
School lunch. What to put in a lunch box

More and more children take snacks to school, and sometimes lunch - food in school canteens still leaves much to be desired. And every time at the beginning of the school year, mothers puzzle over what food to put in a lunch box for a child. What combination of products would be optimal? What to cook to make it convenient for a child to eat food from a container? Is it possible to prepare food for school with a supply and how to store it? Recipes for children of famous chefs Olga Syutkina and Maria Kudryashova answer all these questions.

Not a single even the coolest specialist in baby food will not be able to advise what exactly your child needs, how to feed him correctly. Everything is very individual - what the child loves, what he is used to in the family. It is the family that is the guideline in the formation of taste habits. Including the most important of them - there are quality products, Tasty food and take good care of your health.

This habit is laid from childhood, from the very first spoons of porridge, soup or vegetable puree. And when the child grows up, they will allow you to clearly make a choice: eat a slice of pizza on the go or give preference homemade soup and cutlet. For those who care about what a child eats at school, here are our tips and recipes.

What to put in a child's lunch box

Taking food in a box with you to school, lovingly packed by your mother or grandmother, is no better way to take care of your child's health. Only you can know what he likes, what he will eat at school with pleasure, and what he will return back without touching.

And there is a must at school. The body lives only on food. Nutrition and energy require the brain, which carries enormous loads. And breakfast at home is obligatory - this child will have enough for 2-3 lessons in order to feel comfortable and learn school material well.

In the lunch box to school, there must certainly be a bakery product - bread, pie, spring roll, muffin, muffin, quiche or mini pizza. Definitely animal or vegetable protein. Fresh vegetables, berries or fruits. And, of course, the child should enjoy a piece of dessert - homemade cookies or candy.

A bottle with fruit drink or compote is a must. But it is absolutely useless for the drink to be sweet. Dried fruit compote, rose hips, sea buckthorn - all these drinks can be prepared without sugar. Now there is an active fight against excessive consumption sweet children. This is correct, but it is impossible to completely exclude sweets from the diet, everything should be in moderation and in reasonable quantities.

Before proceeding with the recipes, a few tips for must-have products, not requiring pre-cooking. Almost all children love to nibble on carrots - cut them into long sticks. To match carrots - cucumbers. It is better not to cut lettuce or cabbage leaves into small strips, but to put leaves that are convenient to “take in hand”. A turnip, a pumpkin, celery stalks will do - everything that a child drags from you "from under the knife." Berries are better strong and pitted - blueberries, currants, grapes. Fruits - apples, pears, bananas, tangerines - should always be in a child's lunch box.

So let's start with bakery products. Perhaps the most convenient option for a child - to take it in hand and not get dirty - will be a pita roll or pita bread with stuffing.

Lavash can, of course, be bought ready-made, but it’s still better to cook it yourself, and at once for several servings. You will only need to decide what you will wrap in it.

What do you need:

  • 3 art. wheat flour BC (can be replaced with 30% whole wheat flour)
  • 1 st. hot water- 55-60 degrees
  • 1/2 st. spoons of salt
  • thick-bottomed frying pan
  • 1 integer chicken fillet
  • 70 ml yogurt or kefir
  • paprika (and any spices the child likes)
  • vegetable oil

How to cook lavash

  1. Dissolve salt in water. Make a well in the flour and add salt and water. Knead a stiff dough.
  2. Cover the dough with cling film and let rest for about 40 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into 12 parts weighing 60 g. Roll up and cover with foil.
  4. Place the pan on a slightly above medium heat.
  5. Roll out each blank in thin lavash. It is more convenient to do this with a thin rolling pin. To make the pita bread even and round, roll it from the middle to the edges, each time unfolding the workpiece. Lavash thickness should be no more than 2 mm.
  6. Fry pita bread on one side for 1 minute, make sure that it does not burn. Turn over and cook for another half minute.
  7. Transfer to a wooden board, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel.
  8. Cool the pita bread, transfer with baking paper and store in freezer. Defrost before use.

How to prepare stuffing for pita bread

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into slices and beat off. Salt, sprinkle with paprika and pour over yogurt. Mix and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillet on both sides. Remove from the pan, cool and cut into strips.
  3. Wrap in pita bread with vegetables and lettuce.
  4. Can be frozen. Put in a lunch box from the refrigerator.

