
Cream with sour cream proteins and butter. Cream of sour cream for cake - the best impregnation for cakes

You can make delicious sour cream for a cake at home in a matter of minutes. It is just a godsend for lovers of "fast" cakes. You can buy ready-made cakes in the store, decorate with fruit or chocolate - and a birthday cake is ready in 10 minutes!

When my friends ask me how to make delicious sour cream with sugar for a cake, I give them this tried and tested recipe. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has its own secrets. In this recipe, I will show you how to thicken the sour cream cake so that it holds its shape well.

Sour Cream Cake

Kitchen appliances and inventory: mixer, bowl, glass, spoon.


How to choose the right products

  • High-quality sour cream should contain only sourdough and cream.
  • The higher the percentage of fat it has, the better. Ideally, 30%.

Always look at the shelf life - the shorter this period, the healthier and more natural dairy products are. Sour cream, which can be stored for a month or more, contains many additives and a minimum of nutrients. The maximum storage period should be no more than 1 week.

  • A quality product has a uniform texture and a pure milky taste with a slight sourness, without bitterness and excessive acidity.
  • Choose fine-grained sugar, it will dissolve faster. Or you can make sour cream with powdered sugar for the cake.

Step by step cooking

Recipe video

After watching this video, you can make sour cream for a cake as easily and quickly as a professional pastry chef.

  • If you are doing everything right, and the sour cream does not thicken, add a bag of thickener to it and beat for a couple more minutes.
  • If you need to get a very thick cream for decorating pastries, such as cupcakes, use weighed sour cream. To do this, place it in several layers of gauze and put in a colander in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.
  • If you only have coarse sugar, you can grind it in a blender or coffee grinder.

Use cases

  • Sour cream is perfect for. Honey cakes have a dry texture, so for good impregnation, prepare a double portion of the cream.
  • Cook for the kids. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy, thanks to carrots in its composition.
  • This cream is also prepared for a cake and is very easy to prepare, as well as for many other cakes.
  • You can prepare desserts such as Prunes with Nuts, Sour Cream Delight with Fruits and others. They are served in bowls and decorated with berries, fruits and chocolate.

Other cooking options

  • In addition to this basic recipe, there are many other cooking and filling options. If you replace half of the sour cream with grated cottage cheese, you will get a delicious cream for the cake.
  • For cooking, replace part of the sour cream, but not more than half, with condensed milk. In this case, add sugar to taste.
  • You can add a little sifted cocoa - you get a chic chocolate taste.
  • Coffee lovers will rightly appreciate coffee cream by adding a few tablespoons of instant coffee to sour cream before whipping.
  • You can also add chopped nuts or berry puree, rubbed through a sieve.

I hope you don't have any more questions on how to make sour cream cake. If you still have - write in the comments, I will answer them with pleasure. Delicious cakes and desserts!

Recipes for making sour cream for biscuit cake.

Sour cream is one of the most common and affordable options for decorating and impregnating various cakes. In this article, we will tell you how to make sour cream for sponge cake.

Simple sour cream sponge cake

Now in stores you can find a huge variety of ready-made sweets, but still many women try and bake cakes on their own. One of the most common options for cream cake is whipped cream. However, this cream is very oily, airy, in most cases the finished dessert turns out to be quite dry. That is why biscuit cakes, which are smeared with butter cream, are often soaked in liquid ingredients, such as liquor, cognac or tea.

There is no need to do this with sour cream, since it differs significantly from cream in consistency, and makes the dessert moist, juicy and very satisfying. The simplest version of sour cream is to mix the main product with powdered sugar and vanilla. Below is the easiest recipe.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg homemade sour cream
  • A glass of powdered sugar
  • 5 g vanilla sugar

Recipe for a simple sour cream sponge cake:

  • It is necessary to beat sour cream in a blender for 5 minutes.
  • After that, pour in powdered sugar in small portions until an airy consistency is obtained.
  • Lastly, sugar and vanilla are introduced. The main task is to prevent grains of sugar from creaking on the teeth.

What is the best sour cream for sour cream?

