
Cream for cake from sour cream condensed milk. With cream cheese

Condensed milk has a pleasant creamy taste, adored by many sweet tooth. Even just spreading it on a bun or a slice of white bread, you can get an amazing dessert from childhood. Every hostess knows that on the basis of this product, a very delicate and tasty buttercream for the cake is obtained. There are hundreds of variations of recipes, but real confectioners have their own secrets for making the perfect one. Condensed or concentrated milk gives it an amazing, one-of-a-kind flavor, and a layer based on it is suitable for a variety of recipes: for vanilla and biscuit cake, for puff and honey cakes.

It combines with most of the additives that confectioners prefer to add to the filling of cakes. Most recipes for condensed milk cake creams are simple, even a beginner who is preparing his first dessert in an attempt to surprise family and friends can handle them.

The simplest recipes: two components and yummy is ready

The simplest recipes based on concentrated milk are two-component mixtures, that is, one more ingredient is added to the condensed milk, thoroughly mixed or whipped, resulting in an amazing layer for a cake or pie.

You can add butter, whipped cream or sour cream to condensed milk to create a cream. The percentage of butter and condensed milk is 1:2. Soften the butter first, then beat for 1-2 minutes. After that, pour in the condensed milk and whisk again.

This simple recipe in the photo:

Consistency, how to beat butter with condensed milk:

Video describing the cooking process:

You can use chocolate butter instead of regular butter. A delicate taste will be obtained by adding sour cream or cream. Here the shares of products are equal. You need to take 400 grams of condensed milk, the same amount of cream or sour cream. First, whip the cream or sour cream, then gradually pour the condensed milk product, while thoroughly mixing the resulting composition.

cream and condensed milk

For all these recipes, you can take both light condensed milk and boiled product.

Making cooking more difficult by adding more ingredients

In addition to the simplest recipes that do not require time to prepare them, housewives make much more intricate variations based on condensed milk, suitable for different cakes or for a particular type of pastry. Here the imagination is not limited - you can put various fresh or dried fruits and berries, cognac or fragrant liquor, chocolate chips or a nut mixture. How to make cognac at home is written in.

Cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, margarine are added to condensed milk - almost everything that can be found in the refrigerator is suitable for one or another recipe.

With butter: vanillin, nuts or cocoa

These recipes are among the favorite among pastry chefs. They are suitable for many types of baking.

The classic buttercream sweet cake recipe includes:

  • vanillin;
  • 400 grams of whole condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter (preferred fat content 82%).


  1. Soft butter is whipped for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Condensed milk is added to it in a thin stream.
  3. The composition is mixed.
  4. At the end, vanillin is poured, everything is mixed again.

You can make buttercream from boiled milk. It will require:

  • 200 grams of oil;
  • 400 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • nut or fruit mix.

For the recipe, several types of nuts / dried fruits or one favorite will do. Here the hostess can choose for herself what she likes best. Stages:

  1. The butter should be left for several hours to reach room temperature or softened in the microwave. The quality of the product should not be in doubt, the recommended fat content is more than 80%.
  2. When softness is reached, it is whipped, pour condensed milk into it in parts.
  3. After thoroughly mixing the resulting mass, add crushed nuts or dried fruits. It is better to pre-soak dried fruits in hot water for several minutes or at least rinse thoroughly.

butter with boiled condensed milk

You can surprise guests if you add coffee flavor to the layer. For such a chocolate cream you need to take:

  • a pack of oil;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • teaspoon;
  • a teaspoon of soluble

For a special sweet tooth, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. For those who like not too sweet pastries, experienced confectioners are advised to add a few drops of lemon juice. Cooking:

  1. The butter softens, whips just like in previous recipes.
  2. Condensed milk is added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Finally add coffee and cocoa. Mix again.

It is better to spread the layer immediately, preferably on warm cakes, so the impregnation will be better. If the filling hardens, it must be softened again for use.

cake with coffee cream

With sour cream: caramel or milk

The main rule in sour cream for biscuit is the most fatty high-quality sour cream so that the composition does not spread.

In addition to simply mixing the condensed product with sour cream, confectioners often prepare another option. It will require:

  • caramel;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 250 g of condensed product.

Steps for making sour cream:

  1. We leave all products for their purchase at room temperature.
  2. First you need to beat the butter. It turns white and acquires an airy texture.
  3. Then pour in the condensed product, continuing to beat.
  4. Next in line is sour cream. It should be introduced in a spoon and mix thoroughly.
  5. Caramel is added last.
  6. If the taste seems not sweet enough, you can add a spoonful of powdered sugar.

How can you use sour cream for baking:

cake with sour cream

The following recipe for a sour cream layer for a cake contains gelatin, therefore it tends to harden and keep its shape. It is ideal for tall cakes. For its preparation you need:

  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 60-70 g of milk;
  • 15-20 g of gelatin;
  • 250 g whole condensed milk.

Milk can be replaced with juice, coffee, cocoa or other liquid. This results in different flavors.

