
Oatmeal cookies benefits and harms. Biscuits: the benefits and harms of low-calorie sweets

Dear mothers, I'm sure you'll find it useful to know. I have no doubt that many already know this and are wary, while the majority knows and forgets, like me, for example. I bought Barney cookies for my son today, yesterday I begged for a “chupik” from a friend ... I don’t want to accustom him to this muck so early, so today, after watching the program about cookies, I thought again, and decided that the later my child tries THIS, the better .

Everything that I managed to outline on a leaf (a repetition can be looked at on the Internet tomorrow), and in some places I expanded the information thanks to open sources.

Rating of bad cookies. It means that if you are like that and will buy for your children, then you need to pay attention to their composition, since the absence of harmful components in the composition is not very easy to find. It also depends on the manufacturer (conscientious and unscrupulous). So, we start from the end, less dangerous and move to the first, most dangerous type of cookie.

5th place - Glazed drying.

It often contains E475 (or Esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids). Used in the food industry as an emulsifier and stabilizer - can cause stomach upset, sorbic acid (food supplement E200) - if eaten often, it can cause allergies. E322 (lecithin, emulsifier) ​​excessive consumption can cause liver disease, indigestion, as well as allergic reactions ... This drying is harmful due to the fact that it is glazed, it can and should be replaced with ordinary drying., "Classic"

4th place - Straw.

The most dangerous straw is a shiny straw, beautiful in appearance, it is given a shine by a special substance with which it is coated, injected after preparation. E524 (Sodium hydroxide) ( E-524 is widely used as a means for cleaning sewer pipes, used in the production of oils and in the manufacture of biodiesel fuel). In the food industry, sodium hydroxide is used as an acidity regulator in the production of ice cream, cocoa, caramel, chocolate, soft drinks.

It is better to choose straws that are not shiny, not “appetizing” in appearance.

3rd place - Oatmeal cookies.(My husband's favorite cookie, childhood flavor)

It often includes E503 (ammonium carbonate), widely used as baking powder in baking. In everyday life, ammonium carbonate has become widespread as ammonia. The main products in which ammonium carbonates are used: various types of cookies, bagels, cakes, bakery products. T

The use of ammonium salts (food additive E503) is allowed in almost all countries, no harm to the human body has been proven. But personally, I somehow don’t really want to eat ammonia, which is also included in the window cleaner))

2nd place - Shortbread. (my favorite!!! It was....)

May contain E527. Ammonium hydroxide (food additive E527) is a weak base, a compound with a pungent odor, formed by a solution of ammonia with water. Represents a great health hazard if used in the manufacture of foods in large proportions. Additive E527 is prohibited in the UK, Australia, New Zealand. E527 is officially approved for use in industry in Russia and Ukraine. When consumed in excess, it causes indigestion and adversely affects the liver. Also in the composition of this cookie may be E322 (see above).

AND First place - ta-dam-tadam - cookies CRACKER(I adored him in my student years, cheap and cheerful)

It turns out that crackers are among the three most dangerous foods in the world (cracker, french fries and chips). Contains palm oil (which is now everywhere), E967 (Xylitol. Sugar substitute) - the occurrence of a laxative effect and increased bile secretion. Also, when abused, it can lead to the development of nephrolithiasis, blood disease and, according to some reports, bladder cancer.

In general, I made the obvious conclusions for myself, firstly, read the composition more often, secondly, try to eat harmful as little as possible, and thirdly, the later the better to feed this (well, not only this), something our grandmothers sat down on the gifts of the granddaughter in the form of sweets.

Some believe that cookies can get better. And others that it does not apply to high-calorie foods. Such as cake, for example. To find out the truth, we studied several new brands together with Svetlana Isaenkova, a nutritionist at the Moscow Beauty and Health Center "La Salute"


Anniversary "Morning Honey with Nuts"

This is a new kind of familiar brand. It has become thin, crispy, with the addition of coarse flour and, perhaps, more useful. But I always say: its composition will help to understand the benefits of the product. And I advise customers to carefully study the composition before making a purchase.

These biscuits are baked from premium wheat flour and contain sugar. Flour and sugar are quickly absorbed and deposited in. It is not good at all that it contains palm oil. This is a saturated oil that settles on the vessels, clogs them and forms plaques.

But there is wholemeal barley flour, which gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. So, you won’t eat a lot of such cookies. I am glad that the additive to increase the shelf life is the emulsifier lecithin (E 322). She is natural. Lecithin renews cells, helps the brain work. But honey, which gives the liver a honey taste, would be quite enough for sweetness. And sugar would no longer be needed.

