
Milk chocolate ganache. Can you make white chocolate ganache?

Ganache is a delicate creamy chocolate cream that is ideal for leveling any homemade pastry for mastic. Only with the use of ganache it is possible to ensure that the surface of the cake is even and smooth, and the mastic does not melt.

White chocolate ganache is easy to make at home. Thanks to this cream, you can create a real culinary masterpiece.

Check out the white chocolate ganache recipe for mastic and you will see how it needs to be properly applied to the surface and work with mastic.

White chocolate ganache with cream

Ready white chocolate ganache to cover the cake should be well infused in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. That is why it should be prepared in advance. It is not difficult to do this. You will need:
  • White chocolate - 300 g
  • Cream - 200 ml

Before making ganache, prepare all the necessary ingredients: any white chocolate without filling and heavy cream.

Pour cream into a saucepan and place over medium heat.

Bring the cream to a boil and continue to simmer. Put chocolate in hot cream - so that it melts faster, it must be cut into thin strips or grated. When the chocolate has melted, remove the milk mixture from the stove and cool to room temperature.

Beat the white chocolate ganache cream well with a mixer (at medium speed) and refrigerate so that a crust does not form on the cream, cover it with cling film.

The cream can be used immediately, but it is best to keep it for several hours.

Lubricate the surface of the cake is best with a silicone spatula or a sharp knife.

white chocolate ganache recipe for frosting

If you can't find heavy cream, you can always use regular milk. White chocolate ganache for a milk cake is more tender and less greasy. To prepare it you will need:
  • White chocolate - 400 g
  • Milk (2-2.5%) - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup

Break the chocolate into small pieces or grate.

Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

Add sugar to the milk, stir and cook until it is completely dissolved.

After that, you need to add chocolate and cook for a few more minutes.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a cool place. When the cream has cooled to room temperature, beat it well with a whisk or mixer. White chocolate ganache for cake toppings and pastry fillings is ready. Now it remains only to cool and let it brew. After that, it can be used for making homemade cakes.

Check out the white chocolate ganache recipe with photo and you will see how simple and easy it is to work with this cream.

Since the cream hardens in the refrigerator, very often many hostesses do not know how to properly apply it to the surface of the cake. To do this is quite simple.

Before applying white chocolate ganache under mastic on the surface of the cake, you need to beat it a little or slightly warm it in a bath to make it more plastic.

Spread the cream in a layer of about 1 centimeter on top of the cake and smooth it out.

Place parchment paper on top of the cake, spread with a spatula or knife to remove excess air.

Remove the cake from the refrigerator. When the cream has hardened, remove the parchment.

If you decide to decorate the cake with mastic, the cream should not be very cold. Let the cake rest for a while at room temperature.

Roll out the mastic on starch or powdered sugar - so that it does not stick to the table and does not tear. Then you can make any decorations from it to your taste.

Bon appetit!

Ganache is chocolate buttercream. Although it seems, due to its name, very refined, but it is simple and quick to cook, it tastes wonderful. White and milk chocolate ganache - very tasty and as a cream between cake layers, whipped. Dark chocolate ganache - for lovers of bitter chocolate creams, such as "truffle". But most often I use it as a base for mastic. In addition, ganache is indispensable for covering the cake - that is, to make such a beautiful filling with chocolate on top so that the droplets flow down the sides and then you can decorate the cake with fruits, for example. In general, fashionable design. In the photo - red ganache)

Usually for ganache, one part of chocolate is taken to one part of cream. For white chocolate, you can take two parts of chocolate to 1 part of cream, for milk - one and a half to one. Although 1 to 1, all these creams turn out well, then you just need to cool them properly. After cooling, this cream should be whipped and used as a filling for cakes.

And to align the cakes - under the mastic - you can also use the usual one, but if there is some kind of complex shape, then it is better to prepare a double ganache, that is, two parts of dark chocolate to one part of cream. I am preparing ganache for mastic, so I am making just such a cream in this master class.