What do you need:

  • 260 g flour
  • 1 st. baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 230 ml milk


  • 1 st. spoon butter
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 100 g feta cheese, cut into small cubes
  • 1 teaspoon dried Provence herbs

Options: add 100 g finely chopped and boiled cauliflower, or 100 g grated coarse grater carrots, or 50 g of cauliflower and carrots.

How to cook muffins

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in a frying pan with the addition of butter until golden color.
  3. Remove, cool and add finely diced feta and herbs. If adding cauliflower and carrots, add everything to the cheese, onions and herbs. Mix. You can sprinkle with a little freshly ground black pepper if you like.
  4. In a bowl, mix the sifted flour, baking powder and salt.
  5. In another bowl, lightly beat in the egg and add the milk. Add onions, feta, carrots. Mix.
  6. Pour in milk-egg mixture into flour and mix as thoroughly as possible, but quickly.
  7. Arrange in molds, if the child likes - grease with an egg, slightly beaten with a tablespoon of milk.
  8. Bake 20 minutes until golden brown. Cool down. Can be frozen.

What do you need:

  • 200 g water
  • 100 g butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 120 g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g bacon or ham
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 5-6 sprigs of parsley or dill

How to make buns

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and butter cut into small cubes. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Slightly reduce the heat and add all the flour, stirring vigorously. Mix until the dough forms into a ball and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove from heat and let cool slightly - 10-15 minutes.
  2. Stir in the eggs one at a time, whisking each time until smooth.
  3. Cut bacon or ham into small cubes, grate cheese on fine grater, chop the greens and add to the dough. Mix.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  5. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. With help pastry bag or two tablespoons put the dough on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake 35 minutes. Cool before use. Can be frozen.

Apple marshmallow, recipe

What do you need:

  • 2 cups puree baked apples(Antonovka or other sour apples)
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 squirrels
  1. Whole apples are baked in the oven at 180 degrees until fully prepared- softness. Baking time depends on the size of the apples.
  2. Cool slightly and use a spoon to transfer the pulp to a blender and mix until puree. Add sugar and stir. Cool puree with sugar completely.
  3. Turn on the oven to heat up to 80 degrees.
  4. Add egg whites one at a time to the cooled puree and beat at high speed until white, lush mass and increase in volume by 2-3 times.
  5. Line the mold with baking paper. The mold should be of such a size that the prepared mass lies in a layer of about 3 cm.
  6. Put the prepared mass in a mold and put in the oven for 6 hours.
  7. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips, sprinkle powdered sugar and store in a tightly closed jar.

What do you need:

  • 200 g premium wheat flour
  • 500 ml cold milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

Apple filling:

  • 3 sweet and sour apples
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • zest of 1 orange
  1. Peel apples and cut into small cubes. Put apples in a pan, add sugar and add zest. Fry over medium heat with open lid before caramelizing the apples. Cool down.
  2. Place 1 heaping tablespoon on pancake apple filling and wrap.
  3. The pancakes are frozen. Can be reheated in a frying pan with the addition of butter.

Olga Syutkina author's blog
Maria Kudryashova author's blog


11.09.2017 14:29:11

Then we switched to lavash rolls - lavash, soft cheese, cut chicken breast, iceberg lettuce there, sprinkle with curry and cheese sauce.

Apples - beautifully halves lie with a carved inside, you can put a pear in the same place.

Oh, and a thermos of tea. And some sweetness.

She even takes her daughter to college - much better than standing in line for half an hour or running out into the street. Well, pocket money is better spent not on low-quality food in public catering.

A mess with marshmallow for 6 hours, frying onions for incomprehensible salty muffins ... That's all kind of reasonable, but too much. WITH general principles and I agree with the photo - pancakes, pita bread, quiche mish carrots, yes. cauliflower- only for lovers, and it is inconvenient to eat it, it gets dirty, crumbles, wet ..
And I categorically did not like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting bread from the freezer, defrosted. The whole point of baking is lost. Chopped Apples are not good with other products, they are windy and wet. They are good for sportsmen, along with citrus fruits and without bread neighbors. so that it does not lie in the box for a long time.
What I put in: carrots, quiche mish, cherry tomatoes, plums, nuts, Chinese cabbage (juicy middle of the leaf), pita bread with melted cheese, packed cookies or shock. a bar sometimes, marmalade, dried apricots, prunes (my dates do not like).