It's good that the cookies have oatmeal, wheat flakes, dietary fiber, wheat germ flakes. They are good for bowel function. But the Premix of vitamins is not needed at all. This is a synthetic product.

It is better to eat live vitamins from fruits and vegetables than "chemistry". It is not good that there are allergenic foods in cookies: hazelnuts and wheat gluten.


Those who are not inclined to be overweight can treat themselves to 4-5 Jubilee cookies with honey and nuts a day. And overweight women should not eat more than two pieces a day. And that's just for breakfast. If you eat cookies at dinner, then they will be deposited in extra calories.

For those who are losing weight, on the same day, apart from two sweet cookies, you can add a teaspoon of sugar in coffee, a handful of berries and one apple. I do not advise eating such cookies for people prone to allergies, patients with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.

Cracker "Thin thing"

Unfortunately, the Thin Thing: Tomatoes and Peppers cracker was not created for fans of a healthy lifestyle. Because there is a lot of sugar, soda and salt. The composition of the cookies includes invert syrup. This is a sweet product. Why else add sugar to cookies? A large amount of sugar increases the risk of obesity.

And a lot of soda. It is in syrup and added more. You can improve your baking by using healthier products. If you eat such cookies every day and a lot, then soda will upset the acid-base balance. And it can even change the lining of the stomach.

There is also a lot of salt: table food, sea salt, and even tomatoes themselves are salty. Their salty taste alone would be enough. And even more so with spicy herbs: oregano and basil. By the way, in the East, herbs and salted vegetables are added to baking, not salt. It retains fluid in the body, causes thirst and swelling. If biscuit makers were limited to herbs and no salt added, then biscuits would be much healthier.


Don't get carried away with these cookies. It is high-calorie, salty and contains a lot of soda. It can be eaten as a savory addition to unleavened dishes. For example, those who do not salt the main food at all.

Cracker "Cheerfulness" with bran

As I said, premium wheat flour, fine grinding and palm oil are not the best products for health. Therefore, it is good that manufacturers added wheat crackers to the cracker. This means that the cookies will not “be deposited at the waist”. In addition, bran stimulates the intestines and cleanses the body. But as for yeast, it is a pity that their beneficial properties are lost during production. And they become useless for health.


The composition of the cookies is light. But those who follow the figure should not get carried away with it. It contains a lot of fat. The fat content in any product should not exceed 10 g per 100 grams. And in the cracker "Cheerfulness with bran" it is 13.3 grams. This is above the norm.

It would be nice if it were baked from coarsely ground flour of the second grade. In the meantime, so that this cracker is not deposited in fat, I advise you to eat it with vegetables and lettuce. Eat fewer cookies and stay full longer.

Biscuits "Classic" Lyubyatovo

They do not contain dietary fiber. But there are familiar and unhealthy ones: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt. Although in acceptable doses. Without the additives that are included here, industrial baking is difficult to create. But they are of absolutely no use.


When we buy dry biscuits, it seems to us that this is a healthy product. And it's impossible to recover from it. But it is not so. If they contained bran, then it would be difficult to gain weight. And without them, it is an “empty” product that is deposited in fat.

Cracker «Integral Whole Wheat» Delser

In my opinion, these cookies are created for connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. Because it's made from whole wheat flour. Such a product will not be deposited in fat cells. You can eat a lot of it and only benefit. It is a pity, of course, that it contains palm oil. But in acceptable quantities and even slightly below the norm. It is very good that in addition to glucose syrup there is no more sugar. And it's good that there is malt extract - a natural, and therefore a safe flavor enhancer.


Take with you to the office for a snack. Very useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It saturates quickly, is slowly absorbed and is not deposited in fat. But, of course, if you do not get involved in them.

3.4 out of 5

Many of us love cookies since childhood. And, of course, you want to periodically pamper yourself and your family with it. But for people who are on a diet or counting calories, the question of the calorie content of cookies is very important..

Cookies are different, so the calorie content of different types also varies. So, everyone knows that with diets associated with gastrointestinal problems, doctors recommend biscuit cookies, the calorie content of which, by the way, is lower than the calorie content of shortbread cookies. Confectioners distinguish the following main types of cookies: sugar, biscuit, lingering, shortbread, butter, whipped, puff, oatmeal and biscuit.

