
How to pickle long cucumbers. Preparations in jars for the winter: crispy pickles

Cucumbers pickled with simple salting are distinguished by their simplicity of taste and ease of preparation. Simple pickles have a rich sour-salty taste, which makes them indispensable for cooking dishes such as hodgepodge or pickle. And in general, I personally like the taste of simple pickles much more than pickled ones. However, they also have their drawbacks - cucumbers pickled with simple salting are not as crispy and cannot be stored for years as those that are thoroughly pickled, even without sterilization (I wrote the recipe for harvesting such cucumbers). The deadline for storage is until next spring, that is, about six months. Therefore, it does not make sense to harvest too many of them, but 3-4 jars must be made.

Cucumbers with simple salting for the winter

In a previous article, I wrote about how to make delicious and crunchy ones, and at the end of the article I mentioned that they can even be left for the winter. So, it is this recipe that allows you to make such a winter preparation. Only before salting, lightly salted cucumbers will need to be washed with clean cold water.

Fresh cucumbers are also suitable for this recipe, the only thing to consider in this case is the amount of salt, it will take twice as much.


  • pickled or fresh cucumbers
  • fresh dill sprigs,
  • Bay leaf,
  • onions and garlic (if cucumbers are fresh).

Step 1. First we need to cook the marinade. Dissolve salt in pure water. For lightly salted cucumbers, pour 1 tablespoon of salt into 1 liter of water. If the cucumbers are fresh, then take 2 tablespoons per 1 liter, you can even with a tubercle.Also throw 10 - 15 black peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves into the marinade. Bring to a boil and leave to cool.

Step 2 Put cucumbers in clean jars and pour warm marinade over them. On top of them, you can put small sprigs of dill. If the cucumbers were fresh, then you can still put onions and garlic.

Step 3. At the end, close the jars with ordinary nylon lids and put them in a cool place where they will be stored all winter. That's all, have fun 🙂

Pickled cucumbers are an integral part of the winter diet. They are good both on their own and in a variety of salads and snacks. In this article, we will look at the most popular salting methods.

Each of us loves to eat something tasty. Pickled cucumbers are an excellent solution both for solo consumption and as part of various salads. We offer the best recipes for winter preservation

To pickle cucumbers in this way, you will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • jars washed and dried in advance;
  • cold water (not from the tap);
  • salt: 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water;
  • a pair of horseradish leaves;
  • a few peeled garlic cloves;
  • black peppercorns;
  • dill;
  • dry mustard;
  • Chile;

Before you start the preservation process, you need to stock up on jars and lids that are suitable in size. Covers can be taken both kapron and metal. However, the latter may have consequences in the form of corrosion of the metal inside and out.

Before proceeding with preservation, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 3 hours (for those bought in the store, the time should be increased to 6 hours). Thanks to this simple operation, the vegetables will collect the required amount of water and will not later get it from the brine, which will allow the liquid to remain in the right amount. After soaking, rinse the cucumbers with running water.

Wash lids and jars. It is not necessary to sterilize them, but it is recommended to at least pour boiling water over them.

Put the cucumbers in jars, add greens. It is also at this stage that seasonings should be used: mustard, garlic, pepper, chili.

Take a saucepan, fill it with water. For every liter, add two tablespoons of coarse salt. Thus, for a three-liter jar, you will need one and a half liters of liquid and three tablespoons of salt. Stir the resulting solution, let stand. In no case should the thickening of salt be poured. Next - fill up to the neck, cover with plastic lids and leave in a cold place.

A couple of times a week, check the canning for mold on unbrine-coated cucumbers. Each of them must be completely filled with brine! If there is too little liquid, then it should be poured to the very edge of the jar (the composition of the solution remains the same: two tablespoons of salt per liter of water)

You don't have to worry about fermentation. This is fine. The colder the place in which you store the preservation, the longer it will take for the fermentation process. On average, it takes 35-40 days.

To make your cucumbers tasty and crispy, follow the recommendations:

  • For even salting, put cucumbers of approximately the same size.
  • The oak leaf will give the vegetables a crunchiness.
  • Don't stack the cucumbers too close together or they will lose their crispiness.
  • Use rock salt, fine and iodized cucumbers will be too soft.
  • Cut off the ends, so you can protect yourself from nitrates.