  1. Gelatin must be combined with the liquid and allowed to swell. It is best to double check the swelling time on the package, as it can take from 10 to 30 minutes.
  2. At this time, mix the dairy products.
  3. Melt the swollen gelatin and pour it into the bowl with the filling. You can use immediately.
  4. For complete solidification of the mass, long-term cooling is required.

A good addition to this recipe is fresh coconut or shavings. You can make a dessert that resembles Bounty or Raffaello sweets.

With cottage cheese

For a gentle curd cream, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 180 grams of butter;
  • 180 grams of condensed milk;
  • a pack of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 80 grams of powdered sugar.
  1. Whisk soft butter.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk, beat again.
  3. Add sugar flour. Stir by hand or at low speed.
  4. Add cottage cheese. If it is soft and has a uniform consistency, you can add it right away. If it is grainy or has small grains, it is better to bring it to a puree state with a blender beforehand.
  5. Stir again and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes before use.

cream with cottage cheese

It is good to add berries or fruits here, as well as cocoa or zest.

with eggs

An interesting option is obtained by adding yolks. For the layer you need:

  • 2 yolks;
  • 200 grams of oil;
  • vanilla or cocoa;
  • 100 grams of condensed milk product.
  1. The butter needs to be softened, beaten, mixed with milk.
  2. We introduce the yolks separated from the proteins.
  3. At the end, vanillin or cocoa is poured. After mixing, the mass is ready.

cream with yolks

With fruits: orange or banana

Fruit and berry supplements are amazing additions to any filling. Fresh, frozen or dried - in any form, they will add zest to pastries.

The most popular fruit recipes involve the addition of citrus fruits or bananas.

For the version with citrus notes you will need:

  • pack of butter;
  • 1 can of whole condensed milk;
  • large orange (it is advisable to choose sweet varieties).

If the orange is not sweet, you need to add sugar to taste. You can also replace the orange with lemon, which will require even more sugar.

Steps on how to make cream for a delicious dessert:

  1. Put the oil to reach room temperature.
  2. Meanwhile, grate the zest of the orange, avoiding the white pulp.
  3. Squeeze juice from an orange, two to three tablespoons will be enough for such a volume.
  4. Whip the oil.
  5. Add concentrated milk.
  6. At the end, juice is poured and zest is poured. The mass is mixed manually.

Delicate texture with a pleasant aftertaste is obtained in the recipe with bananas. Here you will need:

  • oil - 180-200 g;
  • big banana;
  • can of condensed milk.


  1. The butter is softened and whipped, as in other cooking methods.
  2. Then pour in the condensed milk.
  3. Banana needs to be broken with a blender and added to the mass.
  4. The resulting composition is mixed.

With cognac

Any aromatic alcohol (rum, whiskey or liqueurs with various flavors) can be added to the cream.

The recipe with the addition of an alcoholic note includes the following products:

  • a spoonful of cognac;
  • 200 grams of oil;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.


  1. Soften the butter and beat until white.
  2. Add condensed milk without stopping beating.
  3. Lastly add cognac.

cream with cognac

Alcoholic essence can also be added to sour cream. For this recipe you need:

  • vanillin;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 400 g of condensed milk;
  • a tablespoon of alcohol.


  1. We combine dairy products, mix them thoroughly.
  2. At the end, add vanillin and a spoonful of the selected alcohol.

With margarine

If you need to save money and make a budget version of the filling for biscuits, margarine comes to the aid of the housewives.

Required products:

  • bank of condensed milk;
  • 200 g margarine;
  • cocoa / vanillin / cognac.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. Soft margarine is mixed with condensed milk.
  2. Then the selected additional flavor element (cocoa, vanillin or alcohol essence) is added, the mass is mixed again.

With chocolate

For some sweet tooth, chocolate is an integral part of every dessert. To combine milk with a chocolate note, you need to take:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 200 g of condensed milk;
  • 100 g dark chocolate (preferably bitter).
  1. We melt the chocolate, pour in the milk, mix thoroughly.
  2. Beat the butter, add the chocolate mass to it, and then the condensed milk. Mix thoroughly again.

cream chocolate

For lovers of white chocolate, there is an amazing recipe with coconut. For him you need:

  • 1 bar of white chocolate;
  • fresh coconut or shavings;
  • 200 g of fatty butter;
  • half a can of concentrated milk product.
  1. Melt chocolate, mix with condensed milk.
  2. In the resulting mixture, we throw the oil, beat again.
  3. Add the coconut flakes last, mix gently.

white chocolate cream

With cream

A delicious filling is obtained with heavy cream. For her you need:

  • 50 g of sugar flour;
  • vanilla essence;
  • can of condensed milk product;
  • 400 g cream (fat content not less than 30%).