Comment on the article "What food to take to school? 4 lunch boxes for children, recipes"

Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception of guests, selection of products. There will be a charity fair at the school, fundraising for the orphanage. Better all at once. The kids are sure to love something.


You think logically. Everyone there will sell baked goods. Everyone bought everything. They want water. And you take and bring five-liter drinks with cups and sell them at a higher price. Everyone will buy, especially towards the end. When everyone is fed up. This is how I earned about 300 out of 100 rubles. Very profitable. we will do this every year

01/22/2019 05:13:55 PM, Someone

At our school, pizza is most often bought quickly.

Take your child to school for lunch? ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menus and There is a need to give the child a lunch with him to school. There are lunches at the school itself, but she refuses to eat them.


I'm more worried about the fact that many put all sorts of immunele and boiled chicken.. but if I cook and lay it all down at 7-7.30 in the morning and the child has lunch at 13-14, then in a warm school all this will go bad without a refrigerator.
On the topic ... yesterday I discovered a recipe for lazy khachapurei ... I’ve been cooking right in the morning and in the tray while the child is going.

I did it half size.

Hard cheese (grated) - 200 g
Dill (greens) - 100 g
Chicken egg - 2 pcs
Sour cream - 200 g
Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. (for frying)

Mix everything without fanaticism put on a heated pan. Fry under the lid, turn over to fry on open frying pan. A total of about 12 minutes on both sides until golden brown.

I buy disposable containers in bulk. Ate - threw away. Children and husband take food with them. Filling:
1. I bake meat: roast beef, pork chop, turkey fillet in herbs. I usually do this in the evening the day before. I cut into pieces. I can put children on bread. Husband with a salad from a mountain of vegetables. At work he has oil and spices
2. Chicken breast Grilled. duck breast. Cutlets like in a hamburger, flat. I wrap it in disposable hamburger pockets and collect it on a bun lettuce leaves, St. tomatoes-cucumbers, cutlet. I've been doing this since morning.
3. Now there were many vegetables available, I made grilled vegetables. Mine love peppers, they are delicious and cold.
4. Puff pastry pies: if you are too lazy to mess around, ready puff pastry, thinly cut potatoes into circles on it, red fish on top, salt, cover with a second layer of dough. Grease with an egg, 30-40 minutes in the oven at 180 gr. Vegetables are also for the pie, children love sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpeppers, carrots, cucumbers
5. Curd casserole. This is for children, my husband eats only for breakfast
6 pancakes with meat. And again vegetables.
I usually have a meal plan on Friday with me for the next week. I buy everything necessary products and I think over what I cook the day before, and what in the morning.
Also look at the book by Vysotskaya Ssoboyka - there are interesting food solutions with you!

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and This is harmful. And for overweight children - even more so 09/09/2015 17:34:30, Snow Bird. 5 snack ideas: simple recipes along with the children. What to give a child for a snack in ...

At school, they are not allowed to eat it, the guys bring treats home. My children rarely drink juice, and when they come home, there is water and tea at hand, so there is a “pie” left from the edible. What can be brought interesting and individually packaged for each child?


Options: chewing marmalade bags, nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts or a mixture), salted straws (children usually love it), tangerine, kazinaki, Kinder chocolate bar or Kinder slice (similar slices like Zdraivers, Stripes, etc.), marshmallow pigtail, muesli-batochik , nougat bar (delicious Sochi and Smurfs with natural berries), as already mentioned portion-packed marshmallows, cookies from Dixie and gingerbread from the Private Gallery, white ones. There is a cool yummy - Frustika's apple slices-chips, I saw them at the Crossroads, a bag of 50 rubles is quite large. Both useful and very tasty.

nuuuu, there is also drop dead delicious and healthy churchkhela factory, but it is 150 rubles a piece ... :)

I myself buy either Twix, or Mars, or Snickers - I don’t put juice

Do you pack a lunchbox for school? What do you most often give your child as a snack? Maybe it's time to get creative? We share ideas.


