
What kind of Assam tea is drunk by high society. Assam black tea and its description

Only from correctly brewed tea, you will get real pleasure. Is not it? I think you answered in the affirmative. Therefore, there are rules and recommendations on how best to brew this or that tea. Recipes proven over the years. In addition, relevant following tips.

So ... Try to take high-quality water from open sources for cooking or filter it several times. The water needs to be soft and clean. If you take tap water with bleach - defend it.

In the foam of tea stand out essential oils. Stir the foam with a teaspoon so that they remain in the cup. Each type of tea is brewed for a different number of minutes. Black from 4 to 6 minutes, but not more than 8 minutes. Consider the benefits of drinks, recipes for brewing Indian Assam tea, elite Darjeeling and original masala.

About what Indian tea is valued for (benefit not known to everyone)

1. Masala tea- spicy invigorating drink. There is no single recipe for making masala. Its composition is one: black tea, spices, milk and sweetener.

Spices should be "warm": cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, fennel seeds, ginger, black pepper.

Additional ingredients - nutmeg, saffron, hibiscus, almonds, licorice root.

Benefits of Masala. IN Indian tea contains many minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Contains essential oils and other healthy ingredients. Indian Masala tea has a good effect on the psyche. Tannin and caffeine have a positive effect on heart function. Vessels dilate over time and spasms go away. Theotanin, which tea contains, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Metabolism, thanks to spices, improves. Milk in its composition is also useful.

2. Assam grown in southern India. It is considered to be of good quality. classic tea. Valuable variety. When brewed, it becomes red-burgundy. Tart, rich taste, a hint of "malt" is felt. Darjeeling teas are less tart than Assam teas. Pure assam is rarely drunk, usually mixed. It is considered the morning "Irish Breakfast".

Benefits of Assam. Antioxidant protection. Phenols, which in its composition, at the molecular and cellular levels, protect the body from the effects of free radicals. Phytoestrogens have a good effect on men's health, they are the prevention of lung cancer. According to scientists, thanks to flavonoids, the risk that there will be plaques in the vessels is significantly lower if you regularly drink assam in old age.

Regular consumption of Indian assam tea can reduce the risk of developing parkinsonism. Tea stimulates brain activity. You can’t use it a lot for hypertensive patients and people with labile nervous system. In the evening it is better not to drink, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. IN large doses it can disrupt digestion and increase the heartbeat.

3. Darjeeling- black tea, belonging to the elite varieties. It has light fruity notes in taste and a delicate, pleasant aroma. When brewed, it will be golden copper.

First Harvest Darjeeling is the most expensive in the world. It is produced in small batches and sold through auctions. Fraudsters are trying to sell it privately, claiming that it is pure - they are lying. In Russia they sell blends, where this tea is 3 collections with a small share of this tea. It happens that they sell Darjeeling and 2 collections, English production.

Darjeeling's infusion is light and bright, the aroma has a hint of honey, and the main one is almond-floral. It is not strong and not as tart as Assam. "Daytime" variety. It is drunk without sugar or milk.

Benefits of Darjeeling. Indian Darjeeling tea tones the body, drains in the morning and at any time, invigorates. Antioxidant effects in humans. It relieves tension after a working day and accumulated physical and psychological fatigue. The activity of the brain is enhanced and it is easier to do intellectual work. Very strong Darjeeling can make you dizzy, your blood pressure rises, your heart starts to beat faster, you will have insomnia.

About how to prepare this or that Indian tea (recipes matter!)

Cooking assam

To feel the bouquet of this tea, a teapot made of glass or clay (dry) is rinsed with boiling water. Kettle for 3 or 4 servings. The tea leaves are thrown immediately after rinsing, expecting that there will be 1 tsp for 1 cup. + 1 tsp above. Boiling water is poured at about 65 degrees and covered with a napkin, insisted for about 5 minutes. Take boiling water only for the first tea leaves. Assam is brewed either pure or added to tea blends.