Cooking steps:

  1. Cream (we take cold) is whipped at maximum speed.
  2. Sugar flour is poured, the mixture is whipped until thickened.
  3. Condensed milk is poured in a thin stream, everything is mixed again.
  4. Vanillin is added at the end.

whipped cream

Custard is prepared without problems

This type of filling is loved by many. It takes a little more time, but the result is worth it. For the recipe you need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • pack of butter;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • 50 g of sugar flour.
  1. Cooking begins with the combination and grinding of eggs with sugar.
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan, put it on a small fire.
  3. After heating, add eggs with sugar, keep on fire, stir until thickened. It is important not to bring the mass to a boil!
  4. After partial cooling of the workpiece, butter and condensed milk are added to it.
  5. Everything is mixed and left to cool. Only then can the filling be taken for spreading.

adding milk to custard

adding butter to custard

custard preparation

Suitable choice for different desserts

Butter cream is good both for spreading on biscuit cakes in a warm state, and for creating decorations. Roses and rosettes from it will keep well if you put such a cake in the refrigerator.

buttercream cake decoration

It is also suitable for cupcakes and muffins; “hats” of various shapes are made from it.

Eclairs, nuts from childhood and other pastries are a good option to complement with butter and condensed milk filling.

Chocolate cream is suitable for smearing shortbread, puff, honey and biscuit cakes. And you can also eat it in its pure form with a bun.

On the basis of custard, various cakes are made, for example, the famous "Napoleon". It is also good for creating an independent dessert. The base is laid out in a bowl, grated berries or fruits are added to it, whipped cream serves as decoration.

The sour cream layer is good for spreading soft porous cakes, but is not suitable for creating decorations, as it does not hold its shape at all.

The curd version of the cream goes well with various cakes and pastries: profiteroles, eclairs, all kinds of biscuits and muffins. It can be used for decoration, but it is better to do it immediately before serving, since the curd filling keeps its shape worse than butter, and it can also turn a little yellow during long storage.

Cooking for filling and decorating cupcakes

In cupcakes, concentrated dairy recipes can be used for both garnishing and filling. The recipe for cream for cupcakes will be the same:

  • pack of butter;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • caramel (or any other) sauce.

This amount is enough for 5-6 servings:

  1. The butter must be combined with dairy products, beat at low speed.
  2. At the end, pour the sauce to taste, stir again and stuff the dough with it or spread it on top of the finished baking.

sour cream and butter

adding sauce to cupcake cream

We use boiled condensed milk

The layer for cakes based on boiled milk has a beautiful caramel shade and it turns out to be thicker, which means it is suitable for cooking for beginners.

For the simplest version of boiled condensed milk cream, you need:

  • 100 g of milk;
  • nuts as an addition;
  • bank of boiled condensed milk.

How to cook:

  1. Mix dairy products.
  2. Chop the nuts and add to the mixture.
  3. Once again, stir the mass.

Another recipe is also extremely simple. For him you need:

  • oil - 1 pack;
  • bank of boiled condensed milk.

For cooking, both products are mixed and used as a layer of cake or. The taste can be varied with fruits or flavoring essences.

For or you can prepare a filling with cheese. For him, take:

  • 500 g cream cheese;
  • sugar flour to taste;
  • a jar of boiled condensed milk.

Steps on how to make a filling from boiled condensed milk:

  1. The cheese is whipped first in a bowl, then the condensed product is added.
  2. Mix all. If the taste seems not sweet enough, add sugar flour.

boiled condensed milk and mascarpone cheese

To make a good cream with condensed milk, confectioners must choose high-quality fresh products. To prevent the future layer of the cake from spreading, all dairy ingredients should be as fat as possible.

If, nevertheless, the consistency came out liquid, you can always add a little oil or gelatin to the layer.

Nuts and any berry or fruit mixtures are welcome guests of any stratum. There is no need to be afraid to experiment. So any boring dessert can sparkle with new colors. Perhaps you will open your unique recipe and do not want to tell anyone how to make awesome condensed milk cream from it.

Familiar sensations: you want sweets, but you have neither the strength nor the desire to cook in the kitchen for a long time. Of course, you can visit a pastry shop or shop and buy something for dessert. But purchased cakes and cakes cannot be compared in taste with those that are prepared at home and with your own hands. Still, it is worth finding time and baking cakes or a biscuit. And to make the homemade cake delicious, we recommend trying a cream of condensed milk and sour cream. It is universal, suitable for biscuit, dry sand, puff, honey or waffle cakes.

Universal cream of condensed milk and sour cream

Such a cream of condensed milk and sour cream can be used to impregnate dry and hard cakes. The most delicate creamy caramel mass will help to prepare a delicious and pleasant cake. Also, such a cream can be used to fill custard cakes or as a dressing for dessert fruit salads.


  • condensed milk - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • vanilla extract - ? tsp;
  • cognac (optional) - 20 ml .;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.


  1. Sour cream for this cream must be used non-cold. An hour before cooking, it must be left in a warm room so that the dairy product comes to room temperature. After put in the bowl of a mixer or blender. Beat for a couple of minutes.
  2. Gradually add condensed milk to sour cream, without stopping whipping the mass with whisks.
  3. After the condensed milk is added and whipped, it is necessary to add cognac, vanilla to the cream, and at the very end lemon juice.
  4. After about 15 minutes of beating with a mixer, it will become noticeable how the mass thickens, but at the same time remains airy. The cream is ready. But it's too early to lubricate the cakes with them. Let the creamy mass stand for several hours in the refrigerator.

