
What can be baked with puff pastry. Puff pastry: shaping ideas worthy of culinary masterpieces

Simple puffs-masterpieces:

Puff pastry flowers

Build puffs following the instructions in the picture. All you need for this is sleight of hand and a sharp knife. Do not forget about the filling: put dried apricots or prunes in the center. Before serving, decorate each puff with jam to taste. If the occasion is festive, then show your imagination: draw foliage with balsamic sauce.

Openwork cookies with apples

Roll out the dough into a circle. Cut it into triangles. Place the grated red apple filling in the center of each slice. Make two cuts on the sides and wrap the filling, as shown in the picture. Bake cookies in the oven.


To make such a beauty is not difficult at all. Cut the rolled out puff pastry into squares. Bend each square diagonally, making an envelope, as in the figure below.

Now the main creative moment begins. Using a sharp knife, make cuts on the triangles, stepping back a centimeter from the edge and, not reaching the sharp end, also a centimeter. (see picture below). Open your square and use a brush to brush it with egg white. Now, carefully taking the notched edges, lay them as shown in the figure below. It remains only to lay out the filling and forward, into the oven.

Puff pastry scallop
The very name of this confectionery speaks for itself. Our puff is a delicious stuffed pie that looks like an ordinary scallop (albeit slightly pot-bellied). Moreover, the scallop is not just a shape, it is also one of the four ways to close the cake along with the side, pocket and border.

Cut the rolled out layer of puff pastry into rectangles. We spread the filling on each. Here you can let your imagination run wild and use what you like: chocolate, marmalade, a mixture of flour, butter and sugar (horiz), fresh fruit, nuts, meat, mushroom stuffing, cheese, etc.

Now, fold our rectangle in half, as shown in the figure and, using a special gear wheel, process the edge.

Puff pastry curl
Curl is a beautiful name, isn't it? The product itself looks just as beautiful. And how appetizing it is! These exquisite puffs really look like curls, and making them is not at all difficult.

We roll out a layer of puff pastry, forming one large rectangle, sprinkle it with stuffing.

And you need to cut the roll into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. We open each piece, as shown in the figure below and put it on a baking sheet.

Puff pastry butterfly
Take a closer look, you see what butterflies are bright, odorous and incredibly tasty. And they are made from the same puff pastry. Prepare the filling, fruits, nuts and create ...

First, roll out the layer and cut it into squares. Now the course of work is almost the same as in the manufacture of cheesecakes. We also fold the squares into triangles, cut, open and grease with egg white.

Now, take the incised tip on one side, then on the other and connect. In the resulting windows lay out the filling. You can decorate finished products with whatever you want - halves of canned apricots, grapes or any berries, nuts, sprinkles.

Puff pastry bow

A bow - on a hot summer day, such a yummy will come in handy. Cream cakes are not desirable during this period, and puff pastry bows look very impressive on the table, as they look festive. Children enjoy this treat.

We fold a standard square of rolled puff pastry into a triangle. Now we make two cuts. As you can see in the photo above. You need to complete them by leading the knife from the sharp edge to the base, 1 cm short of the edge. With the resulting strip (whose width is 1 cm), we wrap the base several times. Our bow can be baked. When it is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar or spread with apricot marmalade. Crispy yummy…

Puff pastry kare

The preparation of this treat will immediately add variety, because you can cook puff pastry with several fillings at the same time. And it is done like this:

Roll out a layer of puff pastry, cut it into squares. Fold each triangle, and then, on one side, make an incision, not reaching one centimeter to the edge. Now, carefully taking the edge from the side of the notch, we shift the cut strip to the opposite edge. Such pastries can be suitable not only for sweet dishes, but also as an original snack. Just the squares in this case should be smaller. Fill the space with salad, meat or mushroom stuffing - the taste of such a dish is very refined.

Puff pastry
The dough pigtail that we offer you to make is very simple to perform.

Cut the rolled out puff pastry into thin, narrow rectangles.
In the middle of each rectangle we make an incision in one third of its entire length.

Now, we can start weaving. We take one edge of the rectangle and pass it into the resulting hole, then again and so on until we get such a beautiful braid (see photo below).

Puff pastry croissant
Air puff bagels with a beautiful name croissants are known and loved by both children and adults.

To prepare them, roll out puff pastry in the shape of a rectangle or circle, as it suits you. Then cut it into long triangles. Each triangle, starting from the base, is wrapped with a roll. It turns out just as cute as in the photo below.

Brush the top with egg yolk and place in the oven. Croissants can be with a wide variety of fillings.

Puff pastry medallion
You probably already understood that many product names directly describe how this or that puff looks like. Take, for example, medallions. It is immediately clear that we have a sweet decoration in front of us, however, its purpose is somewhat different than that of jewelry pendants. And yes, it's much easier to do.