How many calories in cookies

Any pack or box should indicate how many calories are in the cookies. However, to draw up a preliminary menu and calculate the total number of calories per day, you can focus on the following values.

  • Sugar cookies are porous and fluffy cookies that break easily. It contains 436 kcal, with 9.2 g of protein, 10.2 g of fat and 68.4 g of carbohydrates;
  • The name biscuit speaks for itself, such cookies have a calorie content of 349 kcal, while 3.6 g of proteins, 8.5 g of fat and 64.7 g of carbohydrates;
  • Protracted is made from elastic and elastic dough, its calorie content is 418 kcal, with 8 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 76 g of carbohydrates;
  • Shortbread cookies have a calorie content of 379.1 kcal, (7.2 g of protein, 12.7 g of fat and 59 g of carbohydrates);
  • Butter has a lot of sugar and fat, as well as eggs, therefore, this cookie also has a significantly higher calorie content: 458 kcal (10.4 g of protein, 15.2 g of fat and 76.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • In protein-whipped sweets, 464.6 kcal (total 2.7 g of protein, 25.8 g of fat and 54.7 g of carbohydrates);
  • Puff pastry, for example, beloved by many "Ushki", has a calorie content of 395 kcal, it contains 7.7 g of protein, 14.3 g of fat and 58.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • Calorie content of oatmeal cookies - 437 kcal (6.5 g of proteins, 14.4 g of fat and 71.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • And finally, the calorie content of biscuit cookies is 394.53 kcal, it has 9.45 g of protein, 9.35 g of fat and 66.58 g of carbohydrates;
  • Let's add that Anniversary cookies, beloved by many, have a calorie content of 463 kcal, 7 g of protein, 19 g of fat and 66 g of carbohydrates..

Nobody talks about the complete rejection of cookies, but you don’t need to get involved in them. Knowing the energy value, you can choose the optimal amount for yourself, so that it is both tasty and not harmful. Note that whipped sweets and anniversary cookies have the highest calorie content.

It should be noted that we have given general figures, but often there are various additives and fillings in cookies: chocolate, nuts, fruit and others, all kinds of creams and icing. Of course, they all affect the calorie content of cookies, as well as the content of fats and harmful carbohydrates in it. You should not forget about this, wanting to treat yourself to something delicious.

About the dangers and benefits of cookies

I would like to say a few words in defense of cookies. We are accustomed to consider it a harmful product, and, of course, in large quantities, cookies do nothing but harm. Any species, even those that are considered more useful, like biscuit and oatmeal cookies, have a considerable calorie content. Therefore, it is impossible to absorb them uncontrollably, neither for adults, nor even for children.

However, cookies can also be beneficial: they contain a lot of B and PP vitamins, they are rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, and organic acids. Sometimes pediatricians even recommend giving children cookies as a source of energy. Many varieties are made with the addition of dried fruits, nuts, vitamins, which also benefits.

Unfortunately, we must not forget that some manufacturers make cookies with heavy fatty oil, add chemical additives, dyes with preservatives.

What to do? The conclusion is simple, you can cook cookies yourself. Of course, it is more difficult to calculate the calorie content of such cookies with the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but you will know exactly which ingredients were put there.

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Oatmeal cookies are perhaps the first “adult” treat for a baby. In second place in his preference after parents, grandparents - those who seek to lead a healthy lifestyle.

And the reasons for this are clear: the main ingredient, crushed oatmeal or oatmeal, is famous for its beneficial properties. But is this dessert as healthy as it is commonly believed? What are the benefits and harms of oatmeal cookies? And what is the calorie content of this delicious product?

Moderately sweet, with a bright oatmeal flavor, soft inside and pleasantly crunchy from the edges ... And how can you not love it? The classic oatmeal dessert recipe has a minimum of ingredients: oatmeal and wheat flour, sugar, vegetable and/or animal fats.

The calorie content of such a delicacy is 437 kcal per 100 g.

It is noteworthy that the calorie content of oatmeal alone is 369 kcal per 100 g, which is not so little. From here it is easy to calculate the energy value of the remaining components. And given that manufacturers often add dried fruits, chocolate chips, honey, nuts, candied fruits or spices to the delicacy, it is easy to assume that its final calorie content will be even higher.

We study the benefits

The loud glory of this cookie as a healthy product is primarily due to oatmeal. Indeed, in every oat grain lies the life-giving force of nature itself. The most useful fiber, vitamins H, E, PP, group B, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, copper - this is what ordinary-looking oats are filled with.

