milk - this is a completely optional ingredient. I added it only because at that time I had it.
  • I use regular gelatin, you can take instant. I advise you to read the method of using your gelatin before cooking. Sometimes the steps may be different.


  1. First you need to soak the gelatin. I just filled it with water, added sahzam and salt to it. Set aside gelatin for 20-30 minutes. Let it swell.
  2. Now crush the cookies. I did not grind into crumbs, but, on the contrary, left rather large pieces. So the texture of the cookie layer will be more pronounced, noticeable and contrast with the delicate yoghurt soufflé.
  3. Mix the crushed biscuits with fruit puree until the consistency of cold thick porridge so that you can carefully lay the base on the bottom of the mold.
  4. Cut the apple into thin slices, mix it with half of the vanillin and a sweetener (also a part). You need to warm up - steam the apple in the microwave. I left it to steam for 4 minutes. The apple will soften and become more fragrant.
  5. We spread the base on the bottom of the form: a cookie layer, beautifully lay soft apples on it.
  6. Now knead the yogurt layer: mix the soft cottage cheese with yogurt, vanilla and sweetener with a whisk.
  7. We heat (DO NOT BOIL!) soaked gelatin. When it dissolves, you need to pour this liquid mass into the yogurt mixture. Pour in a thin stream, slowly, accompanied by active mixing of the yogurt mass.
  8. Now you need to thoroughly beat and mix the creamy mixture.
  9. The last step is to pour the yogurt mass over the base into the mold. If the apples start to float, then carefully settle them to the bottom.
  10. We remove the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 4 hours. During this time, the jelly layer will harden and turn into a tender, creamy and pleasant soufflé. When the cake is ready, it will be covered with gloss and will "spring" when lightly pressed. The finished cheesecake is cut easily and very evenly.

Advice! It is better to use a silicone or cast mold, but not a prefabricated one! Since the yogurt layer will be liquid at first, the mass runs the risk of leaking through the mold.

Due to the penetration of the yogurt mass into the base, between the biscuit slices, the bottom will be stable and will also grab a little gelatin. Therefore, the cheesecake is dense and does not fall apart.

The yoghurt layer is similar to a soufflé, and the apples are reminiscent of the freshness and lightness of the dessert. You can also pour a piece of cake with berry jam - it goes well with yogurt and cookies.

Calorie content and nutritional value of ready-made healthy yogurt cheesecake (with Maria cookies):