We cut the rolled out layer of puff pastry into squares, which we then fold in half, forming triangles. Now, stepping back from the edge by 1-1.5 cm, starting from the base, we make cuts on both sides of the triangle. Moreover, it is necessary to make cuts in such a way that they do not reach the upper corner of the triangle by a centimeter and a half.

Now, taking the cut strips by the edges, we connect them together and create a “bed” for the filling, as it is done in the photo below. We fill it with stuffing and you can send the medallion to the oven.

Half a puff pastry croissant
Croissant halves look very attractive on their own. Small, neat, they just ask to be tried as soon as possible. And you need to make them in almost the same way as whole croissants.

But when the triangles are ready to be folded, they are cut in half along the entire length. When wrapping the roll, you need to hold the cut side so that the edge is even and beautiful, without protrusions. After the puff is baked, this edge is sprinkled with powdered sugar, sprinkles, dipped in melted chocolate, marmalade, or icing.

Puff pastry strip

Puff tongues from Soviet school canteens are remembered by absolutely all representatives of the older generation. Our strips are somewhat similar to them, but they look much more appetizing, and besides, they are also stuffed.

So, having rolled out a layer of puff pastry, spread the filling over half of it, sprinkle with sesame seeds or nuts and fold the sheet in half, putting the free edge on the half with the filling. Gently straighten and cut into strips, the width of which we determine to your taste. Sprinkle the finished strips with powder and decorate.

Mesh puff pastry
The classic design of the pie - mesh, will be used by us in the preparation of the puff.

To do this, we need a special tool, a roller stamp. Having cut out the same squares from the rolled out layer of puff pastry, we divide them in such a way that we get the same number of smooth squares and squares with a mesh. Having processed the smooth part with egg white, spread the filling on it and cover it with a mesh on top. We bake. To make the surface shiny, you can, if desired, grease the product with egg yolk before baking. The decoration of these puffs can be very different.

Puff pastry snack
Translated from English, snack means a light snack. So we suggest you cook delicious puffs that will be very convenient for a snack.

As always, carefully, trying not to press down, roll out the puff pastry. We arm ourselves with a special device and draw a line consisting of thin horizontal stripes in the center of the rolled sheet. In the event that there is no roller fixture in the house, work with a knife. To make it easier for you to make horizontal cuts, visually divide the sheet in front of you into three equal parts. The central part is to be processed. Then, right on our strips, lay out the filling, sprinkle it with sesame seeds or nuts and overlap with smooth edges.

Puff pastry snail

We cover the prepared rolled layer of puff pastry with the filling, evenly distributing it over the surface. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, raisins, nuts or cinnamon on top - as you like, and carefully roll the roll. Then, armed with a sharp knife, cut it into slices (1.5-2 cm each). We put each slice flat on a baking sheet and send it to the oven.

Bread with chocolate puff pastry
The favorite breakfast of schoolchildren, preschoolers, as well as dads, mothers, grandparents - puff bread with chocolate can be classified as the most popular puff pastry. There are no special tricks in its manufacture, and the product turns out to be very tasty and satisfying.

Roll out a layer of puff pastry, put the chocolate filling on one edge and carefully fold, not with a narrow roll tube, but with wider twists. Brush with egg yolk and bake. After baking, you can decorate at your discretion.

Puff pastry flower

And finally, a real masterpiece of confectionery art - a puff flower. The secret of making such beauty will be asked from you by everyone who sees and tries it. So elegant, yet so easy to make.

Cut the rolled out dough into squares. (To make them the same, you can take care of a cardboard template). Then we fold each in half and cut it, moving away from both corners of the base by 1-1.5 cm. We open the square. Do not rush to remove the cut off strip. Just take one opposite edge first and connect them, and then the others and connect them all in the center.

You will get a flower on a stand. Fill the spaces with stuffing and send your product to the oven.

Greetings dear hostesses, I have not written for a long time. We were on holiday with the whole family and had a great time. We arrived home and wanted to bake something for my guys. So I thought that puff pastry makes very tasty pastries. But how to make puff pastry at home?

There was a time when I just bought it in the store, as many do now. Well, it's convenient. I wanted to go and buy. I thought it was very difficult to do it, no one from my acquaintances did it, they then scared them saying it was hard and not real.

But I decided on my own and in fact, there is nothing complicated. Only sometimes I call my husband to help roll out 😆 .

Today we will analyze a few recipes and secrets for making puff pastry.

This the most common variant of its preparation. I want to make a reservation right away, do not just try to follow the recipe, look at your feelings and rely on your experience. That's the problem:

In sweet puff pastry without yeast, the number of eggs depends only on the hostess's preference. In this volume, it can be from 0 to 4.

Oil volume is also subjective.

Everything will depend only on the quality of the batch and compliance with certain cooking rules.

Ingredients used:

  • 3 cups flour, premium.
  • 300 g butter. Butter is better than spread or margarine.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 3/4 cup of water.
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt.
  • Citric acid, on the tip of a knife.