In hot jars without vinegar under iron lids

Hot pickling of cucumbers is a technique that has been passed down from generation to generation. This simple but time-tested recipe can prepare delicious cucumbers for the winter. You will need (for one liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 800 grams;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • horseradish root - a piece 2-4 centimeters long;
  • peppercorns;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • 2 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • liter of water;
  • salt - a tablespoon with a slide.

First of all, sort out the cucumbers. They should be dense, with intact skin. Rinse them with running water and trim the ends on both sides.

Soak cucumbers in cold water for 3-4 hours. At this time, sterilize the jars and boil the iron lids.

We wash dill, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish root and leaves. Horseradish leaves are cut into small pieces. We repeat the same with the root. We clean the garlic.

At the bottom we put pepper, currant leaves and cherries, add half a portion of dill, garlic and horseradish leaves.

We stack the cucumbers as tightly as possible, trying to minimize the free space inside the jar. Put the remaining garlic, dill and horseradish on top.

To prepare the brine, add salt to the water and mix thoroughly. Pour in the solution. Cover it with a lid and send it to a cold room or refrigerator. Should be kept for 1-2 days.

Drain the brine into a saucepan, add half a glass of water to it and bring to a boil over high heat. Fill jars with cucumbers with this solution.

We tightly twist the jars and turn them upside down, wrap them with a warm scarf or scarf and keep it that way for 10-12 hours. Then we take it out for storage in a dark place.

Pickles for the winter for storage in the apartment

Not everyone has the opportunity to store canned goods in the basement, so recipes for storing vegetables in an apartment are popular with many lovers of pickles. We present the simplest and most delicious of them.

Before starting the salting process, be sure to sterilize the lids; the jars themselves can simply be rinsed with boiling water.

Lay the spices on the bottom, which are included in the so-called "picking broom", which can be bought at a specialized store or on the market. You can also add a horseradish leaf or tarragon to add crunchiness to the cucumbers. Cut all spices as small as possible.

Tamp the cucumbers into jars, try to keep as little free space inside as possible.

Prepare the brine: for a ten-liter bucket of water, you will need 3 cups of salt. Mix the solution well and pour over the cucumbers. Leave them for two or three days.

On the third day, pour the brine into the pan. Since the cucumbers sank, we take one jar and report from it to others. Make sure the vegetables are tightly packed together.

Pour the cucumbers twice with boiling water, let it brew for five minutes. Boil the brine, pour it out so that the solution completely covers the vegetables. We close the jars, turn them over and send them to the heat for the night. After that, we transfer to the darkest place in the apartment.

The most delicious recipe for crispy pickles

Of course, every housewife considers her recipe to be the best. However, we will share with you the method of pickling cucumbers, which can easily become your favorite. Cucumbers are crispy, spicy, slightly sweet.

For one liter jar you will need:

  • one and a half liters of water;
  • salt - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 milliliters;
  • cucumbers - 1 kilogram;
  • onion - 150 grams;
  • bay leaf - 20 grams;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • bunch of dill.

Cut the onion into rings, lay it on the bottom of the washed jar. Add black pepper and dill.

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly under running water, cut off the ends. Pack tightly into jars.

For the marinade, boil water, add salt, sugar and vinegar to it. Pour jars of cucumbers with hot marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and put a jar covered with a lid there so that the water is up to the level of half the container. Sterilize for ten minutes. Do not be alarmed if the cucumbers change color, this is normal.

We take out the bank and roll it up. We store it in a cool dark place.

On the topic of canning for the winter:

  1. Pickled Tomatoes - 11 Delicious Tomato Recipes

We offer you the simplest, but at the same time delicious recipe for pickling cucumbers without sterilization.


  • fresh cucumbers;
  • dill;
  • horseradish;
  • bell pepper;
  • cherry and black currant leaves;
  • garlic;
  • vinegar essence;
  • coarse salt.

In order for the cucumbers to be firm and crispy, pre-soak them in cold water.