How to assemble a lunchbox for a student

  • When packing snacks for your child to school, remember the Rule of 2 "NO": "no" to strong smells and "no" to garbage.
  • Consider as much as possible taste preferences child. Accustom to new products gradually, “hide” them in dishes.
  • Alternate foods for a snack so that the same dishes do not get bored.


  • All vegetables and fruits must be washed.
  • Food should be tasty when not reheated.
  • Sealed packaging, but so that the child can open it effortlessly on their own. It is convenient to use containers with compartments.


  • For packaging products, it is better to use not bags, but foil.
  • Everything you can, cut and pack small portioned pieces to be eaten in one or two bites.
  • Be sure to take care of wet wipes.
  • Teach the student to wash their hands before eating (not always possible) or treat them with a special disinfectant liquid.
  • Do not forget about drinking (a separate bottle-flask or a small bag of juice with a straw).

1. Fruits and berries

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when asked what to give your child to school is an apple. But often children do not want to take this useful fruit, they say that they don’t have time to eat for a break. There is a way out! The apple needs to be cut, and so as not to turn black and lose its attractive appearance, pour over boiling water and connect the halves with an elastic band.


Do you know why a whole apple is healthier than a cut or grated one?

Many people think that the cut of an apple turns brown because the iron in it oxidizes. Actually it is not.
Polyphenols are oxidized vegetable pigments which are powerful natural antioxidants. They are very useful for the body, but it is in an unoxidized form. That is why eating a whole apple is healthier than a sliced ​​or grated one.

Banana is a fairly high-calorie and vitamin-rich fruit. For school snack fits perfectly. The only caveat is that it quickly turns black when squeezed and when stored cut.

Fruit skewers, canapés on skewers are just a godsend for a school snack. You don’t even need to take anything with your hands - take it off with your teeth little piece and all.

Very convenient to take as a snack fruit puree in special packaging. Even a spoon is not needed, and at any time you can screw on the lid and finish eating at a convenient time, for example, at the next break.

2. Sandwiches

Why not grab a sandwich? Experiment with shapes and fillings, the "baby" will be full and full of energy.


Curly molds, toaster, peanut paste, fruits, vegetables, nuts. You can discuss with the student in the evening, “whom and with what” he wants to eat tomorrow after a math or Russian lesson. Brutal appetite will help to satisfy the "brutal sandwiches". To eat an elephant is not to kill some half-dead worm there.


The basis for a sandwich can be a pancake.


By the way, sandwiches do not have to be made from flour products. Place the cereal, nut, etc. filling between the round apple slices.


3. Nuts and dried fruits


On the day you need to eat a handful of nuts, they are “batteries” for the brain. Arrange your favorite treats in the cells.


Hearty and healthy snack - bars with muesli, nuts and dried fruits.

4. Yoghurt

If the room is not very hot, you can safely give a snack dairy products. The only thing worth taking care of is airtight convenient packaging and a disposable spoon.


Lay the ingredients in advance in layers in a small container (so that the child can eat at a time), cover with a lid. For such a snack, fresh or frozen fruits and berries, cereals, nuts are perfect. Without mixing, layer yogurt, fruit, cereals, etc. Instead of yogurt, you can fill one layer with whipped cream from a can.

5. Cheese

Cheese is a product rich in calcium, protein and vitamins. He belongs in the school lunchbox. If the child does not want to eat cheese in pieces, “hide” it in sandwiches or fruit skewers on skewers.

6. Vegetables

It’s more difficult with vegetables for a snack, but if you teach a child, he will take it. In extreme cases, "hide" in sandwiches. Pieces of carrots, sweet peppers, cucumbers, leaf salad, Chinese cabbage.

7. Smoothies

No cola or tap water! You can give non-carbonated water, uzvar, compote, fruit drink with you.


Great option vitamin drink is a smoothie. Prepare juice from fresh vegetables and fruit and give the child to school.

Do your kids take snacks to school with them? How do you fold a lunchbox? What foods do you prefer to give your child to school?

Sibling rivalry.

The golden rule for parents - do not compare children with each other. And give everyone your affectionate nickname.

A healthy and fortified diet is the key to a good development of the child. Unfortunately, school menu does not always meet the needs child's body. It is deficient in vitamins and minerals, and the bland taste and unloved foods often cause children to forego canteen food in favor of buffet buns. But there is a useful tasty alternative- homemade lunch or breakfast brought to school.