Here's how to make puff pastry at home:

Step 1.

Puff pastry consists of 2 parts: Flour and butter. First thing sift the flour. After that 6 tablespoons set aside for the buttery part of the dough.

Mug sieve, handy thing

Step 2.

The next step is very simple. kneading the dough. In flour break the eggs, add salt and citric acid, pour out the water and quickly knead a smooth dough.

Properly kneaded dough takes any shape and does not stick to the table and hands.

Cooked dough leave on the table for 30 minutes covered with something.

making flour dough

Step 3.

While the dough is standing, make the butter portion. For this Finely chop the butter with flour until you get a crumb. Now we make butter dough.

We try to roll into square shape about 1 cm thick. Make it fast before the butter melts too much. After rolling, put in the refrigerator.

making butter dough
Step 4

Now we take the flour part and roll out 2 times more than the oil part. At the same time, it is necessary better stretched edges, we will wrap them.

We wrap something like this, an envelope

Step 5

Now we take the oil part, and wrap it in the flour part like an envelope. The resulting envelope is rolled out to a thickness of about 1 cm, even a little more.

It is better to roll out more in length. Now you need roll the dough into 3 or 4 parts. Here at your discretion. Now this pie refrigerate for about 15 minutes.

Rolling options for puff pastry

Step 6, step 7....

Now the cycle "roll out, fold, keep in the refrigerator" repeat several times. How many times, you ask? The quality of your dough depends on the number of layers. The more, the more magnificent and higher it will rise.

The dough is considered correct, in which at least 100 layers, experienced and persistent housewives bring the dough up to 500 layers.

Here's how to make puff pastry at home. Now for some arithmetic. Let's make 100 layers. If we make 4 folds to the maximum, then we get 4 layers at a time. So you need to loop 25 times to get 100 layers.

In the refrigerator, we have the dough for 15 minutes and it takes about 5 minutes to roll out. So for 100 layers it should take us about 8.5 hours.

Quite laborious, but the result is worth it. Homemade puff pastry is much tastier than store bought.

From such a dough, we can do anything: Napoleon cake, puffs, tongues, strudels and much more.

Yeast puff pastry

It is not uncommon for some housewives to make puff pastry with the addition of yeast. Now let's answer the question of how to make puff pastry at home with yeast.

This dough is made faster, and it turns out softer and not crumbly. I use this dough mostly for pies.

Ingredients used:

  1. 1 glass of milk.
  2. 2 cups of flour.
  3. 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  4. 1 tablespoon flour.
  5. 1 teaspoon dry yeast.
  6. 1 egg.
  7. 200 g butter (1 pack). It is butter, not spread.

Now we will analyze the process of how to make puff pastry at home correctly.

Step 1.

To make the yeast work faster, I do this. I warm up the milk to keep warm, pour into a separate deep bowl and there add a teaspoon of dry yeast and stir until dissolved.

mix dry yeast with warm milk

Step 2

When dry grains swell, there add flour, salt and sugar. Mix and send the resulting porridge to the most warm place in the house for 40 minutes.

The dough is ready when the surface begins to wrinkle. This is a sign that the maximum volume has been reached and the dough is ready to fall.

the dough has risen

Step 3

It's about time add the rest of the products and knead the dough. Making an elastic bun. His leave for 30-40 minutes so that it doubles in size.

Step 4

We take out the butter in advance so that it is warm. Roll out the dough into a rectangle.

roll out a rectangle

Step 5.

something like this smear with oil and fold

Now spread the oil all over. Dough fold into an envelope and roll out again. After fold in 3 layers and roll again. Approximately 30 layers are considered the norm. So the procedure is repeated about 9 times.

puff pastry

Many are tormented by the question of which dough is better to make, which is easier, and so on. In fact, it all depends on what result you want to get. To do this, we have compiled a small comparative table.

Yeast Without yeast
The number of layers is from 30 to 120. from 100 to 500
Finished products are softer drier and more crumbly
Products are not so layered, but juicy Bright expression of the layers, dry, clearly visible on the cut
There is a pleasant sour smell when baking. Without smell
Need extra time for the rise of yeast, dough Extra time to chill the dough in the refrigerator
Suitable for baking with juicy fillings (cream, jam, minced meat), pizza is especially good. For baking brushwood, tongues, croissants, cakes, especially "Napoleon".

The application of this or that test is extensive, so it all depends on what you want to cook. There are no cons anywhere, except that it takes a lot of time to prepare the dough. But it's worth it.

A quick recipe for impatient housewives

Classic recipes for puff pastry are quite laborious and time consuming. Perhaps this is why many do not make it at home, but simply buy it in the store. Of course it's faster and easier.

Now let's answer the question of how to make puff pastry at home quickly. We have two recipes, quite simple.