If you are preparing a cream for decorating, we recommend adding gelatin, starch or other ingredients to make the cream less fluid in order to obtain a thicker consistency. In this case, the product is not suitable for impregnation, as it will be quite hard, dry and will not be able to fill the bubbles that are inside the biscuit cake.

What is the best sour cream for sour cream:

  • Sour cream for cream can be used both with the highest fat content and fat-free. However, it should be understood that the less fat sour cream, the thinner the cream turns out.
  • However, the task of sour cream is not to keep its shape at all, but to soak the cakes.
  • Therefore, if you use not thick, and low-fat sour cream for soaking cakes, then it is quite suitable for these purposes. As a decoration, you can use buttercream or whipped cream.

Cottage cheese and sour cream for biscuit cake

The most delicious, popular and interesting cream for sponge cake is the use of a kind of mixture of sour cream with cottage cheese. The fact is that cottage cheese gives the dessert a thick, rich taste, and can be used as a cream for decorating and decorating. Below is the easiest recipe for making cottage cheese and sour cream cream.


  • 350 g cottage cheese 9%
  • 100 g sugar
  • 220 ml sour cream
  • Vanilla sugar

Recipe for cottage cheese and sour cream for biscuit cake:

  • You need to prepare the product first. If you purchased grainy homemade cottage cheese, you need to beat it several times in a blender or mixer.
  • This is necessary to get rid of the grains and make the mass homogeneous. You can also rub the product through a sieve. It is best to use powder instead of sugar.
  • If this is not possible, load the granulated sugar into a blender, turn it into a fine fraction. Choose the most fatty sour cream. Next, you need to mix the cottage cheese with sour cream for a minute in a blender, then add sugar.

Please note that it is not very airy, but quite thick and dense. This is the perfect recipe for brushing biscuit or honey cakes.

Sour cream with condensed milk for biscuit cake

The simplest option for cream for biscuit cake is the use of sour cream with condensed milk. To prepare this dessert, there is no need to use sugar, because there is enough of it in milk.

For cooking you need:

  • 250 ml sour cream
  • 250 ml condensed milk
  • Vanillin sachet

Recipe for sour cream with condensed milk for biscuit cake:

  • To prepare the cream, it is necessary to beat sour cream in a blender or mixer for 2 minutes. It needs to be a little thick. After that, pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream.
  • For these purposes, it is better to take not dairy products from vegetable fats, but natural condensed milk with a high percentage of fat content. Add vanilla and beat for another 2 minutes. There is no need to achieve density, splendor of the cream, since its texture does not allow it to turn into foam.
  • That is why the cream is mainly used for impregnation of dry cookies and biscuit cakes. For decorating the cake, it is better to use thicker options, such as whipped cream.

Sour cream custard for biscuit cake

One of the most successful recipes for sour cream is with the addition of an egg and brewing. The fact is that such a cream turns out to be very elastic, lush and airy, keeps its shape well. This cream can be used to smooth a cake, fill eclairs, or serve with fruit as a dessert.

Please note that for the preparation of this cream, you must take fatty sour cream, as well as good butter. In no case should a spread, as well as margarine, be used for these purposes. There should not be any vegetable additives in the composition of butter.


  • 400 ml fat sour cream
  • One egg
  • 200 g butter
  • Vanilla sugar
  • 120 g sugar
  • 20 g cornstarch

Recipe for sour cream custard for biscuit cake:

  • For cooking, you need to mix sour cream with sugar and egg yolk in a bowl. Next, you need to add vanilla sugar and corn starch.
  • The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed with a fork until smooth. Next, the container is placed in a pot of boiling water, which is on a small fire.
  • With constant stirring, it is necessary that the mass becomes very thick. As soon as the mass thickens, it is necessary to turn off the heat and leave to cool.
  • As soon as the mass cools down, it becomes room temperature, you need to do the butter. To do this, beat the entire portion of the oil with a mixer for 5-7 minutes.
  • It is necessary that everything turns white, and keeps on the whisk, and also has an airy consistency. In small portions, sour cream, which has already cooled down, is introduced into the oil one spoon at a time. Beating is necessary to obtain an elastic, homogeneous, airy mass that does not fall out of the plate and does not flow.