In carefully washed jars, put a leaf of horseradish, dill, one leaf of cherry and black currant. We put cucumbers on the greens, it is better to take small vegetables. We cut the bell pepper into pieces and send it there.

Peel the garlic and place directly in slices in a jar around its perimeter. Place dill on top of cucumbers.

Boil water. Pour cucumbers into it, wait ten minutes, then pour the brine into the pan and bring to a boil again. Refill the jar with liquid. Repeat this procedure again.

Prepare a saline solution. Put the drained water on fire. Add one tablespoon of salt and sugar to it. Add some water to replace the evaporated.

Now add 1 teaspoon of 70% vinegar essence.

Fill the jars to the top with boiling brine and roll them up. Turn upside down and carefully wrap. This is necessary so that the contents warm up well. After all, we prepare our pickled cucumbers without sterilization and, therefore, this is very important.

Store the finished preservation in a cool dark place.

Salted cucumbers for the winter with mustard

This recipe is sure to please spicy lovers. And it is very easy to make such a pickle! For this you will need:

  • cucumbers - 10 kilograms;
  • garlic, it is better to take young - 150 grams;
  • dill;
  • cherry and horseradish leaves;
  • bitter red pepper;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • mustard powder - 150 grams;
  • peppercorns.

As with any other method of pickling cucumbers, soak them for six hours in cold water. Boil water in a saucepan and cool it to room temperature. Pour salt into it and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Sterilize jars and lids. Put spices and seasonings at the very bottom of each jar. Place cucumbers on top. Pour in brine, add one heaping tablespoon of mustard on top. Close the jar with a capron lid and store in a dark place. Vegetables will be ready in about a month.

How to salt correctly: secrets and rules

Many housewives think that preparing delicious pickles is a difficult task. However, there are no difficulties in conservation if you follow some recommendations.

  • Choose good quality cucumbers. Of course, the most ideal option would be if you grow them in your own garden. Store-bought ones will work though. Give preference to small cucumbers, because they are better salted and denser in the jar. Try to use only young vegetables for harvesting. They should feel firm to the touch and not too dark.
  • It is better to pickle cucumbers in clean well water.
  • Use your favorite spices. It is better not to spare them, because they will give the vegetables a unique taste and aroma.
  • For conservation, rock salt is best. Thanks to her, the vegetables will have a full and rich taste.
  • To keep the jar from exploding, add one tablespoon of vodka to it.

Delicious food is one of the secrets of a happy life. And homemade preparations can be safely attributed to the category of delicacies! Now you know the best recipes for pickles and you can easily please your loved ones with tasty and healthy preservation.

Delicious and crispy cucumbers are not always obtained, but this minus is possible. So, for pickling, you need to choose small vegetables, with a thin skin and a gimlet surface. As a result, they are well salted, and there will be no voids in them. Also, before salting, cucumbers of the same size should be selected, so the process will take place in all fruits.

Very cucumbers are obtained, they are salted in. For salting you will need the following ingredients:

25 liters of water;
- 600 g of salt;
- 10 g of tarragon;
- 100 g of dill;
- 5 heads of garlic;
- 25 cherry leaves;
- 20 oak leaves;
- 20 black currant leaves;
- 1/2 pod of red pepper;
- 1/2 horseradish root.

Make the brine first. You need salt in warm water. Then sort the cucumbers and wash them with cold water. After that, line the bottom of a wooden barrel with washed leaves of oak, cherry, blackcurrant, also lay dill, horseradish, tarragon, garlic. Now cucumbers are stacked in dense rows in a vertical position. Between them, make pads of seasonings and leaves. Close the barrel tightly, hammering the top bottom. Now, through the hole that needs to be made in advance in the bottom, pour in the brine and plug it with a wooden plug. It is important to prevent the cucumbers from floating up after pouring it, so you should tightly cover the lid of the barrel with a wooden circle and put a weight on it. Through you can take a sample from pickles. If the cucumbers are not salted enough, then you should wait a few more days.

Pickled cucumbers in a jar

Not everyone has the opportunity to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, so it's in a jar. For this you need products:

3 kg of cucumbers;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 2 seed umbrellas of dill;
- 3 leaves of black currant;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 3 cherry leaves
- 1 sheet of horseradish;
- 90 g of salt.