But still, in my experience, it is not ganache that holds the shape of the cakes best, but. Therefore, I use delicious ganache for simple cakes, and cream for leveling more complex or multi-tiered ones. He never failed.


100 grams of cream 20-35%

200 grams of dark chocolate

Ganache: recipe. How to make chocolate cream

1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.

2. Add chocolate to cream.

3. Melt in the microwave or in a water bath (I'm in the microwave). Take it out every 15 seconds and stir. It is necessary to stir at the beginning in the center, until in the very center the chocolate is combined with cream, that is, an emulsion is obtained. When it turned out in the center, then stir the whole cream, it will also quickly become homogeneous.

4. The chocolate is stirred and the cream becomes homogeneous.

5. Now put the cream in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then beat with a mixer and it will gradually soften. If you are in a hurry, you can put it in the refrigerator for a while, the cream will become thicker, and you can already level the cake. And the cake can be put in the freezer for a while, if you need the cream to harden. Or immediately cover with mastic.

Now it is difficult to imagine the work of popular confectioners without such a cream as white chocolate ganache. Every self-respecting cook knows about its unique properties.

This cream:

  • perfectly keeps its shape;
  • suitable for applying warm glaze;
  • suitable for mastic;
  • keeps its shape well on cupcakes;
  • reacts better to heat than other creams; does not melt;
  • waffle and sugar pictures do not flow on it.

Ganache is a homogeneous mixture of chocolate with heavy cream, brought to the state of an emulsion. Butter is sometimes put up to replace cream, but such a cream is much fatter. In any case, the original ganache emphasizes cream.

Origin story

Finding the perfect stable cream for cakes could take confectioners forever, if not for one fateful event. Ganache is translated from French as "fool", and the history of the creation of the cream is quite funny.

The sloppy cook spilled hot cream into the melted chocolate and tried to hide his carelessness by mixing everything. But the experienced chef saw through the trickster, and the annoyed “Ganache!” Was carried throughout the kitchen. But before writing off the mistake as scrap, the chef decided to try what happened and adapt the find to some dish. He was amazed by the delicate taste and over time improved the cream recipe, making it an important part of the confectionery art. Only one reminded the cooks of the origin of the cream - the ridiculous name of ganache.

White chocolate ganache appeared a little later, when white chocolate bars took their rightful place in the confectionery industry. This comes after several years of neglect of chocolate without liquor and its recycled status.

The composition of this popular cream is extremely simple - chocolate and cream. But the properties of the finished product, which are so valued by confectioners, fully depend on the quality of these ingredients.

White ganache starts with the highest quality white chocolate. Not suitable for cream

  1. porous;
  2. with fillings;
  3. with vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter.

Good chocolate is easiest to find in specialized confectionery stores.

As for cream, they should be as fat and fresh as possible, preferably homemade. If such cream cannot be found, then during the preparation of ganache, butter is introduced into the mixture, which must also be of the highest quality.

Another advantage of white ganache is the possibility of coloring it with gel dyes. Thanks to this, the cake can be made in any possible color.

Both ingredients are taken in a ratio of 3 to 1 if the cream is used for smoothing, and 2:1 in cases of decorating cupcakes. The total mass of cream and butter must not exceed the indicated proportions.

For example, for alignment, take:

  • 540 g of white chocolate;
  • 180 ml cream from 30%;
  • or 80 ml of cream and 100 g of butter 82.5%.

Among other things, white ganache can be given any taste with fruit or berry purees. The following proportion is observed here - how much puree is added, how much cream is taken away. But the total percentage of fruit and berry mass should not exceed 30% for thick puree and 20% for more liquid mixtures.

Due to the intricacies of mixing and temperature balance, it is best to heat and melt in a water bath, so you need to prepare two thick-walled metal containers. When cooling, it is better to use a glass bowl. Prepare the dishes in advance, they must be dry and clean.

Cooking process

The white chocolate ganache starts by grinding the chocolate. The original recipe says to mix separately heated cream and melted chocolate, but for a beginner, this is a very difficult process.