Recipe number 1.

you can make such delicious cakes with dried apricots


  • 2 cups of flour.
  • 200 gr. butter (1 pack).
  • 1/2 cup cold water.
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Step 1.

Finely chop butter with flour on a cutting board. The main thing is to do everything quickly, until the butter has melted strongly.

Step 2

Now add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough until you get a smooth kolobok. Now leave the dough for several hours in the refrigerator. I usually keep it there for about 3 hours.

Step 3

Now, before baking, take out the dough and roll it out, fold it into about 3 layers, then we still roll and fold. You don't need much, but there are no restrictions either.

That's it, the dough is ready. Of course, this dough recipe is not so magnificent, but quickly.

Recipe number 2, with cottage cheese.

Cookies come out awesome from this dough

How to make puff pastry at home quickly, a recipe for cottage cheese dough will help.

The more fresh the cottage cheese, the tastier the pastries from it.

So do not rush to throw it out of the refrigerator, it is better to bake something delicious. But it is better to make such puff pastry in the evening, so that the dough stands in the refrigerator overnight, and bake quickly in the morning. We'll need:

  • A glass of flour.
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese.
  • 150 gr. butter.
  • Salt, about 1/5 teaspoon, or another pinch.

Step 1.

Mix cottage cheese with softened butter, pour flour into it, salt and mix until smooth.

Step 2

We put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Better at night.

Step 3

Now the same making multiple layers and you can start baking.

Little secrets on how to make puff pastry

As they say: "The first pancake is lumpy." So it was with me. And puff pastry is a delicate matter, and here you need to follow not only the recipe, but also the manufacturing technology. Therefore, we have made a small selection on how to make puff pastry at home correctly.

  1. Puff pastry loves the cold therefore it is better to use the ingredients cold, if possible. The temperature for kneading is better somewhere around 16-17 ºС, so the dough must be put in the refrigerator for a while.
  2. Salt and acid are very important. Their lack will make the dough less compact. But you should not overdo it, otherwise the taste will deteriorate.
  3. The dough is best rolled on a marble or ceramic cutting board..
  4. In classic puff pastry no sugar added, it prevents the formation of layers.
  5. Roll out the layers carefully so as not to tear them, otherwise everything can be ruined.
  6. You can not cut such a dough with a blunt knife or a mold.. If the edges are tucked in, the dough may not rise during baking.
  7. Puff pastry requires a high baking temperature - 240-270 ° C. 20 minutes in a preheated oven is enough for browned pastries.
  8. The baking tray is usually moistened with water.
  9. If products from any puff pastry pierce with a fork or toothpick, then they are baked better.
  10. Do not open the oven door for the first 5-7 minutes of baking., otherwise the products will settle.

That's all, puff pastry opens up a huge field for the hostess' imagination. Add your ingredients, experiment and surprise your loved ones with unexpected recipes.

That's all for us, bon appetit, share the recipe on social networks, write comments, bye everyone.

How to make puff pastry at home: cooking secrets updated: November 9, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

From ready-made puff pastry, you can come up with, cut or mold so many beautiful, diverse products, which is simply amazing. I made a selection of puff pastry recipes that I have already prepared. All these puffs are on the site in the form of detailed photo recipes, so if you especially like something and want to take a closer look and cook, use the links to the recipes!

Puff corners, triangles

The easiest way to seal a puff is to place the filling in the center of a square of dough, fold it in half diagonally, and pinch the edges. It turns out a corner. They can be made sweet and savory, with cheese, with cottage cheese, with eggs and herbs, with berries and fruits.

How to make a puff envelope

You can also do this with a square of dough: wrap all 4 corners towards the center and pinch so that they do not open. You will get a nice “envelope”, which works well with a filling of apples, cottage cheese with raisins.

How to make croissants

Croissant in shape is the same bagel. So we take a triangular strip of dough, put the filling on the wide part and fold it. Please note: the shape of croissants depends on the width and length of the strip, they turn out to be different!

How to make puff tubes

If the previous puffs can be molded with a knife and hands, then for the tubes you need special molds in the form of metal cones. Narrow strips of puff pastry are wound slightly overlapping on them. Molds need to be lubricated with sunflower oil so that the tubes can be easily removed.

How to make flounces - puff pastry nests

Now let's move on to more complex shapes. Baking in the form of puff nests looks very original, in which you can put various fillings - from red caviar and fried champignons to strawberries with cream.
To make nests, we cut out a pair of circles from the dough - with a glass, for example. And then in half of them we cut out the middle with a smaller glass.

We put the baked rings on top of the circles, gluing them with cream, butter or mayonnaise, and fill the “nests” with the filling. Depending on the filling, you get an unusual snack or pastry for tea.

How to make the original form of puff pastry

And also try to make "wools" - they look very unusual. In the dough rectangles, make small cuts in a checkerboard pattern vertically - to the middle of the piece, leave the other half of the rectangle intact. Put the filling on it, then cover the top with an openwork half, slightly stretching, and pinch the edges. "Vuliki" are named for their resemblance to honeycombs, and work especially well with a bright fruit filling of cherries, apricots, pumpkins with sugar and cinnamon.