Lunch box - convenient and appetizing

The main problem of homemade breakfasts and lunches is not their appetizingness, but the banal embarrassment of schoolchildren to get their “reserves” in front of classmates. For children, especially younger ones, it is very important not to be a black sheep and act in the same way as the majority.
Lunch box solves the problem of unappetizing looking home dinner. But in the case of homemade food there is one simple solution: ditch the many bagged containers and buy a cute lunch box that looks attractive, doesn't take up much space, and saves appearance dishes.

Lunch boxes have many compartments that prevent food from mixing and turning into porridge. And in more expensive models there are even thermal modes that keep food warm. It may also make sense to buy a small and colorful thermos with a lunch box if your child likes to drink tea or warm cocoa.

What should be a student's breakfast?

What is required from parents so that the child is happy to eat food brought from home at school? In fact, not so much: go meet your child and choose those foods and dishes that he likes to compete with buns and chips from the buffet. In addition, it is desirable that breakfast or lunch is mobile, that is, it can be held in the hand or at least eaten without using a knife.

Finally, it is obvious that large portions cannot be put in a lunch box, so all foods must be nutritious and rich in vitamins at the same time. For example, an apple is a wonderful and healthy fruit, but it has the peculiarity of awakening the appetite. IN this case this is a big minus, so it is better to prefer a banana to an apple, which is quite high in calories and fortified, and at the same time you can eat it without fear of getting dirty.

Sandwiches and rolls

The roll is more nutritious and richer in vitamins, compared to a regular sandwich. A sandwich is the easiest solution for school breakfast. It does not take up much space and is always among the favorite snacks for children. It can be made really useful if you use two pieces whole grain bread, cheese, lettuce, pieces of vegetables and boiled chicken or beef. But there is another popular way today to turn a sandwich into a more nutritious and valuable one. vitamin composition dish - wrap the roll. Just put all the same filling in pita bread. The difference is that you will have room for an abundant vegetable salad and more meat. So, an ordinary sandwich becomes solid and healthy dish, and even a first grader can eat it without spilling the contents.

Vegetables and fruits

In other sections of the lunch box, it is best to put vegetables and fruits. As is known, this main source vitamins, and plant food missing in school meals organized in the dining room. The difficulty is that most children do not really like vegetable salads, and sour cream or butter dressing also makes them a perishable dish. This situation can be circumvented if the lunch box is packed not with a salad, but with vegetable “sticks” that are fashionable today - longitudinally sliced ​​carrots, cucumbers, celery. Toddlers love to dip them in sauce and don't perceive them as fast food. Prepare the sauce at home too, but put it in a separate small and airtight package.

Fruits are best given to the student whole, because when cut, their appearance quickly deteriorates. Banana is the best choice - a great source of B and E vitamins, as well as easy-to-peel tangerines and a few seedless grapes.

For dessert

Schoolchildren often buy something sweet at the school cafeteria, usually a muffin or chocolate for tea. To avoid this far from the most healthy snack cook delicious and healthy dessert in advance. It's easiest to make small ones. air cupcakes(muffins) from flour and bran with pieces fresh fruit as a filling.

Many parents prefer to whip curd cream, also adding fruits to it, and serve the resulting mass between two long cookies. As a result, the child finds a very tasty cake in his lunch box.

Canteen drinks

It is better to give the child with you to school mineral water without gas or two small boxes of juice if he likes carbonated drinks and can buy them at the buffet. But also for breakfast it is recommended to add a bottle drinking yogurt, kefir or milkshake. Of course, ideally, yogurt should be homemade, but in conditions of lack of time, it can also be replaced with store-bought, just pick up a product without preservatives and dyes. Compote will also become good option, but, as a rule, you can easily buy it in the school cafeteria for little money.

Again will wonder - . After all, I want it to be satisfying, healthy and tasty. And so that school food, both in the canteen and brought from home, gives a sufficient supply of energy and strength to the growing body. We offer you non-standard, but very delicious ideas that will please everyone.

Zhenya Gorozhankina
food blogger

Children in schools, of course, are fed and sometimes even well fed. However, the growing organism dictates its own laws, and children, even at breakfast and lunch at school, often feel hungry. - no way out: giant queues in the dining room and endless fast carbohydrates- that's all you need to know about the opportunity to buy something for yourself in the dining room. Exit - cooked at home.