Butter cream with condensed milk

The recipe for the proposed butter cream should be remembered by those who often prepare honey cakes and similar cakes with sugary-sweet cakes. The creamy mass will not only soften coarse dry cakes, but also give them a piquant, refined taste.


  • fatty (at least 35%) cream - 200 ml;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • sweet powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk - 130 ml;
  • sour cream thickener (optional).


  1. First you need to whip slightly chilled cream in a dry bowl. It is important not to overdo it and not turn them into oil.
  2. Separately, sour cream is whipped in another clean bowl. Sweet powder is gradually poured here during the operation of the mixer. To make the cream fragrant, you can add a few bags of vanilla sugar instead of powder. In this case, it is important to beat until its granules dissolve in sour cream.
  3. The sour cream should become thick. If after a long whipping process it still does not thicken, you can add a little special thickener.
  4. It's time to add condensed milk. Pour this product into a bowl with sour cream and bring whisks to a homogeneous mass.
  5. At the very end, cream is introduced into the cream. You need to work with them carefully, otherwise the cream will not get the desired consistency. With a spoon, and preferably with a silicone pastry spatula, it is necessary to knead the cream, moving from bottom to top and towards the center. In general, everything is done in the same way as when kneading biscuit dough. The cream is ready, you can spread it on the cakes.

Curd-sour cream with boiled condensed milk

As an option for dessert, you can make a quick cake from ready-made waffle cakes or cookies. Sour cream with boiled condensed milk is perfect for this. It will turn out to be quite thick and dense, at the same time it will soak the waffle cakes well and will not allow them to soften.


  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • citric acid - to taste.


  1. You should start with the preparation of condensed milk. Of course, you can buy an already boiled product, but it is better to bring the milk to a caramel taste and the desired color yourself and at home. Moreover, the process has no difficulties. Fill a saucepan with water and drop a can of milk into it. Don't forget to remove the label. After 2 hours, condensed milk will be ready. As you cook, make sure that the tin is completely immersed in the liquid. If boiled away, add warm water.
  2. Grind the curd product. Add vanilla.
  3. Beat sour cream, adding a little citric acid to it, and then combine with boiled condensed milk.
  4. Gradually add the curd mass to the sour cream and caramel cream and beat. If it turns out to be very liquid, you can add a little thickener.

Jelly cream with condensed milk and sour cream

Repeat this cream recipe if you plan to make a biscuit cake with a dense layer. It will also turn out to beautifully decorate the top and sides of a sweet treat. Berries, raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts or diced jelly are added to such a creamy mass.


  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • berries or nuts - optional.


  1. Sour cream must be whipped to such an extent that its initial volume has increased several times.
  2. Combine with condensed milk, continuing to beat the mass. Do not add sugar, otherwise it will turn out very cloying. You can add a little sourness with citric acid or natural juice squeezed from a lemon.
  3. Prepare gelatin. Pour the indicated amount of the product with warm water (1/3 cup). Achieve complete dissolution by placing in a water bath. Remember that gelatin cannot be boiled during dissolution.
  4. Pour a little gelatin water into the sour cream mass and whisk immediately. If desired, you can add nuts, dried fruits or finely chopped multi-colored jelly here.
  5. That's all, we can assume that they coped with the preparation of the cream. It remains to put it on biscuit cakes, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Butter cream with condensed milk

A cream made on the basis of butter with condensed milk is loved by many housewives. It turns out delicious, perfectly soaks the cakes, keeps its shape, which makes it possible to spread various decorations on the cake from the cream.

If you mix the cream mass with food or natural dyes, you can make a mass for decorating different colors.


  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • butter - 1 pack.


  1. The butter should be soft by the time it is cooked. This product must be mixed well with condensed milk. It is convenient to work with a mixer. Pouring condensed milk in a thin stream, beat, setting the medium speed mode.
  2. As soon as the mass has become homogeneous, little by little (literally on a spoon), you need to add sour cream. Continue whipping without increasing the mode.
  3. At the very end, vanillin or fragrant sugar is added to the cream.
    Do not be upset if, having prepared exactly according to the recipe, it is noticed that the cream, after standing for a while, exfoliated. This is possible if the added ingredients were at different temperatures during mixing. You can correct the situation in the following way. You should put aside a little cream in a clean and, importantly, dry dish. This mass is first slightly warmed up, and then mixed with the main cream. It is convenient to warm up the reserved cream with a microwave oven.

Fruit sour cream caramel cream

If you want to surprise and amaze everyone with an unusual taste, prepare such a sour cream and caramel cream with fruity notes for the cake. . The stated recipe can be considered the basis. Only bananas are used in the ingredients. But if desired, the fruit list of products can be supplemented.


  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • thick sour cream - 500 ml;
  • banana - 2 pcs.