How to make a puff scallop

It is very easy to form such a nice scallop puff with a filling, for example, from chocolate.

Puff pastry puffs are a delicious snack for tea. Puffs with sweet and savory fillings can be not only a hearty snack on the road, at work or school, but also an excellent tasty breakfast or dinner for the whole family. Puff pastry can be made in advance using the first recipe and frozen in small portions in the freezer. You can also use a ready-made store product.

Puff pastry puffs with apples are one of the most popular fillings.

  • 200 gr margarine;
  • 2 eggs for dough and 1 for greasing puffs;
  • 3.5 stack. flour;
  • 1 stack thick sour cream;
  • sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

First, melt the margarine in a steam bath. You can also chop with a blender along with flour.

Beat the eggs in a blender until light egg mass. Gradually sift flour to them, spread sour cream. Mix thoroughly. Lastly add margarine.

Knead the dough. Cut into equal 20 pieces. We put it on a plate and send it to the refrigerator for an hour, or to the freezer for a quarter of an hour.

We cut the apples into small cubes - first with plates 5 mm thick, then cut into cubes and cubes. The apple pulp of some varieties darkens quickly when exposed to air. To prevent this, dip the sliced ​​​​pieces of apples into a container with lemon juice diluted with water. After that, just throw it in a colander.

Roll out the chilled pieces of dough thinly, put 1.5 tablespoons of apple slices and a teaspoon of sugar.

We spread the puffs on a baking sheet covered with butter, grease them with an egg and sprinkle with sugar. You can cook at 200 degrees. within 20 minutes.

On a note. Apples are better to take juicy, sweet and sour varieties.

With cheese

Melted cheese in baking is liked by both adults and children. Cheese puffs are very tender and satisfying. It is recommended to serve hot, melted stretching cheese is much tastier than cooled.

  • ready-made puff pastry (homemade or store-bought) - 300 gr;
  • tv. cheese - 150 gr;
  • melting point cheese - 2 table. l.;
  • egg;
  • milk - 1 table. l.;
  • sesame - 1 table. l.

For the filling, mix grated hard and soft processed cheese. Roll out the dough sheet and cut into squares.

Put 1-2 tablespoons of the filling in each square, pinch the edges, forming envelopes. Beat the egg with milk and brush the puffs with it. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. A quarter of an hour is enough for baking - as soon as the dough becomes appetizing golden, the buns can be considered ready.

With cottage cheese

Cottage cheese puffs are tasty and healthy. If desired, the filling with cottage cheese can become both sweet (as in the recipe below) and unsweetened if, for example, greens and a little salt are added to it instead of sugar.

  • puff pastry packaging - 500 gr;
  • granular cottage cheese - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 2 table. l.;
  • egg for stuffing and egg for greasing.

Defrost the dough ahead of time. When it becomes slightly soft and starts to fit a little, it is ready to use. Spread the defrosted dough on the table.

Prepare the filling: combine the egg with cottage cheese and cheese. Wipe with a fork. If desired, you can add a little vanilla.

Roll out the dough and cut into rectangles. Put a couple of tablespoons of filling on one half of a piece of dough, cover the other half and pinch the edges so that the filling does not leak out. Top with beaten egg. Bake at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. within a third of an hour.

On a note. If you beat the filling with a blender, the consistency will be more homogeneous and tender.

Crispy puffs without filling

  • yeast-free puff pastry - 500 gr;
  • a handful of flour for rolling out the dough;
  • powdered sugar;
  • egg.

Leave the finished dough in advance at room temperature so that it thaws. After thinly roll it out, sprinkling the work surface with flour before that. Cut the dough into squares and ribbons. Rotate the squares so that you get "bows" by turning the half in the center. Tie the strips into braids. Put everything on the prepared baking sheet, and according to the classics, grease with a beaten egg. Bake for 15 minutes.

With meat

  • yeast puff pastry - 600 gr;
  • minced pork - 300 gr;
  • bow - 1 unit;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • salt, pepper, suneli hops.

Roll out the dough, cut into squares. Mix minced meat with one egg, salt and pepper, add a little herbs, chopped onion. Mix everything well, fry for about ten minutes in oil, stirring constantly to make the filling crumbly.

Divide the filling into the dough squares. Fold so that you get envelopes, make a few holes on top with a toothpick so that steam comes out of the baking. Bake at 180 degrees. within half an hour.

with cherry

  • a glass of cherry berries;
  • 4 tablespoons of starch;
  • ¾ stack. Sahara;
  • egg yolk;
  • sheet of puff pastry.

It is necessary to prepare the cherry in advance: rinse and remove the seeds from it.