Sour cream for biscuit cake with gelatin

Sour cream, due to its consistency, can rarely be used for leveling. However, if you need to prepare a low-calorie cream that is suitable for leveling, will keep its shape perfectly, we recommend using a cream with the addition of gelatin for this purpose.

For these purposes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 ml sour cream
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 70 g sugar
  • Vanillin
  • Some water

Recipe for sour cream for biscuit cake with gelatin:

  • To prepare the cream, it is necessary to soak the gelatin in cold water so that it completely dissolves and swells in it. The mixture is put on a very small fire or a water bath, constantly stirred.
  • It is necessary that the gelatin is completely dissolved and becomes liquid. Once this happens, do not bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and leave to cool. It is necessary to achieve a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, in a separate bowl, beat sour cream with sugar and add vanillin.
  • As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is necessary to pour in a liquid with gelatin in a thin stream until an elastic mass is obtained. Initially, the mixture will be very liquid, and definitely not suitable for leveling the cake.
  • In order for the cream to become thick and suitable for leveling, it must be put in the refrigerator for about 40-60 minutes. Further, using a spatula or spatula, you can easily level the surface of the biscuit cake.

Please note that this cream is great if you need to decorate a dessert with fruits. The juice does not flow over the cream and does not make it less thick. That is, pieces of fruit in it will not fall through, but will lie on the surface.

Sour cream butter cream for biscuit cake

By itself, sour cream is quite fatty, however, due to the characteristics of the main product, it is not able to level the cake. Therefore, if your task is to use cream to level the cake, or decorate it, sour cream and butter cream will be an ideal option. It adds thickness to the product, making the cream less mobile and more plastic.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml fat sour cream
  • 200 g butter
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • Vanilla

Recipe for sour cream butter cream for biscuit cake:

  • Take the butter out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour. It is necessary that it becomes soft enough, but does not flow.
  • The softened butter must be beaten with a mixer for 3 minutes, then add a small amount of sugar. Mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • In a thin stream, add sour cream in small portions and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • This mass must be put in the refrigerator for about 1 hour, and only after that the cake should be leveled. In the refrigerator, the cream will acquire the final thick consistency, and become more plastic.

Sour cream chocolate cream for biscuit cake

One of the most delicious and unusual creams based on sour cream is chocolate. It has a bitter taste due to the presence of dark chocolate. Lovers of chocolate and homemade cakes will appreciate the cream.


  • 150 g dark chocolate
  • 70 g butter
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • Vanilla
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 g powdered sugar

Recipe for sour cream chocolate cream for biscuit cake:

  • First you need to grind the chocolate, breaking it into pieces. It must be folded into a saucepan, add the entire portion of butter. The mixture is put on a small fire and stirred thoroughly.
  • It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous. Next, the mixture must be left to cool, and let stand for 1 hour. After that, the mixer turns on at full power.
  • As soon as the mass becomes sufficiently airy, it is necessary to introduce sour cream, salt, vanilla and powdered sugar. Continue to work with the mixer until you get a thick and homogeneous mass.
  • Please note that the cream in the end is quite dense, not fluid. It has a rich chocolate taste and a pleasant texture.
  • It will be a great addition to creamy, biscuit desserts. This cream is rarely used to level the cake, as it does not have a dense enough consistency.

Sour cream cake: reviews

Many housewives prepare desserts in different ways. Below in the reviews you can find out how tasty sour cream is from various housewives.

Sour cream cake, reviews:

Sveta: I cook homemade cakes infrequently, I don’t have certain skills, so I choose the simplest, most uncomplicated recipes. I cook a biscuit with the addition of soda, and smear it with sour cream. To prepare the cream, I do not use a blender or mixer, but I mix the products with a whisk. I never achieve a thick consistency, I really like it when the cream is liquid and soaks almost the entire texture of the cakes.

Olga: I love to cook, every week I pamper my household with homemade cakes. Often I cook a biscuit, which I grease with sour cream. My favorite gelatin recipe. I really like to decorate these cakes with fruits. I often put fruit inside cakes. Bananas, as well as strawberries, add a rich, fruity flavor, making the dessert lighter.