  1. Combine chocolate and cream in one container and put them in a prepared water bath. For stirring, choose a silicone spatula or a regular spoon. The chocolate will start to melt little by little.
  2. At first, the chocolate will clump, but this is normal - the dissolution should be smooth.
  3. At the end of the process, a smooth homogeneous mass with a glossy sheen is obtained. If coloring is provided for the cream, dyes are introduced at this very moment.
  4. The cream is removed from the fire and cooled to 40 degrees Celsius.
  5. If you introduce butter - the moment has come. The oil should be at room temperature. It is introduced, and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  6. The next step is cooling. Ganache is poured into a glass dish and covered tightly with cling film. The container is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until it hardens.
  7. After that, it is removed and whipped with a mixer. As a result, the mass brightens, increases in volume and becomes more pliable.

Ganache on white chocolate is ideal for coating the cake immediately after the procedure. If the cream has had time to warm up, then it is better to cool it again a little. It is best to apply the cream with a dry hot spatula, this will ensure even distribution.

Attention, errors!

Here are the main mistakes when creating ganache and working with it:

  • In many recipes, it is customary to heat the ingredients separately. However, separate melting of the ingredients by an inexperienced confectioner often leads to stratification of the ganache and the impossibility of further work with the mass.
  • Do not use wooden spatulas or spoons when mixing, as they easily absorb odors and can transfer extraneous flavors to the cream.
  • Even if you've become a master at melting chocolate in the microwave, don't do it when you're working with ganache. To get the desired structure, a precise temperature balance is needed, which is impossible to maintain due to the different heating rates of chocolate and cream, as well as the lack of constant stirring.
  • In some recipes, chefs pour hot cream over grated chocolate to get the right mass. However, this method is fraught with overheating of the top layer of chocolate and its separation.
  • When using ganache as a layer between the cakes, keep in mind that this is a very dry cream and the impregnation of the cakes is necessary when using it.
  • The ganache can crack if the cake hasn't matured enough and has shrunk, or if the cream is too thin.
  • If the cream does not harden, you have used low-quality products. But it can be saved by adding some melted and chilled chocolate.

As you have noticed, ganache is not as simple as it seems. But with due patience, you can create a real culinary masterpiece that will meet all expectations!

The recipe for chocolate ganache is very simple, and there are a lot of ways to use it. So, chocolate ganache for mastic evens out the surface of the cake, creating a base for further work with decorating the cake. This is possible due to the unique property of ganache - to harden, creating a smooth, even surface.

Another way to use this cream is chocolate pasta ganache. This is a win-win filling option that goes perfectly with pasta. By adding various fruit purees instead of part of the cream to the basic recipe, you can get many variations of ganache, each of which will surprise you with interesting flavor notes. Spread the finished ganache in the center of the cooled pasta half, press down with the other half and refrigerate. Cooked pasta will be firm and tender. The cream securely fastens the halves, preventing them from falling apart even in hot weather.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake can also be used as an independent element of the decor of the finished confectionery. A smooth, shiny ganache will create a wonderful cake surface, on top of which you can do nothing else, decorate with your favorite nuts as much as possible.

The principle of making ganache is the same, its various types differ only in the proportion and type of ingredients. It can be prepared from various types of chocolate, with the addition of flavorings and fruit and berry purees (for example, raspberry ganache, mango). Chocolate ganache, the recipe of which you will read on this site, is the base that allows further flight of fantasy.

White chocolate ganache

White chocolate ganache is just as good for topping a cake as it is for topping a cake. It pleases with its light color, as well as a very sweet taste. You can add mashed banana if you like.

For white chocolate ganache, you need to take white chocolate and cream 33% in a ratio of 2: 1, as well as a little butter (10%). For example, 200 g of chocolate, 100 ml of cream, 10 g of butter.