1. Recipe number 1. Salty Indian tea. The composition is similar to the one in masala: milk + black tea, water, salt, nutmeg and cardamom, ginger and coriander. There is no sugar - this is what makes it different. The drink is very tasty. Tones up, is raising immunity. For those who want to lose some weight, can replace lunch.

2. Recipe number 2. Tea with buffalo milk. He is brewing. Boil the tea leaves for 4 minutes over low heat, then pour in the milk, add sugar and bring everything to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Tea is filtered and drunk hot.

3. Recipe number 3. Marahti is the name in honor of one of the nationalities living in India. They also cook, only water is not needed. Immediately throw the tea leaves into the milk, which was boiling, then after 1 or 2 minutes. take off. Drink hot and chilled.

4. Recipe number 4. Assam with ice. This is summer tea. Lemon and ice are added there. Brew as usual, then cool. At 2/3, ice is thrown into a mug or glass and poured cold tea, sugar + lemon wedges.

Cooking Darjeeling

1. Recipe number 1. For a teapot from 250 to 350 ml, take 2 tbsp. l. tea. Warm up the teapot, it is better if it is porcelain. Pour the norm of tea leaves and let it lie down in warmth for 2 minutes. Shake the container. Then the tea leaves stick unevenly to the walls and become warm. Water is needed between 75°C and 85°C. The temperature can be fixed by pouring water into a thermos with a glass flask.

For a 250 ml teapot, 1 liter of liquid is enough. Add water to the teapot and almost immediately pour it slowly into a jug (Chinese cha-hai). This is done because at the beginning the tea is weakly brewed, and at the end it becomes rich and tart. Everything will be mixed in a jug and everyone in the cup will have a homogeneous Reviver. Dropped first time? Repeat and don't insist. Wait 3 times for 20 to 40 seconds, 4 times for 1-1.5 minutes, 5 times for 2-4 minutes. and drain. More than 5 times to brew will not work. Cheap varieties have a maximum of 2-3 tea leaves.

2. Recipe number 2. Take freshly brewed water between 85°C and 95°C and boil for 3 to 5 minutes. Repeat 2 times.

3. Recipe number 3. Warm up the glass better kettle from porcelain. Add there from 4 g to 6 g of tea and fill it with 90 ° C water. Let stand 2 to 4 minutes. and sing.

Cooking masala

There are many recipes for making masala chai. There are ingredients that make it special:

1. Black tea and more often inexpensive varieties, strong, with a rich taste.
2. Milk.
3. Various spices.
4. Sugar.

I. Recipe number 1. Here the tea will be strong. Compound:

1. Water - 2 cups.
2. Milk - 1 cup. Or take more if you want a richer milk tea.
3. 4 or 5 tbsp. l. black tea.
4. Take as much sugar as you like.

1. Cardamom - a few pieces.
2. Black pepper - 2 peas.
3. Carnations - 2 pcs.
4. Star anise - 1 pc.
5. 1/2 cloves.
6. 1/2 tsp. fennel (seeds)
7. 1. tsp. grated ginger.

Spices need to be ground together and then mixed. In one bowl, bring the milk, water and tea to a boil. Remove from heat and add spices. Let it infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain everything and drink.

II. Recipe number 2. Here you need to prepare a mix of spices in advance. Take more, stay for 2 times.

1. Black pepper - 10 pcs.
2. Ground ginger 1/2 tsp.
3. Grains of cardamom (green) - 1/2 tsp.
4. Anise seeds - 1 tsp.
5. Ground cloves - 1/4 tsp.

Other components:

1. Water - 1 cup.
2. Black tea - 2 tsp.
3. Milk - 1/2 cup.
4. Mix of spices - 1/2 tsp.
5. Sugar, as much as you want.

Bring milk with water to a boil, add 1/2 tsp. spices. When it boils, make the fire small. Pour in the tea and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain everything, so you remove the spices. Your masala is ready.