Albina: I cook sour cream exclusively from homemade sour cream, because I think that the products in the store are of low quality and low fat content. With the poor quality of such products, it is very difficult to get a good and airy cream. Therefore, I buy homemade sour cream on the market. I cook not the classic sour cream, but with the addition of condensed milk. This cream is universal, as it can be used to lubricate waffle cakes, or the simplest gingerbread. I prefer to use cream for lubricating biscuit cakes. It turns out a light, uncomplicated dessert with an exquisite taste. If you try and decorate the cake beautifully, all the guests will be delighted.

How and with what to soak purchased biscuit cake layers: syrup recipe. How to soak waffle, honey, chocolate, puff cake layers, Napoleon before cream, so that they are juicy: the best impregnation recipes. Mascarpone - how to soak cakes: hot or cold?

This cream will never turn out the same thickness as that made from cream. This is due to the fat content of sour cream and the peculiarities of cooking. The fact is that after adding sugar, sour cream can become quite liquid, but you should not be upset.

VIDEO: Sour cream for biscuit cake

  • Continuing to beat, add one tablespoon of powdered sugar. Beat until the mass is homogeneous.

  • While continuing to beat, add sour cream. Beat at high speed for 2-3 minutes.

  • The cream is ready.

  • You can coat them with any cake layers: biscuit, sand, cottage cheese, or even cook Napoleon or honey cake.

    No holiday table is complete without dessert. Of course, the best decoration and a pleasant sign of attention to guests is a cake. It can be purchased at the store, however, cooked at home with love, the dessert turns out to be much tastier. In addition, you can be sure of the quality of the products that are used for baking.

    Sour cream butter cream is considered one of the best options that is suitable for any cake. It has a delicate taste, perfectly impregnates the cakes, does not spread and keeps its shape well.

    Despite the fact that the cream is prepared quite simply, some housewives are faced with the fact that the mass is heterogeneous. To prevent such an incident from happening during cooking, certain rules should be observed:

    1. All components must be at the same temperature, so the products should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance.
    2. First, beat the butter until smooth.
    3. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar. Vanilla, almond extract, cocoa can be added to the mass.
    4. Sour cream can be replaced with cream. They are added only after the oil is well mixed.
    5. All ingredients are whipped first at medium, and then at high speed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    In addition to the fact that it is necessary to follow the technology for preparing the cream, special attention should be paid to the choice of products.

    When buying sour cream and butter, you must not make a mistake so that the products are tasty and natural. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following factors:

    1. Pay attention to the name - a natural product should be called only "sour cream" and "butter".
    2. For cream, you should choose a fermented milk product with a fat content of at least 20%, and oil - from 72.5% - the fatter the better.
    3. The color of sour cream should be white with a creamy tint, while its surface is smooth and shiny. If, after you opened the jar, you noticed that it is faded and matte, then it is full of thickener. The color of the oil varies from light yellow to pronounced yellow (depending on fat content)
    4. The taste of sour cream is slightly sour, while it seems to envelop the tongue. If you felt the taste of baked milk - it was made from cream with the addition of powdered milk. The oil should have a pleasant creamy taste and aroma. The presence of bitterness indicates that the shelf life has been violated, so it should not be used.
    5. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date.
    6. Purchase products only from a trusted manufacturer.
  • Rate the recipe

    I would call this cream something magical, for example, "Gentle Dreams". Or something more precise, which determines my attitude towards him: "The magic wand." Although such a “name” would suit him: “Brilliant simplicity”. We are talking about Sour Cream, simple, magical and helpful in different situations. I suggest you get to know our favorite cream again!

    Sour cream is a great choice for a delicious dessert

    I confess that I love this cream, it always helps me out, and in fact it is an absolutely win-win option for dessert. And therefore, with pleasure I will share how I cook it, I will tell you frankly about all the subtleties and secrets.


    • Sour cream - 0.5 l;
    • Sugar sand - 0.5 tbsp.;
    • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp.

    A little about the ingredients. What are the requirements for each.