First, the brine is made. Take a saucepan, pour water into it, dissolve salt in it and throw in 2 bay leaves. Put the dishes with brine on the fire and boil. Then put an umbrella of dill, blackcurrant leaves, horseradish, cherries, garlic and peppercorns on the bottom of a three-liter jar. After that, a layer of cucumbers is laid out, which are installed vertically. Now fill them with boiling brine and roll up the jar with a metal lid. Store pickles only in a cold place. It can be not only a cellar, but also a refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate and labor will be wasted.

Related article

It’s good to have a few jars of pickles in stock, because without them you can’t cook pickle, hodgepodge. Properly pickled cucumbers for the winter retain their maximum useful properties, they turn out tasty and crispy.

You will need

  • An old recipe: 100 cucumbers, 1 pound salt, 5 liters of water, garlic, a bunch of dill, currant leaves.
  • Cucumbers in an enamel bowl: cucumbers 10 kg, dill (umbrellas) 400 g, horseradish root 60 g, garlic 40 g, cherry or currant leaf 100 g, hot pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt 300 g, mustard powder 20 g.
  • Cucumbers in jars: gherkins 10 kg, acetic acid 150 g, bay leaf 30 g, hot capsicum 15 g, water 5 l, salt for pickling 100 g, for scalding 300 g.
  • Cucumbers in cucumbers: 10 kg of medium-sized fruits, 10 kg of overripe fruits, salt 700 g, garlic and paprika 20 g each, dill umbrellas 300 g.


Select healthy, ugly-shaped, green, 5-15 cm cucumbers for pickling. Sort into three sizes: 5-9 cm, 9-12 cm, 12-15 cm. Ideal dishes for salting cucumbers for the winter are oak barrels, greens in them have an excellent taste, are stored for a long time.

A simple pickle, peeped in an old cookbook: wash the medium-sized fruits well, put them in a barrel tightly in layers, sprinkling each layer with currant leaves and dill. You can add garlic cloves, it not only multiplies the taste, but also helps to keep the greens strong. Press down on the cucumbers. Dilute the salt in boiled cold water, pour the product with this brine and seal tightly. Store at 0+5 degrees.

You can also salt cucumbers in enameled dishes, these days this is a more familiar container. Before salting, soak cucumbers in cold water for 7-8 hours. This is done so that they swell, become elastic and, when salted, do not become empty, do not wrinkle. Put spicy herbs at the bottom of the dish, lay a layer of cucumbers and again spices, and so on to the top. The top layer is herbs, take them only fresh.

Stuff the cucumbers into the pan as tightly as possible, pour over the brine, put a circle and press down with a load. Let them stand in a room for two or three days, and then put them in a cellar or some other cold place. Watch the brine and if mold appears on the surface, remove it and rinse the circle and weight in boiling water. Prepare the brine as follows: dissolve the salt in a small amount of cold water, then add water to the norm. Let it stand for 8-10 hours.

No less tasty are cucumbers pickled for the winter in glass jars. You can salt in one of the ways described above, after a week put it in jars and pour boiled brine and close with iron lids. Or you can cook lightly salted cucumbers. Small fruits are suitable for such salting. Scald prepared gherkins with water and salt, 300 g of salt in a bucket of water, then pour over with ice water and dry. Carefully place in jars in rows, add lavrushka and hot pepper. Fill with brine and roll up with iron lids. With this salting method, use an additional preservative - vinegar, and then the cucumbers will be well stored.

Cucumbers salted in cucumbers have an interesting taste. If there are overgrown cucumbers, you can use them for pickling. Place the prepared greens in a pot or jars, sprinkling each layer with finely chopped or grated overripe cucumbers mixed with salt, hot pepper, dill and chopped garlic. Press down on the cucumbers.


The Russian pound is equal to 0.409 kg; 100 cucumbers are approximately equal to 10 kg.

Helpful advice

Ordinary pickles will get extraordinary strength, retain their bright green color and crunchiness, if 1/3 of the decoction of oak leaves is added to the brine. But at the same time, cucumbers will acquire sourness.