There are different. With one compartment, with two or three, separated by partitions - you can always find an option that will satisfy both the child and the parent. Also useful silicone molds for muffins, in which you can separately put cookies, nuts, dried fruits, sweets so that they do not mix. It seems that the most understandable and convenient product for a lunchbox is a sandwich. However, there are still a lot of options: sweet and, rolls and rolls, which are conveniently cut into portions.

Set 1: chickpeas, bell peppers and fruit

Arrange the chickpea balls in the compartments of the lunchbox, Bell pepper, cut into strips, and for dessert, put the child plums or grapes.

Lunchbox Recipes: Baked Chickpea Balls

  • Soak 250 grams of chickpeas overnight, and boil until tender in the morning (from 40 minutes).
  • Mix boiled, finely chopped small onion in a blender. Add to this mixture chopped parsley, a pinch of dry coriander, a little white pepper, turmeric, salt, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, a teaspoon lemon juice- be guided by the taste of the child.
  • Mix the whole mass well. If the mass came out too dry, add a little water.
  • From this mixture, blind small identical balls and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Chickpea balls are non-greasy and easy to take by hand.

Set 2: sandwich, vegetables, biscuits, dried fruits and nuts

Fold into one compartment of a lunchbox cut in half or more small pieces, and in another - vegetables cut into cubes: cucumber, carrot or sweet pepper. Put in the third compartment silicone mold in which you put small dried fruits and nuts. Put kozinaki and small cookies next to it.

Recipes for lunchbox: with cheese and boiled pork

  • Put a lettuce leaf on a slice of whole grain bread (you don’t need to grease the bread with sauce so that it doesn’t get soggy. But you can grease it with soft creamy or even melted cheese).
  • Place a slice of cheese, a slice of boiled pork, another slice of cheese and lettuce on a lettuce leaf.
  • Cover with the other half of the bread and place in the lunchbox compartment.

Set 3: chicken roll with cottage cheese, nutella and banana roll

Such a set for a child's lunchbox turns out to be quite satisfying and tasty, because it consists of two types of rolls: with chicken and banana and nutella. Children will gobble up such a lunch with great pleasure. You can also complement the snack with peeled oranges, tangerines or other seasonal fruits.

Lunchbox Recipes: Baked and Grainy Cottage Cheese

  • Roll out the defrosted sheet of puff pastry with a rolling pin, but so that it is not very thin. Cut into strips 15 cm wide.
  • Lay out on a test strip granular cottage cheese(it is important that it be without liquid), finely chopped raw carrots, spinach leaves or a little Chinese cabbage and pre-baked or boiled chicken, skinless, shredded.
  • Gently roll the dough with the filling into a medium-thick roll, cut it into small pieces.
  • Place cut side up on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes or until done.

Lunchbox Recipes: Nutella Banana Roll

The second component of the lunchbox is rolls with nutella and banana.

  • Grease a sheet of pita bread with Nutella, put a whole banana and roll up.
  • It also needs to be cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • Place the roll pieces in the other compartment of the lunchbox.

Set 4: sushi with cucumber, hard cheese and small biscuits

Put the cucumber in the child's lunchbox, and fill the rest of the space with carrots, cucumber, pieces of hard cheese and small Zoological type cookies.

Lunchbox Recipes: Cucumber Sushi

  • Boil the sushi rice according to package instructions.
  • Fill it up rice vinegar, stir, let cool slightly.
  • Put a thin layer of rice, cucumber, cut into cubes on a sheet of nori, and roll up the roll using a bamboo mat.
  • Cut into small portions and put it in a lunchbox.

Set 5: spring roll with chicken, fruits, nuts and crackers

Rolls can be made in the morning from already prepared products or the day before, and the rest of the lunchbox compartments can be filled in the morning. It can be plums, grapes, slices of banana in a peel, small apples and so on. Also suitable biscuit cookies, crackers, nuts and dried fruits.