    Sour cream

    The fat content of this component plays a major role not only in the thickness of the cream, but also in taste, and in what dish it is suitable for. Personally, I prefer sweet sour cream, rustic, with a fat content of 50%. But according to the prescription, thirty percent is also acceptable. A little later I will write what can be done if the sour cream is not fat and thick enough. If we talk about producers of 30% sour cream, I really like "from the village of Udoevo", such as in the photo:


    Some housewives prefer powdered sugar instead of sugar so as not to worry about whether the sugar has time to dissolve. Well, that's perfectly acceptable. Yes, and the amount of the component must be taken the same.

    Vanilla sugar

    Probably, all of you remember my principled position on the issue of vanillin. I prefer quality only. Maybe replace the sugar with vanillin extract.

    How to make sour cream for a cake or pastries (step by step recipe):

    We all know that the preparation of a dish begins with the preparation of ingredients. What we can do? Cool the sour cream and, if desired, grind the sugar in a coffee grinder. Now you can start the main process.

    • Mix powder and sugar.
    • In a blender with a whisk attachment, start whipping sour cream at low speed. Then the speed can be slightly increased.
    • Add powdered sugar in small amounts. After each serving, beat the cream well until smooth.

    As you can see, there are only 3 steps to get the desired result. But still, I'll dwell on one moment. The fact is that I once took up the study of the issue of whipping sour cream. And, frankly, I was lost.

    Most often, everyone advises choosing the maximum speed for the mixer. But after all, at high speeds it is easy to get butter from sour cream, with a high percentage of fat content. Perhaps this version of the cream seems to someone more successful, but it is definitely not sour cream, airy cream, the fat content of which is absolutely invisible in dishes.
    Therefore, my recipe focuses on the fact that it is worth whisking exclusively at low or medium speed!
    And one more important question. When is the cream considered ready? When it does not spread over the bowl, if it is tilted.

    Secrets and subtleties

    The most important points in this cream, on which its consistency will depend, I would not even call the fat content of sour cream, but the density. Only the one in which the spoon will stand is suitable.

    If sour cream is very liquid

    Do you want sour cream to thicken slightly before cooking? This is quite possible to do if it is fat enough and homemade. Place it in the refrigerator overnight for the desired effect.
    There is another way to whip sour cream. To keep its temperature low, which means that it quickly strayed to stable peaks, you can make an ice bath. In a bowl with people and cold water, put a bowl of sour cream and start churning it.

    If sour cream is too bland

    Some people like it when sour cream has a slightly sour taste, they can even complement the range with other shades of sour with the help of berries or zest. But, if you want an exceptionally sweet flavor, look for sweet or relatively flavorless sour cream. The acid will not go anywhere and the sugar will not disguise itself. It will become even brighter if the dessert stands for a day or two.
    Remember that any other ingredient is added only to the finished cream! And further! Please note that such additives will affect its consistency.

    There are grains of sugar in the cream.

    What if the sugar has not completely melted when the sour cream has already whipped, and when you try the cream, grains of sugar are felt? Every hostess can face this. But there is no big problem here. The fact is that, even after beating, the sugar continues to dissolve. Leave it for a while. The sugar will gradually melt. That's just re-whipping the cream is not recommended. It will be enough just to mix well until smooth.

    How to weigh sour cream?

    What if the sour cream is too runny but you don't want to add any other thickeners or ingredients to the cream? Remove excess moisture from sour cream. Wrap it up in several layers of gauze (or a cotton towel) for a while.

    Place the sour cream in gauze in a sieve, place a weight on top and send it to the refrigerator overnight. Excess moisture will drain.

    What if the store did not have sour cream of the required fat content? Cream will save the situation, or rather, sour cream with cream in equal proportions.

    How to make sour cream thicker?

    Decided to put thickeners in a separate topic. I will name some options that will help make sour cream or the cream itself thicker. This:

    • Starch;
    • Ready thickeners;
    • Gelatin (agar-agar).

    How to apply these tools. I will give their proportions for the above volume of ingredients.