  1. Bananas, after peeling, must be turned into a smooth puree. It is convenient to work with a blender. You can also mash a banana with a fork, but the mass will not be very homogeneous.
  2. Sour cream, whisking, combine with condensed milk. Beat quickly to desired consistency in the bowl of a food processor.
  3. At the very end, banana puree is added. The mass may be liquid. If you add a thickener powder, you can get a cream more dense and thick.
    Based on this recipe, you can make a creamy mass with a berry flavor. Suitable raspberries, strawberries, pitted cherries, currants. Just before sending the berry puree to the main cream, the mass must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve.
    When choosing a recipe, before preparing the cream, you need to remember that a thicker mass is suitable for a biscuit, for dry cakes it is better to use liquid impregnation.

The culinary rule says that we must select creams for the cake depending on the cakes. Although the guests, eating your masterpiece, first of all praise the filling and roses that decorate the surface of the dessert. So, on dry layers of dough (Napoleon-type cake), a more liquid cream is used so that it soaks the cakes well, on a fluffy biscuit - thicker. In this sense, sour cream with condensed milk is universal. It can be prepared in many ways. Let's take a look at them.

Liquid impregnation of cakes

If your cakes are overcooked or they should be so according to the recipe, there is nothing better than soaking them in a delicate cream with condensed milk. Other notes can be woven into this caramel-creamy taste - cognac, lemon, vanilla. But aromatic additives come on stage in the final, and at the beginning of the process we need to stock up on a half-liter jar of sour cream. It can be not very fat if we want to achieve a semi-liquid consistency, or have 25-30% fat if we consider it necessary to create a thick and fluffy sour cream with condensed milk, which can be smeared on the top and sides of the cake. Beat this sour cream with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk (half or two-thirds of a jar), juice of half a lemon, grated zest, a few drops of flavor essences or one spoonful of cognac.

Creamy sour cream with condensed milk

It is ideal for honey cakes, gingerbread and similar products, where the taste of the dough is very rich, cloying and needs to be diluted with something delicate and light. Whip a glass of very fat (at least 35%) cream until “peaks” appear. In another bowl, we do the same with 400 grams of sour cream mixed with a small amount of powdered sugar. If she does not want to harden into foam, add cream thickener (it is sold in bags in stores). We mix sour cream with a third can of condensed milk, and at the end, carefully mix in the whipped cream with a spoon from the bottom up.

Sour cream with condensed milk

If you do not like to cook, but want to treat yourself to something sweet, then you can make a cake from ready-made wafer sheets. The cream for it should be thick enough so that the waffles do not crumble, and at the same time have the ability to soak the dough (otherwise the cake will resemble biscuits with butter). An excellent solution for impregnating sheets is a cream on a "dumpling". How to cook condensed milk so that it has a semi-solid consistency, brown color and caramel taste? Very simple: put a jar without a label in a saucepan, pour water so that it completely covers the tin , and cook for two hours, adding hot water from time to time. Then cool, mix with sour cream, beat a little with a mixer and spread waffles with cream.

It is good for biscuits - both for cakes and pastries. You can just put it in shortcrust pastry baskets. To prepare this cream, 250 g of homemade cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, rubbed with a glass of granulated sugar and one sachet of vanilla. Then add 400-500 g of sour cream and mix thoroughly. Raisins and other dried fruits can be added to this mass. Then the cream will be ideal for cheesecakes.

If you have prepared a biscuit with fruit, then a high layer of cream will look beautiful. So that it does not fall off, edible gelatin is added to its composition. Two spoons are dissolved in half a glass of cold water, and then cooked in a water bath until a thick jelly is obtained. Sour cream (half a liter) is beaten with a mixer until the volume is doubled, pour a glass of sugar in small portions and beat again. With a thin stream, continuing to work with a mixer, add gelatin. The mass is laid out, without waiting for complete solidification, on top of the berries and put in the cold.

There are different recipes for making impregnation for biscuit, but one of the simplest and fastest is the recipe for sour cream with condensed milk. Firstly, a very soft and pleasant structure, and secondly, it will take no more than half an hour to prepare this type of impregnation. This cream is suitable for any cake, as it is quite light, and sour cream gives a delicate, not sugary taste.

For many creams, sour cream must be strained, as a large amount of liquid in it can make the cream of condensed milk and sour cream very thin. But if strong impregnation of the cake layers is necessary, then filtering is not necessary. In this case, it is necessary to apply the impregnation in small portions, wait a bit for it to be absorbed and again a portion on the cake. If this is not done, then everything will be absorbed into the cake and there may not be any layer between the cakes.

The easiest recipe for straining sour cream is to put it in the refrigerator overnight using the usual design for this action. We put a colander on the pan, put a layer of gauze or several layers of a sterile bandage into it and pour the sour cream. Some prefer to buy sour cream in jars and cups, but if impregnation requires a multiple of 0.5 liters, then it is better to buy the appropriate number of bags. This has a lot of advantages. And the most important of them is that you can squeeze the contents out of the package to the last drop by unscrewing the bag like a rag. And you don't overpay for plastic cups.