In wholemeal flour and products made from it, almost all of these substances are preserved. This means that such cookies will not only crumble with rich shades of taste with each of their crumbs, but also support health in the body.

After all, with regular use of oats (as well as flour from it):

  • supports the work of the cardiovascular system due to the high content of potassium;
  • takes care of the strength of the nervous system;
  • strengthens bone and dental tissue (calcium is responsible for this). This property of oats is especially valuable for children and people of the third age;
  • promotes better blood formation;
  • stimulates the digestive system;
  • gently cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • helps to cope with depression and loss of energy: oats - a well-known natural antidepressant;
  • lowers blood sugar levels thanks to a special component - beta-glucan, also known as soluble fiber;
  • beneficial effect on the liver;
  • reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.

Beware of harm

And yet, despite the obvious benefits, oatmeal cookies can cause unpleasant troubles - of course, if they are abused. One of the reasons for this is the high calorie content of the product. These cookies are treacherously delicious: a hand reaches for one - and suddenly it turns out that the pack is magically empty.

But in addition to healthy oats, it also contains sugar and fats, the calorie content of which is incredibly high. That is why, before opening the package, you should first exercise willpower for those who are overweight and have high blood glucose levels.

Another risk is associated with the formulation of industrially prepared treats. Unfortunately, many manufacturers often add all kinds of stabilizers, dyes, baking powder, preservatives and other culinary chemicals to the dough.

Such cookies cannot be called completely natural and safe for health. Therefore, before lowering the next package of it into the shopping basket, it will be useful to read the composition of the product indicated on it. Especially if the little sweet tooth is waiting for treats at home.

The product is absolutely contraindicated for those who suffer from an allergy to any of the components of oats or from gluten intolerance. Such cookies will bring nothing but harm to these people.

Choosing cookies in the store

A few simple tips will help you choose the most healthy treat and not be disappointed in the purchase:

  • the best biscuits are those that arrive on the shelves in hermetically sealed packaging. In this way, it is possible to preserve its softness and delicate aroma. True connoisseurs of delicacy will never buy it by weight;
  • always check the production date and shelf life of the product. The shorter it is, the less preservatives and artificial additives in the dough;
  • fresh treat - soft in the middle with crispy, brittle edges;
  • it is best to buy oatmeal dessert in a transparent package: this way you can make sure that it is not burnt during baking;
  • if calorie content matters to you, give preference to the classic recipe without any additives.

DIY oatmeal cookies

Of course, you can wander along the racks with sweet pastries for a long time, choosing the “same” cookie with the “same” taste. Meanwhile, it is much more interesting, more pleasant - and more useful - to treat yourself to tea with your own sweets. There are hundreds of recipes and variations, the basis is still the same: wheat and oat flour, butter, sugar, water.

Further - a complete scope for creativity. And most importantly - no preservatives and artificial additives. It is this cookie, made from natural products and with great love, that will heal the body from ailments, and the soul from depression, fatigue and longing.

Among the most delicious inexpensive desserts, the clear favorite is oatmeal cookies. Its unobtrusive taste and high nutritional properties are familiar to everyone since childhood. This delicacy has a low cost, which increases the ratings of its popularity. In addition, such cookies can be easily prepared in any home kitchen.

A bit of history

The Scots invented oatmeal cookies in the 17th century. For two centuries, oatmeal delicacy won the sympathy of consumers on different continents. And he succeeded, because the advantages of the product are obvious:

  • is the ease of preparation;
  • available ingredients;
  • nutritional value.

A product is being prepared from flour obtained from oats - an unpretentious cereal crop that grows everywhere. The authors of this product prepared cookies on hot stones. At first, grain was turned into flour by auxiliary methods, which was diluted with plain water. From the dough obtained in such a simple way, small cakes were rolled out and laid out on the hot surface of the stone. The compatriots of the inventors of the product liked the new dish very much, and soon it appeared on the table of the royal people.

When the First World War broke out, many armies of European countries included oatmeal cookies in dry rations. Its excellent taste and satiety helped the soldiers endure the hardships of military life. Therefore, it is no coincidence that at one time this product was called "soldier's biscuits".