Break the chocolate into pieces, and pour the cream into a ladle and bring to a boil. As soon as they boil, pour the cream over the white chocolate. Now it remains to stir the resulting mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved. And then leave the finished product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, if necessary, you can leave it overnight. After the required time, remove the yellowish mass and start beating it with a mixer. In the process, you can add butter - it is necessary for shine and a more delicate texture of the cream. After this manipulation, the ganache will thicken, turn white and be ready to use.

Helpful Hints:

  • Choose only high-quality products, as the success of your idea depends on it.
  • Make sure not to drop a drop of water, as the chocolate may not melt.

Milk chocolate ganache (white ganache)

This is a basic recipe for all occasions. Such a ganache is universal: suitable for any function, and also combined with most products.

The required proportion of chocolate and cream for ganache on milk chocolate is 3: 2, as well as a 10th part of butter. For example, 300g milk chocolate, 200ml cream 33%, 30g butter.

Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil. Pour them over finely broken chocolate and melt it completely. Leave the resulting mass for several hours in the refrigerator. When you take the ganache out of the fridge, add softened butter and beat with a mixer. Milk chocolate ganache is ready.

Dark chocolate ganache

This is the simplest chocolate ganache. It is not as sweet and soft as the previous versions of the cream. But this is an excellent icing for covering the cake, which can be prepared in the shortest possible time. In it, you only need to mix hot cream with chocolate, and then mix until the chocolate is completely dissolved. The proportions of chocolate and cream for black ganache are 5:3. The main feature is only boiled cream. They contribute to the correct and uniform melting of chocolate.

Helpful advice:

In order to have time to cover the cake before the icing hardens, place the container with the finished ganache in a water bath.

cocoa ganache

Affordable and easy to implement option. Good for icing. It tastes a bit like a truffle.

Ingredients: 170 ml milk, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 100 g butter.

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Now add sugar and cocoa. Cook the ganache over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, remove the future glaze from the heat and add the butter. Stir to dissolve the oil. When the mass has cooled, it will thicken and will be finally ready.

This completes the list of basic ganache recipes. As you can see, all options are prepared very simply, and the result always pleases with its taste and beauty. Moreover, you can adjust the consistency of the finished cream. By adding more cream, you get a thinner cream that can be poured over fruit or ice cream. By adding more chocolate, you get a firmer texture, great for stuffing croissants. Chocolate is liked by virtually all children and adults, it adds an exquisite taste to any dessert. For this reason, you will not lose by deciding to prepare this cream. By turning on your imagination and trusting your culinary intuition, you can create unique variations of chocolate ganache. Culinary inspiration and bon appetit!

To decorate homemade cakes and pastries, every housewife used ganache at least once in her life. What it is, we will tell in detail in our article, and at the same time we will present several recipes for making delicious chocolate cream. But first, let's dwell on the history of its creation.

Ganache - what is it?

Pastries and cakes topped with fragrant and exquisite chocolate icing make even those people who do not consider themselves sweet lovers appetize. This coating of dessert is called ganache. What it is?

Ganache is a cream made from chocolate and cream, which is used as a filling for sweets, cakes and cakes. It was first invented in France in 1850 in the Sirodena confectionery. However, there are other versions of the origin of ganache. According to one of them, the famous cream turned out due to the oversight of a young confectioner who accidentally poured cream into a bowl of melted chocolate.

Depending on the desired consistency of ganache, the ratio of the ingredients that are used to prepare it varies. For glaze, the proportion of chocolate and cream is considered to be 1: 1. If you want to get a thicker and more fluffy cream for decorating cakes, the amount of cream should be increased.

Classic chocolate ganache

Since the preparation of the first cream, its recipe has succumbed to changes and additions many times. According to the classic recipe, it is made from dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa and cream. Butter is added to give a glossy sheen to the cream, and powdered sugar is added for sweetness.