Next, roll out the dough, cut into squares. Put a tea in the center of each square. a spoonful of starch, which will absorb the juice of the berries and prevent the puff from sticking during baking. Put a few berries on top, sprinkle with one (maybe a little more) teaspoon of sugar. Depending on how you want to see the puffs - open or closed - depends on the method of gluing the puffs. If open, lightly pinch the corners of the dough together so that the puff remains open in the center. If closed - in any way described in the above recipes. Bake at 180 degrees. within a third of an hour.

How to cook with chocolate?

A very easy way to make quick sweet puffs is with chocolate. This recipe is suitable if guests are already in a hurry to visit you, but you do not know what to offer for tea.

  • 500 g of puff pastry without yeast;
  • egg;
  • 2 chocolate bars.

In a standard package of ready-made dough, there are usually two layers of dough. And this is very handy if you want to please guests not with a simple dessert, but with pastries with different fillings. We propose to turn one layer into a puff with dark chocolate, and the second - with milk, filled with raisins and nuts. You can replace the options with your favorites if you wish.

So, you need to start by rolling out the dough. In this case, the layer does not need to be cut, in the future it will be possible to cut the finished puff into pieces. The sheet should retain the corners and be twice the size of the chocolate bar. We put a tile in the center and with a knife we ​​make parallel oblique cuts along the remaining protruding edges of the dough. Next, we cover the chocolate with shorter pieces of dough, and we twist the oblique ribbons in turn, completely closing it.

Repeat the same with the remaining dough and the second chocolate bar.

Beat the egg well and brush the pastry with it. We follow the edges of the baking, they must be well pinched, otherwise the chocolate may leak out. We bake at 200 degrees. within 20-25 minutes.

On a note. Banana goes well with chocolate. It can also be cut into strips and placed under the chocolate bar while assembling the puff.

Puff pastry with mushrooms

  • mushrooms - 400 gr;
  • puff. dough - 500 gr;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • bow - 1 unit;
  • boiled potatoes - 3 units;
  • cheese is hard. - 100 gr;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • salt, oil, pepper.

First, prepare the filling: wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and fry in oil, over high heat. In the meantime, cut the onion into quarters. When the liquid evaporates from the mushrooms, put an onion to them, if desired, you can add a spoonful of plums to give tenderness and aroma. oils. We fry everything together, stirring occasionally, salt. Remove from heat after the onion and mushrooms become a delicious yellowish hue.

Rinse the greens, blot with a paper towel, chop finely. Cut boiled potatoes into cubes.

Three cheese on a coarse grater. We combine everything that is prepared in one bowl.

Whisk the egg and pour over the filling. We mix everything.

Roll out the dough and cut into squares of about 10-12 cm. Beat the second egg and cover the edges of the squares with it - so that they stick together better. In each square, lay out diagonally about a spoonful of filling. We wrap in balls. Place on a baking sheet and cover with the rest of the beaten egg. At 180 deg. The cookies are baked for about 20 minutes.

With Chiken

  • 500-600 gr of homemade or purchased puff pastry;
  • 2 chicken breast halves, boneless and skinless
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • 1 small onion.

We clean the onion and potatoes, cut into small cubes.

Rinse the breast and cut into small cubes, similar in size to pieces of vegetables.

Roll out the dough and cut into rectangles about 10 cm long and 20 cm wide. We spread the filling on one half, leaving the edges free. We pinch. We pierce the top in several places with a fork so that the steam comes out, and the pastry does not turn out to be wet inside. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.

With ham and cheese

  • egg;
  • 300 gr ham;
  • 200 gr hard. cheese;
  • 500 gr of dough.

We cut the ham into strips, three cheese on a grater. Roll out the dough and cut into rectangles. Put ham on one half, sprinkle with cheese. On the second half, we make small longitudinal cuts in the center. We cover the filling with the second half of the dough and pinch the edges. Brush pastry with beaten egg.

Such a filling does not require a long time for readiness, so it is enough to bake for 20-25 minutes.

Unsweetened puffs with sorrel and cottage cheese

  • puff pastry - 350-450 gr;
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • grated hard cheese - 150 gr;
  • salt pepper;
  • garlic clove;
  • sorrel - 50-70 gr.

Rinse the sorrel, finely chop, mix with grated cheese and cottage cheese. Add pepper and salt to taste, squeeze the garlic, beat in the egg and mix well.

Roll out the dough, cut into rectangles. Then everything happens, as in the previous recipes - we lay out the filling in pieces of dough, pinch, grease with an egg and bake. For this filling, it is enough to bake for a third of an hour at 180 degrees.

with bananas

  • banana - 1 unit;
  • puff. dough - 1 layer;
  • chocolate paste - 100-150 gr;
  • walnuts - 2 table. l. crushed kernels.