III. Recipe number 3. In this recipe, spices are added first. You need 2 cups of water with milk. Let the spices be pre-ground and immediately pour them in there. This option is considered easy.

1. Carnations - 4 pcs.
2. Black pepper - 2 pcs.
3. Cinnamon stick.
4. Cardamom (grains) - 2 pcs.
5. Take fresh ginger size. Like 1 slice of an orange and finely chop.


1. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
2. Milk - 2 cups.
3. Black tea - 2 tbsp. l.
4. Water - 2 cups.

2 to 3 min. cook spices. Remove from fire. Add black tea there and let it infuse for 3 to 4 minutes. Drink delicious masala with pleasure!

Once on the territory of modern Assam lived amazing person named Maniram Dewan, he came from an ancient family of the Ahom dynasty, which ruled for over 600 years. The Indian kingdom called Asom was founded by people from the Chinese province around the 13th century.

History of Assam tea

Once upon a time, Maniram Dewan lived on the territory of modern Assam, he looked like from an ancient family of the Ahom dynasty, which ruled for more than 600 years. The Indian kingdom of Asom was founded by people from the Chinese province around the 13th century.

The outcome of the Anglo-Burmese war was the acquisition of Assam by Britain as its colony. Maniram Dewan became a tax collector in North East India. At that time, Dewan met the Bruce brothers. Maniram told the brothers about interesting plant, which appeared on the slopes of the forest edges.

Robert the Bruce is credited with discovering divine drink Assam. In appearance, the plant resembled a tea tree, but its taste was slightly different from ordinary black tea, it was fragrant, strong and had malt flavor. Despite the fact that the history of the drink dates back several hundred years, Assam tea has been recognized as one of the the best varieties tea and won the love of many countries around the world.

To be honest, production quality tea divided into Chinese and Indian. Two countries are considered the ancestors of the drink.

The Assam plant grows in the northeast of India and is a classic black tea. The tea leaves have a soft green or dark green color with many small villi. If you pick a leaf and rub it in your fingers, then a rich pleasant smell immediately hits your nose.

Description of Assam tea

A variety of tea called Assam, as already mentioned, grows in northern India. Harvesting takes place twice a year - in spring and late autumn. In the tea industry, the harvest harvested in spring is most valued, since it is during this period that the leaves reach their maximum size, and this is the main criterion for assessing the quality of tea.

But not only the time of the year affects the quality of the drink, in addition, the taste of tea is also influenced by the “place where it was grown”. The taste of real quality Assam should be rich with floral and spicy flavors, as well as strong. The color of the drink is barely orange or bright scarlet.

Assam Indian tea plantation

From the very beginning, the Assam tree was considered wild. In its usual habitat, the tree reaches about 20 meters in height. But the planters who grow the trees do not allow it to grow more than 2 meters in height, in order to make it convenient to collect leaves.

In order for tea to turn out to be truly tasty, the way it should be, it must be brewed correctly.

It is best to brew tea in a glass or clay teapot. dried leaves Pour boiling water over tea and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

After the tea has cooled down a bit, you can drink it, it is best combined with lemon, sugar or milk. In addition, you can have a cup fragrant tea bite with an airy eclair.

It must be remembered that tea absorbs all foreign odors, so you should store it in a kitchen cabinet without pulling it out of the package, or transfer it to a container that can be tightly closed with a lid.

Useful and harmful properties

And so, many began to think about the beneficial properties of tea and coffee, but since we we are talking about Assam tea, below we will cover all beneficial features this particular drink.