The composition of the product and its caloric value

It is difficult to specify the energy parameters of oatmeal cookies, because different manufacturers, in addition to sugar and margarine, add flavors and other non-harmful components to saturate the taste. All this increases the energy value of products. But on average, 100 grams of a store-bought product contains about 400 kcal. Therefore, even a few pieces of cookies eaten at breakfast will provide the body with energy for the whole day. But the benefits of an oat product are not limited to calories alone. After all, it contains a lot of elements that our body needs so much. Everyone's favorite delicacy contains:
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin component (E, B);
  • trace elements;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids.

All of these components in a single composition have a positive effect on brain function, digestion, improve muscle tone and cheer up.

Useful properties of oatmeal treats

One feature that is characteristic of the oat product should be especially highlighted. Unlike other desserts, after which a person feels heaviness in the stomach and satiety, oatmeal cookies do not give such an effect. Its composition is chosen so organically that it has only a positive effect:

  • normalizes digestive functions;
  • regulates the work of the intestine;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • favorably affects the condition of the skin of the face;
  • perfectly cleanses the body;
  • normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • quickly gives a feeling of fullness;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • activates the production of serotonin.

The last fact explains that oatmeal cookies have a positive effect on the emotional background. This feature is especially pronounced in children. It is worth a child to eat a couple of cookies on the go, and he seems to be charging from a battery: living energy is in full swing and the baby is ready to play indefinitely.

Another outstanding quality of oatmeal cookies, which should be mentioned, is the ability to destroy cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. True, a product prepared in industrial quantities contains a lot of carbohydrates, so diabetics should not use such cookies.

About the dangers of the product

Everything tasty is useful if its use is limited to a certain measure. This rule applies to oatmeal cookies. Due to the high nutritional value, the product is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities by people prone to overweight. Diabetics also need to carefully select the product. For this category of consumers, special dietary varieties of cookies are produced, where instead of sugar, its substitute fructose is present. Those with oily skin should also refrain from eating this delicacy. This rule also applies to those who are allergic to the ingredients of the product.

Oatmeal cookies and diet

Many fans and fans of healthy eating are concerned about the possibility of using oatmeal cookies as a dietary staple. It cannot be answered in one word. After all, this product in its classic version is very high-calorie, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. For this reason, oatmeal cookies can appear on the menu only when you need to quickly satisfy your hunger, relieve fatigue, and add emotional positive. For example, you can eat a few cookies before an exam test or an important meeting. Such a light snack will give strength, activate the brain. Oatmeal cookies can replace breakfast when it is not possible to cook a full meal. These are all situational cases, but you should not build a diet on an oatmeal dessert as a whole, and people who are overweight should generally forget about this product.

What additives are in oatmeal dessert

Today, many manufacturers include oatmeal cookies in their product range. Everyone prepares this delicacy according to their own recipe, which explains such a variety of options on store shelves. But there is a list of required components:

  1. Confectionery fats. Without them, it is impossible to prepare this type of dessert.
  2. Baking powder helps the dough to take the desired consistency, so that later it turns out crumbly soft cookies.
  3. Sugar. Its content in the product is high, but there are alternatives where sugar is replaced by fructose. True, the taste of such a product is significantly different from the original.
  4. Vegetable oils. Modern manufacturers often replace margarine with vegetable oil. But, if there is only benefit from sunflower oil, this cannot be said about palm oil.
  5. Fillers diversify the taste and are beneficial. It can be seeds, raisins, dried apricots. Such supplements energize and stimulate the intestines.
  6. Honey is also often used in baking. It gives the product a dark shade and a characteristic honey flavor.
  7. Preservatives are considered a real "scourge" of modern industrial sweets. The presence of these, not very useful additives, is indicated by the long shelf life of the product. That is, the longer this period, the greater the number of chemical additives in cookies.

How to choose quality cookies

A good quality product should be purchased from private bakeries. There, they usually cook cookies according to classic recipes in compliance with the quantitative and qualitative selection of ingredients. If you want to guarantee complete safety for health, you can try to cook a treat at home. It is not a difficult or time-consuming process.

As for store products, when choosing, you should:

  1. Give preference to products in transparent packaging.
  2. Choose a whole product.
  3. A good quality confectionery product has an even color.
  4. The product must be soft.
  5. By the expiration date, you can easily determine how many harmful additives there are in cookies.
  6. To prepare a quality product, it is usually not egg powder that is used, but natural eggs.

All this information is usually indicated on the packaging. Simply, before paying for the purchase, you need to take a few minutes to study the characteristics of the product. Excellent quality oatmeal cookies always add a wholesome variety to your diet.

Video: how to make flourless oatmeal cookies