Roll out the dough, divide into 9 equal squares. In each we put a teaspoon with a slide of chocolate paste. Sprinkle with crushed nuts on top and put a slice of banana. We connect the ends of the dough in the center. We bake at 180 degrees. Readiness is determined by the state of the dough, since the filling does not require long-term heat treatment. When the puffs become golden, they can be removed from the oven.

With sugar

Sugar puffs are also called puff tongues.

  • 500 gr puff. test;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 ml of strongly brewed black tea (can be replaced with yolk).

The preparation is very simple: the dough is slightly defrosted, rolled out to a thickness of approximately 7 mm. Cut into strips approximately 4-5 cm wide. They are laid out on a baking sheet, smeared with tea and sprinkled with sugar. It is enough for sugar tongues to bake for only 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Puff pastry puffs will help you out in almost any situation. They can be baked both from a semi-finished product and from dough prepared by oneself. There should not be any special problems in the process, because I will try to describe all its stages clearly and extremely accessible.

Puff pastry - popular and favorite recipes

Most importantly, buy or make puff pastry!

So, so that all members of your family eat your puff pastry puffs, prepare the dough, which consists of:

half a kilogram of flour; 375 g butter; 250 ml of ice water; teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar

Recipes for puff pastry baking contain step-by-step instructions. I suggest making puffs like this:

  1. Sift flour into a bowl and mix it with salt.
  2. Melt 75 g of butter over a fire and cool slightly.
  3. Cool the rest of the oil prescribed in the recipe, on the contrary, in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour water into a bowl with flour, then butter in a thin stream and start kneading the dough.
  5. To make yeast-free puff pastry puffs, use cold water and premium flour.
  6. After the mass of the dough acquires viscosity, put it on the table, and start kneading with your hands until it becomes elastic.
  7. Wrap the dough mass with cling film and send it to the refrigerator shelf, where it will spend at least 40 minutes. Count your time, you can bake puffs the next day, as some recipes provide, this will not make them worse.
  1. Put the butter on the table and form it into a square cake 1 cm thick, a rolling pin to help you.
  2. Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out into a rectangular shape.
  3. Put butter on half of the dough, cover it with the second part and start rolling, moving the rolling pin in one direction, trying to make a rectangle of dough again.
  4. Divide the rectangle into 3 unequal parts (2/3 in the middle, 1/3 along the edges) and fold the book from the edges in two steps, you will have 4 layers.
  5. Again, roll out the dough in one direction and repeat folding, maintaining intervals of one hour. At this time, send the dough to the refrigerator, wrapping it with a film. The more layers of dough you make, the puffs will be higher and airier in the end.

Recipes, following which you will have pastries that delight your loved ones and friends, include the stage of forming blanks. Today we are preparing puff pastry puffs called "tongues", that is, these are pastries without filling. It comes with salty or sweet puff pastry, choose for yourself, focusing on the tastes of your family.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degree heat.
  2. Roll out the dough on a floured board and cut into strips.
  3. Divide each strip into squares, and then into triangles.
  • Puff pastry is brittle and crumbles easily, so recipes advise making small puffs.
  • So they can be eaten in one fell swoop, without biting off, and before that, dip in honey or jam.
  • Sprinkle the yeast-free puff pastry puffs with sugar and bake on a baking sheet moistened with water for 10 minutes. During this time, they will be well baked and browned. Before serving, put the puff on a beautiful dish.

See my other recipes for delicious puff pastry.

Filled puffs

Puffs are filled with a variety of fillings. Depending on your taste preferences, use mushrooms, meat, vegetables, jams or boiled condensed milk. But remember, so that the puffs do not spread in the oven, the filling should not be too wet and hot.

We begin to form puffs:

  1. Lay the dough out on a floured board and roll it out with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut the dough into strips 8-9 cm wide, then divide them into squares.
  3. Put the filling on one half of the puff and roll it into a triangle shape. To prevent the edges from sticking, press them down with a fork. Besides the fact that your pastries will be durable, they will take on a more attractive appearance.
  4. Moisten a baking sheet with water and lay out the puffs, keeping a distance between them, because at a high temperature (200 degrees) they will begin to increase in size.
  5. In total, the puffs will spend 15-20 minutes in the oven, it all depends on their filling.

If you cook puffs from raw products, then their baking time will increase slightly. Keep this in mind when preparing a treat with cottage cheese or fruit. Recipes recommend keeping them in the oven for at least 20 minutes.

  • Monitor the state of baking through the glass of the oven, trying not to open the door at first.
  • As soon as it is reddened, check the readiness on one copy and take out the puffs to cool. The main thing is that the filling does not remain raw.
  • You can serve dessert puffs with any drinks - tea, compote, fruit juice, it all depends on the season and your desire.

I promise that your guests and friends will not remain indifferent to your efforts, so you are guaranteed praise and compliments.

If you are interested in more delicious and airy puff pastry recipes, visit my website, where you will find many tips and recommendations on this topic. Bon appetit and check out my other recipes!