  1. Into the leaves tea tree contains caffeine, it was he who became a stumbling block among physicians. The positive aspect of the drink is a surge of vigor and strength, stimulation of brain activity, and relieving fatigue after insomnia.
  2. The negative part of the tea ceremony is headaches, irritability, sometimes even nervousness and disorders of the heart.
  3. However, a solution was found. Doctors agreed that Assam tea can be used, but not in large quantities, no more than 4-5 cups per day.
  4. Thanks to the enzymes and substances that nature has endowed with tea leaves, the drink has an antioxidant effect. Thanks to this effect, the body is protected from oxidative processes.
  5. Scientists have found that drinking Assam tea can protect the human body from the formation cancer cells. It has been scientifically proven that the drink protects women from the occurrence of ovarian cancer, so tea is useful for prevention purposes.
  6. On men, Assam also has positive influence, due to the phyto estrogen in the composition of the leaves, tea prevents cancers in the lungs. Unfortunately, the chemical composition of tea tree leaves cannot positively affect stomach, breast and prostate cancer.
  7. From the biology course, we know that blood vessels, heart valve, as well as all other body cavities are completely covered with endothelium. Since Assam has a positive effect on the endothelium, it also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthening it and preventing a heart attack.
  8. In addition, scientists have shown that thanks to caffeine in chemical composition tea drink, reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, especially among the elderly.

Harmful effects of improper use of Assam tea

  • The most important rule for drinking tea is that in no case should you drink tea that has been infused for more than half an hour, since this liquid will be saturated with substances that negatively affect cardiovascular system.
  • Do not mix Assam with alcohol, otherwise the aldehydes that will be released when mixed will have a negative effect on the kidneys, which can later lead to serious problems.
  • Also, tea should not be abused, since a large amount of it negatively affects the nervous system, increases excitability, can cause headaches and dizziness, and also cause nausea.
  • Remember that you should not drink very hot tea, and not only tea, but also other drinks or dishes. hot food or drinking leads to the fact that your organs inside are deformed, and subsequently cracks form on them - this can lead to cancerous diseases of any organs.

Drinking Assam tea during pregnancy

Scientists have long proven that the use of black tea by pregnant women does not harm either the mother or her baby. But it should be strictly remembered that cups of tea should not be abused either, everything should be in moderation. First - it should not be brewed for pregnant women strong tea, and the second - you can not drink more than 2 cups of black tea per day.

Taking Assam tea during pregnancy gives expectant mother more strength and energy, invigorates, and also quickly cracks down on cramps. In addition, due to its properties, the drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system. A tea leaf contains calcium, the body of a pregnant woman needs it very much, the bones and joints of both the mother and her newborn baby are strengthened. The drink strengthens not only bones, but also teeth.

Sometimes everything gets dull during pregnancy taste buds, and a woman simply may not feel the taste of Assam, so you should add a little lemon, milk or sugar to the tea.

Assam tea is very tasty and healthy. Indian planters specially grew tea so that you can enjoy its pleasant, tart taste.

How to recognize real Assam tea?

  1. As mentioned above, Assam tea is a variety of black tea. The drink has a spicy, slightly tart flavor with a hint of malt. Sometimes when brewing tea, you can hear the smell of honey notes. Before choosing a tea, you should smell it, it is the smell of dried tea tree leaves that will tell you the right choice.
  2. After brewing, the water turns red or pale orange.

Assam tea drinking culture

In England given tea considered a classic English tea. The drink is so versatile that it can be drunk in the morning, evening, after dinner, cold, hot with milk or lemon juice. In order to fully enjoy the taste of the brewed drink, you do not need to eat heavy snacks.

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Assam tea is popular all over the world. This drink is famous for its rich taste and beautiful amber hue. It is brewed in pure form or added to various tea compositions. Naturally, many fans this drink interested in additional information.

What properties does this tea have? Is black assam good for health or can it hurt? How to prepare a drink? Where can you buy it? The answers to these questions will be useful to many.

What is tea?

Tea "Assam" is a classic variety of large-leaf black tea. This drink has a bright and rich reddish-brown color (possibly a slight orange tint).

Reviews indicate that the prepared drink has a spicy, even floral aroma with light honey notes that are considered unusual for black tea. However, it is strong enough. During the tasting, malt shades and a slight eucalyptus flavor can be distinguished. Many connoisseurs prefer to brew tea and consume the drink in its pure form, although it goes well with additives, such as milk or a slice of lemon.