    The advantages of this method: any starch is suitable, the taste of the cream does not change. You need only 1 tbsp. starch. It is mixed together with sugar and vanilla and added to sour cream. To achieve the desired result, after churning, the cream should stand for 0.5 hours in the refrigerator.

    Finished thickener

    According to the instructions on the packaging of the thickener, you only need one pack. But to be sure, you should take 2! This component is introduced approximately 5 minutes before the end of the cream churning process. After that, the cream is sent to the cold for half an hour.


    Unfortunately, gelatin changes the taste of the cream. But this is easily offset by its density. We need 15 grams of gelatin. It is kept in advance for 20 minutes in a small amount of cool water. After that, it must be sent to a water bath. While the cream is preparing, the gelatin cools down. And at the end of the process, gelatin is added to the mass and whipped intensively. After 3-5 hours in the cold, a gentle thick cream is obtained.

    I love using Dr. Oetker in blue packaging, it dissolves well, thickens products very quickly.

    These are not all ways to make sour cream of the desired consistency. But in fairness, I will talk about other possibilities below. Since other additives significantly change not only the structure, but also the taste of the cream.

    For many, including me, sour cream is the base on the basis of which the necessary impregnation or cream will be created. I have already told you about the Plombir cream on sour cream, I already have it on my website and, in fact, this is also sour cream. But what else can and should be added and decorated with a classic recipe?

    What goes with sour cream?

    Chocolate (cocoa)

    How much cocoa to take depends solely on your preferences. The main thing is that cocoa is not whipped along with the rest of the ingredients. It is added to the finished cream, after which you need to mix everything well.

    Fruits and fruit purees

    Fruits and pieces of candied fruits are perfectly combined in the cream, turning it into a separate dessert. But puree is a different story, because the cream becomes less thick because of it. It is great for soaking cakes, especially for biscuits. If, after such impregnation, grease the cakes with sour cream with pieces of the same fruits that were used for impregnation, you get a real masterpiece with a beautiful aroma and multi-tiered taste.

    Condensed milk

    If you decide to add condensed milk, then immediately think about whether you need the full amount of sugar, because the mass will come out sweet enough then. You can completely remove sugar from the recipe by replacing it with condensed milk. But, this will certainly affect the consistency of the cream, it will be less frequent than in the classic recipe. To keep the density, a can of condensed milk and 50g of butter are added to the above recipe. The mass shrinks and cools.

    Cheese (cottage cheese)

    The addition of cottage cheese is ideal for me. This not only helps to make the cream thicker, but also more magnificent. And what a taste! Cottage cheese is best taken as much as sour cream. First, cold sour cream is knocked down, cottage cheese at room temperature is added to it, and then the procedure is the same as in the main recipe.


    For 500 g of sour cream you need 70 g of butter. The oil should be soft and pliable. First, the butter is slightly kneaded with powdered sugar, and then this workpiece is whipped together with sour cream. The cream is thick and fluffy.
    Banana. How can I convey my delight? This is a song, not a cream. I take only 2 bananas for half a liter of sour cream. But you can increase or decrease the amount of bananas. And I add them in different ways. You can puree bananas with sour cream, but you can also add small pieces of this fruit to the finished cream. Equally delicious!

    What desserts use sour cream?

    Now, when I talked about the method of preparation and the different versions of sour cream, I will show where it can be used. Immediately I want to present it as an independent dish. I think who ever prepared this cream did not deny himself the pleasure of taking a spoon and tasting this yummy! So complement it with nuts, raisins, berries, herbs and seasonings to taste, and here is a separate dish in front of you on the menu of your home restaurant!

    For Napoleon or Smetannik

    Traditionally, this cream is used to lubricate the cake layers. True, if the cakes are thick and heavy, then it is better if the cream contains gelatin, then the cream is not squeezed out, and the cake retains an attractive look and taste. If the cake layers are thin, like those of Napoleon or the classic Smetannik, then the moisture that is still present in the cream goes to soak them, and the thickened sour cream serves as a delicious layer.