About making creams

The simplest is the usual whipping of sour cream with condensed milk at medium speed of the mixer. To do this, take a can of condensed milk and 200 gr. sour cream. Pour everything into one bowl and beat. When there is a homogeneous mass in the bowl, the impregnation is ready. At this point, you can add any additional ingredients to the cream that will make the taste of the cream more intense. Finely chopped nuts, dried apricots, chopped in a meat grinder or blender, raisins.

You can also mix sour cream with boiled condensed milk, the cream will turn out a little darker than the color of champagne. This impregnation will look good between light cakes.

But this is the simplest kind, there are many more recipes that require a little more food. Some of the creams can only serve as an impregnation, but with some you can decorate both the top cake and the sides of the cake.

There is also a recipe with butter, the more you add it, the better the small decorations from this cream on the cake will hold.

What will be required:

  • Butter - 200 gr.;
  • Condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • Sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • Chopped nuts - 300 gr.

At the very beginning, strain the sour cream, putting it in the refrigerator overnight. Next, we begin to prepare the cream, beat the softened butter at low speeds of the mixer or with a whisk, then add condensed milk and beat again. After that, add sour cream in parts (spoons), without turning off the mixer. When the cream has reached the desired density, add the nuts and mix well. Such a cream is well suited for decorating a cake, and its nutty flavor will go well with simple cakes without additives.

With the addition of butter to this type of impregnation, the density necessary for decorating from a confectionery syringe appeared. If you use this recipe, you can replace the nuts with 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of cocoa, then you get the usual chocolate cream. In general, when butter hardens, any cream with it is quite suitable for making decorations for the upper layers and sides of the cake.

It is important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods today. weight loss, however, judging by the fact that the number of obese people continues to grow, none of them is truly massive and effective. Everything changed when "Bee Slim" appeared, drops for burning fat.

Says, doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Alexandrovich..

But there are more exotic types of cake cream. To do this, you can take any basic recipe and add finely chopped fruits or fresh berries to it. In this case, the appearance of the cream will take on the color of the additive, and the taste will become much brighter.

And now it's worth remembering how we try to feed the children with cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar, and how many of them move the spoon away.

What mothers just don’t do, for the sake of the notorious calcium contained in cottage cheese.

Dried apricots, honey, nuts and many other products are added to it in order to put the cherished 100 gr into the child's mouth. curd mass.

But so that our mothers do not suffer, we will suggest a simple recipe for a morning dessert.

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 cookies (which the child loves);
  • ¼ cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • 1 small chocolate.

We start cooking by whipping sour cream with powdered sugar. We pass the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with sweet sour cream and boiled condensed milk. We beat well. We put 2 cookies in a bowl, after breaking them into pieces of medium size. Add half of the cream, again cookies and again cream. Now you need to sprinkle grated chocolate on top, give the child a dessert and leave the kitchen so as not to listen to how this delicacy crackles behind small ears.

Of course, it’s better not to give this to children under 2 years old, but after the age of two, you can’t pull them off this dessert by the ears. If you use this recipe, just replace the boiled condensed milk in it with the usual one and add a tablespoon of any pitted jam, you can get not only a morning dessert, but also a wonderful cream for any cake. In this case, all ingredients must be multiplied by 2.

So you can make a delicious and persistent cream for decorating cakes without adding butter. In this case, the taste of the cake will be pleasant, and the appearance will be original, since jamming will give a unique color to the impregnation.

Since many do not like the taste of butter on a cake, and most importantly its quantity, it is for this reason that you use a recipe for decorating a cottage cheese cake. Such fudge is much easier and faster to process by the body, does not leave a sugary oily aftertaste and is suitable for ladies on a diet.

Any recipe for impregnation based on condensed milk and sour cream will be a good addition to the cake. Remember that this is the easiest type of impregnation and the most delicious cream. If the guests are already knocking on the door, then you can miss any purchased cakes in this way and no one will guess that you did not cook these pastries yourself.

Once upon a time, back in 1856, the American Gail Borden figured out how to keep milk fresh for a long time. By boiling the product with sugar, everyone's favorite condensed milk appeared. Today it is actively used both as an independent dish and added to various recipes. Creams for condensed milk cake are especially popular, which differ not only in their amazing taste, but also in naturalness. If, of course, you choose the right product.

Types of condensed milk:

  • classic with sugar;
  • with additives (coffee, cocoa, chicory, vanilla);

For creams, a classic product is most often used, which is then mixed with other ingredients. It is important to purchase real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, sugar and milk powder. To do this, you must carefully read the packaging and find the GOST icon on it. Or read the ingredients. In addition to milk and sugar, it should not contain other ingredients. Only from such a product will you get a truly tasty and healthy cream for condensed milk cake.

To complement the recipe, dairy products, butter, cocoa, chocolate, nuts are usually used. The taste of the final product also depends on the quality of these ingredients.

Cream of condensed milk: general principles of preparation

Making cream for a cake from condensed milk is simple. Typically, the recipe uses no more than 3-5 ingredients that need to be mixed or whipped. When cooking, it is important that the products to be mixed have the same temperature, this will prevent the separation of fats, the formation of lumps and the mass will be homogeneous.