Classic chocolate ganache is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cream with a fat content of 35% (120 ml) is poured into a saucepan, heated in a water bath and brought almost to a boil. After that, the dishes are removed from the stove.
  2. Pieces of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60% are added to the cream and left for 5-7 minutes. This will be enough time for the chocolate to melt. If it remains solid, the cream in the saucepan will need to be heated again in a water bath.
  3. Powdered sugar (25 g) is added to the chocolate-creamy mass. Ganache for the cake is thoroughly whipped with a whisk.
  4. As soon as the mass cools down a little, 50 g of soft butter is added to it. Then it is well whipped with a whisk until smooth. Cover the cake with the prepared icing or use as a layer for croissants and cakes.

Rum ganache

If a cake or dessert is prepared exclusively for adults, chocolate cream with the addition of rum or cognac will be an excellent decoration. It has a spicy taste and will definitely appeal to all connoisseurs of the exotic.

We offer a recipe for ganache with the addition of rum:

  1. Prepare 250 g of dark chocolate, after crushing it with your hands into pieces.
  2. In a water bath or low heat, heat well, but do not boil high-fat cream (250 ml).
  3. Pour the prepared chocolate with hot cream. Using a whisk, mix the mass thoroughly and bring the ganache to a homogeneous state.
  4. At the very end of cooking, add a tablespoon of rum or cognac. Mix the mass for the last time, after which it can be used to decorate the dessert.

cocoa ganache

This recipe is just right for the case when chocolate is not at hand, and the dessert preparation process is already at the final stage and it remains only to cover it with glossy icing.

Ganache for the cake is prepared in this order:

  1. Cream with a fat content of 35% (75 ml) is poured into a saucepan and heated on the stove almost to a boil.
  2. Cocoa powder (3 teaspoons) is mixed with the same amount of powdered sugar.
  3. The dry mixture is poured with hot cream and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency without lumps.
  4. Butter softened at room temperature (50-100 g) is added. Its amount varies depending on the desired consistency. If you need to get a thick cream, you need to put less butter, and vice versa.
  5. Cooked ganache should be used immediately to cover the cake.

White chocolate cream cake decoration

This recipe makes a very beautiful glossy coating for dessert. But not all housewives know how to cook white ganache. What is it, we will tell you in a step-by-step instruction. The procedure for preparing the cream is as follows:

  1. Cream of high fat content 33-35% (50 ml) is heated to a temperature of 90 °C.
  2. White chocolate (100 g) is crushed by hand in random order and poured with hot cream.
  3. Using a hand whisk, the mass is brought to a homogeneous state.
  4. Lastly, butter (25 g) is added.
  5. Ganache is mixed again. Now it can be applied on top of the cake or chilled in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and used as a cream layer for confectionery. During the preparation of ganache, powdered sugar is not added to it, since white chocolate is quite sweet. Additionally, you can add a few drops of rum, cognac or vanilla essence to the cream, which will make it more fragrant.

White ganache is perfect for cake toppings, pastry fillings and meringues.

Cover for cake under mastic

Ganache prepared according to this recipe fits perfectly on the surface of the product, while leveling it. In addition, it turns out smooth, shiny and very tasty.

Ganache is prepared for mastic in the following sequence:

  1. Dark chocolate broken into pieces (100 g) is laid out in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Butter (100 g) slightly softened at room temperature is added on top.
  3. The contents of the saucepan are slightly mixed with a whisk, after which the dishes are sent to a water bath.
  4. As soon as the chocolate melts, remove the ganache from the stove, mix well again and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  5. The cooled chocolate mass should be used as a base for mastic.

Ganache with milk

Classic chocolate cream has a fairly thick consistency. But the ganache prepared according to this recipe is more like a sauce that can be served with pancakes, pancakes, etc.

Step-by-step preparation of chocolate cream in milk is to perform the following procedure:

  1. Whole cow's milk (350 ml) is poured into a saucepan. If necessary, it can be replaced with coconut if you do not consume animal products.
  2. Milk is brought to a temperature of 90 - ° C, after which sugar (50 g) is added to it and thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.
  3. Next, remove the saucepan from the stove. Add chopped chocolate (400 g) to the milk and leave for a few minutes so that it completely melts.
  4. Beat the mass with a mixer at high speeds. The finished ganache has a uniform texture and a glossy sheen.