  • The book "Homemade pickles, jams and marinades"

Cucumbers are revered both fresh and pickled or salted. Salads, soups, snacks - you can't do anything without a cucumber. It is worth noting that cucumbers prepared for the winter play a special role, because they are doubly pleasant and tastier if they are collected from their own garden and rolled into jars according to your favorite recipe.

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Of course, everything can be bought in the store. And pickles are no exception. But, if you are a good hostess or want to become one, then you will have to learn how to pickle cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is a special ritual, and there are so many recipes! Read this article: how to pickle cucumbers in cold and hot ways, my original recipes for pickling cucumbers. Read on.

Here's what the pros advise.

Salt crispy cucumbers for the winter

For salting, you need to prepare.

Start with containers and dishes in which you are going to roll cucumbers.

  • Suitable jars with a capacity of 1.5 liters to 3. I prefer three liter jars.

Take care of the lids too.

  • For salting in a cold way, you will need plastic hard lids, those that need to be preheated.
  • For hot salting, metal lids and a good seamer key are needed.


Of course, the cucumbers themselves.

  • Medium-sized cucumbers, of the same shape and color, with small pimples, are best suited for pickling.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for at least 2 hours in cold water.
  • Many recipes recommend cutting off the tips of cucumbers, I never do this, but cucumbers are salted and stored perfectly. So, to trim or not to trim is a matter of taste and aesthetics.

Salt and spices.

  • Salt for pickling cucumbers is suitable for the most common table salt, the one in a simple paper pack, without iodine and all kinds of additives.
  • For a cold method of pickling cucumbers, you will need dill sprigs, or rather umbrellas with seeds, currant leaves, cherries and plums. Also, garlic cloves and horseradish root will not be superfluous. Nothing else.
  • For hot salting, you need bay leaves, peppercorns and citric acid as a preservative. No herbs and leaves are needed in the hot brine; cucumbers turn out fragrant and crispy even without them.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter - delicious and easy! Or how to pickle cucumbers

Cold method - the easiest and most affordable


  • cucumbers
  • currant, cherry and plum leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic cloves

Cooking method:

  1. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Place 2-3 teeth in clean 3-liter jars. garlic, dill umbels and leaves. Lay cucumbers very tightly on them, try to press them very tightly. In the process of pickling, cucumbers decrease and you will not get a full jar, but microbes easily penetrate into the empty space.
  2. After laying the cucumbers, pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. coarse salt with top.
  3. Then pour cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids.
  4. Turn the jar upside down several times to disperse the salt.
  5. Put the jars in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. At first, the brine will be cloudy, then it will begin to lighten. Fluid may leak from under the cap, it is unnecessary to open and top up. Better notice this jar and eat it first. Cucumbers in this way are ready in 2-3 weeks, and are stored for almost a year.

By the way, cucumbers in the cold way are my favorite. They really remind me of my grandmother's cucumbers from a large oak barrel. Try it, you won't regret it!

Video recipe "Hurry pickled cucumbers"

Hot method of pickling cucumbers

By salting cucumbers in this way, you are preparing homemade canned food for the future. They do not require storage in a cool place, but the salting process is quite laborious and even dangerous.

You will have to tinker with boiling water, hot jars and pour cucumbers with brine 3-4 times. Stock up on patience and strength, the result is worth it!


  • cucumbers
  • sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

  1. Soak cucumbers, put tightly in 3-liter sterilized jars. In this recipe, cucumbers are reduced and even boiled down, so the denser the cucumbers are packed, the less fuss with half-empty jars.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour over the cucumbers. Cover jars with lids and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Boil another water and again pour cucumbers with it. Leave for the same time. Drain the water into a large saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt and 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar per jar. Sugar retains color and crunchiness in cucumbers, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine.
  4. Pour 0.5 tsp into each jar. citric acid, pour boiling brine and roll up with metal lids.

Banks can be removed to cool in a buffet or in a far corner. After rolling up my cucumbers, I wrap them in a warm blanket for a day. As my mother taught, I think they are warmer there and so they become tastier.