If berries and fruits are used in addition, it is important that they are free from spoilage and rot. Otherwise, the cream will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. You also need to know that fruit cream for condensed milk cake is not subject to long-term storage and must be used immediately. To prolong freshness, you can use thermally processed puree.

If the cream does not need to be heated, then do not take aluminum containers for cooking. It is better to give preference to plastic or enameled cups. For whipping, it is better to use a conventional mixer, do not allow a blender to get a lush mass.

Recipe 1: Classic Condensed Milk Cream

The classic cream of condensed milk and butter is great for decorating cakes, pastries, layers of cakes. It pairs wonderfully with fruit, chocolate, caramel and honey. It can be spread on a piece of fresh bread or used as a topping for ice cream. It is difficult to find a person who is indifferent to the taste of vanilla cream made from condensed milk and butter.

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.;

Egg yolk 2 pcs.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and kept at room temperature for 2 hours to make it soft. But if it melts, then the cream of condensed milk and butter will not work. Therefore, in no case should you melt the product on the stove or use a microwave oven.

Next, soft butter should be beaten with a mixer until a lush white mass appears. Gradually add one yolk to it. Whisking constantly, pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream. At the end of beating, add vanilla. Also, to add flavor to the cream of condensed milk and butter, you can add a little liquor.

If there are concerns about eating raw yolks, then they can be excluded and the recipe for a classic cream of condensed milk and butter can be simplified.

Recipe 2: Cream of condensed milk with sour cream

Cream of condensed milk and sour cream has a pleasant, light taste with a slight sourness. It is great for biscuit, honey cakes. Also, a cream of condensed milk and sour cream can be used to fill custard cakes. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. It can be safely used in baby food. And if you need to reduce calories, then instead of sour cream, you can use natural yogurt.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sour cream at least 20% fat 300 gr.;

Vanillin 1 gr.;

Cognac 1 tablespoon.

Sour cream needs to be beaten with a mixer, but do it carefully, no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, it may take on grains of butter and buttermilk will depart. Then, without stopping whisking, gradually add the condensed milk. At the end, pour out vanillin, add cognac. Mix everything thoroughly.

Sometimes a cream of condensed milk and sour cream can turn out to be liquid. In this case, you can correct the situation with butter. Beat 200 gr. product into a lush foam and gradually, in small portions, add liquid cream to it. You get sour cream from condensed milk and butter, which can also be used in any desserts.

If there is no butter or there is no desire to increase the calorie content of the cream from condensed milk and sour cream, then gelatin can be used. For this 10 gr. powder is poured into 50 ml of water or milk, allowed to swell for 30 minutes. Then heated in a water bath and combined with a cream of condensed milk and sour cream. The mass must be removed for half an hour in the refrigerator, it will become thicker.

Recipe 3: Cream of boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is a delicacy from childhood. But if earlier it was not always possible to buy it and often had to be boiled, today in the store you can buy a ready-to-eat product. It is easy to make an incredibly delicious boiled condensed milk cream from it, which will decorate a cake, pastries, various desserts, and even your favorite nut cookies.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Butter 300 gr.;

Vanilla optional.

Beat softened butter, gradually add condensed milk. When the cream of boiled condensed milk becomes homogeneous, you can add vanillin. It also goes well with nuts, which must first be roasted and chopped. If the boiled condensed milk cream turned out to be very thick, then the nut crumbs will clog it even more. The mass will be difficult to smear on the cake. In this case, it is better to sprinkle the cakes already smeared with cream from boiled condensed milk with nuts.

If there is no boiled condensed milk at home, but there is an ordinary one, then you can cook it. But at the same time, it is important that it be real and consist of whole milk, without vegetable fats. The jar must be freed from the label, placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled for 2 hours, reducing the fire after boiling.

Recipe 4: Banana Condensed Milk Cream

Airy, banana cream made from condensed milk and butter can be used in cakes and pastries, as well as an independent dessert. And if you add gelatin or agar-agar to it, you get a dessert that resembles a soufflé. It tastes in no way inferior to bird's milk. This is a great way to apply cream if you get too much.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Bananas 2 pcs.;

Butter 200 gr.

To prepare the butter, take it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft. Beat until white and fluffy, then gradually add milk. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate. Peel bananas, place in a blender and puree. It is important that they are ripe, but without black patches. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and gradually add banana puree to it.

To make banana cream with condensed milk and butter tasty and fragrant, you need to choose good fruits. It is better to be guided not by appearance, but by smell. Good and sweet bananas are always fragrant, but if they do not smell of anything, then it is better to pass by. Tasteless and soapy fruits only worsen the quality of the cream.

Recipe 5: Chocolate Condensed Milk Cream

Condensed milk and chocolate are two products that no sweet tooth can resist. So why not combine them? Delicious chocolate cream made from condensed milk and butter goes well with biscuit, puff, sand and honey cakes. It can also be used for sweet sandwiches as a chocolate spread.

Bar of chocolate not less than 72% cocoa 100 gr.;

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.