A bit of history

First you need to figure out where this black tea grows. Assam, a state located in the northeastern part of India, is where the Assam tea tree grows in the valley of the Brahmaputra River, almost at the foot of the Eastern Himalayas.

The discoverer of the drink is considered to be Robert Bruce, a Scot who at one time was engaged in trade in the Assam region. It was he who begged the representatives of the local population for several leaves of tea for further study. Tea was introduced to Europe by the British.

Stages of collecting raw materials

Due to the mild climate, tea leaves in the Assam region are harvested almost all year round(except winter period). The taste and color range of the drink largely depends on when exactly the raw materials were collected.

  • Spring collection starts in March. Tea tree leaves collected during this period do not yet have such rich aroma. Nevertheless, the drink has an exquisite sweetish aftertaste, for which it is valued.
  • Summer is considered the most successful period for collecting. The leaves of the plant have already reached their maximum size. The taste of tea leaves is brighter, the color is more saturated.
  • Collect tea leaves in the autumn months (if the weather permits, then until mid-December).

tea production

It should immediately be said that all the leaves on the Assam plantations are harvested and sorted by hand. Next, the raw material passes machining. Tea leaves are dried, then fermented and lightly roasted. Then the raw material is crushed and sorted. By the way, the tea dust formed during the processing has also found its application - it is used for the production of bagged and granulated tea.

Assam tea: description of useful properties

Thanks to exquisite taste This drink has gained popularity. But not everyone knows that Assam tea is also good for health.

  • Young tea leaves contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. Its regular use saturates the bones with calcium, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the work of the heart, makes the walls of the arteries more elastic and strong.
  • Indian tea "Assam" contains phenols and other antioxidants that protect cell membranes from the effects of dangerous free radicals. These same substances are used to prevent cancer.
  • The composition of the drink contains caffeine, which improves brain function, saturates with energy. True, you should not abuse these properties of tea. Connoisseurs do not recommend drinking more than five cups of the drink a day.

How to prepare tea?

Assam tea is famous all over the world for its incredibly rich taste and pleasant aroma. But in order to be able to fully enjoy these qualities, the drink must be properly prepared.

To do this, it is better to use dishes made of clay or thermal glass. Boil water first. Scald the inner walls with boiling water teapot. Now you can pour tea leaves inside (1 teaspoon per cup) and pour hot water(its temperature should not exceed 80 degrees). Cover the kettle with a lid and let the tea steep for 20 minutes. Your drink is ready. As already mentioned, the drink can be consumed with milk or lemon.

Are there contraindications?

As already mentioned, Assam tea is incredibly healthy. However, don't abuse it. delicious drink because it contains caffeine. Prolonged use can cause increased excitability and nervousness, or, conversely, weakness and apathy. By the way, tea is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but no more than two cups a day.

The drink must be drunk fresh. If the tea leaves are infused for too long, then harmful compounds that cannot be consumed begin to be released into the water. It is not recommended to drink tea along with alcohol, as this releases substances that adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Types of Indian tea

There are many types of this tea, because taste qualities drink depends on the season of collection, production technology, the exact place of growth (the Assam region consists of many tea plantations):

  • Harmutti- one of the most popular varieties among gourmets. It has a pleasant tart taste.
  • Gold- this tea is considered the best, and it is produced in strictly limited quantities (the price, accordingly, is also higher).
  • Mocalbury- a drink made from this tea leaves has a more pronounced honey taste. By the way, tea is named after the plantation where it grows.
  • Dijou- tea leaves have a beautiful reddish-golden hue. The prepared drink has an exquisite fruity taste.
  • Raidang- a drink made from this tea leaves has a rich reddish-amber taste, reminiscent of a shade of cognac. By the way, the drink leaves a pleasant aftertaste and has a tart aroma.
  • Green "Assam"- also grown on Indian plantations. The prepared drink has a warm, yellowish-green color. The taste is rich, slightly tart. This tea is produced both in pure form and with additives (for example, pieces of dried fruit or jasmine flowers).