    For no-bake desserts

    I love this cream in no-bake desserts. I love how quickly it soaks into the cookie base. Just 20-30 minutes and you can cook a real masterpiece.
    What will be the crowning "cherry" on a dessert with sour cream? It all depends solely on the additives in the dough, impregnation or cream. Topping should be fully combined with the main taste of the dish or emphasize it. If the cake or cake contains fruits/berries in any form, then the right choice would be the berry decoration of the dessert with mint leaves. Chocolate and nuts are the win-win option when the cake does not have any “extra” flavors, except for tenderness, when each piece of dessert melts in your mouth.

    I feel like I broke up. It's time to stop. And this is so difficult when it comes to the perfect dish, which is sour cream. For me, it is perfection, exactly what I love in a dish. It is absolutely imperceptible, as if it dissolves in dessert, and becomes tenderness. It is thanks to this that those who try my cakes with this cream are numb with delight. Each piece becomes a small holiday.
    This is exactly what I wish you from the bottom of my heart! And I really hope that you share your thoughts and ideas about sour cream in the comments!

    At home, baking and desserts are most often used sour cream: it keeps its shape well, perfectly soaks any cakes and biscuits, and is very tasty.

    Unfortunately for many hostesses, a cream made from such simple ingredients does not always turn out to be lush and hold its shape. Now let's open some secrets of successful cooking to get delicious sour cream.

    The word "cream" itself was borrowed from French in the second half of the 18th century. The French word "crème" means nothing more than "ointment" or "cream", using words in the sense of address and folded sentence. Other sources interpret the origin of the word from the Latin "chrisma", meaning cream. The Greek language also left its mark on the origin of the word "cream". It is assumed that it is “χρῖσμα”, which reads like “cream” from the marching word “χρίω” - “to smear”.

    The etymology of the origin of the word is clear. That's just who came up with the idea of ​​smearing a creamy mass on cakes, no one knows. It seems that there were no cakes at one time, but the cream has always been, since one hypothesis suggests the birth of the cream in Italy, as an amazing dessert treat. In fact, there is no difference for us in the origin of the creamy mass. We need delicious and with whom we can do good.

    Ingredients for impregnation of a medium-sized cake

    500 grams of sour cream

    1 cup granulated sugar or powdered sugar

    1 sachet vanilla sugar or vanilla extract (to taste)


    cotton fabric

    How to make the perfect sour cream

    The process of making classic sour cream is quite simple.

    Sour cream is whipped with granulated sugar until stable and fluffy peaks are obtained.

    As if that's the whole step-by-step recipe for making sour cream cream.

    But it was not there! But we do not always get such a magnificent mass at the exit. Let's reveal the secrets of the hostesses:

    First secret

    We mistakenly think that the fatter the sour cream, the better and more magnificent the cream should turn out. It's not like that at all.

    The main thing for sour cream is to choose the right sour cream.

    Sour cream should be oily, but not too much. The optimal fat content of a fermented milk product is 30%. In this percentage of fat content, the product will be quite thick, but not cloyingly greasy, almost oily.

    In addition, if you overdo it when whipping rustic sour cream, you will get an excellent sweet butter, and not a creamy mixture for a cake layer.

    Second secret

    Using rustic sour cream, whipping it with granulated sugar, you can get a rather thick oily composition, where the sugar crystals will not dissolve. And if you do not beat the sour cream strongly, then we will not get it. What to do in such a situation?

    Everything is very simple! Replace granulated sugar with powdered sugar. As a last resort, we grind sugar crystals in a mortar, blender, or in any other available way. Add grated sugar or powdered sugar to sour cream, and beat the cream.

    So grains of sugar sand will not creak on the teeth, and the process of whipping the mass will be greatly reduced. At the exit we get more airy and without an oily aftertaste.

    Third secret

    It is known that for the cream we need thick sour cream. But we are not always lucky with the purchase. Even if we purchase a product of the desired fat content, the excess liquid in the fermented milk product does not allow us to make delicious sour cream.

    The time that our sour cream will be weighed will help correct the situation. We put the product in cotton fabric or several layers of gauze.

    We tie it from above, hang it, for example, over the sink, for the night.

    During the night, excess liquid will drain, and we will acquire a mass of the necessary density, which will help the cream to whip easily.

    Sour cream after weighing without excess liquid