Chop the chocolate bar into pieces and put in a water bath to melt. At this time, beat the butter and put it in the refrigerator. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl and add the melted chocolate in a thin stream, while whisking with a mixer. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, immerse the mixer and gradually add the chocolate-milk mixture. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Similarly, you can prepare a cream with white chocolate. If you add a little coconut flakes to it, then the taste will resemble the popular bounty bar. Both options go well with nuts. It is not necessary to weight the recipe with them, just add a small handful, ground in a coffee grinder. And a delicious aroma is guaranteed.

Recipe 6: Cream of condensed milk with cottage cheese

Is it possible to make a dessert tasty and healthy at the same time? Certainly! If you use curd cream with condensed milk and butter. Gentle, rich in calcium and protein, the product will be loved even by those people who do not like cottage cheese. This is especially true in baby food.

Cottage cheese 200 gr.;

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Butter 50 gr.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

To make the cream tender, airy, without a tart taste, it is important to carefully grind the cottage cheese. You can do this by rubbing through a sieve, but it is better to use a blender. If the mass is too thick, then you can add a few tablespoons of condensed milk. Separately, mix the butter and condensed milk, thoroughly punch. Combine both masses, gradually adding milk to the curd, add vanillin and mix.

Based on the basic recipe for cottage cheese cream with condensed milk and butter, you can prepare various layers for desserts: nuts, chocolate, fruit and berries. But especially beautiful cakes can be obtained by alternating layers of cream with jelly layers or strips of marmalade. Also, this recipe can be used for stuffing eclairs.

Recipe 7: Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream is light, airy. It is great not only for cakes, but also for filling eclairs. And, importantly, the calorie content of such a product is lower than that of a cream of condensed milk and butter.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Cream at least 30% fat.

Condensed milk should be put out of the jar into a cup, beat well with a mixer so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour the cream into another bowl and beat until fluffy. It is better if they are specially designed for whipping, in which case it will take 2-3 minutes of work with a mixer.

Next, the mixer must be switched to the slowest mode and gradually, without stopping whisking, add condensed milk. If desired, you can add vanillin or any essence, but the aroma of the varenka itself is rich and resembles creme brulee.

If the consistency of the cream for the condensed milk cake turned out to be too lush, then you can punch it for half a minute at a high mixer speed. The foam will settle, and the mass will become more pliable in work. And it is better to fill custard cakes with a lush mass, so they turn out to be less cloying and light.

Recipe 9: Custard Condensed Milk Cream

This recipe for custard from condensed milk and butter will be appreciated by lovers of sweet, rich and high-calorie desserts. It will fill any, even the most insipid and primitive cake with taste. Boiled condensed milk gives a pleasant creamy color and caramel flavor.

Cow's milk 400 gr.;

Flour 3 tbsp. spoons;

Butter 200 gr.;

Boiled condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sugar 200 gr.;

From milk, sugar, flour, you need to prepare a classic custard. To do this, put milk on the stove, mix sugar with flour and pour into milk. Bring to a boil, stirring gradually, as soon as the mass begins to plop, turn off and cool.

While the custard is cooling, beat softened butter and condensed milk. Then gradually add the cooled custard mass. Beat everything and add vanilla. Remove the cream for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until completely solidified. You can add more boiled condensed milk than according to the recipe. In this case, the taste will be sweeter and richer.

Recipe 10: Raffaello Condensed Milk Cream

The popular Raffaello sweets do not leave anyone indifferent. This taste is familiar to many, but few people know that it is very easy to recreate it at home. Such a cream can be used in the preparation of desserts, but it is especially well combined with a fresh croissant or an airy bun.

Condensed milk 400 gr.;

Butter 200 gr.;

Coconut flakes 100 gr.;

White chocolate 100 gr.

Coconut flakes need to be soaked in advance 100 gr. boiled but cooled water. Let stand, stirring occasionally. Water should not remain at the bottom of the container.

Beat the butter, add half of the condensed milk to it and mix thoroughly. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. It is important not to let the water boil. White icing does not like high temperatures and may curdle. For the same reason, do not use the microwave. Mix the melted chocolate with the rest of the condensed milk and gradually add to the butter mixture. Mix everything and add the swollen coconut flakes. Mix and cream can be used.

  • When adding bulk ingredients (sugar, coffee, cocoa), you need to sift them through a strainer or just knead the lumps. In the finished mass, it is difficult to do this.
  • Vanillin, essences and aromatic spices should be added at the end of the cooking process. At the same time turn on the mixer at the minimum speed.
  • Butter, sour cream, cream must be beaten separately before mixing with condensed milk. So the cream will be lighter, airier and less cloying.
  • A spoonful of cognac added to the finished cream will add a walnut flavor and make the taste deeper.
  • Cream of boiled condensed milk is distinguished by its density. It can be difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can pre-break condensed milk with a mixer with a small addition of fresh milk, cream or boiled water. The mass will become more plastic.

These simple tips will help you prepare the most delicious and healthy condensed milk cake cream that will appeal to both children and adults.