Lunchbox Recipes: Chicken Spring Roll

  • For spring rolls with chicken, bake or boil the chicken fillet, and cut into cubes.
  • It can also be cut into thin strips and quickly fried in a pan: heat a little oil, add chopped garlic and ginger (they will not be needed later), cook for a couple of minutes, add a teaspoon of fish and oyster sauces and fry for another minute.
  • 50 grams thin rice vermicelli soak in boiling water for five minutes. Then drain, rinse cold water and add a tablespoon of rice vinegar.
  • Cut thinly cucumber, carrot, Chinese cabbage.
  • Each leaf rice paper moisten with water, transfer to a work surface, put vegetables, vermicelli, chicken pieces in the center, a couple of sprigs of fresh mint and cilantro, sprinkle with sweet chili sauce for spring rolls (just a little bit) and roll the roll, tucking the edges inward.
  • Line the bottom of the lunchbox cling film, spread the rolls on it and cover them with a film on top so that the rolls do not dry out during the day.

Lunchbox Drinks: Banana Smoothie

Well, where without drinks. They can be alternated: tea (cold in a bottle in summer, hot in a thermos in winter), juice, yogurt or banana cocktail.

Lunchbox Recipes: Banana Smoothie

  • In a blender bowl, put a banana cut into pieces (you can freeze it in summer), 3-4 tablespoons of thick Greek yogurt, 150 ml of milk (sugar, vanilla, cinnamon - to taste).
  • Whisk everything thoroughly and pour into a suitable container.

With such fun and creative snack ideas to put in a school lunch box, your child will be more likely to ask for food to go. And you will be absolutely calm about his food at school.

I want to continue the theme of collecting lunches for schoolchildren, which will definitely be eaten.

How to start collecting lunch

Make a plan

Every evening you can prepare some of the components launch Box A: freeze some water, yogurt or juice; peel carrots and even boil pasta or beans. Then in the morning you can leisurely and with pleasure aesthetically decorate the box with lunch.

Stock up on the essentials: bag or lunch box

Believe me, it is not necessary to pack everything in a boring plastic box and stick a worn-out plastic bag to your child.

Exists great amount stylish solutions (after all, not only your teenager throws away lunches, this is a problem of all well-fed countries).

For junior classes

Suitable bright plastic lunch boxes with pictures of superheroes, cars and other equipment - for boys. And with princesses, butterflies, flowers (and maybe also with cars) - for girls.

The so-called bento boxes are ideal, in which food is not mixed, but lies in separate cells. This is the easiest and fastest way beautiful presentation school lunch.

You can buy such a bento box, as well as egg molds, appliances and sauce containers in Ukraine, here on this site.

For high school

There may be several directions, it all depends on the taste of your child. You can choose a bag in a very minimalist style, denim, vintage or glamorous. I really liked the leather bags in the form of a regular lunch bag. I will definitely buy one for myself!

Lunch bags are very different. It can be a simple comfortable and durable bag without compartments or a bag with many different pockets and compartments inside - for cutlery, spices, napkins and other things.

Also, in addition to the function of transferring products, a bag or box can support desired temperature (look for insulated bags) - keep cold and warm (more on this below).

Think, The best way pick up such a thing - look through the pictures with your son or daughter and buy the decision you like in your budget. Enter queries into the search.

Additional chips

These are optional, but still highly desirable elements of the school lunch.

This includes interesting appliances, napkins, stickers and notes.

In the article about lunch products, I already mentioned that solid ingredients it is better to cut smaller, for example, cubes. In this case, they are easier to eat, you can mix, enjoy with friends. They are convenient to prick on a fork and dip in sauce or even eat with chopsticks.

You can provide such a meal with wooden utensils or chopsticks if the child knows how to use them.

Napkins for lunch

As for napkins, there are also a lot of options. You can choose ordinary paper napkins, matching them in color to the box itself or even to the products. You can buy both bright, with superheroes, and neutral ones - pastel or checkered. And there are absolutely fantastic ones, for example, like this one:

Another great trick with napkins is to sew or make to order. Sewing is easy, but it requires a sewing machine.

Here again, space for the manifestation of your imagination: buy your favorite color of cotton or chintz fabric, cut it into squares and hem the edges so that they do not fray. You can create a small patchwork quilt, attach a note, or write something.

In order to find ideas or buy napkins, enter a request.

Sometimes a solution with linen napkins with frayed edges can fit in perfectly - this is for a rustic dinner.