Basic rules for preparing puffs

In every modern grocery store, customers can purchase puff pastry, both yeast and plain.

Baking will turn out splendor, because each product is ideal for home cooking. As a rule, it is customary to use frozen dough.

Before you start cooking, you should let him lie down for a while in warmth. You need to take it out of the freezer in advance so that the dough thaws.

The dough layer needs to be rolled up to the desired size, and then start forming puffs. Toppings can be very different.

Fillings for homemade puffs

You can prepare homemade puffs with different types of fillings: meat, sausage, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, cottage cheese, marmalade and marshmallows. Even chocolate and dried fruits are suitable for this purpose.

As you can see, don't be afraid to experiment. Here it is worth doing everything as the recipe for working with the dough indicates, but choose the filling to your taste.


Homemade puffs can be of different shapes: a rectangle, a square, an envelope, a roll, a bagel, etc. In fact, as in the previous paragraph, there are no restrictions, everything will depend on your personal desire and the filling that you like the most.


Bake puffs in a home oven. The temperature will vary from 200 to 220 gr. In this case, everything will depend on the parameters of the filling.

If you cook puffs with meat, then know that they are baked much longer. Therefore, the temperature should be made a little lower, otherwise there is a high chance that the dough will burn.

That's all with the theory in this article, I suggest moving on to the recipes.

Cheese puffs based on ready-made dough

Cheese puff is very easy to make. Plus, it takes very little time to cook. The end result is a delicious cake. Any cheese is suitable, even processed, but in the composition of the components in this case, I indicated the use of hard cheese.

Components: 500 gr. test; 170 gr. tv. cheese; 1 PC. chickens. egg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I roll out the defrosted dough into a layer, about 3 mm in thickness. I cut into squares, the sides of which will be 10 cm.
  2. I'm rubbing TV. grated cheese, preferably on the large side.
  3. Kur. I mix the egg with 1 tbsp. water. I am massaging.
  4. I grease the chicken dough squares. egg using a special kitchen brush. I put the filling on a square and cover with dough, the edges need to be fastened together. To give the puff strength, it is better to walk around its entire perimeter with a fork. The puff will acquire ribbed edges.
  5. I flip the puffs onto a baking sheet to send them to the oven for baking. But remember that before this it is important to grease the baked chickens. egg.

Puff with apple based on puff pastry

Apple puffs involve the use of fresh fruits, but it is quite possible to replace them with jam, mashed potatoes, compote residues.

Components: 300 gr. test; 2 pcs. apples 3 tsp cinnamon; 1 PC. chickens. eggs; 3 tbsp Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I make the filling: I chop the apples into cubes, mix with sugar and cinnamon.
  2. I put the filling in a microwave bowl, heat it for a couple of minutes. I let it cool.
  3. I roll the dough, but the layer should not be made too thick.
  4. I divide it into parts. I grease the edges of the chickens. egg. I distribute the filling between the puffs, fix the edges in order to make triangles. I put it on a baking sheet. The dough will rise several times during baking. Grease and bake in the oven.

Cottage cheese puffs with raisins based on puff pastry

A similar cooking recipe allows you to use not only homemade or store-bought cottage cheese, but also a ready-made mass that contains chocolate, candied fruit, raisins and other additives. In this case, only chickens can be added to the filling. egg.

Components: 1 pack. test; 400 gr. cottage cheese; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; sugar; vanilla and 50 gr. raisins.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I wash the raisins with boiling water, give it time to swell. Rub cottage cheese with sugar. I add vanilla to the mass and chickens. egg. I mix with raisins.
  2. I roll out the dough with a rolling pin. I cut into squares layers of 15 cm approximately.
  3. I'm slaughtering chickens. egg. I smear the edges with it. I put the cottage cheese filling on the blanks and fold them in half. I go around the edges with a fork to hold the dough together. I put it in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. at 170 gr.

Cherry puffs

Based on the finished dough, you can make not only puffs with cherry filling, but also other berries. For example, I advise you to use raspberries, cherries, strawberries.

It is necessary that the juice from the berries does not flow out during the baking of the puffs. In this regard, I have a couple of secrets that I will tell you.

Components: 1 pack. test; 3 tbsp. sugar and starch; 2 pcs. white crackers; 1 PC. chickens. eggs; 300 gr. berries.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I free the berries from the seeds. I add sugar and starch to the cherries.
  2. White croutons from a long loaf or vanilla flavored to sense. I roll out the dough and sprinkle the squares for puffs with breadcrumbs. Edges must be avoided.
  3. I spread the filling in the center of each square. I cover with the second part of the test. I make puffs. With a sharp knife I cut out cuts so that the cherries can be seen. I send to bake at 200 gr. 15 minutes, but before putting the pastries into the oven, I grease the puffs with a beaten egg.

Ready-made puffs can be served immediately to the table with aromatic tea. Try to cook a couple of recipes from my article, you will be satisfied with the result for sure!