Where can the product be purchased? famous brands

Many people are interested in the question of where to look for tea leaves. For example, where can I buy Assam tea in Moscow or any other city?

In fact, everything is simple: many trade marks This tea is produced under different names. Manufacturers such as Meleng, Newby and Ahmad offer traditional Indian tea leaves. Also full of flavor and bright aroma owns Assam tea from Greenfield. As you can see, the real indian drink can be purchased in almost every store - it remains only to cook it correctly.

What buyers say about this variety tea? Reviews are mostly positive. True fans of this drink can appreciate the rich malty taste with hints of freshness and a bright, floral aroma.

Regular use This drink will help you feel better. People who drink Indian tea in the morning say that it invigorates much better than coffee. The advantages of the drink include ease of preparation and relatively affordable cost.

Assam black tea is a classic Indian tea. And in Europe it is called " English tea for breakfast." It has a multifaceted, memorable and unique aroma. Its taste is tart, full-bodied, with hints of malt, the color of the tea is reddish-brown. It is endowed with useful properties, it is recommended as a tonic drink. Real gourmets love and appreciate this tea.

Homeland of tea and history of origin

Assam tea in India grows in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas and the Shillong Plateau, in the state of Assam. It is difficult to answer where the first tea trees came from. Their discovery is attributed to the Indian Bodo tribe. Other sources say that the development of modern tea production India is indebted to the British. In the 30s of the 19th century, Robert Bruce received tea seedlings as a gift from a representative of the Sikh people. His brother Charles Bruce donated them to Calcutta Botanical Garden for study. Tea trees took root, they were given the name Camellia assamica, and they began to grow successfully in India. The tea plantations were operated by the Jorhat Tea Company and the Assam Company.

In 1937, the first cargo of Assam tea was sent to England. All of it was sold at a tea auction. Tea trees continued to be cultivated in India, and soon tea plantations covered an area of ​​3,41,049 hectares. Now there are about 100 thousand small plantations and 765 large tea estates in the state. They produce over 570 million kilograms of tea annually. And this is 13% of the total world tea production.

Assam tea production

The tea leaf is harvested in India throughout the year, except for winter. Tea harvested in early spring has pleasant taste but has almost no flavor. Tea harvested in summer is especially valuable. It has a juicy color and great taste. In autumn, tea is also harvested, but not every year.

For the production of tea in India, two methods are used: mechanized and traditional.

The traditional way

The traditional processing method is best preservation tea leaf and kidneys. There are four categories of tea processed in this way:

1. Flowery Orange Pekoe. The raw material for production is the first sheet. Word Orange to orange color does not apply, the name is given from the East Dutch company engaged in the supply of tea to Europe "House of Orange".
2. Orange Pekoe. The second leaf of the tea shoot is used.
3. Pekoe. Tea consists of a third leaf.
4. Suchong (fourth sheet).

mechanized way

The CTC mechanized tea leaf processing system was created in the 19th century by George Reid, and in the 20th century it was improved by William Mackerher. Tea raw materials are pre-dried, fermented, roasted. Then it is driven through special rollers that grind the tea leaves. Tea is sorted using special equipment.

The remaining tea dust is used for the production of granulated and bagged tea. World famous "Breakfast Tea" is a finely granulated

Useful properties of Assam tea

  • A large amount of caffeine provides vivacity, stimulates brain activity, an influx of strength.
  • Antioxidant properties of this tea - reliable protection at the biomolecular and cellular level from the oxidizing action of oxygen. A positive trend in reducing the growth of malignant tumors was noted.
  • Flavonoids contained in tea prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, the risk of heart disease is reduced.
  • Regular consumption of tea reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease in older people.
  • Men, as a prophylactic, should consume up to 4 cups of this tea per day, women - no more than two.


In connection with great content caffeine tea is not recommended for hypertensive patients. Shouldn't drink tea drink at night, it can impair sleep. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking freshly brewed strong drink.