Lunch box stickers

Stickers are a very cool solution that helps the student to navigate where everything is, as well as protecting him from the malicious comments of his classmates. How is this possible, you ask?

Very simple. A note about what is inside is glued to a stylish box or bag healthy food. The note proudly states that the child is not shy about such food, leads a healthy lifestyle and is proud of it.


These are small cards or napkins, scraps of fabric on which mom and dad can write any wishes and reminders to the child. This is always a pleasant surprise: you open it, and there: “Hi, we are proud of you, today you opened and ate your lunch and we are just happy!”. There are still additional chances that the student will rush to check what these entertaining parents put there today.

Of course, the content of the notes should be different from day to day. And for each age and child - its own. Even if you have twins or twins, write them different wishes!

And after they return from school, you can discuss who got what and how they liked it.

For older people, it seems to me, this version of the note is suitable:“Dear son! By opening this lunch, you saved us 20 hryvnias. We put them in your account, from which we can withdraw them at the end of the month and spend them wherever you want.” Well, or something like that.

You can download templates for such notes on the Internet, for example,. Many more options can be found upon request.

In general, it is also a great way to learn languages. For example, you can list everything that is in the box in English.


There is simply no limit to the ingenuity of mothers! They lay out food so that sometimes it's hard to believe that the baby will want to eat his new friend. I won't gouge your eyes out with pictures of Asian bento boxes. I like more modest mothering efforts, like this:


I can’t find an analogue in Russian, but what these things have in common is a cutting surface.

If you're in a hurry or your imagination is tight (I can't believe there's Pinterest, Etsy, amazon!), buy cookie cutters.

You will be surprised, but with these molds you can cut anything from anything (if you sharpen it well). If serious, the most suitable foods for carving are cheese, bread, fruits and vegetables. Just remember to sprinkle fruits like banana and apple with lemon juice so they don't darken.


They are also varied, they can squeeze something on bread (if heated) and fruits and vegetables, which are softer. Stamps can also be used as a stencil to draw something on bread, for example. You can draw with anything: chocolate, colored icing, jam, juice.

Search in search engines or on Amazon sandwich cutter (~$7), vegetable cutter(~$9 on Amazon depending on difficulty) , cookie stamp(~$5 on Amazon) . Very big choice such items for decorating lunch boxes are presented at amazon.com.


Another trick - for the smallest - these are small egg containers with funny animals. Not only can eggs be carried in them, after the child opens the container, a funny muzzle will remain on the egg!

Incredibly, an egg can turn out not only with a muzzle, but also in the form of a star, it is so malleable. In order to find such a miracle on amazon.com, you need to search for egg mold (it costs about $5 - $7 on Amazon)

Preservation of heat and cold

Below I will provide methods and links to the appropriate equipment in Ukrainian online stores. If you live in another country, I’m sure you will find the same ones, since the manufacturers are foreign and most likely, all of them are definitely in amazon.


Here, as I said, you can use something frozen (yogurt, water, juice), pick upthermal bagor buy specialcold accumulator .

Heat preservation

This task will helpfood thermoses . The choice is quite large - for every taste and budget. Since you will most likely not be giving your child a few liters of soup to go,thermo mug. The main conditions are a wide neck, sealed lid and cool looks.

Everything at once

A practical solution for all cases (preservation of heat, cold, food container and appliances) also exists -isothermal lunchbox. The solution is simpler - gel heat / cold battery.Depending on your needs, you dip it in boiling water or cool it, and then put it in your lunch bag.

Just such a battery, in my opinion - perfect solution. You can use it for different bags and containers, and if you buy two of them, you can keep warm somewhere and cold somewhere. It's amazing!

For those who have reached the end of this article, I want to summarize!

Making a cool lunch box is quite possible. To do this, you just need to surf the Internet for a bit (I have already done half the work for you!), consult with your child and husband / wife and buy the necessary attributes. It seems to me (although I can’t judge from my own experience) that a schoolboy will surely eat such a lunch. I would definitely eat.

Of course, it all depends on the child, the order in his school and his environment. It is important here (as I again assume) to show your parent example. Carry boxes with you to the gym, teach children to healthy lifestyle life. It's great that now there are so many opportunities for this.

As always, it will be great if you share your experience in this difficult matter in the comments. What works with your kids and what doesn't?