Assam tea brewing rules

To prepare tea, it is better to use dishes made of Yixing clay, porcelain or glass. For 200 ml of water, you should not take more than 5 g of tea leaves. The water temperature should not be lower than 80°C, but not higher than 95°C. The leaves are poured with hot water by one third so that they reveal all the aroma, after a few minutes water is added to 1/3 of the teapot, and after a while the teapot is filled to the brim.

Tea needs to be infused. The fact that it is brewed correctly can be judged by the foam formed on the surface. It can not be removed, it contains essential oils and useful material. You can gently mix the resulting drink and start pouring into cups. Or pour some of the drink into a clean container and pour it back into the kettle.

To feel the beauty of Assam tea, you need to drink it without the addition of sweeteners and flavors. Sweets lovers can try this tea with dried fruits: figs, dates, dried apricots.

A mug of black tea after a meal has become an enduring tradition for many. Tea from the Indian province of Assam has a rich, rich taste and a mild effect on the body. The drink is good in its pure form and with milk, it tones up, helps to wake up, strengthens blood vessels, and even slows down aging.

The unique range of taste of Assam black tea

Among the black Indian teas, tea from the province of Assam stands apart. Tart and strong, rich and bright - this is just a small fraction taste features Assam black tea. Initially, wild tea trees were found in the province in the 19th century, from the leaves of which a strong infusion with a long aftertaste was obtained. Tree shoots were planted on tea plantations in Assam, gradually the region became the first in the world in terms of tea production.

The province has a hot, humid climate, with fertile land, through which the Brahmaputra River flows. Tea is harvested twice a year - in summer and autumn. The summer harvest is valued more: the leaves at this time are larger and juicier. However, not all tea from Assam has high quality. The province is divided into two regions - Upper, where they produce elite varieties, and Nizhny, where fine and medium leaf tea is produced.

Main characteristics

Distinctive features of Indian tea Assam:

  • Infusion: medium-sized leaves with golden veins, tightly rolled.
  • Infusion: bright brown, thick.
  • Aroma: honey malt with chocolate-nut and fruit-berry notes.
  • Taste: silky, rich and rich, but without excess and bitterness. Creamy sweetness with malty-fruity overtones.

How to brew

They drink Indian Assam tea in its pure form or add tea leaves to tea compositions. Combine with milk, sugar or lemon. In England, the drink is the main element of the traditional morning breakfast tea.

Black tea reveals its taste most fully when brewed in porcelain teapot. fresh and pure water, bottled or filtered - best base for a drink.

By changing the time of infusion, you will get different shades of the taste of the drink. When used with milk, it is permissible to increase the exposure of the initial infusion to 7 minutes.

Store Assam black tea in a tightly sealed container, away from foreign odors and moisture. A tin can is best for storing tea leaves.

Beneficial features

A mug of Indian Assam tea energizes, awakens, tones and stimulates mental abilities. The drink contains vitamins of groups B, C and trace elements. Calms the nervous system, relieves headaches.

Let's highlight the main properties of tea:

  • Tones. The drink contains caffeine, which invigorates and helps to wake up, even with a lack of sleep. However, caffeine has side effects- it can cause irritability and nervousness, disrupt the heart rhythm. Do not drink more than 5 cups of black tea per day, do not drink a strong infusion at night.
  • Cancer prevention. Thanks to high content antioxidants, the drink fights free radicals and protects the body from oxygen oxidation processes. Women have a reduced risk of ovarian cancer, and men have a lower risk of lung cancer. But there was no positive result from taking tea in patients with cancer of the stomach and intestines, breast cancer.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and heart. Tea flavonoids lower cholesterol levels, cleanse blood vessels, make arteries stronger - all this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Slows down aging. The tea reaches almost complete fermentation - this enriches it with polyphenols, which have proven effective against senile dementia.

Reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. Regular caffeine consumption lowers the risk of Parkinson's disease. To do this, it is enough for women to drink 1-2 cups of Assam tea per day, for men - 2-4.
